Circular No: 20.2 1 ISLAMIC BOOK CENTRE Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Respected Brothers & Sisters, As you are probably aware, we provide books in Arabic, Urdu, English and Gujarati on an affordable basis, for the sole purpose of spreading the knowledge of Deen (Islam). These books arrive at regular intervals from Pakistan and Beirut. We have an established book centre in Bolton and we hope you can take full benefit from this Insha-Allah. The following rules apply: 1. Unfortunately, we do not put any orders aside; however your order can be dispatched once we have received the full payment including postage. Orders can be placed at the owners risk as we are not liable for any damages. 2. We publish a booklist twice every year, so hopefully you can take benefit from this too. For further information please visit our website you could email us on
[email protected]. Alongside books, we also sell Prayer Mats, Tasbeehs, Itr (perfume oil), Hats (topis), Miswaak, Leather socks at reasonable prices. PLEASE NOTE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Opening & Closing Times: Monday - Thursday: 12.00 - 18.00 Friday: Closed Saturday – Sunday: 11.00 - 18.00 Islamic Book Centre 119 - 121 Halliwell Road, Bolton, BL1 3NE Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1204 389080 Mobile: +44 (0) 7930 464843 Mobile: +44 (0) 7749 438036 Email:
[email protected] Books from Beirut (Darussalam/Dar al Kotob al Ilmiyah) No. Name of Book £:P No. Name of Book £:P Abstract of the Guide for the Ones 9 Al Mawrid Dictionary