Kwajalein resident Chief Warrant Offi Officer cer Mike Tracy, Tracy left, left and Sgt. Sgt Jon Bourassa, Bourassa were in Bakar village in Iraq’s Sunni Triangle to protect polling places during their deployment to that country. Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 ((PhotoPhoto ccourtesyourtesy ooff MMikeike TTracy)racy) The Kwajalein Hourglass COMMENTARY Remember our veterans’ legacy of freedom Veteran’s Day weekend is a tra- national holiday 12 years later. On ditional American holiday and is a June 1, 1954, the name was changed time when we pause to honor and to Veterans Day to honor all U. S. remember those who have given their veterans. In 1968, new legislation lives for the freedom we all enjoy changed the national commemora- today. We remember those patriots tion of Veterans Day to the fourth who, with valor and courage, fought Monday in October. It soon became so courageously in the defense of our apparent, however, that November 11 nation. From the American Revolu- was a date of historic signifi cance to tion to Operation Iraqi Freedom and many Americans. Therefore, in 1978 Operation Enduring Freedom, Ameri- 1919. Veteran’s Day started with the Congress returned the observance to can heroes, more than 2,900 since signing of the Treaty of Versailles. its traditional date. 9/11 have given their all. We must The actual fi ghting between the Allies This Veterans Day weekend, re- never forget the price so many veter- and Germany, however, had ended member our fallen comrades, spend ans have paid to leave us this legacy seven months earlier with the armi- time talking to family and friends in of freedom. Along with commemo- stice, which went into effect on the the states, enjoy the weekend and rating our fallen comrades, we also eleventh hour of the eleventh day of have an enjoyable, accident free celebrate in the American way. the eleventh month in 1918. Armi- holiday. Tell a veteran ‘thank you’ for I researched the start of Veterans stice Day, as November 11 became the service provided to their country Day, and I found that it was the offi cial known, offi cially became a holiday and for protecting our way of life, but ending of World War I on June 28, in the United States in 1926, and a above all, “be safe.” LLettersetters ttoo thethe editoreditor Thanks to all who prepared snacks I would like to thank the numerous individuals who helped Reader disagrees with column prepare snacks for the visiting Ebeye teams and evening Dan Adler is a wonderful journalist. I enjoy reading meals for the Elementary School’s Guest Students during his articles very much and appreciate the detail and the CYS basketball season. If you would like to support an content in them. Far more often than not, I fi nd myself Ebeye team during the soccer and baseball seasons by pro- in complete agreement with his opinion and position on viding snacks on their game days, please contact me 52371 many issues. or [email protected] to volunteer. Your assis- However, I beg to differ with one of the last three tance is needed and greatly appreciated!! sentences in his most recent article regarding scam- ming of servicemen. He said,” There are some crimes, Candace Everts Nancy Grant Deb Johnson Susan and Jerry Davis that under any circumstances, are unforgivable.” This is Deanna Cain Masina and Mark McCollum not true! Janice Riordan Amy Lacost Cheryl Delong Annie and John Tompkins There is only one crime that is unforgivable…the Lynn and John Beckler Kalani and Jeff Wase crime of not accepting the free gift of salvation offered Angela Dampier Kathleen Kautz Casey Schuh Christine Larkin by Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all our sins. I Jane Christy Liz Ritchey understand it is extraordinarily diffi cult to comprehend Jane and Bruce Premo Tarah Yurovchak Lance and Renee Ray Nicole and Andrew Beall a God who, at the last moment of one’s life, would Diane and Monica Peters Oktan Tagiolelagi Jennifer Cossey Michelle Cheatham completely and irrevocably wipe one’s slate clean and Angie Sinnott Greg and Ona Moore welcome that person into heaven for all eternity. But AJ Gilbert Melissa Heilman Teresa Fuchs Allison and Mark Kickhofel this is exactly what he did for the thief on the cross and Karen Lemker Kathi Dover my own father who was graciously given about a week to face his own mortality. Like Adler, I also believe in — Cassie Rubly, George Seitz Elementary School See DISAGREES, Page 16

TThehe KwajaleinKwajalein HHourglassourglass

The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department Printed circulation: 2,000 insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. E-mail: [email protected] which liberated the island from the forces of Im- It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in ac- Commanding Offi cer...... Col. Stevenson Reed perial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. cordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a Public Affairs Offi cer...... Sandy Miller network printer by Kwajalein Range Services edito- The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized pub- Editor...... Nell Drumheller lication for military personnel, federal employees, rial staff. contractor workers and their families assigned P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 Graphics Designer...... Dan Adler to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Contents of the Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Reporter...... J.J. Klein Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, Local phone: 53539 Distribution...... C.J. Kemem The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 Band of brothers Iraq veterans share their experiences By J.J. Klein and control at the forward Reporter edge of the battle area for Northern Iraq,” said Mixon. On Veterans Day Americans are called upon to com- At Kirkuk, Mixon main- memorate the sacrifi ce and dedication of servicemembers, tained existing data/voice both dead and living, who have served in the military. services and extended these The Hourglass pays tribute to three Kwajalein residents services in support of Army who served in Iraq in support of the Global War on Terror and Air Force personnel. “We and share their thoughts about their deployment with the also maintained the satellite Kwajalein community. links that kept us ‘talking’ to the rest of the world,” Mixon Scott Phillips said. “I live life to its fullest, as if tomorrow may not come,” Although her contact with Scott Phillips said refl ecting on his 11 months deployed in the Iraqi people was limited, Baghdad, Iraq with the 3rd Ordnance Battalion, Explosive Mixon believes that all mili- Ordnance Disposal. tary personnel, regardless of Darcy Mixon A little more than a year af- their job, had an impact on ter 9/11, Phillips’ unit headed helping the people of Iraq. to Iraq. Today Phillips is re- “Schools opened for children to attend, inoculations tired from the Army and is have been made available to countless Iraqi citizens, clean Unexploded Ordnance lead drinking water runs through newly constructed pipes, for Mission Operations; in infrastructure has been rebuilt; good things were and Dec. 2003, he was Master Sgt. are happening still today,” Mixon continued. Phillips, Battalion Operations Some of Mixon’s downtime in Iraq was spent volun- non-commissioned offi cer. teering with Operation Crayon, a program that packages The 3rd Battalion planned, donated notebooks, crayons, markers and other school coordinated and supervised supplies in goodie bags to distribute to Iraqi children. the operations of seven EOD “My time in Iraq will always have an impact on my life companies in Baghdad and because it was my fi rst deployment to the Middle East Scott Phillips southern Iraq. and one of the most unique learning experiences,” Mixon “The battalion’s mission was to task each EOD company said. “You see the news and read the papers, but to ac- with neutralizing and destroying enemy caches of arms tually be a part of what was happening over there and and ammunition in support of the war effort,” Phillips to support the positive changes being made to better the said. “We managed, gathered intelligence and ran Impro- Iraqis quality of life was incredible.” vised Explosive Devices incidents within Baghdad.” It’s Mixon’s hope this Veterans Day that “We all take a Every time Phillips interacted with Iraqi nationals, they moment to refl ect upon the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen would express their thanks for the military’s presence who have volunteered to defend our freedom and make in Iraq. sacrifi ces so that we can continue to live our way of life. I “Daily we would see them rebuilding their community. am grateful to have served and continuing serving with so All were a little concerned with what the future would many fi ne men and women, and I will forever feel proud bring,” Phillips said, “however they all knew it would be to be an American.” better than under Saddam.” Phillips would like to remind the Kwajalein community Mike Tracy to “not forget that evil is all around us; be supportive of As busy as he was in Iraq, Mike Tracy still managed our troops and elected offi cials on the tough decisions to shoot off e-mails to his friends in Kwajalein and keep that they face daily.” them current with his adventures. Tracy, a RTS mainte- nance management lead with KRS, returned to Kwajalein Darcy Mixon in January after a year-long deployment to Iraq with the The chances of Darcy Mixon going back to Iraq or some- Hawaii Army National Guard, HHC 29 Support Battalion, where in the Middle East are, as she would say, “decent.” 29 Brigade Combat Team. Mixon and her husband Tony are members of the 154th The brigade provided base security for Ballad Air Base Air Control Squadron, Hawaii Air National Guard; it’s as well as security patrols in the city of Ballad and sur- likely their unit will be tapped to supply personnel for rounding villages, an area more commonly known as the upcoming deployments. Sunni Triangle, just north of Baghdad. Mixon, a Kwajalein Range Services Network engineer “We secured the base repelling all attempts at breach- with Information Technology, spent fi ve months at Kirkuk ing perimeter, maintained security of the local villages Regional Air Base in summer of 2004, by way of Elmendorf from insurgents,” Tracy said, “and conducted hundreds Air Force Base, Alaska. “The mission of Kirkuk was, and is, to provide continuous airspace coverage and command See IRAQ, Page 16 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass Honoring America’s vveteranseterans In honor of Veterans Day, The Hourglass asked Kwajalein veterans what advice they would give to a young person thinking about joining the military today.

