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; ■* • • ' f %I • > ...... A. . • ' ■> NET PRESS RUN THU WKATHKIl^ — AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION F or B« br O. 9. W M tter Btircai^ for the month of January 1929 Hew !!«««■ '

5 , 2 4 1 — GenaP* Partly cloudy and continued e o l f Member of the Aodtt Borean of r^ n . state UhT&\y Circulations ttmigfat; Saturday partly dondy. >


HS> WALL ST. PAGE C O M C n C D T Coolidges Move From One White House to Another. BUYS A "SEAT DRIVERLESS NO WAR POSSIBLE Pays Only $110,000 for a MANMENTIOie Fourth “Right” as Member AUTO KILLS of the Stock Exchange. BETWEEN BRITAIN FOR CABINET New Y'ork, Feb. 22. — F A M R ,S 0 N Thomas F. Kelly, a page on ------! the floor of the New I’ork Stock Exchange for fourteen AND OUR NATION Clarence Wooley, Head of years, was today a member of Were Unloading Furniture that institution and will short­ ly become a partner in the American Radiator Co., firm of Josepii & Company. When Truck Backs Down Sir Esme Howard) British Kelly has arranged to be­ FOUR FILIBUSTERS come a member by acquiring May Be the Next Secre­ four "rights” under the re­ Hill and Crushes Both to Ambassador Tefls D m i^ cently announced plan by THREATEN SENATE which the membership of the tary of Commerce. exchange is increased from Death. ters of American Revoki- 1,100 to 1,375. The price paid by Kelly was Washington, Feb. 22.— The ru -' not revealed, but it is under­ lontpelier, Vt., Feb. 22.— Two Fear They WiD Cripple Sev­ tion That Only Honest Dif­ mor factory set up in the snow- ^ stood he paid not less than furaiture movers, father and son, $110,000 a "right” or $440,- banks outside 2300 S street con-^ ferences of Opinion Sepa­ 000 for the full seat. were almost Instantly killed here eral Departments Be­ tiuued to grind merrily today de- [ .Announcement also was today when a laundry truck, driver- spite the flat statement that Presl- • made that James Russell These are moving days for the less and out of control backed down cause of Lack of Funds. rate Two Nations on Na­ dent-elect Hoover is not going to j Lowell, a great-grandson of the poet, has bought four Coolidges. Above you see the Terrace street hill, crushing the *let the public in on the personnel victims against the side of the mov­ "rights,” entitling him to a parade of army trucks that val Disarmament of his Cabinet until March 4. seat. He will become a mem­ ing van of Frank Gillson. ■Washington, Feb. 22— Four baby ploughed through New England Out of the mass of reports, hot ber of the firm of Wren Broth­ Will Lapan and his 38-year-old filibusters were being nursed along ers Co. snow bearing furniture from sen, Charles, had just passed a tips and speculations, however, one & in the Senate today to confuse the j Washington, Feb. 22.— Only hon- The price paid for each the White House to the Presi­ table from the home of J. T. Gal­ new name emerged as a Cabinet "right” was not disclosed. lagher to a helper on the van when, administration’s program and i est differences of opinion separate dent’s new home, in Northamp­ possibility which possesses the ele­ without warning, the laundry truck threaten the regular conduct of the i England and the United States on ton, Mass. At the right is ments of likelihood. That was Clar­ tore down upon them from the side closing sessions next week. naval disarmament and, with pa­ shown one of the vans backed of the hill above. The vote-blocking activities which ence Wooley. of Connecticut, presi­ TWO DEAD, 50 HURT tience, an agreement will be up to the Northampton bouse William Shanley, driver of the may result in death to all the dent of the American Radiator Co., reached. Sir Esme Howard^ the when the unloading began. truck, had parked the vehicle' ia measures involved, were aimed at to be secretary of commerce. front of a house while he went in­ British ambassador told the Daugh­ the reapportionment bill, the Having personally built up the IN WAKE OF STORM side to collect laundry. He said he ters of the American RevoluUon to­ Department of Commerce to its applied the emergency brake and Nicaraguan canal survey, the Dill day at a celebration of Washlng- present status of efficiency, Mr. an examination of the truck after resolution extending the life of the ton’a birthday here. Hoover is scrutinizing the list of the f»tal gqcidept disclpsed that Federal Radio Commission for The ambassador decried the nos- candidates to fill his shoes with a New England is Busy Today this was true but that a piece of another year, and the second de­ sibility of war between the microscope, so to speak. Propo­ the mechanism, worn down by con­ ficiency appropriation hill, much countries and recalled the aorpow' nents of Wooley contend he fills Nation Pays Tribute CHICAGO POUCE stant usage, snapped and released needed to pay the government’s Digging Itself Out of the brakes. the bill in every respect. overdue bills. President During the eight years Mr. Hoo­ j Gaining speed as it went the The second deficiency hill faced w a f feR that which j driverless truck, running back­ ^ country when King ver served as secretary of com­ Snow Drifts. FIND DEATH CAR the stiffest opposition, because it ill ^ recently lay so desperately merce, few economic crises devel­ To Gen, Washington wards down the hill,- pinned------Lapanfailed to include the ------$24,000,000 .. oped but what Wooley was called and his son against the side of the | dry appropriation previously added ’'e said in. He and the President-elect have Boston. Feb. 22.— Under a bright moving van, crushing the head of j by the Senate to the first deficiency that when we share each other’s the father and the chest of the son seen eye-to-eye on matters of pro­ sun and in a zipping temperature. Washington, Feb. 22.— The capi-,'^ President Coolidge will cap the Auto Wbicb Looked Uke Po- hill. The latter measure apparent- [sorrows so truly as in these fwn gram and policy and each has a tal that his sacrifices made possible, | da^ of remembrance by making the and killing them instantly. ly has been killed in conference be- cases there cannot reallr be ahr New England today began digging ----/>nnfpreps rpfnsed thine- itp,-„ ______profound respect for the ability of and to which he gave his name,t I ■principal address tonight at George cause the House conferees refused , thing very wrong with Anglo- the other. out from under what in many sec­ led the nation today in paying' Washington University here. The Gce Car is Burned to De­ to allow a direct vote in the House \ American relations. His Second Visit tions of the six states was the reverent tribute to the me nory of university is conferring upon the on the dry fund , Trouble Makei^ Wooley visited Mr. Hoover about George Washington, on the 137tbi retiring President and Mrs. Coo­ Senator Carter Glass (D) oLVir­ *a spite of this evident good heaviest snowstorm since 1927. RICH YOUTH HELD ginia. announced he would lead a anniversary of his birth. lidge the degree of Doctor of Laws. stroy Evidence. feeltag and in spite of the desire.pf ten days ago at Miami Beach, tak­ The storm today had swept out to fllbuster against the second defic­ ing with him the informal report Here in Washington the ma­ The whole country may listen in on We two peoples to live in friendship sea, leaving in its wake at least two iency bill unless the House first of the committee on recent econom­ chinery of government slowed down the President’s tribute to Washing­ one another, there seem to be dead and fifty persons injured. New Haven, Feb. 22.— Thomas! voted on the $24,000,000 dry .'und. ic changes, a body appointed a year and in some instances stopped alto­ ton through a national radio hook­ BULLETIN: The storm’s dead: Benjamin S. Todd,, 2nd, Yale junior and scion o f' I! this bill should be defeated by a It said, who really en- ago by the President-elect and gether. All the executive depart- ' up. Chicago, Feb. 22.— Five a wealthy Seattle, Wash., family, i filhuster. it probably would cripple Doane, 50, of Winthrop, and Amen ments and independent bureaus Jo Biirring up trouble between ns charged with delving into every Maloof, 68, of West Roxbury, bot'i Even foreign diplomats joined in men were arrested here today was sentenced to five days in jail some of the government depart­ whose hps distill gall and w on il conceivable phase of the economic^ were closed, affording thousands of today for an alleged attack on a ments between inauguration and found dead from erihaustion. employes a holiday. i the national observance of the day. in connection with the Rnding situation. Serving with Wooley on showgirl. the start of the next fiscal year on vitnoL Those necessarily make A brief survey of the storm fol­ Congress whirred on, but at re -1 of the murderers’ automobile the committee were such men as Sir Esme Howard, the British His companion. Dyer B. Law­ July 1. a^eements difficqlt on any subJiBct lows: duced speed, for in both Semite and ambassador and dean of the diplo­ Owen D. Young, of General Elec­ used by slayers In the north rence. of White Plains, N. Y., was Another Filibuster with regard to which there may be From ten to fourteen inches of House there were long, pauses while matic corps, addressed a large tric; A. W. Shaw, of Chicago: Ed­ snow fell over Maine and points in side massacre of seven gang­ fined $10 in city court on a charge Southern senators. meanwhle, perfectly reasonable and honest dif­ ward Eyre Hunt, of the Department members made memorial addresses, gathering in Memorial Continental of drunkenness. Both appealed. ferences of opinion.” Vermont and New Hampshire while extolling the virtues and -Yisdom.of Hall this morning under the aus­ sters. appeared to be organizing a fili­ of Commerce; William Green, pres­ eight inches fell in Boston. It was Deputy Commissioner of Po­ The students were arrested after, buster against the reapportionment Sir Esme quoted at length from the first president. pices of the D. A. R. it is said, they accosted Berney ident of the American Federation of .Maine’s heaviest fall in twenty lice John Stege said he had bill, which would cut dowa the a speech made by Sir Austen Cham- Labor; W. W. Atterbury, of the "Twelve witnesses” to he used Aubrey and Emily Cowjey, appear­ berlain of Birmingham. Eng., on years. ing in a show here, w-hile walking membership in some of their states, Pennsylvania railroad; Daniel Wil­ Eleven passengers on an inbound in the prosecution of the slay­ while increasing it in Michigan. We subject of failure of the Geneva lard. of the Baltimore Ohio rail- | ers. near the campus. disarmament conference and We & Boston & Maine railroad train from Miss Aubrey charged in court California, Ohio and a few other road, and Henry M. Robinson, the , Haverhill were slightly Injured out­ HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STARS Stege said he had "definite states. Senator Dill (D) of Wash­ differences which separate the two information” coupling the that Todd, who she said, was intox­ countries, and pointed to the speech Los Angeles banker. side North station when the en­ icated, jumped at her ps she passed ington, was fighting the Edge This report, embodying much of i gineer of the locomotive blinded by murders to former henchmen resolution while Senator Copeland as representing the friendly feeMng of "Scarfnre Al” Capone, now and threw her to the ground. Law­ felt in England for the United Wooley’s personal handiwork, is i the snow - and atmospheric condi­ ARE TAKING TO THE AIR rence did not take part In the at­ (D) of New York, threatened a States. serving as the informative bas’s i tions ran his locomotive into an­ in the "gangster field” inde­ one-man filibuster against extend- pendent of Iheir former leader tack. it was testified. The Difference. upon which the President-elect is | other standing with string of The youths were arrested by a po­ The difference between us even building his inaugural address, empty cars. who has retired. Police seized two men in a liceman near the scene. (Continued on page 2) Wen.” he quoted Charaberlais. dealing as it does with the very Bandits Busy. was not a difference of principla With a curtain of snow covering Smart Shops Along Boule­ cafe today and from names vitals of the economic situation and OFFICIAL IS H E D found in the pockets of one. we admitted, freely and willingly its trends. One lieutenant of the their operations two robbers tossed parity between the United Statei a brick through, the show window they arrested three more. All coming chief executive referred to vard Are Featuring Flying are held incommunicado. naval forces and oui* own. It it of A. Stowell & Co., Inc. a Winter FOR G IE 'S DEATH AL CAPONE’S ONLY WORRY an admission which we have never (Continued on Page 3.) street jewelry store, and escaped in made to any other nation, which ______* the crowds with $25,000 worth of Costumes— Bebe Daniels we should have made to no other diamonds. Chicago. Feb. 22.— Arrest of the nation.” The snow was so deep in Bostoa Takes First Lesson. actual slayers of the “ unlucky IS OVER HIS SICK SON The differences. Uhamberlain as­ UNUSUAL COMEBACK suburban communities that fire Cabaret Girl Found Dying seven” members of the "Bugs” serted. were those Arising out of apparatus was put on runners. the difficulty of applying the prin­ I Moran gang in the garage massacre Horse drawn pumps with fire fight­ from Gunshot Wounds; ciple tb the different circumstances ing equipment answered alarms. EDITOR’S NOTE— This is j a week ago was predicted today by King of the Underworld Re­ amd needs of the two countries. OF STOCK PRICES Cape Cod, which has been lash­ the fii-st of a series of three I Assistant State’s Attorney Barry TWO LARGE BANKS Miitteriufm of War. ed by a 60-mile-an-hour gale, found stories on aviation in tl:c mo­ Blames Town Clerk. j Ditchburne and Deputy Police Com- "Is it not then nnfortunate.” Sir many roads impassable at places to­ tion picture colony. fuses to Discuss Chicago Esme continued. "Wat now on this I j missioner John Stege as the result day. Low temperature prevailed INTEND TO MERGE side and now on that side we hear Exchanges Closed Today Be­ on the cape as well as in some of of the discovery of charred rem­ mutterings even of We possibility : Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 22.— nants of the murder car in a private M a s s a c r e Bat Talks of war? Of sinister designs and the northern districts. BY HARRY BERGMA.V Among the injured were Arthur j An IS-year-old cabaret dancer lies north sidearage. evil ulterior moUveg. when. Judg­ cause of Holiday; Resume The police have in custody' Mike ing by the utterances of those in G. Gravelle, of Lowell, struck by a Hollywood, Calif., Feb. 22.— | today while police are About Other Hu n gs. switching locomotive in Newton, Favia and Sam Laverdo among half Guaranty Trust and National really responsible positions. Were l.s Stars who twinkle in the film firm- ! stacking to fix the blame for her a dozen others taken in a series of no foundation whatever for such of Week’s Business. and Edward J. Walsh, who fell into stories? Fort Point channel while shoveling ament have begun to shine in the . death on a man who holds positions raids on known resorts of foes of Bank of Conunerce Plan “ Oii the whole, therefore, we snow. sky. as a town-clerk and president of fhe Moran “ Mob.” Miami Beach, Fla., Feb. 22.— Al a county tax board. The automobile parts were dis­ Capone of Chicago, the man who may as well ignore them and take In the smart apparel shops of the the brighter view that, as Sir AbS^ BY W. S. COUSINS boulevard no stock is complete The girl, Dorothy Smith, died membered parts of a new Cadillac is never interviewed, was Interview­ to Unite. I. N. S. Financial Editor from a gunshot wound in her spine car exactly like those used by the ten says, it Is inconceivable that without a chic flyer’s helmet and ed today in lutimete fashion on the with patience and at an opportune BLAMES ‘ ECONOMY’ jacket to round out the sport ward­ inflicted on February 14, when she Chicago detective squads. They New York, Feb. 22.— The period were discovered *;hrough an appar­ veranda of his secluded mansion on moment friends should not, be able robe of Milady of the silversheet. had an argumen* with, a patron in New York, Feb. 22.— Wall street, resolve technical dimculHes the New 'World cafe, where she ently incendiary fire, lighted, police Palm Island overlooking.beautiful between the two February holidays,' Above the clatter of dish-io in closed for a three-day holiday j have hitherto prevented Lincoln’s and Washington's birth­ FOR n o DEATHS studio restaurants today was heard was employed. The town clerk and assert, in an effort to destroy every Biscayne bay. Am’* this man, who Is trace of the death car. heard today that several years’ ne^!‘ ^®“ reaching an aereemenLY days, was featured by a remarkable the chatter of movie folk, animated­ tax board president is Lester R. one of America’s first page per­ Step Toward Peace. ly discussing Hollywood’s latest Branning of Gibbstown. N. J. He is Garage Rented. gotiations were about to be con­ comeback in indu trial stock prices sonalities, about whom there is 'an The Kellogg a n ti-^ r pact was aspirant to the role of airplane ut liberty in $5,900 bail on a charge | The garage in which the ruins summated in the merger of the described by Sir Esme as a step were found was rented on Feb. 12 inpeneterable aura of mystery, re- | on the big board, as well as on the Senator Wagner Blames pilot, who is none other than the of atrocious assault in connection i vealed J a t above^everything else ^a- ward a state of universal peace.* ' important exchanges in the finan­ redoubtable Bebe Daniels. with the shooting. j last— two days before the massacre "To sneer at such a universal cial centers, which take their-^cue Her First Lesson' The police story of the tragedy, I by a man giving the name of Frank to drop out of the largest bank in the world with covenant to reject force xs a means Rogers. More than a month ago nm eu^i, , ...... sources of $2,000,000,000. from Wall street and the New York Vestric Tragedy on Ad­ For Bebe, be i- known, has just pieced together from information! of settling disputes is surely very Stock Exchange. Lieut. Louis Glatzoe discovered a •i o™ publicity. I Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the cheap.” he .said. "Are we really to taken her firsidesson at the ‘stick,’’ claimed to have been given them i machine gun nest at “ Rogers” ad­ said Capone. I wanUno more o. it. finance committee of the United Although it appears on the sur­ under the tutelage of Captain Ros- by Miss Smith befors she died, fol-1 suppose that all the nations whf^h face that economic rules and regu- ministrations Policy. dress. Leo Joppet, owner of the It puts me in a bad light. I just states Steel corporation, generally have ratified this treaty have done coe Turner, commercial pilot and lews: garage said he had no idea who want to be forgotten.” is given the larger share of the lation'^ have been smashed by the formerly one <.f America’s wartime Story of Shooting so without We intention of keeping swift recovery in stock prices in the Rogers was but that the latter hacj Capone had just taken a plunge credit for successfully completing their plighted froth? Any such sno^ Washington, Feb. 22.— Blaming ices. reports have it that she has Branning and a party of friends paid him $20 in advance. in his private swimming pool. He the merger. face of the partial starvation of the proved an apt pupil and may, in position seems to be monstrous. "Coolidge economy’’ for the tragedy were in the cafe and were being The new developments caused was sitting on the porch, attire! in No official statements were forth­ This treaty has made an fnee}-. market through the cutting off of of the liner Vestris which sunk off time, learn to handle the controls entertained by the girl dancer. a striped bathrobe when the re­ m.or.ey supplies, a glance below the the police, to revive with intense in­ coming from either institution. culable difference in world affairs Cape Henry Nov. 16, with the loss as well, if not better, than her When she left the group and went porter, accompanied by Izzy Kap­ The new bank will outrank We surface shows conclusively that the terest the theory that the massacre fhough this is not yet generally of 110 lives. Senator Wagner (D) sweetheart, Ben Lyon, the noted to an upstairs room, Branning, it of Moran’s men was a reprisal for lan, one of the nerviest photogra­ National City Bank of New York realized.” market has been in every respect actor. of New York, today appealed to the is charged, followed her. A ' few the murder of Lolordo and for the phers in the country, entered the and the Midland Bank, Ltd., of Lon­ Formerly, he added, going tp war true to form, and tha» the path of Senate for a searching investiga­ Ultramodern is the romance be- Capone estate. Kaplan wanted to ' don. ' uncertainty lies directly ahead in­ earlier murder-^Sept. 7— of Lom­ , was not considered an immoral act. tion and tightening up of safety twee:i Bebe and Ben. The actor (Contlnned on Page 2.) bardo, Lolordo’s predecessor. take pictures of Capouc ' hut he | Earlier in the negotiations it was “ Now. at any rate.” he continued, stead of havinj been passed over. laws at sea. wooed his bride-to-be in the air. would not allow it, alWough he did reported that the National Bank "whatever other grounds there may Still Danger Wagner declared that if the truth And in the air they now plan to permit the cameraman to take out­ of Commerce apd the First National be to justify such action a governr.. For those with eyes to see them, had been known before hand “ not a make their honeymoon. The peppy side “ shots” of his magnificent Bank, of which Mr. Taylor Is a dl- ment which goes to war. will he the Stock Market is still flying a single passenger would have em little actress, it is said, began to $230,000 mansion. »_ rector, were first to be merged. This branded by world .opinipn as m number of danger signals. The barked on the Vestris.” learn the art of dying in anticipa­ Centuries Old City Not Gnardep plan was later put aside. breaker of oaths, as false to We strong-arming of the bears out of Recalling two investigations of tion of an aerial wedding trip and "Is It true.” was askeo Capone, The Morgan Group. promise it has solemnly given.” v. their position this week has done the disaster. Wagner pointed to re­ because she Jid not relisu the "that you always carry a body­ Thomas W. Lament and George "Such is We true meaning o f We the market no good, weakening in­ ports that foreign vessels are not thought of being outdone iTi any- j guard?” Whitney, partners in' J. P, Morgan Kellogg Pact.” he said, "and If' stead of strengthening its technical subject to the same inspection laws ihing’by a husband. Is Found In Nevada “ It is not, he replied quickly. & Co., are among the directors of public opinion is of weight, it muft position. The market does not make as American ships, and declared Aerial Courtship "Why should I? I am a peaceable the Guaranty Trust Co., .which has weigh heavily in We cause of. i.. major advances on the covering there was no warrant in law for Tha aerial ourtshlp began while j citizen. No, I do not carry a gun. If been classed in the “ Morgan Group” peace.” of shorts, but on investment buy­ this discriminatory legislation. Bebe and Ben were working to­ I did I would be breaking the law, of banks. The .other, bank in the ing based on the genuine improve­ gether on a picture. Ben used to Los Angeles, Calif., Feb. 22.— termined. It was estimated that reported.merger has also been allied Too Few Inspectors, Traces of another ancient city, and I am not breaking We law.” ment in business conditions as a j give Bebe a "lift” in his plane and 10,000 Indians lived Were. Meas­ with the Morgan interests. , "Much is saved in the report of buried for centuries beneath the Capone reiterated that he knows D.APPER DON .AO.AIN whole. the shortage of inspectors adequate­ j take her to and frem location. To urements indicated that the city It is understood Wat a huge new Moapa valley of Nevada, have been was miles In extent. nothing . whatever of the massacre If, as some of our best econom­ ly to make certain that ships that the accompaniment of the engine’s building is to be erected oh the site ists have repeatedly stated, the found, by Dr. Mark Harrington of Bodies of several Indians have ^ mysterious Chica- of the present homes of the banks leave our ports carrying our cit­ I roar the romance developed. the Southwest museum, it was disr been uncovereji. One was We body go gangland...... killing recentl.v. ■ He Stock Market has been a year or izens were sound and seaworthy, ” Lyon learned to in Broadway and fn Nassau street, New York, Feb. 22—Dapper Don closed here today by Dr. James A. of a woman, an occupant of a "pit’ said his chief interest at present as the home of'W e merged institu­ two ahead of business in its hurry Wagner said. * plane during the filming of a pic Collins, internationally known Scherer, museum curator, who house.” Indications Wat even an is real estate. He has purchased 35 tion. man” is under arrest again. , to discount future events, reactions "What possible circumstances ture whose locale was in tne air. has just returned from the scene of older civilization existed in the val­ acres in St. Petersburg, he owns a such as occurred in early December Effect of rumors that the merger time he is charged with could excuse such misdirected par- Since that time much of his hying the excavations. ley was disclosed when it was found dog track-in Illionis and has other would soon be effected was seen $311,000 worth of fraudnlent.motor has been done In the company of How long ago this city teemed' that We "pit house” Was built in­ yesterday rill ten per cent rises in stocks to Thomas Weber of Egg' (Continued on Page 3) (Contlnned on Page 2.) another actor-pilot, Jambs Hcil. with life has not yet been de­ side of a more ancient pit. ' (Contipacd.oD Pace 3.1 stocks of both banks. Harbor, N. J. ’ :---


