Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Incidence and Ecology of the Chaga ( obliquus) in Hardwood New England/Acadian Forests

Journal: Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Manuscript ID cjfr-2020-0144.R2

Manuscript Type: Article

Date Submitted by the 20-Jul-2020 Author:

Complete List of Authors: Brydon-Williams, Rhys; University of New Hampshire, Natural Resources and the Environment Munck, Isabel; USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry Asbjornsen,Draft Heidi; University of New Hampshire, Natural Resources Keyword: Chaga, Non-Timber Forest Products, Birch, Plant Pathology, Fungus

Is the invited manuscript for consideration in a Special Not applicable (regular submission) Issue? : Page 1 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Incidence and Ecology of the Chaga fungus () in Hardwood New

England/Acadian Forests

Rhys Brydon-Williams: Corresponding Author

University of New Hampshire

82c Main Street, Rochester, NH, 03868

[email protected]

978-904-1787 Draft

I. A. Munck

USDA Forest Service: State & Private Forestry

271 Mast Road, Durham, NH, 03824

[email protected]

H. Asbjornsen

University of New Hampshire

105 Main Street, Durham, NH, 03824

[email protected]

1 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 2 of 35


2 Inonotus obliquus is a fungal pathogen of birch trees (Betula spp.) and other hardwoods that

3 produces a sterile conk known colloquially as Chaga. Chaga has medicinal value as an anti-

4 mutagen and for gastro-peptic relief. Chaga harvesting has recently increased throughout its

5 natural range in North America, including the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF). There

6 is currently a lack of knowledge on Chaga resource incidence and ecology in North America,

7 which this project sought to rectify. Two surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2018 in the

8 WMNF, totaling 2,611 sampled trees. Positive correlations were found between Chaga presence

9 and average stand tree age, diameter at breast height (DBH), and elevation. Overall Chaga 10 frequency was low (3.75%). However, Draftsclerotia were widely distributed throughout the study 11 area, with infected trees clustering. Chaga presence did not correlate with stand-level species

12 composition or annual basal area increment, though it did appear with significantly greater

13 frequency in yellow birch trees compared to other birch species. Additional damages related to

14 biotic and abiotic stressors did not correlate with Chaga presence, except for those resulting

15 directly from Chaga presence. These results have important silvicultural and forest management

16 implications for Chaga harvest practices across its North American range.


18 Chaga, Non-timber Forest Products, Birch, Plant pathology, Fungus


20 Inonotus obliquus is a basidiomycetous fungal pathogen of the family Hymenochaetaceae

21 and causal agent of the sterile conk known as Chaga (from Russian “чага,” or “mushroom”). The

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22 Chaga fungus is found almost exclusively on birch trees (Betula spp.), to which it is parasitic

23 (Sinclair et al, 2005). Identifiable by the sterile conk extruded through the bark of infected trees,

24 Chaga appears similar to charred wood, hence the colloquial name “Tinder Conk;” examples of

25 these conks may be observed in Figure 1. This conk is not a fruiting body but instead a

26 sclerotium, or mycelial mass containing nutrient reserves (Szczepkowski et al, 2013).

27 Chaga is almost exclusively found on birch trees, particularly white birch species (B.

28 papyrifera, B. pendula, B. pubescens) and yellow birch (B. alleghaniensis), although Chaga

29 infection has been reported for black birch (B. lenta), water birch (B. occidentalis), and grey

30 birch (B. populifolia) (Lee et al. 2008). The distribution of Chaga is “circumboreal” as it spans 31 throughout the Northern Hemisphere, typicallyDraft within dense birch growth interspersed with 32 coniferous boreal forest. In North America, Chaga has been reported throughout Canada and in

33 the United States in the Northeast, the Great Lakes region, Alaska, and high-altitude areas of the

34 Appalachian Mountains with significant yellow birch growth (Sinclair et al., 2005). However, no

35 intensive studies have been conducted into habitat and distribution of the Chaga resource in

36 North America. Furthermore, accurate estimates of Chaga habitat worldwide are difficult to

37 determine as the fungus is not usually included in forest inventory data in Europe and Russia

38 (Pilz, 2004).

39 One study of birch stands (B. pendula and B. pubescens) in the Ulyanovsk region of

40 Russia found that Chaga seemed to prefer trees of sprout origin, mature stands, and oligotrophic

41 soils. Anthropogenic disturbance in the birch stands also had positive correlation with Chaga

42 incidence (Balandaykin et al., 2015). Furthermore, in a study conducted in seven regional forests

43 in Poland from 1995-2011, Chaga had higher incidence in stands aged 60 years or older and

2 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 4 of 35

44 associated strongly with mixed birch-coniferous forests, bog forests, and wet broadleaved forests

45 (Szczepkowski et al, 2013). However, these studies were restricted to European South Boreal

46 forests, and thus the results may not be directly transferrable to Chaga distribution in North

47 America.

48 Improving knowledge about the Chaga resource is particularly critical given its medicinal

49 benefits. Chaga has an extensive history as a folk remedy for stomach ailments and cancer,

50 particularly in Russia and Northern Europe, with use documented among the Khanty people of

51 Siberia (Lee et. al, 2008) and among the Sami people of Northern Scandinavia (Magnani, 2016).

52 The Chaga sclerotium contains triterpenoids, which have anti-mutagenic properties such as 53 growth inhibition of carcinoma cells (ZhongDraft et al, 2015), and one study documented that Chaga 54 extract can bolster immune response and reduce inflammation (Kim 2005).

