Bishop Hanifen Testifies on Measure Proposing Assisted Suicide in Colo
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Catholics protest Legislature considers Section offers nomination of new tax deduction for those suggestions for those surgeon general with children in private seeking ‘Fun in the — page 2 school — page 4 Sun’ — pages 12-13 Vol. LXX No. 49 35 Cents Ninety-four years of service to the Gosp>el February 15, 1995 Bishop Hanifen testifies on measure proposing assisted suicide in Colo. Bishop Richard Hanifen o f the Diocese of Colo common good as harmed by the exercise of this rado Springs testified Monday to the Health, En private right. vironment and Welfare Committee against House I submit to you that just the opposite is true. Bill 95-1308, which would legalize assisted sui The common good of our society is at great risk cide. The following is the text o f his statement. in this assisted suicide issue. Legislation not only reflects attitudes, it ef BY BISHOP RICHARD HANIFEN fects attitudes. Many in our society assume that legislation equates with good morality, lb legis Good afternoon, lliank you for allowing me late what does not equate with good morality, this time to reflect with you on legislation which then, misleads and erodes the public judgement. would legalise assisted This is harmful to the suicide. common good. In the judg I am Bishop Richard ment of the Catholic Hanifen, Bishop of the Ro Church, assisted suicide is man Catholic Diocese of an act of cooperation with Colorado Springs. I am an evil act, that is, the act also a member of the of suicide. To legalize it Board of Directors o f the would be to teach moral Colorado Catholic Confer error to many. ence and am speaking to If legislation is not you on b eh a lf o f A rch based on sound moral bishop J. Francis Stafford principles, society will of the Archdiocese of Den reap the firuits of chaos ver, and Bishop Arthur N. and injustice. Even now Tafoya, Bishop of the Dio we see evidence of the de cese of Pueblo. cline in the value Ameri As leaders in our soci cans are placing on hu man life. This legislation ety, I believe we share the Bishop Richard Hanifen constant struggle to mea would only degrade public Bo'nfD CR photc sure the individual good o f our people with the attitude the more. On last Thursday night, for example, Joshua THE Colorado Catholic Conference has been following an array of common good o f our society. legislative proposals that may affect Catholics in Colorado. Bishop In the current debate over House Bill 95-1308 Patrizio died in Colorado Springs o f a gunshot wound to the head. He was 13. His friend emd Richard C. Hanifen of Colorado Springs testified in opposition to a some regard the right to assist at the suicide of physician-assisted suicide measure Monday. another as an act of mercy and do not regard the Continued on page two Speaker to reflect on gender-related language at 26th Mile Hi Congress BY CHERYL DOYLE-RUFFING subject, is the author of The Concept of Woman: The Aristotelian Revolution (750 B.C.-1250 AD.), Sister Prudence Allen, RSM, hopes to open and is at work on The Concept o f Woman: The Hu up what The Catechism o f the Catholic Church manist Reformation (1250-1650). 'T| says about gender identity to Sr. Allen feels that The Catechism those attending the 26th Mile Hi o f the Catholic Church has a lot to Congress/Archbishop’s Sympo- offer and, in her workshop “Sex, sium being held in Denver from ^ -* 1.T X Grender, and the Theology of Com- March 29 through April 1. "3 ^ munion,” she will focus on ways In “Sex, Gender, and the The- ^ ' of developing sound catechetical ology of Communion,” one of the j 7| V ’ principles for aiding others to con two talks she will present at the ^ version. Recognizing that all com symposium, Sr. Allen will lead at- munion comes through union with tendees in a study of the logic of I- ' I the Eternal Word, she will iden gender-related language as it is tify gender-related terms in the actually used in the CatecAism. In *74s Sdet ItU ls 0em^aes4. Catechism and explain how they her second presentation, “Tb- are used so that workshop attend amd jdeeAtisAsA * S f m^ssimm wards a Genuine ees will gain practical tools for Complementarity of Man and ea tAs ^ntefAie ttt s^ tAs teaching others. Woman,” she will examine the ffetAstie SAmeA Sr. Allen’s goal for the workshop ways in which the Catechism de ‘Towards a Genuine velops philosophical and theological foundations Complementarity of Man and Woman” is similar. for gender complementarity, which is a theory of She wants to offer concrete catechetical principles equality and difference between the sexes. for teaching about vocation as a call to become FM* I7 SriM iC McNnr A philosopher and full professor at Concordia genuine complements made in the image of God, SISTER Prudence Allen, RSM. a pMlosopher and fuU professor at University in Montreal, Sr. ADen has spent most a Divine Communion of Persons. Concordia University in MontretU, is one o f the highlighted speak of her career studying woman's identity through She believes that the Holy Trinity is the model ers at the 26th M ile H i Congress/Archbishop's Symposium on the out history She has written many articles on the Continued on page two Catholic Church March 29 through April 1 in Denver. PAGE a DBlfVnt CAIHOUC KBCOSTBR IS . 