Campaign CND Review 2018 Give the gift of peace We are immensely proud to have been commemorating CND’s 60th anniversary this year. However, this is also something of a bittersweet occasion for us: our mission of achieving has not been accomplished yet, and so we must continue our fight for a future free from the threat of nuclear weapons. This is a fight that has taken decades, and continues with as much determination as ever. And your support is vital in helping us achieve this goal.

Making a gift to CND in your Will is one of the best possible ways to help bring about a world free from the threat of nuclear devastation.

Here’s why: You could help bring strength and resilience to the campaign. A gift in your Will would help CND remain strong, campaigning effectively until all nuclear weapons have been disarmed.

You could help transform and empower the organisation We could support the creation of more CND groups across the country, employ more staff and operate larger-scale campaigning actions.

You could help raise greater public awareness We want everyone to know the horrifying dangers and tremendous costs of nuclear weapons, enabling them to make an informed decision on this important issue.

A gift in your Will could help us achieve a world free of nuclear weapons within the lifetime of today’s children, giving them – and us – the ultimate gift: the gift of peace.

If you would like to discuss how to make or update your will to include a gift to CND, you can call us on 020 7700 2393 and ask for our fundraising department, or send an email to [email protected]. CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018

T HAS BEEN quite the year! Our 60th Campaign for anniversary year was marked by a number Nuclear Disarmament of events across the country, including the CND campaigns non-violently Now More Than Ever symbol tour which to achieve British nuclear I disarmament – for scrapping visited towns, cities and iconic sites. Other the Trident nuclear weapons brilliant events reaffirmed our determination system and preventing its to continue the campaign until we get rid of replacement. all nuclear weapons. CND works to secure UK But less positively, 2018 was also support for the nuclear dominated by US President Donald Trump, weapons ban treaty which with most weeks bringing another horrific announcement. His outlaws nuclear weapons globally, as chemical and decisions on a number of issues has given rise to protests and biological weapons have actions around the world. CND was well represented among the been banned. We also work 250,000 people who marched and rallied in London and other to end Britain’s participation cities to protest his visit to the UK. in the US Missile Defence Of particular concern was the heightened tension between the system and – with other campaigns inter nationally – US and North Korea. After public exchanges of threats and against missile defence and accusations by the two leaders of these countries, Trump and Kim weapons in space. actually met in Singapore in an incredible about-turn. But any Other current campaigns progress on disarmament has been negligible since then. include the prevention and Trump also announced he is establishing a ‘space force’ and re- cessation of wars in which launching programmes to develop space weapons and ensure US nuclear weapons may be ‘dominance in space’. But perhaps the most dangerous of all used, opposition to NATO and its nuclear policies, and announcements is his intention to withdraw the US from the to . Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. The CND is funded almost entirely removal of this cornerstone of nuclear disarmament agreed by members and supporters, between Reagan and Gorbachev in the 1980s could reopen the and our policies are decided door to the stationing of a new generation of short and upon by our annual national intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe. This is a disastrous delegates’ conference, where and extremely dangerous escalation that must be resisted. our national leadership is also elected. Details of our The danger is that this string of perilous moves will become national offices, and our too overwhelming to respond to but we need to be part of a network of regions can be massive global response. We must continue to work with others found at the back of this nationally and internationally to stop Trump’s disastrous Review. warmongering. Next year promises to be challenging, but with your help we can make the world a safer place!

1 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Nuclear dangers rise CND General Secretary analyses the dramatic events of 2018.

HAT A YEAR it’s been! As CND has reached 60, nuclear Wdangers have proliferated alarmingly and shown just how essential our movement is. It seems like we’ve pulled back from the nuclear brink one week, only to veer closer to it the next. As if US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal wasn’t bad enough, while we were meeting in Bristol in October for CND’s annual national conference, we heard the news that President Trump was pulling out of the Ending the Treaty is a us in the year ahead and we will Intermediate-range Nuclear dangerous and destabilising do our utmost to prevent the Forces Treaty (INF). Signed by move with the potential to take return of these missiles. Reagan and Gorbachev in us back to the worst days of the During his presidential 1987, the INF treaty banned Cold War. It unleashes the election campaign, Trump ground-launched nuclear possibility, not only of a promised to put an end to missiles with ranges from spiralling nuclear arms race, but pointless foreign wars and 500km to 5,500km and led to of greater numbers of US nuclear attacked spending on useless nearly 2,700 short- and weapons coming to Europe. The and massively expensive new medium-range missiles being last time these missiles came to military equipment. But this year eliminated. The INF Treaty Europe in the 1980s, they were we’ve really seen the reality of was in large part a result of designed for the US’ nuclear war his presidency. He’s ushered in a massive international protest to be fought on this continent. new era of militarism and policy against nuclear escalation in the Nothing I have heard so far in documents published at the start 1980s, including CND protests the ongoing debate over US of the year indicate preparation against cruise missiles which withdrawal leads me to think that for high-tech massively violent mobilised hundreds of the situation will be different wars against Russia and China. thousands of people. now. This is a big challenge for Trump’s new defence strategy 2 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 states that the US will compete this framework and makes Weapons (TPNW). for dominance against its long- nuclear war more likely. It takes Not surprisingly, earlier this term strategic competitors – the lid off the restraints on both year the Bulletin of the Atomic Russia and China – now new-build and nuclear weapons Scientists moved the hands of the designated as ‘revisionist use. The most significant Doomsday clock to two powers’ that wish to reshape the element of the review is minutes to midnight, the closest world consistent with their commitment to a whole new since 1953 at the height of the

‘authoritarian model’. ‘Rogue generation of nuclear weapons, Cold War. They cite nuclear regimes’ are still a focus for with the emphasis on low-yield, risk, climate change and concern but the ‘war on terror’ often described as ‘usable’, emerging technologies as the is downgraded – no longer the nuclear weapons. It should be key drivers for catastrophe, central military priority. pointed out here that the bombs factors that we would all The new approach has used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki recognise. But of those three, shifted the big picture focus are technically low-yield in they put nuclear centre stage, away from the Middle East, and today’s parlance, so we are not highlighting ‘reckless language’, extended Obama’s focus on talking about something small. spending on new nukes and China to encompass the entire This goes hand-in-hand with provocative military exercises. Eurasian landmass. With the the recently announced $1.2 It’s easy to point the finger at emphasis now away from trillion programme for nuclear the US in this regard, with asymmetrical warfare with non- weapons ‘modernisation’. And Russia following close behind. state actors to war with major of course, it’s completely at But again, if you look at the UK powers, the risk of nuclear odds with the global majority record, we’re up there with the confrontation and war is who are steadily building worst of them. Looking back to increased. The new US nuclear support for the Treaty on the parliamentary sparring in recent posture review has developed Prohibition of Nuclear years, how eager were some of 3 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT our ministers – and indeed prime minister – to assert that they would press the nuclear button, even if obliterating hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Surely this too is ‘reckless language’. In terms of spending on new nukes, the lifetime cost of Trident replacement is £205 billion and rising. And when it comes to provocative military exercises, the UK has significant B61 nuclear bombs were removed from Lakenheath in 2008 due to involvement in NATO exercises the scale of anti-war and anti-nuclear protests which take place on an enor - mous scale – around 100 in 2017 upgraded to the B61-12, also to alone; major exercises have taken make them more ‘usable’. These place in Scotland and recent B52 are stationed in five countries exercises over the North Sea across Europe – Belgium, were run from UK bases. Germany, the Netherlands, Italy In October of this year, just and Turkey. There is strong days after President Trump opposition to the siting of these announced US withdrawal from weapons in Europe, including the INF Treaty, NATO from the governments of some launched its biggest military of the ‘host’ nations. The UK exercises since the Cold War used to host them at RAF mobilising 150 aircraft, Lakenheath in East Anglia but numerous vessels, 10,000 these were removed in 2008, vehicles and 50,000 troops in reportedly due to the scale of Norway, Baltic and Arctic Seas. protest here against war and These exercises simulated the would pull out if the ‘required’ nuclear weapons. Many of us collective response of NATO to 2% GDP spending on defence will remember those fantastic an imagined attack on an allied wasn’t paid by each NATO protests at the Lakenheath base! partner, as outlined in Article 5 state. He even raised the spectre But Trump has now gone far of the NATO treaty. The UK of 4% GDP spending while beyond territorial manoeuvres committed more than 250 verbally abusing other heads of and mere earth-bound matters. vehicles and 500 soldiers to this government. So the US He’s planning to move into exercise which has certainly continues to press other states space in a big way. He’s helped escalate regional and to pay for its expansionary reconvened the National Space global tensions. Increased policies and wars. Council – on ice for years – and military spending was again one Of course, NATO’s role as a instructed the Department of of the main themes of the 2018 nuclear-armed alliance Defense and the Pentagon to set NATO summit, and this time continues, with B61 nuclear up a sixth branch of the armed Trump threatened that the US bombs, currently being forces: the Space Force. 4 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018