55 Chaga is distributed throughout circumboreal regions of North America, including the

56 Acadian forest ecoregion that extends from northern New England in the U.S. to eastern Canada

57 (Sinclair et al., 2005). Much of this region has experienced increased harvesting activity in

58 recent years due to growing awareness of the product’s health benefits and subsequent rising

59 consumer demand. For example, harvesting of Chaga has increased in the Canadian province of

60 Ontario, with some providers claiming to harvest as much as 40,000 kilograms of Chaga per

61 month (Mihell, 2017). Similarly, the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF), located

62 towards the southern limits of the Acadian forest region, has also experienced increased harvest

63 activity over the past decade according to WMNF forest managers (Carpenter et al., 2017).

64 Currently, Chaga harvesting within the WMNF is not subject to special use permitting; however,

65 given the growing pressures on the Chaga resource, managers may need to consider establishing

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66 such regulations in the future. Unfortunately, the baseline data on Chaga ecology, abundance,

67 and distribution needed to inform the development of best management practices (BMPs) to

68 guide permitting efforts are currently lacking for this region.

69 Consequently, this study was developed to address the following three primary

70 objectives: (i) quantify the Chaga resource abundance, presence, and volume in the WMNF, (ii)

71 determine possible effects of Chaga presence on birch tree health, and (iii) determine possible

72 effects of Chaga infection on tree growth. The results from this research will be valuable in

73 developing BMPs for sustainable harvesting of the Chaga resource in the WMNF and across

74 other circumboreal forests in North America. 75 2. METHODS Draft 76 2.1 White Mountain National Forest

77 The White Mountain National Forest is a federally managed National Forest occupying

78 303,859 square hectares in the Northeastern United States. The WMNF is primarily used for

79 recreation and research, but is also open to small-scale logging and other commercial purposes.

80 Extensive clear-cut logging occurred in the region from the beginning of European settlement

81 until the exhaustion of the local timber resource in the mid-19th century, and continued with

82 varying degrees of intensity until the 1970s (Niering, 1992).

83 This logging activity, combined with frequent natural disturbances such as pathogens and

84 ice storms, have resulted in much of the WMNF consisting of either early-successional or

85 relatively young mature mixed hardwood forests. Two regionally common birch species, Betula

86 papyrifera and B. alleghaniensis, have come to thrive in these frequently-disturbed areas,

4 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 6 of 35

87 especially on moist sites with poor soils (Davis et al., 1999). According to 2009-2012 Forest

88 Service Inventory (FIA) data, birch stands (i.e. greater than 40% basal area composed of birch

89 species) account for 25,787 hectares or roughly 8% of the total area of the WMNF.

90 The composition and structure of WMNF forests vary greatly with elevation: at mid-

91 elevations, northern hardwood forests predominate, while lower elevations typically consist of

92 either mixed oak-hickory hardwood forest or early succession white-pine forest. Spruce-fir

93 forests dominate at higher elevations. There are also less common forest types, such as mixed

94 maple-basswood-ash forest, as well as non-forested high-elevation alpine communities (Davis et

95 al., 1999). The history of exploitation and management in the WMNF and resultant plant 96 communities, including the prevalence ofDraft birch species, are features common to the larger 97 hardwood New England/Acadian forest region, from the Green Mountains of Vermont to the

98 Chaleur uplands of Quebec/New Brunswick (Davis et al., 1999). Consequently, it is reasonable

99 to assume that the results of this study are broadly applicable to birch-Chaga relationships

100 throughout the region, though individual site context undoubtedly varies widely.

101 2.2 Survey Design

102 The WMNF Chaga assessment was undertaken in two phases: an initial survey conducted

103 in 2017 to establish baseline data on Chaga, which was then used to inform a more targeted and

104 detailed survey in 2018. Sampled stands were selected from a list of U.S. Forest Service WMNF

105 stands with greater than 40% birch basal area inventoried during 2009-2012 (Fig. 2). The 2017

106 stands were selected by whether their waypoint was within 500 meters of a road, to improve

107 accessibility.

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108 A total of 41 birch stands were surveyed between August and December 2017. Stand

109 inventory data such as time of establishment or stand age, mean DBH, percent slope, and site

110 elevation, were obtained from the WMNF. Stands were initially stratified by total species DBH

111 (diameter at 1.7 m) as reported in the 2009-2012 survey data, based on U.S. Forest Service

112 terminology: regeneration (mean DBH < 11 cm), poletimber (mean DBH >11 cm but < 28 cm),

113 and sawtimber (mean DBH > 28 cm). Field work continued into winter as external symptoms of

114 Chaga are not season specific.

115 Logistic regression analyses of the 2017 dataset showed positive correlations between

116 Chaga presence and arithmetic mean plot DBH (x² = 18.35 at p<0.0001), stand age (x² = 10.30 at 117 p<0.001), and site elevation (x² = 3.91 atDraft p<0.0479). Thus, the 2018 survey plots were selected 118 to target specific stand conditions related to tree age (over 75 years), tree DBH (mean plot DBH

119 > 28 cm) and elevation (along a gradient of 342 to 1029 meters). Stands surveyed in 2018 were

120 not limited to 500 meters from a road. A total of 25 stands were sampled from June to September

121 2018.

