Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos “Benjamin Franklin” Serial Murderers: A Global Perspective SPRING 2022 PROFESSOR Dr. Mike Hulderman EMAIL
[email protected] TIME 9:00-12:00 CLASSROOM TBA COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of theoretical explanations for the phenomenon of serial murder. The course includes a historical and contemporary examination of serial murder typologies, taking into account motives, methods, victims, personal history, and crime scene characteristics of selected serial murderers around the world, including Spain’s most notorious. Special emphasis is on developing critical thinking skills that are essential to serial murder investigations. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The teaching approach is student-centered and competency-based. This allows communication with students on what is taught, how it will be done, what should be learned, what activities are completed, what resources are used and how to evaluate learning. The course will aim to develop the following competences: Competence 1. Define and distinguish serial, mass, and spree murders Competence 2. Identify the myths and facts of serial murder. Competence 3. Identify and differentiate serial murder typologies. Página 1 Competence 4. Evaluate serial murderers and their victims within a criminological framework. Competence 5. Cultivate serial murder suspect(s) using offender methods, motives, victim selection, personal history, and crime scene characteristics. Competence 6. Synthesize historical