Estudios Irlandeses , Number 5, 2010, pp. 1-11 ______AEDEI

The Teaching of Book-Keeping in the Hedge of

Peter Clarke Dublin

Copyright (c) 2010 by Peter Clarke. This text may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged for access.

Abstract. Relative to other developed countries, very little has been published on the history of Irish accounting education. The objective of this paper is to partly remedy this deficiency by investigating, using a combination of primary and secondary sources, the teaching of book-keeping in the hedge schools of Ireland, mainly during the eighteenth century. Hedge schools have achieved a prominent and colourful place in Irish history, and prior studies have tended to examine the general phenomenon of hedge schools; whereas this paper specifically focuses on the teaching of book-keeping in these establishments. This paper argues that knowledge of practical book-keeping methods was an important skill, along with the related usage of the English language, in gaining employment for Irish Catholics during the period of oppression that was the eighteenth century. These skills were also valuable to Irish emigrants. Furthermore, Irish hedge schoolmasters applied their teaching and book- keeping skills in other countries such as Australia and the United States. Key words. Ireland, hedge schools, teaching of book-keeping, eighteenth century.

Resumen. En contraste con otros países desarrollados, en Irlanda se ha publicado muy poco en torno a la historia del estudio de la contabilidad. Este artículo se propone remediar en parte esta deficiencia utilizando tanto fuentes primarias como secundarias para investigar la enseñanza de la teneduría de libros en las escuelas clandestinas denominadas “Hedge Schools”, especialmente durante el siglo XVIII. Dichas escuelas han despertado un notable interés y curiosidad en la historia irlandesa. Pero, mientras que los estudios anteriores se han centrado en el fenómeno general de las escuelas, éste lo hace en la enseñanza de la contabilidad en dichos establecimientos. Este artículo sostiene que el conocimiento de métodos prácticos de contabilidad, junto con el dominio de la lengua inglesa, eran una baza importante para que los católicos irlandeses consiguieran empleo durante la opresión que sufrieron en el siglo XVIII. Tales destrezas eran asimismo valiosas para los emigrantes irlandeses. Los maestros de las escuelas irlandesas desplegaban su enseñanza y habilidades de teneduría de libros en otros países como Australia y los Estados Unidos. Palabras clave: Irlanda, hedge schools, enseñanza de la contabilidad, siglo dieciocho. Acknowledgements. The financial assistance from the Business Research Programme at UCD is gratefully acknowledged. The author would also like to thank Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh and Professor Stephen Walker (University of Cardiff) for their constructive suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper.

Introduction history, and specifically on the history of Irish Relative to other developed countries, very accounting education. Indeed, for many years, little has been published on Irish accounting the only substantial work in this area was

