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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1955-04-22 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1955). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1968. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1968 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. v· .. U ~ o ..c~am.er . n1vers1ty Masquers Ready For "Praise Of Folly" Hy nlt1yo ntol1s Next Friday, April 29, the members of the X a v i er Masque Society will stage in South Hall Theater what might be the unique produc tion of the group's thirty-year history. Their offering, John Mc Guire's "Praise of Folly," will be the midwest preniiere of the Blackfriars hit that last spring won critical praise when it opened in the famed New York theater. Based on the last years in the life of Martyr Thomas More, the play headlines Masque stars Tom Mehmert and Jim Dresen. Tickets for the production, which will be presented on April 30 and May 1 as well as on the 29th, are now on sale in a speciai booth in the South Hall bookstore. Students are entitled to one free ticket (in exchange for Passbook Mayo Mohs, as Hemy VIII, admonishes Sir Thomas Cromwell Coupon No. 34) and may pur Tom l\leluncrt, portraying St. Thomas More, is seen here with (Jim Dresen) aml Aun Boleyn (Jeannine Grannen) in a scene from chase a companion ticket for the daughter l\leg (Jean Feiertag), villains Auclley (John Grissmer) and "Praise of Folly," the l\1asque Society's coming production. special price of 50 cents. Baron Rich (Jim l\'lcDermott) in the play's Tower Scene. Xavier University News A Weekly Newspape1· By Students F1·om The Evanston, Downtown And ~lilfo1·d Campuses. VOLUME XXXIX CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, ·1955 NO. 18 GIBSON HOSTS SPRING. FORMAL TONIGHT By Bob Jue11ke, News Associnte Editor Tonight, atop Cincinnati's largest hotel, the Xavier Spring Rules Made Clear Senior Class Gift Payments Semi-formal will be held. The Hotel Sheraton-Gibson Roof Garden is the scene for this year's annual event, a combina On Student Picnics Lag·, · Pledg·es Fall Behi1id tion of the Juniqr Prom and the Spring Formal, under the Dean of Men, Rev. Patrick sponsorship of the junior class. The gala affair will be pre- H. Ratterm.an, S.J., this week Senior Class President Bill Sweeney this week announced announced a group of rules a new set of figures on the progress of the class' gift fund. which he asked that student From the class of 199 plus five in the Evening Division, 177 organizations f o 11 ow when pledges totaling $1819.50 have been received. This amounts to they plan their picnics during the a record 87% class participation. To date, however, only 41 %, coming weeks. "In order," Fr. or $838 has been collected. The stated, "to avoid giving the uni following chart shows a break $187-10 collected in full. versity a bad name because of down of the various group Cap Tom Poland-12 pledges total the unseemly conduct of some of tai~s and their collections: ing $125-5 collcctc£1 in full. its students on picnics, the fol Ken Boehme-8 pledges total Ed Ulmcr-10 J>lcclgcs totaling lowing rules have been adopted: ing $80-4 collected in full. $110-6 collected in full. 1) No organization is to llave Jack ConnoUy-10 pledges to Bill Dmnbachcr-3 1>le£lgcs to a 1,icnic unless the moclerator is • taling $97 .50-6 collected in full. taling $35-2 collecte£1 in full. i>rcscnt from beginning to end. Phil Ossclear-7 pledges total Pat Braml-15 }>ledges totaling 2) No organization is to order ing $63-2 collected in full. supplies to be llclivcre£1 to Xav Clete Kastc-8 pledges totaling ic1· University unless these sup News '"I'akes Thircl $70-3 collected in full. plies are · ordered through the In OCNA Awards Norm l\1ur£1ock-9 ple£1ges to business office. taling $90-4 collected in full. Fr. Ratterman expressed the The Xavier University News Bob Siegcnthaler-9 pledges hope that many groups would last week captured third place in totaling $120-4 collected in full. the Ohio Collegiate Newspaper organize picnics. Said he, "There Norm Gabriel-9 pledges total is no objection to student groups Association's annual award to the ing $85-4 collected in full. best weekly college newspaper in having picnics during the school Gibbs l\'lacVcigh-6 plcllges to the state of Ohio. The award, year, for they provide a wonder taling S60-l collected in full. given at the association's annual ful opportunity for them to get Lou !Uagliano-9 1,ledgcs total