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AGAR PLATES SABOURAUD DEXTROSE 50>S INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – AGAR PLATES SABOURAUD DEXTROSE 50>S 1092 SPML manufacture and supply a range of Pre-prepared media for the As methods and media preference may vary as to media types and test culture of microorganisms such as bacteria yeasts and moulds. SPML method due to jurisdictions, and personal preferences the customer offer a range of media pre-poured culture media to meet the needs of its should use the plates in accordance with their organisations stated customers across a range of industries that include Clinical, food, water, methods and procedures however SPML product brochure does provide pharmaceutical, and many more. further product information The range of plates cover selective and non-selective media and plate The end user should however take into consideration that selective sizes and are intended for the use by professional parties in the isolation media should, therefore, be compared with specimens/samples cultured of microbial organisms. on nonselective media to obtain additional information and help ensure recovery of potential pathogens and other significant organisms. INTENDED USE An acid pH medium for the isolation of dermatophytes, other fungi and PRECAUTIONS yeasts. Filled in 50mm diameter petridishes. For professional use only. This modification of Sabouraud agar (Carlier1) is suitable for the Do not use plates if they show evidence of microbial contamination, cultivation and differentiation of fungi. Carlier showed that the medium discoloration, drying, cracking or other signs of deterioration. gives reliable results with Microsporum audouini, M. canis, Trichophyton Consult In house instructions to ensure correct application of product mentagrophytes, T. flavum, T. rubrum and Candida albicans. Sabouraud use is observed. Ensure GLP and aseptic handling procedures are Dextrose Agar may be used in place of the Standard American medium followed, used plates should be treated as biohazards, and disposal of of Hodges2. The fungi maintain their typical cultural appearance and used product should be treated as such, and disposed of in accordance thus may be readily identified according to the standard macroscopic with local /national regulations. characters described by Sabouraud3. The medium is often used with antibiotics for the isolation of pathogenic fungi from material containing STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE large numbers of other fungi or bacteria. Georg et al.4 aseptically added On receipt, store plates in the dark at 2 to 8° C, in their original sleeve 0.5 gram cycloheximide, 20,000 units penicillin and 40,000 units wrapping until just prior to use. Avoid freezing and overheating. The streptomycin to each litre of autoclaved, cooled medium. Cryptococcus plates may be inoculated up to the expiration date (see package label) neoformans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Allescheria boydii are sensitive to and incubated for the recommended incubation times. cycloheximide; Actinomyces bovis and Nocardia asteroides are sensitive Plates from opened stacks of 10 plates can be used for one week when to penicillin and streptomycin. Alternatively, one may add 0.4 gram stored in a clean area at 2 to 8° C. chloramphenicol and 0.05 gram cycloheximide to each litre of QUALITY CONTROL reconstituted medium before autoclaving (Ajello5). The same micro- SPML undertake batch release for all media checking pH, sterility and organisms are sensitive to this new combination ± see Dermasel fertility testing of all media batches in accordance with requirements Selective Supplement SR75. Williams Smith &Jones6 employed Oxoid defined in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, containing 20,000 units penicillin and 0.04 EN12322:199911, M22-A322, and ISO/TS111333 Parts 1 and 23, gram neomycin per litre, for the count of yeasts in the alimentary tract SPML is ISO9001:2008 certified. of the pig. Hantschke7 used colistin, novobiocin and cycloheximide to For clinical purpose the product conform to 97/79/EC IVD Directive isolate Candida albicans. Dolan8 used gentamicin, chloramphenicol and FURTHER INFORMATION cycloheximide for the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi. Oxoid For further information please contact your local SPML representative. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar may also be used as the basis of a Pagano- Saudi Prepared Media Laboratory Company Ltd Levin medium9 for the isolation of Candida albicans. 0.1 gram of Telephone: +966 11 4767931, 11 4773697 triphenyltetrazolium chloride (as a filter sterilised solution) is added to FAX: +966 1 4778313 each litre of autoclaved molten medium cooled to 55oC. The medium is E-mail: [email protected] usually made inhibitory to most non-pathogenic fungi and bacteria by Web Site: the addition of antibiotics as above. After incubation for 3 days at 25 oC, Candida albicans colonies are unpigmented or pale pink whilst other Candida species and other fungi form deeper pink or red colonies. The QUALITY CONTROL test is adequate for screening purposes but other diagnostic SPML undertake batch release for all media checking pH, sterility, criteria should also be utilised for the identification of Candida Inhibition and enhancement testing of all media batches based on the 1 2 3 Albicans EN12322:19991 , M22-A3 , and ISO11133 , • Micro Organism Reactions pH: 5.50 -5.70 For clinical purpose the product is marked in accordance with the requirements of 97/79/EC IVD Directive and registered with the Organisms Result, Colour of Colony Competent Authority MHRA in the United Kingdom. Candida Albicans Growth off white, round SPML is ISO9001:2008 certified Escherichia Coli Growth, cream Staphylococcus Aureus No Growth FURTHER INFORMATION For further information please contact your local SPML representative. TECHNIQUE Saudi Prepared Media Laboratory Company Ltd Using a sterile loop inoculate the medium with 4±5 colonies and Telephone: +966 11 4767931, 11 4773697 Incubate one set of media aerobically at 22±25°C and the other set at FAX: +966 1 4778313 35°C for 5±30 days E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: SPML-IFU-001 Rev 01 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – AGAR PLATES SABOURAUD DEXTROSE 50>S 1092 References. 1 EN 12322:1999 - In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Culture media for microbiology - Performance criteria for culture media. 2 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2004. Approved standard: M22-A3, Quality control for commercially prepared microbiological culture. media, 3rd ed 3ISO11133 Microbiology of food, animal feed and water — Preparation, production storage and performance testing of culture media Medical Device & QA Services Ltd (MDQAS), Saudi Prepared Media Laboratory Company Ltd Spring Court, Spring Road, ,Al Harath Bin Al Habab Street 8698 HALE. Cheshire. WA14 2UQ. High-al Dubbath“ Malaz" United Kingdom. Riyadh 11461 Tel: +44 (0) 845 527 5078, Fax: +44 161 903 9787 Email: info [email protected] Web Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Site: Symbols Definition Product Reference Number For in vitro diagnostic use Do not use if damaged Sterile by Moist / Dry heat Non Sterile Single Use Manufacturer Lot Number Bio hazardous material CE Mark – Against the European In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive 98/79/EC Storage temperature limitation Manufacture date Consult Instructions for use SPML-IFU-001 Rev 01 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE – AGAR PLATES SABOURAUD DEXTROSE 50>S 1092 Avoid direct sunlight Keep Dry Expiration Date EU Representative WARNING – Consult IFU SPML-IFU-001 Rev 01 .
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