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Robinson’s (1964) history of accountants in previously unacknowledged sources, into the Ireland. This book was written at the request role of book-keeping in the curriculum of of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in hedge schools in Ireland. In addition, we will Ireland (ICAI) to commemorate the seventy- explore its impact and legacy both in Ireland fifth anniversary of receiving its Royal Charter and abroad. The paper is divided into four but, as Ó hÓgartaigh notes (2008: 8), “Irish main sections. In the next section, we outline accounting history prior to the establishment of the historical context of the hedge schools in the ICAI in 1888 is relatively unexplored”. Ireland. This is followed by a section However, some exploration had been done and describing the hedge schools in Ireland, their should be noted. The earliest known curriculum and the teaching of book-keeping publication on accounting/book-keeping in therein. The third section highlights the impact Ireland, and its historical context, was of the teaching of book-keeping in these described by Clarke (1996a/b). This was a schools, both in a national and an international short pamphlet written by a French Huguenot context. The paper ends with a summary and in 1696 who (dubiously) taught, among other concluding observations. things, book-keeping in Essex Street, which is The Background to the Hedge Schools of situated in what is now commonly referred to Ireland as the Temple Bar area of Dublin. In more recent times, our knowledge of the history of The earliest educational establishments in Irish accounting education has been extended. Ireland of which we have any record were the Clarke (2008) investigated the teaching of Bardic Schools that were founded in pre- book-keeping in the nineteenth century and Christian times and which produced poets, how the subject was institutionalised in the historians and legal experts. However, these Irish national system that was were never aimed at mass elementary established in 1831. An earlier period – education but rather they focussed on the corresponding to the era of the Irish hedge training of small cultural and ecclesiastical schools, which have achieved a prominent and elites (McGrath 1979). Thereafter, one has to colourful place in Irish history – has been wait for nearly two millennia for the State’s investigated by Ó hÓgartaigh and Ó (unseemly) venture into the field of education hÓgartaigh (2006, 2007). They argue that in Ireland: one that was intended to subdue the book-keeping education in the Irish ‘hedge hostile, Catholic population. The situation that school’ of the eighteenth century was a faced Henry VIII in the immediate aftermath of significant element of education in rural his succession to the English throne, and the Ireland. This predates the formation of subsequent break from Rome, was a politically professional accountancy associations – in unreliable, culturally and linguistically divided Ireland, the Institute of Chartered Accountants Irish colony in which many of the English was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1888, settlers appear to have gone native (Crowley with 31 members from the principal towns of 2005). Henry VIII introduced, in 1537, an Act Belfast, Dublin and Cork. The teaching of for the English Order, Habit and Language book-keeping in Irish hedge schools would which, among other things, established also predate the teaching of the subject in parochial or parish schools so that the “English English schools, since Coulson (1996) tongue, habit and order be henceforth used by indicates that it was only during the mid 1700s all men”. He therefore considered the that private educational institutions developed education of Irish children as an important in England and subjects long ignored by the element in the process of cultural colonialism. grammar schools began to appear. Such As was subsequently and officially noted, the subjects included book-keeping. role of this statute was “simply to make the use The purpose of this paper is to further of the English language and habit supersede investigate the teaching of book-keeping in the that of the Irish” (Commissioners of Irish hedge schools of Ireland; and the period Education Inquiry, 1825: 91). A subsequent covered by this investigation corresponds, Act for the Erection of Free-Schools in 1570 approximately, to the eighteenth century. The required the establishment of a paper is intended to offer additional insights, within every diocese, with the schoolmaster using primary and contemporary but being an Englishman, or of English birth in Ireland. The preamble to this legislation 3

complained about the heinous offences youths going abroad to be “trained up in any committed by the Irish youth uneducated in priory, abby, nunnery, popish university, English ways! However the obligation for college or school or house of Jesuits or funding these schools being placed on the priests”. The intention of this legislation is clergy ensured that the legislation would not be abundantly clear and its drafting reflected the widely implemented. Of course, schools did fact that around that time a number of exist around that time but, as O’Hegarty (1952) for Irish catholic students had already been notes, they were all Protestant schools, and established throughout Europe, in countries were all, to a greater or lesser degree, carried that were perceived as being hostile to on with the object of converting Catholic England. Those found in violation of the law children to Protestantism. As a result, Irish would forfeit all their property and an Catholics did not avail of them to any large attractive reward of £200 was available to extent and Dowling (1968) argues that these informers. Furthermore, the legislation schools were limited in scope and failed to provided that “no person whatsoever of the make an impact on the country. This assertion popish religion shall publickly teach school, or is confirmed by the 1695 Act to Restrain instruct youth in learning, or in private houses Foreign Education, which noted that previous teach or instruct youth in learning within this legislation had “not had the desired effect” but realm”, with the offending persons being that all statutes would “henceforth be strictly subject to a penalty of £20 and also being observed and put into execution”. committed to prison for three months for every Irish hedge schools flourished in the early such offence. In justifying this legislation the 18th century as a consequence of the Williamite Act stated that “papish" schools were a major War fought throughout Europe between 1689 reason why the Irish did not “conform and 1691, which resulted in the defeat of the themselves to the laws and statutes of this Catholic King, James II by William, Prince of realm, and of their not using the English habit Orange. In Ireland, this defeat heralded the or language”. Additional legislation, aimed introduction of “laws against popery”, which primarily against Catholics in Ireland, was were collectively known as the ‘’. introduced under Queen Anne in 1703 (An Act These represented a collection of laws with a to Prevent the Further Growth of Popery), religious bias against Roman Catholics, but which decreed that, on death, Catholic estates also against all who were not members of the must be divided among a man’s children; and Church of Ireland. The Penal Laws should be this facilitated the automatic subdivision of viewed in the context of an era in which it was land, with average farm size getting smaller felt that a man’s religion was a guide to his and smaller and, presumably, less and less political attitudes. Not surprisingly, religious efficient and profitable. tolerance was not a widely known or accepted Since the Penal Laws forbade Catholics from concept in the seventeenth century. Thus, participating in an educational system Johnson (1974: 18) argues that the purpose of acceptable to them, the development of hedge the Penal Laws was to “establish a social, schools was an automatic and understandable political and, to a considerable extent, an response in a quest to (illegally) educate young economic monopoly in the hands of a narrow Catholics (Ó hÓgartaigh and Ó hÓgartaigh group [that] differed from the overwhelming 2006). Logan (1990) observes that the majority of the population.” Moreover, the inability of most adults to read or write around famous Irish orator, Edmund Burke described that period was one of the striking features of them as a “machine of wise and elaborate Irish society; and this meant that if children contrivance, and as well fitted for the were to acquire even basic literacy and other oppression, impoverishment and degradation skills it would not be from their parents. The of a people, and the debasement in them of name ‘hedge school’ was assigned to these human nature itself as ever proceeded from the places of learning because the holding of perverted ingenuity of man” (Burke 1792, classes was, initially, in remote hedgerows, quoted in Marshall and Woods 1968-69: 277). since substantial rewards were offered to those Among the first of the penal laws to be who gave information about the schools and enacted were those against Catholic education. teachers could be imprisoned and fined if they The 1695 Act to Restrain Foreign Education were discovered (Dowling 1968). However, it contained provisions designed to prevent Irish may well be that, generally speaking, the Penal 4

