Acts of the Legislature of West Virginia
ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OF WEST VIRGINIA; AT ITS SESSION OO:Nil\1ENOING January i9, i869. �V ti u g : · JOHN FREW, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1869. ACTS CHAPTER 1.-An ACT authorizing James W. Davis, of the county of Greenbrier, to practice law in the courts of this state without taking the oath prescribed by chapter 30 of the Acts of 1866. PuaedJ anuarJ 2', 1869. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Weat Virginia: 1. That Jamee W. Davis, of the county of Greenbrier, late a prac- Authoritr to ticing attorney in this slate, be, and he is hereby exempted from the fa'kf���;;,i���tat provisions of the act of the legislature, passed on the fourteenth day oaib. of February, eighteen hundred and si::tty-six, entitled "An act in relation to the oaths of attorneys at law," and he is hereby anthorized to practice law in the courts of this state without taking the oath pre• scribed by said act. 2. The legislature reserves the right to repeal this act at any tim'!l Act ma, be N• when, in their discretion, they may deem it proper to do so. pealed. CHAPTER 2.-An ACT authorizing the trustees of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church, of Shepherdstown, Jefferson county, to borrow money. Puted Jannary :?.I, 1�9 • . De it enacted by tho Legislature of West Virginia: That the trustees of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Shepherds- Authorlly to town, Jefferson county, West Virginia, be and are hereby authorized borrow mono, nod empowered to borrow money for the use of said church, and by executing their bonds as said truatees for the same for said purposes, to bind said church property (consisting of church building and parsonage, and lots thereto attached,) situated in Shepherdstown, Jefferson county, West Virginia, and make the same legally liable for and oecure tta the payment thereof, and, if necessary, are authorized and empow- ���•at by ered to convey said church property by deed of trust, so as to give a legal and valid lien thereon as security for the payment of money borrowed for benefit of said church, 4 Assessors-Nicholas County Officers-Jesse Carney.
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