MMosesoses MMorenooreno UU.S..S. Marines,Marines, 11979-1999979-1999 ““II tthinkhink iitt wwouldould bbee a ggreatreat MMikeike HHerringtonerrington iideadea fforor yyoungoung aadultsdults ttoo jjoinoin UU.. SS.. Army,Army, 11966-1976966-1976 tthehe mmilitaryilitary fforor tthehe eexperiencexperience ““GodGod bblessless ‘em.”‘em.” wwhichhich wouldwould helphelp tthemhem ooutut iinn ttheirheir llaterater llife.ife.” The((DoDDoD Kwajaleinpphotohoto bbyy TTechech SSgt.Hourglassgt. SShanehane AA.. CCuomo,uomo, UU.S..S. AAirir FForce)orce) 4 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 Roberta Jones U.S. Army, 1985-1990 “Joining the military helps the young to develop patriotism as well as give them the opportunity to learn a career, get a college Honoring education and have a better respect for our country.”

Doug Hepler U.S. Navy, 1978-1984 America’s “Do it. I would not hesitate to tell them to do it for a number of reasons. Number one, the pay is good . . . number two, the educational benefi ts are better than the ones I had in the late ’70s and most important, our country’s at war and we all have a duty to serve veterans in some way.” U.S. Navy Seabeas, 1963-1989 “I would encourage young people to join the military to gain experience and get to know themselves better. I have four sons in the military, one in Iraq in the Army, and three in the Navy.”

OOsvaldosvaldo VelezVelez UU.S..S. AArmy,rmy, 11988-2000988-2000 ““ItIt wwouldould ggiveive tthemhem tthehe eexperiencexperience ooff sservingerving aandnd pprotectingrotecting tthehe ffreedomreedom ooff aallll AmericanAmerican ccitizens.”itizens.”

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 5 The Kwajalein Hourglass VETERANS, from Page 5

David Darden U.S. Air Force, 1980-1994 Brandon Ridens “Take advantage of all the U.S. Air Force, 1999-2005 benefi ts that the military “Don’t listen to what John Kerry has to offer. As an example, says. There’s plenty of educated educational benefi ts, as well servicemembers currently in as other similar benefi ts that the military.” they can rightfully earn.”

Gregory Pinckney U.S. Navy Navy, 1978-1999 “It’s a good experience even if you don’t like the service. I think it’s something every young man should do. It gives them discipline and the chance to experience other cultures.”

KKimim HHerringtonerrington TTamaraamara WWardard UU.S..S. Army,Army, 1973-19751973-1975 UU.S..S. AAirir FForce,orce, 11997-2000997-2000 ““I’dI’d saysay yes.yes. TTheyhey nneedeed ttoo ““ThinkThink llongong aandnd hhardard aaboutbout jjoin.oin. IItt tteacheseaches iindependencendependence tthehe goalsgoals yyou’veou’ve setset forfor aandnd hhowow toto sstandtand oonn yyourour yyourselfourself aandnd wwhetherhether oorr nnotot CCrystalrystal WWeavereaver oownwn twotwo feet.feet. ItIt mmakesakes a mmanan tthehe mmilitaryilitary ccanan hhelpelp yyouou UU.S..S. Army,Army, 11997-2006997-2006 ooutut ooff yyou.ou. YYouou ccanan pproverove rreacheach tthem.”hem.” ““GoGo fforor iit!t! IIt’st’s fforor ssomeome yyourself.”ourself.” ppeople,eople, fforor ootherther ppeopleeople iit’st’s not.not. IfIf it’sit’s forfor you,you, you’llyou’ll 6 eenjoynjoy iit.”t.” Tom Shahan Monte Craven U.S. Marines, 1966-82 U.S. Army, 1987-present U.S. Navy, 1987-1991 “It would be good for a young “It provides opportunities that “Just do it! It’s the best thing person’s self-confi dence and aren’t available in any other they can do. You see the discipline. It’s an individual profession.” world. You learn a lot and choice. The military is not for grow up. Plus they pay for everyone.” your college.”

JJohnohn JonesJones UU.S.Army,.S.Army, 11968-1971968-1971 ““TheThe mmilitaryilitary hhasas a llotot ooff bbenefienefi ttss ssuchuch JJeffeff BBeringereringer aass eeducationducation aandnd a cchancehance ttoo sseeee UU.S..S. AArmy,rmy, 11984-2005984-2005 ootherther ppartsarts ofof tthehe wworldorld aandnd ccultures.ultures. JJackack EEohrerohrer ““II wwouldould ssayay defidefi nnitelyitely nneedeed ttoo BButut thethe mostmost importantimportant rewardreward isis thatthat UU.S..S. AirAir Force,Force, 11954-1964954-1964 ggo.o. IIt’st’s a ggreatreat eexperience.xperience. GGreatreat yyouou wwillill aalwayslways kknownow tthathat yyouou ggaveave “By“By allall means.means. It’sIt’s a greatgreat sstarttart onon lifelife andand discipline.discipline. ssomethingomething bbackack ttoo yyourour ccountryountry fforor tthehe oopportunitypportunity fforor ttravel,ravel, aadventuredventure GGreatreat bbenefienefi tts.s. WWherehere ccanan yyouou pprivilegerivilege ooff llivingiving iinn ffreedomreedom aandnd bbeingeing aandnd eeducationducation aatt a yyoungoung wworkork forfor 2020 yearsyears aandnd ggetet a aann AAmericanmerican iinsteadnstead ooff jjustust hhappilyappily IInn mymy day,day, youyou werewere expectedexpected ppaycheckaycheck tthehe rrestest ooff yyourour llife?ife? ttakingaking aallll tthehe bbenefienefi ttss ooff a ffreeree ccountryountry ttoo jjoinoin ooutut ooff hhighigh sschool.chool. TheThe GGreatreat oopportunitiespportunities ttoo ttravel.ravel. wwithoutithout eeverver a tthoughthought aass ttoo hhowow ttheyhey KKoreanorean WWarar wwasas oonn aandnd yyouou II’ve’ve beenbeen toto 1515 countriescountries aandnd ccameame ttoo bbe.”e.” ccouldould ggetet tthehe GGII bbill.”ill.” ooverver halfhalf thethe U.S.”U.S.” The Kwajalein Hourglass Global War on Terror

