Sid 1 (8) STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL Aktbilaga 29 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12 Mål nr Handläggning i PMÄ 14925-20 Stockholm

Handläggning i parternas utevaro

RÄTTEN Rådmannen Alexander Ramsay

PROTOKOLLFÖRARE Tingsnotarien Arash Ghavamnejad


Sökande M.I.C.M MIRCOM INTERNATIONAL CONTENT MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING LIMITED Spyrou Kyprianou, 32 2nd floor/ Flat 3 1075 Nicosia Cypern

Ombud: Advokaterna Jeppe Brogaard Clausen och Emelie Svensson NJORD Law Firm Pilestræde 58 DK-1112 Köpenhamn Danmark

Motpart Telia Sverige AB, 556430-0142 161 94 Solna

Ombud: Bolagsjuristen Peter Holm Telia Sverige AB 169 94 Solna

SAKEN Informationsföreläggande enligt upphovsrättslagen ______


Telia Sverige AB (Telia) är bl.a. verksamt som internetleverantör och ger sina kunder tillgång till internet genom att tilldela dem en specifik IP-adress.

Dok.Id 2255002 Postadress Besöksadress Telefon Telefax Expeditionstid Box 8307 Rådhuset, 08- 561 654 70 måndag – fredag 104 20 Stockholm Scheelegatan 7 E-post: 08:00–16:00 [email protected]

Sid 2 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

M.I C.M MIRCOM INTERNATIONAL CONTENT MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING LIMITED (MIRCOM) inkom den 17 september 2020 med en ansökan om informationsföreläggande enligt lagen (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk (upphovsrättslagen) mot Telia. MIRCOM yrkade att domstolen vid vite skulle förelägga Telia att ge MIRCOM information om namn och adress till ett antal av Telias användare. MIRCOM yrkade vidare att domstolen, för tiden till dess ärendet hade avgjorts, vid vite skulle förbjuda Telia att förstöra den information som omfattades av yrkandet om informationsföreläggande. Patent- och marknadsdomstolen biföll i beslut den 21 september 2020 yrkandet om säkerhetsåtgärd.


MIRCOM har yrkat att Patent- och marknadsdomstolen vid vite om 200 000 kr ska förelägga Telia att ge MIRCOM information om namn på och adress till de som var registrerade som användare av de IP-adresser som anges i bilaga 1 vid de tidpunkter som anges i anslutning till respektive IP-adress.

Telia har överlämnat till rätten att pröva yrkandet om informationsföreläggande. För det fall domstolen skulle bifalla MIRCOMs yrkande har Telia begärt att få en frist på tre veckor från lagakraftvunnet beslut med att lämna ut uppgifterna.


MIRCOM har till stöd för sin ansökan anfört i huvudsak följande. De i ärendet aktuella filmverken har upphovsrättsligt skydd. Rättighetshavarna Productions Inc., Digital Sin Inc., EA Distribution Inc. dba , Giant Media Group Inc. dba Devils Films, Inc., Mile High Distribution Inc., Inc., O.L. Entertainment Inc., SBO Pictures Inc. dba , Inc., Inc., Zero Tolerance Entertainment Inc., Wenson – Photorama International B.V. / Video Art Holland, Strike 3 Holdings LLC och COUNTERLIFE Media LLC (de ursprungliga rättighetsinnehavarna) har ensamrätt att Sid 3 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

framställa exemplar av filmverken samt att göra dem tillgängliga för allmänheten. De ursprungliga rättighetsinnehavarna har till MIRCOM upplåtit sin rätt att beivra intrång i filmverken i Sverige. Filmverken har olovligen kopierats och tillgängliggjorts för allmänheten från de svenska IP-adresser som framgår av bilaga 1. Genom denna kopiering och detta tillgängliggörande för allmänheten begås intrång i upphovsrätten till filmverken. Insamlingen av data – dvs. angivna IP-adresser, filens identitet samt datum och klockslag för tillgängliggörandet – har utförts av företagen Maverickeye UG och Media Protector International GmbH med hjälp av mjukvarorna MaverickMonitor och FileWatch BT. Det föreligger sannolika skäl för att användarna av de aktuella IP-adresserna har begått intrång i upphovsrätten till verken.

Intrången har skett med hjälp av BitTorrent-teknik, vilket är ett filöverföringsprotokoll som effektiviserar nedladdning av stora och populära filer genom att använda ett P2P-nätverk. Användare i ett P2P-nätverk använder sig av en s.k. klient som är ett program som samtidigt utför nedladdning och uppladdning av delar av filen till/från andra användare med hjälp av en s.k. tracker. BitTorrent-tekniken innebär att en användares klient samtidigt som den laddar ned delar av en fil även laddar upp de delar av filen som redan har mottagits till andra användare. Klienten bidrar alltså till att göra filen tillgänglig för andra i nätverket genom att sprida delar av filen samtidigt som den laddas ned.

Filer som delas genom BitTorrent-teknik identifieras genom att tilldelas en unik beteckning baserad på filens innehåll. Varje användares klient får kontakt med andra klienter i ett P2P-nätverk genom en bredbandsuppkoppling till internet. Varje användares uppkoppling till internet kan kopplas till en IP-adress.

Telia är bl.a. verksamt som internetoperatör via abonnemangsavtal med konsumenter. Telia tillhandahåller i kommersiell skala de IP-adresser som använts vid intrången och ingår därmed i den krets som kan åläggas skyldighet att lämna ut sådan information som yrkandet avser. MIRCOM behöver tillgång till begärd information för att kunna utreda och beivra intrången. Det finns inte någon mindre ingripande åtgärd som Sid 4 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

MIRCOM kan använda för att skydda sina rättigheter. Skälen för att meddela ett informationsföreläggande uppväger de eventuella olägenheter eller men som åtgärden skulle kunna innebära.

Skälig tid för Telia att utlämna informationen bör bestämmas med beaktande av Svea hovrätts beslut i mål nr ÖÄ 8304-16, där skälig tid för att utge ca 2 150 IP-adresser var en månad och fyra månader var skälig tid för att lämna information avseende 8 600 IP- adresser.

Telia har uppgett att rätten bör förordna att informationen, med beaktande av beslut om utelämnande av information som rätten meddelat på senare tid i andra ärenden, ska lämnas ut senast tre veckor efter det att beslutet har vunnit laga kraft.


Utgångspunkter för prövningen

Av 53 c § första stycket jämfört med andra stycket 4 upphovsrättslagen framgår, att bl.a. den som i kommersiell skala har tillhandahållit en elektronisk kommunikations- tjänst, kan åläggas att lämna information om ursprung och distributionsnät för varor eller tjänster som intrånget gäller (informationsföreläggande), om sökanden visar sannolika skäl för att kommunikationstjänsten har använts vid intrång i en upphovsrätt. Vad sökanden i praktiken måste visa är att det finns sannolika skäl dels för den aktuella ensamrättens existens, dels för att intrång i denna ensamrätt har förekommit. Ett informationsföreläggande kan riktas mot bl.a. en intrångsgörares internetleverantör med förpliktelse för denne att vid vite lämna information om namn på och adress till den som har registrerats som användare av en viss IP-adress (se NJA 2012 s. 975).

En ytterligare förutsättning för att informationsföreläggande ska få meddelas är att den begärda informationen kan antas underlätta utredningen av intrånget eller Sid 5 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

överträdelsen (53 c § första stycket upphovsrättslagen). Åtgärden måste dessutom vara proportionerlig, dvs. skälen för åtgärden ska uppväga den olägenhet eller det men i övrigt som åtgärden innebär för den som drabbas av den eller för något annat motstående intresse (53 d § första stycket upphovsrättslagen).

Sannolika skäl för ensamrättens existens m.m.

MIRCOM har till stöd för att de aktuella filmerna har upphovsrättsligt skydd, att de ursprungliga rättighetsinnehavarna har upphovsrätt till filmverken samt att MIRCOM har rätt att beivra eventuella upphovsrättsintrång bl.a. åberopat DVD-omslag, skärmbilder från hemsidor och licensavtal.

Patent- och marknadsdomstolen finner att det av den åberopade utredningen med tillräcklig säkerhet framgår att de aktuella filmerna har upphovsrättsligt skydd och att de ursprungliga rättighetsinnehavarna har upphovsrätten till respektive filmverk, förutom till filmen ”In The Room Watching My Girlfriend 4”.

Av den åberopade utredningen konstaterar domstolen att filmtiteln ”In The Room Watching My Girlfriend 4”, som är hänförlig till vissa IP-adresser, inte stämmer överens med titeln till filmverket som framgår av underlaget för upphovsrätten (se aktbil. 11 punkten 1.145 och jfr. aktbil. 14 punkten 2.145). Till skillnad från de i ärendet förekommande övriga filmverken har inte MIRCOM gett in någon utredning till stöd för att filmtiteln ”In The Room Watching My Girlfriend 4” har upphovsrättsligt skydd och att MIRCOM har rätt att beivra eventuella upphovsrättsintrång avseende en film med nämnda titel.

Vidare framgår av licensavtalen att MIRCOM tillhör den krets som kan få bifall till ett yrkande om informationsföreläggande avseende de filmverk som omfattas av ansökan.

Sid 6 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

Sannolika skäl för upphovsrättsintrång

MIRCOM har gjort gällande att det föreligger sannolika skäl för att upphovsrätts- intrång har begåtts genom att de aktuella filmverken olovligen har kopierats och tillgängliggjorts för allmänheten via fildelning. Intrången ska ha skett vid de tidpunkter och genom de IP-adresser som anges i bilaga 1. MIRCOM har redogjort för hur de anlitade företagen Maverickeye UG och Media Protector International GmbH har gått till väga för att inhämta information om påstådda intrång. MIRCOM har vidare åberopat expertutlåtanden gällande mjukvarorna MaverickMonitors och FileWatch BT:s funktion.

Domstolen finner inte anledning att ifrågasätta tillförlitligheten i den metod som redovisats av MIRCOM eller att metoden har använts för identifiering av de aktuella IP-adresserna.

Genom den ovan nämnda utredningen får MIRCOM anses ha visat sannolika skäl för att filmerna olovligen har tillgängliggjorts för allmänheten från angivna IP-adresser vid angivna tidpunkter.


När det har konstaterats föreligga sannolika skäl för ett intrång har som utgångspunkt en rättighetshavare ett befogat intresse av att få information för att utreda omfattningen av intrånget och att identifiera de som varit delaktiga i detta (se NJA 2015 s. 605 punkt 17 och 25 samt EU-domstolens dom i mål C-427/15 NEW WAVE CZ, EU:C:2017:18, punkt 25). Det ankommer dock på domstolen att i varje enskilt fall göra en avvägning mellan skälen för ett informationsföreläggande och det men som åtgärden kan medföra, bl.a. effekterna för den enskildes integritet.

I detta ärende avser ansökan om informationsföreläggande uppgifter om vilka abonnenter som döljer sig bakom IP-nummer som sannolikt har använts vid upphovs- Sid 7 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

rättsintrång. Sådana abonnentuppgifter omfattas av tystnadsplikt enligt 6 kap. 20 § lagen (2003:389) om elektronisk kommunikation. Enligt författningskommentaren till 53 d § upphovsrättslagen bör det krävas att det rör sig om intrång av en viss omfattning för att ett informationsföreläggande ska meddelas avseende sådana uppgifter. Så anses i regel vara fallet om intrånget avser tillgängliggörande (uppladdning) av en film för allmänheten, exempelvis genom fildelning via internet, eftersom detta typiskt sett innebär stor skada för rättighetshavaren (se prop. 2008/09:67 s. 264).

Domstolen har ovan konstaterat att det föreligger sannolika skäl för att intrång skett i de aktuella filmverken. Det kan förutsättas att den begärda informationen skulle underlätta utredningen av intrången. MIRCOM får därmed anses ha ett befogat intresse av den begärda informationen. De aktuella intrången har begåtts genom att filmverken olovligen har kopierats och tillgängliggjorts för allmänheten via fildelning (uppladdning). Vidare kan syftet med den begärda åtgärden inte antas kunna uppnås genom någon mindre ingripande åtgärd. Mot denna bakgrund får MIRCOMs intresse av att få tillgång till informationen anses väga tyngre än motstående intressen, däribland de enskilda abonnenternas intresse av att förbli anonyma. MIRCOMs yrkande om informationsföreläggande ska därför bifallas.

Utformning av föreläggandet m.m.

Av författningskommentaren till 53 c § upphovsrättslagen framgår att domstolen får besluta att informationen ska lämnas på visst sätt och att beslutet i normalfallet torde innebära att informationen ska överlämnas i skriftlig form (prop. 2008/09:67 s. 259). Patent- och marknadsdomstolen konstaterar att Telia ansvarar för att informationen verkligen når MIRCOM och att informationen är riktig och fullständig (se a. prop. s. 259 f.). Mot denna bakgrund bedömer domstolen att det inte finns anledning att besluta annat än att informationen ska överlämnas i skriftlig form.

Beslutet om informationsföreläggande bör förenas med vite. Den nivå på vitesbeloppet som MIRCOM angett framstår som väl avvägd. Sid 8 STOCKHOLMS TINGSRÄTT PROTOKOLL PMÄ 14925-20 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen 2020-10-12

Med beaktande av det antal IP-adresser som ansökan rör bör tidsfristen för utlämnande av informationen bestämmas till tre veckor från dagen då detta beslut vunnit laga kraft.

Det interimistiska beslutet om säkerhetsåtgärd bör bestå till dess domstolens slutliga beslut vinner laga kraft.

Domstolen erinrar Telia om skyldigheten att sända skriftlig underrättelse till den som utlämnade uppgifter gäller (53 f § andra stycket upphovsrättslagen).


1. Patent- och marknadsdomstolen förelägger Telia att, vid vite om 200 000 kr, ge MIRCOM information om namn på och adress till de som var registrerade som användare av de IP-adresser som anges i bilaga 1, med undantag för IP-adresser som är hänförliga till titeln ”In The Room Watching My Girlfriend 4”, vid de tidpunkter som anges vid varje IP-adress i bilagan. Informationen ska lämnas skriftligen till MIRCOM senast tre veckor efter att detta beslut vunnit laga kraft.

2. Patent- och marknadsdomstolens beslut den 21 september 2020 om säkerhetsåtgärd ska bestå till dess att detta beslut vinner laga kraft.

HUR MAN ÖVERKLAGAR, se bilaga 2 (PMD-13) Överklagande, ställt till Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen, ska ha kommit in till Patent- och marknadsdomstolen senast den 2 november 2020. Prövningstillstånd krävs.

Arash Ghavamnejad Protokollet uppvisat/

Bilaga 1 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 1e644c2e77126223a8 4 on 1 Gang Bangs 1 12.09.2020 13:34:48 12.09.2020 11:34:48 4O1GB12.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54466 7872e60d55e2ffc71b0 Volume 12 ee6


INKOM: 2020-09-17 MÅLNR: PMÄ 14925-20 AKTBIL: 11

EXHIBIT 1.0 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Liya Silver, Jia 425b69ebf37af69ecef 2 10.09.2020 14:42:58 10.09.2020 12:42:58 Lissa - A Club VXN Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 30762 A Club VXN Vacation 370c54a0b8f23ab28c Vacation.mp4 401 SHA1: vixen. 476e3fcfb4524984e49 3 06.09.2020 12:26:21 06.09.2020 10:26:21 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 12356 A Club VXN Vacation dd1f39430ae4190624 d.jia.lissa.mp4 0c2 SHA1: Vixen - Liya Silver, Jia 425b69ebf37af69ecef 4 27.08.2020 17:54:04 27.08.2020 15:54:04 Lissa - A Club VXN Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 55465 A Club VXN Vacation 370c54a0b8f23ab28c Vacation.mp4 401 SHA1: Vixen - Liya Silver, Jia 425b69ebf37af69ecef 5 05.09.2020 10:10:40 05.09.2020 08:10:40 Lissa - A Club VXN Telia Company Tixati 2.53 56118 A Club VXN Vacation 370c54a0b8f23ab28c Vacation.mp4 401 SHA1: Vixen - Liya Silver, Jia 425b69ebf37af69ecef 6 08.09.2020 19:14:26 08.09.2020 17:14:26 Lissa - A Club VXN Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 42726 A Club VXN Vacation 370c54a0b8f23ab28c Vacation.mp4 401

EXHIBIT 1.1 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BLACKED. SHA1: 16.12.11.Peta.Jensen. 9edeaacc16dc78ac79 A Flirtation Game 7 07.09.2020 20:30:57 07.09.2020 18:30:57 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 24970 XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 107c2949c63082a01c Gone Too Far GalaXXXy.mkv 9d8b BLACKED. SHA1: 16.12.11.Peta.Jensen. 9edeaacc16dc78ac79 A Flirtation Game 8 05.09.2020 16:11:14 05.09.2020 14:11:14 Telia Company BitLord 2.4.6 57414 XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 107c2949c63082a01c Gone Too Far GalaXXXy.mkv 9d8b BLACKED. SHA1: 16.12.11.Peta.Jensen. 9edeaacc16dc78ac79 A Flirtation Game 9 06.09.2020 05:19:13 06.09.2020 03:19:13 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 61404 XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 107c2949c63082a01c Gone Too Far GalaXXXy.mkv 9d8b BLACKED. SHA1: 16.12.11.Peta.Jensen. 9edeaacc16dc78ac79 A Flirtation Game 10 11.09.2020 13:28:32 11.09.2020 11:28:32 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57204 XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 107c2949c63082a01c Gone Too Far GalaXXXy.mkv 9d8b

EXHIBIT 1.2 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 89fd3837a3c4e4d5e5 11 12.09.2020 13:04:21 12.09.2020 11:04:21 19.10.01.anya.olsen. Telia Company libtorrent/ 39635 A Good Day c8398f16d7b3e4869b mp4 7a78

EXHIBIT 1.3 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 56667d69d25f21e0b7 A Hotwife Is A Happy 12 09.09.2020 08:45:51 09.09.2020 06:45:51 AHIAHW3.mp4 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 25777 1421a4e058e461f6a5 Wife 3 7229

EXHIBIT 1.4 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. ca0bef3f878732a15ed A Quiet Weekend In 13 10.09.2020 17:57:41 10.09.2020 15:57:41 18.12.20.little.caprice. Telia Company libtorrent/ 58720 3bf5fe35ff711acc0dd2 Mykonos and.alexis.crystal.mp4 e SHA1: tushy. ca0bef3f878732a15ed A Quiet Weekend In 14 28.08.2020 23:32:50 28.08.2020 21:32:50 18.12.20.little.caprice. Telia Company qBittorrent/ 56785 3bf5fe35ff711acc0dd2 Mykonos and.alexis.crystal.mp4 e

EXHIBIT 1.5 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Abigail Mac, e8fde02b470854f96fe 15 27.08.2020 12:06:58 27.08.2020 10:06:58 Lena Paul - Abigail Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 34221 Abigail Part 2 03570c920b30f274a1 Part 2.mp4 4e2

EXHIBIT 1.6 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 5e175724fba29b2f4e8 16 15.09.2020 10:24:45 15.09.2020 08:24:45 19.08.18.apolonia.lapi Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 64286 Abroad and Horny 1610e1a685eb6a153e edra.mp4 511 SHA1: Blacked - Apolonia c6a16af61498b40015 17 14.09.2020 22:24:40 14.09.2020 20:24:40 Lapiedra - Abroad and Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 54960 Abroad and Horny 401768a655ec382074 Horny.mp4 206a

EXHIBIT 1.7 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Kira Noir - f6f7fe334db2ec7ea09 18 16.09.2020 01:42:42 15.09.2020 23:42:42 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55184 Addicted 2 Addicted 2.mp4 68d1640a913ed0a59e c23 SHA1: [Vixen] Kira Noir - be1bb6f0b0edf29a80e 19 13.09.2020 10:14:24 13.09.2020 08:14:24 Addicted 2 Telia Company libtorrent/ 58545 Addicted 2 a9284187e60b980436 (11.09.2020) rq.mp4 19a SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 20 13.09.2020 00:24:59 12.09.2020 22:24:59 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 55622 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: Vixen. 6726005a8cbeb260cc 21 12.09.2020 21:34:59 12.09.2020 19:34:59 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 42102 Addicted 2 479f40c24495ddf82ef icted.2.1080p.mp4 118 SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 22 12.09.2020 18:15:19 12.09.2020 16:15:19 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56778 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: Vixen. 6726005a8cbeb260cc 23 12.09.2020 10:02:55 12.09.2020 08:02:55 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company BitComet 1.61 46825 Addicted 2 479f40c24495ddf82ef icted.2.1080p.mp4 118 SHA1: Vixen - Kira Noir - f6f7fe334db2ec7ea09 24 15.09.2020 20:04:33 15.09.2020 18:04:33 Telia Company libtorrent/ 35417 Addicted 2 Addicted 2.mp4 68d1640a913ed0a59e c23 SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 25 15.09.2020 20:34:04 15.09.2020 18:34:04 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63031 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 26 12.09.2020 15:33:03 12.09.2020 13:33:03 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: Vixen. 6726005a8cbeb260cc 27 14.09.2020 21:00:34 14.09.2020 19:00:34 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company Vuze 21143 Addicted 2 479f40c24495ddf82ef icted.2.1080p.mp4 118 SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 28 15.09.2020 22:25:11 15.09.2020 20:25:11 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57594 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: [Vixen] Kira Noir - be1bb6f0b0edf29a80e 29 12.09.2020 09:05:26 12.09.2020 07:05:26 Addicted 2 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49567 Addicted 2 a9284187e60b980436 (11.09.2020) rq.mp4 19a SHA1: Vixen. 743eb93ad9af2eec65 30 12.09.2020 09:08:31 12.09.2020 07:08:31 20.09.11.Kira.Noir.Add Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 59696 Addicted 2 3505f37df5a2845d8dc icted.2.480p.mp4 317 SHA1: Vixen - Kira Noir - f6f7fe334db2ec7ea09 31 16.09.2020 00:00:37 15.09.2020 22:00:37 Telia Company Vuze 13517 Addicted 2 Addicted 2.mp4 68d1640a913ed0a59e c23

EXHIBIT 1.8 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Kyler Quinn c6aacf8b5ebc7f41c26 32 11.09.2020 13:57:26 11.09.2020 11:57:26 - Addicted To Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 52491 Addicted To BBC ebb07a4dabe1287b3c BBC.mp4 675 SHA1: Blacked - Kyler Quinn c6aacf8b5ebc7f41c26 33 30.08.2020 10:47:12 30.08.2020 08:47:12 - Addicted To Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41741 Addicted To BBC ebb07a4dabe1287b3c BBC.mp4 675

EXHIBIT 1.9 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Evelin Stone, 605c9418209f27737fd 34 15.09.2020 12:37:11 15.09.2020 10:37:11 Kristen Scott - Adult Telia Company libtorrent/ 51926 Adult Film Making 101 241ef51a32cbfabaab0 Film Making 101.mp4 38

EXHIBIT 1.10 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: VIXEN_100857_1080 1f734779a5c05d40c6 35 06.09.2020 12:31:04 06.09.2020 10:31:04 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.6 59681 After Dark Part 4 P.mp4 424be190ec20ac8bf6 1019 SHA1: VIXEN_100857_1080 1f734779a5c05d40c6 36 26.08.2020 13:08:51 26.08.2020 11:08:51 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23898 After Dark Part 4 P.mp4 424be190ec20ac8bf6 1019

EXHIBIT 1.11 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - After Dark Part 1f3c71a8c75ce5a96c4 37 10.09.2020 06:22:57 10.09.2020 04:22:57 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5 32150 After Dark Part 5 5.mp4 cdfc55b75c9dbfe80ba 96 SHA1: Vixen - After Dark Part 1f3c71a8c75ce5a96c4 38 07.09.2020 20:23:26 07.09.2020 18:23:26 Telia Company uTorrent 3.3 54220 After Dark Part 5 5.mp4 cdfc55b75c9dbfe80ba 96

EXHIBIT 1.12 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.07.27.Nia.Nacci.XX c3b84dd44943b06d0f 39 11.09.2020 20:13:25 11.09.2020 18:13:25 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51484 After Hours X.720p.WEB.x264- a549caf1eb8c6d4462 GalaXXXy.mkv 5305 SHA1: blackedraw. f177859b072204bb76 40 14.09.2020 13:47:09 14.09.2020 11:47:09 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 27918 After Hours 0f054902ac15d8e476 4 68dd

EXHIBIT 1.13 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 41 13.09.2020 11:53:16 13.09.2020 09:53:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 11068 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 42 12.09.2020 17:19:30 12.09.2020 15:19:30 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 63233 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 43 12.09.2020 07:23:31 12.09.2020 05:23:31 Telia Company libtorrent/ 33301 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 44 11.09.2020 15:40:08 11.09.2020 13:40:08 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 19492 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 45 10.09.2020 17:01:34 10.09.2020 15:01:34 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 51324 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra cf68460de9d9906097 46 10.09.2020 10:07:27 10.09.2020 08:07:27 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.2 54089 After Work y.After.Work. 987ec8282afeb65c32 1080p.mp4 85b7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 47 10.09.2020 09:44:46 10.09.2020 07:44:46 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 9652 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked. 81e555c6ff2380f80e2 48 10.09.2020 06:07:16 10.09.2020 04:07:16 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra Telia Company libtorrent/ 53999 After Work 121e94a5b05c347608 y.After.Work..mp4 f4e Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra cf68460de9d9906097 49 09.09.2020 07:46:06 09.09.2020 05:46:06 Telia Company -qB4250- 62141 After Work y.After.Work. 987ec8282afeb65c32 1080p.mp4 85b7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 50 07.09.2020 10:18:06 07.09.2020 08:18:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 42748 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 51 07.09.2020 09:52:05 07.09.2020 07:52:05 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 8999 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra 7029c7577ef8e1741cf 52 06.09.2020 11:50:21 06.09.2020 09:50:21 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 After Work y.After.Work. bfc4fec6f872ad98c26c 2160p.mp4 2 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra cf68460de9d9906097 53 06.09.2020 06:36:57 06.09.2020 04:36:57 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52765 After Work y.After.Work. 987ec8282afeb65c32 1080p.mp4 85b7 SHA1: [Blacked] Brooklyn 95d2ace15f8693c28b 54 06.09.2020 01:30:54 05.09.2020 23:30:54 Gray - After Work Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 57790 After Work 5b3372fa64669874e2 (05.09.2020) rq.mp4 2993 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 55 06.09.2020 22:27:13 06.09.2020 20:27:13 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5 15456 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 56 06.09.2020 13:58:02 06.09.2020 11:58:02 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: [Blacked] Brooklyn 95d2ace15f8693c28b 57 06.09.2020 13:44:21 06.09.2020 11:44:21 Gray - After Work Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.2 36626 After Work 5b3372fa64669874e2 (05.09.2020) rq.mp4 2993 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 58 12.09.2020 13:11:34 12.09.2020 11:11:34 Telia Company BitComet 1.70 21947 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 59 06.09.2020 04:29:58 06.09.2020 02:29:58 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 32016 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked. 81e555c6ff2380f80e2 60 13.09.2020 10:42:15 13.09.2020 08:42:15 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra Telia Company libtorrent/ 43255 After Work 121e94a5b05c347608 y.After.Work..mp4 f4e SHA1: [Blacked] Brooklyn EXHIBIT 95d2ace15f8693c28b 61 07.09.2020 02:06:35 07.09.2020 00:06:35 Gray - After Work Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59104 After Work 5b3372fa64669874e2 (05.09.2020) rq.mp4 2993 1.14 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra cf68460de9d9906097 62 06.09.2020 12:16:02 06.09.2020 10:16:02 Telia Company Vuze 58301 After Work y.After.Work. 987ec8282afeb65c32 1080p.mp4 85b7 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra 7029c7577ef8e1741cf 63 06.09.2020 10:29:14 06.09.2020 08:29:14 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 37719 After Work y.After.Work. bfc4fec6f872ad98c26c 2160p.mp4 2 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 64 06.09.2020 09:47:29 06.09.2020 07:47:29 Telia Company µTorrent 1.8 2606 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 65 13.09.2020 01:34:28 12.09.2020 23:34:28 Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.2 16455 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked. 81e555c6ff2380f80e2 66 06.09.2020 02:27:42 06.09.2020 00:27:42 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64301 After Work 121e94a5b05c347608 y.After.Work..mp4 f4e SHA1: Blacked. 81e555c6ff2380f80e2 67 15.09.2020 02:17:26 15.09.2020 00:17:26 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra Telia Company BiglyBT 36607 After Work 121e94a5b05c347608 y.After.Work..mp4 f4e SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 68 08.09.2020 12:24:22 08.09.2020 10:24:22 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 55912 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 69 10.09.2020 21:47:15 10.09.2020 19:47:15 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 46843 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked - Brooklyn 979cd4f798e6d0277f2 70 06.09.2020 07:39:07 06.09.2020 05:39:07 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61137 After Work Gray - After Work.mp4 11c43b2dead821781a ab7 SHA1: Blacked. 81e555c6ff2380f80e2 71 13.09.2020 22:16:45 13.09.2020 20:16:45 20.09.05.Brooklyn.Gra Telia Company Vuze 64565 After Work 121e94a5b05c347608 y.After.Work..mp4 f4e No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: girlfriendsfilms. 3e28e1037f89a44ac7 72 15.09.2020 10:50:57 15.09.2020 08:50:57 20.02.27.lacy.lennon.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 29681 Alien Rhapsody 7d9a2aa899ee3eeb68 nd.charlotte.sins.mp4 180a

