The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies VILLA I TAT TI Via di Vincigliata 26, 50135 Florence, Italy Volume 28 E-mail:
[email protected] / Web: D D D Tel: +39 055 603 251 / Fax: +39 055 603 383 Autumn 2008 an Giovanni, with its bells and fi re- Letter from Florence in May, when he introduced his talk in Sworks, fi nds me on the Berenson Hungarian, made headlines there. With bench in the garden, thinking over an- Robert Gaston he has helped to shape other rich year at I Tatti. Six mother a long-term research project on the ba- tongues were represented in the com- silica of San Lorenzo, involving contri- munity in addition to three dialects of butions from over thirty authors, which English. The topics Fellows and Visiting will bear fruit in a symposium next Professors worked on were as varied spring and a monograph in the typically as ever: on music in everyday life and interdisciplinary style of I Tatti in 2011. music in the princely chapel, on sketch- The Fellows’ trips in fall and spring books and on refl ections, on convents have by now become a pleasant tradi- and on queens, on Machiavelli, Valla, and tion, helping create community. Thanks Bembo. They explored the fi ner side of to the hospitality of Maureen and James Renaissance life, represented by the re- Joseph & Françoise Connors. Banker (VIT’93) we enjoyed the morn- vival of antiquity and the humanist villa, the Sephardic diaspora by Patrizia Bovi ing mists of an Indian summer in Borgo and the harder realities of the age, such as and Begona Olavide in the Big Library, San Sepolcro, birthplace of Piero della heresy, rage, magnate strife, and warfare.