Saturday Honoring fallen heroes 7:30 p.m., Yuk — Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (PG-13) 7:30 p.m., Rich — The Ant Bully (PG) The following 19 U.S. servicemembers have of Modesto, Calif., died Nov. 2 in Baghdad, of 7:30 p.m., Roi — My Super Ex-girlfriend (PG-13) died in the Global War on Terrorism injuries suffered when an IED detonated near Spc. Isaiah Calloway, 23, of Jacksonville, their vehicles. Finken and Gage were assigned Sunday Fla., died Oct. 30 in Marah, Afghanistan, to the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 7:30 p.m., Yuk — Vice (R) from injuries suffered when his unit came in 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Di- 7:30 p.m., — Click (PG-13) contact with enemy forces using small arms vision, Fort Campbell, Ky. Kruger was assigned 9:30 p.m., Rich — Accepted (PG-13) fi re during combat operations. Calloway was to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry 7:30 p.m., Roi—Monster House (PG) assigned to the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado. Regiment, Hohenfels, Germany. Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse, 27, of Monday Maj. Douglas E. Sloan, 40, of Evans Phoenix, died Nov. 2 while conducting combat 7:30 p.m., Yuk — Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (PG-13) Mills, N.Y., Sgt. Charles J. McClain, 26, of operations in Al Anbar province. He was as- 7:30 p.m., Rich — The Ant Bully (PG) Fort Riley, Kan., and Pfc. Alex Oceguera, signed to 2nd Intelligence Battalion, II Marine 19, of San Bernardino, Calif. died Oct. 31 Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune. Wednesday of injuries suffered when an IED detonated Spc. James L. Bridges, 22, of Buhl, Idaho, 7 p.m., ARC — (R) near their vehicle in Wygal Valley, Afghani- died Saturday in Baghdad, when his unit came stan. Sloan and Oceguera were assigned to in contact with enemy forces using small arms All movies subject to change with shipments. the 1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, fi re during combat operations. Bridges was as- For updates, call the movie hotline at 52700. 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain signed to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regi- Division, Fort Drum, N.Y. McClain was as- ment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny signed to the 3rd Special Troops Battalion, Fort Wainwright, Ala. Depp) returns to the screen for another round of supernatural 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain adventures on the high seas in this spirited sequel to the 2003 2nd Lt. Mark C. Gelina, 33, of Moberly, Mo., Division, Fort Drum. Disney hit, which re-teams original director Gore Verbinski died Saturday from a non-hostile incident in Al Pfc. Kevin J. Ellenburg, 20, of Middle- with original screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio. As Will Anbar province. He was assigned to 2nd Light burg, Fla., died Nov. 1 in Baghdad, Iraq, of in- (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) prepare to Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Ma- exchange vows at the alter, their wedding plans hit rough waters juries suffered when an improvised explosive rine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, with the arrival of sea-bound scallywag Jack Sparrow. It seems device detonated near his Bradley Fighting Camp Lejeune. that Sparrow owes a substantial blood debt to half-octapus sea Vehicle. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, Cpl. Kyle W. Powell, 21, of Colorado captain Davy Jones (Bill Nighy), and that the only way for the 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th In- Springs, Colo., died Saturday from wounds fl amboyant sea rover to elude the wrath of his otherworldy fantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. suffered while conducting combat operations pursuer is to seek the aid of mysterious and powerful Voodoo Pvt. Michael P. Bridges, 23, of Placen- in Al Anbar province. Powell was assigned to priestess Tia Dalma (Naomie Harris), whose ability to resurrect tia, Calif., died Nov. 2 in Taji, Iraq, from a the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine the dead and gaze into the future may provide just the non-combat related incident. Bridges was Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp advantage needed to avoid a waterlogged fate in the locker of assigned to the 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Pendleton, Calif. his legendary nemesis. Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Spc. Douglas C. Desjardins, 24, of Mesa, Fort Hood. Ariz., died Sunday in Ar Ramadi, Iraq, of in- Miami Vice Writer and director updates the Lance Cpl. James E. Brown, 20, of Ow- juries suffered when an improvised explosive groundbreaking television crime series he created in the ensville, Ind., died Nov. 2 while conducting device detonated near his M1A1 Abrams tank 1980s with this stylish thriller. Ricardo Tubbs () and combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq. during combat operations. Desjardins was as- Sonny Crockett (Colin Farrell) are two police detectives working He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine signed to the 2nd Battalion, 37th Armor Regi- undercover in Florida; Tubbs is smart, cool, and resourceful, Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Ex- ment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored while Crockett has his own way of doing things, though he peditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Division, Ray Barracks, Giessen, Germany. stays close enough to the rules to stay out of trouble. Their latest Lance Cpl. Luke B. Holler, 21, of Bul- Cpl. Jose A. Galvan, 22, of San Antonio, assignment is to get the goods on Arcangel de Jesus Montoya verde, Texas, and Cpl. Michael H. Lasky, died Sunday while conducting combat opera- (Luis Tosar), a local drug kingpin whose men are believed to be 22, of Sterling, Alaska, died Nov. 2 while con- tions in Al Anbar province. Galvan was as- responsible for a handful of recent murders. In order to infi ltrate ducting combat operations in Al Anbar prov- signed to the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, Montoya’s operation, Tubbs and Crockett pose as powerboat ince. Holler was assigned to Marine Forces 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary racers willing to use their talents to pilot drug-smuggling ships Reserve’s 4th Reconnaissance Battalion, 4th Force, Camp Pendleton. for the right price. Marine Division, San Antonio, Texas. Lasky Sgt. 1st Class William R. Brown, 30, of was assigned to Marine Forces Reserve’s 4th Fort Worth, Texas, died Monday in Sperwan- The Ant Bully A kid who hates ants fi nds himself living among Reconnaissance Battalion, 4th Marine Divi- Gar, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered when the six-legged critters in this computer-animated comedy- sion, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. an improvised explosive device detonated near adventure. Lucas Nickle (voice of Zach Tyler Eisen) is a Lt. Col. Paul J. Finken, 40, of Mason City, his convoy vehicle. He was assigned to the ten-year-old boy whose family has just moved to a new town, Iowa, Lt. Col. Eric J. Kruger, 40, of Garland, 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group, Fort and Lucas isn’t enjoying it much — he hasn’t made any friends Texas, and Staff Sgt. Joseph A. Gage, 28, Bragg, N.C. yet, his big sister ignores him, his parents (voices of Larry Miller and Cheri Oteri) are occupied with their upcoming vacation in Mexico, and his loving but slightly crazy grandmother (voice of Lily Tomlin) is convinced space aliens are casing out the In memoriam neighborhood. Abdul Shabazz, strong and caring Movie ratings G = general audiences, all ages admitted father, community icon, and co- PG = parental guidance suggested, some material may not be worker will be missed. He departed suitable for children. this life on Nov. 3 in Honolulu. He PG-13 = Parents strongly cautioned, some material may be lived on Kwajalein since 1988. inappropriate for children under 13. Celebrate his life at a memorial R = restricted, under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult service, 5-6 p.m., Saturday, in the guardian. Island Memorial Chapel. NC-17 = No one 17 and under admitted.

The Kwajalein Hourglass 8 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 All programming is subject to change without notice. Sunday

Time Channel 9 Channel 14 Channel 17 Channel 20 Channel 23 Channel 26 Channel 29 Time Roller/DTS AFN News AFN Prime AFN Spectrum AFN Movies AFN Family AFN Sports Sports midnight Roller Dateline The Late Show Late Night with Movie: (cont.) Buzz on Maggie NFL Live midnight Conan O’Brien 12:30 a.m. Late Late Show Movie: <:47> Grim Adventures PTI 12:30 a.m. with Craig Ferguson 1 a.m. Fox & Friends America’s Most Mask The X’s Real Sports with 1 a.m. Wanted Bryant Gumbel 1:30 a.m. Judge Judy Hannah Montana 1:30 a.m. 2 a.m. CNN Saturday AM Stargate SG-1 Invasion Ned’s Declassifi ed SportsCenter 2 a.m. 2:30 a.m. Open House What I Like About You 2:30 a.m. 3 a.m. Bulls & Bears Oprah Winfrey Monk Movie: Switched! College Gameday 3 a.m. 3:30 a.m. Cavuto on Business Old School Degrassi 3:30 a.m. 4 a.m. Forbes on FOX Dr. Phil Will & Grace 7th Heaven 4 a.m. 4:30 a.m. Cashin’ In King of Queens Movie: <:43> 4:30 a.m. 5 a.m. College Football CNN Newsroom CBS Evening News Your Reality XXX Mister Rogers The Pulse 5 a.m. Checked 5:30 a.m. Georgia Tech ESPNews Rolie Polie Olie College Football 5:30 a.m. 6 a.m. at Weekend Live NBC Nightly News Caribbean Workout Sesame Street Georgia 6 a.m. with Tony Snow 6:30 a.m. North Carolina ABC World News Offbeat America at 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. Wall Street Journal Maya & Miguel Extreme Homes Movie: Strawberry Shortcake Auburn 7 a.m.