EXHIBIT 1.15 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Haley Reed 44ee8007d31df8d288 73 26.08.2020 04:11:06 26.08.2020 02:11:06 - All I Want Is Telia Company -qB4250- 50965 All I Want Is BBC 3b228679b50bb1595a BBC.mp4 5667 SHA1: Blacked - Haley Reed 44ee8007d31df8d288 74 11.09.2020 20:29:05 11.09.2020 18:29:05 - All I Want Is Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63153 All I Want Is BBC 3b228679b50bb1595a BBC.mp4 5667

EXHIBIT 1.16 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. 94bb0da0205376a79f 75 01.09.2020 09:23:59 01.09.2020 07:23:59 20.06.08.anny.aurora. Telia Company Tixati 2.73 49452 All Night Long 16cf4b97d08d302456 mp4 b5bb SHA1: blackedraw. 94bb0da0205376a79f 76 16.09.2020 11:50:55 16.09.2020 09:50:55 20.06.08.anny.aurora. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58562 All Night Long 16cf4b97d08d302456 mp4 b5bb SHA1: Blackedraw - Anny e410f33384aa7af5ba0 77 13.09.2020 19:57:02 13.09.2020 17:57:02 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 47377 All Night Long Aurora [720p HD].mp4 7e2be74e012d229103 45d SHA1: blackedraw. 94bb0da0205376a79f 78 27.08.2020 22:15:40 27.08.2020 20:15:40 20.06.08.anny.aurora. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 51888 All Night Long 16cf4b97d08d302456 mp4 b5bb

EXHIBIT 1.17 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Doghousedigital - Lily a46468b27d59f73b2a 79 14.09.2020 17:40:48 14.09.2020 15:40:48 Lane All About The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 45421 Amazing Tits 11 4b761be8a104cedef6 Rack [720p HD].mp4 40cd SHA1: Doghousedigital - Lily a46468b27d59f73b2a 80 07.09.2020 15:55:52 07.09.2020 13:55:52 Lane All About The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48692 Amazing Tits 11 4b761be8a104cedef6 Rack [720p HD].mp4 40cd

EXHIBIT 1.18 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: suckxxx- a87eec8cf7d73d3038 81 04.09.2020 20:22:06 04.09.2020 18:22:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 32013 Amazing Tits Vol. 2 amazingtits2d2.mp4 ca63dd63747f4bab19 bbba

EXHIBIT 1.19 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen. SHA1: 18.08.12.Kendra.Sund 64f22f88c8def82f9ec6 An American in 82 30.08.2020 19:44:18 30.08.2020 17:44:18 erland.XXX. Telia Company libtorrent/ 58111 222bc1805c9ca8be8b Greece 720p.WEB.x264- 35 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.20 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: d72ba8240290ebda8f Anal Casting Volume 83 12.09.2020 02:30:07 12.09.2020 00:30:07 cic-anacast2.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51614 ade7744758d8e08509 2 dcb0

EXHIBIT 1.21 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 08f22bd8af909059a6d 84 06.09.2020 15:02:02 06.09.2020 13:02:02 18.01.31.kenzie.reeve Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 40313 Anal Confession bbd6cdd3c1b4ad62b2 s[tk][480p].mp4 0b4

EXHIBIT 1.22 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: HardX - Keira Croft - 2cae12f4eb0c2e7092 Anal Cream Pies VOL. 85 15.09.2020 13:52:28 15.09.2020 11:52:28 Schoolgirl Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63091 9554690ce999d7f954 5 Special.mp4 ba34

EXHIBIT 1.23 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Nicole Aniston SHA1: - Anal On The First 4d82add27f7568f6d59 Anal On The First 86 31.08.2020 10:10:04 31.08.2020 08:10:04 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 43611 Date (22.11.2017) tk a64f777e43a27bd646 Date (1k).mp4 52e

EXHIBIT 1.24 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Lena Paul, f445823ee2bb5e4bf48 87 13.09.2020 23:33:56 13.09.2020 21:33:56 Abella Danger - Anal Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 6881 Anal Sharing 86eb8490df47acc438 Sharing.mp4 c4e

EXHIBIT 1.25 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: TUSHY_100750- 7a014ab049602f6546 88 09.09.2020 16:23:33 09.09.2020 14:23:33 Telia Company libtorrent/ 52805 Anal With A Millionaire NANCY_1080P.mp4 61fbb7850869ed326f8 cea

EXHIBIT 1.26 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen. SHA1: 20.09.06.Apple.Botto f84a4aab83c5913bda 89 16.09.2020 08:58:42 16.09.2020 06:58:42 Telia Company Vuze 60138 Apple Bottom m.Compilation. de9645833e2b341892 480p.mp4 8196 Vixen. SHA1: 20.09.06.Apple.Botto f84a4aab83c5913bda 90 15.09.2020 23:48:29 15.09.2020 21:48:29 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 52866 Apple Bottom m.Compilation. de9645833e2b341892 480p.mp4 8196 Vixen. SHA1: 20.09.06.Apple.Botto f84a4aab83c5913bda 91 14.09.2020 18:23:26 14.09.2020 16:23:26 Telia Company -qB4250- 61923 Apple Bottom m.Compilation. de9645833e2b341892 480p.mp4 8196 Vixen. SHA1: 20.09.06.Apple.Botto f84a4aab83c5913bda 92 15.09.2020 09:38:10 15.09.2020 07:38:10 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56426 Apple Bottom m.Compilation. de9645833e2b341892 480p.mp4 8196 Vixen. SHA1: 20.09.06.Apple.Botto f84a4aab83c5913bda 93 14.09.2020 02:18:48 14.09.2020 00:18:48 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 30783 Apple Bottom m.Compilation. de9645833e2b341892 480p.mp4 8196

EXHIBIT 1.27 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked. SHA1: 20.07.25.May.Thai.XX 4a6c363df991f83d012 94 13.09.2020 18:14:50 13.09.2020 16:14:50 Telia Company libtorrent/ 55019 Apprentice X.720p.WEB.x264- a9d5bf13c2af2d53c4e GalaXXXy.mkv d3 Blacked. SHA1: 20.07.25.May.Thai.XX 4a6c363df991f83d012 95 10.09.2020 17:07:42 10.09.2020 15:07:42 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 54819 Apprentice X.720p.WEB.x264- a9d5bf13c2af2d53c4e GalaXXXy.mkv d3 Blacked. SHA1: 20.07.25.May.Thai.XX 4a6c363df991f83d012 96 16.09.2020 12:10:54 16.09.2020 10:10:54 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63320 Apprentice X.720p.WEB.x264- a9d5bf13c2af2d53c4e GalaXXXy.mkv d3 Blacked. SHA1: 20.07.25.May.Thai.XX 4a6c363df991f83d012 97 09.09.2020 09:18:48 09.09.2020 07:18:48 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53962 Apprentice X.720p.WEB.x264- a9d5bf13c2af2d53c4e GalaXXXy.mkv d3

EXHIBIT 1.28 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Art Of Romance 8 7b94c472b4b89b83ee Art Of Romance VOL. 98 08.09.2020 16:21:47 08.09.2020 14:21:47 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company µTorrent 3.1.3 31400 a4d0945719f75587a7 8 PnY.mp4 8452

EXHIBIT 1.29 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 81f9d25698e60d56e4 Asians Love You Long 99 13.09.2020 17:40:43 13.09.2020 15:40:43 Kimberly Chi.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 16221 02111b4a1f9471a19c Time 72c2 SHA1: 81f9d25698e60d56e4 Asians Love You Long 100 06.09.2020 16:12:17 06.09.2020 14:12:17 Kimberly Chi.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 25536 02111b4a1f9471a19c Time 72c2

EXHIBIT 1.30 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. 065b1472f2a54901dd 101 13.09.2020 23:58:29 13.09.2020 21:58:29 19.05.24.mia.melano. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 30285 Audition ecaff5a50d10d7d3820 mp4 130

EXHIBIT 1.31 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Tori Black - 62c92b416712660f35 102 26.08.2020 12:47:23 26.08.2020 10:47:23 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 21687 Award Season Award Season.mp4 75f3789860dfdb90a1a 4c2

EXHIBIT 1.32 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Axel Brauns Busty SHA1: Hotwives 2 (2020) b4a5cee554534f1738 Axel Braun's Busty 103 14.09.2020 09:45:48 14.09.2020 07:45:48 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48688 WEB-DL XXX- 54dd131739d822495d Hotwives 2 PnY.mp4 9790

EXHIBIT 1.33 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 109 12.09.2020 22:10:52 12.09.2020 20:10:52 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 46603 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 110 05.09.2020 20:20:24 05.09.2020 18:20:24 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 3938 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 111 04.09.2020 15:39:10 04.09.2020 13:39:10 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 1.8.8 58770 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 112 14.09.2020 10:14:29 14.09.2020 08:14:29 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company libtorrent/ 62141 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 113 05.09.2020 20:48:22 05.09.2020 18:48:22 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 31674 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.01.12.Cory.Chase. eb03182a2a7d4799c0 114 04.09.2020 12:28:13 04.09.2020 10:28:13 And.Brandi.Love.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62403 BBC Club 9ce4cbe0239283efb3 720p.WEB.x264- c1ab GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.34 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Spencer Bradley - Bad 499228d039c6604785 104 11.09.2020 02:26:23 11.09.2020 00:26:23 Babysitters 6 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64543 Bad babysitters 6 0a797529e062b5a2e9 09.06.20.mp4 60e6 SHA1: Spencer Bradley - Bad e5cd168779afb45559 105 08.09.2020 11:49:34 08.09.2020 09:49:34 Babysitters 6 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63454 Bad babysitters 6 88547cc2c8649dee0b 092620.mp4 53aa SHA1: 257850e72634454d42 106 11.09.2020 22:51:40 11.09.2020 20:51:40 BBS6.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55990 Bad babysitters 6 36f21a1ac0eb31c0ea e0b6

EXHIBIT 1.35 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked - Adriana SHA1: Chechik, Vicki Chase, e9db8be26b56bff69ac 107 28.08.2020 23:58:21 28.08.2020 21:58:21 Telia Company µTorrent 1.8.3 30103 BadBitches Teanna Trump - 9279777644ae132988 BadBitches.mp4 a8f Blacked - Adriana SHA1: Chechik, Vicki Chase, e9db8be26b56bff69ac 108 09.09.2020 09:30:12 09.09.2020 07:30:12 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 53867 BadBitches Teanna Trump - 9279777644ae132988 BadBitches.mp4 a8f

EXHIBIT 1.36 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Kylie Page, ee4d29ba667e69950a 115 13.09.2020 20:31:26 13.09.2020 18:31:26 Lena Paul - Best Telia Company libtorrent/ 49650 Best Friends For Ever a31279f7fa846bf696bf Friends For Ever.mp4 9d

EXHIBIT 1.37 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Best Of Shades Of 6915d6a92c8a976ebd Best Of Shades Of 116 09.09.2020 08:39:19 09.09.2020 06:39:19 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 45682 Kink.mp4 d0e89e59e3b2f2c586 Kink 93de

EXHIBIT 1.38 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 117 15.09.2020 20:57:27 15.09.2020 18:57:27 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 32918 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 vixen. SHA1: 20.08.14.adriana.chec d29cfb0432a39643ec 118 14.09.2020 11:22:05 14.09.2020 09:22:05 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39103 Between Besties 9e8f9847b566c9a9e5f 4 96e SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 119 03.09.2020 19:46:44 03.09.2020 17:46:44 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 57935 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 120 31.08.2020 20:55:37 31.08.2020 18:55:37 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63334 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 121 12.09.2020 23:11:04 12.09.2020 21:11:04 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 58326 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 122 27.08.2020 18:26:53 27.08.2020 16:26:53 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62839 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 123 26.08.2020 22:02:07 26.08.2020 20:02:07 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company Vuze 28687 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 124 15.09.2020 14:29:36 15.09.2020 12:29:36 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58931 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155 Vixen. SHA1: 20.08.14.Adriana.Che a14ad29072c617aa24 125 07.09.2020 20:42:39 07.09.2020 18:42:39 chik.And.Jill.Kassidy.X Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 52879 Between Besties e9344085ba12e3a297 XX.720p.WEB.x264- 736b GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: Vixen - Adriana 7b649e9baf5dee4a49 126 30.08.2020 18:04:11 30.08.2020 16:04:11 Chechik, Jill Kassidy - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 58567 Between Besties ae08b8485550462593 Between Besties.mp4 7155

EXHIBIT 1.39 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: suckxxx- 33286f429a1ab03fb53 127 10.09.2020 20:52:13 10.09.2020 18:52:13 bigbeautifulbutts3d2.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 32013 Big Beautiful Butts 3 7b81c6b0946098f23c p4 7cb SHA1: suckxxx- 685585974a4376c9aa 128 10.09.2020 03:09:23 10.09.2020 01:09:23 bigbeautifulbutts3d1.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 19296 Big Beautiful Butts 3 e6966137907c622f67 p4 e7da SHA1: suckxxx- 33286f429a1ab03fb53 129 13.09.2020 13:55:23 13.09.2020 11:55:23 bigbeautifulbutts3d2.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 61200 Big Beautiful Butts 3 7b81c6b0946098f23c p4 7cb

EXHIBIT 1.40 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Skye Blue - Big Tit 7c2743f675ba0b0a53 130 13.09.2020 22:01:17 13.09.2020 20:01:17 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53366 Big Tit Tutors 3 Tutors 3 091120.mp4 e933fba192911fb7446 1fa

EXHIBIT 1.41 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: RealityJunkies. bd1fbda85d8cfdb7177 131 05.09.2020 06:05:40 05.09.2020 04:05:40 20.09.04.Violet.Myers. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 8999 Big Titted Nurses 2 5e36b967345f639179 .mp4 1f6

EXHIBIT 1.42 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: btra- 043633a922aaa8d971 132 06.09.2020 10:01:46 06.09.2020 08:01:46 Telia Company libtorrent/ 38252 Big Titty Pops! bigtittypopsd2.mp4 ff3b3ddbb2b1c57f869 55e

EXHIBIT 1.43 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: elegantangel.big.wet.b d8168a803705c9b439 133 10.09.2020 17:46:33 10.09.2020 15:46:33 Telia Company Transmission 2.92 51413 Big Wet Black Tits 5 lack.tits.5.fullhd.mp4 59c65220b4a7e92abb 1d20

EXHIBIT 1.44 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: horndogs- ba3f078f528c43b8d76 Black Anal Asses 134 13.09.2020 23:23:46 13.09.2020 21:23:46 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57964 blackanalasses4.mp4 088d40f0d1f05d5e205 VOL. 4 5a SHA1: horndogs- ba3f078f528c43b8d76 Black Anal Asses 135 09.09.2020 12:19:12 09.09.2020 10:19:12 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50113 blackanalasses4.mp4 088d40f0d1f05d5e205 VOL. 4 5a

EXHIBIT 1.45 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: darkx. b6853dfc07728d273f0 Black And Blonde 136 10.09.2020 14:15:26 10.09.2020 12:15:26 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 17761 112f4ecaa523823c5b VOL. 2 4f3

EXHIBIT 1.46 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 7761fbb560632965e7 137 05.09.2020 01:22:38 04.09.2020 23:22:38 ps-bandg3.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55066 Black And Ginger 3 139fdab12da74406b2 2893 SHA1: 7761fbb560632965e7 138 07.09.2020 13:09:18 07.09.2020 11:09:18 ps-bandg3.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60852 Black And Ginger 3 139fdab12da74406b2 2893

EXHIBIT 1.47 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: DevilsFilm - Angelina d268b7038b8556f78e 139 15.09.2020 13:21:55 15.09.2020 11:21:55 Diamanti Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.3 50207 Blacked Out 12 0dd50785ac34b9d153 Gangbang.mp4 2a02 SHA1: DevilsFilm - Angelina d268b7038b8556f78e 140 12.09.2020 09:42:29 12.09.2020 07:42:29 Diamanti Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52352 Blacked Out 12 0dd50785ac34b9d153 Gangbang.mp4 2a02 devilsfilm. SHA1: 20.08.23.angelina.dia 52c80614c212fe5a9a 141 06.09.2020 18:56:52 06.09.2020 16:56:52 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 35612 Blacked Out 12 manti.interracial.anal.g 4d406683885b739ba9 angbang.mp4 f7be devilsfilm. SHA1: d1d603d9866deee825 142 30.08.2020 01:16:20 29.08.2020 23:16:20 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52646 Blacked Out 12 terracial.anal.gangban 2398a2e52cbef22782 g.720p.mp4 a347

EXHIBIT 1.48 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BLACKEDRAW - SHA1: Naomi Swann - a882b2a16ec7d3721b 143 12.09.2020 01:39:30 11.09.2020 23:39:30 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62895 Blacked Swan Blacked Swan b17383fb7746dfa0d78 [10.14.19][540P].mp4 26d

EXHIBIT 1.49 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BLACKED. SHA1: 16.02.05.Elsa.Jean.An f5cdfdef40688af35ddc Blonde Babes Enjoy 144 06.09.2020 23:52:52 06.09.2020 21:52:52 d.Zoey.Monroe.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54612 ce138105faa49fac481 BBC Foursome 720p.WEB.x264- 5 GalaXXXy.mkv BLACKED. SHA1: 16.02.05.Elsa.Jean.An f5cdfdef40688af35ddc Blonde Babes Enjoy 145 06.09.2020 11:57:24 06.09.2020 09:57:24 d.Zoey.Monroe.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.4 9276 ce138105faa49fac481 BBC Foursome 720p.WEB.x264- 5 GalaXXXy.mkv BLACKED. SHA1: 16.02.05.Elsa.Jean.An f5cdfdef40688af35ddc Blonde Babes Enjoy 146 06.09.2020 11:41:36 06.09.2020 09:41:36 d.Zoey.Monroe.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62403 ce138105faa49fac481 BBC Foursome 720p.WEB.x264- 5 GalaXXXy.mkv BLACKED. SHA1: 16.02.05.Elsa.Jean.An f5cdfdef40688af35ddc Blonde Babes Enjoy 147 11.09.2020 16:14:21 11.09.2020 14:14:21 d.Zoey.Monroe.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57204 ce138105faa49fac481 BBC Foursome 720p.WEB.x264- 5 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.50 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: TushyRaw - Anya c5fb2762e7b26fda895 148 27.08.2020 16:29:12 27.08.2020 14:29:12 Olsen - Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 38234 Blonde Bombshell 67381f9ea849db2413 Bombshell.mp4 541 SHA1: tushyraw. b07d69cb33def77684 149 11.09.2020 04:46:40 11.09.2020 02:46:40 20.08.12.anya.olsen. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 4408 Blonde Bombshell 47249f740c27ec6047 mp4 9f11

EXHIBIT 1.51 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. f48170abce2570e366 150 13.09.2020 12:05:27 13.09.2020 10:05:27 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Body Double 5259c5ebd8cbb3ff104 d.riley.steele.mp4 32e SHA1: Deeper - Elsa Jean, 3ae76a40c6a52f31c1 151 13.09.2020 02:19:35 13.09.2020 00:19:35 Riley Steele - Body Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56846 Body Double 1a205ffbc9121dc2806 Double.mp4 4e1 SHA1: Deeper - Elsa Jean, 3ae76a40c6a52f31c1 152 16.09.2020 11:29:32 16.09.2020 09:29:32 Riley Steele - Body Telia Company BitTorrent 7.7.3 60310 Body Double 1a205ffbc9121dc2806 Double.mp4 4e1

EXHIBIT 1.52 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: newsensations. b1fc969c871ad0b111d 153 27.08.2020 09:36:49 27.08.2020 07:36:49 18.08.22.sofie.marie. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51866 Boss Lady II 985bf1dd2a78503b4c mp4 a39

EXHIBIT 1.53 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushyraw. 885d13920906c9563f 154 15.09.2020 17:43:05 15.09.2020 15:43:05 19.07.03.gabbie.carter Telia Company -qB4250- 41813 Bounce Bounce 36d089cdd3812d3127 .mp4 984c

EXHIBIT 1.54 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: wicked. e6761ea7288935aa66 155 16.09.2020 11:24:09 16.09.2020 09:24:09 20.07.31.ashley.aleigh Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63909 Brown Sugar 4 97914d18d3c8109d6b .mp4 6f14

EXHIBIT 1.55 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: DevilsFilm. e288eb673ca8473a67 156 06.09.2020 23:32:15 06.09.2020 21:32:15 20.09.06.Britney.Amb Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53968 Bush League 13 2d46fca60a22a9415d er..mp4 410c DevilsFilm.Annabel.R SHA1: edd.Busty.Girl.Plays. 63a3bc2edf261938f3d 157 29.08.2020 23:13:42 29.08.2020 21:13:42 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 17899 Bush League 13 With.Her.Bush. 69792b8978c5bc8e38 29.08.2020..mp4 4db

EXHIBIT 1.56 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Eliza 5af65fc2f36fde10482d 158 08.09.2020 04:10:18 08.09.2020 02:10:18 Ibarra - Bye Telia Company libtorrent/ 54823 Bye Boyfriend 4c645e22493bbb1e7a Boyfriend.mp4 41 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Eliza 5af65fc2f36fde10482d 159 29.08.2020 07:06:45 29.08.2020 05:06:45 Ibarra - Bye Telia Company libtorrent/ 55968 Bye Boyfriend 4c645e22493bbb1e7a Boyfriend.mp4 41 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Eliza 5af65fc2f36fde10482d 160 29.08.2020 22:04:28 29.08.2020 20:04:28 Ibarra - Bye Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 21292 Bye Boyfriend 4c645e22493bbb1e7a Boyfriend.mp4 41

EXHIBIT 1.57 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Vixen] Jessa Rhodes SHA1: - Just Fuck Me 8f55c47ac0c8fed6f30 Can We Do This 161 07.09.2020 01:46:38 06.09.2020 23:46:38 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 19090 Already! (27.08.2017) e2c094965b3cf4749fa Already?! rq (1k).mp4 41

EXHIBIT 1.58 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Nicole Aniston a827b61b71b5f572aff 162 31.08.2020 07:09:05 31.08.2020 05:09:05 - Cant Hardly Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 11311 Can't Hardly Wait 3a7e16bba64710df9e Wait.mp4 983

EXHIBIT 1.59 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Lana 2f73a144b780b7d386 163 30.08.2020 22:47:32 30.08.2020 20:47:32 Rhoades - Can't Stop, Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39877 Can't Stop, Won't Stop c021b9dfca2c674931 Won't Stop.mp4 dee8

EXHIBIT 1.60 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.08.05.Gabbie.Cart 91fe8ae03cca599aad 164 08.09.2020 11:25:20 08.09.2020 09:25:20 er.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 56629 Can't Wait 78f18a27287445ada8 720p.WEB.x264- 953a GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.61 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. a6045f8c7ce11dde70 Can't Wait For That 165 08.09.2020 21:44:30 08.09.2020 19:44:30 18.02.11.angela.white. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58924 ab0689e4a785efebdfe BBC mp4 6ef

EXHIBIT 1.62 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Captain.Marvel.XXX.A SHA1: n.Axel.Braun.Parody.X 9fb0ef5c50ad41c07c4 166 13.09.2020 04:39:49 13.09.2020 02:39:49 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 39792 Captain Marvel XXX XX.DVDRip.x264- d0310fe30195fa672d0 XCiTE.mp4 3d Captain.Marvel.XXX.A SHA1: n.Axel.Braun.Parody.X 9fb0ef5c50ad41c07c4 167 08.09.2020 10:16:41 08.09.2020 08:16:41 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56428 Captain Marvel XXX XX.DVDRip.x264- d0310fe30195fa672d0 XCiTE.mp4 3d

EXHIBIT 1.63 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- 7428fae449acd00dd7 168 04.09.2020 11:38:47 04.09.2020 09:38:47 classicstarsofxxx2d2. Telia Company Vuze 15611 Classic Stars of XXX 2 5e04fff3c6f976ff25189 mp4 c SHA1: digitalsin- 5d381b194f619d5f60d 169 15.09.2020 18:08:55 15.09.2020 16:08:55 classicstarsofxxx2d1. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22576 Classic Stars of XXX 2 935536c1384aea8906 mp4 eb1

EXHIBIT 1.64 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Chloe Amour - e07877b71cf19666b4 170 14.09.2020 07:14:50 14.09.2020 05:14:50 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 11768 Closing With Anal Closing With Anal.mp4 8388ab9c202988860a c477

EXHIBIT 1.65 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked. SHA1: 18.09.17.Mia.Melano. a46145e0fd10946ed6 171 04.09.2020 23:33:41 04.09.2020 21:33:41 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60453 Cold Feet XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 395af7401551391ed9 GalaXXXy.mkv 02ca Blacked. SHA1: 18.09.17.Mia.Melano. a46145e0fd10946ed6 172 02.09.2020 18:01:22 02.09.2020 16:01:22 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51044 Cold Feet XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 395af7401551391ed9 GalaXXXy.mkv 02ca

EXHIBIT 1.66 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Teanna efa937808f0ed58a57b 173 26.08.2020 23:07:40 26.08.2020 21:07:40 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22439 Collab Trump - Collab.mp4 5b7902f86cc46ffef4a8 8 SHA1: Blacked - Teanna efa937808f0ed58a57b 174 12.09.2020 22:40:24 12.09.2020 20:40:24 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54440 Collab Trump - Collab.mp4 5b7902f86cc46ffef4a8 8

EXHIBIT 1.67 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 175 12.09.2020 12:00:55 12.09.2020 10:00:55 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 176 05.09.2020 15:14:35 05.09.2020 13:14:35 Carter - Come Get Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56812 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me 4b284a0c691291b704 177 05.09.2020 00:24:59 04.09.2020 22:24:59 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49348 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 7185928caad62c0d41 720p.mp4 5773 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 178 04.09.2020 22:52:05 04.09.2020 20:52:05 Carter - Come Get Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 50575 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 179 04.09.2020 20:58:11 04.09.2020 18:58:11 Carter - Come Get Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me 4b284a0c691291b704 180 04.09.2020 11:43:20 04.09.2020 09:43:20 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 44136 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 7185928caad62c0d41 720p.mp4 5773 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 181 03.09.2020 18:11:05 03.09.2020 16:11:05 Carter - Come Get Telia Company BitTorrent 7.4.2 24874 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 182 02.09.2020 22:13:34 02.09.2020 20:13:34 Carter - Come Get Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.2 23593 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 183 02.09.2020 16:13:43 02.09.2020 14:13:43 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 53390 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 184 02.09.2020 09:05:40 02.09.2020 07:05:40 Carter - Come Get Telia Company Vuze 50574 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 185 01.09.2020 23:39:39 01.09.2020 21:39:39 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company -WW0097- 62554 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 186 01.09.2020 12:03:21 01.09.2020 10:03:21 Carter - Come Get Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 187 01.09.2020 06:58:27 01.09.2020 04:58:27 Telia Company libtorrent/ 28024 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 188 12.09.2020 12:16:39 12.09.2020 10:16:39 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 46937 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 189 14.09.2020 11:34:32 14.09.2020 09:34:32 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 21719 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 190 06.09.2020 18:24:34 06.09.2020 16:24:34 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 32192 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 191 04.09.2020 12:00:28 04.09.2020 10:00:28 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52532 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 192 03.09.2020 20:53:16 03.09.2020 18:53:16 Carter - Come Get Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 58627 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 193 01.09.2020 06:48:31 01.09.2020 04:48:31 Carter - Come Get Telia Company Vuze 57011 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 194 01.09.2020 15:54:20 01.09.2020 13:54:20 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 64172 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: EXHIBIT Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 195 10.09.2020 19:39:54 10.09.2020 17:39:54 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 47377 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b 1.68 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 196 04.09.2020 13:38:47 04.09.2020 11:38:47 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 61808 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 197 02.09.2020 10:48:48 02.09.2020 08:48:48 Carter - Come Get Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62071 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 198 01.09.2020 18:10:11 01.09.2020 16:10:11 Carter - Come Get Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 8033 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 199 09.09.2020 21:19:42 09.09.2020 19:19:42 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55527 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 200 01.09.2020 21:57:18 01.09.2020 19:57:18 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57660 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 201 01.09.2020 07:43:56 01.09.2020 05:43:56 Carter - Come Get Telia Company µTorrent 1.8 42451 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f SHA1: BlackedRaw - Gabbie 97034278b4ae0281df 202 15.09.2020 15:48:33 15.09.2020 13:48:33 Carter - Come Get Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60182 Come Get Me a31cb3dc5d5a0943b1 Me.mp4 8f5f [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me c133d6e28e71854f7c 203 13.09.2020 01:32:50 12.09.2020 23:32:50 Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.2 64237 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 9e476be465cd63be1c 1080p.mp4 8c2b [BlackedRaw] Gabbie SHA1: Carter - Come Get Me 4b284a0c691291b704 204 12.09.2020 11:12:18 12.09.2020 09:12:18 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39966 Come Get Me (31-08-2020) 7185928caad62c0d41 720p.mp4 5773 SHA1: BlackedRaw.Gabbie.C 4f3caa9d7d8185f294d 205 01.09.2020 14:07:49 01.09.2020 12:07:49 arter...Come.Get.Me. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62227 Come Get Me ff09e8276bdec62d8a4 31.08.2020..mp4 1c No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. af5e9f5a7c0f50a3a0c 206 30.08.2020 10:39:58 30.08.2020 08:39:58 19.09.28.kenzie.reeve Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64103 Commission cca08c875b36921047 704

