Summer Term 2021 Newsletter Issue 7 11 June


Dear Parents,

The School and staff are working very hard to offer every opportunity for our pupils to take part in so many events over the next few weeks. We have, at every occasion, looked to see how we are able to include parents, while taking into ac- count safeguarding and Covid19 requirements, we thank you for your patience.

Our Early Years pupils have enjoyed two trips this week. Reception visited Wilderness Woods and Kindergarten visited Cherry Tree Farm this morn- ing.

3A delivered a fantastic assembly on one of the 5 keys, ‘getting along’ with great performances from Charlotte, Victoria, Ameer and Theo, among many others. They retold Julia Don- aldson’s book, ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ and accompanied a song, which they composed during their music lessons, with violins and cello play- ing. Magnificent work!

As part of our transition support for our pupils we had an Information Morning for present Year 2 parents this morning, please do contact Mr Agnew with any further questions [email protected].

Congratulations to Year 8 who have now completed their Common Entrance exams; well done for all their hard work to get to this stage. We aim to provide results to parents on 21 June.

At the end of this year we will say a sad farewell to Ann Green, my PA and Admissions Secretary. Ann will be swapping the fast pace of the school office for retirement, and hopefully calmer days. Sam Chowdhury will take on the role.

Next week we look forward to hearing from Mr Poynter, who will be sharing with us, what we can do over the coming year to support the charity ‘Hygiene Poverty’.

Best wishes,

Emma Neville, Head

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


We will continue to set prep for Years 3-7 on Teams for the remainder of this term, with a final homework date of Friday 25 June. From September we will again provide pupils with a planner in which to record their homework and other reminders.


Throughout the online learning period novels were sent home for children to read as part of their English lessons. This includes 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas', 'Holes', 'Wonder' and 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. If you have any of these at home, please return them before the summer break.


Due to changes made by ParentMail, if you use the ParentMail app to receive and view your messages from the school, you will no longer receive an email as well. If you would prefer to receive an email instead of the app, you will need to sign out and remove the ParentMail app.


14/06/2021 08:00:00 Theme of the week - Hygiene Poverty

14/06/2021 08:30:00 Y8 Eastbourne Trip

15/06/2021 08:30:00 Y3 trip to Mark Cross Garden Centre 10:00:00

FOCUS DAY 6 Y3 -Art/DT 15/06/2021 09:0000 Y4 - English 16:00:00 Y5 - RS Y7&8 - Geography

15/06/2021 10:30:00 Y6 Residential - Penshurst Bushcraft Company

17/06/2021 19:00:00 EYFS Parents' Information Evening 20:00:00

18/06/2021 09:45:00 Y8 trip to Carroty Wood 15:45:00

18/06/2021 15:00:00 Y6 Residential return 16:00:00

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


 Ardingly College,  Battle Abbey, 18 September [email protected]  Bede’s, 18 September  , numerous dates found here  Bethany, [email protected]  Brighton College,  Caterham School, virtual events & private tours [email protected].  Claremont Senior School,  Eastbourne College,  Hurstpierpoint College 25 September  College, 12 June, kent-150/  Kings Rochester, 26 June, open-morning-2021  Lingfield College, 25 September  Mayfield School, 26 June  , Saturday 26 June  ,  , -event-on-site-tours/  Worth School, 18 September, [email protected]  Bennett Memorial,  Judd School,  The Skinners’ School,  The Skinners’ Kent Academy,  Tonbridge ,  Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys,  Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School, Wednesday 30 June


It is now peak season for grass pollens and many children are suffering. Common hayfever symptoms in- clude itchy eyes, nose & throat & a runny nose. If you think your child has hayfever, antihistamines for chil- dren are available to buy over the counter from a pharmacy. There are 2 non-drowsy antihistamine formu- las for children, Cetirizine & Loratidine. These are available in syrup form for children over the age of 6. Eye drops (Sodium Cromoglicate 2%) are also available to buy for children 6 years and over. As always, please contact the School Nurse if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health [email protected].