7:30 a.m. Army Newswatch Teenage Robot Designed to Sell The Green Berets The Koala Brothers 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. College Countdown Studio B Weekend Sonic X Ground Breakers Jakers! 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. NCAA Football Fairly Oddparents Weekend Handyman Little Einsteins College Football 8:30 a.m. 9 a.m. Cal Dateline Sherlock Holmes Weekend Warriors Zatch Bell South Carolina 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. at Meerkat Manor House Hunters Movie: <:42> Bratz at 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Arizona CNN Newsroom Navy/Marine News Boy Meets Grill Taps Loonatics Florida 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Mail Call $40 A Day Duel Masters 10:30 a.m.

11 a.m. McLaughlin Group Access Hollywood Trading Spaces Danny Phantom 11 a.m. Weekend 11:30 a.m. College Overdrive Fox News Watch Justice League 11:30 a.m. noon Auto Racing LeMans This Week at War Extreme Makeover: 101 Most... Movie: <:04> Teen Kids News College Football noon Endurance Series Home Edition 12:30 p.m. Glory Cyberchase Tennessee 12:30 p.m. (120 min.) 1 p.m. College Football Week in Review The O.C. Trading Spaces at 1 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Texas Army Newswatch Naturally Sadie Arkansas 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. at Black Forum Deal or No Deal One Tree Hill Movie: <:18> Wild on the Set 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Kansas Navy/Marine Corps For The Boys Liberty’s Kids 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. CNN Newsroom C.S.I. NY Criminal Minds Animal Kidding (:15)College Football 3 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Oregon 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. College Football Journal Editorial Law & Order Celebrity Poker Hercules at 4 p.m. Showdown 4:30 p.m. Boise State Beltway Boys USC 4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. at Larry King Live Rockstar: INXS Movie: SpongeBob 5 p.m. San Jose State 5:30 p.m. Behind Enemy Fairly Oddparents 5:30 p.m. Lines 6 p.m. NASCAR Heartland Headline News Charmed Kim Possible 6 p.m. Craftsman Truck 6:30 p.m. Series: Navy/Marine Corps The Proud Family ESPNews 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. Casino Arizona 150 CNN Presents Deal or No Deal Dancing With Movie: Movie: SportsCenter 7 p.m. The Stars 7:30 p.m. Phone Booth Spirit: Stallion of 7:30 p.m. the Cimarron 8 p.m. Roller Headline News C.S.I. NY College Football 8 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Chris Matthews Movie: <:40> Movie: Texas Tech 8:30 p.m. 9 p.m. Tim Russert Law & Order Super Nanny Rules of Buffalo Dreams at 9 p.m. Engagement 9:30 p.m. College Football Oklahoma 9:30 p.m. 10 p.m. Nebraska The Line Up Window on the Atoll SNL Dawson’s Creek 10 p.m.

10:30 p.m. at ECW Wrestling 10:30 p.m. 11 p.m. Texas A&M The Big Story Two & a Half Men Movie: Xena: Warrior SportsCenter 11 p.m. Primetime Princess 11:30 p.m. Arrested Dev. My Super Sweet 16 U-571 11:30 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 9 The Kwajalein Hourglass Monday All programming is subject to change without notice

Time Channel 9 Channel 14 Channel 17 Channel 20 Channel 23 Channel 26 Channel 29 Time Roller/DTS AFN News AFN Prime AFN Spectrum AFN Movies AFN Family AFN Sports Sports midnight College Football CNN Sunday Unwrapped Punk’d Movie: (cont.) The Simpsons College Football midnight Morning Final 12:30 a.m. (cont.) Good Eats Making the Band U-571 The Simpsons 12:30 a.m. 1 a.m. College Scoreboard The FBI Files Dancing With Movie: <:08> Movie: Inside the NFL 1 a.m. The Stars 1:30 a.m. Headline News A Soldier’s Spirit: Stallion of 1:30 a.m. Story the Cimarron 2 a.m. College Football CBS News Sunday Secrets of War SportsCenter 2 a.m. Morning 2:30 a.m. Alabama Movie: Outside the Lines 2:30 a.m. 3 a.m. at J.A.G. Super Nanny Movie: Buffalo Dreams Sports Reporters 3 a.m. 3:30 a.m. LSU Face the Nation Phone Booth SportsCenter 3:30 a.m. 4 a.m. Fox News Live The Dead Zone My Super Sweet 16 Dawson’s Creek NFL Countdown 4 a.m. Weekend 4:30 a.m. Punk’d Movie: <:40> 4:30 a.m. 5 a.m. Fox NFL Sunday Two and a Half Men Handmade Music Rules of Mister Rogers 5 a.m. Engagement 5:30 a.m. Bernie Mac The Whole Picture Rolile Polie Olie 5:30 a.m. 6 a.m. NFL This Week at War Malcolm House Hunters Sesame Street NFL 6 a.m. 6:30 a.m. Redskins Scrubs Organization Chargers 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. at CNN Presents: Week in Review Music & Spoken W. Movie: Davey & Goliath at 7 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Eagles Your Total Health Harvest with Greg Sergeant York Baby Looney Tunes Bengals 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. Studio B Weekend The Entertainers G-Rock Arthur 8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Real Videos Danger Rangers 8:30 a.m. 9 a.m. NASCAR Nextel Meet the Press Hour of Power Latin Lifestyles Movie: <:33> Magic School Bus NFL 9 a.m. Series: 9:30 a.m. Crefl o Dollar Urban Style An Offi cer And Rugrats Rams 9:30 a.m. A Gentleman 10 a.m. Race for the Chase CNN Newsroom Coral Ridge Hour Great Adventure Teen Titans at 10 a.m. 500 10:30 a.m. Christopher Closeup Roker on the Road Kids Next Door Seahawks 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. (joined in progress) Fox News Live Grand Ole Opry Simplify Your Life Darcy’s Wild Life 11 a.m. Sunday Live 11:30 a.m. Road Tasted Movie: <:44> Rocko’s Modern 11:30 a.m. noon Football Night CNN Newsroom Motorweek The Suze Orman Platoon NBA Access SportsCenter noon in America Show 12:30 p.m. Ebert & Roeper The Brady Bunch 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. <:20> NFL CNN Presents Monster Garage Unwrapped Movie: NBA 1 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Bears Good Eats Movie: <:31> The Tigger Movie Rockets 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. at This Week Fear Factor: The FBI Files Casualties at 2 p.m. of War 2:30 p.m. Giants Movie: Heat 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. CNN Newsroom Raymond Secrets of War Movie: <:17> John And S.A.M. 3 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Raymond Saints and SportsCenter 3:30 p.m. Soldiers 4 p.m. War Stories with Hell’s Kitchen J.A.G. SpongeBob 4 p.m. Oliver North 4:30 p.m. ESPNews Fairly Oddparents 4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. Roller Larry King Live Survivor: The Dead Zone Movie: Kim Possible The Blitz 5 p.m. Cook Islands 5:30 p.m. Top Gun The Proud Family 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m. 60 Minutes Headline News Two and a Half Men Austin Stevens: 6 p.m. Snakemaster 6:30 p.m. Window on the Atoll Bernie Mac The Blitz 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. World News Now 20/20 Malcolm Movie: America’s Funniest 7 p.m. Home Videos 7:30 p.m. Scrubs Ike: Countdown 7:30 p.m. to D-Day 8 p.m. <:15> Pacifi c Report Close to Home Wife Swap Gilmore Girls PGA 8 p.m. Shark Shootout 8:30 p.m. Up to the Minute Movie: <:45> 8:30 p.m. Final Round 9 p.m. Boston Legal Prison Break A Beautiful Mind Extreme Makeover: 9 p.m. Home Edition 9:30 p.m. Face the Nation (120 min.) 9:30 p.m. 10 p.m. This Week Headline News Will & Grace The Blitz 10 p.m. 10:30 p.m. George Lopez King of Queens 10:30 p.m. 11 p.m. Fox & Friends First Blue Collar TV C.S.I. Miami Movie: 7th Heaven 11 p.m. 11:30 p.m. King of the Hill Crimson Tide NFL 11:30 p.m. Bears @ Giants

The Kwajalein Hourglass 10 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 All programming is subject to change without notice. Tuesday

