500 Years of Christianity Mass of Thanksgiving
500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines gifted to give Mass of Thanksgiving Main Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Erno Diaz Sisters of St. John the Baptist St. Fortunata Church 739 Crescent Street Brooklyn, NY 11208 June 20, 2021 INTRODUCTION: ENTRANCE PROCESSION: GATHERING HYMN: (Carlos Magno Marcelo/Jamie Rivera) Refrain: We stand before the grand horizon Five hundred years of faith, grateful today We bear the gift of mission Totally yours, we give ourselves Faithfully yours until the end To Your mission, Lord, we give our Yes! 1. Go where the sun rises above the hills. Share the Word and serve those who are in need. Let the Morning Star accompany your way. Spread the fire of mission for the Lord. (Refrain) 2. We are gifted to give and live our gifts. Mercy, compassion, justice and peace. The sign the world today will come to believe Is the love we have for one and all. We bear the gift of mission Mercy, compassion, justice and peace. (Refrain) Finale: To your mission, Lord, we give our Yes! (2x) GLORY TO GOD: sung (Mass of Christ the Savior) FIRST READING: Job 38: 1, 8 – 11 (Sr. Claudette Marie) RESPONSORIAL PSALM: (Psalm 107): (Dan Schutte) - sung 1. Give thanks to the Lord who does wondrous deeds, Who masters the winds and the raging seas, Refrain: Whose love is forever, whose love is forever, Whose love is forever more. 2. Give thanks to the Lord who has blessed our land, Who guards every step with a mighty hand, (Refrain) 3. Give thanks to the Lord who is merciful, Whose kindness is wide and love bountiful, (Refrain) SECOND READING: 2 Corinthians 5: 14 – 17 (Sr.
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