Laws were not strictly enforced, due to the school to school and parish to parish, and the remote locations of many of these schools. fees paid by each pupil usually amounted to Furthermore, from the mid 18th century more one or two shillings per quarter per subject. settled political conditions prevailed within Wakefield (1812: 399) indicates that prices for Ireland. Nevertheless, the fact that the Penal teaching subjects had been fixed for a number Laws existed, which prohibited an educational of years, and “custom has so firmly established system acceptable to the (Catholic) majority, it in the minds of the parents, that any attempt led to the continued existence of hedge to raise it would be probably accompanied with schools. the withdrawing of the pupil from the school”. Thus, it was inevitable that the financial The Workings of Hedge Schools situation of these hedge schoolmasters was The descriptions of these schools range from precarious, to say the least. Mason (1816: 374) excessively eulogistic to suggesting that they indicates that many of the hedge schoolmasters were places of squalor and educational anarchy “do not earn sixpence per day” (which was (Daly 1979). Initially, reflecting their often not paid) so that they subsisted by “going collective name, ‘classes’ were held in remote with some of the children daily or weekly, hedgerows. As a result, classes were mostly where they get their food or bread”. Thus, held during the fine weather of summer. The hedge schoolmasters often depended on the prevailing economic circumstances also hospitality of local families for food and emphasised summer teaching, and it should be shelter, and earned extra income by working on noted that any wages earned by children from farms or giving private tuition to the children casual or other work would have been an of the house they were staying in (Dowling important part of the average family budget. 1968). Individual and contemporary accounts leave us The number of pupils at a master’s school with evidence regarding these hedge schools, was largely dependant on his reputation as a of which a select few will be reviewed here. teacher but it should be acknowledged that Thus, Mason (1814: 472) informs us that the single schoolmaster schools lacked variety and children of the parish of Killesk (County dependability. Mason (1814: 158) colourfully Wexford) attended “hedge-schools all the remarks that in one particular parish, the only summer until harvest” and subsequently (in qualification (for a schoolmaster) was “the relation to County Clare) that “the employment capability of drinking whiskey and sharing it of the children interferes very much with their with the electors; and whoever entertains the education, as they are constantly occupied in best, and drinks deepest is sure of gaining his agriculture and the fisheries, or in saving turf, election”. It is inevitable that conflicting and leading the horses that draw it to the shores assessments are provided for these hedge of the river”. Subsequently, he notes that in schoolmasters, who were “generally Killegny (County Wexford) a local school “had considered a clever, irregular, eccentric person, 100 pupils during the summer but only 8 or 10 not always of very correct habits, and very during winter” (Mason 1816: 465/467). often the author and ringleader of mischief in However, during the winter a landlord or the parish” (Select Committee, 1854: 984). farmer might provide a barn in which the Nevertheless, overall pupil attendance at these schoolmaster could teach his classes (Ó schools was significant. The Commissioners Tuathaigh 1972). Alternatively, Hislop (1987) of Irish Education Inquiry (1826) revealed that points out that more often than not the pupils in 1824 a total of 560,549 children attended assembled in the simple residence of the places of education, with the majority (70%) of master or, if he were itinerant, of a family. pupils (394,732) attending hedge schools. This Therefore, it is not surprising that Carleton is a very significant number of pupils, (1896) mentions that pupils often brought two especially when one considers that attendance sods of turf for the fire to keep the school at hedge schools for most pupils would be their heated throughout the winter. only form of education. The hedge (or pay) schools were totally The Hedge School Curriculum independent of any kind of authority other than market forces and the influence and ire of the The hedge school curriculum was dependant parents (Adams 1998). Hedge school teachers on the abilities of the master and there was a received some payment but this varied from clear occupation-oriented bias in the hedge 5