AVOXDKU IT DIDN’T PliAY CROWDS AT HALE’S "GOOD MORNING ,MR. ZIP.’ DO BIG BUSINESS I Town Officials Take Day [REPORT SEN. VARE if o u r filibusters |SUSPECT SHOOTS SELF I It happen at the High 'School I ATH.mRNIVAL THREATEN SENATEI WHILE SLEUTHS WAIT FOR BIG FOOD FAIR! Carnival last night. Moving pic- ■ tures ■were being shown of the *W r and Do Odd Jobs \ WAS NOT ELECTED school activities. The film show­ Booths and Entertainment ; (CoDtinued frora Page 1) New Haven Salesman Was Ac­ ed Mr. Verplanck waving to a cused of Stealing Checks group of girl students. ing the life of the radio commis­ Today being a legal holiday the'5> when there is no interference by | from Mail Boxes. Unusual Sale and Demon* i On the stage a radio orchestra 1 Committee Says He Is Not sion. 1 Features at Affair— Con-j town officials took a day “ off.” | the daily routine. j A fifth filibuster, against the began to play, "Don’t Be Like I 4 The board of relief held its last | That.” There is no business being trans-1 naval appropriation bill, apparent­ Portland, Me., Feb. 22.— A few strations Attract Many to{ hearing Wednesday, so the mem­ Entitled to a Seat in U. S. ly ended when the Senate adopted minutes after he had been placed tinues Tonight. ! acted. Town Clerk Samuel Turk- j I bers took advantage of the holiday an agreement limiting debate after under arrest today charged 'wUli ingtou left the iron'curtains dow'a to drive around town and check up three o’clock this af.ernoon. Sena­ larceny of checks from apartment Local Stores. on the few'places where there have Senate. . SCHOOLBOY RUN DOWN Close to eight hundred persons in the vault room and then gave tor Blaine (R ) of Wisconsin, and house mail boxes, Robert H. Young, are estimated to have attended the been complaints and requests for Senator King (D) of Utah, led op­ up his time to entering of the in­ alias R. H. Littlefield, 27, who opening of the annual high school reductions. That work would not Washington, Feb. 22.— The Reed position to this bill. claimed he was an airplane sales­ Visitor; at Hale's Oak Street ON ROAD TO BOLTON carnival held last evening. The en­ struments to be filed in the daily take the whole day, so they are also campaign fund committee today fil­ King warned the Senate that going around and visiting other man of New Haven, Conn., took his F^elf-Serve store need not go home tertainment was highly satisfactory record book, seeing that condition­ ed a final report in the Senate de­ enactment of the naval appropria­ life by firing a pistol shot through hungry. The demonstration booths and the various booths did a big al bill of sales were properly placed streets and places to see if the as­ claring Senator Elect William S. tion bill totaling about $400,000,- Another Member of Fish Fam­ sessments, as left by the assessors, 000 would result in a treasury de­ his head in his apartment on Oak at the annual Pure Food Fair and business. Another big crowd is ex­ and checking up on releases of li­ V'are (R) of Pa., “ is not entitled to street. Ninth Birthday of the Self-Serve ily Injured Going to Green are in the opinion of the board of ficit at the end of the present fiscal pected tonight. While vaud villc censes that have been returned and a seat in the United States Senate.” ! Police Inspector Joseph ,A. Mc- provide a meal with even a choice School. was the main attraction last eve­ such other detail work as can he relief correct ones. They have the The report was unanimous by the year— June 30. line of desserts. There are - 11 power tO increase as well as de­ Some Rumors j Donald had served a warrant on ning, it will be dancing tonight. The best handled when the office is committee of three Republicans and ' Young and was waiting for him to demonstrations at the Oak street Paul, six year old sou of Mr. and crease assessments figures and as There were rumors current in high school basketball game with closed. two Democrats the committee filed . dress. When he did not appear, Mc- store and one at the Park street Mrs. Frederick Fish of 787 East West Hartford at the Rec will be the complaints have not been made the Senate that some o f the fili­ In the ’ engineering department likewise a series of special reports I Donald discovered the body on the store. At the Park street Self- Middle Tivnpike, while on his way started at 7 o’clock and dancing to any great numbers in asking for from the investigators, revealing bustering tactics, apparently aimed work ■was going on towards the at legislation, was in reality direct­ bathroom floor. Serve souvenirs for the children are to the Manchester Green school yes­ will be transferred to the high completion of maps, showing grades a reduction they will have time to election frauds and irregularities on being presented to visitors. They terday morning was struck by a school assembly hall. No additional look over som i of the other ci ndl- the part of , Vare followers in the ed against the confirmfuon of ex- Police and postal inspectors cuts and fills, in preparation for Senator Irvine L. Lenroot (R) are lassoos and jumping ropes. Last woman motorist and injured about charge 'will be made. tions and it is likely that some in­ Pennsylvania 'Senatorial election of charged that Young posing as an the coming year’s work and also in Wisconsin, as a member of the airplane salesman visited apart­ night and today the Oak street the shoulder and arm. The acci­ V The entertainment program the checking up and.placing on the creases will be made rather than 1926. dent happened on the Bolton road U. S. Court of Customs Appeals. ment houses, stole checks from the store was crowded with visitors. opened last evening with several maps of the location of the new deductions by th© board. The report was filled by Senator The main celebration of the Hale and the driver after making sure Painters took advantage of the The Lenroot nomination has been mail boxes and through friendships selections by the high school houses that have been erected and James A. Reed (D) of Mo., who considered for several days by a Self-Serve birthday is being held at that the boy was not severely in­ orchestra under the direction of building being “ closed” an-: are served notice he would call it up to­ established with business men here jured, took him with two other seeing to it that proper street num­ painting the doors and the small judiciary subcommittee and a re­ found no trouble in cashing the :he Oak street store. Here there Miss Ma’rion E. Dorward, director, morrow for action by the Senate. port probably will be made to the are demonstrations of Sunbeam children to the Green school. She bers are assigned. checks. and Edward Dzardus. The school lobby as the public was entei'ing the “ From the foregoing fact’s and full committee next Monday. That products. Silver Lane pickles, left, however, without reporting the The judge of probate’s office was building today But the back door band followed with five selections also “ closed.” There was no let up conclusions,” the report stated in would leave six days in which to se­ Hale's Morning Luxury coffee, accident to the teacher and the boy was open just as usual. There seem­ conclusion, “ it was the opinion of remained at school all day. He is under the leadership of Davis in the installation of the new sys­ cure his confirmation. Kruman’s Macaroni and Spaghetti, Samuelsoh and then the Girls’ Glee ed to be just as many automobiles the committee that William S. 'Vare a pupil in the kindergarten depart­ tem that will put the records in a The principal objection to Len- "Good Luck" pie filling and crust. Club rendered several numbers. in the rear as on week days. is not entitled to a seat in the U. S. ment. completed condition and in picking root’s confirmation, aside from his National Biscuit Company products. This was followed by the senior George H. Howe, who is getting Senate.” $20,000 employment by the so- Campfire marshmallows. Royal Helen, the ten-year-old daughter out some of the probate records up his list of personal tax bills, was of Mr. and Mrs. Fish has just re­ male quartet consisting of John The report was signed by Reed called “ power trust,” was said to be gelatines and Battle Creek -Health Johnston, Warren Case, Kenneth that have not reached full comple­ able to devote his morning to the and Senators McNary (R) of his connection with former Secre­ foods. cently returned to school after an tion. As the office was "closed” it injury received on December 4 in Gtaham and Willjam Johnson. Lit­ work and has male out all of the Oregon, Goff (R) of "West Va., La tary of the Interior Albert B. Fall The big sale being conducted in tle Miss Dorothy 'Wlrtalla favored gave an opportunity to carry out personal tax bills that are to be Follette (R) of Wis., and King (D) in the recent oil scandals. During the same way. The Fish children the work without being disturbed. the Self-Serve stores continues to­ and a number of others are obliged with two dance hits both of which mailed to the male residents. They of; Utah. the oil inquiry it was shown that day and tomorrow. The demon­ to use the highway in going to and went over well. 'The first was an The office of the Board of Select­ are sealed and stamped and arr all .Miiioi'ity Report. Lenroot had conferred with Fall, strations will also continue through from school. The parents are try­ equestrian dance and the second, men was also “ closed” but they packed away ■■to be mailed'on April King also filed a minority state­ prior to the latter issuing a state­ tomorrow night. It is not necessary ing to have the bus which conveys "Piecin’ Cotton” in which she imi­ Y/ere recheckiug the appropriation 1. He has about 3,900 of these ment. declaring he felt the case ment saying he had received $100.- U) buy any goods in order to see the other children in the district to the tated Anne Pennington in George and getting other matters straight­ ready and this afternoon sfartec on should not be closed until Vare had 000 from Edward B. McLean, demonstrations. The Hale Com­ Green school, re-rauted so that this White Scandals. ened out that can best be done the women’s list. been given an opportunity to appear Washington publishei. Later it pany desires eyeryone to feel wel­ menace from speeding drivers may “ Wasted Bits” , a comedy sk"'tch personally in his own defense. was shown this statement was false come at the birthday party. be averted. put on by James Wilson and Wesley Charges of gross fraud and elec­ and that Fall had received the Warnock was warmly applauded LONDON’S NIGHT UFE 40 PERSONS MAROONED tion corruption were made against money from Edward L. Doheny, oil and drew the most favorable com­ the Vare organization by A. R. magnate, in the notorious “ little BLAMES ‘ECONOMY’ OFFICIAL IS HELD ment of the entire- program, Wilson Clapp of Philadelphia, the commit­ olack satchel” deal. took the part of an Eskimo while ‘GOING TO THE DOGS’ BY SNOW IN WYOMING tee's special attorney, in a separate Lenroot apparently wil’ be cliar.g- FOR no deaths! Warnock was an inimicable Jewish report. Clapp declared Wm. B. ed AA'ith having helped Fall to mis­ FOR GIRL’S DEATH traveler. Wilson, the defeated Democratic lead the Senate. A reviva’ cf'the (Continued from PafTg 1) Four reels of motion pictures Airplane Sent Out With Food Senatorial nominee, had lost 10.- oil scandals debate undoubtedly Arrest and Conviction of would block his confirmation. Uxuitinned frnm Page 1) were shown and they w’ill be re­ and Blankets to Trapped 000 votes m Philadelphia and 2.320 simony? “Was that another example peated tonight. The vaudeville will “Queen” Scares All the Passengers. in Pittsburgh, through election Df the stifling, grudging, unintellig- minutes later r. shot was heard. not. The crowd last night witnessed Night Club Proprietors. trail ds. SATURDAY able and uninteligent Coolidge TODAY IN CONGRESS Rushing to the room, guests found three wrestling matches. Louis Rock Springs, Wyo., Feb. 2 2 — “ In only. 181 of the l.oCO elec­ — anil— economy? Miss Smith writhing in pain on the Cheney who offered to meet all London, Feb. 22.— Loudon's tion districts of Philadelphia was "The American traveling public Six miles of eig'.it foot snowdrifts SUNDAY floor. She immediately accused comers threw' Roger Spencer in the night life has gone to tl\e clogs. As between them and the ne..rest vil­ the Senatorial vote correctly count­ is led to believe that the govern­ ed bv the election officers.” Clapp ' Washington, Feb. 22 — The day Brauning of the shooting. prescribed time but was throwi. a result of the strenrous police lage, augmented by an icy north in Congress: ment inspects the vessels leaving himself when he continuea the activity’ which followed the convic­ reported. "The average change of The story of a woman who ing our ports. It intrusts its safe­ The girl’s father, George Smith wind of tlie red desert of Wyoming, Senate. of Philadelphia, has announced his match. Then Sully Squatrito 'threw tion of Mrs. Kale Meyrick. the so- still held forty persons, including a Philadelpliia voter to have Ins loved unwisely. ty to the thoroughness of those in­ vote counted correctly was less AVashington’s Farewell .Address intention of aiding in Branning’s Spencer in eight minutes and w'as called “ Queen” of London's night several women and children, im­ read bv Senator James A. Reed (D) spections. Now we are told by held to a draw' by Cheney. The life, along with a police sergeant than one in eight.” none other than the inspector gen­ prosecution and also of bringing a prisoned on the'highway 55 miles of Mo. civil action against him. who's who in the mat art wi'l be on charges of bribery and corrup­ east of here today. Clapp reported that the Philadel­ Acts on naval appropriation hill eral himself that that trust was settled tonight. tion. full.v half of the city’s most phia recount resulted in a net loss misplaced: that he has not enougii Miss Smith, just before her An airplane was dispatched by carrying new cruiser funds. popular niglit clubs and cabarets of 5,202 votes for Vare and a net men to make proper inspections. clealli, gave out an interview in the Boeing Air Transport Co., at Interstate commerce committee Case Of NO ACTION TAKEN. liave been forced to close do'wn by Salt Lake City, and blankets and gain of 5,500 votes for Wilson. approves nomination of two new "That is not the kind of economy which she said that she was doing Some of the Philadelphia frauds, cabaret wofk because many famous Washington, Feb. 22. — 'flie lack of business. Tliose that are food were prepared to be taken by, radio commissioners. that the American people want.” House banking and currency com­ the plane to the marooned party. listed by Clapp, were the voting of Lena Smith*' ■'i\’agner demanded an investiga­ stars had started in cabarets and still running are faced with failure. House. mittee failed to take action on res­ Enforcement of the curfew law Three trucks loaded with unregistered persons, fraudulent tion by the Senate to determine she hoped to attract the attention First deficiency bill considered — with— olutions demanding explanations of demanding that no liquor be sold blankets and food for the stranded entry of names in the registry on floor. whether other vessels sailing from of men of influence in the theatri­ the Federal Reserve Board’s warn- part.v liave left Rock Sprin.gs. It books, ballot stuffing by various .Vinerican ports were di-regarding after 11 o'clock at night is the chief Rep. James AT. Bed,. (R) of Pa., ESTHER RALSTON cal world by working in the Atlan­ ling against speculative loans, in a cause of the debacle. In times past was believed the first tinck to leave methods and repeating. safety rules. tic City resort. delivers AVashington's Birthday ad­ JAMES HALL I two-hour session today. the law had beeu openly flaunted, might have reached them, but the dress. for obviouLly iio one tvanted to go last two left after a new' four inch Secretary of AA'ar Davis ur,ges Co-Feature * to a night club much before 11 fall of snow had added to the drifts passage of Army promotion hill to fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]iiiiii,iiii,iiii,i,iiii,iii,iiiii,iiii,i,|.,iiiiiiiiiii,i,i„,„iii„ii,iiii2 o'clock and no one wanted to go un­ and it was considered impossible prevent officer resignations. TIM McCOY that they reached tlicir destination. — in—- less drinks were ea.sil,v procurable. .Miss Laura House of East Cen­ Southern Congressmen united to Restaurant keepers and nigiU One of the latter trucks carried a push demand of tariff on Philip­ tractor that ■was to he used in pull­ ter street will leave tomorrow for “ SIOUX BLOOD” club proprietors however, have tieen a visit in .New York City. pine cocoanut oil and copra for thrown into panic by the severe ing the stalled trucks and automo­ benefit of cotton seed oil industry. biles from the drifts. BUY YOUR sentence of 15 months' hard labor .Miss Anna Sullivan, teacher in meted out to Mrs. Meyrick. and The stranded party consists of a ERUPTION SUBSIDES. fleet of trucks and several passen- the Buckland school, will spend the (hey are fearful of repeating iier of­ next week at her home in AVorces- CIRCLE fences. As a consequence, all visi­ .ger cars belonging to tlie Kaise. I Honolulu, Feb. 22.— After sev- Transportation Company. tcr. .Miss Beatrice Flagg whose “ Home of Better Pictures” tors to night clubs are informed home is in Maine ■will be the guest I eral days of activity, volcanic ac- SPRING SUIT that no intoxicating beverages are I lion at Kilauea, Island of Hawaii, of friends in New Haven during the ; had practically subsided today. OR available after the curfew hour, and SHOT BY HIS WIFE school vacation. Aliss Alary Connor the result is that the customers of the Eighth district has left for hav6 walked out en masse. LEAVES HER BUT |10 Canaan. Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. R. TOPCOAT NOW in accordance with a long esta’o- TO PHOTO INAUGURAL Man, Dangerously Wounded, lished custom on AVashington's Only $10 Necessary If You Use Runs to Lawyer’s Office and birthday will entertain guests this FROM ARMY AIRPLANE evening at 7:30 at tlie Center Con­ Makes New Will. gregational church. The speaker will be Ernest P. Williams who Kansas City. Mo.. Fe’o. 22.— Aft­ will give an illustrated travel talk The Ten Pay Budget Plan Pictures Taken Will , Be Drop­ er being shot and dangerousl.v on his South American trip. There wounded in an altercation with his You may pay the balance over a period of ten weeks. It is a genuine convenience ped With Parachutes and will be solos by Robert Gordon, lo­ wife today Janies H. Combs, :’.7. ran cal baritone. A social hour with TODAY for the man with a weekly income and inspires you to save. Delivered to Newspapers. a block from Iiis home to the resi­ refreshments will follow and each anil dence of his attorney, E. J. Flem­ member is privileged to. invite two Dayton, Ohio, Feb. 22.— The in­ ing, to make a new T^'ill disinherit­ - i SATURDAY! augural ceremonies for President- ing his wife. A large delegation of the Girl Elect Herbert Hoover in Washing­ ! Combs refused to be taken to a Guides < ; the local Salvation Array ARGTICS ton, l^Iarch 4. are to he photograph­ I hospital until tli6 document had went to Springfield today to attend ed from the air by Captain Alheih beeu e.xecuted, leaving his wife only the A.’oung People's conference. Priced $2.45, $3.75 for 4 Buckle. W. Stevens, stationed at Wright $10 of an estate she estimates to be Field here, it was announced today. worth $50,000. Tlie wounded man Earl, 11 .vear old son of Mr. and Priced $3.95 for Zippers. Stevens will go aloft in a special sat in the Fleniing home, dictating Airs. Joseph Moore of Garden RAMON his will- to his attorney, naming Ins photographic plane to be piloted by street and a pupil in the Lincoln Lieut. John D. Corkille, also of mother Mrs. Rene Langley, as sole beneficiary. His condition, is critU school who fractured his arm while Wright Field. The fliers will take caL at gymnasium practice Tuesday, is off in Washington the night before getting along as well as can be ex­ die inauguration and remain in the pected. air until the ceremonies have been DEFENDS WASHINGTON fW with WILLIAMS concluded. A daughter was born this morn­ Ralph Graves The men will take pictuies of the ing to Mr. and Mrs. James E. AIc- JOHNSON BLOCK, Anita Page 711 MAIN ST. s capital at night, develop them in . Washington, Feb. 22— Critics of Guggan. of 31 Strant street. flight, and drop them ty small George Washington were assailed Edward Nugent 010101535348535348232348894848485348232348484823235301000153484823534801325353485348232348------— paraenutes to Bolling Field, where by Rep. James M. Bock (R) of A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. they will be rushed to new'spapers Penna.. in delivering a Washing­ Arvid Gustafson of 60 Cambridge publishing extras the morning of ton’s birthday address to the House street at' the Memorial hospital the event. The pictures are also to today. yesterday. | be sent over the telephoto to papers "A few sapient critics, not all over th© country. worthy to unite the latchets of his There will be a shoot of the Alan- A new special flash light p-owder shoes, have belittled Washington’s chester Rod and Gun Club at the of tremendous brilliancy will be intellectual powers,” said Beck. traps In Bolton tomorrow after­ A used. "An American professor,, speak­ noon. This is open not only to A Glorious ing at Oxford some years' ago, said members, but to others Interested that Washington was ‘a man-of few in trap shooting. Boiuanco of natural gifts, self-educated and the Air AHACKED BY WOLF somewhat slow-'witted.’ Aliss Emma Bronke, a teacher in IN “ Such was not the judgment of the Washington school, in company Consistent Increase In The Sale Oi those who worked with him. Jef­ SOUND with a school friend, left this noon ferson spoke , of his intellect as Whiting, Ind., , Feb. 22.— His for a vacation to be spent in ‘great and . powerful,’ and Patrick Canada. wrists and face lacerated, Mike Henry said that of all the members Continous Plutke, grocery store proprietor 9 ^ 4 of the First Continental Congress, Devotions will be held in St. Saturday staggered into a police station to­ Washington was foremost for Manchester, Dairy Ice Cream day witli the carcass of a timber James’s and St. Bridget’s churches a: 15 ‘solid information and sound judg­ wolf which he had clubbed to death this evening. to ment.’ ” 10:30 after a terrific battle. Beck pi-ctured Washington as proves that its popularity is gaining all the time. Peo­ Plutke said the animal leaped at the first .great toe of bureaucracy, Biggest and Best of the ple are eating more ice cream because it is a delightful, him in the rear of his store. After and a believer in the soundness of choking the beast, Plutke hurled it the judgment of the people. Season. healthful dessert. from him seized a stick lying on the ground nearby. As. the wolf leaped lANDY FORCED DOWN PYTHIAN SISTERS for his throat, Plutke clubbed it Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22.— Col. and after a half hour’s battle killed Charles A. Lindbergh may go from _ MASK A« it. Concert and •aMANCHcsTew eoim Detectives said it w-.s a "real” here to Wichita, Kan., by train. He X’lTAPHONE VODVIL wolf. No one knows how it came lauded here late yesterday, enronte Masquerade Ball Manchester Dairy into this vicinity. from St. Louis to AVichita. because of a frozen motor. Princess Ballroom GUS ARNHEIM SKATING CONDITIONS Mechanics at Kansas City alr-f ^ D A IR Y ^ ' port reported today the Avater Rockville, Conn. and His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra Ice Cream Co. Snow has been a big hindrance to jacket on the motor was cracked so keeping th© skating on the Center badly it was regarded unsafe for ^ Saturday Evening 7 M AY M cAVOY in “ Sunny California** Phonft 52.5 Springs pond open, but the Skating the colonel to use the plane in Februai-y 23, 1929. which he started his present inspec­ Club has won the favor of the. Park Music by board and the latter I, assisting in tion tour of the transcontinental air the "work. Today the men of the transport route. C 5TAT 1 7 park board were at work and have Col. Lindbergh announced last Mac’s Harmony Boys “ Home of cleared off a portion which xylll night he had accepted appointment 10 Pieces Sound Hlta** 'I? make possible skating at the pond as technical adviser on aeronautics tonight. for the Department of Commerce. Admission 50c oer oeison. iC ■ '• • ■ -* I M -v'iTKtSL I ^ l i ^ * I Vlii iirW ' -r f ^ 'MANCHESTER EVENING I |lh;#:%I1i pStnTraiiaNGHBSTEaCCONN^ FRroAYrEEBEATJIlY PAGETHRIffl

LETO, FLORIDA BOXER, LUCKY GUY ■f NEW FRAT HOUSE ABSOLUTELY! GET-TOGETHER MEN' SCHREI6ERS TO BUILD Teacher (dnrlng a class on .n^- COMCnCDT you ;hiive broken off , your New Haven, Feb.. 22.— ^Alpha ingjNow, it I went .West and HERE TO VISIT BUSCH N. E. SCHOOL ADDITION Rockville engagement to Mr. de'Vere.*’ , Delta Phi fraternity at Yale ■will ed land and got oil on it, wnai FETE THEIR LADIES ‘‘Yes.;': L found his love: was 1 not start work,on April 1 on a new would I be? NANMENHOra strong'^ough to stand all'; the'lit­ home to be located in the York Student^' A republican.— ^Lffe. Pythian Sisters Nlasqnerade tle troubles of everyday life.” ,. street fraternity colony, according Defeated by Battalino Last Local Firm Bids Far Below -Saturday night the local Pythian “ What made you think that?” to announcement here today. The Spring is coming, house cleaning Night He Predicts He’ll Others—Is $27,674 Uiider Sisters will stage their annual con­ , “ He was quite angry every time fraternity-is assembling $200,000 too. Now is the time to have your Dinner, Dancing. Entertain­ FOR CABINET cert and masquerade ball at . the Whip Hartford Boy March the Appropriation. darling little Flfl bit his legs.— for building equipment and an en­ vacuum cleaner put in conditlon;by 21. Princess Ballroom and if an un­ Passing Show. dowment fund. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl streetr—AflT* (Contlnaed from Pagel) By bidding far below the limits precedented demand for tickets is ment Feature Annual Che- an indication, then a capacity crowd of the appropriation for the eight Tony Leto, Florida feathe?weight It as “ the Magna Charta of the Hoo­ will witness this spectacular event boxer, who gave Bat Battalino the room ad^ftion to the Hollister tomorrow evening. This affair, one ney Party. ver administration.” street school, Gustave Schreiber & best fight of his professional career With these facts as a back­ of the big events in local dance since the latter turned professional, Son, Manchester builders, last events has always specialized on ground, Wooley went into the lead night obtained the award of the and Fred F. Havighorst, his New in the pre-inaugural speculation the excellence of the dance music Sno’wstorm or no snowstorm, York manager, came to Manchester contract for that edifice. The provided and in order to maintain nothng could keep the ‘‘Old Guard” following the scrap at Foot Guard over the commerce portfolio. Schreiber bid was $47,326, or an established reputation for high- away from the annual Ladies Night hall in Hartford lp.st night. They Other Candidates , $27,674 less than the sum appro­ class orchestras. Mac’s Harmony of the Get Together Club, last eve­ spent the night as guests of Mr. Another of the ten posts enter­ priated by the Eighth district ai- Boys with the original ten pieces in­ ning. The older young men were and Mrs. Frank C. Busch on Bissell ing the spotlight today was the jnost a year ago, $7,173 less than cluding Max C. Kabrlck, Paul Mal- as noticeable by their presence as street. secretaryship of labor. Henry M, the next, to the lowest bidder and ley, Barney . Osmer Graup- the younger men were by their ab­ Busch seconded Leto in the fight Robinson, of Los Angeles, banker $19,674 1^8 than the top bid. Op­ ner. Jack Keeney, Bernard Bentley, sence. But, of course, the snow with Battalino which the latter won and close friend of Mr. Hoover’s, is erations are to begin at once . ,and Edw. Doherty. Percy Baker, Clare ■was quite deep! on a technical knockout in the in Washington, and yesterday went the building must be completed Kabrlck and Drigg Little will furn­ As the 150 diners gathered about seventh round after being floored over the field with the President­ ish a splendid concert program and the board bent on meting out jus­ within 120 working days according in the second. It was only after a elect. About a month ago, Mr. Hoo­ to the contract. , play for the dancing that will fol­ tice or injustice to th ; delectable great deal of difficulty that Havig­ ver requested Robinson to canvass low. It is expected there will be a viands prepared as only Chef horst and Leto reached Hartford The award of the contract comes crowd of 800 present. There ■will the list of candidates for secretary after a loag series of delays whicn. Urbano Osano knows how, and, yesterday due to the severe snow of labor and report back on their be prizes for the maskers and COATS however, have resulted in a large served by a corp of handsome men storm. They left Eddyville, N. Y., respective qualifications. abundant refreshments. and beautiful girls, A1 Behrend’s saving to the district. The first set scene of the late Walk Miller’s The name most mentioned as the To ^stall Officers To Close Out Melody Boys broke into dreamy, training camp, by automobile at 7 of plans drawn proved to be im­ successor of James J. Davis is Wil­ The newly elected officer'' of the soothing rhapsody which changed o’clock in the morning but had to possible of construction within the Lutheran Brotherhood of the First quickly to a 1)lood tingling fox-trot. abandon the automobile at Pough­ liam N. Doak, of Virginia, vice- appropiiatlon, as no bid approach­ Evangelical Lutheran Church will 3*Northern Seal Fruit cocktails, roast turkey, keepsie. It was 8:30 before they president of the Brotherhood of ed the $75,000 limit of the appro­ be installed Sunday morning. The peas, ma.shed potatoes, celery, finally reached Hartford by train Railroad Trainmen, who headed the priation and some of them ran to Officers for the ensuing year are Coats olives, cooky peanuts and real pea­ after- several forced delays. labor division of the Hoover cam­ almost twice that sum. There was President, Robert Tennstedt; Vice nuts, strawberry shortcake, all were Interviewed by the Herald sports paign organization. Doak, as a na­ a vexatious delay over getting the Pres. Arthur Gebler; Secretary, vanquished in the over'whelming writer this morning in the Western tive of Roanoke, answers the de­ architect to submit new plans and Thomas Hewitt; Financial Secy. $49.95 attack. Attendance prize drawings Union, Telegraph office as he was mand for Cabinet recognition of at finally the district committee Richard Ulich; Treasurer, Christian found the lucky winner to be, for about to leave for New York, both least one of the four southern states changed architects, employing the Staiger. the women, Mrs. George Johnson of Leto and his manager expressed the that went Republican last fall. He Boston firm which made the plans Mrs. Annie Landgrof Bigelow street and for the men, opinion that Battalino was in a bad 14 Coats, is understood to be acceptable lo for the Highland Park school. Mrs. Annie Landgrof, 74, of James Craig. After eating, A1 way at the end of the second William Green, head of the A. F. Grand avenue, died at her . home Behrend called for harmony and round and that only for the bell, This firm finished its plans about Wednesday afternoon following a Formerly to $25.00 of L., and, of course, his work In a month ago and selected the Man­ song led by Edward Taylor, but this would have been knocked out. the campaign places Mr. Hoover long illness death being due to old proved a mistake, for an Osano Havighorst said that articles have chester Cpnstruction Company to age. She is survived by two sons, under certain obligations to him.( do the coiifirmatory figuring show­ dinner is no proper training for been signed for a return match The President-elect faced a quiet Alfred and Charles Landgrof, and a $10,00 vocalists and the low throb of the which will probably take place. ing that the building could be erect­ daughter, Mrs. Albert Glaser, also a orchestra licked the singing in March 21 at Foot Guard hall. Leto holiday insofar as visitors at the S ed within the appropriation. These street home were concerned. So sister, Mrs, Gustave Wolferdorf. every round. predicted that he would beat Bat­ figures were submitted to the build­ The funeral will be held Saturday Adjourning upstairs, the "Mid­ talino the next time they fought. many members of Congress were ing committee tv^o weeks ago and afternoon from her late home. Rev. night Revue”—^surely black as any Leto showed plainly the after­ busy making Washington’s birth­ as required by the district’s by-laws John F. Bauchmann will officiate. midnight — kept the over-fed effects of his fight with Battalino. day addresses that there were few .competitive bids vere asked for. Burial will be in Windsorville. audience in gales of laughter with He wore patches over 6oth eyes and gentlemen of the legislative field There were four bidders, whose Schools Close for Ten Days wise-cracks. The feature of the the skin was scraped off his nose available to call -in. This group of bids were as follows: Manchester The Schools of Vernou closed show was two tap dancers. Misses in a couple of places. He said that holiday orators Included Speaker Construction Company, $67,000; Thursday for a ten day vacation Nan Taggart and Clara Jackmore, he had met two or three men who Nicholas Longworth, of the House, Suzio Construction Company, New and will re-open . l^onday, March tapping their way Into favor to the punch harder than Battalino in his who had been scheduled originally 4th. tune of "Swannee River,” who were career. He is only 21 years old Britain, $69,756; Bartlett & Brain- as a luncheon gueM. ard, Hartford, $54,499; Gustave Notes forced to encore their number and has been in New York since Lester Ludke, pianist, and Jack ’midst thunderous applause. May. Schreiber & Son, $47,426. Keeney, saxophonist, of this city Another feature was a sermon on Havighorst, whose motto is ‘‘you CAPONE’S ONLY WORRY The Schreiber concern named as played with Al Behrend’s orchestra ri csT no “ Miracles” by a colored preacher, can’t fill your • club with apple­ its sub-contractors the following: sm at a banquet and ball held at Helen Bodreau. who earnestly pray­ sauce,” has seen Young Stribllng D. J. Hannafin Co., Hartford, Cheney Hall last evening and to­ ed that a miracle would fill the col­ fight several times and he express^'d IS ABOUT SICK SON plumbing; Frederick Raff & Co., night they will play with the same lection box. The miracle did hap­ the opinion this morning that Uie Hartford, heating; Hpuse Electri­ orchestra at the annual Pythian pen. Solos and chorus numbers Georgia lad will beat Jack Sharkey cal Co., Hartford, electrical work; Masquerade at Masonic Temple, completed the evening’s entertain­ when they fight at Miani Beach (('oiiiituied from Page 1) Arvid Seaburg, Manchester, mason South Manchester. ment. \ next Wednesday night. He says work and plastering; Cambridge Local attorneys and accountants property. These matters keep him YOUTHFUL frocks in the favored SPRING Again A1 Behrend’s Melody Boys Stribling is* much smarter than the Cement Co., Cambridge, Mass., familiar with the Federal Income busy, he asserted. showed their stuff. And did those average fan realizes and can punch cement work; Standard Steel Con­ Tax laws are busy making up in­ modes and the favored materials. “ old-timers” show their partners very hard. Any man who can His Son ni come tax returns for merchants Rich satins and crepes, georgettes, His main worry right now is the struction Co., Hartford, steel; C. that they could strut a mean hoof? knock out 114 boxers whether they G Bostwick, Hartford, roofing; and business men in this city and Those In charge of the commit­ illness of his only son, A1 Capone, crepe Roma, crepe Elizabeth, filmy are called “ palookas” or not, must John Olson, Manchester, painting. vicinity. One local accountant who tees were: Supper, R. O. Cheney. be good, he said, adding that these Jr., ten years old, who has under­ specializes in this work has been chiffon and lace combinations. New Jr., G. Samuel Bohlin, Melvin so-called set-ups are the boys who gone four mastoid operations. The busy evenings for ten days on re­ spring shades and striking color com­ HATS Stacy: entertainment, Herman Mon­ are kicking the “ dope bucket” all boy is at the estate here, recuperat­ turns for a number of clients and binations. tie, Erward Taylor, Thomas Mc­ over the ring every now xnd then. ing, with his mother and father giv­ FIRST TRAIN REACHES has a sufficient number of returns Special for Saturday Gill; waiters, Frank Gainey. John Busch was scheduled to fight ing him every attention. Capone is TOWN IN 3 WEEKS to be filed to keep him busy until Learned, Fred Van Ness; floor, Wil­ Grillo Amendo of Italy in a si.x- very affectionate toward his son, the final day fox filing, March 15th. New Straws $3-95 liam J. McKinney, Carl Johnson, round preliminary at New Haven kissing and fondling him almost Sllverton, Colo., Feb. 22 — Ex­ Chas. P. Hatch of Hartford, the R eg. $4.95 Frank Cervini; decorations. John next Tuesday night but said this every time they meet. citement reigned In Sllverton today well known teacher. Is ixstructlng Reinartz; tickets, Herbert McCann, morning that he will be unable to “ I had him in Mayo brothers after the first train in three we ks the St. Joseph’s Society Band In Spring Felts, straw Frank Maloney, John Echmalian. go through with the match.' Yester­ hospital at Rochester, Minn , and rolled to a stop at ^he railroad sta­ this city and Henry M. Schonl-ock, trim m ed. day afternoon while training at the I saw to it that he received the best tion. The 1,100 or more inhabit­ director of Colt’s Band, is Instruct­ Reg. $2.98 . $lc Charter Oak gym in Hartford. medical attention,” remarked ants had been cut off from the out­ ing the Rockville Boys’ Band and 98 ROGERS TOASTMASTER Busch suffered a bad eye injury Capone. “ I even had a noted sur­ side world except for runners on Union Congregational Church while sparring with Frankie geon from France treat him. His snowshoes since Feb. 3. orchestra. It is estimated there are O’Brien. The pair bumped heads case was most unusual, bu>, be is One locomotive, engaged in now 250 musicians connected with AT BUILDERS’ DINNER and Busch’s right eye is “ up like a fee'ing better now ana my mind is clearing the track ahead of the 36- bands and orchestras in this city. balloon” today. O’Brien's injury somewhat relieved.” car train of provisions, went over Three bands have a membership of was on his head. Capone had a tutor for. the boy the embankment when it hit a huge 80 players and in addition there are but has dismissed him as the child snowdrift. Peter Myers, Denver & six orchestras playing engagements, Gathering to Be Held in Man­ needs rest more than anything else. Rio Grande Wester.n < nittster the High School orchestra of 25 chester Country Club on O PE N F O P I l Capone said he would give A1 mechanic' was serlouslyvinjureds lii pieces; Junior Symphony orchestra Here*s The Grand Finish To Next Wednesday. Junior a college education— “ the the accident,'but the‘erigiheer and of 30 pieces and the Union-Church best education that money can fireman on the engine jumped to and Maple School orchestras. FIRE.MEVS COXVEXTTON. safety as the wheels left the rails. Marriage Intentions have been Willard B. Rogers will act as buy.” Capone said he knows what Feb. 20, 1929. filed at the Town Clerk’s office by Hartford*s Greatest toastmaster at the get-together and it is to miss a good elucation. Watson Thompson of Rockville and dinner of those interested in the Editor, The Herald. “ I only went as far as fourth FEW resignations Miss.Elizabeth Harrold of Hartford. Home Moderizing and Building De­ Your article on page 12 of yester­ grade in grammar school,” he re­ Mrs. Edward Leonard of Grove velopment movement to be held at day's issue under the beading “ Fire­ marked regretfully. Washington, Feb. 22 Wholesale street entertained at a bridge party the Manchester Country Club. Wed­ men Won’ t Benefit by Adv. Solicita­ All questions dealing with the resignations of army officers wilt Thursday afternoon. Dainty re­ nesday evening. Feb. 27 at 6:30 tion” is in error when It states that underworld were parried by follow failure of Congress to enact freshments were served following o’clock. Mr. Rogers has always a professional Advertisln.g Agency Capone. He does not want to discuss promotion legislation. Secretary of the bridge.. CLOTHING SALE been a booster for Manchester and has the Indorsement of the State his past. He would not talk about War Davis today predicted before Engine No. 2, responded to a this movement presents ona of the Firemen’s Association to solicit ad­ his ■vv’ar record either, even though the House military affairs commit- chimney fire at the home of Andrew finest opportunities the town has vertisements for the program for he is said to have made a splendid teee. Kobac, 208 South street on Thurs­ 87 Luxurious-Looking had to sell itself as a residential the State Firem'en’s Conven­ record during the World War. ‘‘I hope that all factions can get day afternoon. section forr Hartford people. tion to be held in East Hartford Capone receives a certai i re­ together and agree upon a bill Hart Schaffner & Marx The national convention of the next August. stricted number of visitors, at his which will do Justice to all concern­ Adaptability to changing condi­ Associated General Contractors of The fact is and the committee of secluded home. Among his callers ed and restore the morale of the tions is the law of business progress America is now being held in Chi­ the East Hartford Firemen and a was Jack Sharkey, who fights officer corps,” he said. today. Fleece Overcoats That cago and one of the matters before committee of the East Hartford Young Stribling at Flamingo park - the convention was the Home next Wednesday night. On Shar­ Modernizing Plan which met with Chamber of Commerce know, that Sold for $75—On ^ le Now at ' the approval of all those present. the State Firemen’s Association did key’s account, Capone broke his Everyone interested in the plan not and will not Indorse programs rule never to be photographedr and is cordially invited to attend. The to be used for its Conventions. Kaplan took pictures Oi. the two of only expense entailed will be $1.50 The Agency that was _ soliciting them together. for the dinner. All that one needs the program privilege, a commltlee “ I pick Stribling to win, although $OA.75 to do is phone or write any one of of the East Hartford Firemen and for personal reasons I would like , this committee, William Knofla, a committee of the East Hartford to see Sharkey win,” Capone said in Harlowe Willis, John Hyde or Leon Chamber of Commerce met with the reply to my question. * Thorp of the Herald. writer, who is a member of the “ I will be at the ringside,” Convention committee, about thrfee Capone added. Hosiery weeks ago and they were told em­ Capone and Mrs. Capone, their UNUSUAL COMEBACK phatically that the State Firejnen’’s son, Al, and four of Capone’s broth­ Association w’ould not indorse ers— Albert, Mimmle, Mattie and Amazing DON’T MISS THIS SALE soliciting for programs and that Ralph— are staying at the beautiful OF STOCK PRICES any arrangements that were made Capone mansion here. would have to be made bettveen tke The home i”. located on an arti­ Values u East Hartford Firemen and the ficial island, is magniflcantly fur­ (Continued from Page 1) Agency. ; nished and the owner is a gracious Marian and Rudy will be glad to meet their many friends 385 Hart Schaffner ’& Marx 1 Statements like that In yester­ host. Costly oil paintings adorn the whom they served in the past,; and assure them that the and early February, are absolutely days Herald put the 'State Fire­ walls. Suits.That'Sbld For $45, essential to the well-being of the men’s Association In an embarras- values they offer have never before been equalled. market. What most speculators ing position and the writer would need Is sufficient foresight to enable like' to know if any of our -local Genuine Spiral’Net All-Silk Hose $50, $56, $60—Many o f Which them to dodge the violent dips merchants have been told by these ABOUT TOWN which occur from time to time. solicitors that they have the in­ A beantiful hose for day and Are Good For Year ’Round Loans Decrease dorsement of the State Firemen’s Miss Margaret Healey of Buck- The Reserve Board reported a Association. land will spend the school vacation evening wear. Openkig speeial $1.00 decline of $91,000,000 in the Yours truly. with her grandparents, Mr. and Wear—On Sale Today at week’s total of speculative brokers’ W. J. CROCKETT.- Mrs. Frank Plumb of Amherst, 42-guage, 7-strand, full Fiill-fashioned, all-silk : 1. Mass. loans, as compared with the pre­ Vlce Pres. State Firemen’s Assn. fashioned, pure silk semi­ extra-clear and long chif­ vious week. Most financial authori­ ties will be inclined to say: ‘ 'Not Editor’s Note— The Herald’s in­ Gibbons Assembly Catholic La­ service fon hose, a dk I nr. enough,” since in Wall street the formation was furnished by the dles of Columbus will conduct a hose at v A aU O ■ $1.$5 value $ I • 1 a view was entertained that a larger Chamber of Commerce. It Is prob­ progressive bridge and whist at K. 3 Prs. $3.50 of C. clubrooms this evening at Sizes 8 I/2 to 'shrinkage was expected and 'would able that the advertising agency is Sizes 814 to 10. be demanded by the Reserve Board. using the State Firemen’s Associa­ 8:15. The social will be open to tion’s name without authority. members and their friends. The Picot top French chiffon, The powerful “ Morgan and First Pnll-fashi(med, pure silk ‘National crowd” were the reputed committee in charge is composed of full-fashioned, pure v silk, Miss Rose Woodhouse, chairman; service weight* A hose for buyers of United States Steel and MOUNT WHITNEY VISITORS Really heautiful. - WILL TRAVEL BY PLANE Mrs. Helen Barrett, Mrs. Messier, real wear and heauty. the best of the independent steel Bessie and Dorothy Tynan and stocks on the last full session of the Beatrice Sweeney. Extra *^1 QO DON’T MISS THIS SALE week. They see a big future for the Porterville, Cal.—Visitors to long..i. Mount Whitney, highest point In steel industry and are not govern­ Miss Edith Hunter of lAhrel $1.39'" “ ed by the Reserve Board’s rulings the United States, may soon make Sizes 814 to lOYz, Sizes 8^2 to 1014' the trip in two hours, instead oi an street, and Miss Charlotte Veiteb of In finding money to carry out their Church street left last night for a stock market operations. It all goes auto and pack-train journey of five We Carry Outsize Hose a t ...... $1.65 pair days. visit with friends in New York to prove what has been repeatedly City. They expect to return Mon­ pointed out in these articles; name­ This was in prospect today when day morning. ly- that many important sections of it. was announced that Templeton the market have not yet been Meadow, located near the base of The Cyp club has found it neces­ thoroughly exploited. the mountain, is in excellent con­ sary to change the time of its Sun­ Marian Hosiery Co. '■ -I dition as a landing field. Porter­ day evening meeting at Center ville business interests are plan­ church from 7 to 6:30 in order that 57 PRATT STREET. ^ So helpful did Nietzsche find ning the formation of an aero club the speaker. Dr. Sidney Weston Room 313 Hartford .j Hudson Bldg* rapid walking that he went to the to exploit this new air route. may be able to return to Boston length of affairmlng, “ Do not trust that evening. An invitation has ’ EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED PERFECT. an idea unless it has come to yon The young fellow who can dress a been extended to other organiza­ Hartford, Conn. in the open air, when one is in chicken on twenty dollars a vyeeli; tions of young people To attend this free motion.” has something to crow over. 3 '.-M meeting. m « ■

