Wednesday 19th September 6.30pm at Dormston Sports Hall, Millbank,


Councillor Simms (Chairman) Councillors: Mrs Ameson, Caunt, J Davies, Evans, Mrs Millward, Mottram, Mrs Ridney, Ryder, Stanley and Wright, and Mr J Millward.


The Director of Children's Services (as Area Liaison Officer), the Assistant Director of Resources, (Directorate of Children’s Services); the Assistant Director of Law and Property (Legal and Democratic Services); the Assistant Director, Culture and Community Services, The Group Engineer, Traffic and Road Safety, the Tourism Development Officer (Directorate of the Urban Environment), the Area Team Leader, the Youth and Community Worker Lower-Gornal Youth Centre (Directorate of Children’s Services) and Mrs J Rees (Directorate of Law and Property).


Sergeant C Farley of the Police, Mr S Vincent of the West Midlands Fire Service, together with approximately 40 members of the public were in attendance.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Fraser Macnamara and Inspector Lyn Bailey of the West Midlands Police.


Councillor Stanley declared a personal interest in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, in respect of Agenda Item No. 9c – North Dudley Housing Garage Plot Sites, in view of his renting a garage from the Council.



That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 27th June 2007, be approved as a correct record and signed.



It was reported that the following petitions had previously been submitted directly to the Director of the Urban Environment, who was investigating the issues raised:

a) from local residents expressing concern regarding the lack of maintenance to a tree, in a resident’s front garden, which was causing a nuisance and hazard to the resident and her neighbours. This issue had been the subject of an Ombudsman’s enquiry, the resulting conclusion of which being that there had been no evidence of maladministration on the part of Dudley Council.

b) from residents of Netherby Road, Sedgley, requesting traffic calming measures to be introduced at Netherby Road, Sedgley.

c) from the Oval and Tudor Tenants and Residents Association, requesting maintenance to high trees at Tudor Road, Upper Gornal.

It was also reported that a petition had previously been submitted directly to the Director of Adult, Community and Housing Services, objecting to the proposed disposal of the garage sites referred to at Agenda Item No. 9. The petition was deferred for consideration until that item on the Agenda.


The Area Team Manager of Early Years and Youth Development reported on youth issues as follows:

The Youth Centre had delivered a four-week holiday programme in partnership with The Coseley School and the police, including a five-day residential outing in Wales, which had been externally funded; and a back to nature week on learning survival skills.

The Sedgley Youth Centre had delivered a two week programme of varied activities and workshops, including personal safety, bike maintenance and cookery. Also included was a trip to Drayton Manor Park, and a first aid course. The format of evening activities had been amended to have set evenings for specific age groups.

The Lower Gornal Youth Centre had delivered a summer programme in conjunction with Orchard Partnership for two weeks, including day trips, a dance and provision for young people in wheelchairs. A request to the Partnership Kids Orchard for £250,000 for free play had been successful.


All youth clubs in the area were working towards the establishment of a North Area Forum, to be formalised in January 2008.

A meeting had been arranged with the young people and the architect to design the skate park for Ten Acre Fields.

Young People from The Oval and Tudor Estate had been successful in obtaining £14,000 towards the kick about area on Ten Acre Fields, the construction of which has already commenced.

Mr Millward reported on the formation of small forums. He also indicated that, following the recent refurbishment of the Lower Gornal Youth Centre, the name of the Centre had been changed to that of the Lower Gornal Youth Academy.

Mr Millward advised the Committee about the activities involved in the recent Sunday morning Clean Up event in Lower Gornal, which had included some 60 young people, with the support of the local police. Photographs were on display showing the results of the clean up project. A barbeque at the end of the Clean Up event had raised funding which had been donated to a local charity fir a sick young boy. Mr Millward expressed his thanks, on behalf of the young people, to the Police for their support. £500 had been collected by the young people as a contribution towards the CCTV cameras for the area.

In response to a formal request that the Area Committee consider the Lower Gornal Youth Academy as a venue for a future meeting, the Area Liaison Officer advised a risk assessment would be carried out in the near future, to assess the suitability of the venue.


(1) That the oral reports made regarding youth issues in the North Dudley Area be noted.

(2) That the Area Liaison Officer be requested to arrange for a risk assessment of the Lower Gornal Youth Academy to ascertain its suitability for a meeting of the Committee to be held at that venue.


Sergeant Farley reported orally on the work and priorities of the Police neighbourhood groups since the last meeting, including action taken against anti social behaviour, minor crime and vehicles parking on double yellow lines. Other concerns included parking issues around the local schools. ‘A Clean Up Day’ had been held in Sedgley on 16th September including members of the community of pupils from . A special vote of thanks was expressed to the local fish and chip shop owner, who had provided the barbeque and left the equipment to be used by the school in future.