Time Channel 9 Channel 14 Channel 17 Channel 20 Channel 23 Channel 26 Channel 29 Time Roller/DTS AFN News AFN Prime AFN Spectrum AFN Movies AFN Family AFN Sports Sports midnight Roller Today Show The Cosby Show Medium Movie: (Cont.) Austin Stevens: NFL (cont.) midnight Snakemaster 12:30 a.m. Mad About You Crimson Tide Bears 12:30 a.m. 1 a.m. Emeril Live Malcolm Movie: <:09> America’s Funniest at 1 a.m. Home Videos 1:30 a.m. Scrubs Singles Giants 1:30 a.m. 2 a.m. CNN Newsroom Designer’s Challenge Wife Swap Gilmore Girls 2 a.m. 2:30 a.m. The Soup NFL GameDAY 2:30 a.m. 3 a.m. CNN Newsroom Third Watch Prison Break Movie: Extreme Makeover: 3 a.m. Home Edition 3:30 a.m. Ike: Countdown (120 min.) 3:30 a.m. to D-Day 4 a.m. MSNBC Live The Dead Zone Will & Grace SportsCenter/ 4 a.m. The Blitz 4:30 a.m. King of Queens Movie: <:45> 4:30 a.m. 5 a.m. Seinfeld Carol Duval Show A Beautiful Mind Teletubbies 5 a.m. 5:30 a.m. The Simpsons Breathing Space Barney & Friends Sports Reporters 5:30 a.m. 6 a.m. WWE Smackdown! MSNBC Live Today Caribbean Workout Sesame Street NFL 6 a.m. 6:30 a.m. The Right Fit Bears 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. Fox News Live Good Eats Showbiz Moms Bear in the Big Blue at 7 a.m. & Dads 7:30 a.m. Unwrapped Blue’s Clues Giants 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. Roller Studio B with Sesame Street 30 Minute Meals Cinema Secrets Dora the Explorer 8 a.m. Shepard Smith 8:30 a.m. Paula’s Home... E.T. Go, Diego, Go! 8:30 a.m. 9 a.m. The Situation Room The View Roseanne Movie: Bob the Builder The Hot List 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Roseanne Blue Moon The Backyardigans 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. The Big Story Dr. Phil Ally McBeal Franklin Around the Horn 10 a.m. w/ John Gibson 10:30 a.m. Movie: <:46> Reading Rainbow PTI 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Around the Services ER E! News Live/ The Pelican The Backyardigans NFL Primetime 11 a.m. Daily 10 Brief 11:30 a.m. NBC Nightly News Bob the Builder 11:30 a.m. noon ABC World News Access Hollywood Blind Date Go, Diego, Go! Monday Night noon Countdown 12:30 p.m. CBS Evening News Judge Judy Living Single Dora The Explorer 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. Countdown with Guiding Light The Cosby Show Movie: Blue’s Clues 1 p.m. Keith Olbermann 1:30 p.m. Mad About You You’ve Got Mail Bear in the Big Blue NFL 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. Hannity & Colmes General Hospital Emeril Live Sesame Street Buccaneers 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. at 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. Lou Dobbs Tonight Passions Designer’s Challenge Movie: <:09> Funniest Videos Panthers 3 p.m. 3:30 p.m. The Soup Rush Hour Funniest Animals 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. News Hour with Oprah Winfrey Third Watch Pokemon 4 p.m. Jim Lehrer 4:30 p.m. Yu-Gi-Oh! SportsCenter 4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. Special Report with Wheel of Fortune The Dead Zone Access Hollywood SpongeBob 5 p.m. Brit Hume Weekend 5:30 p.m. Monday Night Jeopardy Fairly Oddparents 5:30 p.m. Countdown 6 p.m. Your World with Window on the Atoll Seinfeld E.T. Kim Possible NFL Primetime 6 p.m. Neil Cavuto Weekend 6:30 p.m. ATS/Regional News The Simpsons The Proud Family 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. NFL World News Now 60 Minutes The Amazing Race Movie: Romeo SportsCenter 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Raiders Phone Booth Drake and Josh 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. at <:15> Pacifi c Report Las Vegas Stargate Atlantis Smallville NBA 8 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Seahawks Tavis Smiley Movie: <:40> Rockets 8:30 p.m. 9 p.m. Business Report Nanny 911 The Unit Rules of Even Stevens at 9 p.m. Engagement Heat 9:30 p.m. Nightline Home Improvement 9:30 p.m. 10 p.m. SportsCenter Hardball with Headline News Will & Grace Moesha 10 p.m. Chris Matthews 10:30 p.m. Tonight Show King of Queens Degrassi ESPNews 10:30 p.m. W/ Jay Leno 11 p.m. Roller O’Reilly Factor Bernie Mac Movie: 7th Heaven SportsCenter 11 p.m. 11:30 p.m. The Late Show Joey I Know What You 11:30 p.m. Did Last Summer

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 11 The Kwajalein Hourglass Wednesday All programming is subject to change without notice

Time Channel 9 Channel 14 Channel 17 Channel 20 Channel 23 Channel 26 Channel 29 Time Roller/DTS AFN News AFN Prime AFN Spectrum AFN Movies AFN Family AFN Sports Sports midnight Roller Today Show The Late Show Late Night with Movie: (cont.) Kim Possible NFL midnight Conan O’Brien 12:30 a.m. Late Late Show w/ Movie: <:52> The Proud Family Buccaneers 12:30 a.m. Craig Ferguson 1 a.m. The Amazing Race Birdy Romeo at 1 a.m. 1:30 a.m. Judge Judy Drake and Josh Panthers 1:30 a.m. 2 a.m. CNN Newsroom Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis Smallville 2 a.m. 2:30 a.m. 2:30 a.m. 3 a.m. CNN Newsroom Oprah Winfrey The Unit Movie: Even Stevens SportsCenter 3 a.m. 3:30 a.m. Phone Booth Home Improvement 3:30 a.m. 4 a.m. MSNBC Live Dr. Phil Show Will & Grace Moesha NFL Primetime 4 a.m. 4:30 a.m. King of Queens Movie: <:40> Degrassi 4:30 a.m. 5 a.m. CBS Evening News Carol Duval Show Rules of Teletubbies SportsCenter 5 a.m. Engagement 5:30 a.m. ESPNews Breathing Space Barney & Friends 5:30 a.m. 6 a.m. WWE Smackdown! Today Show Caribbean Workout Sesame Street NFL 6 a.m. 6:30 a.m. The Right Fit Buccaneers 6:30 a.m. 7 a.m. Fox News Live Good Eats Access Hollywood Bear in the Big Blue at 7 a.m. Weekend 7:30 a.m. Unwrapped Blue’s Clues Panthers 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. Roller Studio B with Sesame Street 30 Minute Meals E.T. Weekend Dora the Explorer 8 a.m. Sheppard Smith 8:30 a.m. Sugar Rush Go, Diego, Go! 8:30 a.m. 9 a.m. The Situation Room The View Roseanne Movie: Lazy Town The Hot List 9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Roseanne Danielle Steele’s JoJo’s Circus The Hot List 9:30 a.m. Changes 10 a.m. The Big Story Dr. Phil Show Ally McBeal Franklin Around the Horn 10 a.m. w/ John Gibson 10:30 a.m. Movie: <:51> Reading Rainbow PTI 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Around the Services E.R. E! News Live/ A River Runs JoJo’s Circus SportsCenter 11 a.m. Daily 10 Through It 11:30 a.m. NBC Nightly News Lazy Town 11:30 a.m. noon ABC World News Access Hollywood Blind Date Go, Diego, Go! noon 12:30 p.m. CBS Evening News Judge Judy Living Single Dora The Explorer NFL Live 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. Countdown with Guiding Light The Cosby Show Movie: Blue’s Clues College Gameday 1 p.m. Keith Olbermann BBall Season Preview 1:30 p.m. Mad About You Before Sunrise Bear in the Big Blue 1:30 p.m. 2 p.m. Hannity & Colmes General Hospital Emeril Live Sesame Street College BB 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Movie: <:52> NIT Season 2:30 p.m. Tip-Off 3 p.m. Lou Dobbs Tonight Passions Shopping Bags Working Girl Funniest Videos 3 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Ambush Makeover Funniest Animals 3:30 p.m. 4 p.m. News Hour with Oprah Winfrey Third Watch Pokemon SportsCenter 4 p.m. Jim Lehrer 4:30 p.m. Yu-Gi-Oh! 4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. Special Report with Wheel of Fortune The Dead Zone The Entertainers SpongeBob College BB 5 p.m. Brit Hume 5:30 p.m. Jeopardy Fairly Oddparents NIT Season 5:30 p.m. Tip-Off 6 p.m. Your World with Window in Review Seinfeld Behind the Scenes Kim Possible 6 p.m. Neil Cavuto 6:30 p.m. ATS/Regional News The Simpsons E.T. The Proud Family 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. World News Now That ‘70s Show C.S.I. Movie: Zack & Cody SportsCenter 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. That ‘70s Show Hitch Naturally Sadie 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. <:15> Pacifi c Report King of the Hill Criminal Minds Everwood NASCAR Nextel 8 p.m. Series: 8:30 p.m. Tavis Smiley The 8:30 p.m. 9 p.m. Business Report Supernatural The West Wing Movie: <:13> Even Stevens Race for the Chase 9 p.m. 500 9:30 p.m. Nightline Drop Dead Home Improvement 9:30 p.m. Gorgeous 10 p.m. Hardball with Headline News Will & Grace Moesha 10 p.m. Chris Matthews 10:30 p.m. Tonight Show with King of Queens Degrassi 10:30 p.m. Jay Leno 11 p.m. O’Reilly Factor The Daily Show Movie: 7th Heaven 11 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Late Show The Colbert Report Multiplicity 11:30 p.m.