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t -r ^ < ■*■ ■


damages, so no arrests were i^ade. not exactly commonplace in a city encounter ylth tfi® Merrlmac, Tin- most w pMcefal k . tlmiAik Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchins IN NEW YORK as congested^as Manhattan, yet tn a few years ago some of the spance populated vKlmg* of uncer­ and Francis Hutchins spent the here in the old “ Drydock Belt,” veterans would shuffle in ta recall tain geography. ' . 5 day Sunday in , where they you will come upon boarded win­ youthful hours spent over the GILBERT s w a n ; > BRAINS COUNT, AFTER ALL attended the church Mrs. Hutchins dows 'With broken panes and emp­ tables. Practically all are dead. New York, Feb. 22.— ^The nerves IN GREAT DEMAND attended before her marriage. of a New York traffic officer, \8ta- ty rooms behind them. It is a tiny section of the city which has Camel Myers Makes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoltenfeldt tioned at some hectic “ key” spot, and daughter Barbara of Manches­ been lost in the shuffle and for­ Far away it Is from the Man­ A movie dtreetor was discussing An Interesting Note are good for from five to seven ter spent Sunday in Columbia, the years. Then they begin to give way. gotten.’ hattan which is today; and close It with a woman the difficulty o£ fill­ On Hollywood guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Only a few survive. Nervous dis­ Only the old “ Drydock House” is to the Manhattan that was. AH ing a particular part in a forth­ Isham. orders begin to smite them. Many | . . . a colorful sailor’s'bar in about, as one approaches, the pace coming play. , Mrs. Ruth Jacobs has been have to be removed and, in a few years agone . . . retains a sem­ of life seems to slacken and be re­ “ I want,” he said, “ a young man who looks like Lindbergh, is By Dan Thom as>\ spending several days with friends cases, nervous breakdowns were re­ blance of life. flected in the browsing, slow-step­ in Hartford and Verhon. This Is a spot dating back to ped casualriess of those who move tall, blue-eyed and has sex appeal, ? Hollywood, Calif.— Brains act- ported. a sense of humor and an air of VUally have become an important Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brousseau the Civil 'War. Tradition and along the streets. Ofttlmes it seems And this is the case, despite all legend flavor its atmosphere, and distinction.” >|kctor In the make-up of a motion are the parents of a baby girl born efforts to pick “ nerveless” men for impossible that this is a part and Monday morning. Mrs. Brousseau you’ll hear of the time when the “ So do I,” she sighed.— Tit-Bits. ‘•Jicture player, is the word of Car­ the posts. To be sure, there might parcel of the fabulous metropolis. was Miss Juliette Hennequin be­ Monitor crew stopped for food be­ mel Myers, herself an actress. be a few husky and dumb speci­ It is even quiet and reflective, al- - Titian-haired Carmel actually be^ fore her marriage. fore taking sail tor the celebrated mens who could stand the wear and ;i|)eves that the day has come when The Ladies Aid society were en­ WILLARD person must have brains to com- tear of such work, but they would tertained Wednesday afternoon by be inefficient. The tests given are EYES EXAMINED Radio Rentals Auto loat the combined forces of movie Mrs. H. W. Porter and Mrs. Bailey, ^ m era and microphone. both versatile and careful. A cer­ GLASSES FITTED at the home of Mrs. Porter. Thirty- tain mechanical stolidity is, of SERVICE STATION t>’' “ Talking pictures have done a eight ladies and six children were LIFE RUINED BY A Charge Account Can Be course, demanded, since a monoton­ fitot of things to this industry, one present, the largest gathering of ous variation in arm swinging is do- Arranged. w the most important being the the kind on record. A very enjoy­ Batteries Recharjired ’iilacement of a value on brains,” manded. Yet there must be a good LEWIS A. HINES, REF. O, able afternoon was spent, closing declares Carmel. “ Brains never head for the many crises which rise Optometrist with refreshments served by the NEGLECT mattered before as far as an actor and there must be a pleasant and 57 Pratt St., Hartford Telephone 15 ' 'iSr actress was concerned. But hostesses. affable disposition to meet the mil­ The regular meeting of Columbia Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN— a ,jibw we must learn our lines.” ' lions of questions asked; there Grange was held Wednesday even­ ■ Miss Myers has just completed must Jje an intelligent capacity for Simple Remedy for a Wide­ '^wo “ squawkies” for Fox so she ing with 32 members present. The direction and an eagle eye. spread Eyil I lecturer’s hour was on the general :i^ould know something about them Because the various seasons must subject of “ Art.” Much pleasure 5imd their requirements. And I be weathered, the body must be Many a man has suddenly real­ have been told by Fox executives was manifested by the exhibition strong. The man must be able to ized that he was losing out—all be­ that she is very good In both. Car- of drawings by the members pres­ stand heat and blizzard, while car­ cause he neglected constipation too r'ttel always has been a good actress, ent, some of 'hem showing much rying on his trying task. The aver­ long. This evil scourge starts with Radio Values •^ow her voice has been put on a talent. The music of the evening age physique would snap under the such little things. A headache. A '^ r with her other .qualities— due to was in charge of Miss Congetta Neut^-odyne Radio Set complete with tubes, speaker some extent, no doubt, to the con- Sergio, who gave three piano selec­ requirements and the hectic strain listless morning. A dondy com­ would tense average nerves to 'sMerablt singing she has done at tions. Miss Marie Bergfrede read a plexion. . and B ^he time or another, paper on “ American Art and Art­ breaking point within a few days. But all the while it saps strength, Elim inator...... $3700 ixi; Charles “ Buddy” Rogers, who ists” and Mrs. Ruth Jacobs one on kills initiative, steals ambition. And Confusion plays a large part In rtfnring the last year has become one “ Art and Architecture.” A guessing if allowed to continue to poison the 'of the screen’s most popular lea.1- the wearing down process of system, it may bring on serious Franklin 5 Tube Radio Set complete ^ g men, is about to break into contest ended the evening’s enter­ even the strongest. Habit does, to tainment. The subject of the next disease. Women know it as the fame in other fields. Having always some extent, overcome this, but thoi with Tubes and Speaker...... $30 00 meeting will be “ The Weather.” deadly enemy of youth and beauty. heen a musician of considerable eye strains and tires, I am told, Carleton Hutchins was voted in’.o Men, as ability’s crudest foe. ability, “ Buddy” has now turned to from looking ceaselessly upon the the Grange and was obligated in Roister Console All Electric Radio used song writing. He has just finished seemingly endless stream of ma­ Don’t let it ever prey on you. song which will be introduced »o the 1st and 2nd degrees. chines and humans. - Guard against it. You can—with a as demonstrator, $270 set fo r ...... $150 ‘ tibe public in his next picture. He The Board of Relief met at the Tempers must remain even, how­ delicious cereal. Kellogg’s .will get a three-cent royalty on Town Hall all day Thursday. This ever annoying the circumstances ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to pre­ each sheet sold. is their third and last meeting. arising. One of the oldest of Fifth vent constipation—^to promptly re­ • - “ Zwie und Fierzigste Strasse.” Those of us who read the weath­ RADIO REPAIR AND SERVICE Avenue officers lost his post recent­ lieve it. Just eat two tablesppon- !i^o, that’s not a new kind of food. er forecast in Wednesday night’s -It’s mereif" the title of America’s ly because he lost his temper in an fuls daily —- chronic cases, with paper “ increasing cloudiness and every meal. first talking film for foreign re­ Carmel Meyers discovers brai ns actu; ■.I‘3 needed in movies. slightly warmer” were surprised argument with a chauffeur, who lease. As might be expected, ’IVar- turned out to be the driver of the ALL-BRAN is 100% bran. Doc­ of all three languages. them have been revived by the In­ arid somewhat peeved on arrislag GIBSON^S GARAGE aer Brothers are leading in this Thursday morning to find the ther­ police commissioner’s car. The tors recommend it. Serve with milk And still some more news on the troduction of dialogue. Mitchell commissioner held that the officer 'field as they have in every other mometer at 11 and the worst snow or cream. Use in cooking— muffins, 'talkie development. The film, a talkies. On looking over the cast Lewis, Lee Shumway, Lloyd Whit­ “THE SUPER SERVICE STATION” storm of the season in progress. should have kept his head. The breads, etc. Delicious recipes on one reeler, is their product. The sheet of “ l,.e Leatherneck,’' a lock, Jack Richardson, Cohn Chase, There is an old superstition that chauffeur, of course, was also fired. package. Grocers sell it. Restau­ Phone 701-2 film was made with German, French rathe photophone production, I was Richard Neill, Joseph Girard and There are, perhaps, few more struck by the number of old timers Philo McCullough are all talking in when you see a lot of women out rants, hotels, dining cars serve it. and English dialogue, each member trying jobs in all New-York. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. •f its cast being a fluent speaker playing in it. Practically all of the film. it is a sign of storm and some of the men folks were unkind enough Near the Williamsburg ' bridge, to blame the Ladies Aid meeting and caught on the eastern hounds Wednesday for the weather. As one' of Fifth street, is a tiny village o'" them unfeelingly remarked “ Just >y Needed Goat’s Milk As Food; COLUMBIA which, somehow, has lost its iden­ look what the Ladies Aid have stir­ tity and Its very life. red up this time.” Those who have Rows of vacant buildings are Advertise in'The Evening H eralfIt Pays An automobile accident which been perusing the seed catalogues Now Big Goat Msoi From Nebraska for the past few days, put them occurred Sunday afternoon Just away with a sigh and Instituted a west of the Green on the Hebron search for the snow shovel', as be­ » Fairbury, Neb.— Because his son p ’’^^*®'^® much in demand as a read caused quite a little excite­ ing of more Importance Just now. ____. , - . - r . body builder especially in treat- needed special food as an infant' ment, for a time. A Ford was pro­ The storm continued through the ment of pulmonary diseases, retail­ ceeding toward Hebron with a .iwo industries have been added to day with a slowly rising tempera­ ing for from 35 cents to a dollar a Studebaker behind. Just in front community and Fairbury is well quart, depending on the locality. ture so the weather prediction was f of the residence of T. G. Tucker, vindicated to that extent. ^ o w n wherever goats are raised. the driver of the Ford signaled for Twelve years ago, Willard, son HE’S THE ONLY ONE. a left turn, meaning to turn across iif Dr, C. E. Leach, then an infant the road into the Tucker driveway SOUTH CAROLINA FARMER t required a nutritious food and his Portland, Ore.— Tie this one, if to turn around. The Studebaker PROFITS IN SUGAR CANE Everhot Hot Water was unable to stop, and a car com­ father bought a small herd of goats. you can. A conscience-stricken m Bottles and Bottle 4 TGoat milk proved its value in build- | motorist recently sent the following ing in the other direction compli­ St. Matthews, S. C.— Let King * RefiUs Mag Lao Hag Lae f lag Willard into a husky youngster cated matters, so that the Stude­ • Milk of letter to Traffic Captain Irwin: “ I Cotton fall from his throne, so far m Tooth. 4 and Dr. Leach and an older sou was in PorUand recently and, upon baker hit the Ford, turning It over as G. W. Stabler, Calhoun County iu $1.39 98c MagneelA Corl, now 22, develoyed an intense on its side in the Tucker driveway. Toothpaste Bmah ^ starting for* home, I went several farmer, is concerned. i« Interest in the animals. blocks without putting my lights The Ford was quite badly smashed Stabler, brother of a South Caro­ Guaranteed Syringe Today Dr. Leach is regarded as on. I did not do so intentionally, and the occupants, a man. Woman line associate supreme court justice 23c 37 c 3 an authority on goats, while Corl nor did anyone say anything about and child shaken up and bruised, realized $2,500 from five acres of $1.59 is in constant demand at fairs and it, but I thought I would write and though fortunately no one was seri­ sugar cane. five stock shows as a judge of the find out if there is any fine for it. ously hurt. The driver of the Stude­ 'i.iM iiinimnitiinmiiinl ij^mals. Dr. Leach and his sons “ That,” said 'he farmer, “ is bet­ If there is, I wish you would let me baker took the responsibility for (^ o own and operate one of the ter than raising cotton in boll wee­ AN D TO i LET CO O D S^ two existing journals devoted ex­ know.” the accident, and offered to pay all vil times.” clusively to the breeding and care BORALINE COTY*S of goats. The International Goat Journal. MOUTH FACE •?-, Small Beginning -v.,, “ Ours was a humble beginning.in WASH POWDER both lines,” "^r. Leach explained. THE. RECORD "BREAKING NEW NA ^ H « 4 0 Q’* “After Corl’s graduation from high school we had an opportunity to 38c 89c j^rchase the goat journal from a Jinian who published it at Ensign, l^nsas, along with his weekly pa­ per. We moved the equipment here l i a truck and started publication P O N D ^ fir' the basement of our home. To- OOCOANDT Sgy our journal is read in every COLD ?tate in the Union and in eighteen OIL ftireign countries. We employ three CREAM l^ n to assist us in its publication.” SHAMPOO ^ h e goat industry is growing by th p h te e l^ p s and bounds. Dr. Leach de­ 29c clared. 47c *' “ A few years ago people would ■i. l * v « :• ebme for hundreds of miles to see m j u s i t our flock of goats. Now they can see many of the animals in their PINT • •9'^* li. ^ T ,'T *1 I LESCO biwn community,” he said. ■■ it, ’» , ^ A good indication of the growth O m o n t h s ! UNIVERSAD^ CLOTHES ra^goat breeding can be seen at ■ ' i ' - " ' “ nv DOULABS AND CENTS 'VDIUME, State and county fairs, Dr. Leach BOTTLES t^ntinued. A few years ago not ACCORMIUS TO OfFIClAl. neVKES CLEANER 8 Oupa l^ r e than one or two animals were ^hibited if any at all. Throughout the entire store you will ‘ '■'Now, however, the goat depart­ N July 1, 1928, Nash stood nintb —making it, by a tremendous margin, 23c $ U 9 / ment of the international dairy the outstanding motor success of mod­ rtow is fast taking its place along- O -in dollars and cents volume o f scores of values, so important, in l^ e the dairy cow exhibition. sales, exclusive o f Ford, according to ern automobile history. Corl Leach with his bride of a the official figures for the year ending Spring Why? Because Nash gives them the fact, that.many a patron will put in a Yesur Gnaraateed week are just winding up a trip at that date. - Blossom through the old south where he Twin-Ignition motor . . . gives them supply for weeks to come. You know ALARM has been engaged in judging and On January 1, 1929, just six months cars equipped with the Bijur central- Warding ribbons on milch goats TOILET later, according to the same official ixed chassis lubrication system . : s CLOCK ilid rams. His last circle included WATER this store for its quality—know it, too, Little Rock, Ark., Memphis, Tenn., figures, Nash stood fourth. with hydraulic shock absorbers ; : 3 kpd other cities. He has judged with bumpers front and rear,» . spare for its low prices. 98c Ihimals at Des Moines, the Cana­ In this very brief period the new tire lock ; i ; cars completely, Inzuri- $1.59 dian provincial fair at Westminster, Nash "400” has completely changed fi. C., and Pomona, Cal. Old Mexi- onsly equipped * i extra cost. 80 is also developing large herds of the. automobile picture of America. blooded goats. Ninth to fourth place in just six mondis Meat is “ Chevron” With unmistakable enthusiasm, mo­ because the new Nash "400” is the Garden Court BIAVIS ; There are several good strains ol torists everywhere have placed their only car of all the new cars with every PACKARD’S TALCUM iallch goats, according to Dr. Leach. stamp of approval upon this new Nash COLD Saanans are the Holsteins of the new and progressive feature! goat family, pure white with slep- CREAM POWDER der faces and well formed bodies. VI Nubians are the Jersey and come in DRUG STORE almost any color but are easily H "400 37c ^ AT THE CENTER 19c Identified by their long, hound-like * ^ Ltcade the World in Cenr VM ne ears. Toggenbergs carry bridle • • i f HmmiiHniiiiiiiim nn marks and white feet contrasted m POBTANT “400” FEATURES—JVO OTBEMt TBJEJtt with a brown body and rank next to ^anans in milk production. Twin-Ignition motor Alnminom alloy pistons JBl)ar centralized Longer whcclbeses •AFTER SHAVING (hrMf Strutt) Another little known fact is that 12 Aircraft-type sp^k chassis lobricadon Qne-piece Salon goat meat makes excellent food, plugs New double drop frame fenders LOTION Imported the flesh being sold under the trade Electric clocks High compression Totaional vibration Qear vision front B A Y RUM label of chevron. It is milder than damper Exterior metalware pillar posts mutton and resembles pork in tex­ Houdtille and Lovejoy chrome plated over 38c ture and flavor. shock absorbers W orld’s easiest steering nickel Nash Special Design 49c -^>As in the cattle industry goat (excluuve Nash 7-bearing crankshaft front and rear Short taming radios bumpers l(teeders are attempting to elimin­ Salon Bodies enmk pmt) Spring flenr Du ate horns and Dr. Leach estimates | Blnssoiri Midi DE VILB18S f8 per cent of his herd are "muley” Face ATOMIZER OT naturally hornless. Others are Imported ddhomed in the same manner as MADDEN BBOTHmtS Powder Guaranteed cattle. Another advantage of goat H AND BRUSH POWDER PUFF ^ s in g is the fact that they multi- Cornel- Main St. & Brainard Place So. Muichester 38c 98c faster than cattfe. Twins, trip­ ^ . 29c ^ 23c l y and even quarduplets are not r- IHIIHHIlimiHMUliHUI ■^common. v^oat milk l8 declared highly nu- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1929: VAGE FTVEP^t Roads In The Hea^^ L ead To BUSY HERRUF CENTER


m TEMPLE sr.

. PR ATT ST. Attractive 3-Piece Velour Living Room Suite Charming 3-Piece Bedroom Suite sr£/

a s y l u m ST.

fiHoetftx snrs 0 Am/( t ' 7H a*r p m c / r y t ,

€' y j

p e a r l ST. m CENTRAL ROW of .AlOXaMAfti . AAATfOAO CoMa. > -rAu%r

3 PIECES Isn’t This A Charming Jacquard Suite? How Lovely This Suite Will Be In Your Home How much more comfortable and charming would your home be 4 PIECES with such a lovely living room suite as this! Each piece has the A suite of this high character is worthy of the finest home! To popular curved fronts, spring-filled cushions and excellent Jacquard adequately describe it, is almost impossible here. You must see it to coverings! Included are the divan, wing chair and club chair! On fully appreciate the beauty of design and finish! The full-size Bed, no ' ceAfTEH y* sale at Herrup’s—Corner Main and Morgan Sts. Jjll.50 WEEKLY the Chest of Drawers (without top deck), the Vanity and the Dress­ M/m /M 4erA/Aj er are included at this exceptionally low price. One sale at Herrup’s, GOLD ST. w m . $1,50 WEEKLY _ . 1U 2J1 ' ^ ATHENEUM 5T. Corner Main and Morgan Streets. rrrrrrrrrnrrr ^ PA/.Ace TueATAet C 'W ///////////M ^


'CAPiroL 7»eAreeffteATAEy ATHENEUn ST.SO.

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‘*s»8gm8g»»' v5ri Exceptional Value! 8-Piece Dining Room Suite

i' See this handsome Dining Room Suite—buy it on its merits! The Colorful Fiber Furniture / lai'ge extension table—the spacious buffet—the host chair and five side For the porch, lawn or sitting room—in the new gay colors of sum- chairs are included in this suite for only $97. If you have room and desire KLH ST. SHELDON ST. mer furniture! We offer the 3-piece suite, including the Settee, Chair the China Cabinet and server you can purchase all ten pieces for only and Rocker, in choice of colors, at this exceptionally low price! On $137‘^0, Make your purchase now, while these low prices are in effect—_ sale at Herrup’s, Corner Main and Morgan Streets! . • ' $i .oo»aa’EEKl y $1.50 WEEKLY and have it delivered whenever you want it. 3S8SS

VAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 22, 1929. Rdute No. 133— ^Hartland Hollow shovel grading. ;No detours. Bridge le under construction. Short Weston-Nfewtown road, steam detour around bridge. shovel grading. No detours. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Route No. 136^—New Pairlield- Westport - Mornlngslde Drive, CONDITION OF Sherman road, macadam completed grading stopped for present. No de­ 280.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. Leading DX Stations. I for 4 miles. Use old road, or new lay to traffic. Friday, February 22. I 7:00—.leslers entertainment. location one mile. Railing uncom­ , Windsor Liocks-Suffield, East , A tribute to America’s first presi­ S:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. pleted. street Is under construction. Traffic^, dent by Clmries ISvans Hughes will be 11:00—Studio recital. 9:00—WJZ programs'12 nrs.) STATE ROADS 11:45—Kalohi's Hawaiiiin ensemble. Route No.- -154— Washington-. broadcast from coast to coast by tlie 399.8— W eX-W JR. DETROIT—750. may take good road, through Suf^, AVJ2A1'' chain on Wusliingtou’s Biriii- 8:30—W.IE programs (114 hrs.) /293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. Woodbury road, bridge under con­ field Center. ; > . day at 7:30. Hughes has announced 10:00—Harmony piano twins. 10:35—Tanner’s dance orchestra, struction at. one-place. Railing un­ his subjeot for U>e radio address as 10:30—Orchestra: ’’Static.’’ ll:3u—WJZ Eluuiber music. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ‘82 12:45—Fiorito’s dance orchestra. completed. ' J ” 'riie Debt the Nation Owes George 499.7—WTIC. HARTFORD—600. Second IVIortgage - Washington." Frederick William Wile, 7:00—Old Hebrew melodies. 1:00—Insomnia Club music. Road conditions and detours iu Route No. 182— Brookfleld-Oji- political analyisjt and newspaper cor­ 7:30—Hughes’ talk with WEAF. 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. tuse road, construction work com­ Money respondent of note, ■will introduce Mr. 7:45—Musical program, furrleis. 9:0u—Corn Poppers orchesiiH. the State of Connecticut made nec­ llughcs over the air. Belle Baker, menced. No iletours. 9;00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 9:30—Feature; dance orchestra. NOW ON h a n d famous vaudeville headliner, will be 10:15—I’olilics; dance orchestra. essary by highway construction and No Route Nimibcrs the star of the hour to be broadcast 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—710. 1:00—Night ^club progruni. repairs announced by the State Beacon Fall-Pine’s Bridge under over the Columbia network at 8:30. 6;45_Male quartet, tenor An hour and a halt later the same •/:00—Levitow'a dinner orchestra. 254.1—w J jD .CHICAGO—1180. Highway Department, as of Feb. construction. No delay. Arthur A. Knofla 7:30—Mrs. ICIing’a presentation. 7:00—Symphony orchestra; talk. group of broadcasters ■will radiate the 9:00—Mooseheart clilldren's noiir. 20th, are as follows:* Bethlehem-Watcrtown road, ma­ grand opera, "11 Trovatore," by Verdi. S;(i(l— Movie flose-up.s proarnm. Route No. 3.—^Danbury-Newtown 975 Main Phone 782-2 The scene is laid in Biscay and Aragon 8:30—Belle Baker, vaudeville star, 416.4— WON-WLIB, CHICAGO^720. cadam construction completed for 2 in the middle of the 15Ui century and 10:00—Grand opera, "II Trovatore." 10:00—Opera excerpts, "Valencia." road, bridge and construction ^ ork miles. Grading completed for one 10:30—Minute Men's orchesiia. 11:15-laiuie’8 Hungry Five, concerns the rivalry' of the Count dl 11:30—Dance orchestra, entertainer. on new location. mile. X I.una and Maurice, the troubadour, 11:00—Two (laneo oiclieslraa. Route No. 6— Brooklyn-Daniel- who are both iu love with Leonora, a 302.8—WBZ. NEW ENGLAND—990. 12:00—Dream ship; dance music. Canterbury-Newent Road under noble lady of the court. A dramatic 6:15—Adelph!an.s dance orchestra. 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—870. son road in the towns of Killlngly construction .for 2 miles, south of ABEL’S sketch will bo presented for the first 7:30—VVJ21 programs (3 urs.) 8:00—WEAF musical program. and Brooklyn is under construc­ Canterbury. Grade rough, travel time in honor of Washington’s Birth­ U:4U7-Little Symphony orcheatra, 10:50—Lowe’s dance orchestra. 10:00—Choral concert; program. tion. .difficult. Expert Repairing of day at 10 o’clock through WEAh and 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660. associated stations. With an all-star 11:30—Show boat; Hawallans; dance. Route No. 10— Middletown-Say- Grahby-Salmon, Brook street is Auto Electrical Systems. 6:00—Dinner dance music. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. cast picked from the outataiming 6:30—Twins harmony progrom. brook road is under construction under construction. Open to traffic. drnmutic features on the air, the Con­ 8:00—Columbia programs (3 hrs.’J 26 Cooiier St. Tel. 7SS) 7:01'—Happy Wonder quartet; orch. 11:00—ivmos ’n’ Andy; potpourri. from Higganum to Haddam Town Weston-Lyons Plains Road, steam cert Bureau will enact a miniature 7:30—Washington’s Birthday talk by comedy of "Washington’s First De­ 12:00—Two dance orchestras. Hall. Open to traffic. Charles Evans Hughes. WANOERIM© ALSATROiSS ______feat." in addition to regular musical 288.3— WFAA, DALLAS—1640. Bloomfleld-Granby road is under features. Tlie story deals •with the 8:00—Orchestra, mule quarieL 8:00—WEAF orcihestra; quarteL HAS A V4INe «P R B A O Ol* FT?Q5\ 'TV4El>/H TC> FtSOFTTEEM 9:00—An evening In Pari.s. 10:00—Studio enteriulnment. construction, .hut open to traffic. groat American warrior’s disappoint­ 9:30—Schradertown band concert. rEET.^ )N TAKINS V »N © HE MOST 7?ACE .THE VJINO AND ment hi love, when at the age of 16 299.3—w o e . OAVENHUrtI—1000. 9201 A SHORT •d i s t a n c e , HOY4BVEB. ONCE IN THE AIR- Route No.'17— West Hartford- he was jilted by the "Lowland Beau- 10:00—Concert Bureau with "Washlng- 7:30—WEAF programs (314 hrs.) tv." Lucy Grymes. A medley of songs , ton’s First Defeat," drama. 361.2—KOA. DENVER—33U. h e c a n r e m a i n A w r r f o r . p a w s . Avon, Albany Ave., is under ‘con­ on river tlicmca will bo featured by 11 :^0—Lopez and liis orchesiia. 10:35—Solitarie cowooy'a music. struction. Road open. an orchestra under the direction of 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:00—Wl'lAK Lopez orcheatra. Route No. 109— Mansfleld-Pboe- j ’hll Spitnlny at 10:30 through the WJZ 4:00—Pacific Little Symphony. 12:00—Patrlotlo song numbers, chain. The medley Include.^ "Swanee 6 :0 0 -Wilson’s Novelty orchestra. 12:30—String trio; Trocaderans. nixville road is under construction. Klver." "Deep Itlver" and "Slow Riv­ 0:30—’Pho Olopin Eiglit. 374.8- WBAP, FORT WORIH-«0a This road is impassable to traffic. er." ______7:00—Trio In popular songa 10:00—Orchestral concert. 7:16—Health talk. "Influenza.” 11:00—Show boat, organist, artlita. Black face type Indicates beet features 7:30—Dixie Circus program. Uncle 11:30—Musical programs (214 bra) Bob Sherwood, famous clown. 374.8— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—800. OAr'^MENT FASHION C E N T E R.-- All programs Eastern Standard Time. 8:90—Emily Woolley, soprano. 7:15—Radio supper club, tenor. 8:15—Talk by John Tell. 8:45—Orchestra; peanut boy. 8:30—Chorus, orchestra, soloists. 491.5— WDAI-, KANSAS CITY—610. A Leading: East Stations. 9:00—Musical review, orchestra, trio, 9:00—WEAK evening. offer 872.fr-WPQ, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. soloists. 9:30—Studio musical hour.* 8:30—Talk; studio entertainers. 9:30—Operetta excerpts. 11:00—Amos ’ n* Andy, comtu team. Snappy 0:80—Minstrel men’s frolic. 10:0()—New challengers scries. 11:15—Orchestra; varied program. 30:00—Popular organ selectlone. 10:S(>—rhil Kpllolny’s music. % 12:45—Nlghtbuwk frolic. 11:30—Supper dance orchestra. 11:00—Slumber music. 468.5- KFI. LOS ANGELES—540. 233—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1060. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—810. l2t4Wr-Concert orchestra, planlsL IF urn SRlLLIANr coton. r,-.SO—Pageant; studio program. 7:30—P. IL '1\ Instrumental quartet 1:00-^74, K. C. dance music. o r LBAYEB IN AtflUMN IS 7:30—W.li5 programs (3 hrs.) K;on—Hn.locu musical shower. 365.6— WHA$. LOUISVILLE—820. CAUSBO 8Y MINBRALS V E fT 10:30—Musical memories. 9:00—Sketch, "Coipnial Philadelphia" lO’OO—WJZ raa1b~quarlei. IN THE LHAJ» CHUS ARTEFL- 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. by the Selvad quartet. ^ 9:00—WJZ musical review. NOTKBR • NATORB HAS >NnTH(W2A'WN C;45—Columbia feature. 10:00—Two urchs; orguntst (2 hrs.) 10:30—Studio entertaInmenL THE PRBC'IOOS SA P. 7:11—Amos ’ n* Andy, comlo team. 305.0—KDKA. PITTSBURGH-980. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. ‘ 7:25—Paul Shirley’s program. . 6:15—I’ltlsbiirgh University talk. 9:00—Singing fireman; pla,v. Tweed 8:00—Columbia programs (8 hrs.) 7;na_Stiidlo' musical program. 10:00—Enlorlalncr.s; mnlo quarteL 11:10—Gallagher’s dance orchestra. 7:15—WJZ programs (3',4 hrs.) 11:35—liong’s dunco orchestra. 646.1-WQR. BUFFALO—550. 10:50—Bestor's dance orchestra. 451.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. 7:30—Hughes’ talk with WEAF. 245.8— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 9:00—WJZ musical review. «;tio—Wl'lAF programs (8 hrs.) 6:00—WE.\F dinner concert 0:30—WJZ operatic excerpta 11:00- Washington birthday talk. 7:00—Twins; soprano. pl.anisL 10:00—Caldwell Symphony orchestra. Van Surdam’s dance orchestra, 7:30—W EAF programs (314 hrs.) 379.5— KQO. OAKLAND—790, WASHINGTON. 333.1-WMAK, BUFFALO—900. 260.7—WHAM. ROCHESTER-1150. 12:00—Drama. "The Jinx Mate." 7;no—Armbruster’a string ensemble. 7:30—Minstrels; studio program. 1:00—Flute, clarinet, pianist. ESTHER RALSTON 7:30—Hughes’ talk with WEAF. 8 :3 0 -WJZ programs (2 hrs.) 2:00—King’s dance orchesiia. 0:00—Columbia programs (2 hrs.) 10:30—'Cellist and contralto. 608.2—WOW. OMAHA—590. This man was poised, reliant on Travel 11:00—Two dance oicheslras. 11:00—W.IZ Slumber music. 11:00—Musical, vocal rccllul. COMING TO CIRCLE himself, 428.3—W LW , CINCINNATI—700. 379.5— WQY, SCHENECTADY—790. 2:00—Artists program. Yot not an egotist, lie know the M;)io—T.ampllght melodies. 11:55—Time; weather; markets. 270.1- WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. S:r.0—W.TJS programs (2 lira.) G;00-Stocks, markets, farm forum. 8:111—Mosin talk: studio hour. worth 10:30—Merry ramblers music. 0:30—WEAF harmony twins. 9:011—W.IZ musical review. Of action to control tho moment's 11:00—WJ/j Slumber musiu. 7:00—Union College sponker. 9;::ii—Uu.xal Hawallans music. Esther Ralston’s latest Para­ 7:15—Dinner music: talks trend 32:00—Orchestra; gondolyrlcs, 10:00—WJZ musical program. mount starring vehicle, "The Case And strove for wisdom to direct his 1:00—Tlilet’t dunce orchestra. 7 :3 0 -WEAF , programs_ _ (3>4 hrs.) 10:.‘IO—Dunco orcho.ilru: organist of Lena Smith,” will open at the Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. mind: Circle theater for a special two days Seeking for knowledge amid clouds 410.7—CFCF. MONTREAL—73a 202.6— WORD, BATAVIA—1480. 508.2—WEEI, BOSTON—690. engagement commencing on Satur­ of doubt. 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 7:00—Battle’s orchestra, address. 8:00—Concert; agricultural talk. day. 10:00—Fur trappers concert. 9:00—Musical entertainment 9:00—Musical program; >jrtlais. His fortitude was equal to each 10:45—Uenard’s dance orqhestra. 11 :(i0—Denny’s dance orchestra. 344.5- WENR, CHICAGO—870. “ The Case of Lena'^ Smith” Is need 348.5—WABC. NEW YORK—860, 8:bS—Farmer P.uak’a talk. something no one will want to miss 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. And justice was a part of all he 6;:ta—Four K Safety club. 7:00—Dinner dance program. 12:30—Late variety program. under any circumstances. It is a 8:00—Talks by famous aviators. 7:00—Old Time Singing School. 12:40—Comedians, Adam and La. story of mother-love in the Josef did; Fur S:iMl—WE.AF programs (3 hrs.) 8:30—Orchestra; comedy skit. 202.6— WHT, CHICAGO—1480. There was no littleness in his great 11:00—Two danco orchestras. 9:30—Soloists, Instrumentalists. 10:00—Itiimbler.s concert ensemble. von Sternberg manner, for it is 10:30— Tw o ri.nnce orclie.'sltii.o. soul, 215.7—WHK. CLEVELAND—1390. 12:00—Your hour league. Sternberg who directed this won­ Collared 296.9—WHN. NEW Y O R K -1010. derful screen masterpiece. He was not moved by clamor or 7:00—Dance orchestra; musical. 9:00—Two d.uico orchoslra.s. 238—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—1260. cabal: 8:00—Columbia programs (3 hrs.) lOjoO—AVashlugton'.s Birthday party. 7:30—Orchestra, artists. The story is laid In Vienna and 11:00-.\mos ’ n’ Andy, comic team. 11:00—Banjo, mandolin, guitar. 0:00—N. B. C, entertainments (1 hr.) So he appears on History’s lasting or 11:15—Three dance orchestras. 10:00—.studio concert. In the nearby countryside. It 11:45—Songs, dance, organi.st (111 hrs) covers a period of twenty years page * 325.9—WWJ. DETROIT—920, 626— WNYC. NEW YORK—biO. 11:00—Dance orchestra. As one to follow, hon6r and revere. S;00—WE.\F programs (314 hrs.) 7:3.')—Air college lecture; .songs. 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. from 1894 to 1914 and Miss Rals­ Strictly lt:30—Holl.vwood frivolities. 8:30—Talk; violinist: duels. 11:00—Studio entertainers. ton plays the duel role of a young 12:30-Studio organ recital. 10:00—Jascha Gurcwich ensemble. 12:00-Instrumentalists, vocalists. girl and a mother of forty. James Professor Einstein’s scientific for­ Tailored Hall, the young leading man, has mula probably won’t make a for­ the chief supporting role and the tune out of science, but think how 11:40— Silent until 11:55 a. m. versatile Fred Kohler has an im­ profitable it might have been in only portant part. the laundry business! 11:55— Time signals. The color, the life, the people of WTIC 12:00 Noon— “ SquaVe Meals from J C £ gay Vienna are faithfully represent­ Health,” Miss Olea M. Sands, ed and thd realistic scenes, evidenc­ $7.95 PROGRAMS Hartford County Bureau Home ing a wealth of research in their Travelers, Hartford Demonstration Agent. reproduction, have an Interest all Others' P. M. he T/me To look their own. It Is surely another of 500 m. 600 K. C. 12:15— Hartford Times news bulle­ to TO th e foTu r e the screen’s greatest productions. tins; weather report. The associate film feature at the T \S BEf=ORE th e $4.95 Circle for Saturday and Sunday Dresses Program for Friday. P R E S E N T b e c o m e s brings Tim McCoy, the popular ‘ Once More P. M. WAPPING THEPASTo western favorite, in Ills latest $9.95 in a newer, smarter and wider scope, we predict a notable 5:00— Florida Citrus Exchpge Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer picture, program from N. B. C. Studios. “ Sioux Blood.” Action and thrills at success for 5:30— Silent until 6:15 p. m. Mrs. Howard H. Spencer of Avery are packed into this fast-moving 6:15— Summary of program.- street, entertained at bridge on drama of the primitive west. $ 10.00 6:15— United States daily news Wednesday afternoon at her home. The current chapter of “ Tarzan bulletins from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Franklyn S. Welles, Sr., of the Mi.ghty,” co-starring Natalie the .6:25— Hartford Courant news Avery street, has been entertain­ Kingston and Frank Merrill, and a Advance Spring. T^yEEDS bulletins. ing her mother, Mrs. Sarah Smith Krazy Kat Kartoon will round out 6:30— Raybestos Twins from N. of New Milford, Conn, recently. th.e bill. Styles smart B. C. Studios. Mrs. Walter Vibbert of South Special Values for Early Buyers. 7:00— Dorfink's Dinner Ensemble, Windsor, was the guest of Mrs. STARTS IN YOUNG Alfred* Cobn, director. Walter Batley of this village on last Newest Creations for shop Old Hebrew melodies will be Tuesday. Yakima, Wash.,— Isabel Abella, revealed in all their rich and At the whist party which was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Every Occasion. *‘Always Something New’* $14.75 $22.50 $29.50 mellow harmonies in a program held at the Wapping school hall Abella of Wapato, recently com­ State Theater Building -of Jewish music to be broadcast pleted seven ■weeks of this worldly last Tuesday evening for the bene­ Sizes 14-44 ' ■ ...... ■' r> by Dorfink's Dinner Ensemble, fit of the Junior Achievement Fund life and celebrated the event by LU. a PAT. 00 having her hair bobbed. At that under tiie direction of Alfred there were IS tables of players. Tho Cohn, at 7 o'clock Ibis evening. age, the child had hair equal to that Jadies first prize in bridge was won of the average year-old baby. It Some of these melodies are based by Mrs. Hayden of Manchester on Hebrew cliants older than was long, silky and black, and Green, and the consolation was SHE WAS WORTH IT Isabel decided on a modish shingle. MIRWIN SHOP apy Christian music. The Nigun taken by Miss Alice Shattuck. Gents from “ Baal Shem,” for e.xample. 57 Pratt St., 3rd Floor first prize was won by Judson The Prince of Wales’ horses which Mr. Cohn will present as a Nevers, and the consolation weni to Cleveland— After Frank Strog- Hartford, Conn. violin solo, is a composition with have been sold. What a blow to Harold Turner, of South Manches­ gin„ 22, was caught speeding he the American humor industry! a historical background dating to ter. In whist the ladies firet prize told the judge that he had been the time tvlien the Semites wor­ was won by Mrs. Everett A. Buck- hurrying to keep a date with his Sage-A llen & C o . shipped the god Baal, almost a land and the consolation went to girl. “ Was your visit to your girl thousand years before the com­ Mrs. Minnie Weeder of Manchester. worth $10 and costs?” tho judge HARTFORD INC. ing of Christ. Ernest Bloch, the Gents’ first went to Warren Case asked. “ All of that, judge,” re- composer, is known as the direc­ and consolation to Morris D. Sulli­ money. tor of the Institute of Music In van. A goodly sum was realized, and Just Delivering A Cleveland. the committee wishes to thank all Overture on two Jewish tunes, who helped to make the affair a Smart New Prokofieff. success. The committee in charge WM. E. KRAH Orchestra. was Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills, chairman Expert Ton of Coal R Hebrew Melody, Achron. and.'Mrs. Levi T. Dewey and Mrs. Orchestra. Carl Reichenhach. Radio Service Nigun from “ Baal Shem,” Bloch. in a matter-of-fact way doesn’t tend to Washable Alfred Cohn, violinist. No owner can be found for a 669 Tolland Turnpike, . i Hebrew Dance, Karganov. vacant building site In Deptfofd, South Manchester build up a list of Orchestra. England. Phone 864-2 Pilgrim's March, Goldfaden. Dresses Orchestra. Medley of Hebrew Tunes, Sand­ AND ers. Orchestra, 7:30— “ The Debt the Nation Owes Satisfied George Washington,” Charles Evans Hughes. , Ensembles Charles Evans Hughes, former Secretary of State, will be the principal participant in the ob­ Customers By Nelly Don servance of George Washington’s birthday which will be held at 7:30 o’clock by Station WTIC CREAM 4!here are numerous matters of courtesy and service this evening. He will speak on that people expect and we expect our employees to do the topic, “ The Debt the Nation SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. their best, deliver our coal in a manner satisfactory to $8,95 Owes George Washington. the customer. Members of the regular Friday MAPLE NUT AND CHERRY Stunning ensemble dresses of evening broadca^ing groups will ■ \ . . fine, soft pique and corded madras pay homage to tue Father of His ICE CREAM ____the colors, clear and fast. Country in appropriate features Try Our Coal and Our Delivery Service during their program. Tempting and delicious, Serve it for your Sunday \ Be sure to come In and see this 8:00— Scott’a Musical Furriers. 9:00— “ An Evening In Paris' dessert. for Satisfaction. new model and the other good-look­ from N. B. C. Studios. ing new Nelly Dons that are arriv­ Also Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. 9:30— Schradertown Baud from ing every day at the Housedress N. B. C. Studios. Shop. A jvide choice of style?, 10:00— National Broadcasting and For sale by the following local dealers: materials and colors. Conce'rt Bureau Hour. , f 11:00—Hartford Courant \ news Farr Brothers Packard’s Pharmacy news bulletins; weather report. 081 Slain Street At Che Center The W. G. Glenney Co. , Priced $5,95 to $1C i J Program for Saturday Morning. " . . r' 6 / '-*V'"> A. M. 'T Goal, Lumber and Masons* Supplies. 11:15— "Household Commodities' Duify & Robinson Edward J. Murphy Housedress Shop—•Loweir Floor from N.* B. C. Studios. 111 Center Street , Depot Square Allen Place, Phone 126 Manchester 11:30— United States daily news . bulletinsl^el from Washington D. C. XX30t3000000934XX3W434X»38XXX3tXXX30iX.')CX^^ 4'^^ . ■■