EXHIBIT 1.69 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Marley Brinx - fdeab1b3e4d42d587b 207 16.09.2020 11:45:26 16.09.2020 09:45:26 Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.3 40191 Conflicted Conflicted.mp4 2ee02f380247c859ca 6eeb SHA1: Tushy - Marley Brinx - fdeab1b3e4d42d587b 208 12.09.2020 14:43:44 12.09.2020 12:43:44 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52381 Conflicted Conflicted.mp4 2ee02f380247c859ca 6eeb SHA1: Tushy - Marley Brinx - fdeab1b3e4d42d587b 209 06.09.2020 22:48:54 06.09.2020 20:48:54 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 45517 Conflicted Conflicted.mp4 2ee02f380247c859ca 6eeb SHA1: Tushy - Marley Brinx - fdeab1b3e4d42d587b 210 07.09.2020 01:19:51 06.09.2020 23:19:51 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59405 Conflicted Conflicted.mp4 2ee02f380247c859ca 6eeb

EXHIBIT 1.70 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked - AJ SHA1: Applegate - 0f35b475e5aa4ffc774 Convincing My 211 28.08.2020 15:11:26 28.08.2020 13:11:26 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 58375 Convincing My bbb038aedbd8ff112f9 Investor Investor.mp4 e9

EXHIBIT 1.71 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: c74830df458fda3caa5 212 13.09.2020 20:31:09 13.09.2020 18:31:09 Reagan Foxx.mp4 Telia Company BiglyBT 25989 Cougar BDSM 6 157f8946f3ef0a71446 27

EXHIBIT 1.72 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. 8a2c71fefd09910a912 213 04.09.2020 18:04:50 04.09.2020 16:04:50 19.02.06.cherry.kiss.a Telia Company Tixati 2.71 59370 Couldn't Wait 23ad479d3b96b3f7b3 nd.kira.thorn.4k.mp4 e30 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Cherry 6a894bf3e216f8344b4 214 15.09.2020 01:46:24 14.09.2020 23:46:24 Kiss, Kira Thorn - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22008 Couldn't Wait 3b3f4799b2a8986eaf9 Couldn't Wait.mp4 4a

EXHIBIT 1.73 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City deeper. SHA1: 19.04.14.janice.griffith. 51ef85d76bba958f450 215 13.09.2020 12:34:03 13.09.2020 10:34:03 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 49643 Coupledom part 2 and.liv.wild.coupledom b5ec8c27db8a1ac09b .part.2.mp4 c05

EXHIBIT 1.74 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.24.Ashley.Lane. 857a581b7b90169ebf 216 04.09.2020 09:19:07 04.09.2020 07:19:07 And.Scarlit.Scandal.X Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 30792 Crazy Night 295cb5ee02a67aa62f XX.SD.MP4- b62b KLEENEX.mp4 SHA1: blackedraw. e1be70247f57732517 217 28.08.2020 00:42:50 27.08.2020 22:42:50 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64225 Crazy Night 1b575345e5401ba627 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 ce46 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.24.Ashley.Lane. dc1bb170dce25c4cdc 218 14.09.2020 10:31:16 14.09.2020 08:31:16 And.Scarlit.Scandal.X Telia Company libtorrent/ 62964 Crazy Night 62acbde3603720564c XX.720p.WEB.x264- 99f5 GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 219 16.09.2020 07:11:58 16.09.2020 05:11:58 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company libtorrent/ 34127 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Ashley 44879ca5156c6b94fa 220 13.09.2020 23:47:24 13.09.2020 21:47:24 Lane, Scarlit Scandal - Telia Company libtorrent/ 53229 Crazy Night b93a6d4fd160abb868 Crazy Night.mp4 9d82 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 221 27.08.2020 08:17:04 27.08.2020 06:17:04 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.4 50299 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 222 26.08.2020 08:48:37 26.08.2020 06:48:37 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company libtorrent/ 52147 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 223 12.09.2020 23:49:12 12.09.2020 21:49:12 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48443 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 224 02.09.2020 10:02:46 02.09.2020 08:02:46 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55692 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 225 30.08.2020 05:21:23 30.08.2020 03:21:23 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63207 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 226 28.08.2020 14:39:36 28.08.2020 12:39:36 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company Vuze 51889 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.24.Ashley.Lane. 857a581b7b90169ebf 227 28.08.2020 08:10:43 28.08.2020 06:10:43 And.Scarlit.Scandal.X Telia Company �Torrent 1.6.1 52508 Crazy Night 295cb5ee02a67aa62f XX.SD.MP4- b62b KLEENEX.mp4 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.24.Ashley.Lane. dc1bb170dce25c4cdc 228 10.09.2020 16:37:17 10.09.2020 14:37:17 And.Scarlit.Scandal.X Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 50073 Crazy Night 62acbde3603720564c XX.720p.WEB.x264- 99f5 GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 229 05.09.2020 00:33:50 04.09.2020 22:33:50 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 58660 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 230 30.08.2020 11:03:04 30.08.2020 09:03:04 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 25208 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Ashley 44879ca5156c6b94fa 231 27.08.2020 03:55:42 27.08.2020 01:55:42 Lane, Scarlit Scandal - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23183 Crazy Night b93a6d4fd160abb868 Crazy Night.mp4 9d82 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 232 28.08.2020 23:27:50 28.08.2020 21:27:50 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.10 8999 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979 SHA1: blackedraw. 15703c64531b7f3820 233 12.09.2020 00:53:52 11.09.2020 22:53:52 20.08.24.ashley.lane.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 30285 Crazy Night 339c06473b13ab5fc5 nd.scarlit.scandal.mp4 0979

EXHIBIT 1.75 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Red Fox - f6ce08796e7200ea08 Crush On The 234 05.09.2020 18:41:47 05.09.2020 16:41:47 Crush On The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 27877 45ff9313369cf337c20 Photographer Photographer.mp4 7bf

EXHIBIT 1.76 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: a136e247b027d9bd52 Cum Swapping 235 13.09.2020 21:55:31 13.09.2020 19:55:31 CSS2.mp4 Telia Company Tixati 2.75 7780 fa2ba165a03b45514d Stepsisters 2 2b32

EXHIBIT 1.77 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Arian Joy, Tiny 0b55ea4ed863024f13 Cum Swapping 236 13.09.2020 00:09:34 12.09.2020 22:09:34 Telia Company Tixati 2.75 7919 Tina.mp4 9011ee591b6f602dee Threesomes 4 5b48

EXHIBIT 1.78 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Lexi Belle - f70a608080ee69c5b9 237 28.08.2020 13:20:07 28.08.2020 11:20:07 Customer Telia Company BitLord 2.4.5 62602 Customer Service d8441c04342d089f1a Service.mp4 8c1e

EXHIBIT 1.79 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [HardX] Victoria Voxxx 07a48c8c1d5698a0c5 250 06.09.2020 11:44:32 06.09.2020 09:44:32 - Extreme DP Telia Company μTorrent 3.4.5 59307 DP Me VOL. 10 26b3907b7f6e273db6 (02.08.2019) rq.mp4 990c SHA1: 4667d6e3aa6e5b0d89 251 01.09.2020 16:15:07 01.09.2020 14:15:07 cic-dpme10.mp4 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 54934 DP Me VOL. 10 34618c7af502dff7658 741

EXHIBIT 1.80 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: gush. a2c6d9f4c963162b7c 238 09.09.2020 12:39:14 09.09.2020 10:39:14 720p.daddys.anal.cuti Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50113 Daddy's anal cutie 8395712da643abc123 e.mp4 6093

EXHIBIT 1.81 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Avi a5e505efbc4dba0b9af 239 16.09.2020 10:05:12 16.09.2020 08:05:12 Telia Company Vuze 49606 Damn Girl Love - Damn Girl.mp4 d15cd2dd8d6285bf83 4b8

EXHIBIT 1.82 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 13b2d595f13a2fab060 240 04.09.2020 01:05:12 03.09.2020 23:05:12 digital-itsbig3d1.mp4 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Damn it's Big Vol. 3 ecab0b2fc6738764ee 81c

EXHIBIT 1.83 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Lacey d288b6baad13f53ffb7 Did You Enjoy The 241 13.09.2020 17:49:42 13.09.2020 15:49:42 Lenix - Did You Enjoy Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 16253 5bf787d3276f1ce0496 Show The Show.mp4 21 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Lacey d288b6baad13f53ffb7 Did You Enjoy The 242 06.09.2020 16:07:05 06.09.2020 14:07:05 Lenix - Did You Enjoy Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 25549 5bf787d3276f1ce0496 Show The Show.mp4 21

EXHIBIT 1.84 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Janice Griffith 6139aef3696f83f031c Do I Have Your 243 30.08.2020 13:09:43 30.08.2020 11:09:43 - Do I Have Your Telia Company client_test/ 53651 0ed30f17be4d3ea235 Attention Attention.mp4 e43 SHA1: Vixen - Janice Griffith 6139aef3696f83f031c Do I Have Your 244 09.09.2020 22:48:48 09.09.2020 20:48:48 - Do I Have Your Telia Company µTorrent 3.1.3 17597 0ed30f17be4d3ea235 Attention Attention.mp4 e43

EXHIBIT 1.85 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 40a119995716d33308 245 14.09.2020 10:37:21 14.09.2020 08:37:21 18.10.27.ava.addams[ Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60911 Dominate Me Please 2d46d612ae23675fbf4 N1C].mp4 45e

EXHIBIT 1.86 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked - Sloan SHA1: Harper - Dont Worry 9c80b087c925d30ba0 Don't Worry We're 246 11.09.2020 18:45:01 11.09.2020 16:45:01 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 55099 We re Only 1f72fc0eaabd8eaadf5 Only Friends Friends.mp4 88a

EXHIBIT 1.87 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Ella b6a4f8a03cef541b14f 247 28.08.2020 13:16:29 28.08.2020 11:16:29 Hughes, Jia Lissa - Telia Company BitLord 2.4.5 57122 Double Dare 57855e9de1369a9298 Double Dare.mp4 ccc

EXHIBIT 1.88 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Alex c365edc953d797ca01 248 06.09.2020 21:12:48 06.09.2020 19:12:48 Coal - Double Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60567 Double Tap d422202c581c63038e Tap.mp4 85e6 SHA1: blackedraw. 2b524b6f6e4161a83f5 249 03.09.2020 20:17:41 03.09.2020 18:17:41 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 22222 Double Tap 48199a67119ecc8efcf 4 67

EXHIBIT 1.89 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. a9d920ac4b609531a8 252 11.09.2020 22:59:04 11.09.2020 20:59:04 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 54622 Early Birds b0cfd947b0922a0646 d.sami.white.mp4 3888

EXHIBIT 1.90 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - European 19a7ee504cc36782eb European Anal 253 02.09.2020 07:40:29 02.09.2020 05:40:29 Anal Adventure - Anya Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 b64fbbbb40981a2317 Adventure Olsen [720p].mp4 bae9

EXHIBIT 1.91 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 17.09.03.Eva.Lovia.X 0c805d61a8c0e4253a 254 02.09.2020 15:22:06 02.09.2020 13:22:06 Telia Company libtorrent/ 57481 Eva: Part 5 XX.720p.WEB.x264- d33ae9ff3c39d3580d2 GalaXXXy.mkv d5f Tushy. SHA1: 17.09.03.Eva.Lovia.X 0c805d61a8c0e4253a 255 05.09.2020 07:54:29 05.09.2020 05:54:29 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 26085 Eva: Part 5 XX.720p.WEB.x264- d33ae9ff3c39d3580d2 GalaXXXy.mkv d5f

EXHIBIT 1.92 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: SweetSinner - Emma 8f1d1e9976d066de46 Family Holiday 256 11.09.2020 15:34:32 11.09.2020 13:34:32 Hix - Family Holiday 2 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64191 ba30ccc2a2208e721f Volume 2 - Part 3.mp4 7eb6

EXHIBIT 1.93 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetsinner. SHA1: 19.12.10.scarlit.scand 6ba51b01be29498f75 Family Holiday 257 14.09.2020 17:20:57 14.09.2020 15:20:57 Telia Company Vuze 27747 9632cc10075887deb7 Volume 3 4k.mp4 fbc4

EXHIBIT 1.94 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 258 15.09.2020 19:49:11 15.09.2020 17:49:11 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41397 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 259 15.09.2020 13:21:30 15.09.2020 11:21:30 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 1564 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 260 15.09.2020 12:28:35 15.09.2020 10:28:35 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 7707 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 261 14.09.2020 19:15:02 14.09.2020 17:15:02 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 53562 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. a753a11b91758a4f1f1 262 14.09.2020 07:06:59 14.09.2020 05:06:59 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/ 63216 Fiery 3194b4b9c74fdcaca6 ation.1080p.mp4 640 SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 263 14.09.2020 14:50:22 14.09.2020 12:50:22 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 56453 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. a753a11b91758a4f1f1 264 16.09.2020 02:52:46 16.09.2020 00:52:46 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 65361 Fiery 3194b4b9c74fdcaca6 ation.1080p.mp4 640 SHA1: Vixen. a753a11b91758a4f1f1 265 14.09.2020 09:50:53 14.09.2020 07:50:53 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 61808 Fiery 3194b4b9c74fdcaca6 ation.1080p.mp4 640 SHA1: Vixen. a753a11b91758a4f1f1 266 15.09.2020 00:20:50 14.09.2020 22:20:50 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 48387 Fiery 3194b4b9c74fdcaca6 ation.1080p.mp4 640 SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 267 14.09.2020 10:27:40 14.09.2020 08:27:40 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54202 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d SHA1: Vixen. c026464732615ea322 268 15.09.2020 09:21:57 15.09.2020 07:21:57 20.09.13.Fiery.Compil Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Fiery 07c124034c7ff482bbe ation.480p.mp4 28d

EXHIBIT 1.95 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Filling Up The 7ccaf63af903f63be05 Filling Up the 269 14.09.2020 02:10:14 14.09.2020 00:10:14 Babysitter 2.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 58114 9d67ebde662e609bd7 Babysitter 2 720P.mp4 e7d

EXHIBIT 1.96 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 8f83f6344a0a539c95c 270 13.09.2020 14:10:30 13.09.2020 12:10:30 20.01.16.stephanie.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48804 First Time Alone 426d9df3ceda524d26 oon.mp4 ba6 SHA1: tushy. 8f83f6344a0a539c95c 271 04.09.2020 22:28:49 04.09.2020 20:28:49 20.01.16.stephanie.m Telia Company libtorrent/ 47979 First Time Alone 426d9df3ceda524d26 oon.mp4 ba6

EXHIBIT 1.97 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 39642f41a9440b656c 272 13.09.2020 13:15:13 13.09.2020 11:15:13 20.08.02.shona.river. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59995 First Time Swinging 8124b92117bf441fdd8 mp4 705

EXHIBIT 1.98 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 7fe7f6cfc3773535623 273 27.08.2020 15:36:33 27.08.2020 13:36:33 Telia Company Vuze 50369 Flexible Boundaries 04ddec0057c18fd215 4 c89

EXHIBIT 1.99 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Aubrey 72906d84d8783bbd85 274 09.09.2020 22:50:18 09.09.2020 20:50:18 Thomas - Freaked Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56870 Freaked On 422446f753190e5876 On.mp4 02df

EXHIBIT 1.100 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Britney 6925967b48b6f7e696 275 14.09.2020 08:14:42 14.09.2020 06:14:42 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 61808 Fringe Benefits Amber [720p HD].mp4 bf1524724affdcfebaeb c5

EXHIBIT 1.101 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: DoghouseDigital. 1021a32bcd73be2701 Full Service Massage 276 03.09.2020 13:46:20 03.09.2020 11:46:20 20.09.02.Jennifer.Men Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.10 8999 45c19a8e702d982466 8 dez..mp4 80e8 SHA1: DoghouseDigital. 1021a32bcd73be2701 Full Service Massage 277 05.09.2020 00:46:00 04.09.2020 22:46:00 20.09.02.Jennifer.Men Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 60491 45c19a8e702d982466 8 dez..mp4 80e8

EXHIBIT 1.102 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Gaggers. 5e89591b86894e96bb 278 06.09.2020 08:58:53 06.09.2020 06:58:53 8.XXX.DVDRip.x264- Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 43225 Gaggers Vol. 8 ebc1762d32260f6750 GalaXXXy.mkv eef5

EXHIBIT 1.103 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City eroticax. SHA1: 19.11.27.natalia.quee 119635c76e406de970 279 06.09.2020 07:08:26 06.09.2020 05:08:26 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58528 Games Lovers Play 2 n.naughty.nurse.natali 73037b40df2a585216 a.mp4 84c8

EXHIBIT 1.104 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 7f088e7b81f5cdfe858 280 07.09.2020 10:03:12 07.09.2020 08:03:12 cic-ganbanme4.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 25785 Gangbang Me 4 b086df91d8f21cd2da9 01

EXHIBIT 1.105 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Hot Bitch Gang 074f94cbace47ba367 281 15.09.2020 23:49:17 15.09.2020 21:49:17 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52461 Gangbang Me 5 Banged (480).mp4 b30193b4eb9ab435f2 8194

EXHIBIT 1.106 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Kayla Kayden, SHA1: Mindi Mink - Gape For dfccbfb7eed852e6617 Gape For My 282 28.08.2020 17:16:48 28.08.2020 15:16:48 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 56648 My Husband d609c4731a1744a986 Husband (16.05.2018) rq.mp4 2a9 [Tushy] Kayla Kayden, SHA1: Mindi Mink - Gape For dfccbfb7eed852e6617 Gape For My 283 27.08.2020 23:09:11 27.08.2020 21:09:11 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54612 My Husband d609c4731a1744a986 Husband (16.05.2018) rq.mp4 2a9 [Tushy] Kayla Kayden, SHA1: Mindi Mink - Gape For dfccbfb7eed852e6617 Gape For My 284 29.08.2020 00:59:57 28.08.2020 22:59:57 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61488 My Husband d609c4731a1744a986 Husband (16.05.2018) rq.mp4 2a9

EXHIBIT 1.107 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - e15841938e8fda9ee8 285 27.08.2020 15:30:11 27.08.2020 13:30:11 Kymberlie Rose - Get Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 56337 Get it c8adc8f8a8694b4793 it.mp4 bffb SHA1: blackedraw. 1f20d6a7008b7ccec3 286 27.08.2020 08:44:07 27.08.2020 06:44:07 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 38982 Get it 410a20efacc4ac55cea se.mp4 adc BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.17.Kymberlie.R 39022d1ad399cc33ec 287 10.09.2020 23:18:56 10.09.2020 21:18:56 ose.XXX. Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 53434 Get it e752d4114d43f1aeee 720p.WEB.x264- 5e3e GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: blackedraw. 1f20d6a7008b7ccec3 288 27.08.2020 23:36:18 27.08.2020 21:36:18 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Get it 410a20efacc4ac55cea se.mp4 adc BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.17.Kymberlie.R 39022d1ad399cc33ec 289 14.09.2020 05:32:59 14.09.2020 03:32:59 ose.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49945 Get it e752d4114d43f1aeee 720p.WEB.x264- 5e3e GalaXXXy.mkv BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.08.17.Kymberlie.R 39022d1ad399cc33ec 290 08.09.2020 21:55:15 08.09.2020 19:55:15 ose.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22008 Get it e752d4114d43f1aeee 720p.WEB.x264- 5e3e GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: blackedraw. 1f20d6a7008b7ccec3 291 05.09.2020 16:16:18 05.09.2020 14:16:18 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54281 Get it 410a20efacc4ac55cea se.mp4 adc SHA1: BlackedRaw - e15841938e8fda9ee8 292 29.08.2020 01:17:11 28.08.2020 23:17:11 Kymberlie Rose - Get Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62234 Get it c8adc8f8a8694b4793 it.mp4 bffb SHA1: BlackedRaw - e15841938e8fda9ee8 293 04.09.2020 01:13:26 03.09.2020 23:13:26 Kymberlie Rose - Get Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Get it c8adc8f8a8694b4793 it.mp4 bffb SHA1: blackedraw. 1f20d6a7008b7ccec3 294 06.09.2020 20:33:48 06.09.2020 18:33:48 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 44822 Get it 410a20efacc4ac55cea se.mp4 adc SHA1: blackedraw. 1f20d6a7008b7ccec3 295 14.09.2020 12:41:54 14.09.2020 10:41:54 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 21940 Get it 410a20efacc4ac55cea se.mp4 adc

EXHIBIT 1.108 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 90507df41d2c7f705ca Getting What I Want 296 12.09.2020 01:56:06 11.09.2020 23:56:06 17.12.12.anissa.kate. Telia Company µTorrent 1.8.2 57109 e037a37895f8cfabf09 With Anal mp4 ad

EXHIBIT 1.109 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [BlackedRaw] Riley SHA1: Reid - Girlfriend 67d69a2bbe353bcf91 Girlfriend Gangbang 297 09.09.2020 23:52:23 09.09.2020 21:52:23 Gangbang At The Telia Company 45385 adba7d6e626bcf3d5f3 At The After Party After Party a88 (26.06.2018) rq.mp4 BlackedRaw - Riley SHA1: Reid - Girlfriend d9d453ca10a11f235d Girlfriend Gangbang 298 07.09.2020 09:40:39 07.09.2020 07:40:39 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 25785 Gangbang At The 92278e4484bbe5a2b5 At The After Party After Party.mp4 a9f1 BlackedRaw - Riley SHA1: Reid - Girlfriend d9d453ca10a11f235d Girlfriend Gangbang 299 01.09.2020 06:07:36 01.09.2020 04:07:36 Telia Company Vuze 55880 Gangbang At The 92278e4484bbe5a2b5 At The After Party After Party.mp4 a9f1 SHA1: blackedraw. 07cae96a19f0990400 Girlfriend Gangbang 300 06.09.2020 23:38:03 06.09.2020 21:38:03 Telia Company -qB4250- 49331 64ed36bad1ea65e707 At The After Party 4 2bae SHA1: blackedraw. 07cae96a19f0990400 Girlfriend Gangbang 301 07.09.2020 07:35:18 07.09.2020 05:35:18 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 55045 64ed36bad1ea65e707 At The After Party 4 2bae SHA1: blackedraw. 07cae96a19f0990400 Girlfriend Gangbang 302 13.09.2020 11:09:47 13.09.2020 09:09:47 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39966 64ed36bad1ea65e707 At The After Party 4 2bae

EXHIBIT 1.110 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Casey ac0d6db5c1bfa1c878c 303 07.09.2020 11:59:35 07.09.2020 09:59:35 Calvert, Ashley Lane - Telia Company libtorrent/ 44621 Girls Share 0cb39e540711fd9d03 Girls Share.mp4 29b

EXHIBIT 1.111 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Casey Calvert 2db957887a10e8246e 304 05.09.2020 21:12:58 05.09.2020 19:12:58 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 34508 Girls Share 3 [720p HD].mp4 f3a3da094e8dfc20643 f2f

EXHIBIT 1.112 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. c6c4e4d5f87dfb2fde6 305 11.09.2020 06:14:16 11.09.2020 04:14:16 18.05.05.eliza.ibarra. Telia Company libtorrent/0.16.17 48759 Girls Weekend cfe2a87519b8e7a79a mp4 9a5

EXHIBIT 1.113 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: girls.with.hairy.armpits 05459caeaad4c93a5c Girls With Hairy 306 14.09.2020 00:43:27 13.09.2020 22:43:27 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 38623 -pbu.mp4 23ee1705850643e5a2 Armpits 8e18

EXHIBIT 1.114 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 39f8f7d3e20528b0aeb 307 06.09.2020 15:56:42 06.09.2020 13:56:42 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 2526 Give In 2e097e8076f3bb9d5f5 4 ce

EXHIBIT 1.115 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 1432d8f520cad6fcc64 308 30.08.2020 22:13:05 30.08.2020 20:13:05 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65460 Go Deep (26-08-2020) f5c19c76756d122df94 1080p.mp4 bb SHA1: TushyRaw - Kenzie 2eb4824f90494b0f728 309 30.08.2020 07:23:53 30.08.2020 05:23:53 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 53062 Go Deep Taylor - Go Deep.mp4 e41ff09241d6b11151d 3b [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 310 30.08.2020 00:58:54 29.08.2020 22:58:54 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 53675 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c SHA1: TushyRaw - Kenzie dc4a55ebb1a37ef5ac 311 27.08.2020 19:54:50 27.08.2020 17:54:50 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62993 Go Deep Taylor - Go Deep.mp4 0fe54affeb9293ba741 b0f [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 1432d8f520cad6fcc64 312 27.08.2020 16:03:12 27.08.2020 14:03:12 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50290 Go Deep (26-08-2020) f5c19c76756d122df94 1080p.mp4 bb SHA1: TushyRaw - Kenzie 2eb4824f90494b0f728 313 03.09.2020 14:09:24 03.09.2020 12:09:24 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54592 Go Deep Taylor - Go Deep.mp4 e41ff09241d6b11151d 3b [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 314 01.09.2020 11:11:06 01.09.2020 09:11:06 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.4 52192 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 315 29.08.2020 23:21:20 29.08.2020 21:21:20 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 56089 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 316 29.08.2020 15:42:04 29.08.2020 13:42:04 Telia Company µTorrent 3.3.1 26303 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 317 28.08.2020 21:01:31 28.08.2020 19:01:31 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61446 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 1432d8f520cad6fcc64 318 27.08.2020 12:52:56 27.08.2020 10:52:56 Telia Company -qB4170- 4382 Go Deep (26-08-2020) f5c19c76756d122df94 1080p.mp4 bb [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 319 27.08.2020 02:22:53 27.08.2020 00:22:53 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 32016 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 1432d8f520cad6fcc64 320 06.09.2020 00:16:40 05.09.2020 22:16:40 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.6 8999 Go Deep (26-08-2020) f5c19c76756d122df94 1080p.mp4 bb [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 321 03.09.2020 09:29:41 03.09.2020 07:29:41 Telia Company µTorrent 3.3.1 49974 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 322 31.08.2020 13:29:33 31.08.2020 11:29:33 Telia Company BitComet 1.67 64100 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c SHA1: TushyRaw - Kenzie dc4a55ebb1a37ef5ac 323 29.08.2020 08:09:10 29.08.2020 06:09:10 Telia Company libtorrent/ 55451 Go Deep Taylor - Go Deep.mp4 0fe54affeb9293ba741 b0f [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 324 27.08.2020 07:31:22 27.08.2020 05:31:22 Telia Company µTorrent 1.8 2754 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 1432d8f520cad6fcc64 325 09.09.2020 06:23:43 09.09.2020 04:23:43 Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.16 54388 Go Deep (26-08-2020) f5c19c76756d122df94 1080p.mp4 bb [TushyRaw] Kenzie SHA1: Taylor - Go Deep 6ac25f9645c157e442 326 14.09.2020 04:52:04 14.09.2020 02:52:04 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60240 Go Deep (26-08-2020) 0f5ca6062b3cc6943d 480p.mp4 429c

EXHIBIT 1.116 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Paisley 6478d6818b6843dc1d 327 15.09.2020 09:50:28 15.09.2020 07:50:28 Porter - Going For Telia Company BitTorrent 7.7.3 56881 Going For It ee5bd5a6c05f7b6d37 It.mp4 ec2e

