1601 Drowned Off the Titanic Itrying to Break All Records by Rushing Ship Across Mr
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- Kor Perfect ingr Newspaper DIAMONDS in the You Should See Kootenays The WILSON "Prospector" THK JKWKI.KH sv $2.00 Per Year VOL.. 18 CKANBROOK. B.C , SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 20th 1912 No: in 739 Saved - 1601 Drowned Off the Titanic ITrying to break all records by rushing ship across Mr. Howard S Address tol the seas at top speed--21 knots or 24 miles Marine Disasters of Recent Board of Trade 285 yards every hour Years Good Suggestions Made Worst Disaster in History Many Lives Lost Mr. Ourd, president of the Hoard energies to itnther nil the Information THE HORROR OF THE TITANIC Many Marine Disasters 1895, January 30.—German steamer ot Trade being absent from tbe City, possible. The world weeps. Tho touch of anguish that makes kin of strangers hus broughl Berlin nml Mr. II. E. Ilcattle called n meeting of Among the Important marine dis Elbe sunk in collision witb British One of the main reasons for ap Loudon, Paris and New York, Chicago and San Francisco into the sacrumeiitul fellowship uf th. executive to meet Mr. Howard, proaching the Board of Trade are ustcrs recorded nre:— stenmer Orntblo In North tea; 336 representative of the Alfred Hells Oo. thnt by this means only can really suffering and sorrow over the fate of the Titanic and the sudden death of 1001 people, Hopo hus 18C6. Jan. 11.—Steamer London, on lives lost. ber way to Melbourne, foundered In publishers, of London, England to good nnd reliable Information be battled with despair in vain. There is mourning for the loved and lost in thousands of homes the hay nf Biscay, 220 lives lost. 1895, March 11.-Spanish cruiser htar the propositions be hnd to Iny gathered, the Board of Trade of nny scattered through hundreds of communities in Europe and America. before them In respect to nn author- dlatrlct nre supposed to be free from liegina Itegenta foundered in tbe At atlve work which thnt company wns personal factors and individual In Again nature has risen against man and her elemental forces have taught anew how puny 1867. October 29,—Royal Mall lantic, at entrnnce to the Mediter getting out nt a cost of J75.00O.00. terests; also they nre usually men ot and powerless are his utmost strength and skill and devices to cope with her might. The leviathan steamers Rhone and Wye nml about ranean; 400 lives loHt. 50 otber vessels were driven ashore This work Is to be in tbe form of a business, men of prominence, men that proudly set sail a week ago and seemed master of the worst that the furies of tlm sea could book fully illustrated and bound In wbo hnve accomplished something In and wrecked at Bt. Thomas, West 1898, February 15.-Unit«d States a leather cover nnd can he well plac the district they represent and there wreak has succumbed to the stroke of fate. Doom steered tho devoted craft and death was the Indies, by a hurricane, about 1,01)0 battleship Maine, blown up In Hav ed upon the shelves nnd tables of fore are truly conversant with the unseen captain grim. lives lost. ana harbor; 2h(l HveB lost. every library lor reference In connec reigning conditions which govern the No disaster at sea has been attended with such hosts of horror since man lirst dared th tion with nil matters pertaining to welfnre of the city und district to 1873, Jnnuary 22.—British steamer 1898, July 4.—French liner La Bour- British Columbia. which the belong. the terrors of the estranging sea. One has to go back to the destruction of the fleets of Xerxes aud Northfloet sunk in collision otl Dun- goyne, in collision with British tall- Philip of Spain to find parallels, but even these have circumstances that relieve the woe. Iu the genets; 300 lives lost. log vessel, Cromartyshire; 571 lives In addressing the meeting Mr. How The Canadian Bnnk of Commerce lost. case, however, of the Titanic the horror is heightened by the contrast between the circumstances ard said: "thnt this was and is a arc behind this publication as is also 1873, Jnnunry 23.—White Star linor co-operative enterprise and substan the Bnnk of Montrenl nnd ln fact all of peace aud seeming safety on the one hand, reenforced by all the appliances of science and Atlnntic wrecked off Nova Scotia; 547 1898,—Ktondyko gold steamship tially backed by the llrltlsh Columbia the Chartered Banks; and gentlemen, luxuries of civilisation and refinements of society, and the terror that walked the waves in darkness lives lost. Clara Nevada, Lynn Canal, Alaska, government. It was to contain only we want you to plainly underpaid 110 drowned. those things thnt were of bcnelit to that this is no cheap edition by any aud smote the ship in an instant. the district from which ench article means, it wouldn't do to make a 1874, December 26.