- • ■ y . f - •, ' ' '______■ ' spinach, eggplant, turnip cup salad,- leaves, placing two or three whole SOURCE CF SUPPLY. Dinner:’ — Roast'of veal, green applesauce, melba toaist." ' . - He is planning to make extensive Lunch:— Raw apples^as d^ired, plain j ello or j ell-well, no cream, olives on each plate. As this salad Avis:, Have' you heard the stdrj improvements, and is haying the peas, asparagus, stuffed celery, jello forms the protein part of the meal, or jell-well with whipped cream. small handful of pecan 'or almonds r Saturday , . about Alice'/ HEBRON land surveyed. Breakfast:— Baked stuffe'd apple, one^quarter of ,a pound of cheese Ailsa: Heard it? Why, dear, Monday (sheUdd)T • . ' f ■ should'be allowed for each person. While Everett G. Lord and MENUS Breakfast:— Small piece o f broil­ Dihifer:— Tpfnatp jello (sefyM with small amount’of cream, one or started it.— Answers. ' Lucius W. Ro^'inson were driving ed ham, crisp waffle, applesauce. , in cubes in bouillon'cups), baked two slices of .melba toast. Marion Griffin, daughter of Mr. to Hartford op Tuesday with a and Mrs. Sherwood Griffin, is F&r Good Health Lunch: — Eight-ounce glass of white fish', mashed turnips, stidfig Lunch:— Cooked kale, baked truck load of produce and pro­ beans, salad of grated rayr beets,, ground beets, salad o f lettuce and NO PLACE LIKE HOME spending a week at the home of her visions, something went wrong with orange juice. aunt, Mrs. Jesse Keeney, in Man- Dinner:— Vegetable soup, Salis­ no dessert. . watercress. ^ i the steering gear of the truck, near bury steak, mushrooms en casser­ Thursday Dinner:-^Buttered carrots and Cambridge, Mass— Although the the Henry Phelps place in Andover, A Week’s Supply ole, steamed carrots, raw celery, peas,' olive' and cheese salad, pine­ movie job is nice and it lures many ' Walter Hewitt and his father-in- with the result that the truck was Breakfast:— Poached eggs, melba Nature’s VTaming—help»atnrecleapy^ Margaret Edwin Lindholm is confined to Keefe, in Andover. his home by illness. is built to last a lifetime smd included with the Mrs. Wilbur N. Hills is reportel Mrs. A. E. Frink, who is visiting davenport, wing chair and fireside chair are a as improving from her recent ill­ lier daughter, Mrs. E. W. Platt, In ness with grip and pleurisy. Other bridge lamp and shade, floor lamp and shade, end Manchester and is being treated for members of the family have also table, magazine rack, occasional table, pillow, con- gland trouble by Dr. D. C. Y. recovered from grip. {ole mirror, book ends and a smoker. Announcement is made to the Moore, returned to her home for teachers of the schools of the town the day, Sunday. Guests of Mr. and that essays on the subject of tem- .Mrs. Frink on Sunday were Mr. and perence and allied subjects to be Mrs. John ’P. Murphy of Bristol, written in competition for county Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Frink and son, and local prizes under the auspices of Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. of the Woman’s Christian Temper­ Platt and son, of Manchester, and ance Union must be ready to hand Russell O’Brien of Hartford. in to be passed upon by local judges and sent in to headquarters by May 31st. They should reach It won’t be long now until Easter the local judges well before this when the ladies can high-hat one date. Last year an essay written another. by Clara Porter of the dagger School district came within one of winning the county prize, which was taken by a Stafford Springs RUN DOWN AND boy. The Francis Waldo place owned NERVOUS PEOPLE by Mrs. Everett G. Lord, has been sold to T, H. Kellogg of Hartford. find health and strength from The farm is located on Burroughs Hill, and includes considerably more than 100 acres of land, be­ Chiropractic sides dwelling houses of colonial type and farm buildings. There is Treatment. also a magnificent pine grove in the rear and two brooks meet on the farm with good trout fishing. Mr. Dr. M. H. SQUIRES Kellogg Intends to use the place as a summer residence for himself Selwitz Block. and family, and for week-end visits. Phone 487-2.

Everything for the Poultrymen L ,ei US neip you— I4AKE POULTRY EA3f Come in today and see our line o f Buckeye Incubators. We have e reputation to maintain and so we handle only goods that will Buy J „om „ . ,o» make our reputation stronger. ^ Bedroom ^ 9 9 ofler;Ve»*^S^5e Prices. Buckeye L’iS-SS no.’ * heitooto \ovi - Bu<^ye Incubators are guaranteed by the largest man»ifacturerintheworId. W bU, t o give you the largest hatches o f big, husky chicks—practicaUy no cripples or weaklings—and without artificial moisture or any attention to register. ■ Capacities, 65 to 600 eggs. Buckeye/' C o lo n y " Brooders grow three where one grew before. Made in all sizes, burning coal, oil or gas. Write yous own money-back guarantee. Come in and see this wonderful line. INCUBATORS INTERSTATE BUDGET 65 Egg to 1144 Egg Capacity. $16.50 to $250.00 PURCHASING CLUB COAL BURNING BROODERS X6 members of our Budget Systems we would recommend that you take advantage ot 350 to 1,000 Chick Capacity. these many greatly reduced si>ecials that are $16.50 to $26.50 being offered dally during our great,annual Feb­ ruary Sale. NO CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED! Blue Flame Oil Burning Brooders Tour coupon book is your deposit. Balance . 200 to 500 Chick Capacity. paid at your convenience. $17.50 to $22.50 NOTICE ELECTRIC BROODERS Have you heard about the Interstate’s Budget 50 to 300 Chick Capacity. Pnrchaslng Club? A new and easy way to buy $14.50 to $29.50 furniture. Send post cara or call Interstate Furniture Com­ Dr. Hess and Conkey’s Poultry Remedies. pany, Hartford, 2-0843 and ^ Chicken Founts and Feeders. onr representative will call and Dress Up Your HonU and Buy This Handsome Poultry and Chicken Wire. explain our plan. Livingrpom Suite! Cell-O-Glass for Poifitry Houses. Here is a stUnning three piece mohair Livingroom suite, heavily built and luxur­ iously upholstered, y^th M exiq|uu^^ carved mahogany frame for only $139. It is the very latest thing in Dying romn furniture, is unusual in d^ign w d finish and Manebester Plumbing & Supply Co. will last a lifetime.- ‘ ' ■ Phone 459 Remember HATCH EVERY HATCHARLF EGG Saturday. Evenings the Name and Till 9 o’clock the Address ■ T!.' uv. i , •. ? f . PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HliftAta). SOtHU MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 22. 1929.

