British Declare Martial Law in Palestine As Dragnet Is Spread for Irgun Kidnappers

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British Declare Martial Law in Palestine As Dragnet Is Spread for Irgun Kidnappers lie\wiisltUEIIiDipidliigun Combining THE JEWISH UNITY and THE JEWISH WEEKLY VOLUME 20—NUMBER 29 MIAMI 18, FLORIDA. FRIDAY. JULY 18, 1947 PRICE: TEN CENTS British Declare Martial Law In Palestine As Dragnet Is Spread For Irgun Kidnappers 'DEMOCRATIC ARAB-JEWISH STATE' Cooperation Here Haganah Abandons {Search Works To Improve For Two Missing Sergeants IS GOAL OF PALESTINE Palestine Housing JERUSALEM (JTA)—Military control was proclaimed in JERUSALEM (JTA)—Immedi-t NEW YORK (JTA)—Plans are Nathanya and outlying settlements this week as the deadline bte evacuation of British troops under way to organize an Ameri- set by the government for the return of two British sergeants [from Palestine and the establish- can company to build thousands kidnapped there last Saturday passed with no word of the men. linent of a "democratic Jewish- Jews In Poland of housing units in Palestine, House curfew was immediately proclaimed in the district lArab state" following a transition where the shortage is extremely pending further notice, and troops began moving in and estab- I period under the supervision of See Conditions acute, as a result of conferences lishing barbed wire entanglements and enclosures for screen- 4 . [a special United Nations commit- between Aaron Wright, president ing people. Military headquar- Itee was urged this week by the of the Jewish National Fund and ters were established in the build- [all-Jewish Palestine Communist Much Improved the United Palestine Appeal for British Cantor ing of the municipal council. [party during testimony before the WARSAW (JTA)—The atti- Great Britain and Ireland, and Persons entering or leaving the [United Nations Special Commit- tude of the Jews in Poland to- American Jewish leaders headed Nathanya area earlier were |tn' on Palestine. ward the government was defined by Judge Morris Rothenberg, Will Sing Here searched and questioned. president of the American JNF. Meir Vilner and Dr. W. S. Ehr- by Dr. Michael Shuldenfrei, a Martial rule was clamped down member of the Polish National Wright, who is returning to On High Holidays despite an eleventh hour plea by llirh. speaking for the control (Continued on Page 4) ■committee of the Communist council and leader of the Jewish Cantor Abraham Behrman, of Mayor Oved Ben Ami. The proc- •• [party, charged that British rule Socialist Bund party, in an ad- LEAVES FOR PARIS the Willesden synagogue, London, lamation had been delayed twice Ihad been responsible for the dress to the council, which is England, has accepted an invita- before to give the Haganah more [animosity between Jews and the new Polish parliament. tion to chant the services at the time to trace the abducted men. |Arabs and had prevented Arab- Emphasizing that the Jewish Miami Jewish Orthodox Congre- As soon as it went into effect the Ii wish rapprochement. They population fully supports the gation for Slichos and the High resistance force withdrew from ■ited a long list of "crimes, mur- present policies of the govern- Holy Days, according to an an- the search. U P, rape and pillage," committed ment and appreciates its attempts nouncement by Rabbi Murray Earlier, a Jewish Agency Dy the mandatory during the 30 to uproot anti-Semitism, Dr. Grauer. The Willesden congrega- spokesman told correspondents pears it has ruled this country, Shuldenfrei said: tion is reportedly the largest or- that the agency felt that the im- particularly in the years 1936-39 1. The Jews in Poland want to thodox synagogue in London. position of controls would be a , i und 1946-47. The Communist participate in the development of Rev. Behrman is one of the grave blunder since the entire Baden also listed examples of the country as equal citizens. outstanding cantors in Europe. population is aiding the hunt for uab-Jewish cooperation, partic- 2. The Jews consider the sec- He was educated in Continental the abducted men and military larly in the field of labor. tions of Germany acquired by yeshivas and received his mu- control would only hamper them. The Communist spokesman Poland after the war to be an sical training in Amsterdam. In addition, he pointed out that asserted that Britain was build- integral part of the Polish Re- Upon the completion of his stud- declaring Nathanya a controlled ing a military stronghold in public, which has become a new ies, Rev. Behrman was appointed area and disrupting its economic life virtually means collective Palestine as part of a "cordon place for Jewish settlement. Any cantor of the orthodox syna- sanitaire" against the Soviet attempt to question Polish rights gogue in Edinburgh, Scotland. punishment of people who are to this territory threatens the The National Council of Jew- After serving there for six years, not