The Kwajalein Hourglass 12 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 HELP WANTED 031525. Kwajalein Range Services has the following COORDINATOR REMOTE LAUNCH SITES, HR Req. Religious Services job openings. For contract hire positions, call 031583. Teresa Bell, 256-890-8705. For all others, call DESIGNER/PLANNER IV, HR Req. 031100. Catholic Jack Riordan, 55154. Full job descriptions and Saturday Mass, 5:30 p.m., in the small chapel requirements for contract openings are located DESKTOP ANALYST II, HR Req. 031759. online at Job descriptions for Sunday Mass, 7 a.m., in the small chapel and other openings are located at Human Resources, DISPATCHER II, aircraft, HR Req. 030988. 9:15 a.m., in the main chapel . Building 700. Mass on Roi is at 6:30 p.m. ELECTRICIAN II, HR Req. 031116. NEED EXTRA money? KRS employment applications Protestant are continually accepted for the Community Activities ELECTRICIAN III/MARINE ELECTRICIAN, HR Req. 8 and 10:45 a.m., Sunday and and Food Services departments for casual and 030924. Roi-Namur service at 4 p.m. part-time positions. If you are interested in being Sunday school for all ages is at 9:15 a.m. a scorekeeper, sports offi cial, recreation aide, ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN I, HR Req. 031563. recreation specialist, library aide, lifeguard, disc ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN II. Six positions, HR Latter Day Saints jockey, pizza delivery driver, catering/dining room Reqs. 030817, 031495, 031601, 031603, 031605 and 9:30 a.m., Sunday, in worker or temporary offi ce support, please submit your 031607. Corlett Recreation Center, Room 3. application to the HR department for consideration as positions become available. For more information, call ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, HR Req. 031561. the KRS HR Offi ce at 54916. Baptist ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III – ALTAIR, HR Req. 9:40 a.m., Sunday, in elementary school music room. ADMNINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, Child Development 030669 (Roi-Namur). Center. Full time. Strong offi ce and computer skills Church of Christ required. HR Req. K031397. ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN III, two positions, HR Reqs. 031527 and 031689. AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN, Automotive, HR Req. K031086. EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECHNICIAN III, HR Req. 031032. PROGRAMMER, HR Req. 031067. ELECTRICIAN, HR Req. K030983. FIELD ENGINEER I, HR Req. 031189. PROJECT CONTROLS ENGINEER II, HR Req. ELECTRICIAN I, Kwajalein Operations, full-time, HR 031591. Req. K031092. FIELD ENGINEER II, six positions, HR Reqs. 031315, 031157, 031373, 031511, 031559 and 031148. RADIO/TV OPERATOR, AFN, HR Req. 031667. MECHANIC I, Kwajalein Automotive. HR Req. K030331. FIELD ENGINEER II, Roi-Namur, HR Req. 030741. REGISTERED NURSE, three positions, HR Reqs. 031635, 031637 and 031597. MECHANIC II, Automotive Services, HR Req. FIELD ENGINEER II, TRADEX, HR Req. 031245 K031139. (Roi-Namur). RF SAFETY SPECIALIST/FIELD ENGINEER II, HR Req. 031147. MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIPMENT I, HR Req. FIREFIGHTER, fi ve positions, HR Reqs. 031054, K031162. 031056, 031082, 031124 and 031142. SERVER ADMINISTRATOR I, HR Req. 031631. PROGRAM LEAD, Youth Services, two casual FIREFIGHTER/EMT, two positions, HR Reqs. 031138 SERVER ADMINISTRATOR II, HR Req. 031557. positions, HR Reqs. K031323 and K031324. and 031140. SUPERVISOR SERVER ADMINISTRATOR, HR Req. STOCK CLERK, Gimbel’s. Casual. HR Req. K031339. HARDWARE ENGINEER, HR Req. 031687. 031629. Enniburr residents apply to Annemarie Jones, Gimbel’s manager. HARDWARE ENGINEER III, two positions, HR Reqs. SOFTWARE ENGINEER II. CONUS-Lexington, HR 031493 and 031665. Req. 031175. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS, Education Department. HR. Req. K031285. HAZMAT SPECIALIST II, HR Req. 031108. SOFTWARE ENGINEER IV, HR Req. 031677. KRS CONTRACT POSITIONS MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST, HR Req. 030871. SUPERVISOR, Air Terminal Services, HR Req. 031148. AIR-CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN IV, HR Req. MATERIAL HANDLER II, HR 031621. 031154. SYSTEMS ENGINEER III. Two positions, HR Reqs. MECHANIC III, two positions, HR Reqs. 031000 and 031481 and 031483. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II, HR Req. 031673. 031102. SYSTEM ENGINEER IV, HR. Req. 031555. BUYER II, HR. Req. 031539. Richmond hire. MECHANIC IV, HR Req. 030966. TELEPHONE TECHNICIAN III, HR Req. 030965. CALIBRATION TECHNICIAN II, HR Req. 031653. MECHANIC HEAVY EQUIPMENT III, four positions, HR Reqs. 030376, 030862, 030912 and 030506. TRAINING COORDINATOR II, HR 031663. CAPTAIN, Fire Department, HR Req. 031060. NETWORK ENGINEER II–MO, HR Req. 031227. WAREHOUSEMAN II/SHIPPING AND RECEIVING COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN, HR Req. 031437. CLERK, CONUS-Richmond, HR Req. 030843. OPERATIONS TEST DIRECTOR, HR Req. 031485. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN II, HR Req. WASTE WATER OPERATOR IV, HR Req. 031158. 031683. OPTICS TECHNICIAN III, HR Req. 031595. WEB SOFTWARE DEVELOPER I, HR Req. 031639. COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN III, two positions, PLANT TECHNICIAN II, HR Req. 031645. HR Req. 031029 and 031565. AMERICAN LEGION POST 44 PLANT TECHNICIAN III, HR Req. 031643. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN II, HR Req. 031671. CLUB STEWARD, BAR STEWARD and BARTENDER. PRODUCTION CONTROL CLERK I, Automotive. Full Job descriptions and applications may be obtained by CONTRACTS PURCHASES SPECIALIST, HR Req. -time, HR Req. K031250. calling 53436.