standees jammed in the front end responsible for the accident which ilanrl|»Btnr while there are a dozen or more Imperiled more than a thousand Evntittg BYralh empty seats in the car. lives and caused serious illness or Through these huddles other injury to a fortunately and rela­ POBLISHSO B7 THB passengers, entering or leaving, tively small number of persons. HERALV PRINTING CX>MPANT, IN a A t IS Bisaell Straet, must fight their way. And in case His name is Klumpp and among 6outb ManobwK«r. Conn. of an accident a number of persons transportation officials he is a rara Founded by Blvood 8. Dm, avis. “This thing Is very much the Oct. 1. 18S1 would be extremely liable to in­ Every Evening Bxoebt Sandayi and jury, who would be In comparative public’s* business," he says.' We Holiday a. wonder how many men In the busi­ Entered at tbe Poat Office at jonth safety if they were seated where Mancbeater. Conn., as Second Class they belong. ness of hauling human freight ever Ma Slatter. There Is probably no town any­ admitted that an accident on the SUBSCR PTION RATES: By Eatl dollars a year, sixty cents a where where the people are more •line was any business whatever of Soon month for shorter psrtoda the public. At the moment we can­ By carrier, eighteen cents a week, well disposed, more orderly and Single . >ples three oenta better conducted, all around, than not recall any precedent for Mr. SPECIAL, advertising REPUE* Klumpp’s position. The usual thing SENT ATI VE. aamilton.De Usaer, this one. But their street car be­ inn. S86 Uadlaon Avenue. New o havior is a source of wonderment is to blame the Almighty, unless In a few days this sale ■will be history. You still have plenty of time to share in. and 611 North Michigan Avenua there Is a handy dead engineer to some of these good values. All the lovely pieces you have wanting are here and Chicago. to strangers and a mystery to the The Manchester Evening Herald la psychologist. carry, the onus to his grave. From at surprisingly reduced prices. Help your furniture budget by taking advantage of on sale In Nev XorU City at Schu. j these low prices. News Stand. Sixth Avenue and tSnd. We suspect that our solution the records and from findings of Street, and 4tnd. Street entrance of may be correct-—that they figure utilities boards like that of Con­ Every department throughout the store is presenting soma outstanding values Grand Central Station and at all Hoatli tg News Standa that no matter how they act it is necticut, Klumpp is probably the for the last remaining days of this sale. • • • • • too good a way for the cars they first railroad official of any kind Client of International News Ser­ who was ever to blame for the vice. have to ride in. And on that score '‘International News Service has the we don’t know that we can blame loss of a life o,r the splintering of a exoluslve rights to use for republtca- tlon in any form all news dtsua'ohes them. car or a passenger’s trunk. credited to o~ not otberwiee credited This makes Mr. Klumpp, by the iQ this paper It Is eleo exclusively entitled to use for repubUoation eli APPEAL BAILS record, a particularly bad general 6 - ^ the lo(^ or undated news published manager. Yet somehow or other It herein.* They have not only convicted Full Service Client of N E A Ser­ District Attorney Asa Keyes of Los is probable that today he enjojs vice Member. Audit Bureau of Clfcu- the confidence of New Yorkers laMona Angeles of being a bribe taker and sentenced him to San Quentin for more than any other transportation L2L FRIDAY, FEB. 22, 1929 at least a year but they have ac­ official in the great city. When he ITS" tually put him in jail. This latter says that he is going to do every­ II illII thing humanly possible to prevent GEORGE WASHINGTON is, in the United States, an achieve­ any more accidents In the tube, Everything has been said about ment. For some reason, which In they are going to believe klm. And Beautiful Rugs Washington. Everything has been our. lay crudity of mind we have • Colonial Reproductions such is human nature that it Is In a wide assortment. Designs and said over and over again. There Is never been able to fatbom, it is the Living Room Early American pieces suitable for well-nigh universal custom in the highly probable that the average pattemh you have never seen before. nothing left to be newly said. But With only a fevr exceptions all carry re­ every room in the house. All these passenger will hereafter enter Mr, can be purchased now at a saving and there is one thing that may he said various states to admit to bail a duced prices. Klumpp’s tube with mote confi­ delivered-when you are ready. repetltlTely, just it thl. time. Be- ' f ' dence and less dread than any other Furniture fore Herbert Hoover, he was the lag action on bis appeal To release on bail a person underground railroad In the metm only President of the United States Dining Room Suites charged with a crime, pending trial, politan network. You Can Buy Real Comfort Now at Bedroom Furniture who possessed the engineering Some very good buys in walnut and is a perfectly comprehensible and You can believe In that sort of n Beautiful suites and odd pieces in the mind. mahogany—eight, nine or ten pieces. logical proceeding, because no de­ man. Lower Prices Than Before. newest and most attractive wood&— Not merely that he was a sur­ You’ll do well to furnish your dining fendant is to be assumed to be room now. Especially good, maple, walnut and ma’.ogany. See the veyor—that was an accident, more solid maple four piece suite With four guilty until he has been proven 9 Pieces Berkey & Gay Suite, or less. It was probably just chance Single pieces or complete suites are here at real poster bed set up in one of Our model guilty; The burden of proof of his $356.00. that Abraham Lincoln, for in­ honest to goodness savings. All we want you to rooms-for only 9129.00. crime is upon the state, and until stance, did not hit on a surveying proof has been made he is logical­ do is come in and compare for yourself- job; he would have taken it and ISHDOONi ly entitled to every consideration Bedding would have fitted Into it, after a > T Occasional Tables, Chairs, Odd Sofas, Secretarys and Linoleum compatible' with assurance that he fashion. But Washington possess­ Good pillows, hen feathers, size everything else that goes to furnish a living room can be All the new color effects and patterns will appear for trial. ed that same quality of seeing "in 19x26, good art ticking, special 89c purchased at real good savings now. Including tbe beautiful marble designs. But, having been tried and con­ Priced specially low now; Remnants large," of grasping problems By RODNEY BUTCHER. each. victed by a jury of his peers, the -close out at 29c to 91.00 per. yard. through visualization of all their Washington, Feb. 22.—There 100 per cent Felt Mattress, full positions of state and defendants angles and dimensions, and of hold­ were many who asked, after the size, $10.75. are reversed. The state’s assump­ ing vast prospects within the pic­ election, what would happen to the tion is, properly, that the verdict , but only a few New Scranton Lace Refrigerators ture, which is the possession, alone was a just one. It is up to the de­ to keep over the Socialists. Yet of the world’s titanic builders. the poor Socialists not only polled Sun Parlor Furniture A few last year models we are clos­ fendant, if he appeals, to show that Curtains With S^e ing out at 25% off. You will want a On this particular Washington’s the lowest presidential vote they there was error in the trial, a con­ had cast for 28 years but also lost Some wonder values are here in new refrigerator soon. Buy now and birthday it is of passing interest this department, Some pieces are re­ tention which the state does not their sole representative in Con­ Prices Foretell the save. that for the first thne since the ad­ gress. duced to one half. GomeTn and look recognize to be valid. Wherefore it ministration of the Father of His Victor Berger of Milwaukee, the them over. would appear to be mere common defeated Socialist congressman who Coming of Spring Country, we are on the eve of wel­ sense to put the convicted person is now about to retire, was asked coming to the Presidency another to the serving of his term, leaving about the future of his party, if Made of thfr finest quality: filet man endowed with this same vision any, and proved equal to the occa­ net with plain hems and fringe bot­ it to his attorneys to obtain his for national opportunity and for sion. A- toms. release through a subsequent trial In the first place, said Mr. Ber­ the ways and means of grasping it. it error can be proven and another ger, he can be* re-elected to his seat May the steadfastness and cour­ in 1930 if he desires. He was jury induced to give a different age of the latest of Presidents also beaten only by about 300 votes aft­ verdict. er 32,000 voters, mostly Republl-' Every Pair Reduced. equal that of the earliest of them This is what the California court cans, had split their ballots to mark all. crosses for Berger—a record for Priced reg. at $4.25, now $8.75 pr. has evidently done in the case of ticket-splitting which Mr. Berger Keyes. Why it is not the common challenges any other congressman Priced reg. a t $4.50, now 98.09 TROLLEY CAB MANNERS practice we do not understand. If to match. Jf so many persons hadn’t voted the straight Republi­ Priced reg,] at $5.00, now $8.95 pr. For some inscrutlble reason, a it were, one thing Is certain—there can ticket blindly for fear of the Priced reg. at'$5.25, now 93.95 prv great many of those persons who would be far fewer appeals of guil­ Pope, if so many other*: hadn’t embark on the cars of the Connec­ ty persons and far fewer crimes voted straight Democratic on ac­ Priced reg. at $6.00, now 95.00 pr. count of the Ku Klux Klan and If SOLID MAHOGANY ATTRACTIVE ticut company in Manchester seem committed by crooks out on, bail. so many workers had not voted for Priced teg. at $7.25, now 96.00 pr. to leave their politeness and their Smith in the hope of more and bet g a t e l e g t a b l e ...... Priced reg. at $7.50, now 96.75 piS BOUDOIR CHAIRS normal consideration for others on POOR GERMANY! ter beer, says Mr. Berger, he woub' the sidewalk. Possibly it may be Poor, broken-backed Germany, easily have been elected. Priced reg. at $8.50. now 97.45 pr. that the facilities offered to its pa­ sweating under the sinful burden Concerning national politics, Mr. Priced reg. at $10.00, now 98-75 pr. trons by the company—so meagre, of reparations and emitting pitiful Berger says there is only one party $16.75 so depressing in their discomfort squawks at regular intervals like except for the Socialists and that Priced reg, $12.50, now 910.00 pr, the Democratic party has been non­ Covered in a varied assortment o f and crudity—are destructive, of all a cuckoo clock, has been carrying existent for many years. Another Eight legs as shown, has a drawef cretonnes and chintzes. A regular feelings but resentment, suppress­ a joyous pension list which would party must develop as a strong op­ size of top, Is 34x48 when open, worth $12.50.chair, as sketched. ed anger and. all-around antagon­ have done much good to the heart position group which ih time will $25.00. be elected'to run the nation, says ism. At all events, in their treat­ of a Roman* wineseller of old he', whether it be the Socialist party ment of one anothlsr Manchester’s , And hardly anybody knew or some other jirogresslve move­ trolley riders are a fairly hard lot anything about it, outside of the ment The Socialists, claims. Mr. Berger, WATKINS BROTHERS, Iw, Store Open Every To be sure they do not bite, Vaterland, until the other day when are possessed of a marvelous resili- scratch or kick one another. They a queer thing happened. enty. They bounced up to 5,000,000 54 at South Manchester Saturday and Thursday do not call each other evil names. A lot of Germans who had to votes when they adopted Senator They seldom even frown at one an­ work for their money had been La Follette in 1924 and last No­ Evening Until 9 o’clock. vember they bounced back to a other. But they conduct themselves making a fuss over the huge array mere 260,000, despite the excel­ with the most complete though of generals, Herr-Professors, ad­ lence of their candidate, Mr. Nor­ seemingly unconscious disregard mirals, diplomats, chancellors and man Thomas. Mr. Berger sees no reason why for each other’s rights and com­ what-nots who were drawing down they shouldn’t bounce back to 2,- fort. fat gobs of pin money running up 000,000 or 3,000,000 in 1932. In In the first place it is not the ex­ to five or seven thousand real dol­ fact, Mr. Berger sees several rea­ to be desired rather than upon the answer to yonc question in this, sons why they should. And by 1936 cent of U3, pr about 12,000,000, ception but almost an infallible lars eyery year, many of them at there ought to be 10,000,000 Social­ swaying motion. column, as space dpes not permit. rule for two-thirds of a carload of the samo time holding fine paying earn less than $700 a year, which is ist votes. Mr. Berger, now 68 certainly on the line of starvation. It is a wise plan to cleanse the passengers to distribute themselves jobs under the government or In years old, only hopes that he will system thoroughly before starting Rye Bread. live to see 50 or 60 Socialist mem­ HEALTHk'DIET ADVICE on a journey if you are afraid of Question: Mrs, B. W- asks: “Is with infinite pains so that not an­ it. So, to placate the common herd, “The outcome here will be ad in rye bread starchy, and would it fie bers of Congress.. every Other country. The same sea or car sickness. This can be other living soul can get a seat. tbe Socialists and Democrats in the iiH D r F rank McCoy ^ - done by eating sparingly for a few harmful for one to eat who Is on a causes will produce the sanie re­ diet for inward goitre which causes They .do this by leaving just about Reichstag, confidently expecting “There Is bound,” he says, “to sults that they have in. England, days upon a careful diet and also be* a very, strong progressive or using enemas. Seasickness Is Al­ rapid heart beat and whose blood half of a sitting space between each that the Centrists would join the Germany and France. Our people pressure Is at times above normal?” Socialist party. The only other are as intelligent as theirs and al­ «KSnqW IN R«iM» n HEALTH (DIET MU a e « ^ ways enervating, to the rystem and two persons. And only rarely does Nationalist and People’s parties In possibilities are a dictatorship of should be avoided If possible. In Answer: It is very difficult to ob­ though our education Isn’t ,as good er Nijiecor m CMi t£/umE55co IN OF rKi> n im tain bread made from rye flour, as, it occur to any of them to “move opposing the measure, showily vot­ the Mussolini type and anarchy; I it is getting better. We are also some cases, severe collapse Is notic­ want neither of those. Big business ENCLQSB STBMPBD ADDBESSBO £ff)/£iOPB FOR R e P iY most of this bread contains only up.” ^ ed for a bill reducing all pensiops producing to a remarkable degree ___ MAcor MBAimsauce KUAneius- cat,. ed and may result in an obstinate w ill have full sway for the next a white collar proletariat, and our constipation and systemic acidosis. from 16 per cent, to 15 per cent, of Another completely local institu­ of more than $3,000 a year to that four and possibly eight years. Don’t rye flour mixed with wheat flour.. universities are producing more and SEA AND CAR SICKNESS. American plan of serving food, and While some people suffer from tion is the practice of many a wom­ figure. And then, to everybody’s forget that, after all, Calvin Cool- better rebels as students become seasickness d’'ring an entire In any case all bread is starchy, and Idge had the point of view of the passengers take advantage of this I do not recommend either bread or an, usually of considerable avoir­ amazements, the Centrists voted enlightened. situation by eating all they can as voyage, it is probable that death- dupois, to seat herself calmly up­ New England manufacturer. Her­ “My opinion may* seem exag­ There is no doubt that the men­ has never resulted from this cause anything made of cereals daring for the bill too—and passed it. bert Hoover was part of British big tal attitude plays an Important part often as possible, and they may have the time one, is trying to recover on the person of whoever happens gerated to you, but If- there are no overeaten even befpre going on a alone even though the symptoms Ob, the lamentations! The indig­ business and for the last few years signs of a healthier political situa­ in the production of seasickness. are most, distressing and unpleas­ from any kind of thryrdid derange-. to occupy the space nearest to the nation! Some hundreds of mil­ has been part and parcel of big , Passengers on a boat will some­ trip. By being comparatively in­ ment or when ontfs blbod pressure tion today it is because our workers active on board the boat or train, ant. door, compelling that unfortunate lions of dollars a year in pensions business here. have about 27 per cent more buy^ times become seasick even before In seasickness there is usually a is too high. "I atn convinced, after 50 years the boat has. sailed, cr they may be­ they do not digest and assimilate as to slide out from under as best he pruned and slashed, and hundreds ing power than before the "war and large a quantity of food as normal­ general discomfort and perhaps a of public life, that this big business thus can buy radio, seta, automo­ come sick In observing the symp­ headache, a large production uf Ache in Back of Neck. or she may; all because she would of paunchy pensioners deprived of crowd will create its own opposition toms in others. After getting sea­ ly. It is a good plan to start these Question: Mrs. M. T. C. writes; biles and even clothes on the in­ trips with an empty stomach and to saliva, and nausea soon followed by rather not walk four steps to a va­ super-luxuries to which they had party. The Democratic party Is ab­ stallment pikn." sick or car-sick once, almost any­ “For about a yea I have suffered solutely beyond hope. 'There is no eat sparingly until one has become retching and vomiting. Some relief cant seat. We have seen this a bun­ become accustomed. And all be­ .Socialists,, pf course, thrive on thing which will remind one of the is usually experienced aftqr the with an ache in tbe back of my such thing. At best it is the Re­ business depressions when they are circumstances will produce the accustomed to tlie motion of travel­ neck. It does not ache censtantly', dled times and have yet to hear an cause somebody in the Reichstag publican party of the South. Fac­ ing. stomach has been emptied 6 t Its out of power. Berger .expects a symptoms again if one is of a sensi­ contents and the bowels ha/*o mov­ but at different times, during the 1 audible protest from the outraged blunderied. tories in New England and Penn­ minor slump, producing consider­ tive nature. For Instance, the If the visual defect is responsible day. Can you tell roe what is tbe sylvania have gone down to Ala­ for your seasicknes, you can be ed. This indicates -the proper course citizen. Perhaps if trolley riders Such a terrible time are the able unemplbyment, next year or smoll of grease near a train may cause of it?” bama, North Carolina and Georgia, easily cured by having properly fit­ of treatmont. Answer; Such an ache in the were to resort to placing tacks on possibly this year. But a real ma­ produce car sickness, or looking at Germans having. Poor, starred so now our Democratic friends jor slump, or Industrial, panic; he the swaying motion of a boat. Even ted glasses. A pregnant woman -be­ back of the neck with a woman al­ want tariff protection. comes easily nauseated from the their knees, point up, it might Germany! believes, will be along About 1085. motion pictures showing waves and QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. ways ’ndlcStes some,pelvic derange­ work a reform in this connection. “The tariff used to be the only Such a slump, ,he hbids, can be ex­ ships have produced seasickness in pressure upon the sensitive.nerve- ment. or misidaoement i-.f the ab­ line of demarcation between par- pected every 14 Of 15 years. plexuses. Spinal MeiilngU«.<». dominal organs. The acho in t'le But most serious of all is tho A RARE BIRD ties; now that’s gone. If it were susceptible people. Usually, how­ “When that ooifaes," he says; "Al­ ever, there is some physical cause Many persons find that the Question: B. W. asks: ’ill you neek is a definite ref’.e.N fr->)m t' -se very general custom of any number Out of the murk and muck and j negro the south would most anything inight happen politi- in addition to thp paychic impulses steady swaying movement of the please give a thorough description, organs which are located «t e- :>• t now be more Republican than the cause, symptoms, etc., of spinal of passengers on entering a car, terror of the Hudson Tube fire \I north. The Republicans will soon i cally.’ Some of the psysical factors are: body, such as in the rolling chair ly the other end of the spine. finding no vacant seat within five there arises a rare and lovely flow-1 have the whole south because their | an overloaded stomach, congestion or in a-swing will bring about the meningitis? What ages are most liable to have it, and is there a feet of the door, though there may er, an example of candor and cour-! policies fit southern business. of the liver, tumors, pregnancy, same feeling as that produced by SAD BU’T TRUE. NONE 0* THAT. visual defects, or a disturbance of the rolling of a boat, "'his Is some- cure?” age on the part of a transportation The Republican party is frankly; b.6 plenty further back, and calmly the party of Mellon and Vare and the balancing fluid in the Inner ear. tlmes a mental suggestion ^rougb Answer: I have written several First Wife; How long- had you; fastening onto a strap and atand- chieftain so unusual as to be our prosperity under it Is so great “Have yon 1 seen her Joke col­ Usually, some one or more of these the association of Ideas and can be special articles op this subject, and k n o ^ your husband before you - ing almdst in the doorway. It is an unique. Tbe general manager of the that Secretary of Labor Davi^ says umns?” , ' physical, factors are present In ad- overcome to a large extent by posi­ will be glad to send them to you were married? • tive autosuggestion. The secret is If ydn will only, send your address Second Ditto; I didn’t ‘know him- every day experience to see trolley Hudson and Manhattan Company 86 per cent of us are poor.-The 86 “No, I didn’t get a chtlnce—she . dition to holding the thought of per cent will not afccept that kind kept her skirt pulled dowh.”— expecting seasickness. to think about other things and de- the next time you write. It is Im­ at all. I only thought I did.—ri (;ars in this town with a wad of admits that he and'nobody else was of prosperity forever. Ten periJujdge. Most passenger boats have the velop concentratidn upon sometblng possible to ^ve a satisfactoir Answers. ~ r ’■' '■ '' ■' > ' ■’!' ' if. s ' ^V' } •?>n • ...-> MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 22, 1929. ’ (\ ^ *'*'=ENINE f West Hartford Favored To Win From Manch^ter PAULINO PICKED Tony Leto Gives Battalino Sports Forum Local LE’ITEKS W’lil/UOMED ’ Rival Schoolboy Outfits AS WINNER OVER Sign' Name and Address Best Opposition Of Career Sport To Clash Tonight At Rec K. 0. CHRISTNER WHAT BRISTOL THINKS 4> Chatter Herald Sports Editor: But Florida Boy Loses on Berlenhach Held Strih By DA\TS J. WAliSH. Friend Tom:'— Just a word about the game on Rec Five and^ Hartfofrd New York, Feb. 22.— Paulino, Tuesday between the Bristol En- Laughing your head off can’t Technical Knockout In To A Draw First Time the glove swallower, and K. O. dees and Manchester Rec. be any worse t^an worry­ Mac Macdonald won from Fran­ Christner, the rubber man, will for­ Dixies to Play Benefit cis McCarthy 50 to 37 in a first On the Vay out of the hall, 1 ing yourself to death get tonight that they are exhibits overheard mere than one Manches­ Seventh After Flooring round match in the Rec’s elimina­ “A” and “B” in nature’s gallery of EDITOR’S NOTE—This Is <|;edy that would have thrown de­ tion pocket billiards tournament j ter rooter Wpress disappointment Game for Seniors’ Wash­ the fifth of a series of articles spair into a home that had never wonders and, with all the gentility with the showing of your very fine and this leaves only two more of a couple of well bred stevedores, Bat In Second; First Five in which (Milton E. Wallace of known the sting of unhappiness. matches to be played. Louis Chag- local club, which in my opinion Macon, Ga., and a lifelong While, out motoring in a roadster will proceed to settle professional shows a lack of good common sense. ington Trip Next Tuesday; not meets Walter Dunn and Earl differences in the immortal manner. Rounds Even. friend of the Striblings, tells near Tucson, Arizona, the automo­ Rogers is paired with Phil Farr. Prchably, they might have done the Story of Young Stribling’s bile turned over and Ma Stribling 'They will meet on the field of honor little better, but why should they be Two Games Tomorrow. colorful life. , . was injured, bill not seriously. Only in ten combats at Madison Square expected to compete on even terms Tom Kelley and many other Garden and straight Marquis of a miracle saved her from being coaches object to the new football with a team of picked stars, who By TOM STOWE BY ailLTON K. WALLACE killed, it is said. Muscleberry rules will prevail, are receiving top salaries and com­ If for no other reason than its * * « rule which makes the fumble dead meaning that there must be no hit­ poor record, Manchester High will where it is recovered. Bet Southern pete against big time oppositioi in Possessing the inherent ability of Herbert Stribling, Bill’s younger ting with cuspidors when a man most of their games? take the floor the under-favorite in Tony Leto, game lime Italian California is on the affirmative side isn’t looking. The pair may be a the showman, Pa Stribling has al­ brother, who is known as “Biby” Your club has two or three men its battle with West Hartford this featherweight' boxer from Tampa, Stribling, accompanied his family —that is, seeing Roy Riegels is go­ couple of nature’s novelties but just out of high school who look evening. However, the locals have Florida, tvon his way into the ways used this quality in promot­ on the long jaunt over the country. ing to be captain of the team next their’s will be no side show act. very promising, in fact I don’t be­ already pinned one defeat on West hearts of a capacity crowd at Foot ing the. destines, of his. offspring, Baby, two years the junior of Bill, season. Jack Dwyer, incidentally, It will be one of the big numbers lieve there is an. all-local team In Hartford and another victory will Guard hall in Hartford last night Young. Stribling... Ballyhoo was has the honor, if such it may be says he thinks Kelley’s viewpoint in the heavyweight pageant,, with the state who could defeat them in put them out of the running for the when he held Bat Battalino even nothing new to him when he enter­ called, of giving his brother the on the matter is okay. the winner virtually taking equal a series. C. C. I. L. title. Dick-Dillon will for five rounds and floored him in ed the boxer-manager business, his only “cauliflower ear” he possesses. ranking with the Sharkey-Stribling In closing, I should like to com­ referee. the second before losing, on a tech­ It happened shortly after Bill en­ The Trade school has three more survivor. In fact, survivor is to Announcement was made today many years in vaudeville having meet survivor in the round before ment on the splendid enthusiasm of nical knockout in the seventh equipped him well in the art of at­ tered the professional ranks, and basketball games to play, all out your fans. The critics who claim that the Rec Five and Hartford of town. Next Thursday they meet the semi-finals, as we say on the Dixies will play a game at the Reo WIFE CRACKS round. The lad from the sunny tracting the attention of the public. was not done with the gloves, but that basketball is dying would be ^ south provided the Hartford fistic in wrestling. the American School for the Deaf, club house lawn. So much for com­ silenced if they could have been next week Tuesday even in,g and His devices have always been parative consequence. sensation with the best opposition unique, if sometimes ineffective. Baby, too, gained a lot of knowl­ March 7, Bridgeport Trade and present Tuesday.' that the net receipts will be donat­ he has had since turning profes­ March 15, Simsbury High school. Are Not Boxers. ed by the Rec to help defraj' the SCAT /M TKe tSAUeP-Y- In fact, it is this same showman­ edge about fisticuffs in genera! on In the matter of competition, it Yours truly, sional after winning the national ship that has several times brought ,the journey, and for a wMlo it JIMMY MALCOLM. expenses of the Washington senior |\IoT_6^E(1VEC># Police Commissioner Willard B. may take the play away from the trip in April. In view of the keen amateur championship in his divi­ criticism upon the house of Strib­ seemed as if his fame would rival gripping encounter at Miami Beach, Coach, Bristol L .'.cees. sion. ling. After the Macon yougster that of his brother’s. He is a clever Rogers says he was prejudiced Feb. 20, 1929. rivalry between these two teams LAideuucoc?, ortio. . against Gus Sonnenberg until be for tonight’s pair is absolutely com­ which culminated a few years ago, The bout further served to prove had begun to attract national atten­ boxer, crafty, fast and courageous, mitted to the notion that defense is 118 Woodland St. the vrorth of Battalino. It had been tion, Pa hit upon the Idea of mak­ but has not grown beyond the saw him wrestle in Providence the Bristol. Conn. it is expected that a Iqrge crowd other night. Then he changed his something for the prisoner at the will attend. said by some that any man who ing a grand tour of the country, junior welterweight class and he The High school plays two games does not seem to possess a love for view completely and now praises bar to. worry about. Paulino is a Tonight’s game will be the last survived the first three or four meeting all comers. For the journey free swinger; so free, in fact, that home contest this week. Tomorrow next week. Friday night, the locals rounds vrith Battalino stood a he purchased a huge bus, had it the game. the former Dartmouth football star. * * • ' he is willing to give until its ’nurts, night Manchester High will travel travel to Middletown and on Satur­ mighty good chance of winning; equipped with bunks, baths a The commissioner says Sonnen­ day Warren Harding of Bridgeport berg Is very smart and skillful in preferably the guy who receives. to Hartford to meet Hartford Pub­ that the Hartford boy would grow kitchen, and all modern conveni­ “Bill got what we went after— Christner’s defense against Knute lic High in a return game. The plays here. The Rec plays the weaker aa, the bout lengthened. ences that cpuld possibly be crowd­ experience,” Pa said when he had addition to possessing a world of Hanson was a punch oh the nose, a first of this session was also won Knights of Lithuania in Hartford This proved false for Bat looked ed into such a vehicle. returned to Macon. “He’s now strength despite his lack of height. system of self-protection so baffling by the red and white prior to their next week Thursday. The game almost as fresh at the end as the _With a retinue of sparring part­ ready to fight anybody and we won’t that the other gentleman was sud­ losing streak. Tomorrow night the was scheduled for last night but start and was punching equally ners, a cook and mechanic, the be satisfied until we’ve won' the The Rec Five will flirt with de­ denly abated and discontinued. Rec team will travel to Middletown was postponed. hard. Striblings set out to conquer the light heavyweight championship of feat when it invades Middletown Christner used the same system so 5sr again for another setto with the Favor the Underdog world. A press agent went ahead the world.” tomorrow night. The Red Wings effectively against Sharkey that he Red Wings who they have twice Norman “Lefty” Curtis set a new to book matches in the hedges and But that was one wish of Pa' Battalino haa a big following sent advance notice to the effect had to slow down to a sustained WHO’LL GO HIGHER? conquered this season, but by very town three string record Wednes­ '^'but fight fans are queer specimens byways, as well as'in the larger Stribling’s that never came true. that they are all set for a killing. pause in the last five rounds in close scores. Aliddletown is confi­ day night when he rolled scores of cities of the country. • • • Records, it is said, are made to of humanity. After seeing their Twice the Rec has turned them order to blow the decision. Even be broken. But one hesitates dent of winning tomorrow. The Rec 159, 137 and 153 for a total of 451 idol win a bunch of fights, they The Good Ship Stribling went up In the latter part of 1924, a few back by close scores, but this time so, the witnesses became very dis­ had won 15 out of 19 games to against Patrolman Joe Prentice at the Atlantic seaboard to Not? York, months previous to his tour of the to think that those two pole vault, have come to a stage where they they promise a different story. trait, it beinff their impression that records of Sabin Carf are to be date. Roy Norris will jump center. Farr’s Charter Oak allays. Jack want to see someone lick him. Last over Into Canada, across to Oregon, country. Stribling had met Paul the young man had come home gal­ He had previously planned to go to Saidella’s 438 was the previous on down the west coast to Mexico, Berlenbach, holding him to a six- broken soon, Yet—what about Fred night when Leto caught Battalino The bowling match between loping. Sturdy's 14-foot leap a few nights Springfield but changed his plans. record. flush on the chin and knocked him back through the sout^hern part of round draw. The Georgian had not Howard Murphy and Arthur Paulino the Favorite. the United States and home. Be­ yet reached the age of maturity and “Kaiser” Berthold, 20 years old ago at New York? off bis pins, the crowd, almost to Paulino has been rated a 7 to 5 It seemed,, for u number of years, tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the man, stood up and roared its sides swelling the family coffers, the New Jersey boxing law would Rockville sensation scheduled to choice for the frolic, in spite of the Stribling found upon his return not permit him to fight more than start tonight in Rockville has been that 14 feet was ah impossible approval And when Leto made fact that, the last time out his unre­ height for a pole vaulter. The that he held decisions over Jimmy six rounds in that state. Although postponed a week by the local duck- sponsive chin gave some evidence of Battalino miss punch after punch Delaney, Joe Lohman, Johnny first record ever recorded, In this in amateur fashion by Ills crafty the official verdict had been a draw, pin champion wh. will roll with the disintegration. Like Johnny Risko, Risko, Billy Freas, George Cook several eastern sport writers hinted Charter Oaks in a special five-man he is alleged to be one of the vic­ track event was made by Pryor of all-around ring generalship, they and many other lesser notables. that Stribling had received a bad Columbus, who. thrilled spectators further shouted their delight. match with the Morgan Five of tims of Godfrey, the great softner, 2 PANT SUITS • • * decision. Hartford tonight at Joe Farr’s with a leap of seven feet four I and when he was tapped on the Perhaps this desertion on the Pa was never happier than when Anxious for a return match with Inches. But that was many years part of many of his staunch sup­ alleys. tweezer by Von Porat in the en­ he was putting on a vaudeville act, the Astoria Assassin, Pa Stribling gagement proceeding this one to­ ago, and the record height ascend­ porters deeply affected Battalino. and this tour reminded him a lot conferred with a number of match- ed and eventually was made’14 feet At least when he came out of his Bill Brennan beat Lefty St. night, his actions somewhat sup­ of the good old days. Whenever an makdrs in an effort to get his boy John 50 to 40 in the Rec pool tour­ ported the contention In question. by Carr. corner at the opening of the sixth, opponent was not available and rematched with Berlenbach. This Carr holds both indoor and out­ he proceeded to give Leto a neat ney the,^ other night but it seems However, the law that would re­ the town looked good to the ad­ bout, one of the turning points in the latter was under the impres­ quire him to be tapped on the door records. His Indoor record is pasting. Cuffing him with hard vance man, an exhibition was ar­ the career of Young Stribling, will 14 feet 1 inch, and his outdoor rights and lefts to the head and __ ^ sion the match was to be 50 points tweezer tonight is still in committee ranged between Stribling and one be commented on in one of the so they have agreed to play It ovef or something. record is one inch shy of that. Lee body. Bat wor^ ,his-^ijbn^;t. dAwni, j^jg sparring mates. This tour did articles to follow. Barnes of Southern California is A hard left to the pit'of the stom­ again. Looks like a poor move on For one thing, Paulino is given i' more to make Young Stribling the part of St. John. He’ll never to crossing his anns over his jowl said to have vaulted 14 feet 1 1-2 ach felled Leto and he took a count popular than an; of his victories NEXT ARTICLE — StribUng inches, but the feat nevet has been of nine. This blow was the turning come that close again or else we and usually doesn’t uncross them has ever done. goes after Tunney’s light heavy­ miss our guess. This Brennan is a until he gets in close where his chin recognized officially. point In the fight. Leto’s face show­ A near tragedy was narrowly weight title, but the bout a t Miami Is in no immediate danger. For an­ ed clearly the effects of the blow bad man to swap shots with when Sturdy also competes for Yale, averted while on the tour—a trag- is called off. he’s going right. Saw him get 36 other, he may tap Christner first He is a senior, and was Carr’s and he wasn't the same man the The latter has exactly no defense rest of the fight, which, by the way, balls the other night before his ri­ teammate last year. He came but val scored one. Never mind who against anything and it is his habit with a leap Of 13 feet 7 Inches early didn’t last long after that. to cast his punches from a distance, His Friends Return his opponent was. That’s too em­ this winter, and, at the time, barrassing. which stage of the proceedings caused the prediction to be made When Bat continued his vicious Dempsey Thinks probably will find Paulino peering attack In the seventh, the crowd that he might smear Carr’s best We’ve-just received a belated at him from under the arm pit. marks. sensed Leto’s downfall and did a Christner himself argues that graceful '“about face,’’ starting to Valentine greeting from an anony­ He did 14 feet the other night mous friend which bears the fol­ he hit hie man early and oft the but failed to clear the bar when it pull for Battalino to win by a Stribling WiU Win last time he fought here and that knockout. Up until this time Leto lowing inscription under an appro­ was raised an inch and one-half priate cartoon: Paulino Isn’t as. clever as Sharkey. higher. But the season Is young— had managed to keep his face free I might say that neither is Joe from cuts save for a little one on pie and we are not great big 'mil­ You wear loud clothes and flashy Gum, the well known bootblack. and those who believe Carr’s marks his nose but the Hartford boy open­ Dope Has It Jack Has Ad­ lionaires, but I think we proved ties. Paulino isn’t as clever as Sharkey are not to remain as the best al­ ed an old cut over Leto’s left eye that this wasn’t a money fight with And in athletics pose as “wise.” because he isn’t.clever at all but he ways think Sturdy stands an excel­ and a new one about the other. us. We wanted more out of It You bet on pool, and are always has a style of fighting that figures lent chance of breaking them this Blood streamed down both sides vised Strib to Center At­ than money. short to nonplus a swinger more than season. of Leto’s face and from his nose. “We talked with Tex Rickard. You’re our idea of a “Tin Horn would, a stand-up, head-slipping His performances In -the jK)le It appeared only a question of time He gave us ojir price and we agreed Sport.” fighter like Sharkey. vault will be worth watching. before Bat would finish him and tack on Sharkey’s Body. and there were no papers signed Anyhow, it will all come out in The. Dough Rolls In 'finally Referee Billy Conway inter­ and, when those things happened RAMBLERS WIN the laundry. Mr. Gus Sonneberg, the rassling vened, deciding that the cuts were as they did, we talked again to Mr. The Ramblers defeated Rockville champion, is cashing in on his title, too serious to warrant continuance. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the Carey and we said that our under­ on the latter’s floor 65 to 23 start­ and, to be frank, at the rate of ap­ third of a series of daily articles standing with Rickard could be writ­ ing in high gear and keeping out in proximately $30,000 a month. It’s The bout opened In almost the ten off and we would do business same manner as most of Battalino’s from Miami Beach, Fla., in which front all the way. Halftime score a sum not to be sneered at by any Henry L. Farrell, NEA Service again with the corporation. was 33 to 3. Schiebel and Chap­ STAMFORD MAN TO BOWL group of talented people. In round fights of late. Toward the end of sports editor, whose articles ap­ “And we did. We are in there the round, Bat nailed Leto with a man were high scorers. numbers, it would amount to ap­ pear in this county exclusively in fighting for a percentage of the RAMBLERS (65) IN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH proximately $375,000 a year for hard right and the Florida boy The Herald, sizes up the coming gate and I don’t know what our end ' B. F. T. In Blue, Dark SilkMixtures— toppled to the canvas. Many in the rassling.., Stribling-Sharkey fight of Feb. will be and I have not been near Hedlund, r f ...... 4 2 10 To do this, Mr. Sonnenberg has crowd reached for their overcoats the box office to see. We are not Gribbon, rf ...... 1 0 2 Brown and Gray. and some were heard to cry out interested in the money angle. New York, Feb. 22__ Joe Scrib­ been going about from one town, to Chapman, If ...... 8 1 17 another taking on fellows who, to “set-up; another palooka’’ and so By HENRY L. FARRELL. What we want to do is to get in Hadden, c ...... 5 1 11 ner of Detroit and Mort Lindsey of Men’s and Young Men’s Styles. forth. Leto, however, was not bad­ Miami Beach, »Fla., Feb. 22.— shape and we are doing that. Stamford, Conn., will meet next judge from the results of the Gribbon, r g ...... 2 1 3 matches, have not been so terribly ly hurt by the blow. It was very There seems to be only one thing Carlson, rg ...... 2 0 2 n onth in a sixty-game bowling evident from the ringside that he certain in the minds of Pa Stribling, match for the championship of the hard to handle. And each match “The experts who have been Vennert, rf ...... C 0 0 nets the dough. could have gotten up at a count of Ma Stribling and their son, Willie, peering at Sharkey and Stribling in Schiebel, Ig ...... 10 0 20 United States, according to an an­ YOUR CHOfCE OF THE STORE two but he had sense enough to as the date approaches for the their workouts think that Stribling nouncement made public today by Gus ‘ earned $30,000 the first take a coun^ of nine. He came back boy’s fight here with Jack Sharkey. is too fine. He has been fighting a Total ...... 30 5 65 Frank A. Dwyer, owner oi the month after he had become cham­ Now and for a Few Days More at - 1 strong in the second round and had They were going to win the fight, lot here and there all over the coun­ BONUS AMICUS (23V Broadway Academy in this city. A pion. In that time, he Pullmaned Bat making many wild swings. they tell you. And they give the try and the weather has been very B .y F , T. purse of ?2,o:o also will be at from Boston down to Oklahoma, A few seconds before the round most reasonale arguments iji their hot here. Sharkey claims that the Dowding, rf ...... 3 3 9 stake. over to Kanbas and St. Louis, hack $ 19,50 ” " $ 23.50 very nice polished way. weather advantages should Ife for Hahn, rf ...... 0 ' 0 0 Thirty games will be rolled in to Philadelphia and New York. Every suit with 2 pants. ended, Leto drew the house into It seems, they insist, that young an uproar when he caught Bat with Stribling. Dintch, I f ...... 4 0 8 Detroit on March 2 and 3, and the And the trip was so’ profitable fi- Every suit pure wool. Bill was predestined and preor­ “ ‘What’s he squawking about Pltkat, c ...... 1 0 2 other thirty at the Broadway alleys jiancially that he decided to take a hard right knocking him down for dained to be the heavyweight cham­ Every suit guaranteed. the first time in his professional the weather for,’ Sharkey asks. ‘He Weaber,, r g ...... 2 0 4 in New York on March 10 and 11, one to the Pacific coast. pion of the world. His career was is a guy from the south, ain’t he? Hahn, Ig ...... 0 0 0 Scribner claims the national And they say that Gus was sell­ $30 to $45 quality and suitable for all year round career. Bat appeared more surpris­ made out for him by a sort of He ought to go big on this hot ed than hurt and when he started championship because of his recent ing a brand of low-priced automo­ wear. providence and now all that re­ stuff.’ ” T o ta l...... 10 3 23 victory over Adolph Carlson, crack biles just a year ago at about 30 to get up, he lost his balance and mains between him and the goal is The boy and his father, however, Referee: Jackmore. slipped back to the floor. The bell the Sharkey man and perhaps that Chicago bowler. Previously Carlson berries a sale! do not think they are losing too Timekeeper: R. Vennert. had claimed the title. They‘All Like Hlm^ rang at the count of two and Bat­ Dempsey person who is helping to much weight. Personal fouls: Ramblers 8; promote the fight. Lindsey has been prominent as a It is said of Wallace Wade, Ala­ talino got up of his own accord and “I know what I ought to weigh,” Rockville 12. bowler for fifteen years and has de­ trotted to his .corner little the “Money isn’t the thing with us bama football coach, that he is a the boy says. “I’ve always been feated some of the best pinmen in hard-boiled fellow, one who takes KAMBER’S worse for the sudden turn of af­ in this fight,” Pa Stribling said and kind of skinny. They used to call the country. fairs. the boy nodded assent. me the stripling a. long while ago. partners, that he was winging no foolishness from anyone con­ Crowd Boos Bat It is hard to get the boy to talk “I don’t need a lot of work to punches into them rather close to cerned with his'football team. He Battalino took the third round about himself. He operates on the get in shape. 'All I need is the ex­ the belt line. Pa was asked if the makes strict training rules and he by a close margin but Leto came theory that his father is much bet­ ercise to get my wind in shape, be­ boy was training on foul punches has no bashful manner when he ter qualified to talk. He can use cause 1 think I will need a lot of and he denied it, of course. SAIDELLA DEFEATS wants to 'sayi' something to some­ back and captured the fourth dur­ bigger words, the boy says, and^ his ing which the crowd booed Bat for wind to catch that fellow. “He is developing a new punch body. conversational gear runs at naany “He runs plenty, they tell me, to the body,” Pa said. “He uses “But 1 tell my boys at the start his wrestling tactics. We called the more miles an hour. and I’ll have him running. Just GAD0BY59PINS of the seasonHhat'they don’t have fifth round/ even. Leto got away to this new punch with a downward about two rounds is all I’ll have to twist of the wrist instead of bring­ to play football unless they want a lead which was evened by a de­ “As I w ipsayin,” Pa went on, go in this fight and I am not ex­ ing it up and with those great big to,” he says.* “None of ’em,ever termined slugging bee which Bat “money isn’t everything to use in cited about that referee business. pollows on his hands they look like Jack Saidella beat Frank Gado quit, so I assume they are all will­ forced in the closing part of the this fight. We are not poor peo- Anybody can count 10 and that’s all low punches, but they are not. Ask by 59'pins in a ten game match at ing to stick to the rules I prescribe. bout. With the first and third' I’ll need in there—a counter.” the sparring partners,” Murphy’s alleys last night averag­ rounds going to Battalino, the sec­ And the sparring partners say ing 115.3 against 109.4. The scores ond and fourth to Leto and the fifth Leto would beat Bat if they fought Stribling says that he has a bat­ they are not low,. follow: even, it was anybody’s fight as the again. They base their opinion tle plan mapped out and that it is Since Dempsey dropped Sharkey ‘ Saidella Gado Last Night Fights | boys came out for the sixth but chiefly on the fact that Leto travel­ not a complicated plan. with the hook to the body every­ 105 114 At London—-Len Harvey knock­ from .this point on the Capitol City ed all day to get to Hartford. Leav­ “I’m just going to hit him In the one seems to think that Sharkey Is 116 104 ed out Frank Moody, British light- U d proved himself the better man. ing his training camp well up in middle,” the boy said, and Pa and a mark for body punishment. 131 113 heavyweight champion, 6. Undoubtedly Promoter Ed Hur- New York state by automobile at Ma nodded. It Is reported around here that 113 116 At Hartford, Conn.—Bot Batta­ .< y rematch these boys. The 7 o’clock yesterday morning, Leto “That fellow Sharkey doesn’t Promoter Dempsey thinks that 105 104 lino, Hartford, kayoed Tony, Leto, i. ui would be a. sell out again, but and his party, became snowbound like to be hit In the body. We all Stribling is to be the winner and 111 110 Tampa, Flal,' featherweight, 7. know that, and you newspapermen that he has even sent some words 125 115 Wrestling Results. ,ve think Battalino would again be and it was several , hours befor§ know it.” the victor. Leto is a much cleverer they could make train connections. of advice to the boy. Give it to the 107 98 At Springfield, Mass.—Gus Son- = - , ' Formerly Hollander’s. boxer than Battalino but he does They did not arrive In Hartford guy in the belly, he is reported to 124 , 109 nenbergi heatyweight champion, It was observed by the experts have told him, and if he didn’t tell 116 111 won frofn Jack Smith, of Pesthlgo, I 82 Asylum Street, Hartford s not possess any such devastating until 8:30 which gave Leto little in several of Stribling’s workouts, him he has been telling every other Misc., in straight falls, 28:30 apd punch. There are many who believe time to rest. .c < with his rather inferior sparring person. 115.3 109.4 8:56. T. 53482353485348235390482348235348534853232353485353484823 - ' - I ' i ’T T'


-i— A e > v y ^ r k . SHE BLACK ■RICEO ' (^ u Oery © 1929 By NEA Service, Ina ^ ANNE AUSTIN Uhen Gre'p.. O b f t t j - The body of “HANDSOME HAH* T— Since not a few people are in­ HY" BORDEN, promoter of dubi­ terested in the Institation called ous stock companies, Is found Mon­ “W e were [olloweJ, darling. 1 Had to make marriage, not a. teyr may also be day morning by his secretary, you repeal your assurances to me for ike benefit Interested in a fairly'sprightly new RUTH LESTER, sprawled beneath of ibe detective, W e mustn’t forget ibat McMann book called “Marriage in the Mod­ the airshaft window of his private Is cleverj*' ern Manner,” by Ira,^S: Wylie and ofBce. The scene of the investiga­ Mary Day Winn. The >foUowing ex­ tion is the office of the victim. The first suspect questioned by POLICE tracts may interest, entertain or in­ DETECTIVE McMANN is MRS. struct. BORDEN, Borden’s wife and moth­ The one - man - for ^ one-woman er of his two chljjfcen, who admits theory is answered thus: ‘ calling Saturday aHernoon for her “Nature has. endowed practical­ monthly alimony checii, ld);t denies ly every man and woman with a knowledge of tfie crime. ' ' i certain amount of appeal for the The second susp^t is Ruth !<%>•>!: other sex. Ilka the pull between ter, who confesses Borden’s at­ two electrically charged magnets, tempted familiarity with h-?"" on propinquity does thd rest. “Sometimes sex-appeal works Saturday morning but Insists she ^6Te'' a diasrpnal fashion..

f) S-SiK-i I . ;■ "

V.' 01 MA n u h i s ST E K e v e n i n g h e r a l d , s o u t h MANCHESTER.-C0NN,. FR1DAY, FEBRAURY 22, 1929. PAGBBLEV1BI1—


M ti *. Vv •51k, ’.s

r«-7 ''.id: :ii

i&i KANE’S LIBERAL CREDIT (iTl S aIt le KANE’S WEEK DELIVEBS ------! ■ ANY PURCHASE TO $100 WEEK DELIVERS ANY PURCHASE TO $200 and Saturday Night! WEEK DELIVERS ? 01. fo r ANY PURCHASE TO $300 Z4: W^EK DELIVERS ANY PURCHASE TO $400 i WEEK DELIVERS COSTS FORGOTTEN! ANY PURCHASE TO $500 Entire Stock Must Be Sold—and Sold at Once. Wreckers Start Monday! This means our finest Any Purchase Stored Free Until Wanted ' Our fmniture-^very odd piece, beds and bedding, carpets, etc., regardless of cost or loss! Extra efforts have been made to make Saturday the biggest day of the Sale! Building DON’T FAIL TO COME Must Be Beds— Bedding Sliced 9 9 Coil S p rin g...... Now $6.95; Special Filled M attress...... Now $19.95 in Simmons Steel Beds with panel...... Now $9.95 3-piece Englander B eds ...... Now $16.75 Two ENTIRE STOCK OF BEDS AND BEDDING RADIOS AT CORRESPONDING CUT PRICES. 'yV! A. C. ELECTRIC SETS REDUCED >\. THE ’ CITY SAYS “Make Way • DISHES AND CHINA WARE for a New and Wider Main CLOSED OUT AT Street-” The Wreckers are ready! Freshman,Table S e t ...... Now §55 *Vl*» We must clear out our stock. A r>i« dnce-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Rockingham, Table Set ...... Now $49 thrifty-home-makers. OFF Freshman,^ Cabinet Model 2 1 5 ...... • Now $95 42-piece and 100-piece dinner sets— all floor Freshman, Cabinet M odel...... Now $119 samples must go at just half price. Convenient Terms. Huntington, 1929 Cabinet Model Now $79

(All Sets Priced Less Tubes) DA-BEDS, COMPLETE WITH VING ROOM Convenient Credit Terms. MATTRESSES TO CLOSE OUT , • OFF Suites at Great Savings One third off on day beds of all styles. All are well made, mostly all-steel ends and are Now is your chance to own an inviting, up to the minute new living room Cabinet Gas Range Step Ladders Occasional Tables complete with heavy pads and valances of cre­ suite! Great savings on sound qualitjs real beauty and just the design you tonne. >vant! Some one of a kind only—so get here early Saturday! Convenient Tenns. §95 Velour Suites, 3 Pieces ...... $53 $24.50 98c $7.98 •:U $129 Jacquard Suites, 3 P ie ce s ...... $87 4 Burners and oven— Black $189 Mohair Suites, 3 Pieces ...... $118 Octagon Shape— ^Mahogany REFRIGERATORS L n ^ e l Finish. Handy in every home. Finish. $199 Serpentine Frame Suites, 3 Pieces...... $128 $215 .\ll-over Mohair Suites, 3 P ie ce s...... $169 $295 Angora Mohair Suites, 3 Pieces ...... $215 All Cotton Mattress 1/3 OFF $395 Mohair Carved Frame,'3 P ie c e s ...... $275 8-3x10-6 Rug 5-Pc. Breakfast Set Samples, and pne-of-a-k'ind— all in first-^. CONVENIENT TERMS class c o n d itio n .^ $ $6.95 $24.50 $9.95 Convenient Terins. ' Comfortable, full size matU-ess, xvith all cotton tilling and arttlck Consists of 4 chairs and table, Boom-size Axminster Bugs in Sti. CS.3 cover. Unusually good quality patterns you vvUl like. unfinished-— ready to be decorat­ for so low a price! END TABLES IN GREAT ed. •VU' Convenient Credit. Convenient Credit. Convenient Terms. VARIETY ON SALE. DINING ROOM ',-V Windsor Chairs , D resser - Gateleg Table OFF BUSH SEATS Half Price for end tables in period styles,':; SUITE PRICES CRASH k $11.95 modern styles and new designs- Great selec-^j- $14o95 tion at low prices. . In all our experience we have never seen such ami^zing values! Well built! $7.98 Made of gumwood finished in Handsome gateleg table of A chair of this typo will find Convenioit Terms. , Superbly designed! Of selected woods throughout! Eveijpne who longs to re­ walnut effect. Four draw^ers. hardwoods, finished in mahogany many uses. Sturdy construction furnish their dining room should hasten to this sale of sales! Clear mirror. color. — ^Hahogany finish. ] — — $119 Dining Suites, 8 P ie c e s ...... $78 t^nv^ent Credit. ' - Convenient Term s. ’ Convenient Terms. REED SUITES $149 Dining. Suites, 9 P ie ce s...... $99 $225 Walnut Veneer Dining Suites, 9 Pieces ...... $139 $239 Walnut Veneer Dining Suites. 9 Pieces...... $167 CogsWell Chair Bridge Tables Vz OFF $275 Walnut Veneer Dining Suites, 9 P ieces ...... $188 Vz t o V2 $325 Walnut Veneer Dining Suites^ 9 Pieces ...... ?. ; . $227 OFPON Final cleanup of all samples just half the re:t-!i^ r>i f cj CONVENIENT TERMS $19.75 $1.06 ulap prices. . ' x — the entire remaining stock. Delay is ' dangerous—get your Comfortable Cogswell chair LeaUierette coverings — easily Convenient Terms. ' • f share of the astonishing savings! npholstored in Jacqmwd.velonr. folded up. \oi Samples and one-of-a-kind. Convenient Terms. , Fiber Tables, 1-2 off. CEDAItCHESTS AT \ ' Fiber Ferneries, 1-2 off. » BEDROOM SUITE Fiber Chairs, 1-2 off. Chest af Drawers BIG SAVINGS Davraport Tables, 1-2 off. Radio Bench Oceaalonal Tables, 1-2 off. Bondolr.Ghjd^ 1-2 off. \ Visz- PRICES FOR SATURDAY Odd Lam ps'll 1-8 off. $9.50 CMT Easy Chahe, 1-2 off. $1.49 Four large drawers. WeU . Sample Mirrors, 1-2 off. Values! Values! Values! All in clever new designs that will appeal to Art Metal Polychrome Frame, made throughout of hardwood, One-third saving on cedar and walnnt effect - Smokers at 1 ^ .off. particular home lovers! Early selection is advised for such marvelous savings Velour Seats. in walnut finish. and genuine walnut veneers. Telephone Sets 1-2 off. Convmiient Terms, cannot last forever! Be here Saturday. In choice of three colors.'' Cmvenient Terms. J' Convenient Terms. $98 Bedroom Suites, 4 P ie ce s...... $47 $149 Bedroom Suites, 4 Pieces ...... «i...... $07* $175 Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suites, ►AT THE SIGN SSiTHE BIG. C L O C I^r . ■ 1 I 1; Remember; Eane^ 4 Pieces ...... # ...... $139 , > $225 Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suites, Convenient P Open Sat Until Are NOT 4 Pieces •.. • .•...... *. . . . . j ...... $169 Credit Terms $328 Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suites, t 9 p.- nu Outof Business. 4 Pieces ...... 'v*...... $228 On A ny We will remidi^ in Hartford, to continue our Purchase* H artford ' vice and Imlu^l . ' H artford CONVENIENT TERMS IN STi l»AQBTWBL^rir.*^’' MSNaaBSStBREVENlfTG^lTi^ MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY. FEBRACRY 22, 1929. 3^>x»x3caoo^o««xx36xxxsw3q!a«xKXKXxx«tx» 6yxwt%iaocqqoiy«qp^ ^1