school curriculum. Hedge schools were However, arithmetic was the most important particularly attractive to young men who aspect of the hedge school curriculum and wanted to enter into many of the Irish training Brenan (1935: 81) states that the success of a colleges on the continent, in preparation for the hedge schoolmaster was determined by his priesthood. Apart from giving potential proficiency in mathematics – the reason being seminarians a good grounding, the system was that ‘the ordinary people of Ireland would set also designed to fit pupils for jobs as clerks, no store by a school in which arithmetic did store-keepers, land stewards or similar not figure prominently’. The importance of occupations. The Penal Laws effectively arithmetic should be viewed in the context of excluded Catholics from the professions1 and the pre-industrial world in which measurement organised trade guilds. Thus, Irish Catholics and calculation associated with various bulk turned their attention to trade, with the main transactions was always a matter for activity relating to the import and export of negotiation. Porter (1995) argues that, in provisions and raw materials. This, in turn, different geographical areas, there were “led to a strong demand for instruction in different units for different materials or mercantile arithmetic, in book-keeping, and in substances and, at times, the arithmetic French” (Corcoran 1916: 30). Furthermore, as involved would be very complicated. One English increasingly became the language of only has to envisage transactions involving business and of social mobility, it became the Bills of Exchange, related interest payable or language of the hedge school (Ó Tuathaigh due and foreign exchange rates – and without 1972). the aid of modern calculators – to appreciate One hedge schoolmaster boasted that he was the importance of accurate arithmetic capable of teaching forty-nine subjects and calculations in the day to day workings of assorted works (Carleton 1896). Another merchants and other traders. Thus, for hedge schoolmaster advertised his ability in the example, the few accounting texts published following poetic fashion, which indicated that during the 1700s in Ireland highlighted the his curriculum included: many articles bought and sold by merchants at that time related to weights and measures and With book-keeping and mensuration, involving foreign currency, thus highlighting Euclid’s elements and navigation, the need for basic arithmetic skills transactions With trigonometry and sound gauging, (Clarke 1996a). And English Grammar with Rhyme and The availability and importance of book- reason. keeping as a subject on the hedge school (Carpenter 1998: 385, quoting curriculum should also be noted. For example, O’Suilleabhain, 1782) Carleton (a hedge school pupil and later a Contemporary evidence of the actual master) considered himself privileged to have curriculum is provided by Mason (1814: 158), been taught by one of the country’s leading who indicates that in the parish of Ballintoy accountants while attending his local hedge (County Antrim) the “system of education is school in Findermore, whom he described as confined to english, arithmetic, and writing “a most excellent teacher, and probably one of (but in several schools) book-keeping, the best book-keepers of that day [and] several navigation, mensuration, and some of the respectable young fellows used to come from elementary parts of mathematics are taught.” long distances to be instructed by him in the art of keeping accounts” (Carleton, 1896: 122). ______Furthermore, the report of Commissioners of 1. Around the 1700s the constant lettings of land to Irish Education Inquiry (1826: 832) contains Catholic graziers gave occasion for the service of evidence from the Reverend James Carlile, Catholics as surveyors. Since this was not yet a who was subsequently appointed resident recognised profession, Catholics could practice this commissioner of the new Irish board of branch of practical mathematics without danger national education in 1831. The Reverend (Corcoran 1916). It should be noted that the Penal Carlile indicated that children attending such Laws would not have applied to the accountancy schools attained “very good proficiency upon profession since they predate the formal the ordinary subjects of education; the boys establishment of, for example, the Institute of reading, writing and accounts, and scriptural Chartered Accountants in Ireland in 1888. education”. However, we do not know the 6