EXHIBIT 1.117 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Skylar 434cdea9a4e461da9d 328 16.09.2020 12:04:27 16.09.2020 10:04:27 Vox, Sommer Isabella Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 55396 Handful b9df7e96c1f733c273a - Handful.mp4 b05 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S c7b9e04d1b4a48ba85 329 16.09.2020 11:20:40 16.09.2020 09:20:40 Telia Company -WW0097- 57853 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 21cd2a63d8e0c43322 ul.480p.mp4 8f5b BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S 3ad113146ab30294b1 330 16.09.2020 09:19:16 16.09.2020 07:19:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51265 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 3b3b0cc341a2d9bbbf ul.1080p.mp4 0a67 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Skylar 434cdea9a4e461da9d 331 16.09.2020 02:05:32 16.09.2020 00:05:32 Vox, Sommer Isabella Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61137 Handful b9df7e96c1f733c273a - Handful.mp4 b05 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S 3ad113146ab30294b1 332 15.09.2020 06:46:40 15.09.2020 04:46:40 Telia Company libtorrent/ 54122 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 3b3b0cc341a2d9bbbf ul.1080p.mp4 0a67 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S c7b9e04d1b4a48ba85 333 15.09.2020 02:27:45 15.09.2020 00:27:45 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 23122 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 21cd2a63d8e0c43322 ul.480p.mp4 8f5b SHA1: BlackedRaw - Skylar 434cdea9a4e461da9d 334 15.09.2020 07:26:56 15.09.2020 05:26:56 Vox, Sommer Isabella Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63606 Handful b9df7e96c1f733c273a - Handful.mp4 b05 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Skylar 434cdea9a4e461da9d 335 15.09.2020 23:38:55 15.09.2020 21:38:55 Vox, Sommer Isabella Telia Company μTorrent 3.4.5 46417 Handful b9df7e96c1f733c273a - Handful.mp4 b05 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S f819e9faf6fa9e35bd74 336 15.09.2020 19:13:16 15.09.2020 17:13:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 37719 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 83238d40a9b0bcaf93 ul.2160p.mp4 8c SHA1: BlackedRaw - Skylar 434cdea9a4e461da9d 337 15.09.2020 10:59:53 15.09.2020 08:59:53 Vox, Sommer Isabella Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 65350 Handful b9df7e96c1f733c273a - Handful.mp4 b05 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S c7b9e04d1b4a48ba85 338 15.09.2020 13:52:15 15.09.2020 11:52:15 Telia Company Vuze 61427 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 21cd2a63d8e0c43322 ul.480p.mp4 8f5b BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S c7b9e04d1b4a48ba85 339 15.09.2020 18:15:09 15.09.2020 16:15:09 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58571 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 21cd2a63d8e0c43322 ul.480p.mp4 8f5b BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S 3ad113146ab30294b1 340 15.09.2020 01:04:57 14.09.2020 23:04:57 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39966 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 3b3b0cc341a2d9bbbf ul.1080p.mp4 0a67 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S 3ad113146ab30294b1 341 15.09.2020 13:50:22 15.09.2020 11:50:22 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 22222 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 3b3b0cc341a2d9bbbf ul.1080p.mp4 0a67 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.14.Skylar.Vox.S 3ad113146ab30294b1 342 16.09.2020 07:59:45 16.09.2020 05:59:45 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49260 Handful ommer.Isabella.Handf 3b3b0cc341a2d9bbbf ul.1080p.mp4 0a67

EXHIBIT 1.118 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City hardx. SHA1: 19.10.08.emily.willis.a 112583df34d6da4f782 Hardcore Threesomes 343 15.09.2020 13:28:23 15.09.2020 11:28:23 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 45725 14085f58df5363bdc51 4 e4

EXHIBIT 1.119 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City hardx. SHA1: 18.10.23.paige.owens. bb112efbf87f8397208 Hardcore Threesomes 344 31.08.2020 01:42:14 30.08.2020 23:42:14 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63219 and.elena.koshka.go.h b9190a8631336617c0 Volume 2 ardcore.mp4 822

EXHIBIT 1.120 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. fd9f9ab92752b9716bb 345 16.09.2020 12:17:20 16.09.2020 10:17:20 20.04.27.kyler.quinn.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 11759 Have a Double 2119d064f264c797bb p4 67d SHA1: blackedraw. fd9f9ab92752b9716bb 346 06.09.2020 11:41:37 06.09.2020 09:41:37 20.04.27.kyler.quinn.m Telia Company libtorrent/ 35200 Have a Double 2119d064f264c797bb p4 67d SHA1: blackedraw. fd9f9ab92752b9716bb 347 01.09.2020 18:32:51 01.09.2020 16:32:51 20.04.27.kyler.quinn.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16467 Have a Double 2119d064f264c797bb p4 67d SHA1: blackedraw. fd9f9ab92752b9716bb 348 05.09.2020 10:33:31 05.09.2020 08:33:31 20.04.27.kyler.quinn.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 12782 Have a Double 2119d064f264c797bb p4 67d

EXHIBIT 1.121 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: wkd_he_loves_me_in 62bad45c5b4cb55216 He Loves Me In 349 04.09.2020 21:30:55 04.09.2020 19:30:55 _stockings_and_heels Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50133 aa1c9a04662cd7ef60 Stockings & Heels _wd083018_S5.mp4 3920

EXHIBIT 1.122 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City lesbianx. SHA1: 03786574251123675d Her 1st Lesbian Anal 350 07.09.2020 00:54:56 06.09.2020 22:54:56 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 61995 d.gabbie.carter.gabbie 4a8618446059a70bcc Volume 3 s.1st.lesbian.anal.mp4 71e4

EXHIBIT 1.123 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Natalia 49e920f163b2c9ef2c1 351 29.08.2020 13:44:43 29.08.2020 11:44:43 Queen - His Play Telia Company libtorrent/ 47753 His Play Thing 75d4bdfa8e00d957f04 Thing.mp4 78

EXHIBIT 1.124 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 3d5565340a11007367 352 12.09.2020 06:44:37 12.09.2020 04:44:37 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 51786 His Sex Slave a788386a1708908c63 4 fda4

EXHIBIT 1.125 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. b3907ef08e0eda11d7 353 30.08.2020 00:49:04 29.08.2020 22:49:04 20.08.10.liv.wild. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.4 59039 Hit Me Up a23c18f0b2e55dbf69ff 720p.mp4 eb

EXHIBIT 1.126 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Jillian Janson SHA1: - Honestly I Love Anal 5955c785662ce4ec3b 354 14.09.2020 05:35:45 14.09.2020 03:35:45 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 31085 Honestly I Love Anal (03.10.2017) rq c025f530ba0552003c (2k).mp4 19a3

EXHIBIT 1.127 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City blacked. SHA1: 19.11.06.jill.kassidy.kyl d7849f96160ca679a2 355 08.09.2020 14:28:08 08.09.2020 12:28:08 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49823 Hooky 87b837fefe40ddea875 arletto.mp4 71b blacked. SHA1: 19.11.06.jill.kassidy.kyl d7849f96160ca679a2 356 05.09.2020 10:15:48 05.09.2020 08:15:48 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51529 Hooky 87b837fefe40ddea875 arletto.mp4 71b

EXHIBIT 1.128 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Horny Grannies Love 039850b66b021e453c Horny Grannies Love 357 05.09.2020 01:39:24 04.09.2020 23:39:24 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 1869 To Fuck 9.mp4 bfcc73b117d536b6e8 To Fuck 9 2853

EXHIBIT 1.129 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City DevilsFilm. SHA1: 20.09.12.Chanel.Skye 14b660a65a4a372031 358 14.09.2020 04:25:55 14.09.2020 02:25:55 Telia Company μTorrent 3.4.6 63435 Horny Old Men 4 .Water.Works. 8248622ace4f6b7a4c 480p.mp4 1edf SHA1: DevilsFilm - Cleo c6aa8ff2cbc81a5f572 359 02.09.2020 23:15:28 02.09.2020 21:15:28 Clementine - Hole In Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52128 Horny Old Men 4 05ed0840e70e62ce32 One.mp4 b75 SHA1: DevilsFilm - Cleo a3286f5151a32fb163b 360 31.08.2020 18:13:44 31.08.2020 16:13:44 Clementine - Hole In Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63908 Horny Old Men 4 281afa1239b3ef9863f One 1080p.mp4 ac SHA1: DevilsFilm - Cleo a3286f5151a32fb163b 361 08.09.2020 13:58:21 08.09.2020 11:58:21 Clementine - Hole In Telia Company Vuze 58301 Horny Old Men 4 281afa1239b3ef9863f One 1080p.mp4 ac

EXHIBIT 1.130 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.11.Becky.Bandi 54ad4a999960c06359 362 14.09.2020 14:27:18 14.09.2020 12:27:18 ni.Luscious Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62749 Hot For Mom 104c94b8a53fcb6a25 Step.Mom.Lets.It.Flow 5e47 .480p.mp4 NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.11.Becky.Bandi 54ad4a999960c06359 363 12.09.2020 09:41:40 12.09.2020 07:41:40 ni.Luscious Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50691 Hot For Mom 104c94b8a53fcb6a25 Step.Mom.Lets.It.Flow 5e47 .480p.mp4 NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.11.Becky.Bandi 54ad4a999960c06359 364 14.09.2020 15:46:53 14.09.2020 13:46:53 ni.Luscious Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64551 Hot For Mom 104c94b8a53fcb6a25 Step.Mom.Lets.It.Flow 5e47 .480p.mp4

EXHIBIT 1.131 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. f94fe204219506cbca0 365 02.09.2020 20:35:14 02.09.2020 18:35:14 18.11.06.little.caprice. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63049 Hot Wife Vacation 597c7f0e58a308ef426 mp4 b3 Blacked. SHA1: 18.11.06.Little.Caprice b1e9d37ee24c633374 366 28.08.2020 08:22:06 28.08.2020 06:22:06 .XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49258 Hot Wife Vacation 9f49a41486890bccd5 720p.WEB.x264- 2dd4 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.132 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Newsensations Skylar SHA1: Vox Skylar Has A Fun da22135f4aac33dfe6d 367 28.08.2020 22:01:14 28.08.2020 20:01:14 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 35590 Hotwife Bound 5 Thursday 0e2afa94bd9dc4b820 26.08.2020720p.mp4 366

EXHIBIT 1.133 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.23.Emelie.Cryst bdbbbc216517fe71a9 368 04.09.2020 17:30:44 04.09.2020 15:30:44 al.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 62168 Huge Fan 9a8bd5d3be4ab246d4 720p.WEB.x264- 7751 GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: [Tushy] Emelie Crystal 85140539c9ed806f72 369 29.08.2020 11:05:52 29.08.2020 09:05:52 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 51262 Huge Fan (2020) 1080p.mp4 46f3a3d9f6cbe07e649 ff9 SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 370 29.08.2020 08:48:05 29.08.2020 06:48:05 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49763 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af SHA1: Tushy - Emelie Crystal a62e5b8d888ee3b1a6 371 26.08.2020 19:42:41 26.08.2020 17:42:41 Telia Company -XL0012- 60160 Huge Fan - Huge Fan.mp4 6a6803b1b8aaba7c8d c4b9 SHA1: tushy. 092b0b3da9421476cb 372 03.09.2020 23:47:23 03.09.2020 21:47:23 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company BitComet 1.68 53866 Huge Fan 697a1b34ebdcfd33fe6 l.mp4 677 SHA1: tushy. e4e73aed989807c776 373 29.08.2020 13:04:53 29.08.2020 11:04:53 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.9 54436 Huge Fan 5be7c156f4c3233aef1 l.mp4 385 SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 374 29.08.2020 08:11:23 29.08.2020 06:11:23 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63025 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 375 13.09.2020 23:21:14 13.09.2020 21:21:14 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 59696 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af SHA1: Tushy - Emelie Crystal a62e5b8d888ee3b1a6 376 07.09.2020 10:19:06 07.09.2020 08:19:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60027 Huge Fan - Huge Fan.mp4 6a6803b1b8aaba7c8d c4b9 SHA1: Tushy - Emelie Crystal a62e5b8d888ee3b1a6 377 02.09.2020 12:37:35 02.09.2020 10:37:35 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51408 Huge Fan - Huge Fan.mp4 6a6803b1b8aaba7c8d c4b9 SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 378 31.08.2020 10:58:23 31.08.2020 08:58:23 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company BitComet 1.67 51907 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 379 13.09.2020 17:20:48 13.09.2020 15:20:48 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 60140 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af SHA1: tushy. e4e73aed989807c776 380 29.08.2020 11:37:06 29.08.2020 09:37:06 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 26618 Huge Fan 5be7c156f4c3233aef1 l.mp4 385 SHA1: Tushy - Emelie Crystal a62e5b8d888ee3b1a6 381 07.09.2020 09:00:45 07.09.2020 07:00:45 Telia Company libtorrent/ 50449 Huge Fan - Huge Fan.mp4 6a6803b1b8aaba7c8d c4b9 SHA1: Tushy - Emelie Crystal a62e5b8d888ee3b1a6 382 28.08.2020 21:42:17 28.08.2020 19:42:17 Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.10 8999 Huge Fan - Huge Fan.mp4 6a6803b1b8aaba7c8d c4b9 SHA1: tushy. acc9dc52ee520782e8 383 06.09.2020 20:30:47 06.09.2020 18:30:47 20.08.23.emelie.crysta Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 44822 Huge Fan d1e1692200bbcc6e21 l.mp4 04af

EXHIBIT 1.134 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City I.Came.Inside.My.Sist SHA1: er. f25a42bf0c9d1442e30 I Came Inside My 384 05.09.2020 09:53:22 05.09.2020 07:53:22 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.6 8999 6.XXX.DVDRip.x264- 546e3e432e9da47899 Sister 6 XCiTE.mp4 3b7

EXHIBIT 1.135 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. f1df7c2b1d8fd00420fb 385 30.08.2020 22:45:14 30.08.2020 20:45:14 20.06.13.alina.lopez.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39877 I Do f17a5a42ba81cbc4c2 p4 5d

EXHIBIT 1.136 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [DevilsFilm] Daya SHA1: Knight - I Like Black 774c6afbe3d675ec5d 386 14.09.2020 08:08:53 14.09.2020 06:08:53 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62030 I Like Black Girls 6 Girls 6 (20.03.2018) 40e226f305a308248d rq.mp4 67f3

EXHIBIT 1.137 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Lana Rhoades SHA1: - I Love To Gape 774a2ced1d4c60bc03 387 06.09.2020 13:00:57 06.09.2020 11:00:57 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 56491 I Love To Gape (20.07.2017) rq 2a3d8767d4cb89d2ee (1k).mp4 3db4

EXHIBIT 1.138 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [Blacked] Avi Love - I 554e325a9d7e7e6e67 I Only Want Sex: Part 388 30.08.2020 18:17:56 30.08.2020 16:17:56 Only Want Sex Part 3 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 4408 eb4f6ae427e8a6a2d0 3 (11.03.2018) rq.mp4 51dc

EXHIBIT 1.139 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: I.See.Red. ea2808cda1e3a90e64 389 14.09.2020 06:29:52 14.09.2020 04:29:52 4.DiSC2.XXX.DVDRip Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56736 I See Red 4 39955a8d7119518393 .x264-GalaXXXy.mkv 6f98 SHA1: 47372cea1d46989b55 390 05.09.2020 02:12:19 05.09.2020 00:12:19 1.jpg Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56625 I See Red 4 ee07abc9d808151080 356b SHA1: 47372cea1d46989b55 391 09.09.2020 09:34:05 09.09.2020 07:34:05 fbgm-isr4.d1.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 52476 I See Red 4 ee07abc9d808151080 356b

EXHIBIT 1.140 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. bcc18bd6272372f3cfc 392 15.09.2020 00:48:17 14.09.2020 22:48:17 20.02.24.addie.andre Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.3 2020 I'm Alone 59a1be674f61c4788f0 ws.mp4 cb

EXHIBIT 1.141 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: TushyRaw - Lily Glee 950956a21ccf2d7803 393 06.09.2020 14:53:02 06.09.2020 12:53:02 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64834 I'm Yours - Im Yours.mp4 ba66c79ebedfd029a4 986f SHA1: TushyRaw - Lily Glee 950956a21ccf2d7803 394 06.09.2020 23:48:59 06.09.2020 21:48:59 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52136 I'm Yours - Im Yours.mp4 ba66c79ebedfd029a4 986f SHA1: TushyRaw - Lily Glee 950956a21ccf2d7803 395 16.09.2020 08:06:03 16.09.2020 06:06:03 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49260 I'm Yours - Im Yours.mp4 ba66c79ebedfd029a4 986f

EXHIBIT 1.142 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Hazel 8340df7a3a5c43a154 396 28.08.2020 23:19:20 28.08.2020 21:19:20 Moore - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59355 Impulsiveness b8a190f8eb60107861 Impulsiveness.mp4 37e1 SHA1: Blacked - Hazel 8340df7a3a5c43a154 397 05.09.2020 00:54:24 04.09.2020 22:54:24 Moore - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 58660 Impulsiveness b8a190f8eb60107861 Impulsiveness.mp4 37e1

EXHIBIT 1.143 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Ella Reese - 4e94ed79494685938c 398 05.09.2020 00:54:17 04.09.2020 22:54:17 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 54888 Impulsiveness 2 Impulsiveness 2.mp4 1a0b5f42bcd1c30f137 c0d

EXHIBIT 1.144 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: In The Room 371b33d7d76361dee2 399 12.09.2020 03:01:18 12.09.2020 01:01:18 Alex Coal.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50507 Watching My e2973a1ee050365c9b Girlfriend 4 621d Newsensations.Alexis SHA1: In The Room _Zara_Watching.Alexi d0ec93bcde09e8d9cc 400 08.09.2020 09:24:38 08.09.2020 07:24:38 Telia Company Transmission 2.94 51413 Watching My s.Fuck.A.Stranger. 70e6cd6ae5e4f617b8 Girlfriend 4 29.08.2020..mp4 12b2 SHA1: In The Room 371b33d7d76361dee2 401 05.09.2020 15:19:21 05.09.2020 13:19:21 Alex Coal.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/ 8999 Watching My e2973a1ee050365c9b Girlfriend 4 621d Newsensations.Alexis SHA1: In The Room _Zara_Watching.Alexi d0ec93bcde09e8d9cc 402 05.09.2020 03:41:14 05.09.2020 01:41:14 Telia Company libtorrent/ 44433 Watching My s.Fuck.A.Stranger. 70e6cd6ae5e4f617b8 Girlfriend 4 29.08.2020..mp4 12b2 Newsensations.Alexis SHA1: In The Room _Zara_Watching.Alexi d0ec93bcde09e8d9cc 403 05.09.2020 01:11:42 04.09.2020 23:11:42 Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.16 8999 Watching My s.Fuck.A.Stranger. 70e6cd6ae5e4f617b8 Girlfriend 4 29.08.2020..mp4 12b2 SHA1: In The Room 371b33d7d76361dee2 404 03.09.2020 01:51:15 02.09.2020 23:51:15 Allie Addison.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62225 Watching My e2973a1ee050365c9b Girlfriend 4 621d SHA1: newsensations. In The Room 9a8353a265bdceab17 405 05.09.2020 01:09:04 04.09.2020 23:09:04 20.07.18.allie.addison. Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 54694 Watching My 0b5e7ce10985ff97d25 mp4 Girlfriend 4 a7d

EXHIBIT 1.145 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: btra- 953ba85715cc1a22b9 406 13.09.2020 05:05:16 13.09.2020 03:05:16 Telia Company libtorrent/ 48903 Incredible Asses incredibleasses.mp4 1a2b037187aa2107de 8bda

EXHIBIT 1.146 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf ab1f311a07a1f2f7a3d 407 16.09.2020 12:10:22 16.09.2020 10:10:22 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41662 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 6e2c770b210bace048 1.1080p.mp4 bed Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 408 16.09.2020 08:17:34 16.09.2020 06:17:34 Telia Company -qB4250- 61705 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 409 16.09.2020 04:57:20 16.09.2020 02:57:20 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 51290 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 410 16.09.2020 02:59:06 16.09.2020 00:59:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55319 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf ab1f311a07a1f2f7a3d 411 16.09.2020 01:05:27 15.09.2020 23:05:27 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 42145 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 6e2c770b210bace048 1.1080p.mp4 bed Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 Deluge/2.0.3 412 15.09.2020 23:03:26 15.09.2020 21:03:26 Telia Company 56685 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c libtorrent/ 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 413 15.09.2020 12:16:22 15.09.2020 10:16:22 Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.10 53809 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 414 15.09.2020 00:55:49 14.09.2020 22:55:49 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 20778 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 415 15.09.2020 23:44:35 15.09.2020 21:44:35 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 52866 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 416 16.09.2020 10:25:32 16.09.2020 08:25:32 Telia Company µTorrent 3.3.1 49974 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf ab1f311a07a1f2f7a3d 417 15.09.2020 16:10:20 15.09.2020 14:10:20 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 31085 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 6e2c770b210bace048 1.1080p.mp4 bed Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 418 15.09.2020 23:31:42 15.09.2020 21:31:42 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 419 15.09.2020 09:30:18 15.09.2020 07:30:18 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.7.3 55556 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.14.Elsa.Jean.Inf 3191681c58bd7644e7 420 15.09.2020 13:19:34 15.09.2020 11:19:34 Telia Company Vuze 61941 Influence Part 1 luence.Part. 8f6498c50cee6b723c 1.480p.mp4 5171

EXHIBIT 1.147 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 95a5870c793057c65f 421 15.09.2020 00:00:57 14.09.2020 22:00:57 19.05.24.sophie.dee. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62844 Insatiable 7c4b5740d88208d956 mp4 ecbd SHA1: Vixen - Sophie Dee - d953e392c297913cdb 422 10.09.2020 11:47:43 10.09.2020 09:47:43 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 62846 Insatiable Insatiable.mp4 dfce65bcf4df39f6d492 e1 SHA1: vixen. 95a5870c793057c65f 423 03.09.2020 23:36:28 03.09.2020 21:36:28 19.05.24.sophie.dee. Telia Company libtorrent/ 53889 Insatiable 7c4b5740d88208d956 mp4 ecbd SHA1: Vixen - Sophie Dee - d953e392c297913cdb 424 30.08.2020 20:06:45 30.08.2020 18:06:45 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 45682 Insatiable Insatiable.mp4 dfce65bcf4df39f6d492 e1

EXHIBIT 1.148 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Insatiable MILFs 2 59dc2e0cda9b38efe6 425 14.09.2020 11:34:55 14.09.2020 09:34:55 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64347 Insatiable MILFs 2 77f77920979b1f0dd4c PnY.mp4 918 SHA1: Insatiable MILFs 2 59dc2e0cda9b38efe6 426 12.09.2020 18:22:34 12.09.2020 16:22:34 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 3705 Insatiable MILFs 2 77f77920979b1f0dd4c PnY.mp4 918 SHA1: Insatiable MILFs 2 59dc2e0cda9b38efe6 427 13.09.2020 00:13:57 12.09.2020 22:13:57 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22656 Insatiable MILFs 2 77f77920979b1f0dd4c PnY.mp4 918

EXHIBIT 1.149 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Ivy 284e4e396f1f787478e 428 12.09.2020 07:37:20 12.09.2020 05:37:20 Lebelle - Intense First Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59755 Intense First Date 836feef797de00e33d5 Date.mp4 e4

EXHIBIT 1.150 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: DarkX - Marica Hase - 9e43f32700143a2549 429 10.09.2020 21:16:20 10.09.2020 19:16:20 The Naughty Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50581 Interracial Anal VOL. 7 4605d02faf2cf2b2bd0 Stepdaughter.mp4 940

EXHIBIT 1.151 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 5cab13ae00d115532a Interracial Cum 430 13.09.2020 13:16:28 13.09.2020 11:16:28 ps-imcusw2.mp4 Telia Company Tixati 2.75 8906 5ff0b5339cc7a9d3f3a Swapping 2 72f

EXHIBIT 1.152 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: DarkX - Chloe Cherry c28ec07efd22d45f3da 431 15.09.2020 21:36:57 15.09.2020 19:36:57 - We Have Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.2 64626 Interracial DP VOL. 3 403ed9ed9d085271b3 History.mp4 8d9

EXHIBIT 1.153 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 21aa3a247e99ff32cba Is It Wrong He's My 432 16.09.2020 12:19:50 16.09.2020 10:19:50 Chloe Cherry.mp4 Telia Company libtorrent/ 56517 875b72dd9d02490207 Stepdad d38

EXHIBIT 1.154 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. 36602a2a8598380f67f 439 30.08.2020 10:48:31 30.08.2020 08:48:31 19.03.18.kyler.quinn.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41741 It's Us Tonight f6fcebd7fcd97ed374f3 p4 8

EXHIBIT 1.155 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City []Ashley SHA1: Red - It'S A Daddy 6e0abef01916905221 433 14.09.2020 19:02:24 14.09.2020 17:02:24 Thing 10 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 49635 It's a Daddy Thing! 10 eaf662d5cb9da40cf1c (22.07.2020)_480p.m e04 p4 SHA1: b3e72b3e94028d2747 434 13.09.2020 06:44:47 13.09.2020 04:44:47 Natalia Nix.mp4 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 48345 It's a Daddy Thing! 10 e17714831abf2e307c 9d38 SHA1: b3e72b3e94028d2747 435 11.09.2020 07:59:35 11.09.2020 05:59:35 Natalia Nix.mp4 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 52931 It's a Daddy Thing! 10 e17714831abf2e307c 9d38 SHA1: b3e72b3e94028d2747 436 28.08.2020 23:13:31 28.08.2020 21:13:31 Vanna Bardot.mp4 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 48345 It's a Daddy Thing! 10 e17714831abf2e307c 9d38 SHA1: b3e72b3e94028d2747 437 26.08.2020 19:02:04 26.08.2020 17:02:04 Ashley Red.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50368 It's a Daddy Thing! 10 e17714831abf2e307c 9d38

EXHIBIT 1.156 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: gush. badb892a2fcdad878c It's okay! She's my 438 16.09.2020 05:14:26 16.09.2020 03:14:26 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 38673 2fb24ae97cc4fcda40c Stepmother 5 stepmother.5.mp4 06d

EXHIBIT 1.157 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 81a0fa700bd0f538231 440 13.09.2020 16:16:20 13.09.2020 14:16:20 18.10.02.athena.palo Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 15421 Just One Drink 051d57102ed3bba302 mino.mp4 456

EXHIBIT 1.158 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Adriana aa99615ae6c723cb30 Late Night BBC 441 12.09.2020 12:09:02 12.09.2020 10:09:02 Chechik - Late Night Telia Company libtorrent/ 39013 50dac4d48d914e6d5c Threesome BBC Threesome.mp4 c02f

EXHIBIT 1.159 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [NewSensations] SHA1: Veronica Rodriguez, d52afb65af131895cd3 442 06.09.2020 14:54:18 06.09.2020 12:54:18 Adriana Chechik - Telia Company libtorrent/ 56703 Latina Squirt Goddess e9c1a413b1912418db Latina Squirt Goddess 7e4 (07.06.2016) rq.mp4

EXHIBIT 1.160 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Sinderella - 9f02218c1488544f43d 443 05.09.2020 12:29:44 05.09.2020 10:29:44 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 18359 Layover Hook-Up Layover Hook-Up.mp4 1fed807cb4b40d368a 4ba

EXHIBIT 1.161 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Lesbian Babysitters 1317cf6be2fe6b6a633 444 29.08.2020 16:10:41 29.08.2020 14:10:41 Telia Company Vuze 63871 Lesbian Babysitters 8 8.XXX.720P.mp4 7f5464ae3680f2a6049 01

EXHIBIT 1.162 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: girlfriendsfilms. 409fcdc839aa907af1e Lesbian 445 16.09.2020 12:46:49 16.09.2020 10:46:49 19.01.27.anissa.kate.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51367 8a9d3a19d6f0cd158e Psychodramas 27 nd.ella.knox[XoX].mp4 dc3 SHA1: girlfriendsfilms. 409fcdc839aa907af1e Lesbian 446 12.09.2020 02:06:37 12.09.2020 00:06:37 19.01.27.anissa.kate.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51367 8a9d3a19d6f0cd158e Psychodramas 27 nd.ella.knox[XoX].mp4 dc3 SHA1: girlfriendsfilms. 409fcdc839aa907af1e Lesbian 447 10.09.2020 12:11:55 10.09.2020 10:11:55 19.01.27.anissa.kate.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51367 8a9d3a19d6f0cd158e Psychodramas 27 nd.ella.knox[XoX].mp4 dc3

EXHIBIT 1.163 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City GirlfriendsFilms.Lesbi SHA1: an.Seductions. b092243e35c4dca1d1 Lesbian Seductions 448 07.09.2020 13:09:29 07.09.2020 11:09:29 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60858 69.XXX.XviD-iPT 423394263526babf75 69 Team.avi 2899

EXHIBIT 1.164 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetheartvideo. SHA1: 20.08.03.charlotte.sto 24b186a8906371c927 449 13.09.2020 00:04:33 12.09.2020 22:04:33 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60867 Lesbian Stepsisters 9 kely.and.sophie.spark cbe6e5578bb7364b0b e321

EXHIBIT 1.165 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Lesbian Strap-On 6754f2c6e011a4dc43 Lesbian Strap-On 450 09.09.2020 08:35:01 09.09.2020 06:35:01 Bosses 4 2019 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 45682 77f25a631d87773f8a4 Bosses VOL. 4 HD.mp4 d30

EXHIBIT 1.166 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 998de0c4176894b366 451 29.08.2020 10:25:04 29.08.2020 08:25:04 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 58557 Lessons 31d6a39ba6375a9e83 4 c2fc

EXHIBIT 1.167 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Deeper - Haley Reed - 7cf893ca698f26b1bad Let Me Tell You A 452 12.09.2020 12:51:24 12.09.2020 10:51:24 Let Me Tell You A Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51650 9f78cb1751d04a2b89 Story Story.mp4 0e7

EXHIBIT 1.168 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Lets.Bang.The.Babysit SHA1: ter. b2594137d4329ee120 Let's Bang The 453 07.09.2020 16:28:20 07.09.2020 14:28:20 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 57873 6.XXX.DVDRip.x264- 866962c10218b92807 Babysitter 6 XCiTE.mp4 e512

EXHIBIT 1.169 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Vixen] August Ames, SHA1: Abigail Mac - Let s 17c2b0609be9b92ae0 Let's Get Physical: 454 28.08.2020 07:17:54 28.08.2020 05:17:54 Get Physical Part 3 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 15120 d1c44f1d6212ea6d1b Part 3 (12.08.2017) rq b636 (2k).mp4

