Buy creeping fig, pumila - online at nurserylive | Best at lowest price

Creeping fig Plant, Ficus pumila - Plant

The creeping fig is also known as the climbing fig. It is also grown as an ornamental house plant.

What makes it special: One of the best ornamental house plant. The eye catching heart shaped leaves on the ficus pumila. You would like to be more creative with this ficus pumila. Ficus plant is very easy to grow and maintain.

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With this purchase you will get:


Creeping fig, Ficus pumila Plant


5 inch (13 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)

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Description for Creeping fig, Ficus pumila

Plant height: 3 - 5 inches (7 - 13 cm)

Plant spread: 3 - 5 inches (7 - 13 cm)

Interesting fact: Creeping fig have heart-shaped glossy leaves and can quickly scramble up the side of a wall

Ficus pumila is a of belong to mulberry family.Ficus pumila is a woody evergreen . As the common name creeping fig indicates the plant has a creeping/vining habit and is often used in gardens and landscapes where it covers the ground and climbs up trees and walls. one of the fast-growing ficus.

Common name(s): Creeping fig, Climbing fig,

Flower colours: -

Bloom time: Rarely bloom.

Max reachable height: up to 3.9 metres.

Difficulty to grow: Easy to grow.

Planting and care

Sunlight: Bright but indirect sunlight

Soil: Well-drained soil.

Water: keep the soil moist but not wet.

Temperature: 13-24 degrees C

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer.

Caring for Creeping fig

Refer our Garden Guide for detailed procedures and meanings of words related to gardening.

Soil:Keep the plant where it will receive Direct or indirect bright sunlight (Min. 5-6 hrs.) each day.

Use nutrient rich, well drained, well areated, and porous potting mix. Watering:

Water a plant when the topsoil in pot (5 to 8 cm) feels dry to touch. Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering for the winter & rainy season. Try to water the plants in the morning around 8-10 am. Application of Fertilizer:

Apply fertilize a plant mostly in the spring and early monsoon season. Loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots to the plant can easily uptake the nutrients and moisture. Re-potting:

When a plant outgrows in current pot, re-pot with fresh potting soil and some fertilizer.

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Do the re-potting late evening and keep the plant in shady area for 2 to 3 days then move the plant to its required light condition. For re-potting procedure click here

Plant Protection:

Remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts. For any insect attack or disease, you can use Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil or Citrus oil spray for primary treatment.

Typical uses of Creeping fig

Special features: It is a self-adhesive plant. Creeping fig requires no ties because it climbs by means of little sucker arms that hold on to wood, concrete, stone or metal without any additional help.

Ornamental use: Used as ground and wall cover and can be planted as a house plant and in a hanging basket.


Reviews Saturday, 25 July 2020

Plants are alive but flowers have not come out as yet.


Friday, 24 July 2020

How many plants like this needed for a 500 SQFT living hall

Lohita Bhagat

Friday, 13 March 2020

Pot seems to be really small. DO I have to shift the plan to the bigger pot as it starts growing in a few months?

Tapadhir Bhattacharya More reviews

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