Kwajalein resident Chief Warrant Offi Officer cer Mike Tracy, Tracy left, left and Sgt. Sgt Jon Bourassa, Bourassa were in Bakar village in Iraq’s Sunni Triangle to protect polling places during their deployment to that country. Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 ((PhotoPhoto ccourtesyourtesy ooff MMikeike TTracy)racy) The Kwajalein Hourglass COMMENTARY Remember our veterans’ legacy of freedom Veteran’s Day weekend is a tra- national holiday 12 years later. On ditional American holiday and is a June 1, 1954, the name was changed time when we pause to honor and to Veterans Day to honor all U. S. remember those who have given their veterans. In 1968, new legislation lives for the freedom we all enjoy changed the national commemora- today. We remember those patriots tion of Veterans Day to the fourth who, with valor and courage, fought Monday in October. It soon became so courageously in the defense of our apparent, however, that November 11 nation. From the American Revolu- was a date of historic signifi cance to tion to Operation Iraqi Freedom and many Americans. Therefore, in 1978 Operation Enduring Freedom, Ameri- 1919. Veteran’s Day started with the Congress returned the observance to can heroes, more than 2,900 since signing of the Treaty of Versailles. its traditional date. 9/11 have given their all. We must The actual fi ghting between the Allies This Veterans Day weekend, re- never forget the price so many veter- and Germany, however, had ended member our fallen comrades, spend ans have paid to leave us this legacy seven months earlier with the armi- time talking to family and friends in of freedom. Along with commemo- stice, which went into effect on the the states, enjoy the weekend and rating our fallen comrades, we also eleventh hour of the eleventh day of have an enjoyable, accident free celebrate in the American way. the eleventh month in 1918. Armi- holiday. Tell a veteran ‘thank you’ for I researched the start of Veterans stice Day, as November 11 became the service provided to their country Day, and I found that it was the offi cial known, offi cially became a holiday and for protecting our way of life, but ending of World War I on June 28, in the United States in 1926, and a above all, “be safe.” LLettersetters ttoo tthehe eeditorditor Thanks to all who prepared snacks I would like to thank the numerous individuals who helped Reader disagrees with column prepare snacks for the visiting Ebeye teams and evening Dan Adler is a wonderful journalist. I enjoy reading meals for the Elementary School’s Guest Students during his articles very much and appreciate the detail and the CYS basketball season. If you would like to support an content in them. Far more often than not, I fi nd myself Ebeye team during the soccer and baseball seasons by pro- in complete agreement with his opinion and position on viding snacks on their game days, please contact me 52371 many issues. or to volunteer. Your assis- However, I beg to differ with one of the last three tance is needed and greatly appreciated!! sentences in his most recent article regarding scam- ming of servicemen. He said,” There are some crimes, Candace Everts Nancy Grant Deb Johnson Susan and Jerry Davis that under any circumstances, are unforgivable.” This is Deanna Cain Masina and Mark McCollum not true! Janice Riordan Amy Lacost Cheryl Delong Annie and John Tompkins There is only one crime that is unforgivable…the Lynn and John Beckler Kalani and Jeff Wase crime of not accepting the free gift of salvation offered Angela Dampier Kathleen Kautz Casey Schuh Christine Larkin by Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all our sins. I Jane Christy Liz Ritchey understand it is extraordinarily diffi cult to comprehend Jane and Bruce Premo Tarah Yurovchak Lance and Renee Ray Nicole and Andrew Beall a God who, at the last moment of one’s life, would Diane and Monica Peters Oktan Tagiolelagi Jennifer Cossey Michelle Cheatham completely and irrevocably wipe one’s slate clean and Angie Sinnott Greg and Ona Moore welcome that person into heaven for all eternity. But AJ Gilbert Melissa Heilman Teresa Fuchs Allison and Mark Kickhofel this is exactly what he did for the thief on the cross and Karen Lemker Kathi Dover my own father who was graciously given about a week to face his own mortality. Like Adler, I also believe in — Cassie Rubly, George Seitz Elementary School See DISAGREES, Page 16 TThehe KwajaleinKwajalein HHourglassourglass The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department Printed circulation: 2,000 insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. E-mail: which liberated the island from the forces of Im- It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in ac- Commanding Offi cer......Col. Stevenson Reed perial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. cordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a