EXHIBIT 1.170 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen - Cecilia Lion, SHA1: Khloe Kapri - Lets 78b6bab74e6f275f544 455 06.09.2020 14:53:25 06.09.2020 12:53:25 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58652 Let's Share Him Fuck Him 5946bf7ac8eb0b7e51 Together.mp4 405 Vixen - Cecilia Lion, SHA1: Khloe Kapri - Lets 78b6bab74e6f275f544 456 28.08.2020 23:59:03 28.08.2020 21:59:03 Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.10 8999 Let's Share Him Fuck Him 5946bf7ac8eb0b7e51 Together.mp4 405

EXHIBIT 1.171 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: live-like-a- da52cb80976e0487bd 457 04.09.2020 02:25:14 04.09.2020 00:25:14 Telia Company 47055 Live Like A Queen queen_720P.mp4 6a0218c3943ad17a36 586f

EXHIBIT 1.172 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [Blacked] Angel Emily 12442ea4ffc86e23808 458 15.09.2020 09:53:48 15.09.2020 07:53:48 - Lost And Found Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51250 Lost And Found 045fa742f929bba5c5d (24.02.2019) rq.mp4 fc SHA1: Blacked - Angel Emily a01f9474807c40cd31 459 11.09.2020 11:17:34 11.09.2020 09:17:34 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 60972 Lost And Found - Lost And Found.mp4 5ca9f91ae8fcd561a34 ce3

EXHIBIT 1.173 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Deeper - Kylie Rocket b4777350867d452693 460 15.09.2020 23:57:41 15.09.2020 21:57:41 - Love At First Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Love At First Sight 8fd974a9bc56b4643a Sight.mp4 976c SHA1: Deeper - Kylie Rocket b4777350867d452693 461 14.09.2020 19:38:54 14.09.2020 17:38:54 - Love At First Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58097 Love At First Sight 8fd974a9bc56b4643a Sight.mp4 976c SHA1: Deeper - Kylie Rocket b4777350867d452693 462 14.09.2020 18:26:51 14.09.2020 16:26:51 - Love At First Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Love At First Sight 8fd974a9bc56b4643a Sight.mp4 976c SHA1: [Deeper] Kylie Rocket 8cde6c092462e689eb 463 12.09.2020 11:06:53 12.09.2020 09:06:53 - Love At First Sight Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51327 Love At First Sight b92da9c3edc9f2c512 (10.09.2020) rq.mp4 6f5e Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.10.Kylie.Rocket. b4e7f3b45f1c925539e 464 11.09.2020 09:02:19 11.09.2020 07:02:19 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64555 Love At First Sight Love.At.First.Sight. 0e67b880b9cb22b46f 480p.mp4 af2 SHA1: Deeper - Kylie Rocket b4777350867d452693 465 15.09.2020 18:31:08 15.09.2020 16:31:08 - Love At First Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61446 Love At First Sight 8fd974a9bc56b4643a Sight.mp4 976c Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.10.Kylie.Rocket. b4e7f3b45f1c925539e 466 13.09.2020 10:19:48 13.09.2020 08:19:48 Telia Company libtorrent/ 42177 Love At First Sight Love.At.First.Sight. 0e67b880b9cb22b46f 480p.mp4 af2 Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.10.Kylie.Rocket. b4e7f3b45f1c925539e 467 12.09.2020 06:52:53 12.09.2020 04:52:53 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 63688 Love At First Sight Love.At.First.Sight. 0e67b880b9cb22b46f 480p.mp4 af2 Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.10.Kylie.Rocket. b4e7f3b45f1c925539e 468 15.09.2020 07:32:34 15.09.2020 05:32:34 Telia Company BiglyBT 63304 Love At First Sight Love.At.First.Sight. 0e67b880b9cb22b46f 480p.mp4 af2

EXHIBIT 1.174 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City []Jasmin SHA1: e Jae - MILF f7b8b520615ab3aecc 477 07.09.2020 16:00:17 07.09.2020 14:00:17 Bombshells Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53822 MILF Bombshells 2f90dc979acc7065c84 (03.06.2020)_480p.m 470 p4

EXHIBIT 1.175 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 53368e99c4494ddc8d Making My Sister 469 08.09.2020 10:30:39 08.09.2020 08:30:39 Keira Croft.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56428 5ed0b669411e4d06e5 Squirt 6e64

EXHIBIT 1.176 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Newsensations - Cory 20e291f44a80a098a0 Married with 470 13.09.2020 08:15:27 13.09.2020 06:15:27 Telia Company Vuze 62512 Chase [720p HD].mp4 e1d6523ac110bf8fee2 Boyfriends Vol. 2 2e9 SHA1: newsensations. 48aae0bb9036c40d42 Married with 471 16.09.2020 11:27:28 16.09.2020 09:27:28 20.07.29.ashley.lane. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64147 c3e2097a0a8d6354a8 Boyfriends Vol. 2 mp4 e6b5

EXHIBIT 1.177 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City ElegantAngel.Massive SHA1: .Boobs.Vol.3.XXX. 4cac920fa5a4f69b015 Massive Boobs 472 13.09.2020 02:45:56 13.09.2020 00:45:56 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 50987 720p.WEB.x264- e736a8c8380be43c33 Volume 3 GalaXXXy.mkv 686

EXHIBIT 1.178 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 9fce29ad2c2127cc63c Meet Mandingo 473 08.09.2020 22:26:36 08.09.2020 20:26:36 ps-mman6.mp4 Telia Company KTorrent/5.1dev 15659 0749ce6746bb385187 Volume 6 d6e

EXHIBIT 1.179 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. 327ea4c84b8707e4a9 474 02.09.2020 14:08:50 02.09.2020 12:08:50 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Meet Me Now 772297159b6f3e6032 4 04bc

EXHIBIT 1.180 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [DevilsFilm] Khloe SHA1: Kay, Ella Hollywood - 1f20c04d4bc56c770d 475 05.09.2020 23:39:18 05.09.2020 21:39:18 Bringing A Present Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 51809 Menage A Trans 5 0db971a203758f7ec4f Home (30.01.2020) 908 rq.mp4

EXHIBIT 1.181 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: suckxxx- 3aad6043ab1e697c64 476 07.09.2020 12:57:45 07.09.2020 10:57:45 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 52182 Messy Facials messyfacials.mp4 67ab30217b5dc194e5 a8d7

EXHIBIT 1.182 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: MILF Creampied e4caf0ec387bea2f502 Milf Creampied 478 15.09.2020 05:18:30 15.09.2020 03:18:30 Stepmoms 4 480p Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 50558 05dcf9d271a1ccd197 Stepmoms 4 XXX-PnY.mp4 06d SHA1: c4ea68e2d42b56ebf1 Milf Creampied 479 10.09.2020 11:04:25 10.09.2020 09:04:25 Reagan Foxx.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63870 b17a92e4986ea24a40 Stepmoms 4 7400 SHA1: 90021c2d940eea4fc7 Milf Creampied 480 15.09.2020 23:42:46 15.09.2020 21:42:46 Reagan Foxx.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51678 d7b763acbe94a17996 Stepmoms 4 96ab SHA1: MILF Creampied e4caf0ec387bea2f502 Milf Creampied 481 03.09.2020 06:51:43 03.09.2020 04:51:43 Stepmoms 4 480p Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65150 05dcf9d271a1ccd197 Stepmoms 4 XXX-PnY.mp4 06d

EXHIBIT 1.183 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Kagney Linn f4aa138039846ad2d2 Mind Blowing Anal 482 15.09.2020 15:34:39 15.09.2020 13:34:39 Karter - Mind Blowing Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60182 205faa3036cd827e52 Sex Anal Sex.mp4 0187

EXHIBIT 1.184 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 483 15.09.2020 13:57:18 15.09.2020 11:57:18 Sheena Ryder.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60420 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 484 12.09.2020 09:18:09 12.09.2020 07:18:09 Mckenzie Lee.mp4 Telia Company libtorrent/ 42565 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e SHA1: devilsfilm. 7f55305237f40700b14 Mom Likes It Up The 485 12.09.2020 02:26:17 12.09.2020 00:26:17 20.06.07.mckenzie.lee Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 a954a6fc554988011a Ass! .touching.reunion.mp4 64e SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 486 12.09.2020 01:28:15 11.09.2020 23:28:15 Sheena Ryder.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53883 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 487 10.09.2020 16:16:39 10.09.2020 14:16:39 Mckenzie Lee.mp4 Telia Company BiglyBT 15893 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e SHA1: a6c053361f1cd53d84 Mom Likes It Up The 488 05.09.2020 18:13:31 05.09.2020 16:13:31 Alura Jenson.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49303 a58d3df8d635401de9 Ass! 3e86 SHA1: a6c053361f1cd53d84 Mom Likes It Up The 489 05.09.2020 00:59:06 04.09.2020 22:59:06 Mckenzie Lee.mp4 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 a58d3df8d635401de9 Ass! 3e86 SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 490 13.09.2020 17:52:05 13.09.2020 15:52:05 Mckenzie Lee.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23806 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e SHA1: 824b744ef59f40facb4 Mom Likes It Up The 491 12.09.2020 17:09:37 12.09.2020 15:09:37 Alura Jenson.mp4 Telia Company Vuze 36821 35d6d17037ca72821c Ass! 65e

EXHIBIT 1.185 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Devilsfilm - Jamie SHA1: Foster And Spencer 1823e89ac0439b96d4 Mommy Likes To 492 14.09.2020 21:49:23 14.09.2020 19:49:23 Bradley Back To Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 19936 d171fcf0b56059f46d7 Watch 3 Moms House [720p 950 HD].mp4

EXHIBIT 1.186 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Mommy Sucks 10 cd2c0fce2f1f4bdab68 493 14.09.2020 13:49:33 14.09.2020 11:49:33 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54789 Mommy Sucks 10 11a71cc6ba8c3149e9 PnY.mp4 301 SHA1: Mommy Sucks 10 cd2c0fce2f1f4bdab68 494 14.09.2020 11:41:51 14.09.2020 09:41:51 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company -MO1030- 54213 Mommy Sucks 10 11a71cc6ba8c3149e9 PnY.mp4 301 SHA1: Mommy Sucks 10 cd2c0fce2f1f4bdab68 495 14.09.2020 08:36:35 14.09.2020 06:36:35 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company Vuze 5358 Mommy Sucks 10 11a71cc6ba8c3149e9 PnY.mp4 301

EXHIBIT 1.187 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: MotherExchange08_s 1b4fd32c0910a8f029d 496 16.09.2020 11:40:19 16.09.2020 09:40:19 01_CodeySteele_Lise Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 45380 Mother Exchange 8 6bed764e5034eeb231 ySweet_540p.mp4 792

EXHIBIT 1.188 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetheartvideo. SHA1: 19.01.03.india.summe 4464e58310ea4205c8 Mother Lovers Society 497 15.09.2020 21:31:59 15.09.2020 19:31:59 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.2 63644 fd8b25a463cf51daa9e 18 her.lover.society.mp4 93a

EXHIBIT 1.189 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Lucas Frost 8c6412702e64aa8fa8 Mother's Keeping 504 16.09.2020 12:20:02 16.09.2020 10:20:02 Mackenzie Moss - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 45380 ae17a887a6edfeb267 Secrets Sc2.mp4 bb71

EXHIBIT 1.190 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: ac78566c4f4cf3d15ca Mothers & Stepsons 498 16.09.2020 11:49:19 16.09.2020 09:49:19 Dee Williams.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 45380 c6f91b1bae9f6457eae Volume 3 2e

EXHIBIT 1.191 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: a8037e715d36231bdd Mothers & Stepsons 499 13.09.2020 15:39:06 13.09.2020 13:39:06 London River.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 25065 50bcd05f7422c2d865f Volume 4 f68 SHA1: a8037e715d36231bdd Mothers & Stepsons 500 08.09.2020 12:06:50 08.09.2020 10:06:50 India Summer.mp4 Telia Company tTorrent v1.6.8 47024 50bcd05f7422c2d865f Volume 4 f68 SHA1: a8037e715d36231bdd Mothers & Stepsons 501 04.09.2020 10:24:03 04.09.2020 08:24:03 Britney Amber.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55231 50bcd05f7422c2d865f Volume 4 f68 SHA1: a8037e715d36231bdd Mothers & Stepsons 502 01.09.2020 17:26:39 01.09.2020 15:26:39 Lexi Luna.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64193 50bcd05f7422c2d865f Volume 4 f68 SHA1: a8037e715d36231bdd Mothers & Stepsons 503 26.08.2020 20:53:26 26.08.2020 18:53:26 London River.mp4 Telia Company libtorrent/ 47947 50bcd05f7422c2d865f Volume 4 f68

EXHIBIT 1.192 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Keisha Grey - SHA1: My Big Booty Loves 4ff62836fc3c509617e My Big Booty Loves 505 13.09.2020 17:23:31 13.09.2020 15:23:31 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 56713 Anal (13.09.2017) tk e5de7658eaabe045c0 Anal (1k).mp4 ba1

EXHIBIT 1.193 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Hadley eb7ae91b0dd3565f29 My Boyfriend Made 506 06.09.2020 17:13:19 06.09.2020 15:13:19 Viscara - My Boyfriend Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 51518 908cb6fb8ed993d709 Me Made Me Do It.mp4 a162

EXHIBIT 1.194 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City My.Brother.Came.Insi SHA1: de.Me. c6d14d0ef192a1e605 My Brother Came 507 15.09.2020 09:40:26 15.09.2020 07:40:26 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64039 2.DiSC1.XXX.DVDRip b379c236eb58cc7af2c Inside Me! Vol. 2 .x264-GalaXXXy.mkv 91b My.Brother.Came.Insi SHA1: de.Me. c6d14d0ef192a1e605 My Brother Came 508 14.09.2020 11:56:12 14.09.2020 09:56:12 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 57634 2.DiSC1.XXX.DVDRip b379c236eb58cc7af2c Inside Me! Vol. 2 .x264-GalaXXXy.mkv 91b My.Brother.Came.Insi SHA1: de.Me. c6d14d0ef192a1e605 My Brother Came 509 13.09.2020 21:06:09 13.09.2020 19:06:09 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63273 2.DiSC1.XXX.DVDRip b379c236eb58cc7af2c Inside Me! Vol. 2 .x264-GalaXXXy.mkv 91b My.Brother.Came.Insi SHA1: de.Me. c6d14d0ef192a1e605 My Brother Came 510 13.09.2020 18:26:29 13.09.2020 16:26:29 Telia Company μTorrent 3.4.5 17328 2.DiSC1.XXX.DVDRip b379c236eb58cc7af2c Inside Me! Vol. 2 .x264-GalaXXXy.mkv 91b

EXHIBIT 1.195 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Autumn Falls - fbb1e3387b5d032b30 My Chance To Catch 511 03.09.2020 12:23:46 03.09.2020 10:23:46 My Chance To Catch Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64081 b9137e05f516e696dc Up Up.mp4 5cc5

EXHIBIT 1.196 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 8aea27202c47b378bf 512 07.09.2020 23:33:11 07.09.2020 21:33:11 18.07.25.liya.silver[xxx Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53742 My Dirty Arrangement 48659cc2938db86910 ][480p].mp4 54ef

EXHIBIT 1.197 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetsinner. SHA1: 20.08.25.reagan.foxx. 8f5792dbdb4f8ad967b 513 03.09.2020 10:47:55 03.09.2020 08:47:55 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 11876 My Favorite Teacher my.favorite.teacher. ff1b82a382ffcd2fc302 720p.mp4 7 sweetsinner. SHA1: 9c3b49e523fc0e2a18 514 05.09.2020 04:23:04 05.09.2020 02:23:04 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 24170 My Favorite Teacher 93a4b732ab1dd5e2d6 4 4567 SweetSinner. SHA1: 20.08.11.Vanna.Bardo b07f77a75248ad17cd 515 12.09.2020 17:21:22 12.09.2020 15:21:22 t.My.Favorite.Teacher. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 57113 My Favorite Teacher a2994736fd55924719 XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 877f GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.198 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen - Kenna James, SHA1: Honey Gold - My 5954ca36da9bd29c66 My Hollywood 516 27.08.2020 18:01:06 27.08.2020 16:01:06 Telia Company Vuze 47683 Hollywood 7d78c6fa6ee9cfb6c65 Threesome Threesome.mp4 806

EXHIBIT 1.199 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Emma Starletto - My 80f885ae409730bfe44 My New Black Step- 517 11.09.2020 23:58:57 11.09.2020 21:58:57 New Black Stepdaddy Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64551 f286dff3b289c3268ac Daddy! 25 25 090920.mp4 a6

EXHIBIT 1.200 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - April Dawn - cb9abc2b058cade2fa My Rise In The Ranks 518 27.08.2020 15:04:58 27.08.2020 13:04:58 My Rise In The Ranks Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39731 7c0bd6a20558dc0e46 Part 2 Part 2.mp4 eb0d

EXHIBIT 1.201 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Tushy] Kenzie SHA1: Reeves - My Second 1f11aa8db1d64e7c98 My Second Anal 519 27.08.2020 10:14:53 27.08.2020 08:14:53 Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.16 51584 Anal Confession 0693cbd8c37407a6c3 Confession (02.03.2018) rq.mp4 963c

EXHIBIT 1.202 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Lana 0616906e5b0d445a8f 520 07.09.2020 18:15:56 07.09.2020 16:15:56 Rhoades - My Secret Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 50062 My Secret Sex Life b469d45908c91d24f6 Sex Life.mp4 cd2f

EXHIBIT 1.203 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: NewSensations - 0b8b8f804971616279 My Sexy Little 521 05.09.2020 13:48:17 05.09.2020 11:48:17 Naomi Swann XXX Telia Company Vuze 59714 c372b967ced7568bb8 Stepdaughter 5 [Sept 04 2020].mp4 1454 SHA1: NewSensations. b8a2236bac0ff7e8a4e My Sexy Little 522 04.09.2020 23:11:55 04.09.2020 21:11:55 20.09.04.Naomi.Swan Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 19113 c646892b03f8bbcee0 Stepdaughter 5 n.1080p.mp4 111

EXHIBIT 1.204 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 523 29.08.2020 10:44:51 29.08.2020 08:44:51 Telia Company -WW0097- 59212 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 524 05.09.2020 00:38:07 04.09.2020 22:38:07 Telia Company libtorrent/ 61995 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 525 29.08.2020 23:55:12 29.08.2020 21:55:12 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65317 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 526 02.09.2020 18:58:23 02.09.2020 16:58:23 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61951 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 527 29.08.2020 22:58:04 29.08.2020 20:58:04 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 60662 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 528 29.08.2020 14:03:18 29.08.2020 12:03:18 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.3 53756 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae Tushy. SHA1: 16.11.07.Lena.Paul.X 4243931031689e0da7 My Sister's Loss is my 529 29.08.2020 04:39:03 29.08.2020 02:39:03 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 56629 XX.720p.WEB.x264- aff5c18b83c3891e518 Gain GalaXXXy.mkv 9ae

EXHIBIT 1.205 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 92f62e36ff35dfa41d4a My Squirting 530 09.09.2020 22:43:24 09.09.2020 20:43:24 Charlotte Sins.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55236 dd0d24065315421d8e Stepsister 3 65 SHA1: Anna Claire 92f62e36ff35dfa41d4a My Squirting 531 09.09.2020 16:25:55 09.09.2020 14:25:55 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 58122 Clouds.mp4 dd0d24065315421d8e Stepsister 3 65

EXHIBIT 1.206 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City ZeroTolerance. SHA1: 19.05.21.Rina.Ellis.Ho b3d69a380efbce9870 My Stepbrother Took 532 05.09.2020 06:15:30 05.09.2020 04:15:30 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62739 le.In.One.XXX.SD.MP 58ba77bf833a8f6d72f My Ass 3 4-KLEENEX.mp4 1c7

EXHIBIT 1.207 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy - Kenzie SHA1: Reeves, Jillian Janson fdf2c8ae50747f233c8 My Third Anal 533 14.09.2020 13:11:50 14.09.2020 11:11:50 Telia Company Vuze 54897 - My Third Anal e1faa401d78348a238 Confession Confession.mp4 59c Tushy - Kenzie SHA1: Reeves, Jillian Janson fdf2c8ae50747f233c8 My Third Anal 534 07.09.2020 06:56:13 07.09.2020 04:56:13 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53177 - My Third Anal e1faa401d78348a238 Confession Confession.mp4 59c

EXHIBIT 1.208 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Adira Allure e38fb6665de9d81684 535 12.09.2020 23:32:14 12.09.2020 21:32:14 Telia Company Tixati 2.31 53519 My Way [720p HD].mp4 d47b70cd868aefa907 a015

EXHIBIT 1.209 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- 0e9e5fc9a74faaab4cf My Wife And Her 536 04.09.2020 17:35:30 04.09.2020 15:35:30 mywifeandherblacklov Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 41609 c5dadc69bd2375e731 Black Lover 3 er3d1.mp4 b87

EXHIBIT 1.210 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Ivy Wolfe, 3c109b5928289fd085 537 11.09.2020 18:25:36 11.09.2020 16:25:36 Rosalyn Sphinx - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5 32150 Never Enough 3 5824ab59fdcd825ae3 Never Enough 3.mp4 de52

EXHIBIT 1.211 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 538 13.09.2020 20:46:06 13.09.2020 18:46:06 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company libtorrent/ 59213 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 23648bd52874974683 539 09.09.2020 00:53:55 08.09.2020 22:53:55 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 12444 Next 3c92ac6b9de5f1d67f2 480p.mp4 bd5 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 23648bd52874974683 540 03.09.2020 17:54:29 03.09.2020 15:54:29 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company libtorrent/ 33093 Next 3c92ac6b9de5f1d67f2 480p.mp4 bd5 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 541 03.09.2020 15:45:48 03.09.2020 13:45:48 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54871 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 542 03.09.2020 15:40:11 03.09.2020 13:40:11 Telia Company -MO1030- 60509 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 543 02.09.2020 20:47:07 02.09.2020 18:47:07 Telia Company libtorrent/ 54662 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 544 01.09.2020 08:58:30 01.09.2020 06:58:30 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 53586 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 545 01.09.2020 07:33:38 01.09.2020 05:33:38 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52255 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 23648bd52874974683 546 31.08.2020 08:16:53 31.08.2020 06:16:53 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 49208 Next 3c92ac6b9de5f1d67f2 480p.mp4 bd5 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 547 03.09.2020 20:21:04 03.09.2020 18:21:04 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company BitComet 1.68 50855 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.30.Cecilia.Lion. ffbcf58ef0cd8c81446c 548 01.09.2020 21:07:45 01.09.2020 19:07:45 Telia Company Folx 5.10.13873 51847 Next Next.2160p.XXX- 244ebea22cc3f2bcd9 C0R.mp4 d8 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 60680ccda2ad63f082 549 01.09.2020 12:40:55 01.09.2020 10:40:55 Next (30.08.2020) Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 14172 Next 80bd02a7dbd89230fe rq.mp4 8894 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 550 01.09.2020 09:34:26 01.09.2020 07:34:26 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 38486 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.30.Cecilia.Lion. ffbcf58ef0cd8c81446c 551 31.08.2020 02:17:16 31.08.2020 00:17:16 Telia Company Vuze 47049 Next Next.2160p.XXX- 244ebea22cc3f2bcd9 C0R.mp4 d8 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 552 08.09.2020 16:29:27 08.09.2020 14:29:27 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.6 8999 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 553 05.09.2020 01:29:32 04.09.2020 23:29:32 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64443 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 23648bd52874974683 554 12.09.2020 03:58:36 12.09.2020 01:58:36 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company µTorrent 3.3.1 4155 Next 3c92ac6b9de5f1d67f2 480p.mp4 bd5 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 555 02.09.2020 09:59:33 02.09.2020 07:59:33 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54753 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 556 31.08.2020 21:44:03 31.08.2020 19:44:03 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 31085 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.30.Cecilia.Lion. 48602926bfd95b81d2 557 31.08.2020 12:24:05 31.08.2020 10:24:05 Next.1080p.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58685 Next 09185755ffb40ca982f 720p.WEB.x264- cc1 GalaXXXy.mkv EXHIBIT SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 558 03.09.2020 07:44:46 03.09.2020 05:44:46 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49800 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 1.212 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.30.Cecilia.Lion. 48602926bfd95b81d2 559 31.08.2020 16:18:51 31.08.2020 14:18:51 Next.1080p.XXX. Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 52879 Next 09185755ffb40ca982f 720p.WEB.x264- cc1 GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 623664db91c56ccbdd 560 15.09.2020 03:22:38 15.09.2020 01:22:38 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 48387 Next 3b77badae7af7d76d9 1080p.mp4 a817 SHA1: [Tushy] Cecilia Lion - 23648bd52874974683 561 01.09.2020 04:10:09 01.09.2020 02:10:09 Next 30-08-2020 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23183 Next 3c92ac6b9de5f1d67f2 480p.mp4 bd5 SHA1: Tushy - Cecilia Lion - 8572209554c506ad50 562 01.09.2020 12:23:30 01.09.2020 10:23:30 Telia Company µTorrent 3.1.3 62378 Next Next.mp4 c33cfb937c4a7a0e28 d409 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.30.Cecilia.Lion. 48602926bfd95b81d2 563 16.09.2020 07:51:32 16.09.2020 05:51:32 Next.1080p.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62123 Next 09185755ffb40ca982f 720p.WEB.x264- cc1 GalaXXXy.mkv No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Lexi 14b10a509f9801cdb0f 564 06.09.2020 15:06:32 06.09.2020 13:06:32 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Night Out Belle - Night Out.mp4 3a26fb468b879fa1052 c7

EXHIBIT 1.213 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Ashley Lane 3a3dd7c8dbb7e5b223 565 05.09.2020 13:33:58 05.09.2020 11:33:58 - No Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.13 6998 No Consequences 555d26f27b64b7090a Consequences.mp4 3e57

EXHIBIT 1.214 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Serena Avery fd451c17f6cd6a9fc49 566 07.09.2020 07:08:29 07.09.2020 05:08:29 - No Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 33017 No Relationships 92e362a68b0846555e Relationships.mp4 e33

EXHIBIT 1.215 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Sky Pierce - 3c6ca0228c60df78a5 567 12.09.2020 21:28:58 12.09.2020 19:28:58 Telia Company libtorrent/ 59068 Not Holding Back Not Holding Back.mp4 2d451f9a8442a65716 cdd8 SHA1: Vixen - Sky Pierce - 3c6ca0228c60df78a5 568 11.09.2020 04:28:58 11.09.2020 02:28:58 Telia Company libtorrent/ 53123 Not Holding Back Not Holding Back.mp4 2d451f9a8442a65716 cdd8 SHA1: vixen. dbbc57c94098a05619 569 10.09.2020 20:10:22 10.09.2020 18:10:22 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 50603 Not Holding Back 7d97f46fc5f632905d0 p4 a2b

EXHIBIT 1.216 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 2a03b74b0623c4dc5c 570 05.09.2020 15:27:05 05.09.2020 13:27:05 19.12.27.carolina.swe Telia Company libtorrent/ 47945 Obedience 2a345ca6942396b4e8 ets.mp4 0dba

EXHIBIT 1.217 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Obsessed (2020) cabe4b1e64399aae0d 571 14.09.2020 09:13:50 14.09.2020 07:13:50 WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company Vuze 58301 Obsessed 71ec8b6c16c303a5d4 PnY.mp4 eb9f

EXHIBIT 1.218 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. f5ab262063cba49cf15 572 15.09.2020 13:38:36 15.09.2020 11:38:36 19.06.30.stacy.cruz.m Telia Company Vuze 54810 One Last Time 326ec4f598493e419e p4 1a8

EXHIBIT 1.219 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Blacked] London SHA1: Keyes (Open Position c1242c6baf05adcc2c4 573 30.08.2020 02:13:10 30.08.2020 00:13:10 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 43955 Open Position - 25.04.2017) rq fb61d40fac6c469f25e (2k).mp4 9b SHA1: Blacked - London cc4d89c30bd65d6854 574 03.09.2020 11:43:32 03.09.2020 09:43:32 Keyes - Open Telia Company -MO1111- 59829 Open Position 6bcf62ace381585bd8 Position.mp4 79ef

EXHIBIT 1.220 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. f0bac3a20df2e27e05b 575 06.09.2020 02:09:31 06.09.2020 00:09:31 20.05.24.mary.rock.m Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.16 60044 Opportunity bb4c174650445e3ea5 p4 7c9

EXHIBIT 1.221 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BlackedRaw Haley SHA1: Reed Pass Me Around ba11f5886cb6058a2b 576 11.09.2020 21:42:30 11.09.2020 19:42:30 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65254 Pass Me Around 720p HEVC x265 907e1b96b987fd7f3e1 TDR.mkv 3ed

EXHIBIT 1.222 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 143ed56e751b662f72 577 31.08.2020 19:05:29 31.08.2020 17:05:29 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 62543 Passing Me Around 7b52d79c441fbcc16b 4 b177