A new Prince’s Trust team programme had already commenced, with 14 young people working towards employment. A recent request for volunteers to man the front office of the Sedgley Police Station had been very successful and would result in the station being open eight hours a day Mondays to Fridays. This was welcomed by the Committee.

Sergeant Farley also reported the dates and venues for future meetings of the neighbourhood groups:

Neighbourhood 1 - Thursday 4th October 2007 at 10 a.m. at All Saints Church Hall, Vicar Street, Sedgley.

Neighbourhood 2 – Thursday 18th October 2007 at 10 a.m. at Dudley Fie Station, Burton Road, Dudley.

Neighbourhood 3 and 4 – Wednesday 1st October 2007 at 6.30 pm at Bramford Primary School, Woodsetton

RESOLVED That the oral report made regarding police issues in the North Dudley Area be noted.


Mr Vincent gave an oral update on the activities of the Fire Service in the area during the summer months. He reported that the wet summer had resulted in a reduction in the number of fires on green areas. Incidents of fly tipping had increased in all parts of the Borough and the Fire Service was working with the Council to tackle these issues. Fires in homes had decreased, owing to the education exercises being carried out throughout the area, and including the installation of smoke alarms and home surveys.

Fly tipping was increasing and causing concerns. Continued vigilance was required and he sought community support to ensure the future success of the fire service.


As there was no representative of Centro in attendance at the meeting, no transport issues were discussed at this meeting. A Member of the Committee advised that the reason a Centro representative was not in attendance was due to a clash of dates between the Centro meeting and the meeting of the Committee.

A Member of the Committee brought to the attention of the meeting the new national travel concessions which would provide for free bus travel daily from 9.30 a.m. for the over 60’s with effect from April 2008.



A member of the public expressed concern regarding the future plans for garages in Brook Bank Road, and the existing right of access to his garage. The concerns were referred to the Director of the Urban Environment for consideration and a written response.


A report of the Chief Executive was submitted on a joint bid by the Black Country authorities to be submitted to the Big Lottery Fund in October 2007.

A visual presentation was given by the Tourism Development Officer, informing the Committee of the content of the proposed project, highlighting the Dudley element, and giving details of the proposed enhancement of the geological heritage on Wren’s Nest National Nature Reserve to include new visitor facilities and the opening up of the underground canals and mines which linked the site to Castle Hill. The Black Country Consortium and the Council would know whether they had been successful in moving to the next stage in October 2007, with successful projects going through to a television vote, during the week commencing 3rd December 2007. She encouraged everyone present to vote for the project at the appropriate time and to make the project known to their friends so that they could do the same.


(1) That the contents of the report submitted and the visual presentation be noted.

(2) That the Chief Executive be advised of the Committee’s support for the project.

(3) That members of the public be encouraged to vote for the project on the television, should the project be successful in going through to the TV vote later in the year.


A report of the Director of Law and Property was submitted on reports relating to land and property controlled by the Council.

The petition submitted to the Director of Adult, Community and Housing Services, and referred to in minute no. 28 above, objecting to the disposal of garage sites on Bird Street, Lower Gornal was considered at this juncture.


In response to queries from members of the public, in respect of the application for Access Rights at Furlongs Road, Sedgley, the Chairman advised that if the applicant was to submit an application for a housing development on the land in the future, planning permission would need to be sought, and residents would have the opportunity to inspect the plans and raise any objections at that time.


(1) That, in view of the concerns expressed relating to known existing problems at the site, including anti social behaviour and fly tipping, the Cabinet Member for Housing be advised to approve the application to purchase the land adjacent to 5 Rowan Road, Sedgley, as shown on the plan attached to the report submitted, on terms and conditions to be negotiated and agreed with the Director of Law and Property.

(2) That the Cabinet Member for Housing be advised to approve the application for access rights to the garage site off Furlongs Road, Sedgley, as shown on the plan attached to the report submitted, on

(3) That consideration of the request to declare garage plot sites throughout the Borough, as shown on the plans attached to the report submitted, be deferred for further consideration by the Director of Adult, Community and Housing Services, following further consultation with the Area Housing Panels.


A report of the Director of Children’s Services was submitted on the national Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. The report set out the Local Authority’s proposed strategy for accessing the programme, which was seen as the primary vehicle through which major capital investment in local Secondary Schools could be secured. Members were requested to consider the proposed strategy and raise any issues which they felt were particularly relevant in the North Dudley area.

Arising from consideration of the report, a Member commented that whilst she welcomed the programme, she would like to see facilities on school sites more readily available and accessible to everyone within the community at all times.

The representative of the Fire Service commented that the Fire Service had been named in the programme and was working closely in the design of the programme, including the installation of sprinklers.