122 2.3 Survey Methodology

123 A systematic survey utilizing belt transects was employed for both years. Each stand

124 from the 2009-2012 inventory has a central waypoint with ascribed geographic coordinates.

125 From the waypoint, four 10-meter wide belt transects were laid out along the cardinal directions.

126 Within each transect, the first ten birch trees encountered were sampled. Eight variables were

127 collected for each transect tree: date of collection; transect direction; birch species; diameter at

128 breast height (DBH); Chaga sclerotia presence; live crown ratio; indication of previous harvest;

129 and geographic coordinates. 6 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 8 of 35

130 Live crown ratio, the proportion of the stem occupied by the crown, was included as a

131 method of estimating overall tree health as declining tree health is associated with a decreasing

132 percentage of live crown (DeYoung, 2019). Live crown is defined in the USFS FIA Field Guide

133 as “the point on the tree where most live branches/twigs above that point are continuous and

134 typical for a [given] tree species (and/or tree size).” In the 2018 survey, percentages of broken

135 and dead branches within the live crown ratio were estimated visually for each tree. Latitude and

136 longitude were originally recorded exclusively for Chaga-positive trees in 2017 to ascertain

137 preferred Chaga habitat. Other fungi fruit/sclerotia, pathogens, and damage were recorded to

138 explore relationship between Chaga incidence and other factors associated with deteriorating

139 host health (Table 3). In 2018, coordinates were expanded to include all sampled transect trees to

140 determine possible clustering patterns. Draft

141 For all Chaga-positive trees within each transect, the following variables were recorded:

142 sclerotium size, sclerotium height, and number of sclerotia. In addition, variable-radius (prism)

143 plots using a BAF 4 angle gauge were taken at each site to provide a “neighborhood sample” of

144 species composition and basal area by stand. Prism plots were organized differently between

145 2017 and 2018. In 2017, the first three trees (or fewer, in cases where total Chaga incidence was

146 less) within each transect recorded as having Chaga present became the center of a prism plot.

147 To enhance the consistency and accuracy of basal area estimates, the 2018 survey was modified

148 for a consistent three prism plots per stand, one at the end of each transect, rather than prism

149 plots based on Chaga presence/absence. In both years, the same variables were recorded to

150 characterize the stand conditions at each prism plot tree: species, DBH (cm), Chaga

151 presence/absence, and live crown ratio.

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152 A Garmin 60CSx GPS unit (Garmin International, Olathe, KS) was used to locate

153 waypoints. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH, usually specified as ~1.3 m) was measured in

154 centimeters using either calipers or a DBH tape. A Nikon Forestry Pro laser clinometer (Nikon

155 USA, Melville, NY) was used to approximate sclerotia heights above two meters, using binoculars

156 to detect possible sclerotia in the canopy. Sclerotium size was recorded in cubic centimeters based

157 on width, length, and extension from tree. Any sclerotium found above 2 m on the sampled tree

158 had size roughly estimated using the clinometer. All data were entered into the Survey123

159 application (ESRI, Middleton, MA), which allowed recording of data, coordinates, and pictures

160 for each tree sampled. Coordinates from the sampled trees were entered into ARCMap (v. 10.5,

161 ESRI, Middleton, MA) to be translated to a WMNF basemap. Statistical analyses were performed

162 using JMP (v.13-.14, SAS, Cary, NC)Draft on a Windows 10 PC laptop, with the exception of

163 multivariate analyses performed with PC-ORD (v7, Wild Blueberry Media, Corvallis, OR).

164 2.4 Tree Cores

165 As a primary project objective was to determine possible association between Chaga

166 infection and tree growth, cores were obtained from a subsample of trees for ring width analysis

167 in the 2018 field season. In each Chaga-present stand, two cores were taken from a Chaga-infected

168 tree, and two from an uninfected (control) tree. Uninfected trees of a similar size (i.e., within 10

169 cm DBH of the adjacent cored tree) and of the same birch species were selected as controls. Cores

170 were taken from the base of each tree, above any buttressing or root flare and typically at a height

171 of 30-50 cm, to avoid damaging the commercial value of the tree. A 5.2 mm increment borer was

172 used to bore to a depth of at least 10 cm. This depth was chosen in order to capture tree rings dating

173 back at least 10 years. This time period was considered the most relevant for assessing the Chaga

8 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 10 of 35

174 fungus’ effect on wood production, given that the standard infestation period is 10-60 years (Shigo,

175 1969). The cores were then air-dried before mounting on wooden blocks for tree ring analysis.

176 A total of 51 cores from 29 trees were collected from the field for ring width analysis, of

177 which 16 (55%) were infected with Chaga, while 13 (45%) were not. After mounting and sanding

178 the sample cores, the MeasureJ2X microscope-YUX-Excel interface program in the UNH

179 Ecohydrology laboratory was used to measure and input tree core ring widths into an Excel

180 spreadsheet, from which basal area increment (BAI) measurements for each year recorded could

181 be determined. BAI was calculated as follows: (i) determining cumulative radii (measurement of

182 total growth occurring up to a given year, in mm), (ii) calculating total area (cm²) of growth, 183 expressed in the equation Y = (π*C²)*0.01Draft where C = cumulative radius, and (iii) subtracting each 184 year’s total from previous in column, expressed in the equation BAI = Y₂ - Y₁. These indices

185 provided an estimation of the annual basal area increment for each tree (Jennings et al., 2015).