Public Affairs Offi cer......................Sandy Miller network printer by Kwajalein Range Services edito- The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized pub- Editor......................................Nell Drumheller lication for military personnel, federal employees, rial staff. contractor workers and their families assigned P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 Graphics Designer..........................Dan Adler to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Contents of the Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Reporter............................................J.J. Klein Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, Local phone: 53539 Distribution..................................C.J. Kemem The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 Band of brothers Iraq veterans share their experiences By J.J. Klein and control at the forward Reporter edge of the battle area for Northern Iraq,” said Mixon. On Veterans Day Americans are called upon to com- At Kirkuk, Mixon main- memorate the sacrifi ce and dedication of servicemembers, tained existing data/voice both dead and living, who have served in the military. services and extended these The Hourglass pays tribute to three Kwajalein residents services in support of Army who served in Iraq in support of the Global War on Terror and Air Force personnel. “We and share their thoughts about their deployment with the also maintained the satellite Kwajalein community. links that kept us ‘talking’ to the rest of the world,” Mixon Scott Phillips said. “I live life to its fullest, as if tomorrow may not come,” Although her contact with Scott Phillips said refl ecting on his 11 months deployed in the Iraqi people was limited, Baghdad, Iraq with the 3rd Ordnance Battalion, Explosive Mixon believes that all mili- Ordnance Disposal. tary personnel, regardless of Darcy Mixon A little more than a year af- their job, had an impact on ter 9/11, Phillips’ unit headed helping the people of Iraq. to Iraq. Today Phillips is re- “Schools opened for children to attend, inoculations tired from the Army and is have been made available to countless Iraqi citizens, clean Unexploded Ordnance lead drinking water runs through newly constructed pipes, for Mission Operations; in infrastructure has been rebuilt; good things were and Dec. 2003, he was Master Sgt. are happening still today,” Mixon continued. Phillips, Battalion Operations Some of Mixon’s downtime in Iraq was spent volun- non-commissioned offi cer. teering with Operation Crayon, a program that packages The 3rd Battalion planned, donated notebooks, crayons, markers and other school coordinated and supervised supplies in goodie bags to distribute to Iraqi children. the operations of seven EOD “My time in Iraq will always have an impact on my life companies in Baghdad and because it was my fi rst deployment to the Middle East Scott Phillips southern Iraq. and one of the most unique learning experiences,” Mixon “The battalion’s mission was to task each EOD company said. “You see the news and read the papers, but to ac- with neutralizing and destroying enemy caches of arms tually be a part of what was happening over there and and ammunition in support of the war effort,” Phillips to support the positive changes being made to better the said. “We managed, gathered intelligence and ran Impro- Iraqis quality of life was incredible.” vised Explosive Devices incidents within Baghdad.” It’s Mixon’s hope this Veterans Day that “We all take a Every time Phillips interacted with Iraqi nationals, they moment to refl ect upon the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen would express their thanks for the military’s presence who have volunteered to defend our freedom and make in Iraq. sacrifi ces so that we can continue to live our way of life. I “Daily we would see them rebuilding their community. am grateful to have served and continuing serving with so All were a little concerned with what the future would many fi ne men and women, and I will forever feel proud bring,” Phillips said, “however they all knew it would be to be an American.” better than under Saddam.” Phillips would like to remind the Kwajalein community Mike Tracy to “not forget that evil is all around us; be supportive of As busy as he was in Iraq, Mike Tracy still managed our troops and elected offi cials on the tough decisions to shoot off e-mails to his friends in Kwajalein and keep that they face daily.” them current with his adventures. Tracy, a RTS mainte- nance management lead with KRS, returned to Kwajalein Darcy Mixon in January after a year-long deployment to Iraq with the The chances of Darcy Mixon going back to Iraq or some- Hawaii Army National Guard, HHC 29 Support Battalion, where in the Middle East are, as she would say, “decent.” 29 Brigade Combat Team.