Café Pacific Lunch Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Nov. 18 Lasagna Carved top sirloin Roast pork loin Spaghetti Corned beef/cabbge Fried chicken Burritos/tacos Hamburger steak Chicken stir-fry Kwaj fried chicken Chicken and dumplings Baked ono Irish lamb stew Barbecued ribs Chicken fajitas Meat/veggie pizza Red snapper Strawberry crepes Bacon/cheese quiche Chicken nuggets Tuna casserole Fried catfi sh Chorizo enchiladas Chicken peapod stir-fry Grill: Burger Grill: Brunch station open Grill: Brunch station open Grill:Sloppy Joes Grill: Cheese sandwich Grill: Philly beef wrap Grill: Cheese dogs Grill: Ham/Swisson rye Dinner Tonight Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pancake supper Sweet/sour pork Short ribs Beef pot pie Breaded pork chops London broil Braise Swiss steak Oven-baked chicken Beef briskit Chicken hekka Chicken stew Ham steak Spicy chicken curry Roasted herb chicken Buffalo wings Beef Stroganoff Beer-battered cod Beef steak Tofu/eggplant Seared mahi mahi Red beans in broth vegetable chow fun Chef’s choice Trout Meuniere Chicken stir-fry Veggie stir-fry Steamed potatoes Oriental stir-fry Mashed potatoes Baked potato Veggie stir-fry Peas and carrots

Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 13 The Kwajalein Hourglass Veterans

An island Beautifi cation Day and dedicated day for yard work around living quarters will take place, 9-11 a.m., Monday, Day (Meet at Richardson Theater for the island-wide cleanup) and all day for residential cleanup. What can you do to help? • Be a volunteer for the island-wide clean up Honor • Be an area coordinator (call Susannah, 53331, for more details) America’s veterans. Join the ceremony at 9 a.m., Saturday, at the fl agpoles. A noon luncheon will be served at the Vets’ Hall. All are welcome.

grip, $20 and stereo speakers, $15. Call 53721. CATAMARAN, 36-FOOT, Fusion, comes with 12-foot hard-bottom dinghy with 9.9 horsepower Yamaha outboard, at Boat Lot 78 with power and water, BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR AND SPRUCE UP AROUND YOUR QUARTERS $15,000. Call 50165 or e-mail [email protected]. TWO BICYCLES purchased new on Nov. 1 for temporary duty use. Both are Huffi es with female WANTED FOUND frames and saddle baskets. One is available immediately and the other on Thursday, $55 each. HOUSE-SITTING situation for former Kwaj residents MEMORY CARD, Oct. 31, on Lincoln Street. Call Call David, 50204. for Dec. 9-Jan. 23 or any part of that time frame. They 52529. are responsible, Christian, non-smokers, will take care MULTILEVEL PLAY fort with ladders, trapdoor, stairs, of your pets, yard and home. Call Carla, 52642 REGULATOR computer console. Call 54240 and leave sliding pole and balance beam, $200; Rubbermaid a message. Storage cabinets one large, $150, one small, $75; . Rustman bikes, Fuji Aloha, loaded, 56cm, aerobars, LOST MONEY, next to bus stop across from Macy’s. Call speed play pedals, aerowheels, $400 or best offer. Wendi, 52200. Call 52211. TRAVEL BOOK, Israel on $45 a day. Call 51330 and PATIO SALE leave a message. PCS SALE. Road bike, call for details, $350; HP Photo Smart printer, $80; microwave, $35; blender, $25; Play SATURDAY, 7-10 a.m., Quarters 416-A. No early BLACK EYEGLASS case with magnetic sunglass Station 2 with assortment of games, $135; Sony home birds. inside, brand name Takumi printed on case. Call theater system, $100; rollerblades, $50; toaster, $15 54932 or 59363. SATURDAY, 8-11 a.m., Quarters 122-D. PCS sale. and Uniden cordless telephone, $15. Call 56744 or e- mail [email protected]. MONDAY, 7-11 a.m., Quarters 429-A (in back). Clothes, DVD player, CD player and more. MONDAY, 8-10 a.m., Quarters 133-B. No early birds. Small Arms Range PPianoiano FOR SALE will be in operation, JVC 32-INCH TV, retails for $600, fi nd online for $350 (JVC AD-32D305) with great reviews, $325; Pioneer 7 a.m.-1 p.m., Wednesday. Dolby digital/Pro Logic II/DTS receiver 1000-watts, Observe the hazard area BBlueslues paid $200 new, will sell for $150 and Panasonic DVD player, $100. Will sell all for $550. Call 55030. between the posted red LADIES’ COURSE AIR golf shoes, size 6½, new in fl ags. box, never worn, $50; computer desktop entertainment center, blonde wood, $25; end table, $5 and new Igloo cooler, medium size, $25. Call 59810. wwithith SSuzauza GGoltz,oltz, BAYLINER AVANTI, 34-foot, at Lot 70, $30,000 or best offer; 15 horsepower outboard motor, $1,200; See Doo underwater scooter, $400 and Boston whaler, 17-foot, 77-9-9 pp.m.,.m., NNov.ov. 17,17, with 80 horsepower, four-stroke Yamaha and eight- horsepower Evinrude kicker, $12,000 or best offer. Call 54489. aatt tthehe YukYuk ClubClub RAZOR SCOOTER, green, with a little rust, one handle

The Kwajalein Hourglass 14 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 TTownown HHallall MMeetingeeting KWAJALEIN RANGE SERVICES, U.S. ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL AND KWAJALEIN POLICE DEPARTMENT INVITE THE COMMUNITY TO A JOINT TOWN HALL MEETING AT 7 P.M., TUESDAY, IN THE TThehe 339th9th aannualnnual SSanta’santa’s aarrivalrrival pparadearade aandnd MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM. CChristmashristmas ttreeree llightingighting isis Dec.Dec. 2.2.