186 2.5 Univariate Analyses

187 Categorical logistic regression was used when presence was compared with continuous X

188 variables such as DBH. As our primary interest was to understand patterns in Chaga presence

189 and distribution, the Target Level was set as 1. Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) were employed

190 in instances where the variables were either both continuous (bivariate), or where the Y variable

191 was continuous but the X variables were categorical (one-way). If both variables were

192 categorical, contingency analyses were employed.

193 2.6 Multivariate Analyses

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194 Multivariate analyses were performed on the species basal area and damages datasets to

195 determine whether multiple covarying variables were associated with Chaga presence. The

196 datasets were loaded into PC-ORD with community variables listed in the main matrix and

197 environmental variables placed in the second matrix. Independent variables were then ordinated

198 by Chaga presence. In both instances, the following sequence of transformation, ordination, and

199 analysis was performed:

200 1. Row-and-Column analyses assessed skew (bias) and kurtosis (peakiness), which was

201 used to inform the need for data transformations and/or relativizations. Species or damages were

202 deleted if they were present in less than 5% of sample units, and all entirely zero value rows 203 were deleted. Beals smoothing (replacementDraft of community data values with probabilities of 204 species appearing, preserving strongest patterns) was then utilized due to the large number of

205 zero values in both sets (McCune et al., 2002).

206 2. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination was performed to explore

207 multivariate relationships in Chaga data matrices. This ordination was chosen as it does not

208 assume linearity between variables. Bray-Curtis (Sørensen) distance was used for these

209 ordinations as this measure explores shared abundances and does so most effectively with binary

210 environmental data such as presence/absence. “Runs” were applied to both real and randomized

211 data, a “run” being a series of solutions moving down in dimensionality from the highest number

212 of axes possible given the X variables to just one axis (McCune et al., 2002).

213 Results from these “runs” were then assessed for interpretability based on five results: (i)

214 dimensionality of the data, (ii) final stress value of the “best solution,” (iii) Monte Carlo test

215 results (the probability that similar final stress could have occurred by chance), (iv) “Stability” of 10 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 12 of 35

216 the best solution, where “instability” is the standard deviation in stress over the preceding ten

217 iterations, and (v) proportion of variance in the dataset represented by each final axis (McCune et

218 al., 2002).

219 3. A Multi-Response Permutation Procedure (MRPP) was performed. MRPP is a non-

220 parametric procedure for determining quantitatively whether sample unit groups are different

221 from each other (McCune et al., 2002). MRPP produces a “test statistic” T which describes the

222 separation between groups, the value A, which describes the effect size of within-group

223 homogeneity as compared with random expectations, and a p-value indicating the statistical

224 significance of T. 225 4. Lastly, an Indicator Species AnalysisDraft (ISA) was performed to derive the “indicator 226 value,” of how well each species separate across multiple groups of sample units (Dufrene et al.,

227 1997). Pertinent results include the number of randomizations used in the built-in Monte Carlo

228 test, the statistically significant indicator values for each species in each group, and related P-

229 values.

230 2.7 Spatial Analysis

231 From Survey123, the transect tree coordinate data were transferred first to an Excel

232 spreadsheet, where it was combined with the Chaga presence/absence data for the trees surveyed,

233 and then moved to ARCMap for conversion to shapefile. A Cluster and Outlier Analysis using

234 the Anselin Local Moran’s I statistic was then performed. This analysis was used to identify

235 whether any apparent similarity (cluster) or dissimilarity (outlier) in Chaga presence was more

236 pronounced than could be expected to occur randomly. The Cluster and Outlier analysis

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237 generates statistics used to determine whether adjacent features have similar values: (i) Z-score:

238 indicating whether surrounding features have similar values; (ii) P-value of Z-score; and (iii)

239 Cluster/Outlier Type (COType), which indicates statistical significance of clusters and outliers at

240 95% confidence.

241 3. RESULTS

242 3.1 Distribution in Relation to Tree Species and Size

243 A total of 2,611 trees were sampled over both field seasons, 1,611 in 2017 and 1,000 in

244 2018. Of these transect trees, 1,488 (57%) were white birch, 1,056 (40%) were yellow birch, and

245 67 (3%) were black birch. Sampled black birch trees did not have Chaga, and grey birch trees 246 were absent from transects. Chaga incidenceDraft was rare: only 3.75% (71 total) of birch trees 247 sampled hosted one or more sclerotia. However, 37 (56%) of stands sampled contained at least

248 one tree with Chaga presence.

249 Among Chaga-infected birches, infection positively correlated with yellow birch

250 presence: despite making up only 40% of the total birch trees surveyed, 63.4% of all Chaga trees

251 were yellow birch while the remaining 36.6% were white birch. Contingency analysis of Chaga-

252 positive data in JMP resulted in x² = 17 at p<0.0002 for Chaga presence between yellow and

253 white birch trees, denoting significant difference in frequency of Chaga presence between

254 species. In a separate logistic regression, Chaga presence also correlated positively with DBH

255 across all plots (x² = 24 at p<0.0001). However, Chaga presence did not correlate with live

256 crown ratio (x² = 0.000028, p<0.9958). Chaga-infected trees had a median DBH of 28 cm for

257 both birch species, out of a range of 10-182 cm.