1. That the emerging strategy for Transforming Secondary Education (TSE), be endorsed.

2. That the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services be requested to take the above comments into account when developing the TSE strategy for submission to the Department for Children, Schools and Families.


A report of the Area Liaison Officer was submitted advising the Committee of applications received for funding from the capital budget allocation of the Committee as referred to in the report submitted.

Following consideration of the recommendations of the North Dudley Area Committee Capital Allocations Working Group, it was


(1) That the Area Liaison Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and Ward Councillors, be authorised to determine urgent applications for capital funding.

(2) That the application from Sedgley Youth Centre for £3,129.08 be deferred to allow further information relating to the application to be supplied and for a revised application containing items of a capital nature only to be resubmitted.

(3) That the application from North Dudley Kickz Project for £12,000 be deferred to allow further information relating to the application to be supplied.

(4) That, since it does not involve expenditure of a capital nature, the application from Lower Gornal Youth Academy for £1,000 towards the cost of a feasibility study be refused.

(5) That the application by the Turls Hill And Swanbrook Valley Residents . Association for £2,500 as a 10% contribution towards funding the Association’s project for gates and fencing be deferred to allow further information to be sought, and that upon receipt of the further information, the Area Liaison Officer in consultation with the Chairman be authorised to determine the application, should they deem it urgent.

(6) That the following sums referred to below be allocated to the following organisations for the purpose indicated


Organisation Purpose Amount

St Chad’s Catholic to provide a disabled £3,500 Social Centre toilet in the Centre and re-plaster the internal walls at the Social Centre, subject to the Centre obtaining a second quotation.

Lower Gornal Youth to purchase televisions £1,965 Academy, Temple and electrical Street, Dudley equipment for the Youth Centre.

West Midlands Police purchase of two £969.96 – shared computers, a printer, equally between the television and DVD four Wards in the Player, a fridge and a North Dudley Area microwave oven to assist team members with course work, at the Sedgley Police Station.

Upper Gornal Towards the purchase £1,000 Pensioners Club of various equipment, of a capital nature only, including a bingo machine and a freezer, for use at the Upper Gornal Pensioners Club.


A report of the Director of the Urban Environment was submitted on the making of a Prohibition of Waiting Order at Ruiton Street and Sandstone Close, Gornal, in the light of objections received during the statutory period.

A Member requested that access to the bungalows in the area be kept clear, to enable Social Services to undertake the “tuck-in” service provided to the elderly people in the area.


(1) That the Cabinet Member for Transportation be advised that the making of the Traffic Regulation Orders, as shown on drawing number TMD/CP/434, be supported. NDAC/23

(2) That the advertised scheme be introduced and monitored to ensure that the “tuck-in” service supplied to elderly people living in the bungalows is not hampered through driveways being obstructed by inconsiderate parking.


A report of the Area Liaison Officer was submitted on the current status of responses to questions posed at previous meetings of the Committee.

With reference to paragraph (f) on page 55 of the report, Councillor Mrs Millward requested that double yellow lines be installed in Louise Road, near the Woodman Public House, in order to avoid serious traffic jams in that area.


That the information contained in the report now submitted, and the appendix thereto be noted.


(1) Cllr Mrs Millward commented on the very successful fund raising by the Gornal Business Watch towards the cost of the installation of CCTV cameras in the area. She expressed congratulations for the hard work of the young people involved in the fund raising, but disappointment that some of the local businesses had refused to contribute towards the cost of the installation of the cameras, as they did not feel the cameras would be of benefit to their business.

Councillor Mrs Millward advised that, as the funding had exceeded the amount anticipated, it was hoped that the CCTV camera could be linked up to the Sedlgey CCTV camera, already installed. (2) Cllr Mrs Ridney expressed her gratitude for the newly installed road signs in the area.

(3) Cllr Evans a) raised the need for the removal of the barrier in Priory Lane car park, to enable easier parking at the Health Centre in Sedgley.

b) expressed congratulations to the Head Teacher and children of Queen Victoria School for their success, for the second year running, in the Sedgley in Bloom competition



Information was given regarding the dates for future meetings of all Select Committees, which were to be held at the Council House, Dudley. Members of the public were welcome to attend such meetings.


That the information given in respect of the dates of future meetings of Select Committees be noted.


It was noted that future meetings of the Committee would be held at 6.30 pm on the dates and at the venues indicated, as follows:

5th December 2007 – Wallbrook Primary School, off Bradleys Lane, Coseley, Bilston, WV14 8YP 30th January 2008 – Roberts Primary School, Roberts Street, Lower Gornal DY3 2AZ 9th April 2008 – Cotwall End Primary School, Cotwall End Road, Sedgley DY3 3YG

The meeting ended at 8.10 pm.