basis on which the Reverend Carlile formed his who will give information of any attempt made opinion on the teaching and learning of the to print or publish this work, without his practical subject of “accounts”. approbation under his hand and seal first Nevertheless, we are entitled to be sceptical of obtained, agreeably to the Act of Parliament in his opinion given the emphasis on oral work that case provided”. and memory within the hedge schools in By analysing the content of such texts, one general; and the fact that often pupils were can identify a vast range of procedures and taught the spelling of complex words but not topics that could have been taught as part of their meaning (Carleton 1896). No doubt, the the book-keeping curriculum within the Irish recitation of such spelling would have hedge schools, although it is unlikely that all impressed parents. This oral and memory masters achieved the same competencies with approach would not have been suited to the their pupils. It is entirely plausible to argue practical aspects of book-keeping however, that the quality of book-keeping education was with its emphasis on entering transactions in likely to fluctuate considerably from school to ledgers and journals. Indeed, the physical school and parish to parish. Therefore, it is environment and general lack of suitable paper reasonable to conclude that, at best, book- on which to perform these functions would keeping pupils were taught how to record also have hampered the learning process. Thus ledger entries, using the general journal. It one is entitled to be sceptical at the overall must be acknowledged, however, that these proficiency of pupils in general, since, in many would have been valuable skills for any pupil cases, there were no desks or seats. Also, seeking employment in a commercial position contemporary accounts indicate that there were at that time. At worst, the book-keeping no books, only slates, and that pupils had a free tuition in hedge schools would have consisted day each month in order to find suitable stones of memorising typical book-keeping entries with which to write on their slates. accompanied by little explanation or Furthermore, in assessing, or estimating the illustration, with the inevitable result of little standard to which book-keeping was taught in practical ability being acquired by students. these hedge schools one needs to take into Moreover, we should also note that the consideration the age of pupils. Generally, availability of book-keeping lessons in hedge pupils were under the age of 14 years and this schools was very limited (Mason 1814, 1816). would have restricted the amount of material This could have been due to the inadequacies that could be taught to this level. Mason of the master but it may also be, partly, (1816) indicates that the main texts used for attributed to the fees involved. Generally, teaching book-keeping in the hedge schools pupils had to pay extra for the teaching of consisted of Voster’s (1769) Arithmetick and book-keeping, with prices at about 4 shillings Gough’s Arithmetic both in theory and per quarter, compared with about 2 shillings practice adapted to the commerce of Ireland as per quarter for reading or about 3 shillings per well as of Great Britain (1770). The quarter for arithmetic (Mason 1814, 1816). availability of suitable texts did not ensure that These fees may have restricted the demand, in they were purchased due to their price. some schools, for the teaching of book- Batterberry (1955) suggests that hedge keeping. It is logical to argue that book- schoolmasters transcribed large quantities of keeping would only have been studied by text from Voster and Gough into their own pupils in addition to, rather than to the manuscripts for teaching purposes. Dowling exclusion of, reading and arithmetic. (1968) indicates that manuscripts were sold to One can also speculate as to the likely other teachers by more prominent masters, and standard of the teaching in hedge schools by one manuscript compiled by Peter Gallegan reviewing the overall educational standard was valued at £5. It should be noted that the achieved in those schools. On balance, the legal aspects of copyright did not apply to evidence suggests that academic standards Ireland until 1800 due to an oversight of the were generally poor, even though some centres Copyright Act 1709, which excluded Ireland of excellence existed throughout the country. from its provisions (Cole 1986). One author For example, in his Statistical Account, which of an accounting text (Deighan 1807: xix), in was based on communications from local order to prevent piracy of his work, offered a clergy, Mason (1814: 5) writes that in the reward of “four hundred pounds to any person parish of Adamstown and Newbawn (County 7