12 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 14 of 35

258 3.2 Distribution in Relation to Site Characteristics

259 Chaga presence, number of trees with Chaga, and the proportion of trees with Chaga in

260 transects were analyzed against plot-level variables in JMP: mean plot DBH (cm), stand age

261 (years), elevation (m), and percent slope. All three variables correlated positively with stand age

262 and mean plot DBH, while only Chaga presence correlated with elevation (Table 1). There were

263 no correlations between any Chaga variable and percent slope of the site. In addition, stand age

264 and average transect tree DBH also correlated positively (p<0.0049), indicating that the sampled

265 trees were acquiring greater diameters as they aged.

266 3.3 Sclerotia Characteristics

267 Chaga-infected trees had a medianDraft sclerotia number of two per tree, a median sclerotia 268 height of three meters, and a median sclerotium size of 15.24 cm³. Median stand age for Chaga

269 presence was 109 years. Sclerotium size showed a weak negative association with number of

270 sclerotia per tree (r² = -0.22, p<0.0102). The number of sclerotia also correlated with Chaga

271 incidence by birch species (f = 18, p<0.0001). Infected white birch trees had a mean of 3.5

272 sclerotia per tree, with a yellow birch mean of 2.5 per tree. The correlation between number of

273 sclerotia per tree and stand age was negative, with number per tree decreasing with increasing

274 stand age (f = 18.2, p<0.0233). Sclerotium height did not correlate with any other variable.

275 3.4. Chaga presence in Relation to Species Composition and Basal Area

276 Basal areas of each species for each stand were regressed with Chaga presence per plot to

277 determine potential correlations between individual species presence and Chaga presence (Table

278 2). Yellow birch was the only species whose basal area was significantly greater in stands with

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279 Chaga (x² = 20.72 at p<0.019). Species composition and basal area of non-birch species by stand

280 did not appear to associate with Chaga presence. There was no significant association between

281 the basal area of Chaga positive trees and the total basal area of prism plots sampled (r² = 0.001,

282 p<0.9842).

283 A multivariate analysis was performed on the basal area dataset to explore in greater

284 detail the relationship between Chaga presence and species composition across the sampled

285 stands. First, rare species were deleted, reducing the number of species from 19 to 10. The real

286 and randomized data were subjected to 250 runs, concluding in a final minimum stress of 10.48

287 for a three-dimensional solution. This final stress is considered an acceptable ordination with low 288 risk of false inferences (McCune et al., 2002).Draft The Monte Carlo test of 250 runs resulted in p = 289 0.004 for all axes, indicating that the NMDS extracted stronger axes than possible through

290 chance. The two-dimensional scatterplot of the resulting ordination can be seen in Figure 3, with

291 Axes 1 and 2 displayed as these represented the greatest amounts of variance.

292 The ordinated dataset was then subjected to MRPP with Chaga presence as the grouping

293 variable. This process resulted in T = 0.548, A = -0.0015, and p = 0.65. With a non-negative T

294 and a negative A value, this test appeared to show little separation between groups with a small

295 “effect size” of within-group homogeneity, and the high p-value denoted that the sample units of

296 each group were not more similar to each other than would be expected if they each belonged to

297 a different group. Plots with and without Chaga presence were thus not more heterogenous in

298 terms of species composition than would be expected through chance, and did not explicitly

299 differ in species composition between each other.

14 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 16 of 35

300 The final step was the ISA: of the ten species remaining in the dataset, the basal areas

301 most closely associated with Chaga presence were yellow birch, balsam fir, sugar maple, and

302 American beech, all of which had an Indicator Value (IV) around 50. However, these results

303 were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Thus, the ISA confirmed that non-birch species

304 composition and basal area did not significantly associate with Chaga presence in sampled

305 stands.

306 3.5 Host Tree Damage Trends

307 The relationship between other pathogens and other factors associated with deteriorating

308 host health and Chaga incidence were explored. In 2017, dieback and broken branches were 309 listed as nominal variables; however, inDraft 2018, these variables were represented in percentage of 310 live crown. All damage variables were recorded as presence/absence. Contingency analyses were

311 performed between each damage variable and Chaga presence in order to discern correlations

312 (Table 3). Of the 16 damages, only four correlated with Chaga presence: mechanical wounds (i.e.

313 human- or weather-related tree damage), Neonectria canker, Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tail, a

314 common saprophytic fungus), and white fungal rot. White fungal rot is here classified as any

315 fungal rot that consumes lignin, leaving lighter cellulose behind: it is often associated with

316 Chaga infection, but can also result from other forms of fungi (Sinclair et al., 2005). These

317 damages were analyzed as a measure of tree health in order to assess whether Chaga associated

318 with other damaging agents and whether these agents had synergistic or detrimental effects on

319 tree health, which was determined not to be the case.

320 Multivariate analysis was also conducted on this data set to evaluate the relationship

321 between the various damages and Chaga presence. Rare species in the host tree damage dataset 15 Page 17 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

322 (present in < 5% of trees) and any species with entirely zero values were deleted. Beals

323 smoothing was then applied, resulting in acceptable skew (s = 0.726) and kurtosis (k = -0.325).

324 NMDS was performed on the data with 250 runs, resulting in a final minimum stress of 9.23 at

325 two dimensions. Taken along with Monte Carlo p-values of p<0.0196, these results indicated a

326 dataset with solid interpretability which was unlikely to be replicable by chance. The two axes

327 present in the two-dimensional solution represented 95% of the total variance of the dataset. This

328 ordination was graphed and joint plots were applied (Figure 4). Mechanical wounds, target

329 canker, and white fungal rot all associated significantly with Chaga presence.