Crime Files Series General Editor: Clive Bloom Since its invention in the nineteenth century, detective fiction has never been more pop- ular. In novels, short stories, films, radio, television and now in computer games, private detectives and psychopaths, prim poisoners and overworked cops, tommy gun gangsters and cocaine criminals are the very stuff of modern imagination, and their creators one mainstay of popular consciousness. Crime Files is a ground-breaking series offering scholars, students and discerning readers a comprehensive set of guides to the world of crime and detective fiction. Every aspect of crime writing, detective fiction, gangster movie, true-crime exposé, police procedural and post-colonial investigation is explored through clear and informative texts offering comprehensive coverage and theoretical sophistication. Titles include: Maurizio Ascari A COUNTER-HISTORY OF CRIME FICTION Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational Pamela Bedore DIME NOVELS AND THE ROOTS OF AMERICAN DETECTIVE FICTION Hans Bertens and Theo D’haen CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN CRIME FICTION Anita Biressi CRIME, FEAR AND THE LAW IN TRUE CRIME STORIES Clare Clarke LATE VICTORIAN CRIME FICTION IN THE SHADOWS OF SHERLOCK Paul Cobley THE AMERICAN THRILLER Generic Innovation and Social Change in the 1970s Michael Cook NARRATIVES OF ENCLOSURE IN DETECTIVE FICTION The Locked Room Mystery Michael Cook DETECTIVE FICTION AND THE GHOST STORY The Haunted Text Barry Forshaw DEATH IN A COLD CLIMATE A Guide to Scandinavian Crime Fiction Barry Forshaw BRITISH CRIME FILM Subverting
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity and Politics Between The
Media Culture Media Culture develops methods and analyses of contemporary film, television, music, and other artifacts to discern their nature and effects. The book argues that media culture is now the dominant form of culture which socializes us and provides materials for identity in terms of both social reproduction and change. Through studies of Reagan and Rambo, horror films and youth films, rap music and African- American culture, Madonna, fashion, television news and entertainment, MTV, Beavis and Butt-Head, the Gulf War as cultural text, cyberpunk fiction and postmodern theory, Kellner provides a series of lively studies that both illuminate contemporary culture and provide methods of analysis and critique. Many people today talk about cultural studies, but Kellner actually does it, carrying through a unique mixture of theoretical analysis and concrete discussions of some of the most popular and influential forms of contemporary media culture. Criticizing social context, political struggle, and the system of cultural production, Kellner develops a multidimensional approach to cultural studies that broadens the field and opens it to a variety of disciplines. He also provides new approaches to the vexed question of the effects of culture and offers new perspectives for cultural studies. Anyone interested in the nature and effects of contemporary society and culture should read this book. Kellner argues that we are in a state of transition between the modern era and a new postmodern era and that media culture offers a privileged field of study and one that is vital if we are to grasp the full import of the changes currently shaking us.
85491700200 NOTE: DO NOT DIP DECAL # 13, 14 IN WATER. CAREFULLY CUT OUT AND USE WHITE GLUE TO ATTACH. KIT 4917 REMARQUE: NE PAS IMMERGER DANS L’EAU LES DÉCALCOMANIES # 13 ET 14. DÉCOUPER SOIGNEUSEMENT ET UTILISER DE LA COLLE BLANCHE POUR FIXER. ™ 14 NOTA: NO SUMERJA LAS CALCOMANÍAS NO. 13, 14 EN AGUA. RECORTE CUIDADOSAMENTE Y UTILICE COLA BLANCA PARA SUJETAR. MIAMI VICE DAYTONA SPYDER Prowling the night looking to bust the heavies in Miami’s Il patrouille de nuit à surveiller les caïds du monde interlope Merodeando en la noche, buscando agarrar a los peces gordos deadly underworld, his name is Sonny Crockett and his de Miami, son nom est Sonny Crockett et son partenaire del mortífero bajo mundo de Miami, su nombre es Sonny partner is Ricardo Tubbs. They are no ordinary vice cops s’appelle Ricardo Tubbs. Aucun des flics de Miami n’est Crockett y su socio es Ricardo Tubbs. No se trata de policías un “ vice ” ordinaire, et la Spyder ne l’est pas non plus. ordinarios contra el vicio, y el Spyder no es un auto ordinario. and the Spyder is no ordinary car. Sleek Italian styling, Style effilé italien, puissance d’un V-8 américain, un Un estilizado diseño italiano, potencia V-8 estadounidense American V-8 power and superb handling, the Spyder is the maniement superbe, la Spyder est la machine idéale pour y un soberbio manejo, el Spyder es la máquina adecuada right machine to handle any case that might come their way. faire face à toutes les situations qu’ils doivent rencontrer.