EXHIBIT 1.223 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 81855f1c384666e715 578 14.09.2020 20:40:38 14.09.2020 18:40:38 20.08.22.emily.willis.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 28847 Peach 6e6a33e164ae12b7cc nd.alexis.tae.mp4 b1f9 SHA1: blacked. 1130c4c8190eebd3cc 579 29.08.2020 11:35:33 29.08.2020 09:35:33 20.08.22.emily.willis.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65520 Peach 2e36ded9339ab5c89f nd.alexis.tae.mp4 7ed2 SHA1: blacked. 81855f1c384666e715 580 04.09.2020 01:29:53 03.09.2020 23:29:53 20.08.22.emily.willis.a Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Peach 6e6a33e164ae12b7cc nd.alexis.tae.mp4 b1f9 Blacked. SHA1: 20.08.22.Emily.Willis. b3f2f92aaba110deaed 581 27.08.2020 01:27:56 26.08.2020 23:27:56 And.Alexis.Tae.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63264 Peach 3df4a2157600625689 720p.WEB.x264- 993 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.224 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City BLACKED. SHA1: 14.12.08.Karla.Kush.X 8d46e943366e24e5f1 Perfect Blonde With 2 582 06.09.2020 00:20:31 05.09.2020 22:20:31 Telia Company BitLord 2.4.6 29119 XX.720p.WEB.x264- 700f34a463c85fca35d Monster Black Cocks GalaXXXy.mkv 996

EXHIBIT 1.225 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. d8cc6a6f0df7de99ddc 583 14.09.2020 11:26:41 14.09.2020 09:26:41 20.05.17.sasha.rose.a Telia Company libtorrent/ 59534 Perfect Match 5578221f7ec1ad4ac5 nd.angel.emily.mp4 eef SHA1: tushy. d8cc6a6f0df7de99ddc 584 03.09.2020 18:40:58 03.09.2020 16:40:58 20.05.17.sasha.rose.a Telia Company libtorrent/ 37163 Perfect Match 5578221f7ec1ad4ac5 nd.angel.emily.mp4 eef

EXHIBIT 1.226 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Deeper - Cecilia Lion - d328d31b55ecbad2d0 585 15.09.2020 10:02:42 15.09.2020 08:02:42 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54331 Perform For Me Perform For Me.mp4 2c86e68cd82a6e4112 1804

EXHIBIT 1.227 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Peter Pan XXX An SHA1: Axel Braun 8cb97b54a5cd97bdfd 586 04.09.2020 09:56:16 04.09.2020 07:56:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51988 Peter Pan XXX Parody.XXX. 9f0c79d843170aef4e5 720P.mp4 bd1

EXHIBIT 1.228 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Lena.Paul.and.Pristine 1dceadd73fc1bd5d0e Please Make Me 587 13.09.2020 15:52:30 13.09.2020 13:52:30 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 4155 .Edge.lesbian.mp4 320cc0e871471b7acc Lesbian! Part 15 e381

EXHIBIT 1.229 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Vixen] Meggan SHA1: Mallone - Practice d7ff2a6b26a8eb9b131 Practice Makes 588 10.09.2020 00:39:35 09.09.2020 22:39:35 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39877 Makes Perfect fd59c812eaeae049d7 Perfect (04.04.2018) rq.mp4 c8c

EXHIBIT 1.230 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.09.Kamryn.Jayd ed116cf7001dafbe37f Proud Stag of a Sexy 589 11.09.2020 17:38:49 11.09.2020 15:38:49 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54098 e.Kamryn.Can.Barely. 98090d0e10e67d4ff94 Vixen 3 Contain.It.1080p.mp4 fc NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.09.Kamryn.Jayd ed116cf7001dafbe37f Proud Stag of a Sexy 590 10.09.2020 11:34:19 10.09.2020 09:34:19 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 51455 e.Kamryn.Can.Barely. 98090d0e10e67d4ff94 Vixen 3 Contain.It.1080p.mp4 fc NewSensations. SHA1: 20.09.09.Kamryn.Jayd ed116cf7001dafbe37f Proud Stag of a Sexy 591 10.09.2020 02:45:15 10.09.2020 00:45:15 Telia Company libtorrent/ 59460 e.Kamryn.Can.Barely. 98090d0e10e67d4ff94 Vixen 3 Contain.It.1080p.mp4 fc SHA1: e0db839755a221f1c2 Proud Stag of a Sexy 592 06.09.2020 11:31:41 06.09.2020 09:31:41 LaSirena69.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 30488 8ffb8c1a7aec5504898 Vixen 3 022

EXHIBIT 1.231 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.25.Mia.Melano. 838e1f79fa461c75435 593 28.08.2020 12:29:26 28.08.2020 10:29:26 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 59423 Prove Me Wrong XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 6d9008ecad5682d963 GalaXXXy.mkv 5f1 Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.25.Mia.Melano. 838e1f79fa461c75435 594 04.09.2020 18:46:45 04.09.2020 16:46:45 Telia Company libtorrent/ 65390 Prove Me Wrong XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 6d9008ecad5682d963 GalaXXXy.mkv 5f1 Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.25.Mia.Melano. 838e1f79fa461c75435 595 27.08.2020 17:18:42 27.08.2020 15:18:42 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 52879 Prove Me Wrong XXX.720p.WEB.x264- 6d9008ecad5682d963 GalaXXXy.mkv 5f1

EXHIBIT 1.232 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Kinuski - f4c62f1fd6f96d354a20 596 09.09.2020 13:42:16 09.09.2020 11:42:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55862 Pushing Limits Pushing Limits.mp4 6b3c071bc30b0fcf349 2 SHA1: Tushy - Kinuski - f4c62f1fd6f96d354a20 597 30.08.2020 00:41:31 29.08.2020 22:41:31 Telia Company µTorrent 3.1.3 17597 Pushing Limits Pushing Limits.mp4 6b3c071bc30b0fcf349 2

EXHIBIT 1.233 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. e077458f7d906db1bc 598 15.09.2020 20:09:11 15.09.2020 18:09:11 20.04.20.holly.hotwife. Telia Company libtorrent/ 64210 Ready To Go 69a9e02ef2c5b93493 mp4 4ade

EXHIBIT 1.234 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Kenzie 340388f38581df5e919 599 30.08.2020 10:41:18 30.08.2020 08:41:18 Reeves - Ready To Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 17408 Ready To Work? 342c8ebb209978eea9 Work.mp4 633

EXHIBIT 1.235 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Anastasia 333ef607453e84d652 600 06.09.2020 01:30:41 05.09.2020 23:30:41 Knight - Rebel Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 45517 Rebel Rebel 8ac24f90baf0fad4a11 Rebel.mp4 17a SHA1: Tushy - Anastasia 333ef607453e84d652 601 08.09.2020 22:42:12 08.09.2020 20:42:12 Knight - Rebel Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22008 Rebel Rebel 8ac24f90baf0fad4a11 Rebel.mp4 17a SHA1: Tushy - Anastasia 333ef607453e84d652 602 11.09.2020 18:45:01 11.09.2020 16:45:01 Knight - Rebel Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 55080 Rebel Rebel 8ac24f90baf0fad4a11 Rebel.mp4 17a

EXHIBIT 1.236 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: sweetheartvideo.refor 49ddbfcd493b976bcb Reform School Girls 603 13.09.2020 13:59:06 13.09.2020 11:59:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 15080 50d478257e4a701900 Volume 3 3.hd.mp4 0deb

EXHIBIT 1.237 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SweetheartVideo. 20.09.07.Rocky.Emers SHA1: on.Bella.Rolland.Refor 8e07d487fa55fcf64eb Reform School Girls 604 16.09.2020 02:13:37 16.09.2020 00:13:37 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 63545 m.School.Girls. c27ff8631cb555f0e5c Volume 4 1.Dont.Get.Caught. 62 480p.mp4 SHA1: reform school girls 565e506aa99fa44111 Reform School Girls 605 15.09.2020 20:54:26 15.09.2020 18:54:26 volume 4 scene 2 the Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 60a4fcb9a6c3c25b33 Volume 4 big break 1080p.mp4 5e35 SHA1: reform-school-girls- c402323c5512d2a216 Reform School Girls 606 15.09.2020 02:31:34 15.09.2020 00:31:34 volume-4-scene-2-the- Telia Company µTorrent 1.8.5 2140 7f5f9eb1408af6f34ea8 Volume 4 big-break_1080p.mp4 d2 SHA1: reform-school-girls- 45c973d3c6b06991bb Reform School Girls 607 14.09.2020 13:09:23 14.09.2020 11:09:23 volume-4-scene-2-the- Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 17471 c1bba0283cc52cba27 Volume 4 big-break_480p.mp4 2410

EXHIBIT 1.238 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 2d8f105cb57ad0fd125 608 14.09.2020 09:13:16 14.09.2020 07:13:16 20.05.15.alina.lopez.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 50213 Relationship Goals 0254d4910d00e4cbbc nd.avery.cristy.mp4 dcc Vixen. SHA1: 20.05.15.Alina.Lopez. 2ffad70f46b40dfc5128 609 29.08.2020 17:39:13 29.08.2020 15:39:13 And.Avery.Cristy.XXX. Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 57734 Relationship Goals cdebe53ff3e80bc488c SD.MP4- 5 KLEENEX.mp4 SHA1: vixen. 2d8f105cb57ad0fd125 610 09.09.2020 22:46:09 09.09.2020 20:46:09 20.05.15.alina.lopez.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 61544 Relationship Goals 0254d4910d00e4cbbc nd.avery.cristy.mp4 dcc

EXHIBIT 1.239 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Kymberlie 7956a3114712350e70 611 12.09.2020 08:27:50 12.09.2020 06:27:50 Telia Company Vuze 22207 Revenge Rose - Revenge.mp4 ec9dfa94f82d4ac6dfd 90c SHA1: Tushy. ba0e526e5ccc91425a 612 12.09.2020 03:45:58 12.09.2020 01:45:58 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 52962 Revenge 2c6dedf08ec40ded56 ose.Revenge..mp4 8f53 SHA1: [Tushy] Kymberlie bad5df1d7c31988a19 613 09.09.2020 13:18:35 09.09.2020 11:18:35 Rose - Revenge Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 49435 Revenge ed6d87909f621d68f99 (06.09.2020).mp4 651 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 960c214a649ca6142f 614 09.09.2020 08:45:04 09.09.2020 06:45:04 Telia Company Transmission 2.93 53724 Revenge ose.Revenge. 66c47a4cacf63664f77 1080p.mp4 e0e SHA1: Tushy. ba0e526e5ccc91425a 615 07.09.2020 17:16:33 07.09.2020 15:16:33 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54170 Revenge 2c6dedf08ec40ded56 ose.Revenge..mp4 8f53 SHA1: [Tushy] Kymberlie bad5df1d7c31988a19 616 07.09.2020 13:20:10 07.09.2020 11:20:10 Rose - Revenge Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 50933 Revenge ed6d87909f621d68f99 (06.09.2020).mp4 651 Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 960c214a649ca6142f 617 07.09.2020 12:41:31 07.09.2020 10:41:31 Telia Company Vuze 42413 Revenge ose.Revenge. 66c47a4cacf63664f77 1080p.mp4 e0e SHA1: Tushy - Kymberlie 7956a3114712350e70 618 11.09.2020 14:06:31 11.09.2020 12:06:31 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 12125 Revenge Rose - Revenge.mp4 ec9dfa94f82d4ac6dfd 90c Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 960c214a649ca6142f 619 12.09.2020 12:41:21 12.09.2020 10:41:21 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.9 2850 Revenge ose.Revenge. 66c47a4cacf63664f77 1080p.mp4 e0e Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 960c214a649ca6142f 620 09.09.2020 13:52:18 09.09.2020 11:52:18 Telia Company -qB4170- 52641 Revenge ose.Revenge. 66c47a4cacf63664f77 1080p.mp4 e0e Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 8a312a77b9644e092c 621 12.09.2020 19:46:10 12.09.2020 17:46:10 Telia Company �Torrent 1.6.1 52063 Revenge ose.Revenge.XXX.SD 15faef3df1728a36237 .MP4-KLEENEX.mp4 023 SHA1: Tushy - Kymberlie 7956a3114712350e70 622 15.09.2020 21:42:32 15.09.2020 19:42:32 Telia Company Vuze 24335 Revenge Rose - Revenge.mp4 ec9dfa94f82d4ac6dfd 90c Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 960c214a649ca6142f 623 07.09.2020 13:54:23 07.09.2020 11:54:23 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16598 Revenge ose.Revenge. 66c47a4cacf63664f77 1080p.mp4 e0e Tushy. SHA1: 20.09.06.Kymberlie.R 8a312a77b9644e092c 624 07.09.2020 06:00:41 07.09.2020 04:00:41 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51341 Revenge ose.Revenge.XXX.SD 15faef3df1728a36237 .MP4-KLEENEX.mp4 023

EXHIBIT 1.240 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [Vixen] Rina Ellis - 0fcfb5c8331a6fd9845 625 10.09.2020 07:10:13 10.09.2020 05:10:13 Right For The Part Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Right For The Part a068f477693a06db59 (04.09.2020) rq.mp4 33f SHA1: Vixen - Rina Ellis - fbaafd828c1d19bf067 626 09.09.2020 14:28:51 09.09.2020 12:28:51 Right For The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 25425 Right For The Part 7e5af15fbb09abf82e3 Part.mp4 e9 SHA1: Vixen - Rina Ellis - fbaafd828c1d19bf067 627 09.09.2020 04:53:40 09.09.2020 02:53:40 Right For The Telia Company libtorrent/ 50150 Right For The Part 7e5af15fbb09abf82e3 Part.mp4 e9 SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 628 08.09.2020 04:45:54 08.09.2020 02:45:54 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.7 8999 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. cbc3af9ecd9f7f172c74 629 05.09.2020 13:36:48 05.09.2020 11:36:48 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis. Telia Company libtorrent/ 51979 Right For The Part d630954e70e07d940c 1080p.mp4 70 SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 630 05.09.2020 10:26:46 05.09.2020 08:26:46 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company Vuze 12076 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 631 05.09.2020 03:56:17 05.09.2020 01:56:17 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.0 59250 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 632 05.09.2020 00:45:06 04.09.2020 22:45:06 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 21509 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 633 08.09.2020 16:01:37 08.09.2020 14:01:37 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company μTorrent 3.4.5 46417 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. cbc3af9ecd9f7f172c74 634 06.09.2020 08:15:29 06.09.2020 06:15:29 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis. Telia Company Vuze 42413 Right For The Part d630954e70e07d940c 1080p.mp4 70 SHA1: Vixen - Rina Ellis - fbaafd828c1d19bf067 635 09.09.2020 21:20:40 09.09.2020 19:20:40 Right For The Telia Company Vuze 60422 Right For The Part 7e5af15fbb09abf82e3 Part.mp4 e9 SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 636 05.09.2020 07:15:48 05.09.2020 05:15:48 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 62789 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 637 05.09.2020 01:36:27 04.09.2020 23:36:27 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59774 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen - Rina Ellis - fbaafd828c1d19bf067 638 16.09.2020 11:22:05 16.09.2020 09:22:05 Right For The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56616 Right For The Part 7e5af15fbb09abf82e3 Part.mp4 e9 SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 639 15.09.2020 14:38:14 15.09.2020 12:38:14 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company BiglyBT 64221 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen. 63a22c748ace8732fa 640 09.09.2020 04:52:19 09.09.2020 02:52:19 20.09.04.Rina.Ellis..m Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 60426 Right For The Part 9ae5785ea73f31d0ea p4 5cca SHA1: Vixen - Rina Ellis - fbaafd828c1d19bf067 641 15.09.2020 02:00:24 15.09.2020 00:00:24 Right For The Telia Company BiglyBT 61406 Right For The Part 7e5af15fbb09abf82e3 Part.mp4 e9

EXHIBIT 1.241 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Kyler Quinn e6683078f639ae7a58 Right Place, Right 642 30.08.2020 10:48:53 30.08.2020 08:48:53 - Right Place, Right Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41741 1bcadf96a49bc80814 Time Time.mp4 3689 SHA1: Blacked - Kyler Quinn e6683078f639ae7a58 Right Place, Right 643 05.09.2020 10:27:13 05.09.2020 08:27:13 - Right Place, Right Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 12782 1bcadf96a49bc80814 Time Time.mp4 3689

EXHIBIT 1.242 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Ella Nova, eb209a2c769c32ffb78 644 30.08.2020 15:42:31 30.08.2020 13:42:31 Candice Dare - Rise Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 16169 Rise and Shine c53365cefbda980b65 and Shine.mp4 157 SHA1: Tushy - Ella Nova, eb209a2c769c32ffb78 645 13.09.2020 17:48:01 13.09.2020 15:48:01 Candice Dare - Rise Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 16249 Rise and Shine c53365cefbda980b65 and Shine.mp4 157 SHA1: Tushy - Ella Nova, eb209a2c769c32ffb78 646 06.09.2020 16:08:05 06.09.2020 14:08:05 Candice Dare - Rise Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 25513 Rise and Shine c53365cefbda980b65 and Shine.mp4 157

EXHIBIT 1.243 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Kenzie 062215626c7f3abd8e 647 29.08.2020 17:41:50 29.08.2020 15:41:50 Reeves - Room for Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50449 Room for 2 af39a7230075dd43cf1 2.mp4 3a7

EXHIBIT 1.244 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blackedraw. dd7d9795e444f4a6c8 648 09.09.2020 01:42:02 08.09.2020 23:42:02 Telia Company Vuze 17940 Round And Round 8f770090690e10b003 073e

EXHIBIT 1.245 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. e6ff3836b408d5b6cda 649 12.09.2020 01:22:40 11.09.2020 23:22:40 19.08.02.naomi.swann Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62895 Rule 2 807ee4c2407a9b71a0 .mp4 fac

EXHIBIT 1.246 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Misha Cross 9e757f2b0f0628fa2cf6 650 12.09.2020 12:03:21 12.09.2020 10:03:21 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 50495 Satisfaction - Satisfaction.mp4 d14e2592e149523cf8 ed SHA1: Blacked - Misha Cross 9e757f2b0f0628fa2cf6 651 09.09.2020 01:52:14 08.09.2020 23:52:14 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 62999 Satisfaction - Satisfaction.mp4 d14e2592e149523cf8 ed

EXHIBIT 1.247 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Scandalous (Stormy SHA1: Daniels, Wicked 1cebcfcbc32072acf77 652 05.09.2020 16:17:20 05.09.2020 14:17:20 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 30495 Scandalous Pictures) 2017 WEB- c7338f4c45a9cf6a33a DL rq.mp4 57

EXHIBIT 1.248 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. eb8182cb6d300a7947 653 08.09.2020 21:22:58 08.09.2020 19:22:58 19.10.28.avery.cristy. Telia Company libtorrent/ 43937 Secret Crush 5a2df9651c8674c4bb mp4 a7fb

EXHIBIT 1.249 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 654 04.09.2020 12:57:47 04.09.2020 10:57:47 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53824 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 655 01.09.2020 16:39:20 01.09.2020 14:39:20 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 59395 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 656 30.08.2020 11:20:58 30.08.2020 09:20:58 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 40147 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 657 10.09.2020 17:58:24 10.09.2020 15:58:24 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company libtorrent/ 58733 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 658 10.09.2020 09:46:48 10.09.2020 07:46:48 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 61787 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 659 30.08.2020 09:24:53 30.08.2020 07:24:53 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company BitComet 1.70 8581 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 660 01.09.2020 20:04:06 01.09.2020 18:04:06 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 53884 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 661 04.09.2020 01:56:10 03.09.2020 23:56:10 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 662 15.09.2020 02:17:44 15.09.2020 00:17:44 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company BiglyBT 36607 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 663 03.09.2020 13:34:32 03.09.2020 11:34:32 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 55912 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96 SHA1: Blacked - Penelope a19fbd9c5c79a4a9b5 664 31.08.2020 16:24:55 31.08.2020 14:24:55 Cross - Secret Pool Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 31046 Secret Pool Sex 80431608e41cc80e3c Sex.mp4 8b96

EXHIBIT 1.250 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Alix Lynx - 86804856761d83ad88 665 31.08.2020 21:15:26 31.08.2020 19:15:26 Telia Company -MO1111- 52233 Set Me Off Set Me Off.mp4 f3d60a55538fd4c54cc af9

EXHIBIT 1.251 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Sexy Flexy Ballerina 91ad6cdf6ebdc8560a Sexy Flexy Ballerina 666 06.09.2020 11:51:29 06.09.2020 09:51:29 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 23134 Teens.mp4 8171ad961b08b58dff2 Teens cfd

EXHIBIT 1.252 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: NewSensations - 4a2a09b28c54ca5064 Sexy Hotwife Stories 667 13.09.2020 09:24:52 13.09.2020 07:24:52 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51371 Charlotte Cross.mp4 6500b02068dee5ac2c Vol. 3 4038

EXHIBIT 1.253 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 8abc15a39d54a6bd0d 668 10.09.2020 19:23:33 10.09.2020 17:23:33 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 28847 Share f91582b09a75615a95 4 880c

EXHIBIT 1.254 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy - Lana SHA1: Rhoades, Jade Nile - 47ce723d84c0a2028a Sharing Her Ass With 669 30.08.2020 20:19:30 30.08.2020 18:19:30 Telia Company libtorrent/ 55922 Sharing Her Ass With 53b98fe9431c963a28 My Husband My Husband.mp4 0e54 Tushy - Lana SHA1: Rhoades, Jade Nile - 47ce723d84c0a2028a Sharing Her Ass With 670 12.09.2020 07:00:03 12.09.2020 05:00:03 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 65307 Sharing Her Ass With 53b98fe9431c963a28 My Husband My Husband.mp4 0e54 Tushy - Lana SHA1: Rhoades, Jade Nile - 47ce723d84c0a2028a Sharing Her Ass With 671 08.09.2020 11:20:22 08.09.2020 09:20:22 Telia Company libtorrent/ 62776 Sharing Her Ass With 53b98fe9431c963a28 My Husband My Husband.mp4 0e54 Tushy - Lana SHA1: Rhoades, Jade Nile - 47ce723d84c0a2028a Sharing Her Ass With 672 10.09.2020 21:27:44 10.09.2020 19:27:44 Telia Company Folx 5.10.13873 14082 Sharing Her Ass With 53b98fe9431c963a28 My Husband My Husband.mp4 0e54

EXHIBIT 1.255 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Tori Black, Jill f84dce97deb71401be 673 02.09.2020 11:09:57 02.09.2020 09:09:57 Kassidy - Sharing Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56589 Sharing Methods 49198e7c5e446530b7 Methods.mp4 0b41 SHA1: Vixen - Tori Black, Jill f84dce97deb71401be 674 03.09.2020 13:54:15 03.09.2020 11:54:15 Kassidy - Sharing Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 49444 Sharing Methods 49198e7c5e446530b7 Methods.mp4 0b41

EXHIBIT 1.256 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. 82e792f1d1d984c1c0f 675 12.09.2020 09:43:07 12.09.2020 07:43:07 20.07.30.adira.allure. Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 51808 She Wants To Know 752062ed385c0e8a6d mp4 eb5

EXHIBIT 1.257 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Deeper - Lena Paul, f97de199997b054510 676 14.09.2020 06:03:43 14.09.2020 04:03:43 Gabbie Carter - She Telia Company BitComet 1.66 21351 She Was Me b9d85f04b731073dbe Was Me.mp4 0006 [Deeper] Lena Paul, SHA1: Gabbie Carter - She 9f43a49f64197145079 677 11.09.2020 19:29:24 11.09.2020 17:29:24 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61902 She Was Me Was Me (14.05.2019) d60b52209ec560667b rq.mp4 206 SHA1: Deeper - Lena Paul, f97de199997b054510 678 10.09.2020 15:43:41 10.09.2020 13:43:41 Gabbie Carter - She Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 49578 She Was Me b9d85f04b731073dbe Was Me.mp4 0006

EXHIBIT 1.258 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: horndogs- cee317527b2bbf7491 She's The Boss! 679 07.09.2020 23:35:26 07.09.2020 21:35:26 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 45682 shestheboss4.mp4 d3bb368de62b165604 Volume 4 a370

EXHIBIT 1.259 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.03.September.R faa30c4f1e9727a83b6 680 14.09.2020 05:22:16 14.09.2020 03:22:16 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 38708 Show Me eign.Show.Me. 9b255bede7774d1503 2160p.mp4 5c9 SHA1: Deeper - September 7e23334d39f0cb7e9c 681 06.09.2020 23:04:46 06.09.2020 21:04:46 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53772 Show Me Reign - Show Me.mp4 da5e084e8919a26973 e4c0 Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.03.September.R 450f3e823064f72a124 682 06.09.2020 19:05:36 06.09.2020 17:05:36 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 44346 Show Me eign.Show.Me. e8a6806dea995a1da6 1080p.mp4 8e2 Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.03.September.R faa30c4f1e9727a83b6 683 06.09.2020 18:07:35 06.09.2020 16:07:35 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 52552 Show Me eign.Show.Me. 9b255bede7774d1503 2160p.mp4 5c9 SHA1: Deeper. 786d29600f7c6524c2 684 05.09.2020 01:53:32 04.09.2020 23:53:32 20.09.03.September.R Telia Company libtorrent/ 59731 Show Me 12395d677f3ea13552 eign.Show.Me..mp4 2167 Deeper. SHA1: 20.09.03.September.R 450f3e823064f72a124 685 04.09.2020 08:33:30 04.09.2020 06:33:30 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64863 Show Me eign.Show.Me. e8a6806dea995a1da6 1080p.mp4 8e2 SHA1: Deeper - September 7e23334d39f0cb7e9c 686 07.09.2020 11:16:36 07.09.2020 09:16:36 Telia Company libtorrent/0.16.17 33108 Show Me Reign - Show Me.mp4 da5e084e8919a26973 e4c0 SHA1: Deeper - September 7e23334d39f0cb7e9c 687 07.09.2020 18:04:10 07.09.2020 16:04:10 Telia Company Vuze 58882 Show Me Reign - Show Me.mp4 da5e084e8919a26973 e4c0

EXHIBIT 1.260 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 688 14.09.2020 20:28:39 14.09.2020 18:28:39 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company Folx 5.15.13938 14082 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: Tushy - Gabbie 7413db04dd2a9cdb3f 689 13.09.2020 20:57:16 13.09.2020 18:57:16 Carter, LaSirena69 - Telia Company Vuze 44289 Shower Sirens 2da8f83495a2a64965 Shower Sirens.mp4 94e5 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 690 06.09.2020 17:35:30 06.09.2020 15:35:30 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company Torch 31868 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 [Tushy] Gabbie Carter, SHA1: LaSirena69 - Shower ec9e787ced616bca1b 691 06.09.2020 11:54:35 06.09.2020 09:54:35 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 2759 Shower Sirens Sirens c5f324922a1c004884 (16.08.2020).mp4 7400 SHA1: Tushy - Gabbie 7413db04dd2a9cdb3f 692 05.09.2020 01:22:42 04.09.2020 23:22:42 Carter, LaSirena69 - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59774 Shower Sirens 2da8f83495a2a64965 Shower Sirens.mp4 94e5 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 693 01.09.2020 21:07:32 01.09.2020 19:07:32 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company -qB4250- 57480 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 694 30.08.2020 05:22:41 30.08.2020 03:22:41 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49700 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 695 29.08.2020 09:18:49 29.08.2020 07:18:49 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 51433 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 696 29.08.2020 01:43:22 28.08.2020 23:43:22 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.3 8999 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 697 28.08.2020 01:49:43 27.08.2020 23:49:43 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 39414 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. bdf82178bbe38fcf4a5 698 27.08.2020 05:30:40 27.08.2020 03:30:40 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 44768 Shower Sirens 0d74c67c73973cd69e f23 tushy. SHA1: 20.08.16.gabbie.carter d5a7ba6bba046ab1fa 699 26.08.2020 12:23:53 26.08.2020 10:23:53 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 44354 Shower Sirens 10fd54403e1b0eba9e 720p.mp4 0b27 SHA1: Tushy - Gabbie 7413db04dd2a9cdb3f 700 26.08.2020 01:22:17 25.08.2020 23:22:17 Carter, LaSirena69 - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41875 Shower Sirens 2da8f83495a2a64965 Shower Sirens.mp4 94e5 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 701 06.09.2020 18:26:04 06.09.2020 16:26:04 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 32192 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.16.Gabbie.Cart 4eb5913532dfb27fcb9 702 05.09.2020 07:49:53 05.09.2020 05:49:53 er.And.La.Sirena.XXX. Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 26085 Shower Sirens f64a675f185d989b39c 720p.WEB.x264- 6a GalaXXXy.mkv Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.16.Gabbie.Cart 4eb5913532dfb27fcb9 703 02.09.2020 09:27:32 02.09.2020 07:27:32 er.And.La.Sirena.XXX. Telia Company libtorrent/ 54156 Shower Sirens f64a675f185d989b39c 720p.WEB.x264- 6a GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: tushy. bdf82178bbe38fcf4a5 704 01.09.2020 09:06:38 01.09.2020 07:06:38 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 65236 Shower Sirens 0d74c67c73973cd69e f23 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 705 30.08.2020 09:56:05 30.08.2020 07:56:05 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company µTorrent 3.3.1 29821 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 706 29.08.2020 01:09:31 28.08.2020 23:09:31 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 8999 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 Tushy. SHA1: 20.08.16.Gabbie.Cart f8bea2187eb8ac4d9d 707 27.08.2020 16:24:36 27.08.2020 14:24:36 er.And.La.Sirena.XXX. Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 38234 Shower Sirens 102095c2a9c332ffdac SD.MP4- EXHIBIT 5cf KLEENEX.mp4 SHA1: Tushy - Gabbie 7413db04dd2a9cdb3f 1.261 708 26.08.2020 09:49:04 26.08.2020 07:49:04 Carter, LaSirena69 - Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 53279 Shower Sirens 2da8f83495a2a64965 Shower Sirens.mp4 94e5 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. bdf82178bbe38fcf4a5 709 08.09.2020 16:57:21 08.09.2020 14:57:21 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.6 8999 Shower Sirens 0d74c67c73973cd69e f23 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 710 02.09.2020 11:07:06 02.09.2020 09:07:06 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56208 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 711 31.08.2020 13:19:33 31.08.2020 11:19:33 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company BitComet 1.67 55651 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 SHA1: tushy. bdf82178bbe38fcf4a5 712 29.08.2020 11:35:55 29.08.2020 09:35:55 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 26618 Shower Sirens 0d74c67c73973cd69e f23 SHA1: Tushy - Gabbie 7413db04dd2a9cdb3f 713 28.08.2020 16:58:31 28.08.2020 14:58:31 Carter, LaSirena69 - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 18469 Shower Sirens 2da8f83495a2a64965 Shower Sirens.mp4 94e5 SHA1: tushy. bdf82178bbe38fcf4a5 714 03.09.2020 16:13:17 03.09.2020 14:13:17 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60728 Shower Sirens 0d74c67c73973cd69e f23 SHA1: tushy. 8c0450560f9b89d6fc8 715 11.09.2020 20:01:42 11.09.2020 18:01:42 20.08.16.gabbie.carter Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61137 Shower Sirens 5b8d65fc2a45f85beb3 91 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- dc19c7511c3a37d704 Small Chicks Like Big 716 11.09.2020 21:35:12 11.09.2020 19:35:12 smallchicksbigdick4d1 Telia Company Vuze 56977 7ac01a11ccc21203da Dick 4 .mp4 b77d