330 The MRPP resulted in T = -5.45, A = 0.0024, and p = .002. The negative T-value and 331 small p-value implied that Chaga-positiveDraft and Chaga-negative trees separated strongly, while 332 sample units of each group were statistically more similar than had they belonged to different

333 groups. This was consistent with NMDS results, which showed these damages moving towards a

334 different association than the other damages. However, the low A-value denoted that sample

335 units within the groups were roughly as heterogenous as could be expected through chance (A =

336 1 is total homogeneity). Chaga incidence was correlated with white rot, mechanical wounds and

337 T. versicolor. Inonotus obliquus exploits wounds to infect trees, causes white rot, and may kill

338 portions of the stem which can then be colonized by T. versicolor. Thus, these correlations are

339 expected. Chaga incidence was not correlated with incidence of other pathogens (Armillaria,

340 Ganoderma, etc.) and thus these pathogens did not exhibit a synergistic relationship contributing

341 to deteriorating tree health.

342 The ISA revealed that mechanical wounds, target canker, and white fungal rot were most

343 closely associated with Chaga presence, each with IVs of approximately 50. Both target canker

16 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 18 of 35

344 and white fungal rot had a p-value lower than p<0.05, which meant that these pathogens were

345 statistically significant indicators of the “Chaga present” group. The p-value (p<0.008) of target

346 cankers meant that it was more indicative of Chaga presence than any other damage type in the

347 dataset. The ISA indicated association between Chaga presence and target canker and white

348 fungal rot, which supported the assertion of difference between groups as evaluated in the

349 MRPP.

350 3.6 Cluster/Outlier Analysis

351 The results of the Cluster-Outlier analysis showed strong clustering among Chaga-present

352 trees: all nine trees listed in the COType results as statistically significant were Chaga-present, 353 accounting for 24% of the 2018 Chaga-positiveDraft trees. There were four discrete groupings: the 354 two closest were 10.5 km apart, while the greatest distance between clusters was 40 km. These

355 clusters did not appear to associate with elevation, occurring over a gradient of 511 meters (342

356 to 853 m). In addition, all significant spatial data outliers were Chaga-absent trees; a lack of

357 Chaga-present outlier trees further indicates clustering effects.

358 3.7 Host Tree Health and Growth Rates

359 Analysis of the cores collected in 2018 showed the oldest core recording 144 years, while

360 the youngest recorded only 11 years. Regression of mean BAIs against Chaga presence by

361 sample resulted in no correlation (x² = 0.344, p<0.5572). Mean BAIs were calculated by tree

362 (different BAIs for cores from the same tree were averaged) and regressed, again yielding no

363 correlation. Logistic regressions of both mean core and mean tree BAI for the decade 2007-2018

17 Page 19 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

364 also showed no correlation, nor did mean ring width by core when compared with Chaga

365 presence.

366 Mean ring width by tree correlated negatively with Chaga presence, but this association

367 was not strong (p<0.02), and mean ring width by tree for the decade 2007-2018 showed no

368 correlation with Chaga presence. Two ANOVA tests were run with the variables reversed,

369 analyzing mean BAI for both trees and cores by Chaga presence. These results indicated no

370 correlation: mean core BAI by Chaga presence was r² =0.006 at p<0.56, while mean tree BAI by

371 Chaga presence was r² =0.0099 at p<0.6068. It thus appears that birch tree wood production had

372 no significant impact on Chaga presence, nor did Chaga presence appear to impact basal area 373 increment by year. Draft 374 While some noise was expected in the estimate of BAI due to variation in bole

375 dimensions, this was determined to result in only a small reduction in the power of the statistical

376 tests relating growth rate to infection status. Furthermore, B. papyrifera typically exhibits very

377 little buttressing or root flare in any size class. Although B. alleghaniensis' bole morphology is

378 more variable, prominent buttresses are usually only present in the largest size classes, on steep

379 slopes with shallow soil, or in trees that germinated on nurse logs. These represented a minority

380 of trees surveyed, as “sawtimber” class trees accounted for only 29% (761 total) of transect trees.


382 4.1 Trends in Chaga Presence, Distribution, and Ecology

383 Chaga presence correlated positively with tree DBH, stand age (and therefore average

384 tree age), and with yellow birch as a host. Yellow birch could be a preferred host for the Chaga

18 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 20 of 35

385 fungus due to its hardiness to damage and infection, typically larger diameters, and greater

386 heights at maturity compared to other birch species (Burns et al., 1990). Chaga infection may

387 therefore associate more frequently with yellow birches as it stands a greater chance at a longer

388 infestation period and a larger, more consistent nutrient flow. Our findings are consistent with

389 the aforementioned study by Balandaykin et al. (2015), which reported correlations in Russian

390 forests between Chaga presence and both stand maturity and anthropic disturbance. However, the

391 underlying mechanisms controlling host specificity or preference cannot be discerned from our

392 data.

393 At the stand level, correlations between Chaga presence and both site elevation and 394 yellow birch presence support the tree-levelDraft results. Yellow birch prefers to grow in moist 395 transitional zones between low-elevation northern hardwood forests and high-elevation spruce-

396 fir forests, particularly at elevations above 900 meters (Burns et al., 1990). Greater proportions of

397 yellow birch at higher elevations thus increases probability of Chaga presence. Additionally,

398 conditions that are favorable for yellow birch, such as increased humidity in valley ecosystems,

399 may also favor Chaga infestations, though this possibility was not examined in this study.