1098 Administration stands behind nomination ter or govern BY NANCY FRAZIER O’BRIEN his longstanding ties to Planned Parenthood, the in ability of White House officials and Foster himself to ment officials W ASHINGTON (CNS) — Hi© Whit© Houa© vow©d pinpoint the number of abortions he had performed, his have estimated to stand behind President Clinton’s choice for surgeon leadership of an experimental program to test an abor the number of general. Dr. Henry W. Foster Jr., despite mounting op tion-inducing drug and his participation in performing abortions he position to his record of performing abortions and in- hysterectomies on mentally retarded women in the performed in voluntaiy sterilizations of retarded women. 1960s and 1970s. his 38 years as “We will fight for this nomination,” said Leon Chnton administration officials sought to counter an obstetrician Panetta, White House chief of staff, Feb. 12. Meanwhile, the many reports about Foster’s involvement in abor and gynecolo Foster attended Sunday services at his home church. tions or sterilizations by circulating documents meant gist at one, First Baptist Church in Nashville, Tbnn., amd asked the to show him as a mainstoeam doctor dedicated to bring fewer than a congregation to pray for him. ing healthy babies into the world. dozen or 39. But prayers might not be enough to assure Foster’s *rh© use of abortion solely as a form of contracep But the tran confirmation as sui-geon general. Even before the Sen tion, although acceptable in some parts of the world, script of a 1978 ate Labor and Human Resources Committee set a date has not become prevalent in the United States,” Foster hearing of the for Foster’s confirmation hearings, several key sena said in one of the papers distributed by the White House. Department of tors of each party said they would vote against him — “Clearly, this would not be ideal for patients with sickle Health, Educa either because of his record or because of the White cell disease.” tion and House failure to thoroughly investigate him before pre Currently on the board of directors of Thnnessee Welfare’s Eth- senting the nomination. Planned Parsnthocd, Foster was a member of Planned is Advisory nnspKoto “They should have taken the finest doctor they could Parenthood’s national board in 1978-81 and its national Board, on Dr. Henry W. Foster Jt: find in the country, someone near retirement without advisory councO in 1981-85. which Foster any controversy,” said Democratic Sen. Joseph Biden of Since 1989, he has served on the National Leader served, showed him claiming to have already performed Delaware. “It’s not like this is the only doctor in the ship Committee to Keep Abortion Safe and Legal, a up to 700 abortions by then. “I have done a lot of anrnio- world.” Planned Parenthood affiliate organization. centesis and therapeutic abortions, probably near 700,” Among the objections to the 61-year-old Foster were Since the nomination was announced Feb. 2, Fos he is quoted as saying. Bishop addresses House committee considering assisted suicide measure Continued from page one suicide is the same principle used by the teenagers. If of extraordinary means to prolong the dying process has neighbor, 14, apparently assisted in the act by joining it hurts too much, just stop living! always been regarded by the Church as unnecessary. into a suicide pact. Legalizing suicide and cooperation in suicide are The means for making dying patients comfortable Thking their ci:e from us adults, they had deter wrong because they 8U"e based upon the wrong moral must continue to be developed and their use must be mined that their personal pain was something which principle. The Judeo Christian ethic, which guides most allowed so long as they are not used directly to cause or justified their choice to die. Don’t you wonder with me of our citizens, rules out suicide as the solution to p>ain. hasten dcsath. whether their decision was influenced by the growing 'This legislation flies in the face of that ethic.