! ! artist: DJ Cam title: Miami Vice date: 2nd June 2015 label: Inflamable Records cat. #: miamicd001 Music is nothing if it can't help you bring your dreams to life, and DJ Cam has just made one of his biggest dreams come true - composing a soundtrack to Miami Vice. Parisian abstract beats maestro DJ Cam is well known for his radical reinventions, a life-long musician who’s groundbreaking work established him as a pioneering musical chameleon, who helped spearhead the famous “French Touch” together with Daft Punk, Air and Bob Sinclar. DJ Cam’s style assumes a new identity with each and every project since he first hit the scene in 1994 with his debut ‘Underground Vibes’ and continues to redefine many of the sounds he had a hand in creating throughout his career. Over the years he has been commissioned for high-profile remixes for Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Serge Gainsbourg, he’s written film and TV scores as well as sound design for prestigious fashion brands. Although strictly unofficial and a pure product of his cinematic mind, this original soundtrack is intrinsically linked to the legendary series: as a feature-length album, a collection of cinematic sequences, his Miami Vice strongly evokes Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs and their investigations set in the sordid underworld of Florida's jetset. Cam shines a spotlight on the two inspectors from the Miami-Dade vice squad as they infiltrate Colombian cocaine smugglers and face dangerous criminals like those seen in the documentary Cocaine Cowboys, the infamous traffickers of the 1980s… Inspired by the seemingly idyllic combination of sun, palm trees, and gleaming automobiles, the cinematic atmosphere of the Miami Vice TV series put stars in the eyes of DJ Cam when he was young, making him hanker for a land of plenty, where the craziest of dreams rub shoulders with the cruelest reality.
MIAMI VICE JAMES LYONS A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication 99781405178112_1_pretoc.indd781405178112_1_pretoc.indd iiiiii 111/4/20091/4/2009 33:26:18:26:18 PPMM 99781405178112_6_Index.indd781405178112_6_Index.indd 113838 110/30/20090/30/2009 111:18:491:18:49 AAMM Miami Vice 99781405178112_1_pretoc.indd781405178112_1_pretoc.indd i 111/4/20091/4/2009 33:26:17:26:17 PPMM Wiley-Blackwell Studies in Film and Television Series Editors: Diane Negra and Yvonne Tasker Experienced media studies teachers know that real breakthroughs in the classroom are often triggered by texts that an austere notion of the canon would disqualify. Unlike other short book series, Wiley-Blackwell Studies in Film and Television works from a broad field of prospective film and television programs, selected less for their adherence to defi- nitions of “art” than for their resonance with audiences. From Top Hat to Hairspray, from early sitcoms to contemporary forensic dramas, the series encompasses a range of film and television material that reflects diverse genres, forms, styles and periods. The texts explored here are known and recognized worldwide for their ability to generate discussion and debate about evolving media indus- tries as well as, crucially, representations and conceptualizations of gender, class, citizenship, race, consumerism, and capitalism, and other facets of identity and experience. This series is designed to communi- cate these themes clearly and effectively to media studies students at all levels while also introducing groundbreaking scholarship of the very highest caliber. These are the films and shows we really want to watch, the new “teachable canon” of alternative classics that range from silent film to CSI.
Miami Vice: Protecting White America in the 1980S’ in Television and New Media, Vol 10, No 2, 2009, Pp
(This article is a version of ‘Michael Mann’s Miami Vice: Protecting White America in the 1980s’ in Television and New Media, vol 10, no 2, 2009, pp. 195-215.) Michael Mann’s Miami Vice: Protecting White America in the 1980s Miami Vice ran for five seasons on NBC, from September 1984 to January 1990. However, the first two seasons, when Michael Mann was Executive Producer, are usually considered to be definitive. The later seasons were darker, more cynical, expressing more the mood of a country weighed down by the consequences of Ronald Reagan’s presidency—a soaring national debt coupled with an individualistic ‘greed is good’ mentality and a foreign policy that was increasingly mired in accusations of conspiracy. Certainly the first two seasons were the most popular with the show regularly featuring in the top ten most watched programs up to 1986, according to the Nielsen ratings. Miami Vice compared in popularity with the prime-time soap operas Dallas and Dynasty though regularly beaten by The Cosby Show. Vice was the top rating cop show. It was created by Anthony Yerkovich who had worked on the gritty, New York-based Hill Street Blues. In this article I will argue that Mann’s own worldview, as it can be extrapolated from his films, is central to the conservative vision of Miami Vice. As we shall see, in Mann’s films there is an understanding of the role of law as foundational to the organisation of society. Living outside the law means living in a different world, a world where social institutions such as the family cannot exist.