400 Our finding of a clustering effect in Chaga-present stands is unsurprising given what is

401 known about Chaga dispersal dynamics. The Chaga fungus is transmitted through spores carried

402 by wind and insect vectors (Lee et al, 2008). Older stands with large yellow birch populations

403 would typically support substantial numbers of large diameter, mature yellow birch trees with

404 suitable infection vectors, thereby facilitating multiple infections in close proximity. However, as

405 the clustering analysis was performed only on 2018 data, additional work is still needed to better

406 understand landscape-scale patterns.

19 Page 21 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

407 4.2 Management Implications

408 A primary objective of this project was to establish the baseline data to inform decisions

409 regarding the need for special-use permitting for Chaga harvest in the WMNF. Out of all trees

410 surveyed during this project, only one displayed signs of previous harvest. Part of this is likely

411 due to the remoteness of many sites sampled; however, even in stands less than 500 meters from

412 a road or in those abutting trails, there was little indication of prior harvest. A further possible

413 deterrent is sclerotia height: a mean height of 4.9 meters places many sclerotia out of effective

414 reach.

415 Despite the relative scarcity of the Chaga resource (which could be considered a strong 416 motivation for regulatory action), the lackDraft of obvious signs of harvest activity in stands with 417 large Chaga quantities, combined with the wide geographic distribution and large variation in

418 sclerotia sizes and heights, suggests a WMNF Chaga resource in little risk of exhaustion,

419 obviating a permit system for the time being. A total value of the Chaga resource in the WMNF

420 was estimated at around $USD870,000, based on an estimated value of $USD30/dry pound, an

421 estimated total of 14,691 cm³ of Chaga present per WMNF stand, and assuming an equivalent

422 weight of 1 cm³ of dried Chaga material to 1 cm³ of water (a high estimate). However, a more

423 comprehensive determination of the total quantity of Chaga present in the WMNF and the degree

424 of harvest activity that could be sustained without exhausting the resource is beyond the scope of

425 this paper.

426 Our findings on the specific characteristics of sclerotia dimensions and distribution also

427 pointed to trends with possible relevance for future management. Sclerotium size correlated

428 negatively with number of sclerotia per tree, indicating that a tree with more sclerotia tends to 20 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 22 of 35

429 have smaller individual volumes. In addition, white birch correlated positively with increased

430 numbers of sclerotia, though the greater frequency of Chaga presence in yellow birches would

431 appear to make this correlation less important for management purposes. More interesting for

432 understanding the potential of the Chaga resource for management and cultivation is the negative

433 correlation between number of Chaga sclerotia and stand age: older trees tended to have fewer,

434 larger sclerotia while younger trees had more numerous but smaller sclerotia.

435 This result is noteworthy when coupled with the species sclerotia size data: white birch is

436 generally more prone to damage and stress effects than yellow birch, and thus tends to have a

437 shorter lifespan (Burns et al., 1990). However, whether this is coincidental or causative is 438 unclear: older trees would generally be expectedDraft to have increased wounding and there is no 439 clear explanation for why the abundance of sclerotia would decline over time as trees age. This

440 study was not designed to explore possible causative relationships between individual infected

441 tree age and number of Chaga sclerotia present, and thus future monitoring is necessary. There

442 was also no clear indication of whether overall Chaga volume differs between fewer large

443 sclerotia or several smaller sclerotia, and the lack of correlation between sclerotia size and birch

444 tree species makes singling out a particular birch species for possible management and

445 cultivation tenuous without further research.


447 Chaga incidence across individual trees in the WMNF region surveyed in this study is

448 rare but wide in distribution, and can be found wherever there are birch trees in general and

449 yellow birch in particular. The resource is most closely associated with higher elevation, yellow

450 birch-dominated stands of advanced age, though it does not appear to otherwise associate with 21 Page 23 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

451 any other species presence or to tree damage, apart from the damages it directly promotes or the

452 wounds by which the fungal infection proliferates. Considering the broad range of the resource,

453 the wide variance in size and number of sclerotia, the remoteness of much of its habitat, its

454 occasional presence above the reach of foragers, and the absence of previous harvest activity in

455 sampled stand, there does not appear to be an urgent need currently for a special permitting

456 process for the Chaga resource in the WMNF. Nevertheless, our finding of a positive association

457 between yellow birch presence and increasing stand age (x² = 4.58 at p<0.0323) suggests that

458 targeting older stands with high yellow birch basal area would maximize Chaga harvest

459 potential, hence any future regulatory actions should focus on such stands. 460 Our results did not show any clearDraft indication of whether Chaga is a primary or ancillary 461 pressure on birch tree health. Chaga presence did not correlate with live crown ratio and both the

462 median and modal live crown ratios for all Chaga-infected trees was 25%, with a mean value of

463 23%. Despite significant numbers of sampled birch trees with sub-optimal live crown ratios,

464 there did not appear to be strong association between tree health and Chaga presence. It is

465 doubtful that the associations with damage experienced by Chaga-infected trees are causative of

466 Chaga presence, but rather, vice versa. Given the relatively low number of Chaga-infected trees

467 with < 10% live crown, we can also speculate that Chaga is not a singularly aggressive pressure

468 on birch tree health.