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


In Kindergarten the focus this week is Road Safety. We talked about where is the safest place to walk across the road. All the chil- dren practiced crossing the road on the zebra crossing in the school car park. They made their own zebra crossing and set of traffic lights.


This week the Re- ception Garden- ing Club were out in the sunshine looking at differ- ent herbs.

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


We were all very excited to get on the minibus with our packed lunches and sun hats. Then we were off! When we arrived we walked down the hill to our special area in the woods. We started with a snack and we had time to meet the helpers and Oliver the fluffy owl. First, we hunted for minibeasts in different areas of the woodland. We used minibeast viewers to see them really closely. We recorded what we found on a sheet on a clipboard. We took turns using the clipboard and the viewer. We then found some Land Art on the forest floor. Our next challenge was to create our own Land Art in teams, using natu- ral resources around us. We had great fun and worked really well to make our pictures together. Lunch, Yum!! ....and then a quick playtime. Our next chal- lenge was to find a way to make the dirty water cleaner. In groups we searched for lots of woodland bits to put into our cut bottles and then we test- ed them all together to see how well our ideas worked. Our next challenge was to try again but this time we could use a piece of paper towel as well as the natural materials. This did seem to help to make the water cleaner. Our final challenge was to use a ball of clay to make our own clay tree art. This was messy but a lovely individual project. Finally we all went back to school happy and tired. What a wonderful day!

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


The children were so excited that their seeds had grown under the expert guidance of Mr. Brindley!


We thoroughly enjoyed learning how to pot plants today and created our own arrange- ments of Salvia, Geraniums, Marigolds and Petunias! We used trowels and compost, made sure they were securely bedded in and fully watered. Let’s wait and see what hap- pens in the next few weeks (if we look after them)!

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


3A’s assembly retold the Julia Donaldson story ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’. The story teaches us to treat other people the same even if they are different from us.


Year 4 enjoying the opportunity to read each other’s English projects. Topics include: Marcus Rashford, The Olympic Games, The Mighty and Magnificent River Thames, Australia and Chickens. They will be displayed in the school library next week.

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


After the thrill of filming the Year 5s were keen to embark on one last project before the end of term. We have chosen some short fairy tales, split ourselves into smaller groups and are hoping to perform these 10 minute stories to the PrePrep during the last week of term. The productions will be outdoor with minimal costume but with much enthusiasm and passion. We look forward to post- ing updates over the next few weeks.


The Eco Council are prioritising environ- mental projects they would like to carry out around Rose Hill. They have decided we need to work on the pond, Fairtrade produce, recycling, water harvesting in water butts, reading water and energy meters and increasing the number of raised beds we have.

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


Date Opposition Match Score Player of the Match 09/06 The Mead U10 A Lost by 3 runs Sam N U10 B Lost by 21 Jack R 10/06 Claremont Prep U9 A Won by 21 runs The whole team U8 A Won by 7 runs George T U8 B Lost by 1 run Marcus D


Rose Hill Summer Fair - Tuesday 22nd June

The fair is just around the corner so please complete the wufoo form to book your child’s ticket if you have- n’t already done so. The deadline for forms is Friday 18th June.

The form can also be accessed here summer-fair/

Tickets cost £5 per child. The children will be taking part in various games, competitions and activities - with prizes for all!

The ticket will also include one entry into the raffle, and you can purchase extra tickets via the wufoo form.

There are some fantastic prizes on offer including theatre vouchers, restaurant vouchers, a PT session, The White Company vouchers and much more!

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


Monday Chicken casserole, hassleback potatoes & mixed vegetables

Petit pois

Tuesday Turkey Breast, roast potatoes, peas & carrots


Black grapes & Greek yogurt Thursday Lasagna verdi bolognaise with garlic/ crusty baguettes Mange tout

Friday Cod goujons & thick cut chips


Soup A Tomato soup and a daily vegetarian soup is available daily with crusty ba- guettes, there are also baked potatoes.

Fresh produce We have a varied salad bar which includes coleslaws. Green leaves, toma- toes, peppers, sliced ham and boiled eggs.

A selection of fresh fruit is always available.

Summer Term 2021, issue 7


Summer Term 2021, issue 7