History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902
INDEX TO VOLUME III Aapies river, 373, 502. America (U. S.), 393. Abattis, 145. America Siding and Station, 60, 132. Aberdeen, 187. Amersfoort, 285, 381, 383-4, 458-60. Abrikoo's Kop, 299. Ammunition : Boers short of, 454, Achaaphoek, 368. 469, 498 ; destruction of, 205, 332, Sergeant A., ; Adams, 289. 341, 347 expended, 97, 453 ; for in Free Administration, the Orange Boers, 126 ; for British, 31, 37 ; for State, 32, 65 ; of Bloemfontein, 32 ; rebels, 2, 6 ; in Mafeking, 158, 163-4, of Johannesburg, 92. 168 ; supply of, under fire, 452. Advance, The : from Kroonstad to Ammunition columns. See Regular Pretoria, 65-103 ; reasons for press- Units. ing, 66 ; to Kroonstad, 38, 40-64 ; Annexation of : districts of Cape towards Komati Poort, 380-405 ; Colony, 2, 6-9 ; Orange Free State, to Komati Poort, 406-421. 126; South African Republic, 405. Adye, Colonel 22-5. J., AngloBoerWar.com9-13, 15-17. See also Appendix 9. Airey, Colonel H. P., 236, 246. Appendices, 525-60. Airlie, Lieut. -Colonel D. S. W., Earl Appointments, 17, 36, 519; of Mili- of, 45, 214. tary Governors, 32, 92. Albert Silver Mine, 448. Arcadia (near Johannesburg), 70. Albertina, 328. Arcadia (in Natal), 250. Alderson, Lieut.-Colonel E. A. H., Argentine horses, 214. 3. 6, 33, 47-8, 56, 75-6, 78, 90, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 96-7, 209, 211, 312-13, 315-16, See Militia and Regular Units. 323, 414, 416. Armaments, Boer, 73, 89, 92 ; in Alderson' s Mounted Infantry. See Mafeking, 146, 163-4, 168-9. Infantry, Mounted. Armistices, 95, loi, 227, 269, 374.
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