Of course, he’s not the first petence and negligence. It has cancel it and we have been president to think of weapons in warned that the infra structure making that case strenuously space. In 1983 President Reagan supporting the ’s throughout the year. launched his ‘Star Wars’ nuclear submarine fleet is no Serious questions need to be initiative, the forerunner of the longer ‘fit for purpose’ and that asked, with an open mind and current ‘missile defence’ systems, MoD decisions to delay main - looking to the future, not the which involved interceptor ten ance at its 13 nuclear sites past, about what is actually in missiles being fired through had created a ‘ticking time Britain’s national and security space, new space lasers, the bomb’. Questioning the ability interests. Possessing nuclear expansion of spying and of the MoD to meet its national weapons is very much a monitoring systems, and the security commitments, the minority sport: nine states out likely ‘weaponisation’ of space. Committee highlighted a poten - of 195 possess them, and the In the early part of this tial £20 billion shortfall in the overwhelming majority are century, George W. Bush was MoD’s overall equipment opposed to them. Half the also an enthusiast, and now programme. It also raised planet is self-organised in President Trump is making this problems with the delivery of nuclear weapons-free zones, a an America First issue, the new aircraft carriers. Earlier number of countries have had proclaiming that America will this year the Committee warned them and given them up, and always be first in space and that about a £2.9 billion ‘affordability most states back the TPNW. So national pride is at stake. We gap’ for the ‘Nuclear Enterprise’ most of the international have continued to be active this which includes the Trident community is taking steps year against missile ‘defence’ replacement submarines. towards a nuclear weapons-free systems and weapons in space; Now it has highlighted that world yet this very small this is clearly coming back up the when the subs are built there number of states feels it has the political agenda again. will be nowhere to berth them. right to risk everything – and Alongside these global Devonport and Rosyth everyone – for what? Status? developments, Trident, and the dockyards are already full of old Political clout? Profits? Being cancellation of its replacement, subs, some of which still contain stuck in a rhetorical rut without continues to be at the centre of nuclear fuel. It’s clear that the the imagination to think things our work. The government MoD is overreaching itself differently? To many of the continues to pour money into financially: it cannot afford to younger generation, govern - building the ‘Dreadnought’ buy a new nuclear weapons mental priorities that lead to submarines, in spite of huge system and maintain its other spending tax payers’ money on popular opposition and spending requirements. It weapons of mass destruction establishment concerns about cannot afford to clean up after that, if used, would destroy us the impact of nuclear spending itself and puts many thousands all, seem warped, anachronistic on the UK’s conventional forces. at risk of nuclear contamination. and plainly bizarre. So, our path Meanwhile the Ministry of It really is time for government is clear: let’s get Trident Defence is facing one problem to step away from nuclear replacement cancelled and get after another with the project. weapons. On every conceivable the UK signed up to the The Public Accounts level Trident replacement is just TPNW! Great work has been Committee has revealed the the wrong thing to do. The done to these ends this year – results of their latest incom - common-sense solution is to let’s carry it forward in 2019! 5 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT

NA October 1952, world Britain without tested its first atomic bomb. By the end of the I1950s, over 300 nuclear tests had taken place and a new mass movement had been born. From its origins in local anti- testing groups, CND burst onto the political scene on 17th February 1958. Attempts to win Labour to an anti-nuclear position had failed in 1957, leading intellectuals and campaigners to take matters into their own hands, calling for a movement to defeat Britain’s bomb. The result was a meeting of thousands of people at Central Hall, Westminster, filled to overflowing. The rest, as they say, is history. 2018 marked our 60th George Colliety, age 94 anniversary and while our core objective – of UK nuclear played a part in that. The we achieve our aim of a nuclear- disarmament – remains as yet banning of nuclear tests in the free world. And in this turbulent unfulfilled, it is clear in atmosphere is one very year for world politics, CND retrospect how CND’s important example; another is nations, regions, groups and campaigning – and that of its the abandoning of the neutron sections across the country have international partners – has bomb or Nixon pulling back stepped up their work. But first, affected government policy and from using nukes on Vietnam. we had anniversary events to decision-making, both at home Above all, we have helped instil organise! and internationally. Reading a sense, in the popular CND organised an government documents and consciousness – and thereby in anniversary rally at diaries years later, one can see that of our political leaders – AWE nuclear weapons factory how the pressure of public that use of nuclear weapons on Easter Sunday – with some opinion and mass mobilisation would be a catastrophe, an of those attending having been really does have an impact, and unthinkable tragedy. on the original march 60 years each generation of CND has CND is here to stay – until earlier! Groups that joined us on 6 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 nuclear weapons

the day included Bromley arranged transport for their installation together, we were Borough CND, Greater supporters to attend. thrilled to make such an Manchester & District CND, Also joining us at impression on the town’s main Derby CND, Salisbury CND, Aldermaston was the CND square. Locals and journalists Christian CND, Rochdale symbol installation, which we joined CND to talk about why and Little borough Peace had built for our anniversary our campaign is more relevant Group, Oxford CND, year. The role of our iconic than ever. Abingdon Peace Group, symbol in our history and The tour stop in Bristol was Tower Hamlets CND and heritage was marked this year by a huge success, thanks to Yorkshire CND. the Now More Than Ever tour Bristol CND, with the symbol Peterborough CND asked of Britain. The giant three- stopping off at Bristol their supporters to write dimensional symbol visited Suspension Bridge and then messages on doves, which were dramatic locations across Britain, heading to College Green, tied on the fence on the day. launching outside Caernarfon where supporters had a picnic London Region CND and Castle in North Wales. After next to the symbol. The Bristol CND, like other groups, quickly learning how to bolt the installation even made it on the 7 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT

Nae Nukes Rally at Faslane Scottish CND planned something more than a demonstration or protest at Faslane, the base where Britain’s nuclear weapons are based. The event was a celebration of international solidarity around the rejection of nuclear weapons expressed by the global ban treaty. Speakers from Russia, Israel, the US, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Canada were welcomed to Scotland by the Scottish Makar (poet) Jackie Kay. CND groups including Norwich CND, East Lancashire CND, Wallasey CND, Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND and Aberdeen and District CND greatly enjoyed the day. Yorkshire CND was also 6pm television news. The there and reported their new Global Ban t-shirts sold like symbol had an excellent hot cakes. reception in Reigate Priory Park with Reigate and Redhill Gerald Holtom. The group with this year’s theme of CND. The group organised produced their own leaflet to ‘Protest, Democracy and music sessions to accompany explain what it was all about. Freedom of Speech’. Alongside the tour stops, involving singing The symbol made a guest the symbol, CND activists traditional peace songs. appearance at the Burnley May recreated speeches from the Beautiful blue skies awaited Day Festival in Towneley Park, founding meeting of the us and the symbol for a great enjoying a prime location by the organisation. day out at the seaside in community marquee, thanks to Salisbury CND hosted a . Parliamentary CND East Lancashire CND. fantastic visit of the tour. In the Chair and local MP Caroline The symbol enjoyed two peace of the early morning, with Lucas joined us for this stop. stops in Manchester with the skylarks singing, the The symbol then made its way Greater Manchester & installation visited Stonehenge. to Derby as part of Derby Peace District CND and Rochdale The symbol then stopped at Week, with Derby CND. The and Littleborough Peace Sarum College, outside Salisbury symbol had a busy time in Kent, Group. It was put on display Cathedral where Salisbury CND visiting many locations including first in front of the Friends’ arranged a peace vigil and public the famous White Cliffs of Meeting House in the city, meeting with CND General Dover. Kent Area CND also garnering a lot of attention and Secretary Kate Hudson. The set up the symbol in many spots even a few new CND members next stop was the brilliant city of across the region, including on the busy street. It was then Liverpool with Merseyside outside the former home of the featured as part of Manchester CND, where it spent the day symbol’s original designer, Histories Festival, fitting in well next to the Beatles statue. 60 8 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 years of CND was commem - The next generation orated with the famous John In CND’s 60th anniversary Lennon lyrics, ‘Give Peace a year, Youth and Student Chance’, and a birthday cake. CND has been active and The tour stopped twice at continued to grow, bringing Llandudno, first for a busy encouragement to the next Saturday morning and then as generation. CND groups can an important reminder of peace now be found on university on Armed Forces Day. and college campuses across The symbol enjoyed an the UK with new societies action-packed week in starting this year as well as Yorkshire, travelling around the older societies continuing to region and starting many thrive; hosting regular film conversations in what screenings, events and stalls at Fresher’s Fairs. Yorkshire CND described as their busiest week ever! It visited Youth and Student CND joined CND at two major various places across Yorkshire, demonstrations- marking the 60th anniversary at Aldermaston and protesting Trump’s official visit to the including Ribbleshead viaduct, UK. Events like these continue to prove a great way to Calderdale, Menwith Hill, York engage with new people. Youth and Student CND Minster, Bradford and Leeds as elected a new committee this year after more interest well as joining the ‘Independ - than ever before from across the UK. We’re excited to get ence from America Day’ planning for future events inspired by new energy! demons tration at Menwith Hill. As part of London Region CND’s growing youth and It celebrated the NHS’s 70th student activities, the group held a drinks reception in birthday in front of York Parliament for students, hosted by their vice-presidents Minster and then went on to Bruce Kent, Catherine West MP and Baroness Jenny Todmorden with Calder Valley Jones. Yorkshire CND had a presence at more Fresher's Justice and Peace Group. The Fairs across the region than for some years.Students at symbol also made an Leeds Beckett University organised a conference about appearance at the Peace nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. Museum for the launch of a Aberdeen and District CND has also been focussing new Kirkgate popup gallery, and on trying to get more young people involved by providing then finished the week outside training locally and getting young people to attend the Mills Hill Chapel in Leeds for Generation Y Peace Campaigning Academy. A new CND the ‘Jobs not Bombs’ group has started operating at the University and held a ‘Beats not Bombs’ gig. conference with Fabian Hamilton MP and others. Grassington Peace Group experience of people from symbol installation had a hugely pulled out all the stops for the several different organisations successful day in Cardiff, thanks visit to the Dales, with a huge helping to get the installation to CND Cymru, with hundreds turn-out. erected near the bandstand in of people signing the Stop Norwich CND hosted the Chapelfield Gardens and at St Trident petition. Chesterfield next stop, enjoying the Peter Mancroft church. The CND hosted a stop in front of 9 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT the town’s famous Crooked Spire. Accompanying the symbol was a game, courtesy of Derby CND, which challenged visitors to decide how they would choose to spend the money earmarked for Trident. And finally, to Nottingham. The CND symbol tour visited two Cumbria & Lancs Area CND locations with Nottingham CND – at Trinity Square on a busy Saturday afternoon and at The Nottingham Green Festival. Overall the tour was a huge success in engaging interest Derby CND Tax Choice game from new supporters and many of the hosting groups reported East Lancs CND: Schools’ excellent local press coverage. Sustainability Conference Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported 2018, as CND groups across the this special event. country continue to build Greater Manchester & support for our campaign to District CND hosted a party Rochdale & Littleborough Peace cancel Trident’s replacement with guest DJ Maxine Peake and Group: Rushbearing Festival and get the government to sign arranged a film screening of the the global nuclear ban, the original Godzilla film for the CND’s local groups also Treaty on the Prohibition of anniversary. London Region organised events. A special Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). CND also marked the event mention goes to Calder Valley Bromley Borough CND with a film screening, showing CND, who put on a very arranged stalls at the David the documentary film ‘March to successful exhibition of the Oddity Festival, in Bromley Aldermaston’ with Bruce Kent memories and memorabilia of Market Square on August Bank as guest speaker. local women who were at Holiday and at the Bromley Sixty years to the day of the Greenham Common, and held Peace Council Peace One Day launch of CND, Yorkshire a film showing at the local event, in addition to its regular CND held a wonderful cinema. sessions collecting petition signa - anniversary party in Bradford, Salisbury CND was also tures. Mid-Somerset CND and attended by over 150 people. founded in 1958 and the group Peace Group raises awareness The day was opened with a has this year been tracing its in their area through campaign welcome from the Lord Mayor, early history, finding out that a and community events such as followed by tales from current Salisbury CND banner was on carol singing. The highlights of and former activists as they the first Aldermaston march. the year included an event at the brought items for the ‘Bring There were many other local sixth form college and the Your Own Museum’. Yorkshire hugely successful events in Priddy Folk Festival. The group 10 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018

Christian CND at the NPT prep-com in Geneva represented CND at the Unforgettable Fire exhibitions in TPNW. Work has already Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival. two venues in the city and started to highlight the new 2018 was another action- arranged a public meeting with position, including a meeting in packed year for Greater former leader Nottingham. Christian CND Manchester & District CND, . held their Embassies Walk, with a new group setting up in Norwich CND collected visiting diplomatic missions Oldham. GMDCND co- hundreds of signatures for the around London, and partici - organised a TPNW training day Stop Trident petition this year, pated in various events ranging which taught people how to through its stalls which are held from panel discussions, church lobby their MP on this subject. regularly in the city centre. The talks and even a theatrical As well as creating and group had a very popular stall at performance. Other events launching the Manchester the Burston Strike School participated in included the Ash Young People’s Peace Trail, the March and Rally. Wednesday witness outside the group appeared on local news, Kent Area CND ran a series Ministry of Defence and a parti ci pated in radio pro - of street stalls throughout the debut at Big Church Day Out, a grammes and spoke at meetings. year. The group produced its gathering of more than 20,000 Derby CND had a presence own postcards to send to the Christians. at Compassionate Derby, a Prime Minister urging support Aberdeen and District high-profile, busy ethical for the TPNW, with supporters CND know how to have fun, festival. Their stall was stunning encouraged by an eye-catching starting the year with their with its wonderful banner from red post-box on the stall. annual New Year party and 1983 and a Tax Choice Box The highlight of Christian following that with a successful game. Derby CND was one of CND’s year was the Church of fundraising Ceilidh. The group the organisers of Derby Peace England Synod overwhelmingly also arranged a meeting with Week, arranged the passing a motion on the guest speakers from the Faslane 11 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT

Hiroshima and Nagasaki As ever, CND groups across the country marked Hiroshima and Nagasaki days with respect for the lives lost and a determination to campaign so a nuclear attack does not happen again. Earlier in the year, Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND took two wreaths to the Memorial Cenotaph in Hiroshima itself. Back in Cumbria, the group was joined Cumbria & Lancs Area CND by others to mark the anniversary at the gates of Devonshire Dock in Barrow; followed by campaigning in the town centre, a vigil at the gates of Sellafield and a service of remembrance. Mid-Somerset CND and Peace Group, Woking Action for Peace and Salisbury CND marked the occasion with candle floats. Christian CND remembered the attacks with services at Coventry Salisbury CND Cathedral and Romford. Aberdeen and District CND’s annual memorial was a great success, as the group was joined by Yu Aoki from Hiroshima and the ‘Ban the Bombettes’ band. Also joined by a Hiroshima resident at their ceremony was Abingdon Peace Group. Over 60 members of the public and the local Mayor joined Southampton CND by the river Test. Paper boats containing candles were launched as the sun set. Many also joined Tavistock Group.

Tavistock Peace Action Group London Region CND held their annual Hiroshima commemoration in Tavistock Square, with moving speeches from the Deputy Mayor of Camden and others, as well as performances including the Raised Voices Choir. Bedford CND strung out No More Hiroshimas banner strung along a bridge in the town. Kingston Peace Council/CND gathered at Kingston with special guest the Deputy Mayor of Kingston, who was born in Bedford CND Hiroshima. Members of the local Japanese community brought lanterns to float on the water. The annual Hiroshima event in Sheffield was particularly well-attended this year, including by their celebrated mayor, Magik Magid. Oxford CND, South Cheshire and North Staffordshire CND and West Midlands CND also arranged events. Croydon CND


blockading all entrances at one of Britain’s nuclear weapons factories, AWE Burghfield. The halted traffic to and from the site. While a high point of Sydenham and Forest Hill CND’s year is a social with quizzes and a raffle, the group Merseyside CND also found plenty of time to Oxford CND: direct action campaign this year. Their Spring Fair was attended by the newly public meeting was held to elected Mayor of Lewisham. discuss Green Party policy on Abingdon Peace Group has nuclear disarmament. Another also been busy, distributing highlight was a visit by a local newsletters to hundreds of Woking Action for Peace bishop to sign a treaty poster, a households and arranging photo of which appeared in the meetings on subjects such as and joined a local press. ‘Rethinking Security’ and ‘How demonstration outside the This was East Lancashire Britain Can Use Soft Power’. Glasgow Arms Fair, resulting in CND’s fifth year at the Haringey CND continues Glasgow Council voting not to Schools’ Sustainability to meet regularly, holding three have arms fairs in the city again. Conference at Blackburn public meetings a year, running Rochdale and Little - Rovers, a valuable opportunity a stall, arranging leafletting borough Peace Group ran a to get CND’s message to young sessions and producing a local fundraiser, the highly people. Peterborough CND newsletter. enjoyable and successful supported the town’s Women’s Southampton CND held Rushbearing Festival stall where Festival on International events, including a successful they sell not only nuclear Women’s Day. meeting to discuss develop - disarmament but also delicious Oxford CND nukewatchers ments in the UK’s submarine cakes, jams, buns, plants and monitored nuclear convoys and fleet while Woking Action for homegrown organic vegetables. bases throughout the year as Peace arranged several thought - The group welcomed the well as organising regular ful and positive debates, touring cyclists for peace from meetings, stalls and events, a including a local election Norway and tried to keep highlight being the group’s husting. Speakers included the CND’s issues in the public eye involvement with a direct action local MP. with a letter-writing campaign. which saw them chained to Wallasey CND had a busy St Albans CND met with Parliament railings. Yorkshire year, with the group not only local MP Bim Afolami this year CND also joined this action, as focussing on campaigning but to discuss the TPNW. The part of a Trident Ploughshares has started work on peace group also worked to raise collective. Trident Ploughshares education. The group has awareness of the treaty by arranged another action later in spoken at many schools, and arranging leafletting sessions. A the year with CND groups, even brought Japanese Peace 13 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT

Boat visitors on one visit. A questionnaire on how to spend well-attended public meeting £205 billion of public money. was arranged in conjunction Kingston Peace with Wallasey Constituency Council/CND met with local Labour Party, even if the CLP Liberal Democrat MP Sir failed to find someone to argue Edward Davey. The group also the case in favour of Trident! had a meeting with their local South Cheshire and North school, with the aim of Staffordshire CND was active persuading the school to adopt Wallasey CND public meeting in their local community, for a more balanced approach in example arranging a stall at the their Cadet programme. Stoke-on-Trent Vegan Festival. Another group visiting Bristol CND also attended schools this year was their local vegan festival, Birkenhead CND; on one visit VegFest, as well as other events taking a delegation of including Labour Garden Party, Hibakusha to a local secondary Picnic in the Park and school. The group also arranged Celebrating Sanctuary. Cumbria monthly meetings and a number and Lancashire Area CND of stalls at fairs and festivals. used another tactic and has sent Tower Hamlets CND out many letters, petitions and continues its positive relation - messages to the media and ship with their Mayor, who politicians. provided a supportive statement London Region CND had ahead of Hiroshima Day. A a busy 2018, holding a number highlight of their year was Bedford CND of thought-provoking public member Jill Truman’s play on meetings. In one meeting they the Greenham Common asked ‘Are we heading for Wome’s Peace Camp. Tower workshops was also arranged. nuclear war?’, while another Hamlets CND delivered a Hereford Peace Council had the theme ‘Social justice: session on CND and nuclear arranged one of the year’s most where does nuclear weapons as part of the memorable campaigns, disarmament fit in?’. Wanstead News from Nowhere travelling to Parliament on a Penzance CND has helped Club. The group is also working ‘peace train’, bringing with them with various demonstrations. with Eastside Community thousands of petitions from The Peace Stall still continues Heritage to document the people supporting the global every Saturday. The weather history and stories of Tower ban treaty. They were proved too much for the annual Hamlets CND. supported at various stages of picnic in the park, but plan B Yorkshire CND held many the trip by groups including (indoors) was a huge success. successful public meetings, Wallasey CND. And they Bedford CND continued to including one with GCHQ weren’t the only ones engaging engage with the public this year whistle-blower Katharine Gun. with parliamentarians. through many initiatives, A Day of Dance fundraiser with South Cheshire and North including a ‘Have Your Say!’ over 50 different dance Staffordshire CND met the 14 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018