»00>0m0i0tmtimti000m»0mt»mf>f>f>0im r-nnrri---- The Advertise MARKET jxrLTLTiJxrLrij^rifir'i^irr^i* * * * ^^ • * , 8Wiikitt%%OTnn«ititintKMOocwiionn«iMtia6ii^ ^ LONDON SOCIETY To Combine for Concert DEATH OF WASIflNGION MORPHY filRL FOUND SPRINKLER BREAKS EXPOSE SUCKER LIST DESCRIBED BY PAPER IN STATE THEATER San Francisco, Feb. 22— Reports New York, Feb. 22 — The so- FAVORS BRIDCE were unofficially confirmed today called “ sucker list” of 50,000 that four-year-old Doris Virginia Does No Damage, However, credulous investors who donated Washington. D. C. Family Has Smith Murphy had been found and more than $8,000,000 of thfeir. sav­ Since It Was in the Boiler Ah Oris^nal Copy of “Ulster was safely with her mother. The ings, will figure In the trial of John Room; Causes ExcitemenU and Herbert Locke, Indicted with AS MONEY GAME Co. Gazette.** child had been. missing tor a week. Mrs. Helen Murphy, the mother, six others .for qsing the malls to and Edward J. Murphy, the child’s Bursting of what is believed to defraud, when It is resumed in Fed­ Washington, Feb. 22.— S.ihall r London— The effete score-card stepfather, left their -home this have been a defective sprinkler eral Court on Monday.* country newspaper shop in upper mornnig with private detectives for nozzle in the boiler room Texas Guinan, night club hostess, has supplanted the vulgar chip; New York state in December, 17911. poker has been ousted from Its pin­ an unknown destination. of the State theater last night and a rear admiral In the navy, are A stage coach with a mail pouch It was said that they were being caused two alarm bells in among the more prominent alleged nacle of-money-making popularity, swings to the door and leaves upon and bridge is the order of the day taken to Baby Doris, who was held the lobby which are connected to have entrusted the Locke broth­ among the dilletante gamblers of the editor’s desk a long and grave by friends near the city. with the sprinkler system to ring. ers with their dollars. A federal England. letter from his Georgetown corre­ Unofficial reports were to the ef­ Quite a bit of excitement among the investigation of the Canario Cop­ The bridge craze, not^as an In-- spondent— or perhaps some worthy fect that the child was brought to passers-by was raised. per Company which they promoted nocent pastime to while away the acting in that capacity— telling of a San Francisco woman acquainted Investigation, by Manager Von brought about the Locke brothers passing hours, but as a medium for the death and burial of General with the Murphy family by a mys­ Pilski, disclosed nothing . unusual arrest after they had showered winning and losing large sums of George Washington. terious man, and the woman in until the boiler room was reached. priceless gifts on^Peggy Hopkins money by playing at stakes that This was the scene enacted in the turn notified the family of the Hare the floor was covered with Joyce, Mary Eaton, May .Daw and would seem fantastic even to the office of the Ulster County Gazette, missing tot. two feet of water and the room other famous Broadway beauties. hardened “ experts” of New York's published in Kingston, N. Y., on a cbmpletely drenched. Manager largest bridge clubs, has swept the wintry night, and one of the copies i)IE WITHIN WEEK Vdn Pilski immediately turned off country. of the edition which the Gazette the valve stopping the flow of NOMINATIONS APPROVED Women particularly have been published that day has come to Newtown, Feb. 22.— double water. No damage was done. affected: women of all thb. “ upper',’ posterity— it is an heirloom in the funCTal will be.held here tomorrow Had there been a fire, the sprink­ Washington, Feb. 22 — The classes, from the truly wealthy family of Mr. and Mrs. George B. for Mr. and Mrs. William Ingram, ler system which is installed In all nominations of Arthur Batcheller lady who can well afford to lose Ringgold, of 1656 Gales street; for many years residents of Sou'th- part of the theater would have of Massachusetts, and Cyril M. four Or five hundred dollars or The yellowed pages of that edi­ i)ury. Mrs. Ingram died Wednesday made the damage practically neg­ Jansky of Minnesota to bo federal more in a rubber or two, to the tion with a black border and black morning. She Was 77. Her husband ligible. radio commissioner were approved middle-class housewife vho gam­ by the Segate Interstate .commerce column lines, show that under a died last night at the age of 80. bles her household money over the The G Clef Glee Club, a girls’ Church to, be held Tuesday evening, in many of the Swedish Lutheran Both had pneumonia. Ernest In­ IP YOU a^N’T FIND YOUR committee today, on condition that bridge table. Georgetown date line, a florid but the Senate adopt a House amend­ chorus of 40 voices, combining with made a fine showing at their first Churches in the state, and also have eloquent story of how “ all that re­ gram, of Sandy Hook, a son, will LADDER, CALL THIS MAN. Clubs Spring Up been heard in local entertalnmenti^ have charge of the funeral from his ment to the pending radio bill p ro-. Within the last two years, hun­ the Beethoven Glee^iClub in a con­ annual concert last November. In mains of Washington tl^e Great” viding that the terms of all com­ Helge Pearson, organist and choir­ had been entombed. ~ home. The Ingrams leave six sons. Daniel J. Sullivan, Manchester >' dreds of bridge clubs have sprung cert at the Swedish Lutheran ihe past year the club has appeared master, directs, the singers: : missioners expire Feb. 23, 1930. It speaks of the “ beautiful and- Mr. Ingram was-known as a hunter sign painter, has never owned a up like mushrooms all over Lon­ \ and trapper. He was widely, knovn sublime scene at Mt. Vernon” and ladder In his many years of busines. don. Some of them demand high as an authority on game birds. entrance fees, and the members the grief shown by the friends of Furthermore, he knows everyone in town that owns a ladder. When he CUT IT OUT are admitted only by election. “ that noble and august inhabitant PLAYING HOOKY Others are open to almost anyone who was now no more.” gets a job, he knows, within a block, where he can borrow one. GIRL: Do you make life-size who wants to play, the house mak­ The account concludes with the First Youth: So you aren’t going ing its profit by a certain percen­ declaration that “ the unclouded And he does. enlargements from snapshots? to marry that schorl teacher? PHOTOGRAPHER: That’s our tage on each exchange of money, glory of his name will illuminate Believe it or not. It’s the truth. but the objects of all are exactly Second Ditto: No; I couldn't specialty, miss. future ages.” show up one night and she wanted It’s an unusual public school GIRL: Fine. Here’s a picture the same. The obituary notice, however, These aftparently innocent bridge me to bring a written excuse sign­ pupil that can’t spell a word w rongjl took of the Grand Canyon.— did not carry much detail. It names ed by my parents.— Answers. more than one way. ' Life. clubs, where women foregather in the pallbearers, but little more than preference to washing dishes or minding children, are not so very that. different from the ordinary gamb­ ling house, save that its patrons WEALTHY BOOTBLACK play against one another instead of assaulting the bank. The.stakes are usually in proportion to the finan­ New York, Feb. 22 — Blacking Service—Quality—Low Prices cial resources of the clientele and boots proved so unprofitable for twenty-five to thirty dollars per Constantino Raimo, proprietor of a hundred is the usual rate of play stand in the Grand Central term­ In the higher class clubs. inal, that he left an estate of $50,- There is nothing illegal about 000. His sister has applied for. letters I: . • j these institutions, but they have ’ i 1 been criticized on many occasions of administration 'n Queens county SATURDAY SPECIALS I ■ as offering temptations to women surrogate’s court in Jamaica. r,it| who can ill afford to lose sums Raimo who was 52 and a bache­ ranging from fifty to two or three lor, died Feb. 9 from ptomaine hundred dollars in the course of an poisoning. afternoon. Too frequent attend­ ance at bridge clubs has been mentioned more than once in di­ Finest Native Pork vorce and separation actions, hus­ > V '-r^ + > l o a s bands charging 1 that their wives ' < ' * 1 A C - H .T ^ persistently gambled away their r -f . .^v. from Mr. W. J. Prentice of Talcottville household money as well as their savings. Sanitai^ Market Have Waiting Lists ’ The Beethoven Glee Club of 40 Lutheran church,, lias given three cester., .Mass., Westerly, R. I-t and East Orange, New Jersey. Helge Play in the bridge clubs often voices appearing in a combined con­ annual concerts, the fourth to be given in April. They have been Pearson, founder of the club, has Any Cut You May Desire goes on from early in the forenoon cert with the G Clef Glee Club until late at night. Practically all heard in concerts all over the state been its director since that time^ Tel 441 Tel 442 Tuesday evening' at the Swedish three years ago. tlie “ good” clubs have long wait­ as well as in Springfield, and Wor­ I•! i J ing lists of aspiring members, and Native Fresh Bacon, ii 1 ; those women who find themselves Native Pigs’ Heads 10c lb. Ml unable to gain entrance to the in­ S liced ...... 40c lb. stitutions, satisfy themselves with FOR SATURDAY i H plaving for high stakes at home. ‘ ^ L Gambling in bridge clubs is not BEEF SPECIALS confined to this game alone. In a Native Chickens to Roast, 53c lb. number of clubs, there are rooms Native Fowls, 45c lb. Boneless Rolled Roast Beef I Prime Rib Roast Beef,.. 39c lb. •; 1, set aside for “ shilling-in-the-slot” GROCERY Pork to Boast, 25c to 20c n>< machines, of the type that were SMITH* Legs of Lamb, 42c Ib. for oven roast. . . . ___ 45c lb. Boneless Pot Roast Beef 35c lb. banned in New York City several North School Street. Tel. 1200 Pot Roast, 35c Ib. years ago, on which combinations Boneless Smoked Shoulders, 20c obtained by the pressure of a lever ). Finest Boneless Roast return five or ten times the origin­ Pig’s Liver, 18c lb. Fancy Legs Spring Lamb al investment— occasionally. Honey Comb Tripe, 25c Ib. 'V^eal ..'...«• .r.-,!, •. 45c lb. I The amount of money won and Home Made Sausage Meat, 20c lost in women’s bridge clubs is im­ SERVICE Ib. possible to computation, but it is safe to say ’ hat the sum would b? , seems to, be the natural thing to feature this week. We claim Small Sausage, 85c Ib. a staggering one if the money Head Cheese, 30c lb. chan,ging hands every day in all,, Finest Home Dressed Chickens the clubs in u.ondon could be that our service costs you nothing. Let us prove our claim to you lumped into one figure. Rowe’s Oysters Every Day, 80c to roast from Mr. Welles, Wapping, they weigh from 5 to 6 lbs. during this real winter weather. I ij No Frinedly Games pint. i Added to this is the fact that each. •■friendlv” bridge session's, such as are indulged In by practically all Fancy Fresh Killed Fowls, I Small Frying Chickens, American families, are practically WEEK-END SPECIALS unknown here, for no matter how GROCERIES 4to51bs.each . .45clb.| 3to41bs.each...... 49clb. limited may be the income- of the player, he or she is never content White Loaf Flour, T -8 bbl. Sack, unless there is at least a small 91.15. amount of money at stake. SUGAR ...... W ls.52c 1-2 n>/ Can Walnut Meats, 40c. i 'M Another phase of the card 1 lb. Box Marshmallows, 25c. gambling by the middle-class popu­ 2 n>. Box Snnmald Prunes, 30c. Bakery Specials lation is reflected in the countless Sauer Kraut, 3 lbs..... 25c Matches, 6 fo r...... 21c Saltesea Clam Chowder, large, number of ‘whist drives’ which are 33c. Stuffed and Baked Chickens on Fancy Layer...... 30c-50ceacH held all over the country every eve- 2 Cans Fish Chowder, 25c. orders. 1 Light Meat, Fancy ToiMiflsb, 88c Fudge Cup Cakes___ 25c dozen These pastimes are not Illegal, can. Hot X Buns .-.-.T.-.-.r. 25c dozen nor are they looked upon officially Heinz Spaghetti in cans, 10-lfl|- Walnut Cakes . . .- .r .- .- .. 30c each' as gambling. They reveal, however, MEAT SPECIALS 25c can. Coffee Nut Rings ..... 25c each the tremendous hold which card 2 Cans Tall Salmon, 85c. Sunshine Cakes...... 25c each games for money stakes have ob­ Romford Baking Powder, 1 Ib. Devil’s Food Loaf Cakes 25c ea. tained upon the women of England. size, 20c. Their husbands may indulge in an Baked Beans — ...... 25c qt. Tiy our Home Made Pies -iji occasional game of poker or pin­ RoastPork.... . 24clb. Binso, large, lOc. Legs L a m b ...... 39c E 6 Cans Suhbrite Cleanser, 25c. Brown Bread 10c-15cloaf Feather Cakes ...... 25c each ochle, but it is the women these r ^' days who are winning, and loaing,- 20 Mule Team Borax Washing the household money at a rate Powder, 18c. I Roast Veal...... 35c lb. 20 Mule Team Borax Dishwash­ 1 which is causing socioligiste seri­ 'i I ous alarm. Rib Roast Beef 30c-38clb. ing Powder, 18q. , Maple Syrup, large size, 29c bot­ Fruits and Fresh Vegetables • ••••••« 45c lb. tle. INVOLUNTARY FORGER Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 2 Parsnips CornedBeef...... 18clb packages for 25c. Sweet Potatoes 8 Packages Little Fairy Cake Turnips GIVES HIMSELF UP Flour, 25c. Cauliflower Fancy Celery i! Lettuce Lamb Stew ...... 20eE Fancy Sealdsweet Oranges, Philadelphia, Feh. 22.— ^Irwln CMckens.... 45c-50c lb. New Potatoes Ritter, 35, of St. Louis is being held FRUIT reg. 49c, special.... 39c dozen here by police today at his own re­ New Carrots quest on the unique charge of being Florida Oranges, large, 40c doz. V •• 4 qt. Basket Finest; Eating an “ Involuntary forger*.” Ritter Califomla Oranges, 40c doz. New Beets Apples .’ ...... 45c basket walked into the district attorney's Bananas, lOc lb. office here explaining he was want­ SPECIALS Grapefruit, 8 for 25c. Cabbage 2 q t Finest Cooking Apples 19c ed In the Missouri city on forgery Apples, Baldwin, 95c basket. charges and that worry over the Apples, 8 Quarts for 25c. acensations had caused him to give Oranges__ _ .33c dozen Phone orders taken this evening until 9 ’clock. himself up. He went into detail to explain For prompt delivery and best food products Phone 10* that he was an “ involuntary forg­ er.” He asserted two men black­ Mother’s Cocoa, 2 lbs. ..25c VEGETABLES mailed him after learning of a love ^pjtMcb', 85c peck. affair he had with a S t Louis girl Celery, 20c bunch. and forced him to sign checkf in St • ••••••••• W23c t/V Iceberg Lettuce, 10c and 15c Louis, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh although he did not have sufficient head. funds to cover the checks. Finally Green Peppers, 5c each. eluding his captors he landed in New Cabbage; Oc lb. this eity. Yejlow Turnip, 85c peck. , PoUee are .eheeking up on Rit­ ter’s story. . ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PATS 4 lbs. Onions, 25c. ■ / • ' . -‘i • ‘ . • , • “' ' ' • •

MANCHESTEE e v e n i n g H E B A ID , s o u t h B4ANC3HBSTER, GONN^ FRIDAY, FBBRAURY 22,1929.

EXTRA SPECIAL! EXTRA SPECIAL! ‘ laekrrmt Finest American icONPECTIONERY AND Granplated Sugar POWDERED SUGAR too lb . bag $5.00 lb. pkg. 5c Packed In sanitary cloth bags—free from dirt and Limit three (8) padtages to a cnstomer* and dost. SOUTH MR NCHESTER - CONN

1 PcjrC • J - ti

Sale raJ -OE- Hale’s Self-Serve Grocery Stores Ends Tomorrow Night Tremendous Savings! Twelve Pure Food Demonstrations! Free Sam ples!t

DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION Hale’s Famous Armour’s “Star” Sunbeam Silver Lane Krumm’s Good Luck Morning Luxury Sugar Cured Macaroni and Pie Filling Fruits for Salad Coffoo Sweet Mixed Ham Spaghetti no. 21-2 can 37« • lb . S 9 c P ick les lb . 2 6 c 3 pkg*. 2 5 ® All kinds. 3 Cans $1.00 Ground and blended especially for Skinned back. Hale's Self-Serve Groceries. 4t. iar 35c 4 pkg*. 25®

DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION / National Biscuit (Park Street Market) Campfire Oriental “ Show You” Royal Battle Creek Gelatine Dessert C rackers JeUo Marshmallows Prepared (Royal Lunch and Graham) Zo, Fig and Bran Chop Suey 6 pkgs. 49® 3 pkgs. 23® |b. pkg. 25® 2 lb. box 32c Free with every dozen packages, a 2 pkgs. 25® Special assortment, lb. 25c. durable shopping bag. Campfire recipe book free. can 39® A set of six moulds given free. ^ • Sunbeam Fresh Made Meadow Gold Fresh Made Creamery Butter 2 ib. r o ll 91.0 5 High Grade Meats at Mayonnaise 5 1-2 02.' ja r lOe 1 lb. roll 53c. Unusual Low Prices Sunbeam Strawberry, Pineapple, Raspberry and Peach Gold Medal and Pillsbury’s Best Pure Preserves lb. ja r 23e Flour 24 1-2 lb. bag 95c Fresh Milk Fed White House and Maxweli House - TURKEY lb . 40c lb . can 4 Yc Sunbeam Fahey Green (8 to 12 pounds.) CoHee Medium Fresh Milk Fed FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES and Large Fresh Milk Fed Asparagus Tips can 2 9 c In our fresh .fruit and vegetable departments, you will And the very bert. that nature aitorda Fowl lb. 42c Chicken from all parts of the world at prices that are.the best anywhere. ^ , (4 to 5 pounds) Fancy Canned Fruit and Vegetables lb . 45c Florida Sealdsweet, large size. (4 tx> 0 pounds) David Harura's Sumter’s ORANGES doz. 23e 2 dps. 45c SWEET PEAS, can ...... 17c SPINACH, 2 No. 2 can s------25c Tender (small and large) 3 cans 50c Shoulder (Tender), w Hi^ T c Sr N, can ...... 19c 2 No. 2 cans...... 29c Legs o f 3 cans 53c Sunbeam Fancy Tree-Ripened Lam b Chops GRAPEFRUIT CAULIFLOWER David Hamm’s Sweet GRAPEFRUIT, c a n ...... 25c Lamb lb. 35c WRINKLED PEAS, ca n ...... 25c _ 8 cans eoc lb . 35c 4 fo r 2 5 c (Extra sifted) 3 cans 73c Sunbeam Fancy 19G head Lai'go and Juicy. Standard FRUIT FOR SALAD, No. 2 1-2 can • .37c Large' white heads. TOMATOES, CORN, PEAS, 3 cans $i.05 Tender Boned~and RoUed Boneless 1 '• “-0,- 3 No.^ cans...... 29c sunbeam Fancy ■s California Sunklst . David Hamm’S Sifted BARTLETT PEARS, No. 2 1-2 can .. 35c V eal R oast Iceberg SWEET WRINKLED PEAS, can ...;22c 3 cans si.oo R oast Roof _ 3 cans 65c Republic California ORANGES . LETTUCE David Hamm’s YELLOW CLING PEACHES, lb . 35c lb . 34c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, can ...... 23c No. 2 1-2 can...... 21c 8 cans 63c (Sliced and halves) 8 cans 60c d o z. 2 3 c 3 fo r 2 7 c 2 dozen 46c Shoulder Trader Ramp Medium size. _ , Large, solid heads, s LENTEN SPECIALS R oast Roof Corned Beef New Cabbage, lb...... 5c Califon^ Simkist Oranges, dozen ... .5^ Namco Fancy Crab Meat, ca n ...... 31c Ocean Bloom Large Shrimp, ca n ...... 19c New Cairots, 3 bunches...... ,20c Ta^erin^ dozen ...... 23c, 3 cans 90c 3 cans 55c 1&. 30c lb . 24c Sweet Green Peppers, Ib...... 1 9 c Winesap Appl^ do^n ...... i.. 35c ♦ ?il Republic Tuna Fish, ca n ...... 19c Curtis Fancy White Tuna Fish, can .. .23c Fresh Spinach, peck 23c (Rome Bimuty eating apples.) 8 caps 55c • 8 cans 65c Fresh Lean Also A large stock of fresh strawberries, bananas, grai^ lemons, Ume^sweet ^ Lean, Fresh caroles, cuctimbers, green b e a ^ %vax beanst French endive, egg plante« hwee radish, Spanish Spare m b s Poipk R oast onions, etc. Namco Fahey Crab Meat can 3 ie lb . 17c lb . 24c MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS ' ^ 8 cans 90c Sunbeam ...... Sunbeam Chili SRuce, b o t t l e «25c Peanut Butter, lb. jar • o^Tno • 25c Dairy Brand Freab s o A p s a n d p o w d e r s Snnbeam Boiled Ham Baked Hai Seedless Raisins, 3 pkgs... .25c Cigarettes, carton ... ••m'.T.i Lux,Ig.pkg...... 21c StarNapthaPowder,Ig.pkg 17c (15 ounce package) (aU kinds) lb . 42c lb . 65c Snnbeam CamayTodetSoap,4 cakes 25c 3 sm.pkgs...... 10c (Half or whole) (SUced) Santa d m Valley Pure Vanilla, bottle ...... 23c P & G Soap, 6 bars ...... 24c Rinso, Ig. pkg...... 18c (12 ounce bottle) Prunes, 2 IImu , . .1 Specials On Sate At Both Our Park and


j H i c Best Places to Shop MARKET PAGE The Best Stores Advertk^

«0C000ta06XXM088000gjS»08?006KXX»t3Sap^ ly, and thence extending north on cial performance of “ Spring O’ the WATCH YOUR HAT. THIS IS THE LIFE. NEW YORK-BERUN HOP those streets until they meet the Year,” a play by William H. Rob­ YALE ANNOUNCES library. Work on these two wings ertson, to be given by the students Jackson'vUle, • Fla.— There may Falls' City, Neb.—The Leechman which should alone house 150 or In the department of drama of the have been one of those “ Watch “ boys,” 73 and T2 years old, still JHPNI BY REFUELING IN AIR more students can be begun as soon school of fine arts in the university Your Hat” signs in Yhe food dis­ have something to look forward to, BUILDING PLANS as the final working drawings of theatre. pensary, but Jim Massey, Jackson­ They have never read a, paper, the architect are ready, and will, Plans for developments at the ville reporter, had other things to owned a car, or used a \ phone, Berlin, Feb. 22.— Tentative plans we hope, be started within the next university which affect the Yale worry about. He was interviewing electric lights are radio. They «• for, a non-stop flight from Berlin to six months.” School of Aledicine were discussed i Josepbeus Daniels, ex-navy secre­ haven’t been off their farm for 60 New York by refueling in the air Salary Increases. at a meeting to be held In the tary, and had hung his hat on a GOOD TUINGS TO CAT New Gym, Dormitories and Sterling hall of medicine '.t 3 p. m. years ’cause last time they went were revealed in an interview here In his address today President convenient hook. Someone evi­ they didn’t get home until nearl, today by Captain Hermann KoebI Angell told of salary increases Yale The speakers were Dr. Wm. H. Her­ dently look a fancy to the topper, RELATIVE TERMS. rick, of Columbia university; Isaac sundown and the scare cured travi who will make the flight with the Other Stmctures Soon to ihas given its faculty members. On for when Massey returned the hat fever. There’s a lot necessary to. a chicken or a fowl co-operation of Col. James Fitz- October 1, 1927, the salary budgets M. Ullman, chairman of the execu­ was gone. besides the feathers, the bones and a traditional maurice. tive committee of the New Haven In four academic divisions of the A man, like a match, is of little reputation. “ Tender as chicken’’ may be a com­ “ Although the non-stop flight Be Erected. university totaled $1,106,005, while hospital;and Dean Robert M. Hutch­ If you are getting fat it may be project so far has not passed the ins, of the Yale School of Law. Dr. use without a head containing the pliment to some other food— or it may not. Some­ on July 1, 1929 they will total $1,- that you are also getting old. right ingredients. times the comparison would disparage a boot. It’s scheming stage,” Captain Koehl 449,785. More than 3000 faculty Warren C. McFarland, president of said, “ we have a definite idea as to the Association of Yale Alumni in just as necessary for a fowl or a chicken to be a New Haven, Feb. 22.— Plans for members have been raised from good fowl or good chicken as that it be not a crow. how w*e will carry it out. $500 to $1,000 each, he said. “ As Medicine, presided. “ We plan to use a tri-motored new construcUon at Yale far be­ the remaining increments of the The final event of the day’s pro­ We have some extraordinarily fine Fresh Fowl, gram is the De Forest prize speak­ many of them of the desirable small sizes that Junkers plane equipped with pon­ yond ' any v previously attempted endowment fund come in we hope toons on the flight. Junkers mono­ here were announced by Pjresident ing, which takes place at 5 p. m., Pinehurst customers have been‘asking for. They to t)e able to make still further ad­ planes, similar in type to the Bre­ James R. Angell before thousands vances,” he said. in Room 201, William L. Harrk- range from 3 1-2 to 5 1-2 pounds. With the rich ness hall. men in which we crossed the At­ of returned graduates here today to Following the meeting, held in fiavor that only well fed, well cared for fowl can lantic last year, will be stationed celebrate Alumni University day. j BIRCH STREET MARKET Sprague hall, the alumni attended have. at Lisbon, Portugal and Horta, New projects close at hand, ac­ There are also a lot of beautiful plump Chickens, a luncheon held in the university ^ Phone 2298 Paul Correnti, Prop. 86-88 Birch St Azores. They will meet us aboye cording to President Angell are a dining hall. The speakers were WELL, NOW! milk fed and “ tender as chicken” should be— big those cities and refuel our plane in new gymnasium to cost at least $2,- 4 Free Delivery. chaps weighing 4 to 5 pounds. Fred A. Simmons, Jr., chairman of the air. 000,000; dormitories on Elm street the student council in Yale college, The Meat Department signals that there can be “ Our flight will only be the first between High and York ' streets, “ Father offered me five thou­ and Prof. Stanley T. Williams. sand dollars if I wouldn’t allow no better buy right now than one of the Boneless of many. It will be made mainly where the gymnasium now stands, Carl A. Lohmann, secretary of the for the Purpose of studying the anyone to kiss me until I was 21.” Shoulder Hams it is offering at 32 cents. Also that to cost $2,000,000; dormitories for university presided. At 3 p. m., problems to be met by a permanent 600 Sheffield Scientific school stu­ * “ And what would you have i the Corned Beef tanks offer another splendid lot of many of the alumni attended a spe­ done with the money?”— Life. choice cuts. Pinehurst Quality Corned Beef trans-Atlantic air service. dents on Grove, Temple and Wall Specials F o r Saturday means something in this man’s town! “ Refuelling in the air means streets; new buildings on another greater progress in aviatien. By its site for Yale Divinity school, and Rump Beef Roast 35c lb. Strictly Fresh Spar^bs Those Garden-Fresh Vegetables continue to ar­ use, I can foresee the time when a the present site to be occupied by Porterhouse Steak 55c lb. 20c lb. rive in wonderful condition. The Spinach is again nob-stop flight around the world dormitories for college students; re­ first class and the Cauliflowers never came to town Sirloin and Short Ste^ Strictly Fresh Shoulders will be a reality.” construction of Berkeley oval and 45c lb. any finer. Really Ripe Tomatoes— in better form Lampson Lyceum to furnish quad­ Start the Day Pleasantly 18c lb. this year than ever before in February; dainty, ten­ rangles on High street between Wall Best Cut Round Steak Strictly Fresh Pigs’ Liver der Fresh Peas and splendid crisp Lettuce are the TOLLAND and Elm streets, divided by a cross 38c lb. 15c lb. outstanding features of the assortment. campus from College street to the by Serving Beef Ribs 18c lb. Strictly Fresh Pig^ Feet In view of the snow— which really does make the new library; and a new graduate Rib Roast 28c lb. going pretty fairly slow— and Pinehurst’a short- school building. 10c lb. Shoulder Steak 28c lb. handed condition (drat that grip!) customers are Miss Mary Trlska daughter of The dormitories to replace the Strictly Fresh Pork invited to do just as much of their week-end order­ Mr. and Mis. Ernest Trisha of Tol­ gym are to be built by money from Lean Pot Roast 28c lb. Roast 24c lb. ing as possible this evening. Phones operate till , the great James R. Sterling estate. land and Roy Kenneth Waldo son Genuine Spring Lamb— ‘ Smoked Shoulders 18c Ih. 9 on Fridays, you know. Then the business of de­ of the late Wilbur Waldo and Mrs. For the gymnasium President An­ Lamb Chops 45c lb. livering the orders tomorrow can be attended to Mai-tba Waldo were married in New gell declared the university felt it Kibbe’s Quality Nice Lean Bacon.28e lb. Leg of Lamb 35c lb. with more satisfaction all around. York City Tuesday, Feb. 19. could rely on funds amounting to Provisions. George Crandall a student at the at least as much more from sources Native Veal Steak 45c lb. Nice- Lean Boiled Wnin to be announced later. Special on Small Tender Fowl for Massachusetts Institute of^ Tech­ Native Veal Chops 30c- 55c lb. nology and Edward Roebling of President’s statement. 35c lb. Fricassee...... $1.53 each Of these two projects President Frankfurts 25c lb. Boston are guests at the home of Angell said: Native Veal Stew 18c-22c Large Legs of Lamb...... 37c lb. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crandall. “ Recently the university has re­ Coffee lb. Minced Ham 30c lb. Miss Elva Gerrish will spend ceived the assurance of a substan­ Pressed Ham 35c lb. Pinehurst Hamburg or Pinehurst Sausage Washington’s birthday and week­ Native Rump of Veal 28c tial sum tor the erection of a beau­ lb. M eat...... >...... 29c lb. end with relatives in Boston, Mass. tiful new gymnasium, to be erected Roasted and Packed in Hartford Uverwurst 30c lb. i The Tolland Study Club will on the west side of York square, Florida Oranges, 2 dozen ...... 49c | meet next Monday evening at the for which plans have been prepared home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Tilden by John Russell Pope; and which by Home Made Italian Sausage ...... 35c Meat Department Vegetables Jewett, Mrs. Preston Meecham and can, because of the many facilities Mrs. Berry will assist the hostess. U will offer for undergraduate ath­ Spaghetti, 10 lbs...... 75c lb. Strawberries, Fresh Peas The local schools closed Thursday Fresh Spareribs, Pork letic activities and sports of many Imported Pure Olive Oil,...... pt. 65c, qt. $1.10 Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes afternoon for,a recess. Friday, be­ kinds, be quite as appropriately de­ to roast, Pigs’ Hearts and and Spinach. ing Washington's birthday. scribed as an indoor winter play­ Several from Tolland attended Italian Cream Cheese...... 35c lb. Liver, 2 lbs. 35c. Johnson Electric Floor ground. While no definite an­ The E. S. Kibbe Co. the automobile show in Hartford nouncement can be made at thjs Polisher for rent $1.50 a Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Veal Roast, Tender Rib this week. time concerning the financing of day. Fifteen members of the Tolland this highly desirable development Spinach, Endive, Savoy Cabbage, Artichokes, Celery. Roasts, Shoulders of Lamb, Gerber’s Strained Vege­ Grange P. of H. No. 51. attended the university is so confident that Roasters of Fine Coffees Peppers, Leeks, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Iceberg Let­ a meeting of East Central Pomona it will soon have the resources. re­ boned and rolled. table Products for children. Grange held in Odd Fellows Hall quired for this that it has bad tuce, Oranges, Bananas, Tangerines, • Lemons, Fancy in South Manchester, Wednesday. James Gamble Rogers, ’89, prepare Since 1878 Table Apples, Pie Apples, Nice Red Ripe Tomatoes, Soup Irwin Mitchell, Jr., who has been plans for the erection of an under­ Bunches, etc. seriously ill with bronchial pngu- graduate quadrangle to occupy the monia is reported gaining. entire block front on Elm street al­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ceisl have ready mentioned. I am happy In­ been entertaining guests from deed to add that funds for the 200 Letters by Lord Nelson and South Willington. erection of this dormitory unit have ,Mr. Raymond Lefingwell of been promised to us by *the trustees Glen Falls, New York spent the of the estate of John W. Sterling, ■BB Other Notables in Harvard Library week-end with his family at the ’64. • Until the new gymnasium is m ... home of Mrs. Lefingwell’s mother, built we shall construct only the Mr.s. Michael Larsen. two wings of the dormitory group TH E J Cambridge, Mass.— Nearly 200’ Yarmouth Roads, at the Lime of the Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mitchell. Sr., which will extend east and west on r CO. writing. This was th.e last letter to are rejoicing at the birth of a Elm street from the old gymnasium c j 3 N .g i M original letters, mainy of them un­ to High and York street respective­ Lady Hamilton during this visit to little daughter Monday at the Rock­ published and unknown, written by England. The letter is important as Lord Nelson, Lady Hamilton, Sir ville City hospital. it fills a space hitherto vacant in Roy Dimick, a foreman on this William Hamilton and others of his correspondence. r , 1 1 S’elson’s intimates, have recently division of the State Highway De­ Another letter, the fourth, is im­ partment attended a meeting and been acquired by the Harvard Col­ portant because it carries the sig­ WPlERE CONNECTICUT BUYS ITS GROCERIES lege Libr&ry. These letters, to­ dinner at the Nathan Hale Hotel in E natures of both Lord Nelson and Willimantic Wednesday, given for 1 gether with the log book of Nel­ Lady Hamilton on one sheet. It foremen, supervisors and book­ son’s flagship “ Victory” during the was signed, “ Nelson and Bronte” years when he was blockading Tou­ keepers to transact business for lon, letters to his flag captains, and and reminds one of the £a<-t that division No. 9 of Slate Highway Nelson had an estate in Italy given official orders in his own hand writ­ Department. him by the King of the Two Sicilies Miss Alice E. Hall, who complet­ LARGE FLORTOA ten as admiral of the fleet, form the together with the title of Count of Joseph Husband Collection. Mr. ed her course at Storrs College the Bronte. At the time they wrote twenty-ninth of January, was on Potatoes Husband, Class of 1908, a collector 1 9 ^ this letter together to Captain Fo­ the honor roll for the last semester 15 ib. Peck Oranges 2 d o x . 49c resident of New York City, has for ley, con rratulating him upon his as announced by David L. Greene, some time wished to see the letters recent marriage. Nelson was living registrar. forming a part of Harvard’s at Merton. This period marks the The case of Simeon Luhrsen who WALTER BAKER’S Library. estrangement of Sir William and fatally injured Michael Larsen two FANCY LARGE Many of the letters forming this Lady Hamilton. weeks ago while driving his auto­ collection are virtually unknown, A fifth missive is of particular mobile was dismissed in the Justice and are important, not only from Court here Tuesday afternoon. Health is your child’s Coooa 1-2 lb. c a n 17* I Grapefruit interest because^ it clearly chows an the point of view of their worth to Mr. and Mrs. F^ank Wood of collectors, but because they contain advanced stagethe coolness be­ GREATEST POSSESSION tween the Hamiltons. These notes New Britain were ’Sunday guests at extremely valuable historical ma­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S t o r 2^0 terial. They were placed on exhibi­ are morq perfect illustrations of Fine food for the kiddies and their states of minds thar any Doyle of Tolland avenue. tion in the Treasure Room of Mrs.'Marion Doyle was a guest at Widener Library. amount of description. The letter their parents* Food that is fit carries the very formal hand of Sir the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold FANCY Material For Book Kennedy of Burnside Tuesday for the most discriminating. Until historic scholars of the William and the Illegible strokes Cigarettes $1.19 where several of the relatives met. Let this market help make this period covered by the letters have of Emma Hamilton. It was written CARTON, 10 pkgs. at Marton in 1803. ■ Members of the official board of Lemons d o x . 330. time to go over the new acquisi­ the Methodist branch of the Fed­ for your folks—A WELL FED tions, many interesting points iji The sixth letter was a memoran­ erated Church will meet Saturday WINTERTIME. the letters can not be brought out. dum to Captain Bayntum, one of afternoon at the parsonage for the There is sufficient material there Nelson’s flag captains, in command fourth quarterly conference of that Center Cuts Roast Pork 32c lb. for the writing of a book or for a of the ship Leviathan. It contains body. Rev. Myron Center district FANCY Meet Josn Csrol in our Doctor’s Thesis. But as samples of merely orders as to the disposition Fresh Shoulders ...... 20c lb . superintendent will preside. weekly drculsr tdd E C O N O M T the breadth of the collection, of of the various ships. It is dated Mrs. Gertrude Gaffney and Sausage M|^t ...... 25c lb. the importance of the letters, and aboard the flagship Victory, March 2 i 6 oz get acqinfaited with daughter Shirley of Hartford and Brookfield Sausage, lb. 39c lb. I ). of their general character, seven 11th, 1805, or only a few months Mrs. Mable Morganson and son Catsup btls. 4 5 c tbo TslnaUe service COFFEE I • letters have been selected as types. before the Battle of Trafalgir. Frank were recent guests of their Legs of Lamb ...... 39c lb. she offers YOU free of The first of these letters, written The last of the documents chosen, parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lamb S tew ...... I5c lb. rANCr CAUFORNIA charge. Blmded for the. most fadtidioas and by Nelson in 1794, shows his right the seventh. Is the will of Lady Newman. hand which was a marvel of strokes Hamilton written In October,' 1808, Pot Roast, Boneless 30c-35c lb. the table talk of the town. about three years after Nelson’s and curves. After the .’.ttack of D aisy H a m s ...... 32c lb. “ Thesuses” on Sauta Cruz in 1797, death. The will speaks Jor itself, Peaches AtAU and the loss of his right arin by and needs no introduction. The fact . LAND EpyyfMgb mj an amputation, he learned to write that it is now brought to light Gordon’s Market GROCERIES Fancy Tim es W e with his left hand, although with seems a find of great importance.- O tter T on O'LiUCES O U R Jl JCf ip no proficiency, so that his left- It is actually in the writing of Lady Saturday Specials Fancy Rice, 3 lbs...... 25c % cm. 3 $ C handed script was always unformed Hamilton. C o m Bantam and nearly illegible. in Quart Ammonia ...... ,21c S tr ic tly Made from Tuberculin Tested Cows Two other letters were written mSSOURI WOMEN DO NOT NATIVE BEEP Bleaching Water, bottle .. 10c OCTAGON FRESH in the Land of Sky Blue Waters.. during a half year of Nelson’s life FAVOR WHIPPING POST which has assumed great import­ Little Crow Pan Cake; pkg. 11c FRUITS ance through the efforts of the bio­ Springfield, . Mo.— Regardless of Pop Com, 3 pkgs...... 25c Super Suds S pkgs. 2 5 C graphers. what the Missouri W. C. T. U. Native Veal Cutlets ------50c lb. Super Suds^ 3 f o r ...... 20c and The first of these was written on might do to stamp out the bootleg­ BBEAR Calves’ Liver ...... 50c lb. Cream of W heat ...... 2 3 c VE 6E . November 18,^1800, from London ger, tlie organization never would Pork Chops...... 30c lb. WHOUBSOME— Large where Nelson was still living with support a bill pending before the R a ls to n ...... 23c lb . H a m b u r g ...... 20c lb. MOST NOURISHING 2 0 U S . Lady Nelson. It was addressed to Missouri legislature at Jefferson Mufifets ...... 11c Preserves3 jar TARLBS the Reverend Dixon* Hoste, and is City to provide for public whip­ Charcoal, bag ...... 1.5c JAR GRAP£ JElxy FR£E FOR chhoDRAn L a ^ a notable chiefly for Its signature, pings. . 43c Grape Fruit; 4 for ...... 25c “ Nelson of the Nilej” ami shows That is the expression of Mrs. Take life easy by lat- that three years after the loss of Nelle G. Burger, president of the All Other Cuts Steak JACOB'S tiog.Josn Catt>) solve F1ME8T SELECT his right arm he still scrawls al­ Missouri W. C. T. U., here. Com­ and Chops at extra low TOUB table ec kitdiea most illegibly. menting od Rep. John C. Putman’s problMtt. Read her prices. cans page! Write hei your FRESH EG O S The third letter from the colleo- bill which has more or less upset Mushrooms Z 6 3 C trooMeel tlon is one penned on March 2, the House or Representatives. NATURB*S NUGGETS OF 1801 the day Nelsbit sailed lor the Baltic and the battle of Copen­ WRITE TOUR SENATOR hagen. We owe this letter to the , Wood: When are you going to Prices on specials are for the PEARS 'OosUty Bartlett large can 25c ASPARAGUS Fancy fact that Lgdy Hamilton did not take an airplane trip? best cuts. jyifiLS M ARKET hunt her'Tetters as she bad threat­ Stone: Not until after the law Fancy Sliced ened to do. Nelson was about to sail of- gravity has been repealed.- 5 ^ m a i n S T . Bnffat Size 2 “ “ 2 5 c PRUNES nii |or ^ e appointed rendezvous In Answers. North Main Street p h o n e 2 3 3 9 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, FERRAURY 22, 1929. PAGE FIFTEEN.