Wexford) there were a “few miserable hedge truly lamentable, and her legislators could not schools where the teachers are almost in as confer a more signal blessing upon the country, great need of instruction as (the pupils). Here than providing an ample remedy for the present an attempt is made to teach them to read before defective system” (Barlow 1814: 361). they can spell, and to write before they can Gradually, a consensus of opinion developed read” and suggested that “the most obvious which favoured the State assuming a dominant means of improvement are to be found in some role in extending a nationwide system of efficient plan of parish education”. In the elementary education. Daly (1979) points out parish of Kilmactigue (County Sligo) “children that around this time the Catholic clergy were have been twelve months at some of these facing an educational crisis, with an increasing (hedge) schools, without being fit to demand for education from a growing commence reading lessons of one or two population, the need to finance its Church syllables” and for Kilrush (County Clare) “the building programme and the danger that many hedge schools are as miserable (as) in other of the young population that were unable to parts of Ireland” (Mason 1816: 374, 465). afford to pay for their schooling might be Some years later the Head Inspector of attracted to free proselytising schools. After National Schools indicated, in relation to the much debate a ‘national’ education system, hedge schools, that “there was little good, and free of any suspicion of proselytism, was much evil in them…there was no uniformity of established in 1831. It is interesting to note that books, no standard of classification for the around that time close to seven million Irish children, no class teaching; the instruction was people – about six million Roman Catholics never collective… in fact, there was neither a and one million Protestants of various system of discipline, method, organisation or denominations – lived on the island (Coleman any of those great principles upon which the 2007). moral and intellectual life of a school depends” Daly (1979, p. 162) argues that the “national (Select Committee 1854: 328). schools did not mark a sudden discontinuity, in many instances existing schools and teachers The Demise of the Hedge Schools continued with a new source of finance”. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, Following the practice within some of the the Penal Laws slowly lost their momentum hedge schools, the subject of ‘book-keeping’ and they were gradually repealed in a was formally added to the curriculum of the piecemeal series of laws. O’Hegarty (1952: national schools. The minimum amount of 20) argues that their abolition would have been proficiency in the subject required students “to influenced by the declaration of independence know how to keep cash, personal, real, and by the United States of America in 1776, and farm accounts and how to write out bills, shop the fact that Britain would need Catholic and accounts etc.” (Commissioners of National Irish troops in the impending war with France. Education 1860: 2). However, hedge schools Moreover, the Catholic Relief Act, 1782 did not immediately disappear, since acknowledged that the existing legislation was subsequent evidence given to the Royal too severe and had not had the desired effect. Commission (Powis report 1870) estimated Therefore, this legislation permitted Catholics that there were at least 500 to 600 hedge to teach, but under strict conditions such as schools still in operation towards the end of the pledging allegiance to the Crown, not teaching 1860s. Indeed, in addition to providing an in Protestant schools and not teaching account of some hedge schools, Fernandez- Protestant children. The modification of these Suarez (2006) describes and colourfully restrictions on Catholics resulted in a number indicates that the last documented hedge school of Catholic teaching orders setting out to in Ireland was in use until 1892. A possible provide the poor with a Catholic education. reason for their continued existence is the fact For example, the Christian Brothers began that the goal of the national school system was their series of primary schools for boys in “as far as practicable, to bring forward an 1802, following the example of the Mercy intelligent class of farm labourers and Sisters, who had commenced their education of servants” (Commissioners of National girls a short time previously. Nevertheless, a Education in Ireland 1837-38: 125), whereas few years later one contemporary commentator the curriculum and instruction in hedge schools wrote that “the state of education in Ireland is was more flexible. 8