EXHIBIT 1.262 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 6f07e7ba2ea9943154 717 13.09.2020 22:20:42 13.09.2020 20:20:42 so-deep_1080P.mp4 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 11775 So Deep aaa7089e7513934707 8425 SHA1: Blacked - Lulu Chu - 45bd7eb6ec3a335403 718 12.09.2020 13:33:11 12.09.2020 11:33:11 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58675 So Deep So Deep.mp4 a10a66a52919dbe8fd 0208 SHA1: blacked. 8ffa898b2223f0a1177 719 30.08.2020 22:20:57 30.08.2020 20:20:57 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 27980 So Deep 20.02.14.lulu.chu.mp4 6b90689f0c8ce0abf0d ab SHA1: blacked. 8ffa898b2223f0a1177 720 09.09.2020 16:19:22 09.09.2020 14:19:22 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16598 So Deep 20.02.14.lulu.chu.mp4 6b90689f0c8ce0abf0d ab

EXHIBIT 1.263 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 721 07.09.2020 18:20:34 07.09.2020 16:20:34 - So Good Telia Company libtorrent/ 54617 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 722 04.09.2020 23:14:48 04.09.2020 21:14:48 Telia Company -WD0024- 44663 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 723 04.09.2020 23:00:25 04.09.2020 21:00:25 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 53856 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 724 04.09.2020 04:31:31 04.09.2020 02:31:31 - So Good Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48006 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 725 03.09.2020 16:55:40 03.09.2020 14:55:40 - So Good Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 33040 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 726 03.09.2020 05:29:44 03.09.2020 03:29:44 - So Good Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 57509 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 727 06.09.2020 13:55:43 06.09.2020 11:55:43 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.2 36626 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 728 04.09.2020 06:53:10 04.09.2020 04:53:10 Telia Company libtorrent/ 48581 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 729 03.09.2020 04:20:20 03.09.2020 02:20:20 - So Good Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 53725 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: TushyRaw. 6adc3f463b1cb21a03 730 07.09.2020 02:00:26 07.09.2020 00:00:26 20.09.02.Alexis.Tae. Telia Company Vuze 47049 So Good c43ccebd1cd4680658 2160p.mp4 2247 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 731 07.09.2020 11:08:53 07.09.2020 09:08:53 Telia Company libtorrent/0.16.17 6881 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 732 05.09.2020 08:47:58 05.09.2020 06:47:58 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 64785 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: [TushyRaw] Alexis Tae ff7d0b28767402baf70 733 03.09.2020 16:37:16 03.09.2020 14:37:16 - So Good Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 8033 So Good dc471d879cca14a63c (02.09.2020).mp4 6d7 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 734 14.09.2020 00:49:42 13.09.2020 22:49:42 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64423 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 735 04.09.2020 18:36:17 04.09.2020 16:36:17 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.3 62326 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655 SHA1: TushyRaw. 6adc3f463b1cb21a03 736 09.09.2020 08:23:09 09.09.2020 06:23:09 20.09.02.Alexis.Tae. Telia Company qBittorrent/3.3.16 57870 So Good c43ccebd1cd4680658 2160p.mp4 2247 SHA1: TushyRaw - Alexis Tae 97da3c86eeb7031eb4 737 10.09.2020 21:47:20 10.09.2020 19:47:20 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 46843 So Good - So Good.mp4 9edb93da07ec25cc34 1655

EXHIBIT 1.264 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 12fd099b704dfff8a986 Something New For 738 11.09.2020 12:10:17 11.09.2020 10:10:17 19.03.01.sophia.lux.m Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58562 0a23260385b39d76f7 Me p4 58

EXHIBIT 1.265 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 8964815b3ee407a3eb Something To Look 739 09.09.2020 22:48:27 09.09.2020 20:48:27 19.10.31.mia.melano. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 62131 fecd69c9a66df0efaa0 Forward To and.stacy.cruz.mp4 5a3 SHA1: vixen. 8964815b3ee407a3eb Something To Look 740 15.09.2020 22:18:15 15.09.2020 20:18:15 19.10.31.mia.melano. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 30285 fecd69c9a66df0efaa0 Forward To and.stacy.cruz.mp4 5a3

EXHIBIT 1.266 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 741 11.09.2020 05:13:58 11.09.2020 03:13:58 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 64649 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 742 07.09.2020 23:07:21 07.09.2020 21:07:21 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 18719 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 743 05.09.2020 23:04:24 05.09.2020 21:04:24 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 24874 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 744 04.09.2020 23:38:36 04.09.2020 21:38:36 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 745 04.09.2020 15:08:58 04.09.2020 13:08:58 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 55628 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: VIXEN - Eliza Ibarra - 10475d8b0a2780c4d9 746 02.09.2020 03:48:26 02.09.2020 01:48:26 Special Bonus - Telia Company libtorrent/ 54435 Special Bonus c7939ed17721913f72 1080p.mp4 cf9c SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 747 01.09.2020 08:06:45 01.09.2020 06:06:45 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 43248 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: VIXEN - Eliza Ibarra - 10475d8b0a2780c4d9 748 30.08.2020 20:27:59 30.08.2020 18:27:59 Special Bonus - Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 43857 Special Bonus c7939ed17721913f72 1080p.mp4 cf9c SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 749 30.08.2020 13:16:48 30.08.2020 11:16:48 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63691 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 750 29.08.2020 19:30:52 29.08.2020 17:30:52 Telia Company Vuze 53605 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 751 29.08.2020 12:00:45 29.08.2020 10:00:45 Telia Company libtorrent/ 50947 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 752 27.08.2020 15:18:28 27.08.2020 13:18:28 Telia Company libtorrent/ 37482 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 753 27.08.2020 12:59:49 27.08.2020 10:59:49 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 46886 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 754 26.08.2020 11:18:59 26.08.2020 09:18:59 Telia Company Transmission 2.84 53719 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: VIXEN - Eliza Ibarra - 10475d8b0a2780c4d9 755 10.09.2020 12:27:57 10.09.2020 10:27:57 Special Bonus - Telia Company libtorrent/0.16.17 56123 Special Bonus c7939ed17721913f72 1080p.mp4 cf9c SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 756 04.09.2020 15:08:13 04.09.2020 13:08:13 Telia Company BitComet 1.70 21947 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: VIXEN - Eliza Ibarra - 10475d8b0a2780c4d9 757 02.09.2020 13:32:58 02.09.2020 11:32:58 Special Bonus - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.0 28081 Special Bonus c7939ed17721913f72 1080p.mp4 cf9c SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 758 29.08.2020 21:53:03 29.08.2020 19:53:03 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.5 8999 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: VIXEN - Eliza Ibarra - 10475d8b0a2780c4d9 759 29.08.2020 14:26:48 29.08.2020 12:26:48 Special Bonus - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 2011 Special Bonus c7939ed17721913f72 1080p.mp4 cf9c SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 760 26.08.2020 22:03:28 26.08.2020 20:03:28 Telia Company Vuze 28687 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: EXHIBIT Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 761 26.08.2020 09:47:38 26.08.2020 07:47:38 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 63136 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd 1.267 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 762 07.09.2020 11:06:45 07.09.2020 09:06:45 Telia Company libtorrent/0.16.17 45134 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 763 29.08.2020 21:06:32 29.08.2020 19:06:32 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 16576 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 764 29.08.2020 12:56:50 29.08.2020 10:56:50 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 55847 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 765 01.09.2020 01:13:14 31.08.2020 23:13:14 Telia Company �Torrent 1.6.1 51499 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 766 03.09.2020 13:39:27 03.09.2020 11:39:27 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 55912 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd SHA1: Vixen - Eliza Ibarra - c7543bec29ddec8537 767 13.09.2020 21:03:14 13.09.2020 19:03:14 Telia Company Vuze 64565 Special Bonus Special Bonus.mp4 5609ce4041a958c76c 84dd No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. a502765ee8927be551 768 16.09.2020 12:03:47 16.09.2020 10:03:47 20.04.10.nia.nacci.and Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22978 Spoiled Rotten ddb6d0a52cdb57f104 .sasha.rose.mp4 8934

EXHIBIT 1.268 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City HardX. SHA1: 19.12.24.Vina.Sky.Wat 60b97b6eef44e43bd9 769 13.09.2020 23:10:38 13.09.2020 21:10:38 ch.Vina.Squirt.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57095 Squirt For Me VOL. 7 d1a445606368fdd1a5 720p.HEVC.x265.PRT 3ba2 .mp4

EXHIBIT 1.269 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Squirt Gangbang Vol. db1eb56c6b8c693a04 Squirt Gangbang 770 08.09.2020 10:09:25 08.09.2020 08:09:25 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58206 6.XXX.DVDRIP.mp4 1edb4ca0ca138138de volume 6 6f8a

EXHIBIT 1.270 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetheartvideo. SHA1: 20.04.13.whitney.wrig 2368f55420a8366828 Squirting Lesbians 771 14.09.2020 23:12:45 14.09.2020 21:12:45 Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 64438 ht.and.mackenzie.mos 82f85af5f877d855a3d Volume 3 62e SweetheartVideo. SHA1: 20.04.27.Adriana.Che ff0e2ff1f5ae08dd49a1 Squirting Lesbians 772 07.09.2020 19:26:28 07.09.2020 17:26:28 chik.And.Abigail.Mac. Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 65295 2403936ebce3a7f997f Volume 3 Better.Luck.XXX.SD.M 6 P4-KLEENEX.mp4

EXHIBIT 1.271 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: HardX - Autumn Falls bc83c1c0d35ab00f97 773 06.09.2020 02:10:09 06.09.2020 00:10:09 - 18 and Super Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 65283 Stacked 9 All Natural 939dc772da928a29aa Stacked.mp4 3bdb

EXHIBIT 1.272 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Deeper - Sofi Ryan - SHA1: Start Talking 3be249cbe817fb36c8 774 30.08.2020 00:30:51 29.08.2020 22:30:51 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 41672 Start Talking 27.08.2020 39d664ebcb14cf7a49 1080p.mp4 b7f4 SHA1: [Deeper] Sofi Ryan - 3f6a2e0838083c5b90 775 29.08.2020 10:23:25 29.08.2020 08:23:25 Start Talking Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 6881 Start Talking 979870b938800f4723 (27.08.2020) rq.mp4 e9af SHA1: [Deeper] Sofi Ryan - 3f6a2e0838083c5b90 776 29.08.2020 05:18:32 29.08.2020 03:18:32 Start Talking Telia Company libtorrent/ 57005 Start Talking 979870b938800f4723 (27.08.2020) rq.mp4 e9af SHA1: [Deeper] Sofi Ryan - 3f6a2e0838083c5b90 777 28.08.2020 23:03:03 28.08.2020 21:03:03 Start Talking Telia Company BitComet 1.70 13886 Start Talking 979870b938800f4723 (27.08.2020) rq.mp4 e9af SHA1: [Deeper] Sofi Ryan - 3f6a2e0838083c5b90 778 28.08.2020 21:46:23 28.08.2020 19:46:23 Start Talking Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54669 Start Talking 979870b938800f4723 (27.08.2020) rq.mp4 e9af SHA1: Deeper - Sofi Ryan - 80c929086753daf9a6 779 13.09.2020 11:22:49 13.09.2020 09:22:49 Telia Company libtorrent/ 39177 Start Talking Start Talking.mp4 b47dfda94e468bbcf76 c49 Deeper - Sofi Ryan - SHA1: Start Talking 3be249cbe817fb36c8 780 31.08.2020 23:42:53 31.08.2020 21:42:53 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50691 Start Talking 27.08.2020 39d664ebcb14cf7a49 1080p.mp4 b7f4

EXHIBIT 1.273 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: ElegantAngel - Kenzie 0e0d198df21decddb7 781 16.09.2020 00:15:55 15.09.2020 22:15:55 Reeves - Step Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 52866 Step Cuties 7ef98afec1e7ad47a36 Cuties.mp4 b2f SHA1: ElegantAngel - Kenzie 0e0d198df21decddb7 782 15.09.2020 10:22:19 15.09.2020 08:22:19 Reeves - Step Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 43408 Step Cuties 7ef98afec1e7ad47a36 Cuties.mp4 b2f SHA1: ElegantAngel - Kenzie 0e0d198df21decddb7 783 15.09.2020 02:45:37 15.09.2020 00:45:37 Reeves - Step Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 23122 Step Cuties 7ef98afec1e7ad47a36 Cuties.mp4 b2f SHA1: Kenzie Reeves Step f147c63ad4490c9b64 784 14.09.2020 21:48:59 14.09.2020 19:48:59 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63886 Step Cuties Cuties 1080p.mp4 80fb45d06264a0e6bb 92e3 SHA1: Kenzie Reeves - Step 0125c78f3f158108446 785 13.09.2020 07:09:53 13.09.2020 05:09:53 Telia Company BitLord 2.4.6 51601 Step Cuties Cuties 091120.mp4 4a686069a11f697c23 efb SHA1: Kenzie Reeves Step f147c63ad4490c9b64 786 15.09.2020 20:58:25 15.09.2020 18:58:25 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 22222 Step Cuties Cuties 1080p.mp4 80fb45d06264a0e6bb 92e3

EXHIBIT 1.274 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: familysinners. 20eddc6027a0fe69ab 787 05.09.2020 03:55:11 05.09.2020 01:55:11 20.06.12.scarlit.scand Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.0 58321 Step Daughters 4 6765a28f8d4566a186 al.step.daughters.mp4 63cb

EXHIBIT 1.275 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Tushy. SHA1: 16.04.11.Leah.Gotti.X 79386fa0559174de8b Step Sister Tries Anal 788 05.09.2020 15:34:09 05.09.2020 13:34:09 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56872 XX.720p.WEB.x264- 2cf9941585532d38e4 with Her Brother GalaXXXy.mkv 03b8 Tushy. SHA1: 16.04.11.Leah.Gotti.X 79386fa0559174de8b Step Sister Tries Anal 789 14.09.2020 06:28:21 14.09.2020 04:28:21 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56488 XX.720p.WEB.x264- 2cf9941585532d38e4 with Her Brother GalaXXXy.mkv 03b8 Tushy. SHA1: 16.04.11.Leah.Gotti.X 79386fa0559174de8b Step Sister Tries Anal 790 13.09.2020 17:25:05 13.09.2020 15:25:05 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.3 60394 XX.720p.WEB.x264- 2cf9941585532d38e4 with Her Brother GalaXXXy.mkv 03b8

EXHIBIT 1.276 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Charlie Red - fc438b74a9693bb8eb 791 01.09.2020 17:45:11 01.09.2020 15:45:11 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.3 51688 Stir Me Up Stir Me Up.mp4 e799b446a1322d74b0 ee31

EXHIBIT 1.277 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Alexis 2e7db9da1e12bc2963 792 16.09.2020 09:36:09 16.09.2020 07:36:09 Fawx - Straight To The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50251 Straight To The Point f7dc66ac300417ad98 Point.mp4 3bc7 SHA1: BlackedRaw - Alexis 2e7db9da1e12bc2963 793 09.09.2020 00:35:42 08.09.2020 22:35:42 Fawx - Straight To The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 18469 Straight To The Point f7dc66ac300417ad98 Point.mp4 3bc7

EXHIBIT 1.278 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Mia Malkova, 1018a676073b24eb9a 794 13.09.2020 13:47:43 13.09.2020 11:47:43 Candice Dare - Stress Telia Company BitLord 2.4.6 58001 Stress Relief 7384e7bf56686079e2 Relief.mp4 7b27 SHA1: tushy. ad083024a18ebdbea4 795 29.08.2020 11:09:47 29.08.2020 09:09:47 18.07.20.mia.malkova. Telia Company -qB4250- 47704 Stress Relief 3aab8b3822993f2242 and.candice.dare.mp4 8747 SHA1: Tushy - Mia Malkova, 1018a676073b24eb9a 796 06.09.2020 23:47:48 06.09.2020 21:47:48 Candice Dare - Stress Telia Company uTorrent 3.3 6881 Stress Relief 7384e7bf56686079e2 Relief.mp4 7b27 SHA1: Tushy - Mia Malkova, 1018a676073b24eb9a 797 29.08.2020 20:48:17 29.08.2020 18:48:17 Candice Dare - Stress Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.1 22922 Stress Relief 7384e7bf56686079e2 Relief.mp4 7b27 SHA1: Tushy - Mia Malkova, 1018a676073b24eb9a 798 01.09.2020 02:11:35 01.09.2020 00:11:35 Candice Dare - Stress Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63207 Stress Relief 7384e7bf56686079e2 Relief.mp4 7b27

EXHIBIT 1.279 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. e963be48394ef52e91 799 13.09.2020 14:25:54 13.09.2020 12:25:54 19.08.12.autumn.falls. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 59925 Sudden Domme c89c5c59c35692bf130 and.bunny.colby.mp4 4d7 SHA1: deeper. e963be48394ef52e91 800 12.09.2020 17:32:11 12.09.2020 15:32:11 19.08.12.autumn.falls. Telia Company libtorrent/ 49453 Sudden Domme c89c5c59c35692bf130 and.bunny.colby.mp4 4d7 SHA1: deeper. e963be48394ef52e91 801 11.09.2020 23:46:45 11.09.2020 21:46:45 19.08.12.autumn.falls. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.3 58441 Sudden Domme c89c5c59c35692bf130 and.bunny.colby.mp4 4d7

EXHIBIT 1.280 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Tori Black, 41577e4102ed339277 802 04.09.2020 09:07:55 04.09.2020 07:07:55 Little Caprice - Sugar Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63251 Sugar Daddy Sharing 357b7ef3e97c134748 Daddy Sharing.mp4 7ee2

EXHIBIT 1.281 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: HardX - Arietta Adams 117606ac77e5d3e622 803 14.09.2020 11:41:11 14.09.2020 09:41:11 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53118 Super Cute Vol. 10 - 19 And Anal.mp4 100cf272048dfd0b329 e4f

EXHIBIT 1.282 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - Lika 5e096e8a4463655085 804 05.09.2020 01:29:25 04.09.2020 23:29:25 Star, Angelika Grays - Telia Company Vuze 58406 Sweet Revenge c9745951aeef0ae470 Sweet Revenge.mp4 964d

EXHIBIT 1.283 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Swingers Getaway 805 11.09.2020 19:32:35 11.09.2020 17:32:35 Katie Kush.mp4 fd6a630e8d2fff1a2d87 Telia Company BitComet 1.53 56384 Vol. 5 6a0ffc303db2456f06df

EXHIBIT 1.284 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Blacked] Naomi SHA1: Swann - Symbiotic 0e01c437a07b4d7620 Symbiotic 806 02.09.2020 20:46:29 02.09.2020 18:46:29 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.4.3 45695 Relationship f9888292c546bdf8c0b Relationship (15.08.2020) rq.mp4 788 SHA1: Blacked - Naomi ddb5b87dd389a7d38e Symbiotic 807 30.08.2020 11:35:15 30.08.2020 09:35:15 Swann - Symbiotic Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 43256 36b58177629b40be7b Relationship Relationship.mp4 74ee SHA1: Blacked - Naomi ddb5b87dd389a7d38e Symbiotic 808 30.08.2020 01:27:43 29.08.2020 23:27:43 Swann - Symbiotic Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 10676 36b58177629b40be7b Relationship Relationship.mp4 74ee SHA1: Blacked - Naomi ddb5b87dd389a7d38e Symbiotic 809 27.08.2020 09:29:26 27.08.2020 07:29:26 Swann - Symbiotic Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 8533 36b58177629b40be7b Relationship Relationship.mp4 74ee SHA1: blacked. 6afa067be094ccf677b Symbiotic 810 02.09.2020 07:43:27 02.09.2020 05:43:27 20.08.15.naomi.swann Telia Company libtorrent/ 55029 1c0c137687bc2be331 Relationship .720p.mp4 4cc SHA1: Blacked - Naomi ddb5b87dd389a7d38e Symbiotic 811 29.08.2020 01:16:06 28.08.2020 23:16:06 Swann - Symbiotic Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 61787 36b58177629b40be7b Relationship Relationship.mp4 74ee SHA1: Blacked - Naomi ddb5b87dd389a7d38e Symbiotic 812 12.09.2020 10:03:52 12.09.2020 08:03:52 Swann - Symbiotic Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63127 36b58177629b40be7b Relationship Relationship.mp4 74ee Blacked. SHA1: 20.08.15.Naomi.Swan 56718106db79ba562c Symbiotic 813 10.09.2020 20:01:23 10.09.2020 18:01:23 n.XXX. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.0.4 53572 79f93623f345eb09524 Relationship 720p.WEB.x264- c7c GalaXXXy.mkv SHA1: blacked. 6afa067be094ccf677b Symbiotic 814 11.09.2020 18:24:15 11.09.2020 16:24:15 20.08.15.naomi.swann Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 21940 1c0c137687bc2be331 Relationship .720p.mp4 4cc

EXHIBIT 1.285 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: TS Taboo 04 - 26cf6a015a4788a6fa3 TS Taboo Vol. 4 865 13.09.2020 20:18:27 13.09.2020 18:18:27 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62597 Cheating Wives.avi 67de3b6a559173caed Cheating Wives da2 SHA1: TS Taboo 04 - 26cf6a015a4788a6fa3 TS Taboo Vol. 4 866 07.09.2020 14:55:07 07.09.2020 12:55:07 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62429 Cheating Wives.avi 67de3b6a559173caed Cheating Wives da2 SHA1: TS Taboo 04 - 26cf6a015a4788a6fa3 Flud/1.5.11 libtorrent/ TS Taboo Vol. 4 867 05.09.2020 20:36:02 05.09.2020 18:36:02 Telia Company 44335 Cheating Wives.avi 67de3b6a559173caed 1.1.13 Cheating Wives da2

EXHIBIT 1.286 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Dani Daniels, Elexis 14fc6d7905c1bc406fa Tabu Tales 815 05.09.2020 19:18:41 05.09.2020 17:18:41 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 53926 Monroe.mp4 901ba393e51d66ca3e Compendium Vol. 2 dff

EXHIBIT 1.287 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Gabbie Carter ff16d5c558e22b9ba33 816 14.09.2020 15:34:24 14.09.2020 13:34:24 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 49158 Take A Chance - Take A Chance.mp4 4778ef92ddcac4b9c2 19f

EXHIBIT 1.288 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Gabbie 549d81c2e31a1cb34c FrostWire/6.8.6 817 12.09.2020 20:55:05 12.09.2020 18:55:05 Carter, Skylar Vox - Telia Company 45862 Take The Shot e19937d9d3cee671d2 libtorrent/ Take The Shot.mp4 9a4c SHA1: Blacked - Gabbie 549d81c2e31a1cb34c 818 08.09.2020 07:44:12 08.09.2020 05:44:12 Carter, Skylar Vox - Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 50832 Take The Shot e19937d9d3cee671d2 Take The Shot.mp4 9a4c SHA1: Blacked - Gabbie 549d81c2e31a1cb34c 819 03.09.2020 13:04:36 03.09.2020 11:04:36 Carter, Skylar Vox - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 65121 Take The Shot e19937d9d3cee671d2 Take The Shot.mp4 9a4c SHA1: Blacked - Gabbie 549d81c2e31a1cb34c 820 28.08.2020 13:09:51 28.08.2020 11:09:51 Carter, Skylar Vox - Telia Company BitLord 2.4.5 57122 Take The Shot e19937d9d3cee671d2 Take The Shot.mp4 9a4c SHA1: Blacked - Gabbie 549d81c2e31a1cb34c 821 11.09.2020 16:30:17 11.09.2020 14:30:17 Carter, Skylar Vox - Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61137 Take The Shot e19937d9d3cee671d2 Take The Shot.mp4 9a4c

EXHIBIT 1.289 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Deeper - Demi Sutra, SHA1: Ana Foxxx, Scarlit 2dccff82f0ee83dc4dc3 822 12.09.2020 23:47:42 12.09.2020 21:47:42 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62449 Taste Scandal, Nia Nacci - 21a1c1ab324500fd86 Taste.mp4 19

EXHIBIT 1.290 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [] SHA1: [TushyRaw] Mary 72e01f85549c5cab59 823 03.09.2020 11:59:08 03.09.2020 09:59:08 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61951 Tasty Rock - Tasty b19af9e6ae563d63dfd (17.06.2020) rq.mp4 f01

EXHIBIT 1.291 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Teenage Internet b93c6e6bb25499512a Teenage internet 824 16.09.2020 06:03:52 16.09.2020 04:03:52 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 54623 Cuties.mkv 3369513ae0eded630c cuties e849

EXHIBIT 1.292 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Teens Throated 7 010ff95d6a4ffe9f9bc4 825 13.09.2020 07:22:45 13.09.2020 05:22:45 (2020) WEB-DL XXX- Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 56831 Teens Throated 7 206d2846d19a0f2a69 PnY.mp4 64

EXHIBIT 1.293 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. 4febf0209bbef2b859f8 826 02.09.2020 11:36:43 02.09.2020 09:36:43 20.08.13.emma.starlet Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61951 Tell Her Part 2 8b5ee50c6fbc9bf54ad to.mp4 3

EXHIBIT 1.294 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te b363647575ba54b6b9 827 15.09.2020 20:35:14 15.09.2020 18:35:14 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60423 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 23c05223f4a92289a3 480p.mp4 0083 SHA1: Blacked - Alexis Tae - b37e3becec0d58e2b4 828 14.09.2020 15:31:40 14.09.2020 13:31:40 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 46036 Temptress In Law Temptress In Law.mp4 67ec72da3602294cc9 76b0 SHA1: Blacked - Alexis Tae - eeaae54461309f061a 829 13.09.2020 19:53:22 13.09.2020 17:53:22 Telia Company libtorrent/ 56210 Temptress In Law Temptress In Law.mp4 38546f50819e572e7d 3688 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te 71b5bacd1e0ca9422b 830 13.09.2020 22:48:48 13.09.2020 20:48:48 Telia Company libtorrent/ 63851 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 3c4f5c91b943629e11 1080p.mp4 9da6 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te b363647575ba54b6b9 831 13.09.2020 09:33:16 13.09.2020 07:33:16 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63403 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 23c05223f4a92289a3 480p.mp4 0083 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te b363647575ba54b6b9 832 14.09.2020 09:17:19 14.09.2020 07:17:19 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5 15456 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 23c05223f4a92289a3 480p.mp4 0083 SHA1: Blacked - Alexis Tae - eeaae54461309f061a 833 14.09.2020 04:34:00 14.09.2020 02:34:00 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 51051 Temptress In Law Temptress In Law.mp4 38546f50819e572e7d 3688 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te 71b5bacd1e0ca9422b 834 13.09.2020 09:43:05 13.09.2020 07:43:05 Telia Company Vuze 58301 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 3c4f5c91b943629e11 1080p.mp4 9da6 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te b363647575ba54b6b9 835 14.09.2020 10:40:46 14.09.2020 08:40:46 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 54202 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 23c05223f4a92289a3 480p.mp4 0083 Blacked. SHA1: 20.09.12.Alexis.Tae.Te 71b5bacd1e0ca9422b 836 13.09.2020 03:47:09 13.09.2020 01:47:09 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 22222 Temptress In Law mptress.In.Law. 3c4f5c91b943629e11 1080p.mp4 9da6 SHA1: Blacked - Alexis Tae - eeaae54461309f061a 837 15.09.2020 23:42:34 15.09.2020 21:42:34 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Temptress In Law Temptress In Law.mp4 38546f50819e572e7d 3688 SHA1: Blacked - Alexis Tae - eeaae54461309f061a 838 13.09.2020 20:50:03 13.09.2020 18:50:03 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 46843 Temptress In Law Temptress In Law.mp4 38546f50819e572e7d 3688