John Grogan MP signed the discussed with delegates at the pledge, one of five Yorkshire conference was defence MPs to do so. diversification. CND has met Manchester became the first with trade unions to discuss how European city to officially to set up a Shadow Defence support the treaty, as the City Diversification Agency, a policy Council unanimously passed a adopted by the Trades Union resolution on the issue. We Congress (TUC). expect many more cities and Greater Manchester & towns to follow suit in 2019. District CND undertook a Labour CND continues to great deal of work on defence campaign within the Labour diversification in 2018, Party; this year signing up including organising defence hundreds of new supporters. diversifica tion workshops at Wales/Cymru Labour CND Manchester Trades Council and North West Region Conference and Manchester Labour CND were launched. May Day festival. Many groups joined the CND Labour CND arranged public Promoting defence bloc at the TUC demonstration activities including a defence diversification is just one way in diversification fringe meeting at which CND continues to the Unite union biennial policy engage with trade unions. We conference, and a fringe arranged a ‘People not Trident’ meeting on Trump and the CND bloc on the TUC nuclear threat at the Arise demonstration for ‘A New Deal Festival of Labour Ideas. for Working People’, where we There was also a strong were joined by groups such as Labour CND presence at Tower Hamlets CND. Labour’s annual conference. Greater Manchester & CND had a successful few days District CND represented Greater Manchester & District at the event, arranging two CND at the annual TUC CND at Barrow well-attended fringe meetings conference and Mid-Somerset and having a presence at CND and Peace Group local prospective Labour Momentum’s World represented CND at the candidate, who indicated that he Transformed event (supported Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival. was convinced of the case by Merseyside CND groups) as CND was thrilled this year to against Trident. Birkenhead well as the main conference launch our new website. CND met with the local MP hall itself. Christian CND’s website has and following campaigning by CND welcomed Shadow also undergone a transformation Bedford CND, Mohammad Emily Thorn - this year, as having a presence Yasin MP signed the Parlia - berry’s commitment to making online becomes more and more mentary Pledge in favour of the a nuclear-free world a concrete vital to our work as an global ban treaty. Members of goal in her conference speech. organisation. Yorkshire CND ensured that One of the main issues 15 60 anniversary symbol tour

Nottingham Norwich

Bristol Burnley

Derby Ribblehead Viaduct

Manchester Llandudno Cardiff

Canterbury Glasgow White Cliffs of Dover


Chesterfield York

Caernarfon Sizewell



Brighton Liverpool


HE WORLD was shocked when Donald Trump was elected PresidentT of the United States in 2016. His presidency has ushered in a new era of militarism where the risk of END THE SPECIAL NUCLEAR RELATIONSHIP nuclear confrontation and war is increased. As we pull back from the nuclear brink one week, we veer closer to it the next. Trump’s behaviour since his inauguration has angered and galvanised campaigners on a wide range of subjects. It is no surprise therefore that 250,000 people protested his visit to the UK in 2018. CND joined a coalition of campaigns to support the Together Against Trump demonstration in central London. The CND bloc waved placards carrying the slogans ‘No Nuclear War’ and ‘Stop Trump’s Nuclear Arms Race’. We were joined by groups including Greater Manchester & District CND and Tower Hamlets CND. Further protests were ‘How the world’s shaping up under President Trump’ conference arranged in towns and cities organised by London Region CND across the country. Oxford CND helped organise the protest at Blenheim Palace, the many groups to organise a up the Iran nuclear deal, where Trump was attending a local rally, most of which were threatened to kill millions with dinner in his honour. South covered by local media. nuclear weapons in North Cheshire and North At the time of the protest we Korea, and unveiled new ‘usable’ Staffordshire CND was one of were angry that Trump had torn nuclear weapons, increasing the 18 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018