COYOTE NORTHSHORE polarized sunglasses, rose lenses, new, $60. Call 51314. AAtt 55-5:15-5:15 pp.m,.m, Dec.Dec. 2,2, SSantaanta aandnd CClauslaus aarriverrive CRIB BEDDING, Brandie Danielle Jungle, $30; aatt tthehe aairport.irport. MMeeteet ooceansideceanside ooff tthehe tterminalerminal aandnd tthenhen jjoinoin Enfamil Lipil powder formula, 39 ounces, $30; package of 52 diapers, size four, $7; infl atable playnest with play tthehe SSantaanta MMobileobile pparadearade ttoo tthehe ttreeree llightingighting bblocklock partyparty iinn arch, $20; homemade baby food book, $3; What to ffrontront ooff tthehe YYokweokwe YYukuk CClub.lub. SSkateboardskateboards aarere nnotot aallowedllowed Expect the First Year book, $7; family-size picnic table, $70 and rocking chair, $50. Call 50167. aatt tthehe pparade.arade. AAfterfter tthehe cceremony,eremony, hheadead ooverver ttoo tthehe SEVEN-PIECE comforter set for king-size bed, $100; wwinterfestinterfest iinn tthehe mmini-mall.ini-mall. various plants (not including orchids); women’s bike with aluminum frame and wheels, $25 and Univega bicycle for two, $250. Call 52788, home, or 50958, work. BEAUTIFUL healthy plants, bougainvillea, orchids, crotons and ixora. Call 54826 and leave a message. FOOTLOCKER, $35; one-cup coffee maker, $5; assorted cigars and humidors; outdoor canopy including netting and all poles and stays, $75; small NNativeative AmericanAmerican Christmas tree with lights and decorations, perfect for an offi ce, $35; assorted Christmas decorations and other items. Call 52116, days, or 54535, nights. CHRISTMAS TREE, 7½-foot tall, slim, spruce, pre- HeritageHeritage MonthMonth wired with multi-colored lights, used once, $80. Call 54538, after 6 p.m., or leave a message. COMMUNITY NOTICES 11:30 A.M., NOV. 29, AT THE YUK Enjoy an evening of ballroom dancing, sponsored by CLUB. TICKETS ARE $9. TO PURCHASE the Kwajalein Dance Association at 7 p.m., Saturday, in the multi-purpose room. Free and open to the TICKETS IN ADVANCE, CALL ANNE community. Adults and students. Casual attire. Dance review, 7-7:30 p.m. Bring your own non-alcoholic GREENE, 55033. MENU WILL INCLUDE beverages. Questions? Call Cheryl or Dick, 51684. NAVAJO FRY BREAD, SEASONED BEEF, RC RACING will be at 4 p.m., Sunday, at the Vets’ Hall race track. PINTO BEANS AND CORN. The School Advisory Board will hold its monthly public meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday, at the elementary DUE TO THE Thanksgiving holiday, the Kwajalein school music classroom. School calendar packet for Amy, 53610, to register. Art Guild will hold the monthly business meeting the 2007-2008 school year will be discussed. The one week early, on Thursday. The meeting begins THE OPTOMETRIST will be on island Nov. 29-Dec. 7. public is invited to attend. Questions? Call 53761. at 6:30 p.m. in the art annex, across from the For appointments, call 52223 or 52224. Café Pacifi c. The public is invited to attend. Questions? Call Lexy, 54240. THE OUTER ISLANDS Christmas Drop program To honor veterans, Macy’s, Macy’s needs help providing gift bags of needed items and KWAJALEIN RUNNING Club’s 2006 ‘Turkey Trot’ 2- a few fun things to approximately 350 children and Westand Gimbel’s will offer a mile prediction run is Nov. 20. Participants should sign the communities of Ebadon and Majetto. For more $10 discount (NOTE CORRECTION) in at Emon Main Pavilion between 5 and 5:15 p.m. to information on how to help, call Paula, 54105, or on any purchase over $100 to all fi ll out their 2-mile time predictions. No pre-registration Denise, 51192/51700. is necessary before then. Start gun fi res at 5:30pm. veterans showing military No watches or music head sets are allowed during the CONGRATULATIONS to Sam Larson for being run of course. nominated as youth of the month at the Youth Center! identifi cation, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sam was chosen for her sunny attitude as well as her on Saturday. This offer excludes DO YOU want to be on the babysitter referral list? involvement in both Youth Services and the community. tobacco, alcohol and health and Youth Services will hold the bi-annual babysitter Her involvement with Youth Services includes being a training on Nov. 20. Anyone 13 by June 1, 2007 may Pacifi c Teen Panel member, a junior leader for the 4-H beauty aids. attend. Red Cross Basic Aid and Child Development Arts and Crafts Club, volunteering for the Halloween Information will be given. Space is limited to 10. Call Costume Carnival and many other activities. Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 15 The Kwajalein Hourglass DISAGREES, from Page 2 karma, or ‘what goes around comes that nature will reap destruction; the wrongdoing, then rest assured there is back around’. The fi rst one to say this one who sows to please the Spirit, from a special place in hell reserved just for was our Creator. God says,” Do not be the Spirit will reap eternal life.” them. There is also a very special place deceived: God cannot be mocked. A If the people responsible for the reserved in heaven for all those who ac- man reaps what he sows. The one who heinous acts described in the article cept God’s free gift and try to live their sows to please his sinful nature, from die without ever repenting of all their lives to please him. IRAQ, from Page 3 of outside-the-wire missions involving logistics trans- of operation.” portation of everything from drinking water to ammo In Tracy’s estimation, the news reports published in the and repair parts.” United States early in his deployment didn’t completely Within his Guard unit, refl ect his experiences in Iraq. Chief Warrant Offi cer Tracy “During our time in Iraq, things seemed to have im- is the Battalion Maintenance proved; when we arrived we were receiving mortar at- offi cer. tacks daily,” Tracy said. “Towards the completion of our Tracy’s team of men and deployment, the attacks were reduced to couple of times women installed protective a week or less.” vehicle armor and repaired Tracy’s battalion was also involved in establishing secu- vehicles, weapon systems rity around polling stations during the Iraqi constitution and power generation equip- and presidential elections. ment. “During construction of the polling stations, we “I guess you could say that worked with the local police and the Iraqi army at which with my 39 guys and gals time the civilian population were extremely curious, we are the battalion’s and often wanting to talk to us in the streets, causing a very sometimes the brigade’s pit tense situation. You were always on guard not knowing crew,” said Tracy. “Often we if the people were friend or foe,” Tracy said. are tasked with moving sup- Tracy encouraged the Kwajalein community to “just Mike Tracy plies in convoy throughout take time to remember the troops that are serving in the Sunni Triangle and re- diffi cult situations. Even more so, remember the families covery operations broken vehicles throughout our area and friends that have suffered the loss of loved ones.”

Volleyball standings/schedule

Tuesday Women’s A Dig This ...... 2 1 0 5:15 p.m...... O - B- Spartans I Men vs. SDA Jablik ...... 2 0 0 6 p.m...... O - B - KAHS Men vs. Spartans Co-ed Blue Ri-Majolz...... 1 1 0 7 p.m...... O - B - Spartans Co-ed Red vs. byob Spartans I...... 1 2 0 The U-STA-KUDS...... 0 2 0 8 p.m...... O - B - Rejects vs. CYS Women’s B Wednesday EPES...... 2 0 0 5:15 p.m...... W - B - KAHS vs. EPES KAHS...... 1 1 0 Jabro ...... 1 1 0 6 p.m...... W - A - U-STA-KUDS vs. Dig This Calvary ...... 1 0 0 7 p.m...... O - A - Bump, Set, Spike vs. FISH Spartans II...... 0 3 0 8 p.m...... O - A -Nothin’ But Net vs. Chumps Open A Thursday Nothin’ But Net...... 2 1 0 5:15 p.m...... O - B - Spartans I Men vs. Rejects FISH ...... 2 1 0 6 p.m...... O - B - KAHS Men vs. SDA Chumps ...... 2 1 0 Bump, Set, Spike...... 0 3 0 7 p.m...... O - B - Spartans Co-ed Red vs. Questionable Skills Open B 8 p.m...... O - B - byob vs. Spartans Co-ed Blue KAHS...... 1 0 0 Friday Questionable Skills...... 1 0 0 Spartans Co-ed Blue...... 1 0 0 5:15 p.m...... W - B - Calgary vs. Spartans II Spartans Co-ed Red...... 1 0 0 6 p.m...... W - A - Ri-Majolz vs. Jablik byob...... 0 0 0 7 p.m...... O - A - FISH vs. Chumps Rejects...... 0 1 0 SDA ...... 0 1 0 8 p.m...... O - A - Nothin’ But Net vs. Bump, Spike, Set CYS ...... 0 1 0 For more information on sports, call 53331. Key: W = Women’s, O = Open Spartans I...... 0 1 0

Sun • Moon • Tides RTS Weather Sunrise/set Moonrise/set High tide Low tide Tonight: Variably cloudy with scattered showers. Winds: SW-NW at 4-8 knots. Saturday 6:41 a.m./6:26 p.m. 11:46 p.m./11:51 a.m. 7:24 a.m., 2.3' 1:40 a.m., 0.5' 7:42 p.m., 3.3' 12:54 p.m., 0.8' Saturday: Variably sunny with scattered showers. Winds: NW-NE at 4-8 knots. Sunday: Mostly sunny with scattered showers. Winds: Light and variable. Sunday 6:41 a.m./6:26 p.m. /12:38 p.m. 8:34 a.m., 2.0' 2:47 a.m., 0.9' Monday: Mostly sunny with scattered showers. Winds: Light and variable. 8:55 p.m., 2.8' 1:45 p.m., 1.3' Tuesday: Variably sunny with widely scattered showers. Winds: NNE-ENE at 4-8 knots Monday 6:41 a.m./6:25 p.m. 12:35 a.m. /1:19 p.m. 11:12 a.m., 1.9' 4:39 a.m., 1.1' Wednesday: Variably sunny with scattered showers. Winds: NE-E at 4-8 knots. 10:58 p.m., 2.7' 4:04 p.m., 1.6'

Annual rain total: 85.95 inches Tuesday 6:41 a.m./6:25 p.m. 1:22 a.m./1:58 p.m. 12:50 a.m., 2.3' 6:18 a.m., 1.0’ Annual deviation: +1.01 inches 6:21 p.m., 1.4' Wednesday 6:41 a.m./6:25 p.m. 2:07 a.m./2:34 p.m. 12:29 a.m., 2.8' 7:08 a.m., 0.7' Call 54700 for updated forecasts 1:30 p.m., 2.8' 7:22 p.m., 1.1

The Kwajalein Hourglass 16 Friday, Nov. 10, 2006