Easter Is Unbiblical
Preface Easter is UnBiblical. I would like to preface the following study by say- ing, I'm absolutely convinced of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm convinced that He bodily rose from the dead, and was not found in corruption. I affirm, with all conviction and prompting from the Holy Spirit, that we must reverence and uphold the truth of the res- urrection. This study is not about proving or disproving the resurrec- tion—it's about discovering the truth of a holiday that we have been de- ceived into believing is the "actual day" our Lord Jesus rose from the dead. We have been told, and believed for hundreds of years, that "Easter" is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Is it wrong to celebrate the resurrection, and call it Easter, during this time? Yes. Is it good to celebrate the resurrection? Yes. Old Testament In the Old Testament passages, looking forward to the resurrection, and its teachings are found in Job 19:26; Ps. 16:10, 49:15; Isa. 26:19; Dan. 12:2,13; Hos. 13:14; Ezek. 37:1-10; typified in Isaac Gen. 22:13 with Heb. 11:19; in Jonah 2:10 with Matt. 12:40. The resurrection of Christ is an established fact in the Old Testament which had its fulfillment in the New Testament. New Testament Looking at the resurrection fulfilled in Christ, here are some of the many scriptures: Matt. 22:29-32, 20:19; Mark 9:9, 16:19; Luke 14:14, 24:45,46; John 5:28,29, 11:44, 2:19-22, 20:20; Acts 10:40, 13:33; Rom.
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