EXHIBIT 1.295 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City sweetheartvideo. SHA1: 19.11.04.aiden.ashley. 4fe8b97c8103e62397 839 11.09.2020 16:10:13 11.09.2020 14:10:13 Telia Company µTorrent 2.2.1 22222 Terror Camp and.abigail.mac.last.m 2090d42134648eb0e8 oments.mp4 2a6b

EXHIBIT 1.296 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. fa9be70b60100e1fb64 840 12.09.2020 04:30:37 12.09.2020 02:30:37 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 27878 The Big Fight 97e88375fe7d0ef9852 4 0e

EXHIBIT 1.297 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.15.Lily.Love.An b2aa90fb04be1e894c 841 05.09.2020 17:32:45 05.09.2020 15:32:45 d.Autumn.Falls.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62379 The Call 2186b3b344f4a475f29 720p.WEB.x264- 343 GalaXXXy.mkv Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.15.Lily.Love.An b2aa90fb04be1e894c 842 06.09.2020 22:21:45 06.09.2020 20:21:45 d.Autumn.Falls.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59903 The Call 2186b3b344f4a475f29 720p.WEB.x264- 343 GalaXXXy.mkv Vixen. SHA1: 18.12.15.Lily.Love.An b2aa90fb04be1e894c 843 11.09.2020 16:11:55 11.09.2020 14:11:55 d.Autumn.Falls.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57204 The Call 2186b3b344f4a475f29 720p.WEB.x264- 343 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.298 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City The Game (Stormy SHA1: Daniels, Wicked b7441b82538424a44e 844 05.09.2020 16:14:12 05.09.2020 14:14:12 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 30495 The Game Pictures) 2017 WEB- dc1b98322871ebd94d DL rq.mp4 7341

EXHIBIT 1.299 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Ariana Marie efd6b73e8e4b83dfa7f 845 06.09.2020 23:37:27 06.09.2020 21:37:27 Telia Company -qB4250- 57687 The Hot Wife Abroad [720p HD].mp4 381ea159492479034e afe SHA1: Blacked - Ariana Marie efd6b73e8e4b83dfa7f 846 30.08.2020 03:21:05 30.08.2020 01:21:05 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 56089 The Hot Wife Abroad [720p HD].mp4 381ea159492479034e afe

EXHIBIT 1.300 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City The Madam (Stormy SHA1: Daniels, Wicked 0820a82723eb36ec95 847 05.09.2020 15:58:50 05.09.2020 13:58:50 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 30495 The Madam Pictures) WEB-DL d22f6bbc67eb46eb32 2016 rq.mp4 cf2c

EXHIBIT 1.301 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- b351b13cddf26d0553 The Most Beautiful 848 13.09.2020 02:16:56 13.09.2020 00:16:56 themostbeautifulgirlsin Telia Company libtorrent/ 53223 aafee1f2ab7948f8dcc Girls In Porn pornd2.mp4 4f4

EXHIBIT 1.302 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 4aebb6c54fa1bad087 849 06.09.2020 19:50:52 06.09.2020 17:50:52 19.07.05.riley.steele.m Telia Company qBittorrent v3.3.11 8999 The Perfect Wife 2d6edb4b92bfd53a41 p4 dfb9

EXHIBIT 1.303 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: sweetsinner. ae545a29d08524aad6 850 16.09.2020 08:26:24 16.09.2020 06:26:24 19.02.09.britney.ambe Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58405 The Stepmother 16 0443977be1a137505a r.the.stepmother.mp4 d4b0

EXHIBIT 1.304 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen. SHA1: 17.12.10.Hannah.Hay 1c48c5131651da5bee 851 01.09.2020 10:50:51 01.09.2020 08:50:51 s.XXX. Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 They Can Never Know 4f74e0455d5e609326 720p.WEB.x264- 35b9 GalaXXXy.mkv Vixen. SHA1: 17.12.10.Hannah.Hay 1c48c5131651da5bee 852 29.08.2020 09:31:46 29.08.2020 07:31:46 s.XXX. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53219 They Can Never Know 4f74e0455d5e609326 720p.WEB.x264- 35b9 GalaXXXy.mkv

EXHIBIT 1.305 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City third-world-amateurs- SHA1: in-the- 6c330c0eccd80b6ea2 Third World Amateurs 853 10.09.2020 23:21:17 10.09.2020 21:21:17 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 61984 bc480d1a0c5f7f8aabb In The Philippines 2 4 98f

EXHIBIT 1.306 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- 08508d3b855348956c Threesomes & 854 15.09.2020 03:46:06 15.09.2020 01:46:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53432 foursomes4d2.mp4 8188c38fa6104254c3 Foursomes 4 72fa

EXHIBIT 1.307 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Ella Hughes - c6a1bfc8e6a06324d0 Tie Me Up Please Part 855 13.09.2020 23:38:48 13.09.2020 21:38:48 Tie Me Up Please Part Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 19090 570107bde676316e8f 2 2.mp4 8911

EXHIBIT 1.308 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw - 3e0c1c5f1e26e89220 856 16.09.2020 05:13:11 16.09.2020 03:13:11 Rebecca Volpetti - To Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 60187 To The Winner 45cd0c97e9a66630a5 The Winner.mp4 0e8e SHA1: blackedraw. db4e31929e1fbbea37 857 13.09.2020 00:57:24 12.09.2020 22:57:24 20.02.26.rebecca.volp Telia Company qBittorrent/4.1.8 54209 To The Winner c8ce645e14c347a04c etti.mp4 443b

EXHIBIT 1.309 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tokyo.Cream.Puffs. e4f35e659b0bd3274f5 Tokyo Cream Puffs # 858 10.09.2020 16:13:50 10.09.2020 14:13:50 10.XXX.XviD-iPT Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 25425 b683b640ec763a274e 10 Team.avi 6f6 SHA1: tokyo-cream- 3f303306c954f1995bc Tokyo Cream Puffs # 859 11.09.2020 06:29:37 11.09.2020 04:29:37 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 24170 puffs-10-1080p.mp4 7f6342e1a89b8f83215 10 c2

EXHIBIT 1.310 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. bb23dc3e3f41e06024 860 08.09.2020 14:11:11 08.09.2020 12:11:11 20.05.03.isabelle.delto Telia Company libtorrent/ 51777 Tourist Trap bd34016ed05e4d25a7 re.mp4 f0aa SHA1: tushy. bb23dc3e3f41e06024 861 12.09.2020 12:54:54 12.09.2020 10:54:54 20.05.03.isabelle.delto Telia Company libtorrent/ 40768 Tourist Trap bd34016ed05e4d25a7 re.mp4 f0aa SHA1: tushy. bb23dc3e3f41e06024 862 31.08.2020 23:33:55 31.08.2020 21:33:55 20.05.03.isabelle.delto Telia Company libtorrent/ 39227 Tourist Trap bd34016ed05e4d25a7 re.mp4 f0aa

EXHIBIT 1.311 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: [Vixen] Jia Lissa 7c99e492ec61646ced 863 05.09.2020 10:01:50 05.09.2020 08:01:50 Travelling Alone Telia Company Tixati 2.53 54383 Travelling Alone 06952c682b68aacfcd 23.02.2019 .mp4 7c33

EXHIBIT 1.312 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 32d296e72c5d55d966 864 06.09.2020 23:00:37 06.09.2020 21:00:37 19.09.18.khloe.kapri. Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 59903 Troublemaker 2 d9fee6100b35fa8e290 mp4 5d1

EXHIBIT 1.313 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 868 14.09.2020 06:01:55 14.09.2020 04:01:55 Telia Company libtorrent/ 51896 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 869 12.09.2020 18:49:05 12.09.2020 16:49:05 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63959 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 870 12.09.2020 16:19:42 12.09.2020 14:19:42 Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 61066 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 871 12.09.2020 10:21:29 12.09.2020 08:21:29 Telia Company BiglyBT 38992 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 872 11.09.2020 11:59:35 11.09.2020 09:59:35 f7f0ac84f27bafb97cd3 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 41118 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 3aafffc297191f18a653 e.1080p.mp4 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 873 10.09.2020 18:31:20 10.09.2020 16:31:20 Telia Company libtorrent/ 6881 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 874 10.09.2020 16:53:32 10.09.2020 14:53:32 Telia Company BiglyBT 15853 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 875 10.09.2020 16:23:44 10.09.2020 14:23:44 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 55527 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 876 10.09.2020 08:53:18 10.09.2020 06:53:18 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 62861 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 877 13.09.2020 22:44:24 13.09.2020 20:44:24 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16467 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 878 11.09.2020 01:27:03 10.09.2020 23:27:03 Telia Company Vuze 58895 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808 TushyRaw. SHA1: 20.09.09.Sofi.Smile.Al 3c4374bb6d79842fcb 879 15.09.2020 18:16:50 15.09.2020 16:16:50 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 42726 Twice As Nice ecia.Fox.Twice.As.Nic 1a58e0aaeebc5c04d1 e..mp4 6808

EXHIBIT 1.314 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Jaye 0b16315f57f07e173d0 880 10.09.2020 22:34:06 10.09.2020 20:34:06 Summers, Izzy Lush - Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16467 Two For One 600cc87abfc94ae29ec Two For One.mp4 92

EXHIBIT 1.315 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City [Vixen] Naomi Swann, SHA1: Kenna James - Two 9dbbd94833c89c0929 881 31.08.2020 01:19:13 30.08.2020 23:19:13 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 26790 Two Or Nothing Or Nothing 74986cb478d32f6492 (24.04.2020) rq.mp4 e2b2

EXHIBIT 1.316 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Lena Reif & Jia Lissa - SHA1: Tying Up Loose Ends 22f0afe9a2b6ab902be 882 07.09.2020 14:18:10 07.09.2020 12:18:10 Telia Company Transmission 2.94 51413 Tying Up Loose Ends (22.08.2019)_1080p. cf8db82d241accea28 mp4 abe SHA1: vixen. ec977e2980f8945172 883 05.09.2020 10:03:24 05.09.2020 08:03:24 19.08.22.lena.reif.and. Telia Company Tixati 2.53 54522 Tying Up Loose Ends e61f868899c59ce850 jia.lissa.mp4 c90f SHA1: vixen. ec977e2980f8945172 884 07.09.2020 12:39:19 07.09.2020 10:39:19 19.08.22.lena.reif.and. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 51087 Tying Up Loose Ends e61f868899c59ce850 jia.lissa.mp4 c90f

EXHIBIT 1.317 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 95f4d9e97d890fc30a5 885 29.08.2020 12:25:23 29.08.2020 10:25:23 20.05.08.jia.lissa.and.l Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 52297 Unforgettable 35a7b4fa907e5518e1 acy.lennon.mp4 ddc SHA1: vixen. 95f4d9e97d890fc30a5 886 08.09.2020 19:29:35 08.09.2020 17:29:35 20.05.08.jia.lissa.and.l Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 61481 Unforgettable 35a7b4fa907e5518e1 acy.lennon.mp4 ddc

EXHIBIT 1.318 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: blacked. 1ecbcf806231c5865b 887 03.09.2020 14:45:35 03.09.2020 12:45:35 20.06.06.natalia.starr. Telia Company BitComet 1.70 9148 Up For Anything 5fdd79f305d3f6f25236 4k.mp4 43 SHA1: blacked. e414f51c9caedae13df 888 28.08.2020 07:23:07 28.08.2020 05:23:07 20.06.06.natalia.starr. Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 58378 Up For Anything dfcd4d7b6e2bf537cca mp4 2d

EXHIBIT 1.319 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Deeper - Kayden SHA1: Kross, Aidra Fox - 93aae644f758c271ff2 Valley Of The Fuck 889 10.09.2020 15:46:16 10.09.2020 13:46:16 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 50168 Valley Of The Fuck ec9949a49f75e7a927 Dolls Part Two Dolls Part Two.mp4 abd

EXHIBIT 1.320 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BLACKED_RAW_100 341d4a70306e762d04 890 05.09.2020 21:02:06 05.09.2020 19:02:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 57648 Wanna Chill 880_1080P.mp4 c53912d8224ac99e2c dbe1

EXHIBIT 1.321 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 891 15.09.2020 21:04:29 15.09.2020 19:04:29 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company libtorrent/ 58858 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 5c8ba544306ffc42074 892 14.09.2020 05:48:51 14.09.2020 03:48:51 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 6709 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. ef43606352da8a8e24 1080p.mp4 b1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - 0857ac88a2ad481281 893 13.09.2020 20:18:00 13.09.2020 18:18:00 Charlotte Sins - Warm Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 16593 Warm Up 20caf4bda8d559837e Up.mp4 170c SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 894 12.09.2020 17:33:05 12.09.2020 15:33:05 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company libtorrent/ 59952 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 895 11.09.2020 18:04:26 11.09.2020 16:04:26 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.4 12672 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 5c8ba544306ffc42074 896 11.09.2020 14:43:20 11.09.2020 12:43:20 Telia Company -qB4250- 65143 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. ef43606352da8a8e24 1080p.mp4 b1c BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 443e8983846661227a 897 08.09.2020 11:41:40 08.09.2020 09:41:40 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 2901 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. 0b22fc67e717831e73 2160p.mp4 c557 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 898 08.09.2020 09:23:43 08.09.2020 07:23:43 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 38834 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 899 08.09.2020 02:33:39 08.09.2020 00:33:39 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 53468 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 5c8ba544306ffc42074 900 12.09.2020 12:08:19 12.09.2020 10:08:19 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 47961 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. ef43606352da8a8e24 1080p.mp4 b1c BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 5c8ba544306ffc42074 901 11.09.2020 20:14:26 11.09.2020 18:14:26 Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.7 54622 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. ef43606352da8a8e24 1080p.mp4 b1c SHA1: BlackedRaw - 0857ac88a2ad481281 902 10.09.2020 09:46:13 10.09.2020 07:46:13 Charlotte Sins - Warm Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 44402 Warm Up 20caf4bda8d559837e Up.mp4 170c SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 903 11.09.2020 23:53:31 11.09.2020 21:53:31 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 63544 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 904 11.09.2020 01:05:32 10.09.2020 23:05:32 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 52592 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 443e8983846661227a 905 08.09.2020 09:30:15 08.09.2020 07:30:15 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 2011 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. 0b22fc67e717831e73 2160p.mp4 c557 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 906 13.09.2020 20:07:48 13.09.2020 18:07:48 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 47378 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 BlackedRaw. SHA1: 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin 443e8983846661227a 907 11.09.2020 16:56:35 11.09.2020 14:56:35 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 37719 Warm Up s.Warm.Up. 0b22fc67e717831e73 2160p.mp4 c557 SHA1: BlackedRaw - 9769ba4898c804865b 908 15.09.2020 10:58:50 15.09.2020 08:58:50 Charlotte Sins - Warm Telia Company libtorrent/ 42213 Warm Up d3e2e24871750ec4f0 Up.mp4 e2ba SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 909 13.09.2020 01:35:48 12.09.2020 23:35:48 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company µTorrent 3.2.2 16455 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 SHA1: BlackedRaw. 4d128566d34aa1ec74 910 10.09.2020 19:55:02 10.09.2020 17:55:02 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 25208 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 SHA1: BlackedRaw. EXHIBIT 4d128566d34aa1ec74 911 10.09.2020 13:19:35 10.09.2020 11:19:35 20.09.07.Charlotte.Sin Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 56900 Warm Up c662cc23a00dbfd03a s.Warm.Up..mp4 56e5 1.322 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Kylie Page, 9c643aca38fd9d4706 912 10.09.2020 14:06:14 10.09.2020 12:06:14 Moka Mora - Watching Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 53594 Watching Us 13ce49a612a20a0795 Us.mp4 0a43

EXHIBIT 1.323 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City DevilsFilm. SHA1: 20.09.13.Bunny.Colby. b736bd039fa9336f9b9 We Swing Both Ways 913 14.09.2020 18:05:20 14.09.2020 16:05:20 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23806 The.Best.Man. 369940788817cb8a31 4 480p.mp4 4a5

EXHIBIT 1.324 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City Vixen - Teanna Trump, SHA1: Vicki Chase - 31aba0b21d81bc8ed0 914 29.08.2020 16:12:29 29.08.2020 14:12:29 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5 12857 Welcome to Paradise Welcome to 66320ee2a56c75b5c9 Paradise.mp4 1877

EXHIBIT 1.325 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: 6772dd2cb98a83b5f4 915 01.09.2020 13:46:33 01.09.2020 11:46:33 Wetter The Better.mp4 Telia Company µTorrent 3.1.3 31400 Wetter The Better 62b97f38cd496fcb772 7d7

EXHIBIT 1.326 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Jill Kassidy - a697de308520a74a35 916 09.09.2020 11:18:24 09.09.2020 09:18:24 What I Really Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 49823 What I Really Wanted 929a48d834e6a10747 Wanted.mp4 f054

EXHIBIT 1.327 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: deeper. 819856badfe9d513a0 917 10.09.2020 23:21:47 10.09.2020 21:21:47 20.04.02.emily.willis.m Telia Company BiglyBT 33620 What You Need Part 2 c3d7a2e4660df90475 p4 1878

EXHIBIT 1.328 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: tushy. 1cb94e783acd6df2ef4 Whatever The Fuck I 918 12.09.2020 16:46:44 12.09.2020 14:46:44 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23898 5596bf3655fdc32e09f Want 4k.mp4 9e

EXHIBIT 1.329 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: NewSensations. c9bad62342edac2aea While He Watches 919 10.09.2020 01:19:06 09.09.2020 23:19:06 20.09.02.Alex.Coal..m Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 55286 32ad350fabd32caaf28 Vol. 2 p4 fce SHA1: NewSensations. c9bad62342edac2aea While He Watches 920 08.09.2020 02:14:40 08.09.2020 00:14:40 20.09.02.Alex.Coal..m Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 49477 32ad350fabd32caaf28 Vol. 2 p4 fce

EXHIBIT 1.330 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Blacked - Jade Nile - e4fa6f6310c5461aae5 921 06.09.2020 14:06:41 06.09.2020 12:06:41 Telia Company Vuze 64064 While He's Gone While He's Gone.mp4 d2dc4a45fa4d9ac45d 9f6

EXHIBIT 1.331 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: d48e4086afe2063285 Who's Next For Group 923 12.09.2020 21:17:19 12.09.2020 19:17:19 digitalsin-wnfgs.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 22576 c8317e62c254a3b2f5 Sex? d428

EXHIBIT 1.332 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Tushy - Tori Black - edfc62c9aab72ddfcd8 922 03.09.2020 14:08:20 03.09.2020 12:08:20 Whoever Blinks Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 21687 Whoever Blinks First 65f492afc530d912b08 First.mp4 9e

EXHIBIT 1.333 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 208bb6d56560edaf3a 924 13.09.2020 01:09:05 12.09.2020 23:09:05 20.06.12.jessie.saint.a Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 63235 Why We Travel 5c7848334674a1ad9a nd.kiara.cole.mp4 a863 SHA1: vixen. 208bb6d56560edaf3a 925 29.08.2020 12:24:58 29.08.2020 10:24:58 20.06.12.jessie.saint.a Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.1 52173 Why We Travel 5c7848334674a1ad9a nd.kiara.cole.mp4 a863 SHA1: vixen. dee85e605bf33ab049 926 12.09.2020 17:17:17 12.09.2020 15:17:17 20.06.12.jessie.saint.a Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 28847 Why We Travel 6ef626bbdeb1af0e46b nd.kiara.cole.mp4 5be

EXHIBIT 1.334 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: vixen. 0618dd61dd8b80e968 927 05.09.2020 09:54:51 05.09.2020 07:54:51 18.09.14.brett.rossi.m Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 64368 Wild Thing fb816be1205bd78400 p4 6b4b

EXHIBIT 1.335 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Little Caprice, fb6dbc133b88cab909 928 06.09.2020 14:55:59 06.09.2020 12:55:59 Gabbie Carter - With A Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 58652 With A View d2cd961826da53d1c9 View.mp4 7b46 SHA1: fb6dbc133b88cab909 929 02.09.2020 10:46:13 02.09.2020 08:46:13 pic.jpg Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53658 With A View d2cd961826da53d1c9 7b46

EXHIBIT 1.336 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Deeper - Vanna 5ae40d51fd5d69ed80 930 16.09.2020 04:09:34 16.09.2020 02:09:34 Telia Company Deluge 1.3.15 60513 Woman Bardot - Woman.mp4 507cf02c8112d5dfa1d d37

EXHIBIT 1.337 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: a58503a44141e2e621 Women seeking 931 07.09.2020 12:00:40 07.09.2020 10:00:40 ps-wsw173.mp4 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 31287 e44390476bc7e66057 Women VOL 173 70c3

EXHIBIT 1.338 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Women Seeking e6c4f6f0094ddf63916 Women seeking 932 14.09.2020 15:35:37 14.09.2020 13:35:37 Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.5 52976 Women 174.mp4 665ab022511dc341c5 Women VOL 174 31e

EXHIBIT 1.339 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - e44d8f6581ac015bde 933 10.09.2020 23:23:25 10.09.2020 21:23:25 Years In The Making Telia Company Folx 5.21.13951 58289 Years In The Making d9c47724eb06676a66 28.08.2020.mp4 3070 SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - e44d8f6581ac015bde 934 05.09.2020 22:19:13 05.09.2020 20:19:13 Years In The Making Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 62482 Years In The Making d9c47724eb06676a66 28.08.2020.mp4 3070 Vixen. SHA1: 20.08.26.Avi.Love.Yea 0c8d5e6156b2e37872 935 05.09.2020 10:54:24 05.09.2020 08:54:24 rs.In.The.Making.SD.X Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 36520 Years In The Making 2636aa75944b1045ea XX.MP4- 7174 KLEENEX.mp4 SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - 44434361ea74b348aff 936 01.09.2020 11:21:46 01.09.2020 09:21:46 Years In The Telia Company µTorrent Mac 1.8.4 53644 Years In The Making 5698df5ad6e61b9e9a Making.mp4 87f Vixen. SHA1: 20.08.26.Avi.Love.Yea 73f11d53a2bc29ac77 937 29.08.2020 18:11:20 29.08.2020 16:11:20 rs.In.The.Making.SD.X Telia Company Vuze 58550 Years In The Making 244d0a935b110b6a10 XX.MP4- f92b KLEENEX.mp4 Vixen. SHA1: 20.08.26.Avi.Love.Yea 73f11d53a2bc29ac77 938 29.08.2020 14:12:54 29.08.2020 12:12:54 rs.In.The.Making.SD.X Telia Company BitComet 1.70 8581 Years In The Making 244d0a935b110b6a10 XX.MP4- f92b KLEENEX.mp4 SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - e44d8f6581ac015bde 939 29.08.2020 20:51:08 29.08.2020 18:51:08 Years In The Making Telia Company BitTorrent 7.10.5 16576 Years In The Making d9c47724eb06676a66 28.08.2020.mp4 3070 SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - e44d8f6581ac015bde 940 29.08.2020 17:24:48 29.08.2020 15:24:48 Years In The Making Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 32607 Years In The Making d9c47724eb06676a66 28.08.2020.mp4 3070 SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - 44434361ea74b348aff 941 31.08.2020 14:09:07 31.08.2020 12:09:07 Years In The Telia Company qBittorrent/4.2.4 54150 Years In The Making 5698df5ad6e61b9e9a Making.mp4 87f SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - 44434361ea74b348aff 942 04.09.2020 16:09:58 04.09.2020 14:09:58 Years In The Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 50291 Years In The Making 5698df5ad6e61b9e9a Making.mp4 87f SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - 44434361ea74b348aff 943 14.09.2020 16:27:44 14.09.2020 14:27:44 Years In The Telia Company BiglyBT 51159 Years In The Making 5698df5ad6e61b9e9a Making.mp4 87f SHA1: Vixen - Avi Love - 44434361ea74b348aff 944 13.09.2020 20:59:52 13.09.2020 18:59:52 Years In The Telia Company Vuze 64565 Years In The Making 5698df5ad6e61b9e9a Making.mp4 87f

EXHIBIT 1.340 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: Naomi Swann, Talia ac7139a92b97ffa7ec1 Young Fantasies Vol. 945 10.09.2020 18:50:45 10.09.2020 16:50:45 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 46541 Mint.mp4 84d05ec879dab12cb5 5 5a1 SHA1: Naomi Swann, Talia ac7139a92b97ffa7ec1 Young Fantasies Vol. 946 05.09.2020 22:38:37 05.09.2020 20:38:37 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 53868 Mint.mp4 84d05ec879dab12cb5 5 5a1 SHA1: Nia Nacci, Honey ac7139a92b97ffa7ec1 Young Fantasies Vol. 947 13.09.2020 14:14:06 13.09.2020 12:14:06 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 48804 Gold.mp4 84d05ec879dab12cb5 5 5a1

EXHIBIT 1.341 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: digitalsin- 152853c7f821f68bc54 Young Girls Like Big 948 13.09.2020 22:12:14 13.09.2020 20:12:14 younggirlslikebigdicks Telia Company µTorrent 3.0 48795 392047093d828e40b4 Dicks 3 3d2.mp4 18e

EXHIBIT 1.342 No IP address HitDate Local HitDate UTC File Name Infohash ISP Client Port Title First Name Last Name Address Zip City SHA1: BLACKED_100934_1 d7962b99f2fd13734c2 949 12.09.2020 16:52:46 12.09.2020 14:52:46 Telia Company μTorrent 3.5.5 23898 Your Main 080P.mp4 f44bc194fbc26f55117 a1

EXHIBIT 1.343 Bilaga 2

Hur man överklagar Beslut i ärenden, Patent- och marknadsdomstolen PMD-13 ______

Vill du att beslutet ska ändras i någon del kan 4. Lämna namn och personnummer eller du överklaga. Här får du veta hur det går till. organisationsnummer. Lämna aktuella och fullständiga uppgifter Överklaga skriftligt inom 3 veckor om var domstolen kan nå dig: postadresser, e-postadresser och telefonnummer. Ditt överklagande ska ha kommit in till dom- stolen inom 3 veckor från beslutets datum. Om du har ett ombud, lämna också ombud- Sista datum för överklagande finns på sista ets kontaktuppgifter. sidan i beslutet. 5. Skriv under överklagandet själv eller låt ditt ombud göra det.

Så här gör du 6. Skicka eller lämna in överklagandet till 1. Skriv Patent- och marknadsdomstolens Patent- och marknadsdomstolen. Du hittar namn och målnummer. adressen i beslutet.

2. Förklara varför du tycker att beslutet ska


- ändras. Tala om vilken ändring du vill ha Vad händer sedan? och varför du tycker att Patent- och • 2018 Patent- och marknadsdomstolen kontrollerar marknadsöverdomstolen ska ta upp ditt att överklagandet kommit in i rätt tid. Har det överklagande (läs mer om prövnings- kommit in för sent avvisar domstolen över- tillstånd längre ner). klagandet. Det innebär att beslutet gäller. Om du tar upp nya omständigheter ska du förklara varför du inte fört fram detta Om överklagandet kommit in i tid, skickar tidigare. Patent- och marknadsdomstolen överklagandet och alla handlingar i målet vidare till Patent- 3. Tala om vilka bevis du vill hänvisa till. och marknadsöverdomstolen. Förklara vad du vill visa med varje bevis. Skicka med skriftliga bevis som inte redan Har du tidigare fått brev genom förenklad finns i målet. delgivning kan även Patent- och marknads- överdomstolen skicka brev på detta sätt.

Det är inte säkert att du kan lägga fram nya • Producerat av Domstolsverket, Avd. för domstolsutveckling bevis. Vill du göra det ska du förklara varför du inte lagt fram bevisen tidigare. Prövningstillstånd i Patent- och marknads-

Vill du ha nya förhör med någon som redan överdomstolen

Beslut i ärende


13 13 förhörts eller en ny syn (till exempel besök - När överklagandet kommer in till Patent- och på en plats), ska du berätta det och förklara

PMD marknadsöverdomstolen tar domstolen först varför. ställning till om målet ska tas upp till prövning. Tala också om ifall du vill att motparten ska komma personligen vid ett sammanträde.

Sida 1 av 2

Anvisningar Anvisningar för överklagande

Patent- och marknadsöverdomstolen ger prövningstillstånd i fyra olika fall.

• Domstolen bedömer att det finns anledning att tvivla på att Patent- och marknads- domstolen dömt rätt.

• Domstolen anser att det inte går att bedöma om Patent- och marknadsdomstolen har dömt rätt utan att ta upp målet.

• Domstolen behöver ta upp målet för att ge andra domstolar vägledning i rätts- tillämpningen.

• Domstolen bedömer att det finns synnerliga skäl att ta upp målet av någon annan anledning. Om du inte får prövningstillstånd gäller det överklagade beslutet. Därför är det viktigt att i överklagandet ta med allt du vill föra fram.

Vill du veta mer? Ta kontakt med Patent- och marknads- domstolen om du har frågor. Adress och telefonnummer finns på första sidan i beslutet.

Mer information finns på



• 2018

• Producerat av Domstolsverket, Avd. för domstolsutveckling

Beslut i ärende


13 13


Sida 2 av 2

Anvisningar Anvisningar för överklagande