rR O D U onoN o p h e l iu m t X S ABOfTX BEGUN IN TEXAS PLANT Amarillo, Texas.— Production of AinOUGBI CONNECJlci;^ helium has been begun at Soncy, near here, at the Bureau of Mines CONNE^ffCUT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE plant. The plant at Fort Worth was As one whom his mother com- closed down Jan. 19 on account of forteth, so will I comfort you; and lack of gas supply. The Soncy plant (232) The Judicial Depai'tmenL 3’e shall be comforted in Jerusa> is in one of the greatest gas pro­ lem.— ^Isaiah 60:13. The judicial power of the state is vested in a Supreme Court ducing areas in the world. * • • Congressman Fritz Lanham, of It is a little thing to speak a oI Errors, a Superior Court, Courts of Common Pleas, City, Bor­ the Forth Worth district, has suc­ ough, Police and Town Courts-, Courts of the Justices of the phrase of common comfort, which ceeded In obtaining permissio' of by daily use has almost lost its Peace and Probate Courts. the government to use the plant at Forth Worth as a fish hatchery, it sense; j-et on the ear of him who The judges of the Supreme Court of Errors, Superior Court is stated. thought to die unmourned it will and Courts of Common Pleas are appointed by the General fall like choicest music.— Talfourd. Assembly, on nomination by the Governor. The Supreme Court HOW SHOCKING! and Superior Court judges serve for terms of i.' years while Com­ mon Pleas judges are appointed for 4 years. Judges of City, FLYER FINDS RAINBOW London— A man walking in IS A COMPLETE GIRGLE Borough and Town Courts are appointed by the General Assem­ Leicester Square saw what he bly for terms of 2 years. Judges of Probate Court and Jus­ thought was a human figure, lying tices of the Peace are elected biennially. The Supreme Court nude in a passage. Police were San Francisco.— Call off the hunt, of Errors is made up of the chief justice and four associate jus­ rushed to the scene, but found that those of you who seek the pot of tices. • There are 13 judges of the Superior Court. The chief the lady was of the wax variety, gold at the end of the rainbow! justice receives $12,500 a year and the associate justices and and used as a clothing model. In fact, there isn’t any end to a judges of the Superior Court $12,000. Madam Wax had been bedecked rainbow— it’s a circle. with furs valued at $1,000, which So affirmed Burr Winslow, mall .The Superior Court is the most Important court of the state, thieves had stripped from her and pilot. Flying from Oakland to established YOUR A &P FOOD STORE HAS A COMPLETE STOCK having extensive original and appellate jurisdiction in criminal fled. Reno, Winslow reported witnessing 1659 cases and in civil action brought in most of the inferior courts for the first time a circular bow OF THE FINEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FOODS— of the state. The Superor Court judges appoint for each coun­ Each of us has $2.69 less than he in full color. This particular rain­ ty a clerk, a state’s attorney, and a coroner, admit attorneys to had last year, we are told by the bow had no end, which leads him THERE YOU WILL FIND TEMPTING DELICACIES TO practice law, grant divorces, grant permission to individuals to Treasury Department. One fact to believe that all rainbows, if seen VARY YOUR LENTEN MENU. change names and perform many other duties important for the that probably will not be ascribed from the correct angle, would be maintenance of civil order. The Supreme Court is the final to Republican prosperity. round. court of appeal upon questions of law upon which the lower courts of the state have rendered judgment. At least three SILVERBROOK PRINT OR TUB judges must be present to hear an argument and in rendering a decision, the opinion of the majority prevails. Butter 5 5 c ■ ■ Nugent. Richard Schayer wrote GUS ARNHEIM’S BAND the scenario. FANGY MAINE ' , The current issue of latest up-to- the-minute State News, Events will **The store that holds faith with the people.” AT THE STATE TODAY complete the program.'Tomorrow’s Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 performance is continuous from 15 lbs. 2 0 c 120 lb. bag $ 1 .5 7 2:15 until 10:30. P. Kelley, Prop. Potatoes Famous Jazz Orchestra Heads Vitapheme Vaudeville Bill; us date tr\ SUNNYFIELD SLIGED “Flying Fleet” is Film Fea­ THE LENTEN SEASON ture. )AMF RICAN restricts the average menu but we have a wonderful WIS rO R Y assortment of delicacies and fish products that you will B d C O lI rindloss Gus Arnheim and his Cocoanut find very satisfying. Ib. 2 5 c Grove Orchestra, a group of versa­ FINE GRANULATED tile and entertaining jazz artists, Februarj- 22 will occupy the main spot ^ HOME COOKED FOODS Vitaphone vaudeville 1732—-George Washington born. State theater for today and Salur 1S56— First railroad in California Including Home Made Fish Cakes, Deviled Crabs, opened. 10 lbs. 5 1 c Shrimp, Vegetable*and Potato Salads, Macaroni and Spa­ Sugar ^ This popular dance aggregation, 1S62— Jefferson Davis inaugurat­ ghetti and Bake Beans. which hails from the ed under permanent Con­ bassador Hotel in Los Angeles, i federate constitution. Serve rice often — it’s very economical! recognized as one of the leading 1S72— Prohibitionists held their Jazz orchestras in the country. first national convention at Imported and Domestic Canned Fish. FANCY BLUE ROSE , LBS U ® Through the medium of the Columbus, Ohio. Imported and Domestic Cheese- Riee graph and radio they have endeared 1S90— John Jacob Astor, Sr., Scotch and Swedish Salt Herring and Salt Mackerel. ■themselves to dancers everywhere. died. Your choice of seeded or seedless! In their Vitaphone acL Clam Bouillon, Caviar, Pickled Herring. been appropriately titled. Ja J Anchovy, Shrimp and Bloater Paste, Sardellen Butter. Raisins ' PKGS Cocktail.” 'Arnheim and his hanu THE ANSWER Comb and Strained Honey, Honey Butter. offer an array of snappy Potato Chips in bulk. Pretzels. ___ The finest of fish fresh ^rom Alaska*s finest waters! selections, arranged n Here is the anawer to the Letter Imported and Domestic Canned Fruits and Vegetables. style that are guaranteed to keep Gold puzzle on the comic page: CAN Imported and Domestic Jams and Jellies. you in high spirits. a ARMY. ARMS. AI.MS, DIMS, Red Salmon______The second Vitaplion act i. DIES. DIED, DEED, HEED, Pickles. Olives, Onions and Relishes. ___ Flavorful Alaskan salmon— very good value! comedy-sketch featuring May HEAD. Yellow Peas, Brown Beans, Saygrn. \voy who is known to millions of filnrfa^s. “ Sunny California.” is Pink Salmon ^ CANS 2 9 “ Us title and it pertains to The Atchison Globe feel.s that Heavy Cream Strictly Fresh Eggs Brown’s Butter csitiialions in regards to real estate since fireproof paper has been per­ Tender, imported fish in olive oil! ^ r 'S e r s . Mis. McAv” *; '? fected, it is time to start a news­ Doi-ted by Richard Carl. Neely Ed paper in hell. There's an editor's Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o’clock BLUE PETER 3 1 CANS warts anO Art Taylor, all promm- job for some Chicago police re­ Sardines enl entertainers. porter. Choice cod-steaks minus hones! The principal film feature at th State for today and tomorrow pre- LB d m m i fe n it Ramon Novarro t>eloved fiUi Gorton’s Codfish PKG favorite, in his latest Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer production. The i^iy Three of the most popular of Lenten foods— at avery loto price! nS^is a new Novarro-in a new type of story that is Presented with Maearoni « 4 25* a «necial synchronization of music BEEF—PORK White or colored — just the way you like it! tnd soo-a ellacu. A'tliougb a charmlos romance, it LB such breath-taking thrills that it Cheese 3 1 * creates an absolutely different ef feet on Its audiences from anything AMR—FOWL Imported floating cannery pack! the screen has ever given. CAN As one might assume from its All ottered at A & P reduced prices. You will be more 3F title, "The Fiyin| Fleet” is a^^ory Crahmeat than satisfied with our fine quality. of aviation in the U. S- * Large, fancy shrimp Just right for salads! There have been air fnrft and great ones, but in The CANS Flyliig Fleet” more of the thrills of BEST STEER Shrimp 29* flying have been caught by the eye The breakfast food that’s shot from guns! of the camera than in any previous vehicle. There are several reasons PKGS for this. Perhaps tb\ most out­ Rib Roast Reef lb. 27“ 37« Puffed Wheat standing one is that the most dar­ ing aviators In the United States FACE RUMP ROAST ...... lb. 37c For Lenten brecd^asts or luncheons — easy to me. Navy Air Service co-operated ''^Rh Director George Hill during the 2 ik« 2 5 * filming of the production. LEAN PLATE BEEP ...... ______lb. 15c Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour Although nearly two-thirds or this thrilling picture was filmed in BEEF LIVER, freshly sliced ...... -...... lb. 23c BEARDSLEY’S. Your, old favorite! the air, the story has a rich vein PKGS of human interest and a delicate Shredded Codfish love romance. Anita Page Pjays SIRLOIN OR SHORT STEAK, best ...... lb. 53c opposite Novarro as the beautiful Let Old Dutch chase dirt for you! heroine. Others In the selected TOP ROUND STEAK, best...... lb. 45c cast of supporting stars are Ralph 3 C A N S j g « Graves, Carroll Nye, Gardiner Old Dutch Cleanser James, Alfred Allen and Eddie FRESH Ready to use — Just heat and serve! FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti CANS HOLLYWOOD Rib Roast Pork ib. 2Z c PORK SHOULDERS, Fresh Eastern Cut ...... lb. 17c PURE FINE MARKET PRESERVES C O F F ^ ^ PIGS’ LIVER, freshly sliced ...... ___ .. . . . 2 lbs. 19c ■V 381 East Center Street, Your choice of jg BOKAR aUPREME COFFEE, lb- ...... 43c 0>mer Parker BACON, by piece or strip or machine sliced ..... lb. 25c strawberry or - . p RED CIRCLE, Family Blend, lb ...... 39c raspberry JAK Extra Special Lean PORK SHOULDERS, freshly corned ...... lb. 17c EIGHT O’CLOCK, Pure Santoa Ib...... 35c Fresh Shoulder 15c lb. F ran kforts...... 25c lb. SAVING PRICES . COCOMALT H D> can 23c Legs Spring Lamb L amb Chops MELLEX TOOTH PASTE tube 17c • SOAPINE ^ Igo pkg X70 Mueller’s Spaghetti or Macaroni, 2 pkgs...... 19c RIB END ...... 35c lb. SHOULDER GRAHAM FLOUR Simnyfield pkg 20c M O X IE coaunu 2 bots 25c Lamb Chops . . . 40c lb. well trimmed, Ib. 43c very tender, lb. 37c CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 cans 35c GOLD DUST Igc pkg 23c Lean Pot Roasts WESSON OIL pint can 27c FAIR Y V.SOAP 5 cakes 21c FANCY ...... 29c-35c 4 LE­ KIPPERED SNACKS 2 cans 9c CIGARETTES 15c Brands carton $1.15 / MILK FED AVE. TmateMttM Rib R oasts...... 35c FOWL lb. 3 9 ^ - EDUCATOR SPECIAL Capa Cod Cookie* both 39c Sliced Bacon ...... 32c GRANDMOTHER’S WHOLE WHEAT Blade Pork Chops .. 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables B r e a d BREAD Shoulder Steak ,lA* ( . * T E X A S SPINACH 3 lbs. 22c i FAN CY TOMATOES 2 lbs- 25c The loaf with LARGE The heaitl^ul LARGE grou n d______35c ' the **hame FANCY BLEACHED CELERY, CALIF. BEETS AND CARROTS LOAF tasUfulloaf LOAF Large Strictly Fresh Ig. bun. 17c 1 2 bun. 15c baked?* flavor E g g s ...... 55c dozen $1.00 White Handle imoi B room s...... 79c c®. Fresh Fish Ready @isiAirMlLAmilC^PAiUllFflC to Fry. V ?A<5E SIXTEEIT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ TRH)AY* ^ R A U R Y 22,1929.

‘ ------^ Poultry Season Is Here-Herald Ads Will Sell Baby Chicks And Supplies Now!

now on Its fifth year in Scouting Lost and l^>onO Tailoring— Dyeing— Oeanlng 24 Want Ad I;^fo^natlon. and pl^ns to make it a banner one. QUICK ARREST FOUNI^HAMILTON Rold watch in NATIONAL. HAT and Shoe Shining Patrol 6. The Home Bank. Owner may have Parlor, hats reblocked, cleaned, The patrol leaders of the troop Manchester same by applying to E. Benson. renovated: kid and satin shoes dyed went to Camp Roneer last Satur­ Danbury, Feb., 22.— Among the Benson Furniture Co. any color. Expert work guaranteed. day and ’Sunday and enjoyed ska,t- loot stolen from- the..Palrfield Drv- Evening Herald 887 Main street. Mail Your Ad goods . Company store on Main Annoancemeiits ing. They were, Francis Burr, Classified Advertisements EXPERT TAILORING, suits made to James Lewis, Elmor Borst, Eddie street, Wednesday night, was a measure, choice of fabrics, reason­ railroad pay check for $19.20 that r*niint; six average words i6 a llna STBAJdSHlP TlCKIirrS—all parts ot able prices, work guaranteed. Re­ Hanson and Scoutmaster Ray Initials, numbers and abbreviations the world. Ask tor sailing lists snd modeling. cleaning and pressing. M. Mercer. They had saltless potatoes the store cashed. Within twenty- each count as a word and com^nd The Herald ratea Phone 760>t. Aobert J. Smith. H. Chapnlck. 20 Birch. which worried Jimmie Lewis a four hours Watson Moulth'rop, 25, words as two worda Minimum coat Is 1009 Main street. price of three Unes. ^ CALL 1419—HAVE your suit or dress great deal. a local resident, presented the Aatomoolles for Sale cleaned, pressed, repaired for Easter. Tue.sday. 25 boys attended the check at a local bank to he cash­ Une rates per day for transient Costs little—will look like new. scout meeting. Mr. Dean gave a ed. He was held for police, and to­ Modern Dyers and Cleaners, 11 Effective March School. short talk to the scouts. Contest day in City Court he pleaded not Troop scribes must be sleeping events were run through and the guilty to stealing the check, con­ 6 Consecutive Days ..j I «Bj 9 cu TODAY’S BEST BCYS CUSTOM TAILORED SUIT made to troop played the game of compass. tending he had won it in a dice 3 Consecutive Day. .J ^9 c«| 11 measure, your choice of coloring, this -week as only three -write-ups weave, $25 up. Work guarant.ed. came in'. Wake up, scribes! Wednesday, 21 boyg enjoyed the game. His case was continued until All Oilers for Irregular Insertleai , 15 Months to Pay Manchester 'Tailor Shop, 241 North Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 swimming at the Rec pool from 5 to Monday while police continued to will be charged at the one-time *'ats. j Main street. 6 o’clock under the direction of the Special rates for long term a^erv | o’clock tbe Boy Scout swimming investigate the store robbery. The day advertising given upon ‘‘Muesi | ------Down Payment ORDER YOUR SUIT OR topcoat for meet takes place at the Rec pool. scoutmaster. dry goods company lost $46 in Ads ordered for three or six days, jg.g Bulck "port Touring Easter. Expert cl waning, dyeing. . Friday, February 22. Mr. Dean is cash with the check. and stopped before the third or Otth Chevrolet Coach ..; ...... $125 pairing, pressing. Work called for Every troop represented, is our ^933 slogan. Let’s see th*e ducks of each taking the boys of Troop 6 on a day will be charged only for the ^ 1928 Hudson Brougham ...... 175 and delivered. Diana’s Tailor Shop, 3 hike. Brink rubbers or waterproof tual number of times the ad “ PO**' 1928 Chrysler 62 Roadster...... 200 Eldridge street. Tel. 17S4. ‘ Clip this Blank—Write Your Ad, ti'oop in action. ed. charging at the 1928 Pontiac Roadster...... 125 shoes and ten cents to buy cocoa or Cricket, the national * game ot no allowances or refunds . 1928 Chevrolet Roadster ...... 100 SUITS MADE TO ORDER $25 up. Requirements of the Court of coffee and bring dinner. Scouts are Britain, could not be played in on six time ads stopped after 1928 Essex Coach ...... 95 Easter comes early—order now. Print your name and address below. Honor have undergone a change. to meet at the center at 9 o’clock that country less than two cen­ 1927 Chrysler 70 Brougham ...... 185 Cleaning and pressing. Hartford All merit badge blanks must be in turies ago. ^^^*^“uil forbids” : display lines not 1927 Paige Cabriolet ...... 140 Tailoring Co. Nick Della Fera, Prop., in the morning. 1927 Buick B rou g h a m ...... 175 15 Oak street. 11 days before the court. Send to ***^e Herald will not be responsible 1927 Buick Coach ...... 125 David Hutchinson, Hamlin street, tor more than one Incorrect Insertion 1927 Chevrolet Landau Sedan .. 125 STATE TAILORING SHOP. Clearing, secretary. Court of Honor meets of any advertisement ordered tor 1927 Pontiac Coupe ...... 115 pressing, dyeing. repairing. Suits more than one time. 1927 Chevrolet Coach ...... 83 made to order. Michael Della Fera, the last Friday in every month. KIWANIS AnENDANCE The inadvertent omission of inTOr- 1927 Ford Coupe ...... 40 Prop.. 10 Bissell street, next to First Class scouts must pass a rect piihllcation of advertising will be 1926 Chrysler 70 Roadster_...... 200 Western Union. hoard of review before appearing O nly 28 Days rectified only by cancellation of the before the Court of Honor. Anyone CONTEST ON AGAIN charge made for the service rendered. Private Instruction 28 and Mail to The Herald for Real MANY OTHERS gdrfng up for First Class must pass All advertisements must conform an examination before Arthur in style, copy and typography with ■WANTED—THE L. & H. Aircraft ‘Head-to-Footers” to Vie With | Then Comes regulations enforced by the publish­ COMMERCIAL USED CAR CO. Corp'n. Hartford, Conn., would ;ike Anderson at least a week before the ers and thev reserve the right to to hear from men interested ir fly­ court. “ Coal Barons” in Getting ing. We will help you organize your RESULTS edit, revise or reject any lopy con­ 1273 Main St. Phone 2-5363 Taught Swimming. sidered objectionable. own club and giYe you instruction Out the Members. C1/5SINC HOilKS^— Classified ads Open Evenings and Sundays on a basis you can afford. 21,743 boys were taught to swim Spring to be ptibllshed same dav must be re- OR In Boy Scout Camps during the The Manchester Kiwanis dull c.-lved by 12 o'clock noon. Titurdays Will Pay Cash for Used Cars .. . / Help Wanted— Female 85 10:30 a- m. swimming season, of 1928, accord­ will hold, its regular meeting at the ing to the report of Fred C. Mills, Hotel Sheridan Monday at 12:15. S ee NEiCT TO A NEW Buick Is a used WANTED—YOUNG 'WOMAN as book­ Telephone Your Want Ads. Buick. 1927 Brougham. 1926 Sport originator of the “ Buddy System’’ This will mark the beginning of Ads are accepted over the telephone keeper. Must be thoroughly familiar and Director of Swimming and Roadster, 1926 Two-Door Sedan, 1924 with office detail. References re­ Phone this year’s attendance contest be­ at the CHAKCE KATE given above ‘‘Elizabeth Park" Brougharp. 1924 Regular Sedan. 1926 quired. Tel. 2951. Water Safety for the Boy Scouts of tween the “ Head-to-Footers” cap­ as a convenience to adyertisera. but Four Sedan. Capitol Buick. Phone the CAPH KATES will be accepted as America. Thfe report made public tained by Heibert B. House and the “ Ueautifnl as a Rose” 1600. WA.NTED—SINGLE GIRL as stenog­ FOR AN AD TAKER FUI.L Pa VMEN'!' If paid ar the Misl rapher. must have experience. Apply through the National Offices of the “ Coal Barons” whose captain is ness office on or before tn# seventh BRAND NEW t ’ O Studebakev Com­ Boy Scouts of America In New York Watch this development grow. day following the first insertion ot to Clieney Brothers Employment Harlowe Willis. These attendance mander sedan, latest model, 1928 Bureau. City states that the group Is the each ad. otherwise the CHAKiifc. Studehaker Commander. Regal model contests have done much to pep up Henry street aiid North Elm RATE will he collected. No responsi­ sedan, 1928 Chevrolet convertible largest number of hoys taught to the attendance along towards street. HcSt) \\uiil«‘d — Male Apartments, Flats, Tenements 08 bility for errors In telepnoned ads sport cabriolet. 1928 Cht-vroit>t lan­ .111 Household Goods 51 swim In one season in the history of spring and have been a source of will be assumed and. their accuracy dau sedan. 1927 l^up 6 seil in. .926 cannot be guaranteed the Movement. considerable interest. $500 down, balance on very easy Chrysler model 70 Royal Crown WANTED — BOOKKEEPER and FOR Sa l e —WASHINGTON Street, • • • sedan. 1926 Studehaker Standard WANTED—YOU TO lee a four piece brand new niz room Colonial. Oak The report Is based on a survey terms buys a 6 room single with up- 6 stenographer. Young man wli^ is living room suite, one large settee, The “ Coal Barons” will no doubt Index of Classifications sedan. ambitious to learn a busiiu'ss Reply floors throughout, fi-o olacf tile of all camps conducted by Local to-date appliances, 2 car garage. loose cushions, with reverse.' one bath, large corner lot. Price right. turn out to a man inasmuch as Evening Hcra'C Want Ads are now Buckingham's Select Used Ctrs to Box G. in care ot Alaii. Herald. Councils of the Boy Scouts but does Green section. Price $7,250. 725 Main Street East Hartford wing chair, and one occasional cnalr. Terms Call Arthur A. Knofla, Tele­ their leader has invited to address ' -ouped accordtne to classlfica.1 *ns one end table far $69. Don’t let your not include the number of boys who below and for handy reference will WA.NTED— A.M BITIOUS MEN. boys phone 7S‘3-2. 875 Main street. the club Monday, Charles Davis, Eight room house. Griswold FOR SALE— KEO 7 passenger tour­ neighbor get all the bargains. Ben­ learned to swim In Troop camps or appear tn ihe numerical order indi­ to learn the liarlier I rade. individual son Furniture Company. New England representative of the street, may be used single or dou­ ing. Chandler sedan. 3 Keo trucks. instruction with latest, riiei liods FOR SALE—JUST OFF East Center Patrol units. The first record in cated: Brown's Garage Telephone 869 Cor­ Lehigh Coal company. Mr. Davis ble, lot 120x175. Price only Births ...... ' taught. Day and nigliL courses. street, nice 6 room home, fire place, mass instruction in swimipin.? and ner Cooper and West Center streets. Tuition very reasnnatde. V’auglin s oak floors snd trim. 2 ca. garai^e. will give an illustrated talk on the $7,600. Engagements ...... - “ Wanlod— To Huy SB individual te.aching of Scouts Marriages ...... Jr Earlier School, 14 Market street, high elevation. Owner a..ys sacrifice. coal industry and the Kiwanlans Hartford. Conn. Pric^ very low. Stuall amount cash, through the “ Buddy System’’ was Eight acre farm with house, barn Deaths ...... “ FOR SALE—GOOD USED CARS will be able to get a lot of first­ Cards of Thanks ...... ^ JU.NK mortgages arranguo. Call Ar*hur A. established In 1926 when the an­ and poultry houses. Close in town In Memorlatn ...... •*' CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. Sitiiatiiin.H WtinU-d— Ffiiiale SR Bought at Highest Prices Knofla. Telephone 783-2. 876 Main nouncement of 14,649 new swim­ hand information about mining and the price is only $5,500. Ixist and Found ...... ] Center & Trotter Streets WM. OSTRINSKY sireeL from what he will have to offer. Announcements ...... * Tel. 849. mers as a result of instruction in .Main street location for milk TeL 1174 or 2021-2 Boy Scout Camps won national ac- Personals ...... " REL1.ABLE WOMAN would like work lA>ts for Sa'e 73 The at endance prize will be d ,er. garage, battery station or a A aInmnhIleB WILL PAY I'HE h ig h ESI’ cash ______claim and was hailed as an unbeat- worth trying for M onday-a box -r Lru^cking business. / We believe we Automobiles tor Sale ...... J by the day or'hour. Telephone 796-2 prices for rags, paper. niHgazines. Automobiles for Exchange ..... o Aoto Accesstirle*— lire* U after .6. old metal Will also buy all kinds oi FUR SALE—BUILDING lot on Wash- record by swimming instruction glazed fru t right from Pasadena, ^ property at the right price, Auto Acoes.sortes—Tires ...... B chickena Morris IL Lessner. Tel Ington street, near Main, all im­ authorities. The record’ was sur sent by Clifford R. Burr, who ha^ 1 ^e to your interest to inquire Auto Kepalrlng—Painting ...... " BATTERIES FOR VUUR ,aiitomobile, l.ive Stock — Vcliii Ii“s 42 1545. provements, priced to sell quickly. This is one of the tew close in lots passed in 1927 when 20,000 boys recently been there and is on the if you can use such a place. Aulo Schools ...... ranging from $7 up. Kec.iarging and ■were taught to swim and the record return trip to Manchester. Autos—Ship ny Truck ...... B left at bargain prices. Robert M. repairing Distributors ot Brest-u- FOR S.ALE—.A FEW more rabbits for i Reid & Son. 201 Main street, Man­ this year will be still greater. Autos— For Hire ...... H Liie Batteries. Center Au’ o Supply your Sunda.v dinner. L. H. Under- I Ko4>m* Without Hoard 5 » Oa T8 vU'fr—Stora fiT6 ••••• 10 Co.. 158 Cent©:. Tel. 673, chester. Phone 41 for .an appoint­ Strict Supervision. TOO MUCH OF IT. Mor<^r<'ycl^s — ...... H hill. 46 Fole.y ,;treet. Tel. 1212-4. ment. Wanted A ii'cs — Motorcycles ------12 N ow is I'HE TIME to hav» your car FOR RE.NT— ROOM in private family Strict supervision is maintained "What a perfectly hideous bath­ Robert j. Smith IliisIncKS nod I’rofSer.ires checked up tor tho winter season. for gentleman onl.w .Apply 23 Laurel Legal Notices over water activities at all Scout FOR S.ALE— COW for liutchering. . street. ing suit Alice has on.” 1000 Main Business Services tilTered ...... 13 Experienced mechanics assure you Telephone 1674-14. Camps by qualified Life Guards, Household Services ttfTered .....I3*A expert work. THE MA.'JCHESTER REALTY CO. “ Yes, something ought to be Insurance, Mortgagqib vs. many of -whom are Scouts. The Hullding—fontraciing ...... H H. A. STEPHENS undone about it.” — Life. Steamship ^ckets. Florists — N'lrserles ...... IB DeSoto Sales and Service I'oiilli') and Sii|)|ill«-s 4.H Apartnienta. Flats. I'oneiiicnta O.s GERALD WHITMA.N ET AL Buddy System, which pairs off all Funeral lureetors ...... 16 Cente. A- Knox. Tel 939-2 Coqrt of Common Pleas, State of boys in camp and makes each re­ Heal In g — I'lu'iiblrig— Kooflng . . . II FOR S.ALE— in Buff Minorca Pullets, Connecticut County ot Hartford, the FOR RENT—TENEMENT on iroPey Sth. day of February, 1929 sponsible for his buddy while they Insurance ...... 1® Gar»4j{4*s— rtervlrt?— SloraKe H» and a Cockeral; 6n egg Buckeye in­ M 11 liner V — 1 tressmaklng ...... 19 cubator. 4S Grandview street. Tele­ line at 403 Center street. All Im­ ORDER OF NOTICE are in the water has done much tq THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Miiving — I'rneking—Storage . . . . . <) phone 769-3. provements. Including steam heat. Upon complaint in said canse Apply at 401 Center street. brought to said Court, at Hartford, decrease the number of drownings Painting —fathering ...... 21 and water accidents at Scout Camps. I’rtitesstonaI Services ...... 22 FOR RENT— L.ARGB GARAGE and In said County, on the first Tuesday Grizel Hume J!e|iainn« ...... 2S repair sliop. centrally located. Apply ArCIcR-s for Sale 45 TO RENT— 5 ROOM upstairs flat, of March, 1929 and now pending, The Buddy System was originated with garage. .S Benton street, l)est Tailoring — livelng—Cleaning ... 2t to Aaron Johnson. Phone 524. 2 claiming a foreclosure of a mortgage location in town, flat in A-1 condi­ it appearing to the subscribing and put into practice by Mr. Fred Sketches by Hessey; Synopsis by Urauchex Toilet floods and. Service ...... 25 FOP SALE — SEWI.NG machine C. Mills. » W'a n t ed — Musi ness S e rv ice ...... f 6 “ .American ", in good running order. tion. Apply Berson Furniture i om- authority that the residence of the K.rtiientInnnI BuMnt'Bs ServR-*** 'Offered I.’5 Clieap if taken at once. Call at 123 pany. defendant. Gerald Whitman is un­ The boy at camp, who is already" Courses and I'lasses ...... '.. . 21 Summer street. Phone 639-3. known to the plaintiff. a swimmer, is Instructed in the life 'Private Instruction ...... 2 ru.’t ion ...... 3'J street. So. Manchester. Tel. 2S3I-''.V. good condition. Telephone 25SO-J. . | ------—— ------U—: Gerald Whitman by publishing this Scouts of America. It is an in­ Klniinolnl FOR B.KNT—5 ROO.M flat, all im- order ■tn . The...... Manchester Evening provements, on trolley line. Inquire Herald, a newspaper published In teresting fact to note that most of Bonds—Stocks—Morttiaces ..... 31 M«»vliii»— rrm-klni;— « lo r a g 4» K lcctrical A|>pllanc«*<4— R adio 411 j Business utu'oriunitles ...... 3J E7C Center street. Telephone 2979. Manchester once a week for two suc­ the Life Savers, now acting as ex­ Money to lemn ...... 33 cessive weeks, commencing on or be­ pert instructors and supervisors of Money Waii'en ...... 24 GENERAL TRUCKING— local and PRO.MPT AND EFFICIENT radio ser- I FOR RENT— FOUR ROOMS modern fore Feb. 18th, 1929. Helii iind Hitnntlnns long distance.' Prompt service— rates vice. Sets, parts and accessories. | Improvements. 65 Starkweather St. JOHN F BRADY water safety in Boy Scout Camps Help'W anieo — Female ...... 85 reasonable. Frank V. Williams. Official Willard Battery Station.; Call after 5 p. m. Assistant Clerk of said Court, are swimmers who learned life sav- Phont*' us your troubles. Bausola 1 — —Z H-2-15-29. Help Wanted — .Male ...... 88 989-12. t e n e m e n t . lug as Boy Scouts. Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 31 Radio and Battery Service. Tel. ( FOR RENT— 5-ROOM MANCHESTER AND NEW YORK 244S-W. all Improvements, Aiiply at 111 Holl Troop .3. Agents Wanted ...... 37-A street. Telephone 1214-4. Situations Wanted —Female .... 33 Motor Dispatch. Dally service be­ I MAIL CARRIERS MEET On Wednesday evening, Troop 3, Situations Wanted — Male ...... 39 tween New York and Manchester. ATWATER-KENV CONSOL'C. alii Call 7 or 128’2. electric radii; $98 installed. One used FOR KENT — 6 ROOMS and bath, new opened its meeting by repeating the Employment Agencies ...... <9 floors newfy decorated, steant heat l.lve Slock— Pets— |•«flltry — 3'ehlcles radio and lt>o'p aerial $5. Middletown, Feb. 22.— Nearly Scout oath. Scoutmaster McComb PERRETT & GLENNEV. Call any­ WATKl.NS FURNITUHE E.XCHA.N'GE turnlshed. house In excellent condi­ Dogs— Buds— Fete ...... tion. Rent reasonable. Apply G E. three hundred-mail service em­ told us about the swimming meet Dive St.ocK —Vehicles ...... 42 time. TeL 7. I.ocal and long distance 17 Oak "treet moving and trucking and freight Willis 74; Son, inc.. ’3 Main streeL ployes met here today for annual Saturday, a hike on Friday and the Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Telephone 60. More than one young man proposed to Criiel Hum® W’anfed — Pets—Poultry—Stock 4 4 work and express. Dally express to Fuel «n Book al Knawl>dg«. Copyrigh^1923-26y Musical Inslrurnenis ...... 63 pairing. tires and parts. Work FOR SALE— HARD WOOD slabs, i TO RENT — CENTE.NNIAL apart­ scouts present. As the evening was Office and Store Egutpment . . . .54 guaranteed, prices reasonable. Work sawed stove length $10 per cora. O. ments. four room apartment. Jani­ Sporting, Goods—Guns ...... '66 done while you wait. Bills’ Tire Re­ H. Whipple, telephone 2228'evenlngs. ! tor service, heat, gas range. Ice bo* Danbury, Feb, 22,^Rev. John especially arranged as a parents Specials at the Storea ...... 6R pair Shop, 180 Spruce street. furnished. Call Manchester Con­ night and also as annual reregistra­ Wearing Apparel— Furs ...... 67 Kt>lt SALE—SLAB wood. Stove struction Company. 210‘- or 7S3-’3. B.'Hakln, pastor of the Syrian Wanted—to Buy ...... ,68 orthodox church here, announced tion many of the parents and BICYCLE REPAIRING, tires, parts, length, fireplace wooa 6 to 9 dollars friends of the boys were present. Room *— Hon rd— Hotel* -Resorts expert service. Complete stock of a truck load. V. Klrpo. 116 Wells today that he had applied for a IleatnariinOi fishing tackles, ^nusical Instruments, street. Phone 2468- W and '2634-2 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement. After a program of games and a Rooms Without Board .. . 59 prices right. J. P. Ledgard, 218 N< rth North Elm street. Call 258. patent on an Improved chemical .59 -A few contests in first aid and signal­ Main street. H ousehold (>«>ods SI process for treating raw fur for ing John Relnartz radio expert and Country Board — Resorts...... 6U use in making hats. He believes, he. Hotels— Restaurants ...... 61 WANTED—AUTO owners desiring Business liocatlons for Rent 64 explorer ■was Introduced by the Wanted — Rooms— Board ...... 62 expert repair or welding service^^at WANTED—Y'OU TO see a four p’ .cc said, that the cost of his method scoutmaster and gave some very UenI Kstnte For Rent reasonable prices to call at The woolen mohair suite for $110. Good will be at least fifty per cent lower C interesting experiences of his trip to Apartments. Flats. Tenements . • Oliver Welding Works, corner Peari woolen mohair suite for $110. Good FOR RENT — DESIRABLE office than the process now in use. Business Igtcations for Rent .. 64 and Spruce streets. value at $175. Benson Furniture space, very attractive location. Tele­ the land of Eskimos,. Houses for Rent ...... 66 Company. phone 2162. Negotiations have been, started The troop committee then served Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 v a c u u m CLEANER—Clock. phono- i for use of the process by a large fur a light luncheon to the gathering Summer Homes tor R e n t ...... 67 graph, door closer repairing. Lock NEW MAHOGANY BED and extra concern. Wanted to Rent ...... • 68 and gunsmlthlng; key fitting. large dresser $79. Two baby car­ Roases for Sale 72 and scouts parents passed the eye­ Real Estate For Sale Bratthwaite. 62 Pearl street. riages. one ne\.- $15; one used $5. ing In getting acquainted. Field Apartment Buildings for Sale . 49 Full size brass bed and spring $10. Executive Joseph Dean was present Business Property for Sale .... • 70 SEWING MACHINE repairing ot all Walnut din n‘ room set. 6 pieces, FOR SALE— ON EASY terms, 5 room Farms and l.and tor Sate ...... m 71 makes, oils, needles and supplies. R. oblong table. 4 chairs, server $4 house with chicken coop etc In KEEPING ON TOP and narrated a somewhat imagin­ Houses for Sale ...... 72 W. Garrard. 37 Edward sireeu TeL WATKINS FURNITURE STORE Homestead Park. Apply to C. D. ative account of a hike which the Lots for Sale ...... m 78 715. 17 Oak Street . Whiteber at The Manchester Lumber Clayton (to friend who has got boys termed “ applesauce.” Resort Property for Salt m 74 Co. Suburban for Sale • • • • • •'•T# 76 CHIMNEYS CLFiANEU and repaired, FOR SALE—RECONDITIONED elec­ into financial difficulties): I see An excellent display of plaster 76 Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 key fitting, safes opened, saw filing tric washing machines — bargain FOR SALE— 7 ROOM bungalow. Del­ you still travel first-class.' cast work was put on by the craft- The Scottish landown­ Wanted— Real Estate ...... 77 and grinding. Work called for. prices, cash or terms. The Home mont street, newly renovated. .11 Other: If I travel second-class I ■work patrol asr'well as a camp At last the turn came. Aoeilon—l,egal .Votlree Harold Clemson. 108 North Elm Electric Appliance Corp., 749 Main modern conveniences. Priced right ers were restored to their Auction Sales ...... 78 atraat. TtL <68. street. Phone 2936. for quick sale. TeL 1026 or call <70 meet all my creditors.-r-Answers. - scene by the rovers. Troop 5 is T^e Prince of Orange en­ Legal Notice* • 7t Main street. tered England with an estates. Grizel went back army and drove King to Redbraes Castle with GAS BUGGIES—Small Ckimfort By FRANK BECK L.James II out of the land. J her father. , - . DOGGONE 'EM -t h o s e a r e PERFECT SAP, ( >VHEN 1 INVITED BU T HP 'WAS SHUT U P M t h e y 'r e all HARSH WORDS YOU M E A N . , HER OUT TO HEM’S TH A TS ODD TOO W ISE. HE ABOUT THAT ALIKE. I'LL COMING FROM OH, I A D M IT DINNER TOMORROW DRESSER’S TOLD HER WHERE G'JY. W H A T NEVER TRUST^ THE PERFECT I'VE MADE A NIGHT, SHE TURNED GIRL TRIED SHE COULD GO 1 SAID ABOUT ANOTHER LOVER... FOOL OF MYSELF ME DOWN - COLD. T O PULL IF SHE DIDN'T WOMEN GOES WOMAN AS'H-x OVER VIOLA, CLAIMED SHE HAD A STALL KEEP THE DATE, FOR HIM TOO LONG B U T I’M A DATE4.WITH ON HIM SO SHE’S KEEPING THAT I UVEl THROUGH! A N O LD TOO IT. YOU OUGHT FOR F A M IL Y TO COPY HIS HIM U FRIEND. STYLE-,