Arnold F. Rusch AJP/PJA 3/2018 Ikonen (6): Ferrari Testarossa 402 weissen Ferrari Testarossa durch Miami diesem Ansinnen widersprechen, doch und machten den Zwölfzylinder so rich- hielt das Landgericht Düsseldorf fest, tig berühmt. dass Ferrari in die Löschung der Mar- Ursprünglich waren die beiden Er- ke Testarossa wegen Nichtgebrauchs mittler mit einem Ferrari Daytona Spi- einwilligen müsse.4 Was ist passiert? der unterwegs, doch handelte es sich Markeninhaber müssen die Marken tat- dabei – es ist wahr – um einen gefälsch- sächlich gebrauchen, um den Schutz ten Oldtimer. Die Macher von «Miami aufrechtzuerhalten. Problematisch wird Vice» benutzten eine auf dem Chassis es nach fünfjährigem Nichtgebrauch.5 der Chevrolet Corvette aufgebaute Re- Ferrari berief sich vergebens auf die Tä- plika des extrem seltenen Cabriolets tigkeiten im Ersatzteil-, Occasions- und mit Ferrari-Emblemen. Logisch, dass Zertifizierungsgeschäft, die nach wie Ferrari so etwas nicht auf sich sitzen vor unter Verwendung der Testarossa- lassen konnte. Ferrari offerierte den Marke stattfinden. Die Richter nahmen Produzenten zwei Testarossas unter der diesen Gebrauch durchaus zur Kennt- Bedingung, dass der falsche Daytona nis, doch erachteten sie diesen als nicht 1 6 ARNOLD F. RUSCH* aus der Serie verschwindet. So sollte genügend und hielten darüber hinaus es auch später geschehen. In der Folge fest, dass Ferrari die Marke nicht im «When Irish Eyes Are Crying» flog der eigentlichen Markensinne verwendet falsche Daytona in die Luft – und dies habe, nämlich als Hinweis auf die Her- Der Ferrari Testarossa erlangte nicht spektakulär, durch den Abschuss mit kunft der Produkte und Dienstleistun- erst durch seinen Auftritt in der Se- einer Stinger-Rakete! Den Produzenten gen: «Die Benutzung der […] Marke rie «Miami Vice» Bekanntheit.
Guido Rings / Stephen Trinder (eds.) DOI: 10.23692/iMex.18 EDICIÓN XVIII US-MEXICAN ENCOUNTERS IN CONTEMPORARY NORTH AMERICAN FILM ENCUENTROS ESTADOUNIDENSES-MEXICANOS EN LA OBRA CINEMATOGRÁFICA NORTEAMERICANA CONTEMPORÁNEA Guido Rings and Stephen Trinder (eds.) US-Mexican Encounters in Contemporary North American Film / Encuentros estadounidenses-mexicanos en la obra cinematográfica norteamericana contemporánea Guido Rings / Stephen Trinder (eds.) iMex. Mexico Interdisciplinario / Interdisciplinary Mexico, 2020/2, año 9, n° 18, 148 pp. DOI: 10.23692/iMex.18 Website: mexicanos/ iMex. Mexico Interdisciplinario / Interdisciplinary Mexico ISSN: 2193-9756 Yasmin Temelli: Editora en jefe / chief editor Vittoria Borsò: Editora Frank Leinen: Editor Guido Rings: Editor Hans Bouchard: Editor asociado / associate editor Título / Title: US-Mexican Encounters in Contemporary North American Film / Encuentros estadounidenses-mexicanos en la obra cinematográfica norteamericana contemporánea Editors: Guido Rings / Stephen Trinder Edición / Issue: 18 Año / Year: 2020/2 DOI: 10.23692/iMex.18 Páginas / Pages: 148 Corrección / Copy-editing: Ana Cecilia Santos, Hans Bouchard, Stephen Trinder Diseño / Design: Hans Bouchard Esta publicación y sus artículos están licenciados bajo la "Licencia Creative Commons Atribución- CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional" (CC BY-SA 4.0). This publication and articles are licensed by the "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