possibility of nuclear war. But the worse was perhaps yet to come. In October, Trump announced his intention to withdraw the US from the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Force (INF) Treaty with Russia. This is a vital nuclear treaty which has ensured the Oxford CND at Blenheim Palace Together against Trump destruction of nearly 2,700 short- and medium-range missiles and has played a crucial role in ensuring that US missiles are not situated in Europe. This treaty is crucial for preventing a global arms race. That’s why CND is calling on the UK’s Foreign Secretary to do what he can to save the INF. Over the past few months, we’ve Hand-in at the FCO of hundreds of supporters’ INF letters worked with parlia menta rians to ensure the issue is discussed in in the UK. Peterborough times: How the world’s shaping Parliament and we handed in CND is already making plans up under President Trump’, letters from CND supporters to to tidy up the Peace Corner at with speakers including Costa the Foreign Office. RAF Molesworth, in Rican Ambassador Jose Enrique It’s also important that the anticipation of protests. Castillo Barrantes, Green MEP government makes a clear London Region CND Molly Scott-Cato, and Sami statement that US nuclear organised a conference on the Ramadani from the Iraqi weapons would not be welcome theme of ‘Living in interesting Democrats. 19 No to War NE hundred years ago, in November 1918, the world’s first global,O industrialised war was drawing to a close. It was described at the time, as ‘the war Merseyside CND Bike for Peace to end all wars’; that humanity Oxford CND Kites not Drones having fallen into the abyss, would learn and would prevent any more such tragedies. But those lessons were not learnt, countless millions more have died in war since then, and our own world today – already Kingston Peace Council/CND Abingdon Peace Group exhibition suffering many ‘conventional’ wars and the crimes, brutality and displace ment that they bring – faces the increasing danger of nuclear war. CND asked our supporters to show their support for the Sydenham & Forest Hill CND Mid Somerset Peace Day global abolition of nuclear weapons on Remembrance Day of new technology is rapidly military-university collabora tions, by contacting their MP. transforming warfare. Billions of chemical weapons, migration Hundreds of you did so, asking dollars are being spent on a new and refugees, the militarisation politicians to use the commem - hi-tech arms race and there has of space, armed robots and ora tion as an opportunity to been a public awakening to the drones on the battlefield and reflect on the horrors of conflict serious consequences. surveillance. and on the possibility that a CND examined these issues On Remembrance Sunday future war could turn nuclear. in 2018 with a host of expert itself, CND joined our friends These letters resulted in speakers at our very successful in the for a numerous MPs signing a public conference ‘Future Wars: national event. Many CND parliamentary pledge for a world The Impact of New Technolo - groups arranged ceremonies or without nuclear weapons. gies’. This was a timely and laid wreaths of white poppies, As we recall the horrors of important conference which including Bromley Borough previous wars, it must be placed CND at the forefront of CND, Oxford CND, Mid- acknowledged that we are now latest developments in this field. Somerset CND and Peace living in increasingly fraught, The shape of things to come Group and Norwich CND. dangerous times. The emergence was discussed, along with Abingdon Peace Group was 20 a peaceful presence at the Songs for Peace with local Peace Action Group arranged a launch of the town’s red poppy choirs and the Bishop of talk by a psychotherapist on the campaign, selling white poppies Bradford was a success despite growing mental health and engaging red poppy sellers the rain. emergency in Palestine. in conversations about alterna - In addition to First World Haringey CND’s public tive ways of solving conflicts. War centenary events, groups meetings discussed anti-war Sydenham and Forest arranged many other events in topics such as the crisis on the Hill CND and Kingston relation to our anti-war Korean peninsula and local Peace Council/CND were campaigning. Aberdeen and conscientious objectors. Kent two of the groups out on the District CND held public Area CND took part in the streets selling white poppies, meetings on Yemen and now annual event in raising hundreds of pounds for Palestine. The group also Canterbury Cathedral –a peace issues. Tavistock Peace organised three vigils in relation United Nations service for Action Group arranged a talk to the airstrikes on Syria outside – where the group on the First World War, the office of local MP Ross carried its banner in a published a ‘No More War’ Thomson, followed by a small procession of peacemakers. advertisement in the Tavistock demonstration. Bromley Borough CND Times and visited local schools. Oxford CND organised a participated in Conscientious The group’s First World War ‘Fly Kites not Drones’ event, Objectors Day while Mid- exhibition continued its and monitored the arrival of a Somerset CND and Peace journey around the country. ‘Protector’ drone at USAF Group participated in Yorkshire CND’s annual Fairford Air Tattoo. Tavistock International Peace Day. No to Nato S the world becomes nuclear-armed alliance is at the in a counter-summit to discuss more dangerous by centre of CND’s active ideas for an alternative the day, the need for opposition to it. international system. actionA for peace has never been A NATO summit took place Later in the year, CND more vital. This is the starting in Brussels in July, and a expressed alarm at NATO point for the activities of the delegation from CND was launching its biggest military ‘No to War – No to NATO’ present to take part in the exercises since the Cold War. international network of which protest activities, under the Taking place in Norway, these CND is part. For over a decade banner ‘Make Peace Great exercises simulated the we have been working together Again’! collective response of NATO to highlight the dangerous role As Trump arrived to to an imagined attack on an of NATO as it pursues demand the alliance’s members allied partner. The UK expansionary and warlike spend more on defence, we committed more than 250 policies on an ever-increasing took to the streets to call for an vehicles and 500 soldiers to this global front. Its role as a end to NATO and participated exercise. 21 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Keep space for peace T SEEMS that almost every week this year there was another horrific Iannouncement by President Trump. Over the summer we heard that the US military is to establish a sixth branch of its armed forces - a ‘space force’. Trump said at the time, ‘It is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. Oxford CND at USAF Croughton We must have American dominance in space.’ A new ‘Space Operations Force’ is due to be in place by 2020, at an as yet unknown cost which is expected to run into the tens of billions of dollars. This would be the first military branch in the world focused on space, although CND and our international Yorkshire CND at Menwith Hill allies have previously warned that the arms race is moving in this direction. Space for Peace Week, initiated Yorkshire CND arranged a The US already has a space by the Global Network Against ‘walk and talk’ around the command as part of its air Weapons and Nuclear Power Fylingdales base on the North force, which can monitor in Space, of which CND is a York Moors, outlining the missile launches and intercept member. CND joined the Space Force plans. The group communications from demonstration at RAF also helped the Menwith Hill anywhere in the world. And the Croughton in October, along Accountability Campaign to UK plays a crucial part in this with groups including Oxford arrange a demonstration. system, with the Menwith Hill CND, which kick-started the This year, the Global base in Yorkshire and RAF week of protest. Abingdon Conference to Resist the Croughton in Northampton - Peace Group ran the tea-tent, Nuclear ization and Weaponiza - shire both used as sites to an essential on such a wet day! tion of Space was held in monitor electronic traffic. Members of Southampton Oxford. Oxford CND and This new development was CND also braved the Abingdon Peace Group the focus of the annual Keep conditions to attend. contributed to its success. 22 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 Nuclear power T WAS another good year for anti-nuclear campaigners, as the case Iwas clearly made to scrap nuclear power. We welcomed Toshiba’s decision to walk away from plans to build a nuclear power station at Moor - Cumbria & Lancashire Area CND at Sellafield side in Cumbria, a project that has been shown to be unviable. We also welcomed a new report by the UN Inter govern - mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which found that using nuclear power can increase the risk of nuclear proliferation, damage the Bromley Borough CND mark environment and is likely to Chernobyl Day harm human health. This special report on the impacts hosted an informative talk by of global warming showed Professor Andrew Blowers on that despite our pressing need the legacy of nuclear power to tackle climate change, with useful pointers for nuclear energy is not the way successful protest. And to do so. Yorkshire CND worked with Our newly-launched petition is working on raising the issue Sheffield Creative Action for against nuclear power attracted in relation to risk assessment Peace and Leeds CND to huge support and CND groups at a local council meeting. organise well-attended public across the country arranged Bromley Borough CND also meetings on nuclear power. their own activities in support marked Chernobyl Day and Cumbria and Lancashire of the campaign. supported vigils to commem - Area CND has been active in As nuclear waste trains pass orate the anniversary of the campaigning against nuclear through Bromley, Bromley Fukushima nuclear accident. power this year, supporting Borough CND campaigns at Greater Manchester & Radiation Free Lakeland. The Bromley South station twice a District CND met former MP group has sent out many year handing out leaflets to Alan Simpson to discuss how letters, petitions and messages raise awareness of the dangers best to approach MPs and to the media, the government, and collecting signatures for trade unions on the question of politicians and more. their local petition. The group nuclear power. Bedford CND 23 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT CND Cymru NOTHER busy year of campaigning for CND Cymru! The ANow More Than Ever symbol tour was launched in Caernarfon and Llandudno in February, with a second Welsh visit to Cardiff in September. At all three locations there was a lot of public interest in the installation, and plenty of opportunities for conversations about nuclear weapons and the TPNW. the proposed new nuclear The global ban treaty has power reactor at Wylfa, and the been the main focus of our proposed Small Modular campaigning all year. We lobbied Reactor at Trawsfynydd. all Welsh MPs to ask them to Activities included an anti- sign the ICAN Parlia mentary nuclear power conference in Pledge in support of the treaty Machynlleth and further co- and at the National Eisteddfod operation with Friends of the we collected messages to MPs Earth Japan – who are that were delivered to Parliament campaigning against Japanese by Hereford Peace Council’s involvement in the project. Two peace train. delegations from FoE Japan A major issue for CND were warmly received by local Music star Cian Ciaran Cymru throughout the year was protesting against the campaigners, and generated EDF’s plans to dredge up dumping of radioactive mud significant press interest. radioactive sediment from CND Cymru members were Bridgwater Bay and dump it off rally attracting about 500 also prominently involved in the Cardiff Bay, as part of the protestors. Despite this, and a protest against the Cardiff Arms construction of the Hinkley C crowdfunded court case which Fair, the ‘chain-in’ at Parliament nuclear power station. We established that EDF hadn’t in June and the successful succeeded in getting the Welsh conducted an Environmental Trident Ploughshares Burghfield Assembly to ask EDF to Impact Assessment, in blockade in October. We held a conduct more tests on the mud; September EDF dredged and conference to launch Labour however, the company refused dumped about 190,000 tonnes CND Cymru, hoping to to do so. Our campaigning on of sediment off the bay. advance the debate on defence this issue generated press, radio In north Wales, we diversification within the Labour and television coverage, with a continued campaigning against movement. 24 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 Scottish CND COTTISH CND has continued to build and demonstrate Scottish oppositionS to Trident replacement and support for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). One of this year’s highlights was the successful ‘Nae Nukes Photo: Ivon Bartholomew Ivon Photo: Anywhere’ march and rally at Faslane in September, where of Nukewatch and their international speakers gave ‘Unready Scotland’ report, messages supporting Scotland’s about how local authorities commitment to nuclear would be unprepared in the disarmament. event of a nuclear convoy- Through our separate related incident on our roads. education charity – Peace Our support helped to secure a Education Scotland – we Scottish CND to participate in debate in the Scottish delivered the Peace Campaigning writing the policy. Parliament, which led to the Academy, a weekend residential Our ‘Scotland: A Peace of Minister for Community Safety training for young people. Peace History’ exhibition launched in making a commitment to Education Scotland has also December with funding from reviewing the readiness and been busier than ever, educating the Heritage Lottery Fund. resilience of all first responders. hundreds of young people on This exhibition celebrates 60 As always, Scottish CND the importance of pressure years of Scottish CND in the has been holding street stalls groups and the dangers of form of a mobile exhibition and public meetings up and nuclear weapons. with testimonies from a range down the country to raise Scottish CND co-ordinated of activists, and an additional awareness of the TPNW and the ‘Sink the Glasgow Arms online resource with further the dangers of the nuclear Fair Coalition’. After information. As part of the weapons on our coast. Scottish demonstrations in Glasgow city exhibition, we organised a CND, along with Scottish local centre and outside the venue, training workshop with groups, continues to support Sink the Glasgow Arms Fair BAFTA winning film-maker the Faslane Peace Camp. And Coalition wrote an open letter David Newbigging, offering we provide the secretariat for of protest to the city council, valuable interviewing and video the Scottish Parliament Nuclear who agreed to the demand for making skills. Disarmament Cross Party no more arms fairs in Glasgow. Scottish CND contacted the Group where we regularly talk The council also invited Scottish government in support with our elected members. 25 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Parliament and parties ITHIN the challenging political context of 2018, WCND has continued to work in Parliament to gain support for our campaigns. Throughout the year we have been working with all political parties to ensure that their policies on nuclear weapons are up to date and as strong as they can be. We hosted a fringe event at the Liberal Democrats’ annual conference on why the party should support the global ban treaty. We also attended the Labour Party’s annual Kate Osamor MP at conference. As well as our usual stall in the main hall, this diversification. Our second with our issues. year we also had a stall at The event at The World Our engagement has World Transformed fringe Transformed was asking ‘Do proved successful in 2018, for festival, organised by jobs justify nuclear weapons?’ example we were able to Momentum, both of which The event was attended by quickly mobilise the response had many visitors. We also 120 people and was followed to US President Trump’s held two fringe events over by an engaging discussion on announcement that he would the weekend. Our first was on defence diversification. be withdrawing from the INF ‘Nuclear disarmament in the Parliamentary CND is treaty. An Early Day Motion age of Trump’ with speakers trialling out a different way of was tabled and questions were including Shadow Minister for engaging with politicians, with asked in Parliament which led to Peace and Disarmament biweekly email updates when the government being forced to Fabian Hamilton MP, David parliament is in session being respond to the issue. Lammy MP, Lloyd Russell sent to MPs and staff. These Parliamentary CND has also Moyle MP and Emma Dent contain up to date briefings, been working to secure a Coad MP. A wide-ranging headlines, resources, suggestions backbench debate on nuclear discussion followed that for parliamentary questions and weapons in the House of covered topics from austerity, event invitations. We want to Commons, as well as increasing multilateralism, imperialism, make it easier for busy politicians engagement with members of education and defence in these difficult times to engage the . 26 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 this time in Liverpool, and focused on facilitation skills. We invited other local peace educators to take part, and it was a very successful and useful day. We were delighted to publish the new edition of our Sadako’s Cranes for Peace teaching pack, which went on to receive a glowing review in Year 7 and 8 students from The Dean Academy in Lydney, Teach Secondary magazine’s Gloucestershire, share the origami cranes that they made in our ‘Resources Guide 2019’. We Sadako’s Cranes for Peace workshop also received a great review of our Truman On Trial pack in the ND’s Peace Education Truman on Trial main magazine. Investigating the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki programme engaged Throughout the year, we with an impressive promoted our work, securing numberC of school students, blogs in education resources. A teachers, and trainee teachers in submission on our work the past year. In the 2017-18 between 2016-18 was published academic year, we delivered as part of the UN Office for sessions to almost 6000 students, Disarmament Affairs’ report on receiving great feedback! disarmament and non- Our teaching packs and proliferation education lessons were downloaded And finally, in August we almost 10,000 times, and we PEACE EDUCATION found out that our bid for a also distributed around 700 one-year Quaker Peaceworker hard copies of the packs. We other highlights from the year had been successful. The also facilitated 22 teacher included featuring in a podcast fantastic Joe Jukes started training sessions, working with discussion on nuclear weapons working with us in September – over 475 teachers. The vast peace education. We exhibited his main project is to create a majority of students (81%), at the National Education new teaching pack, in addition teachers (90%) and trainee Union teacher conference, to facilitating lots of school and teachers (99%) found our attracting lots of interest from teacher training sessions. With sessions ‘extremely good’ or the delegates. Joe’s help, we look forward to ‘good’ with 100% of teachers Our fantastic school another busy 2019! saying they would recommend speakers remain integral to the nFollow us on twitter us to colleagues. programme. In May, we held In addition to our sessions, our annual refresher training day, CNDPeaceEd 27 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Fundraising GIANT thank you to Trump’s reckless decision. all our members and supporters in CND’s Continuing your 60thA anniversary year! Without support in 2019 you, we would not be able to As you can see, 2018 was a keep campaigning for a world busy year for CND; and none free from the madness and of this work would have been horror of nuclear weapons. It is possible without the help of your support that makes this our supporters and members, vital work possible, and so so thank you! But 2019 is set thank you for helping us to be busier still, as we work to continue the fight. hold the government to account for its continued What you’ve helped commitment to replacing achieve this year Trident. If you can help, please CND members and supporters consider making a donation at funded the fantastic CND or by installation tour, which saw our phoning us at 020 7700 2392. symbol – and message – reach To help support our work thousands of people nationwide. in the long term, please In the spring, members and consider switching your supporters helped to fund must continue to be heard in membership payments to CND’s attendance at the 2018 order to prevent another direct debit, which saves us Non-Proliferation Treaty Hiroshima or Nagasaki. time and money and lets us Review Conference in In September, members and dedicate more of these to Geneva. Our attendance there supporters enabled us to run a campaigning. was crucial in holding the UK full-page advert in Alternatively, consider government to account for its newspaper, timed to coincide writing a gift to CND in your flagrant disregard for the with the Labour party Will; see treaty. conference. donate /gift-in-your-will/ for In August, thanks to your And in December, in light of more information. Or phone help, we were able to tell the the UK government’s support us – 020 7700 2393. stories of the Hibakusha – the for Trump’s intention to with - Once again, a huge thank survivors of the atomic bombs draw from the INF treaty, with you to everybody who dropped on Hiroshima and your help we were able to supported CND throughout Nagasaki. The Hibakusha have organise a hand-in of supporter’s 2018. We hope you will helped drive the anti-nuclear messages at the Foreign Office. continue to stand with us movement for over 70 years, Together, we called on the through every future challenge and their powerful testimonies Foreign Secretary to condemn and success. 28 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 CND in the media January September •CND condemned the Royal Navy •ITV carried reports of the international museum’s ‘pro-nuclear’ exhibition. Kate rally at Faslane in support of the ban. Hudson told The Guardian “it will ‘highlight Scottish CND’s Flavia Tudoreanu said “we the need for a continuous at-sea deterrent’. want to put the message out that This is a highly contested political view and Scotland does oppose nuclear weapons”. certainly does not fit within the published charitable objectives of the NMRN.” October •CND told NBC News that we condemn February Trump’s decision to withdraw from the •To mark our 60th anniversary, the Daily INF. "Tearing up the Intermediate-Range Mirror reported on Bruce Kent’s crusade Nuclear Forces Treaty will mark the end against nukes. Asked if CND would achieve of the restraints on nuclear arsenals its aim, he said “It took 40 years to get achieved in the 1980s. The danger is votes for women, the ending of slavery that we will see spiralling arsenals on a took something like 50 years so the fact Cold War scale." that things take a long time doesn’t deter me.” November •We also helped produce a piece for BBC •We responded to a letter from the Daily Politics featuring Kate Hudson Defence Minister that revealed 505 exploring 60 years of the CND symbol. nuclear accidents at Faslane. We told ITV News “when the MoD censored annual March nuclear safety reports which had •Owen Jones penned a stirring piece in previously been made public, we feared The Guardian, using CND research to talk safety at Faslane was worsening. Our about the “nuclear apocalypse that looms fears have been confirmed.” over humanity”. He argued it was a mistake for the Labour Party to stop December talking about disarmament. •PoliticsHome reported on our hand-in to the Foreign Office. We delivered April thousands of your letters calling on the •CND was not only back at Aldermaston, government to defend the pivotal INF we were back in The Guardian as we treaty. joined protests against air strikes in Syria. •We also hit back after Shadow Defence Secretary Nia Griffith described Trident July as a ‘settled policy’ for Labour. In an •After Trump’s attempts to unpick the interview for PoliticsHome, CND press Iran nuclear deal, we wrote in The officer Ian Chamberlain said “If you had Guardian that the UK should lead on a vote of Labour members today you disarmament by supporting the global would get a change in policy.” nuclear ban. We can “end the impasse between nuclear weapons states”.