responsible for the kidnap- Union, and not for the benefit pings. of the country. They appealed general peace and must be com- ish Women was officially rep- he sang for the Birmingham, batted. England, congregation, and trans- The Irgun issued a statement to the United Nations to re- resented at the formal opening that it would not deliver up the move British "reactionary 3. The efforts of the govern- of its Home for Unattached ferred to the Willesden synagogue soldiers until the sentences of the forces" in order to achieve ment to combat anti-Semitic ac- Jewish Women, in Paris, on in 1939. three condemned Irgunists were peace in the Middle Cast and tivities must be developed into July 2, by Mrs. Moise Cahn Cantor Behrman has booked a permanent campaign against commuted. It declared that the the whole world. (above) of New Orleans. Mrs. passage for Aug. 7 and is expected men were unharmed and_ "in a racism. Cahn, a national vice president Questioned concerning their at- to arrive here Aug. 15. He came place where they can be kept a itude to Jewish immigration, 4. Jewish leadership believes in of the organisation, is shown to the attention of the Miami the sincerity of the government's month or more." Vilner and Dr. Ehrlich stated prior to her departure for Orthodox Congregation, Rabbi The controlled area will be that the problem of immigration appeal to the Jews of Poland, to France, at LaGuardia Field. Grauer said, through his friend- (Continued on Page 4) commanded by Brig. Gen. Sir ivas never a major problem with New York. ship with a Miami ex-G.I. Humphrey Gale, who was in Arabs, who considered the charge of Tel Aviv when it was removal of foreign rule more im- under martial law. The area— portant. They expressed the be- in which 15,000 to 20,000 persons i'f that a future Palestine state NEWS BRIEFS FROM EUROPE live—comprises, in addition to i'<>uld participate with other Nathanya, Avichail, Ramath, luntries in solving the problem FRANKFURT (JTA)—In an killed during the fascist regime nine are slated to be sent to the Tiomkin, Neve Ittamar, Ein A rescuing the surviving Jews apparent attempt to halt the in- and that several thousand deport- Lipari penal islands, off Naples. Hatcheleth, Neve Oved, Neve if Europe who wish to leave that discriminate arrests of DP's by ees probably returned to the Shalom and a number of smaller Continent. American troops searching for country, further reducing the Sweden communities. The official com- Several committee members, stolen goods, American head- toll. munique announcing control list- (leaded by Chairman Emil Sand- quarters here has advised all STOCKHOLM. (JTA)— The ed a number of reasons—all ter- troem, wanted to know on what field units that the DP's are en- chief prosecutor has ordered the rorist attacks—for the action. titled to possess various items in- England (Continued on Page 4) confiscation of five anti-Jewish cluding specific American sup- LONDON (JTA)—An interna- plies and American money. tional conference of experts to pamphlets published and circu- The announcement inferentially discuss the resurgence of anti- lated by Einar Aaborg, interna- Europe's Doctors Soviets To Open took cognizance of the complaints Semitism in Europe will be held tionally known Swedish anti- of a number of relief authorities Get 60,000 Books in Switzerland between July 30 Semite. Distribution of any cop- that the soldiers arrested DP's and Aug. 5, under the auspices lirobidjan Land ies which have not been seized even when the goods in question of the International Conference Donated In N. Y. has been prohibited. To 550 Families were legally acquired. The or- of Christians and Jews. NEW YORK (JTA)—More ders forbade arrests unless illegal The parley, the first of its kind The action was taken in con- than 60.000 medical textbooks, NEW YORK (JTA)—The possessions could be proved or called by the conference, will be nection with the indictment journals, charts and reports I Council of Ministers of the unless the amount possessed was attended by Jewish and non- brought this week against Aaborg have been donated by New Soviet Union has instructed the far more than was needed for one Jewish members of affiliated or- by the prosecutor. Aaborg is York medical schools, libraries lUkranrian government to make DP or his family. In cases of ganizations in the United States, and individual doctors to the [provisions to facilitate the send- doubt the troops are advised to Britain and continental Europe. president of the so-called Swed- Joint Distribution Committee's ing of S50 Jewish families to consult the camp director and if ish Anji-Jewish league. SOS collection campaign, for IBirobidjan, Jewish autonomous they seize any goods they are to the use of doctors and students [region, the American Birobid- give an official receipt for it. Italy Rumania in Europe, it was announced Ijan committee reported this here.
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