The Impact of the Teaching of Book- the American colonies during the eighteenth Keeping in Hedge Schools century, the delay of payment and difficulty of precise settlement was inevitable. Under such A number of important implications can be circumstances book-keeping skills were an drawn from the existence of hedge schools and invaluable asset for potential employees. the teaching of book-keeping in such schools In addition, O’Connell (1942) points out that during the eighteenth century. Initially, it is during the 1800s many Irish schoolmasters important to stress the role of hedge schools in found their way to America, where they had the educational and cultural fabric of Irish ample scope for their activities, and he society at that time. We have already noted suggests that the Irish schoolmasters were the that, according to the Commission of Irish first to introduce a clearly defined school Education Inquiry (1826), about 70% of Irish system into the Mid-West territories. Thus, pupils attended hedge schools; and for many of Koos (2001) argues that many of the these this would be their only formal pedagogical techniques, traditions and educational experience. Furthermore, the curricula found in the schools of the American curriculum of hedge schools helped to inform frontier can be traced to the hedge schools of the curriculum of the Irish national school Ireland. Other Irish emigrants, such as system that was established in 1831. In other Cornelius Lynch, taught book-keeping, with words, the availability of tuition in book- other subjects, in New York in 1740; as did keeping in the modest hedge schools was the Terence O’Reilly in 1789 (O’Connell 1942). catalyst for the subject’s inclusion in the Furthermore, another personality, William emerging State education system. Book- Jackson, is described in Wilson’s Dublin keeping was an important part of the new Directory (1780) as a “teacher of book-keeping curriculum and, like other subjects, it had its and Accounts”. We subsequently know that own specially prepared teaching text (Clarke Jackson published a text entitled Book-keeping 2008). in the true Italian form of debtor and creditor The second implication is based on (c. 1761). Jackson may well have emigrated to Vangermeersch’s (1997) argument that a America and taken with him his book-keeping knowledge of book-keeping or accounting text, since in 1801 a text was published in never did anyone any harm; but that countless Philadelphia entitled Book-keeping, in the true people have been disadvantaged by not having Italian form of debtor and creditor by way of knowledge of the discipline. The possession double entry, or, practical book-keeping: of book-keeping skills (together with an exemplified from the precepts of the late underlying arithmetical prowess) would have ingenious D. Dowling, and was published represented, for some, an important attribute continuously until 1816.2 Furthermore, that was attractive to potential employers. In Gough’s book (1770) was subsequently other words, as Fuller (1994) argues, when adapted and printed in the United States since relatively few people received formal it was “particularly fitting the work for the schooling, education served as a vehicle for improvement of the American Youth” (1796). social mobility, enabling the lower classes to The Irish hedge school influence may also improve their social standing. Book-keeping extend to Australia. Craig, Ó hÓgartaigh, and skills would have been useful in acquiring Ó hÓgartaigh (2004: 78) have drawn our employment as a clerk, which would open up attention to John Kenny, an Irishman consequent career opportunities in Ireland. transported to New South Wales in 1793 as a In addition, the teaching of book-keeping in common criminal, who probably was the first the Irish hedge schools would have used the teacher of double-entry accounting in Sydney, English language: the language of the and the “possibility that he had been taught emerging middle and upper classes. Thus, book-keeping in hedge schools in Ireland knowledge of book-keeping, together with should not be dismissed”. some basic knowledge of the English language, ______would have been a valuable resource that was brought by Irish emigrants to the new world 2. Based on the library catalogue of the University across the Atlantic. Kojima (1995) reminds us of Mississippi, whose entry also includes Daniel that as a result of the shortage of currency in Dowling as an additional author.


Summary and Conclusions within the curriculum of the Irish national school system in 1831. This was an important This paper has provided an overview of the development. teaching of book-keeping in eighteenth century The second conclusion is that knowledge of Ireland. The hedge schools provided a very book-keeping skills, with a required basic education and, from the available knowledge of the English language and evidence, we know that book-keeping was one commercial terms, was an important attribute of the taught subjects. Contemporary which would have been useful in acquiring references, in official publications, to its employment as a clerk or in a commercial teaching are both positive and negative. The position. In addition, these ‘portable’ skills subject focussed, almost exclusively, on would have been a valuable resource that was various aspects of double-entry book-keeping brought by Irish emigrants to the New World and the emphasis was very much on learning across the Atlantic. Furthermore, there is the rules of double-entry rather than their evidence indicating that the hedge school explanation or underlying theory. masters may have continued with their Nevertheless, this book-keeping emphasis, educational activities so that some of the rather than the emphasis on profit calculation pedagogical techniques, traditions and and asset valuation, would have been curricula found in the schools of the American appropriate at that time (Parker 1994). frontier can be traced to the hedge schools of Two tentative conclusions can be drawn Ireland. Other Irish emigrants taught book- from the teaching of book-keeping in the hedge keeping in more glamorous surroundings in the schools of Ireland. The first is that the United States and elsewhere. availability of the subject in the hedge schools resulted in the subject’s formal inclusion

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Received 20 October 2009 Final version accepted 12 November 2009

Peter Clarke FCA, MA (Econ), PhD is a Professor at the School of Business at University College Dublin. His research interests include all aspects of accounting history. He has served on the Editorial Boards of the European Accounting Review, Accounting Education, the Irish Accounting Review and the IMA Educational Case Journal. He was the recipient, on two occasions (in 1992 and 2004), of the Accountancy Ireland award and was the first recipient of the Professor Edward Cahill prize (in 2006) for the outstanding article in The Irish Accounting Review for the period 2003 – 2005.