29 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Now more than ever HE world is facing of campaigns and events great dangers, not least planned for 2019, including a from a US President national speaking tour which whoT seems intent on tearing up will highlight the global dangers nuclear agreements that are we face. We will continue to making the world a safer place. highlight how the government is And of course, our own losing control of the Trident government wants to spend replacement project, looking at £205 billion replacing Trident. It the ever-increasing cost and the is not surprising that the safety concerns. And we will Doomsday clock has been to that global alliance for peace also work with CND groups moved to two minutes to mid - and to working with all our civil and supporters across the night, the joint closest it’s been society allies here in Britain. country to persuade your local to midnight since being set up. We need to continue to representatives to support the But at the same time, there speak and persuade people of TPNW. are greater opportunities for our campaign. The great And of course, we’ll be disarmament than ever before. strength of CND is that we’re a recruiting more members and The Treaty for the Prohibition grassroots movement, at the setting up new groups. London of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) heart of communities across the Region CND has already begun shows the commitment of the country. Let’s speak to as many launching a series of CND global majority to peace. 2019 people as we can. Our priorities peace networks across London could be the year that we see are clear – we want to cancel and similar activity is planned this treaty enter into force, and Trident replacement and win across the country. it is already having an effect on government and other parties’ It’s a dangerous and unstable further stigmatising the support for the TPNW. time but that means that CND possession of nuclear weapons. To this end, we have plenty is needed now more than ever. Towards the end of the year, it looked like the first NATO country – Spain – could be CND Conference – save the date close to signing the TPNW, a Join us in London for CND Conference on 19th and 20th October 2019. The weekend will include the AGM and notable step forward. policy conference for members and observers, as well as a CND is already campaigning day of public discussion, debate and activity with the on many fronts for a world International Peace Bureau. without nuclear weapons. But 8th July: Deadline for nominations for directly-elected we must do more. In the next members of national council and national officers. year CND wants to make the 2nd August: Deadline for ordinary resolutions case for a safer world, a world 9th September: Deadline for amendments and special without nuclear weapons, louder (constitutional) resolutions. than ever before. We recommit 30 CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2018 CND personnel Officers: Chair: Dave Webb; Vice-Chairs: Daniel Blaney, Carol Turner, Hannah Tweddell; Treasurer: Linda Hugl; General Secretary: Kate Hudson Vice-Presidents: Pat Arrowsmith, MP, John Cox, Rebecca Johnson, Bruce Kent, MP, Air Commodore Alastair Mackie CBE DFC, Alice Mahon, Canon Paul Oestreicher, Walter Wolfgang. CND National Council: Directly elected: Adam Beese, Sophie Bolt, Jenny Clegg, Roslyn Cook, David Cullen, Tom Cuthbert, Dr Ian Fairlie, Lis Fields, Anna Liddle, Rachel McGrath, Tim Street, Tom Unterrainer, Julie Ward, Rebecca Warren, Katy West. Nations, regions and areas: CND Cymru – Sonia Klein, Duncan Rees, Linda Rogers; East Midlands – Diane Lunzer, Lesley Matthews, Viv Ring; Kent Area CND – Geoff Meaden; London Region – David Leal, Hannah Kemp-Welch, Gini Bevan; North West (Greater Manchester) – Gerard Collier; North West (Merseyside) – Peter Wilson; North West (South Cheshire & North Staffordshire) – Jason Hill; Northern (Cumbria and Lancashire) – Irene Sanderson; Scottish CND – Jean Anderson, Janet Fenton, Arthur West; South West (Exeter) – Tom Milburn; South West (Penzance) – Peter Le Mare; South West (Plymouth) – Michal Lovejoy; Southern (Oxford) – Nigel Day, Phil Chesterton; West Midlands – Gillian Cox; Yorkshire – Colin Archer, Hugh Hubbard Specialist sections: Youth and Student CND – Ellie Kinney, Tyler England, Amber Goneni; Labour CND – Sonia Klein; Green CND – ; Christian CND – Kelvin Gascoyne. Staff at Holloway Road – General Secretary Kate Hudson (on sabbatical from October 2018); Acting General Secretary (from October 2018) / Campaigns Officer (Research and Information) (until October 2018) Sara Medi Jones; Campaigns Officer (Parliamentary) (until June 2018) Michael Gallagher; Campaigns Officer (Parliamentary) (from September 2018) Amy Keegan; Press and Communications Officer Ian Chamberlain; Campaigns Assistant (from September 2018) Scarlett Gurnham; Fundraising Officer (until November 2018) Ilanga Preuss; Supporter Database Manager Kirsty Stewart; Finance Officer Eve Cuthbert; Membership and Fundraising Assistant (February-October 2018) / Fundraising Officer (from November 2018) John Asquith; Designer Sue Longbottom; Peace Education Officer Owen Everett; Peace Education Worker (from September 2018) Joe Jukes; Office Manager (until May 2018) Stephanie Garey; Office Manager (from July 2018) Rob Wells. National, regional and specialist section – CND Cymru Jill Gough, Brian Jones, Phil Steele; Scottish CND Cristina Albert, Emma Cockburn, Iona Soper, Flavia Tudoreanu; Greater Manchester Jacqui Burke, Andrew Gibson; London Region Georgia Elander; Yorkshire Catherine Bann, Matt Fawcett, Rachel Melly, Andrew Metheven; Christian CND Claire Poyner, Russell Whiting. Campaign Assistants Will Empson, Kannee Hamilton. Peace Education Assistant Martine Lekutanoy. Volunteers at Holloway Road Jayne Liu, John Morris, Jess Muckleston, Luba Mumford, Jade Owens. The Peace Education team would also like to thank all School Speakers for their fantastic work.