convention held at the University to know one another and to have of Cincinnati, gave The News the ing S59-1 collectc£1 in full. a good time. While these things prize in competition with all the Dick Carlen-9 J>lellges totaling are good, students must learn to weekly papers in Ohio from col $69-nonc collected in full. behave on picnics as they would leges which have more than 1000 John Galownia-10 pledges to in their own homes. They must enrollment. taling $125-nonc collected in show respect for the property of Meanwhile, The News is spon full. others and for the university they soring this weekend the conven Don Luebbe-8 1J1edges total represent." tion of the Catholic Advisers' ing $80-none collected in full. Al· Cash, Jack Carroll, Bill Hocter, and Tom Walsh form the Press Association on the Xavier l\'layo l\lohs-6 pledges totaling nucleus of the Spring Formal Committee. Photo by Karches campus. The association, compris $72-none collected in full. Dance To Follow ing representaives from the high Ed Nardini-7 pledges totaling sided over by student-selected lowing the crowning, dancing Alu111- Varsity Tilt school newspapers in the Arch $70-none collected in full. Queen Jayne Heath, assisted by will continue until 1 :00 a.rn., Immediately following the diocese of Cincinnati, will con A number of others have been her four attendants, the Misses when the program will be con vene Saturday morning in the Alumni-Varsity football game to -collected outside the groups. Helen Cooper, Carol Weisbrod, cluded. morrow night, the fieldhouse will Albert D. Cash .Memorial Room. Jack Daley has collected two, and Janet Monnig, and Marian Kriss- · Those desiring tickets will be be the site of a date ·dance spon Sweeney has collected five total mer. able to secure them today from sored by the Musketee1· Club. The ing $50 from the Evening Divi The festivities are scheduled anyone of the 12 student ticket music for the dance will be fur WARNING ISSUED sion. The hero of the campaign to get under way at the Gibson salesmen who are selling them University rules prohibit any nished by the ten piece band of so far is Pat Brand who leads in about 9:00 p.m. Art Hays and his throughout the campus. The price thing stronger than 3.2 beer at Joe McCarthy. number of pledges, total pledges, Cafe Society Orchestra will pro per couple is four dollars. Special dances sponsored by the school. The dance, which is restricted and amount collected. For those vide the rhythm for a variety of senior tickets are on sale today This rule will be strietly en· to those who have dates, is but seniors who are unable to locate the popular hit tunes and dances in South Hall. This year's entire force£1 at the Spring Formal, one part of the night's festivity their respective captains, ar of the day. At the stroke of mid program is under the direction for those attending the football which will be held this evening, rangements have been made for night, the formal crowning of of junior class president Al Cash, game. The ticket of admission to April 22, at the Gibson Roof them to pay their pledges at the this year's Queen begins, with assisted by Tom Walsh, Bill Hoc the game also allows entrance to Gardens. Public Relations Office. all due pomp and ceremony. Fol- ter, and Jack Carroll. the dance. -·- PAGE TWO XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1955 TIME FOR THOUGHTFUL CONSIDERATION ith little publicity and as much ceremony, President the China mainland, whether a bluff or a preparation, is OF NOTE W Eisenhower last week affixed his signature to the much causing much debate over the defense of these apparently By Dick Co•tello discussed London and Paris agreements, granting West Ger unimportant, non-strategic plots of real-estate. In our own many sovereignty, ending Allied occupation, admitting Ger country, major policy makers and party spokesmen hold op Jazz was almost a dirty many to NATO, and authorizing continued occupation by U.S. posite views. Each is as equally certain of his standpoint as troops. The Kremlin, not to be outdone by her Western an someone standing at the north pole is certain which direction word a generation ago, and tagonist, simultaneously called for peace treaty talks with is south. today when we get to a point Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab. Meanwhile, the ever-busy With questions in every mind, heads naturally turn of discovering what it is, Russian hydra released more of its venom on the opposite side toward the President.