Bank Merger Gains Approval New Restrictions for Gas
A Panorama COVERING TOWNSHIPS o r Of Local HOLM DEL, MADISON MARLBORO, MATAWAN People And AND Event* M AI AWAN •OROUGH Mth YEAR 19th W EEK HaHoau M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEM BER 7, 1963 Me* Jtracjr P r M AwncJaUda Single Copy Ten Cents Officials Elected Tuesday In Mutawan Borough Partial Paymentj For Buses Barred B u t Madison Board Cool ' . Dctpite the renderinii ol a dcci- To Private Routes tlo i In their l»vor by Frederick Raubincer, Stale Commissioner of Succumbs O f I n ju r ie s Madison Township Board of Ed Education, last week on iheir «|>- ucation was propositioned Thurs eal in AuKum from the awawlini! Stanley Bendokus, Ash St.. Union day about paying 25 per cent of Ey the Matawan Regional Board ol Beach, died Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1963, Yosts now totally assumed by Par Education of bus transportation at Riverview Hospital, from injuries ent-leather Associations in Cliff- contracts this year to Frederick he received when he was hit by a wood Beach and Laurence Harlmr Wehrle, Cliffwood Beach, Michael a car on Route 35 in Matawjn ; to provide bus transportation to and Lucy George, Matawan, ap Township, Oct. 2». No c h a rt s have [.school* for pupils living ut less pear tp have little chance during been filed yet against thc driver, I than the staie-aided distance of t\v« fhe current achool year of, recover- Mrs. Lavlna R. Juarez, Washing I miles and having to cross danger* in* the .contracts, they loat to Mr. ton St., Keyport.
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