31 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Contacts Nations Specialist sections CND Cymru Christian CND For a list of local groups see: 01792 830330 020 7700 4200 [email protected] [email protected] @CNDCymru @ChristianCND

Irish CND London Region CND Green CND 00 353 86 362 1220 020 7607 2302 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] @GreenCND @londonregioncnd Labour CND Scottish CND Facebook: /LRCND [email protected] 0141 357 1529 [email protected] Merseyside CND @LabourCND 0151 229 5282 @ScottishCND [email protected] Youth and Student CND [email protected] @CND_Merseyside Regions @youthstudentCND Cumbria and Lancashire South Cheshire and North Area CND Staffordshire CND 01524 33991 07778 913528 / 01782 829913 Peace Camps [email protected] [email protected] Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp East Midlands CND @SCANSCND Second weekend of every 01246 235723 month. Tel: 07946 676761 [email protected] Southern Region CND [email protected] 02380 229363 / 01865 248357 Greater Manchester and [email protected] / @Peace_women_AWE District CND [email protected] 0161 273 8283 Faslane Peace Camp [email protected] West Midlands CND Permanent. A814, Shandon, [email protected] Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire @GMDCND @westmidlandscnd G84 8NT Tel 07376 188216 Kent Area CND Yorkshire CND faslanepeacecamp [email protected] 01274 730795 07772 471905 [email protected] Menwith Hill @YorkshireCND The weekly vigil is now switching days – please contact Sarah for details: 01765 600928 or [email protected] For a list of local groups see:


Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Mordechai Vanunu House • 162 Holloway Rd • London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 • [email protected] • twitter: @CNDuk • facebook: CND Company Registration 3533653