—Emigrant ves Men whose thoughts uud acts helped to shape the course of European uud American affairs sel Ccspatrick took Are and sunk off 1901, February 22.—City of Rio de- emlnated nnd wero to be only facts, common place leaflet or pamphlet if wore aboard and women who were queens of society. Millions of treasuue were iu the cargo and plain matter of fact truths, no gen we want to interest such men nn the Auckland: 476 lives lost. Janeiro, Pacific Mall Steamship com eralities or flourish In descriptions Duke ot Sutherland and others who ilie wealth controlled by the travelers is estimated to have aggregated half a billion dollars Tho pany, sunk at entrance to San Fran would be permitted. Whatever Infor nre renlly large owners of property catastrophe appeals to the human heart and appals the imagination as no oilier disaster lias 1878, March 24.—BritlBh training cisco bay; 122 lives lost. ship Eurydice, a frigate, foundered mation the various Boards of Trades In the old country and are wishful of done since the destruction of Messina. Eloquent and mighty death proclaims auew that throughout the length nnd breadth of investing elsewhere, Bald Mr. 1 Tow near Isle nf Wight: 300 lives lost 1904, June 15.—Oeneral Slocum ex this fair province of ours were wish ard, as a matter ot fact the Duke man is the plaything of nature.—*8pti'eiman-H>wiew cursion steamboat took Are going ful ot giving , would nftcrwnrds hns only recently bought 3!i square 1878, Dccomher 3.-BrltlBh iron through Hell Oats, East river; more steamer Princess Alice sunk In colli tban 1000 lives lost. again be edited so that there would miles of land near Kamloops ind is Cape Race, N. P., April 15.—At the life bouts within reach. MANY SHIPS WITHIN CALL. sion In Thames river; 700 lives lost. be no danger of anything live a per well pleased with the location. Thee 10:25 o'clock last night the huge New Yorv, April 14.—One leature of Some of these were Bwnmpod by the sonal faction creeping In, if possible 1905, January 21.—Brazilian battle are the men you want in your dis steamship Titanic, culled "0. Q. D.," the Titanic's pligbt is tbat a large overcrowding, others were smnshed at all it, wns to he n work 1878, December 18.—French steamer ship Aquldaban, sunk near Rio Ja- trict, men who will bring money the wireless distress signal, and to pieces against tin- sides of the that would he substantial in its buy lands create industries nnd the number of ships appear to be wltbin Byzantine sunk In collision in the eiro, by an explosion of powder mag ported having struck an iceberg. The the liners' call ship ln being lowered from the davits Dnrdnneles, with DrltlBh steamer Rl- azine; 212 lives lost. truths and perfect to facts. working clnsscs will nnturally follow steamer said that Immediate assis- j Besides tbe Virginian of the Allen quick in their wake. The story goes on to say thnt the naldo; 210 lives lost. Mr. Howard referred to a conversa tance was required. Half un hour llne wnich appears t0 have been the Titanic settled rnther that sank, but There nre already 5 syndicates of afterwards another message said they « „ , he Titanic's 1906, August 4.—Italian immigrant tion which Mr. Sells the publisher solid Interests working hard to 'ii"et rst to have eard 0 t the water rose higher in her with 1880, Jnnunry 31— British training ship Slro, struck a reef off Cape Pa once had with Hon. Joseph Chamber were sinking by the head and that QtstreM, and the White Star liner's greater speed each minute. the lmlgration element, therefore it women wero being put off Into the Olympic, both of which ship Atlnnta left Bermuda with 290 ins; 350 HveB lost. lain upon these very matters; Mr. would be unwise for us to add to Ualtlc ana By the time those boats had got men nnd was never heard from. Chamberlain laid: that it was a pity life boats. The Titanic has 1,3011 were ,.eportcd on t|,e wav t0 the their numbers; thnt IB one of the clear away from lmmodinte dnnger 1906, January 22.—Steamship Val more wna not known of the facts as passengers nnd crew of 860. ' Kmt th(,re ,„ the clnci„„at| of the main reasons we are endeavoring to the wnter hnd reached the engine 1887, January 29.—Steamer Kupun- encia, Cape Beale, Vancouver Island, they at present exist ot some of the reach the other class, the class thnt The weather was calm and clear, Hamburg American line and the Cu- room.