U - MANCHESJIgR HERALD. Thursday. July 23, 1W7 CMS CASS l ^ m a s / v A N s I q^TMICKS/VMIS Monkey business: RmSALE FMSM.E FMSALE in9|TRUCK8/V/UI8 IEI fo r sa l e IS £ | FOR SALE Pontend; Yves talks about Marilyn / page 11 SUBARU 1W4. 4 door. Japan TV crew in Blue, 5 speed, stondord FORD M Ranger XL, 5 transmission. Air con- CLYDE TIib OM/«r You Can CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. speed. Loaders. Lynch, dltlonlne, cassette Oaaf Wtth.. GENEVA 500 W. Center Street, Coventry /.page 3 Plover. 47,000 miles. ROUTE S3, VERNON M an ch e ste r. 443- Pavla Cup: Jelin, Mayotte in opener / page 15 Asking SS200. 742-9743. 92CavalllErtEr. '34BS 4321.PF SSCEiituryoEr. •S90S LUXURY VANS DODGE 65 D-50 pickup, 4 i W R M t d N SSSkylEilcoEr. 1499S speed, cop. Lynch, 500 W. Center Street, 64 C a m E ro va. a c * 8 4 9 5 20 VANS a CAMPERS Moncheiter.t^ AND SCIECT USED CARS... 94CalEbrlly4* We '72S5 SOM E S.E% nN AN CIN O OR LESSI 94 Sk yh aw k 4 ar. w a * 5 9 9 5 I N S f O C K TOYOTA 851 ton pickup, 5 speed. Lynch, 500 W. «7 DOOQE CARAVAN >13.906 94 0ldaClara4 4r *7495 IMMEDIATE Center Street Mon- 0 7 L e BARON Q T S Turbo >12.396 64 RIvara Coupa *11,695 TRUCKS “R" US IS A WEEKLY FEATURE APPEARING EVERY OTHER 2 ?:T.''0YA0ER >16.696 . OELIVERYI chester. u44-432l.>^ 95 Chav.
M4150 MIAMI VICE (9/16/1984-6/28/1989) [TV SERIES] Series summary: Police/crime drama set in contemporary Miami. Follows the exploits of undercover Vice Squad detectives Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson) and Ricardo Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas). Both Crockett and squad commander Lt. Martin Castillo (Edward James Olmos) are Vietnam veterans. Smuggler’s blues (2/1/1985) Credits: director, Paul Michael Glaser ; writer, Miguel Pinero Cast: Richard Jenkins, Jaime L. Sanchez, Richard Edson Summary: Drug smugglers are being killed and someone in the DEA, FBI or local police is arranging the killings. Crockett and Tubbs pose as smugglers to investigate. On a trip to Cartagena, Crockett reminisces about his Vietnam experience. Buddies (11/1/1985) Credits: director, Dan Mastrogeorge ; writer, Frank Military Cast: James Remar, Eszter Balint, Karla Tamburelli, Tom Signorelli Summary: A stripper helps Crockett and Tubbs search for a missing woman fleeing her abusive husband, mobster Johnny Cannata. She has papers that could incriminate him. In the investigation Crockett finds that his close friend from Vietnam is really Cannata’s son. Back in the world (12/6/1985) Credits: director, Don Johnson ; writer, Terry McDonell Cast: Bob Balaban, G. Gordon Liddy Summary: Ira Stone, a journalist Crockett knew in Vietnam, informs him about a general who smuggled heroin back to the U.S. in dead bodies and is now selling it. Maynard, the man who told Stone about the scheme, is another Vietnam connection. But when Crockett and Tubbs interrogate Maynard, he tells them Stone made the whole story up. Eventually the duplicity of both Stone and Maynard is revealed.
Qualityity of life issues, issues insurance rates and Kwajalein’s future were topics of see Page 3. Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 ((PhotoPhoto bbyy LLarryarry AAllen)llen) The Kwajalein Hourglass COMMENTARY Take time out of your busy schedule to relax I’d like to recommend that you come to the 10:45 a.m. Take the sab- Protestant Worship service, but not just to listen to me, to bath, for instance. listen to the children. Regulars know that about halfway This was a day through the service I give what we call a Children’s Mes- that God instituted sage in which all the young people come up and sit on the so that we could fl oor and listen to a brief story, hopefully with an applicable rest, take a break, point. stop. While we One Sunday I wanted to teach the children about the were sitting around word sabbath which means “stop” in Hebrew. As they taking a break, we settled on the fl oor in front of me, I sat on a stool and held decided to fi ll the up a stop sign and said, “What’s this?” One boy answered, silence with 101 activities, games, outings, events, clubs, “That’s from school; you stole it!” I tried to tell him I didn’t chores, so that we need another day to rest from our day steal it, I’m the pastor. I borrowed it, and I promise I’ll give it of rest. The holidays are coming up.