■^' II •uiia mm Sir Patrick was created Earl of Marchmont' kiid made Lord Chancellor of Scotland. Grizel^ as an eaiH*s daughter, now became- Lady^ Grizel Hume. But she -was not long to be known by that name, for Georga Bailiie had returned to Scotland and th® sweethearts were married in 1692, fifteen years after Uiey* Met in Edinburgh prison. (Ne^;-ICapioIani) SkttehM'and Sjnoftn, Cofjriiht. The'Cirelilw SecMyv KktV A

A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRAURY 22, 1929. PAGE SEVENTEEN FLAPPER FANNY SAYS;, SENSE and NONSENSE s K i p r v By Percy L. CYosby GEORGE WASHIXGTOX. f. OH.MR.SKiPPy, The Son of Liberty, he came. A AG YA ; To set the FREEDOM—torch r JU5T DRofPeP aflame. A PCNMY And lead the hosts Of free-born PfttON H6 PC 6 U M men Back to their own birthright, again! ■ 3 : Now restive 'neath parental reign. G For freedom did our country strain. And pray for surcease ’neath the yoke— And then tlie voice of Freedom SPOKE!

George Washington, immortal one. Stepped forth to see GOD’S JUS­ TICE done! Vf Within his heart there flamed a light Proclaiming RIGHTNESS over night! He formed an army to uphold The power of MERCY over gold; ,\ ragged legion-homespun hordes. REC. U. S. PAT: OPr. 01929, BY NCA SERVICE. INC. Who from their plowshares formed C«f]ni(ht, 1129, Fatty 1* Cmlv, Cntnl Prea A«b., / their swords! Women, like flowers, dye when OIJK B()ARI)IN(; HOUSE they fade. From north and south and east Family Stuff By Fontaine Fox they came. By Gene Ahem Within their hearts a glowing flame, .-\iid answered to their leader’s t h i s lii T H E APJOST i M c^ S e a S o M . call— B C ofceh i To take his orders, stand or all! BY TH’ FALL TR o m t H’ c l if f , They hearkened to his words inspir­ -^ C o m E , AL x/ikJi T i m e ^ ed. OTHERWISE I VvloiiLDA FbUtSHT ToR V ou Ti> - R a r i e e / ^ I'LL g And when tlie war’s first shot was WASHI.NGTON WAS fired. i -fH' G/SlZ-iLV - b e a r M V 6 0 WITH VOU T o VOUR \ At CO.NCORD, th e y responded 'the colonial AR.MY’ had at its flS T s / W ELL, TH' OMLV TSdoM ANiD 1?£LATE S o m e J WELI>. o '' HEAD the man whose birthday THifJG To Do WAS TAfcF 'To A T r u t h f u l ekperiemces t o we celebrate today. Par is eiglit And faced the batteries of hell! VoU A B O U T m V v / s i T uiiTR and one solution i.s on anotlier T i ? E E , X u iiTH He led his ragged troops across page. t h e HEAP-HUMTERS o T Tlio DELAWARE, with little loss, •Th ' g r i z z l y "Ri g h t a f t e R .\iul blazed the trail to victory! — ME / -w HALT WAY UP TM* TREE "B o R H E o f Y oU R u N c l E .\iul won the fight for LIBERTY! 5AKE SEEAASTD FoROET A M y .\nd we who dwell in this fair land. WHAT D'Voii S'POSE H a P P E M ^ P ^ T H A T THIS* IS THE MATAL With riches spread on ev’ry hand, MS SdSPEWDER BUTrtia Tliis day acclaim onr hero’s birtii— DAV OT WASHlMGToiU,-- (M TH'’ B A C h r "BRO K E ITS* TH R E A D Whose SPIRIT walks upon the G VOHo^AMoMG o t h e r VEEPS'^ earth! vOvT H s u c h Fo R c S, TtlAT IT HiT 6 AIW 6 P /MMORTAUTY ' TH’ GRIZZLY S h \ A C K I Li T H " Gemge. Washington. I S - ''" ■ ro R hav/im g l e f t e v e AH"' P U T i r o u T / ^ To me he really seems MEV/ER t o l p ------w H A T H A P P E U E D T o T H '' g E A R Hardly the saint of Weems, A L IE f Nor yet the round |)ictured bv •Th e m ' ? ^ WELL, x Va Hughes: H E R E , AIH’T I P >1 He certainly served his times And one reads between the lines That lie learned, before he won. to lose.

Tt in those days was not .Served anytliing like so liot. And perhaps George didn’t have IT. anyway; But a sugar dad would not Have faced the leaden shot That the Father of His Country did. H E, A D I say.

T H E R U LES So. taking him by and large, I’m admiring old man George, 1— The idea of Letter Golf is toAnd 1 wish there were more like change one word to another and do him in these parts; B E A R it in par, a given number of strokes, It’s hard to picture Cal, y 'riuis to change COW to HE.N, in Or even our friend .\1. OF A iliree strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, A-wiiiniiig such affection in all O v J 6 = HE.N. hearts. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. 2— You change only one letter I Cl929. BY NEA SERVICE. INC. 2-17 at a time. Many of our readers celebrate I •/ :i— You must have a complete, Washington's birthday but tliere is (epomaine Foxi 1929, The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) word of common usage, for each ■ no concerted plan to celebrate that jump. Slang words and -abbrevia­ of Rupert Hughes. tions don’t count. . — The order of letters cannot be WASH1N(;T()N TUBBS M Either Way, the End’s the Same By Crane 1 .MODERN TE.MPTATIONS— An- cliauged. One solution is [irintcd on tlie ollier thing— George Wasliington /"' n'PERV BeTCH^ VUt E16RT, BUT TWS Vft. B0XW6, BETTER UND REMEMBER, ftOMlRftU comic page. never played golf. V£ ISS P£R ORAMD MtieR'S SeCONDS. V£ COME To \JOT? I’Ll FUaKT TH^T BABV AMV ISS AN AiFFWR POT VSS UNKEftRO TWNR \T AN OFFICER VOT BECUNES 0£R PUEL. YOU REFUSE TNN IM TvV \^^EE^C \MlTvA UF HONOR.- UF IN. V^ftN■9'e'L^BR^.^ OVER, SIR, ft CRftLLENSE ISS COURT- \Av\^T To E161AT?, FISTS OR BRICK B A T S- NOT ft BOKINC? OND ME CALL MftRTIftUEO UMD HftKCiEP 1 BUT N\X ON TfV TOOLS- MftTCH. // WELL, POOLS UftTei^. m DlS6RftCe. NMOOLD 'M 'S OUT^ (v\N LINE. IS UNAEftRP OF ’.YOO IN c o u n t r y . * ^ 0 ? S fO 0V ^ U A l COCHRAN — PICTURES ^ KNICI^ WlM AN' \^\S OLD MO. U a orv. O POOL C^N SO ViOOLD'VoU JUM? IN Tv\’ RMAER. BE ^..BeAD HERO . OR. A DEAD eoW ftRO?

Lv >2au.g. PAT,0rr.’eiB2B| BY NBA BCTVIca IMC.

FKECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Out of Tune By Blossef S 6E-- WATS iJOW STALE VoO CAM ’T z s t a r t 1W& DOCTOB SAYS you VNAO'S BiCTAOAy ? t a i n u a a k d I SINE OT5 P 0 P = vNAV, 6 E 0 R 6 E ’ I, s e r v n a e n y o i>r6 o u t o f BACk TD SCUOOL CAN'T 6 0 BA::k To SCAOOL ITS NOT AMNE SEOAUSB NO'sN-”NJAAT IT'S NOBOOy IN vnasuinstom 's SC\iCOL FOR AMV LGAOSTU OF PBeny sooysi, FOR SOAftt TIME: Y E T -” - a m n e 'S in s u m m e r d a y is eXJR FAMILY- f T / M ^ — mnw>; X AAD NO IDEA POP? 66E-TAN DON’T LE T SCHOOL VJOBRV TIM^ AN’ IT ISM’T 7 A 1 S ? VNAO’S IS IT, y p O -N O T -ID CAANGS 7AIS NOAS DXe TAiENty-SECONO VNAV b e h i n d in Yooas OE MOAA’S POP? 7AC SUBJECT, BUT Do AKy sciAooL- r B E C A U S E ybOQS AR.£ OF F6BRUAaV--7WAr JUST SHOOJS VPO J U S T b e f o r e YOU lAOvM MOCA SCOP SCAOOL NJORK NO'sN, N^PO’S CACISTMAS-SEE.' IS TO A PBULA’= UE6PS VoU Z BETCUA.’.' BIKTADAV I DON'T kNCNO" RlStfT C5N Vt)OR TOES IS TDOAy a l l t a e ? T I M ^ "


(RE.AD IHI£ S’lOltV, THEN COLOR I’Hli I'lOTUUE) SALESMAN SAM Orders Is Orders By Sma# “The Trouble Tots have gone found that all the rest were sleep­ for good. I’d like to catch ing sound. He closed his little s t o r w s somm I 0U6HTf»i FlRe yp. 'TH' ."THprS FfMR LdPLL,Ttfep.e's "Hie. o l d ©(LUSOftRO-NOW IF VJELV-.FeR. •, e v 60SH, MO ' ^. , them, if I could, but they are ’way- eyes and soon was lost in slu.uber- STOP tAC FROPV OOIM* WOW!C laiul. In just a moment he began SORT O’ ©ILL. POSTtM' You’ Me enouerH, ©oss- ( CPiM AUST ©UCK THIS WIND ftN' 6 e T TH' s u s i e s SAK.e.w up in the skj-,’’ said Clowny with to dream, like any youngster can. OOMe 50 FWJ., SO T tP Yft leveN iF IT (se». ReST o' TVV WAT OMeRTHeRe- a frown. ’-They played a riglif It seemed that lie could plainly PUT Tm s Btcx AO UP SftPe T e R R l6 L e OftV mean trick on us, but it’s too late hear a very noisy hand. ftW SouWO I'LL, o w e YPi TfS WORK to make a fuss ’cause we don’t Poor Clowny squirmed and AMOTHSPL cHe\wce'. o u T s i o e - know of any way to try and bring moved around, aud then he jump­ 7i=^' £Mr thfem down.” ed up from the ground. This woke SV/JTBrtcr “ Oh, well,” said Scouty, “ let's him very suddenly, and much to AO Co forget that they -w^ere ever here. his surprise, the other Tinies I'll bet that we’ll have no more stood right near, and Carpy shout­ trouble. It is better that they’ve ed, "Look who’s h. re.” The old gone. Right iiow^ let’s run to Duck Lady, with her duck, stood yonder tree and sleep a while. right before their eyes. That just suits me. We all can "I am the one who made you get a needed rest before another small, and now I’m going to make dawn.” you tall,” said she. “ I have some So, to the tree they made their fluid here to do th.e work.” .4nd way. They’d all been through a then she poured some on each busy day. It wasu’t any wonder Tinymite and ev. ything worked they were tired as they could be. out all ri,ght. The Tinyniites were Wee Clowny gazed up in the sky shortly ’'ic k to their old size and shortly whispered, “Me, oh again. my! Do all you Tinies cee the hundred stars that I can see?” (The Tinyiiiltes start on a new No finswer came, and Clowny adventure in the next story.) r »r FRroAY, FEB^XJBY 22,1929.i PAGE EIGHTEEIfV £ti?nftta Herald

The Manchester Green Commun­ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. B urr who 1 ity club will have a Washington have been spending several weeks COMBINED CONCERT whist and dance at the Green in California are now on their re­ Auspices of school assembly hall this turn trip via the Panama canal. 60c evening. The usual number of Turn to Page 13 Beethoven Glee Club, G Clef prizes will be given. A social time Charles J. Huber of Cheney Assorted Chocolates during which refreshments will be Brothers chemistry department, for Anniversary Savings Glee Club and Assisting Artists served, will be followed by dancing who has spent some time in China, to the music of a three-piece will speak before the Men’s Club of 49c Pound in At orchestra. All players whether Second Congregational church this Front Entrance. Groceries and Meats residents in the district or not will evening. His subject will be “The , SOUTH ^M/\NCHESTER‘ CONN • be^’elcome. Customs of the Chinese.’’ A supper Swedish Lutheran Church will be served at 6:30 under the di­ The recently organized Clover- rection of Clarence Sadrozinskl and TUESDAY, FEB. 26 leaves club will meet Tuesday eve­ his committee. ning at the Manchester Community Admission 75c. clubhouse at 8:30. At this meeting Mrs. Malcolm Mollan of North p u r Regular Stock the committee appointed to draw Main street is spending the week­ up by-laws for the new organiza­ end with Mrs. Clinton Leslie of tion will submit them at this meet­ WOMEN’S ing for revision and approval. A Glen Rock, N. J. ABOUTTOWN SILK FROCKS $2.98 and $3.50 full attendance is hoped for in view The closing program of the Mid- Albert Yost, chairman of Hose of this fact, and an invitation is ex­ tended to all interested to attend Winter Institute Nutmeg Trail will Company No. I’s annual banquet, take place this evening at the South has called a meeting of the com­ this meeting or to join the club. CAPE GLOVES Light refreshments will be served. Methodist church. Supper will be mittee for this evening at the fire served at 6:30 and the speaker of headquarters, Main and Hilliard the evening will be Rev. George S. streets. Miss Helen Maloney of Main In Two Attractive Price Groups Tomorrow Only I street, a teacher in the Hollister Brookes of the Union Congrega­ tional church at Rockville. Diplo- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lynch, Jr., street school, who had been ill in of Knox street are in Brattleboro, January with grip and suffered a m.as will be given a t this final m eet­ Vermont, for the national ski jump relapse, is now well on the road to ing of the series. today and the ski ball this evening. recovery. Mrs. Georgia George is chairman $ 1.98 Allan Taylor of Henry street Js Young women of the Buckland of the food sale which members of Parent-Teacher association will be the American Legion auxiliary will spending Washington’s birthday Tomorrow only we are offer­ in charge of a whist and dance at held at Hale’s store tomorrow after­ and the week-end with friends in ing our regular stock of $2.98 Boston. the Buckland school Monday eve­ noon at 2 o’clock. Assisting Mrs. ning. They will offer for first prizes George will be Mrs. Jessie Kerr, and $3.50 cape gloves for $1.98. Miss Ruth Shorts of Benton $2.50 gold pieces and two other Mrs. Minnie Sault, Miss Jane Bau- Dress models with attractive street will spend the next week sola, Mrs. John J. Allison and Mrs. cuffs in two-tone color combina­ prizes. Refreshments and dancing tions. All sizes. with relatives in Paterson, N. J. will follow the card games. Edwin Swanson. The Missionary society of the MAIN FLOOR Swedish Lutheran church will hold XFomerly ?10 to $16.75) iiiiiiiiimiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin a special service Sunday afternoon (Fonnerly $16.75 to $25) at 5 o’clock, to which the congre­ gation is invited. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meet­ ing by the Missionary society. An opportunity for the young girl This group of frocks includes late Hollis, son of Mr. and Mrs. and woman to pick-up two or three winter and early Spring models— = S h i p p i n g I George L. Valentine of 32 St. John many of these frocks hy.ve been in street has returned home from the frocks at a great saving. The assort­ Hartford hospital where he has stock only a few weei,... Gay colored been for the past three weeks re­ ment includes flat crepes and prints in printed silks and plain shades featur­ ceiving treatment for a badly cut light and dark colorings. Frocks hand. ing flares, swathed hiplines, tucks, I FEATURING NEW | that can be worn in the office, for Shepherd Encampment, No. 37, circular flounces and other smart de­ will hold its regular meeting in Odd Fellows hall Monday evening. Fol­ sports wear, at afternoon bridge par­ tails- Navy, tan, brown, black and lowing the business there will be a ties, and other daytime gatherings. I READY TO WEAR I rehearsal of the patriarchal degree. light shades. Bandmaster William Hanna and the Scout band of the Salvation Army left, by bus this morning at 9 Hale’s Frocks—]\Iain Floor o’clock, to take part in the proceed­ WE INVITE YOU TO ings of the Young People’s confer­ The Black Felt ence at Springfield today. The Manchester Luther League A Final Close-Out of With Straw Trimming I will entertain the New Britain SEE THE LATEST ; Luther LeagUe tonight at 7:45 at i The Swedish Lutheran church. The black felt hat with trimmings of bankok straw is smart for in be­ ! Benevolent Society Segar will WOMEN’S WINTER COATS tween wear. New close-fitting STLYES FOR meet tomorrow night at 7:30 In­ models with up-turned brims...... stead of 8 o’clock because of the long-in-back effects. V/e are also celebration of the 22nd anniversary showing the popular navy blues in of the Knights of Pythias. $10 new styles. SPRING The combined G Clef and Beet- (Formerly $16.75 and $25) iioven Glee clubs enjoyed a light luncheon after the rehearsal last A limited number of women’s sport and dress coats to close-out at $10. Dress coats of night. good quality suede trimmed with fur collars and cuffs. Sports coats of tweeds and novelty fabrics $4-95 and $5-95 Our sliowino- includes the NEW ENSEM- in plain tailored models. We have on hand the following number in each size: ; ELES in silk and imported mixtures. ^ • Main Floor SIZE ...... 34 1 36 1 38 1 40 The NEW DRESSES are v^ery smart in o Kelvinator QUANTITY...... 1 O 1 1 1 1 tlic'ii' l^eautiful Spring- colorings, featunng Electric Refrigeration HALE’S COATS— Main Floor I the UORIXE and EDITH DALE models- (Oldest IJiuiiestic Refrigerator on the Market.) r: The SPRING COATS offer broadest choice, Household and WOMEN’S S plain or mixed materials, latest models, some Commercial Onyx ^ Pointex I beautifully furre(,l. “TOY TOWN” COATS Refrigeration 5 of imported cloths, and DRESSY COATS in Before you buy an electric refrig­ Light Weight The erator see tlie new Kelvinator mod­ § all the new cloths for early Spring wear. els. VVe can save you money. Long Wearing—Graceful—Smart Union Suits Smart Necklace I ENSEMBLES I Alfred A. Grezel # is of Plain Gold or Headquarters for I'liinibing and $ 1.50 pair Heating Supplies. Imitation Stone i $14.95 “ $95o00 Main St. Opp. Park Sts., How rare to find a stocking that combines all your favorite South Manchester qualities. Onyx Pointex clear service stockings have cotton garter welt tops and cotton feet for service; the Pointex heel for graceful Flat necklaces of plain gold in 79 I DRESSES Legal Notices appearance at the ankle. All the newest shades. And at a moder­ 5 9 = new modernistic designs.. .antique ate price to insure economy. gold necklaces set with imitation HOSIERY—Main Floor Fine yarn union suits with tight knees; built-up stones in Jade. Libo blue, Patou ANNOUNCEMENT shoulders. Sizes 36 to 44. Red and Groto Blue. Moderately 1 $14.95‘$39.50 priced. THE MANCHESTER MAIN FLOOR I COATS DUCO CO. $ .00 and $ .98 $25.00‘ $95.00 S Griswold St., So. Manchester free/ I Now Owned by THIS DAINTY BOTTLE OF EXQUISITE The Season’s New Main Floor nmiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTr ALFRED CHAGNOT PERFUME Paris Designs in Experienced Duco Worker All Kinds of Auto Painting THE Furniture and Metal G EN inN B SMITH JEWELRY CO. First Class Work- Room 11, Cheney Block, Over the Green Store Prompt Service ■ U RIC.U.S.MIOHI y W U Phone 1654 Quaranteed ^ast Color SEE US AND SAVE MONEY WASH FABRICS OPTICAL, WATCH, JEWELRY REPAIRING AT WHOLESALE PRICES WANTED! The Shoulder That you shall know we are put­ WITH A PACK/.<4E OP Let Us Estimate Cost on That Repair Job Then ting on regular 50c O’Sullivan, in Goodrich and Goodyear Rubber COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS Heels for THREE FLOWERS FACE POWDER Flower 30 Years a W, A. SMITH, Your Guarantee 2 5 c Delightful Prints Completes the Manchester Jeweler .Manager of Expert Work. Three Flowers Perfume breathes the Costume. SAM YULYES fresh fragrance of living flowers— the 701 Main St., Johnson Block Sou^ Manchester The shoulder flower Is predicted perfume of youth and springtime to be very “big” again for spring = whether worn on the left shoulder 59 yard or a little more to the front of the dress. We are showing new gar­ denias for tailored wear and deli> WATKINS'BROTHERS: In c . SUNDAY DINNER The new Peter Pan prints for spring are unusual­ cate, fluffy flowers for formal occa­ ly beautiful—every smart design a genuine Paris sions. at the creation—the bright, vivid, colorings are guaran­ teed absolutet^ fast. Every well dressed woman ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS will want two or three frocks of Peter Pan prints Jo her wardrobe this spring. Excellent, too, for chil­ CHAPEL AT 11" DAK1ST« " ^ 7 5 * dren’s school frocks. 32 inches wide. HOTEL SHERIDAN Absolutely color fast. 50c and 75'

RoSeYTKfKiHersSffj pRone^509l Turkey, Duck or Chicken YARD GOODS—Main Floor. iMain Floor 'Funeral Director^_ )o r 2 8 3 7 -W TOILET GOODS— Main Floor with all the Gzings, $1