469 Information on how the Chaga resource and its host tree reacts to harvest requires further

470 exploration, and there are many other potentially correlating variables that could provide greater

471 understanding of Chaga ecology and distribution. Major knowledge gaps that need to be

472 addressed with future work include determining how Chaga responds to harvest, as well as

22 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 24 of 35

473 identifying underlying factors affecting host-selectivity by I. obliquus. These data would provide

474 a useful framework for developing informed, sustainable Best Management Practices for Chaga

475 management and/or cultivation, essential to continued utilization of the Chaga resource,

476 especially if current trends of increasing consumer demand and harvesting pressure continue.


478 Funding for this project was made possible through the University of New Hampshire College of

479 Life Science and Agriculture (COLSA) and the United States Forest Service, grant number 17-

480 CA-11420004-063. We would like to thank the WMNF staff and Forest Managers for their

481 continued access and support, and to Dr. Jeffrey Garnas, Rebecca Lilja, Michael Bohne, 482 Matthew Vadeboncouer, Bronwyn Williams,Draft and Hannah Callahan for their assistance in the 483 field, office, and lab.


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27 Page 29 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Response Test Stand Age Mean Plot Elevation Variable Performed (years) DBH (cm) (m) Chaga Logistic x²=16.88, x²=21.94, x²=4.53, Presence Regression p<0.0331 p<0.0001 p<0.0331

Number of Chaga- infected Bivariate r²=0.31, r²=0.28, r²=0.19, Trees ANOVA p<0.0115 p<0.0196 p<0.1094

Percent Chaga- Draft positive in Transect Bivariate r²=0.29, r²=0.31, r²=0.14, Trees ANOVA p<0.00194 p<0.0099 p<0.27

Table 1: Stand summary variables with Chaga sclerotium presence. Statistically significant results have been bolded.

1 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 30 of 35

Mean Basal Chi-square Species Area/prism plot with Chaga Tree Species Code (m²) Presence P-value of x² White Birch WB 3.5 1.15 p<0.2833 Yellow Birch YB 2.5 20.72 p<0.0001 Black Birch BB 0.31 1.011 p<0.3145 Red Spruce RS 2.43 3.56 p<0.0593 Balsam Fir BF 0.6 0.74 p<0.3891 Red Oak RO 0.21 1.011 p<0.3145 Eastern Hemlock EH 0.14 0.28 p<0.5942 Green Ash GA 0.73 0.72 p<0.39 Sugar Maple SM 9.75 2.75 p<0.0971 Red Maple RM 7.35 3.13 p<0.0768 Quaking Aspen QA 0.57 0.72 p<0.40 White Pine WP 0.73 0.86 p<0.3527 White Ash WA 0.82 1.31 p<0.2524 American Draft Beech AB 2.2 0.034 p<0.85 Norway Maple NM 0.23 0.43 p<0.5133 Black Cherry BC 0.39 0.42 p<0.5133 Black Oak BO 0.07 0.14 p<0.71 Black Spruce BS 0.09 0.14 p<0.71 Striped Maple STM 0.39 0.72 p<0.40

Table 2. Prism plot data and logistic regression results regarding stand species composition in stands with >5% birch basal area in the WMNF. Statistically significant regressions have been bolded.

2 Page 31 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Contingency Chi- P-value of Chi- Damage Code Type of Damage Square Value Square PI ignarius 0.032 p<0.8575 Mechanical Wound (human- or weather- MW related damage) 12.5 p<0.0004 TC Target (Nectria) canker 46.75 p<0.0001 Ganoderma applanatum GA (Artist's Conk) 0.563 p<0.453 Fomes fomentarius FF (Tinder Conk) 0.049 p<0.8243 AD Animal Damage 0.84 p<0.36 WR White Fungal Rot 25.219 p<0.0001 BR Brown Fungal Rot 0.126 p<0.7223 BT Broken Top 0.1865 p<0.1721 BBO Bronze Birch Borer 1.5 p<0.22 BRL Burl 0.192 p<0.66 Hang-Up (caught in HU sampled tree) Draft 0.189 p<0.6641 ER Exposed Roots 2.962 p<0.2274 Fomitopsis betulina BP (Birch Polypore) 0.133 p<0.7155 Armillaria mellea AM (Honey Mushroom) 1.311 p<0.2522 Trametes versicolor TV (Turkey Tail) 8.865 p<0.0029 UF Unidentified Fungus 0.026 p<0.8728

Table 3. Transect tree damages and their individual regressions against Chaga presence/absence. Statistically significant regressions have been bolded.

3 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 32 of 35



Figure 1. Large, advanced Inonotus obliquus infections in otherwise healthy yellow birch (A. Betula alleghaniensis) and white birch (B. B. papyriferia) trees.

4 Page 33 of 35 Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Fig. 2: Stands in the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) containing 40% or greater birch species basal area, as of 2009-2012 inventories. Basemap used: Imagery with Labels (WGS84). Software used: ARCMap v. 10.5, ESRI, Middleton, MA. No permissions required to republish figure.

5 Canadian Journal of Forest Research Page 34 of 35


Fig. 3. Scatterplot of best solution of prism plot data NMDS with Chaga presence overlay. Axes 1 and 2 have been selected due to greatest total variance.

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Fig. 4: Scatterplot of best solution of tree damage NMDS with Chaga presence overlay. Axes 1 and 2 have been selected as best solution is two-dimensional.