
Parliamentary Debates [Hansard]

Legislative Assembly


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RE.S(7:\IrTIOX OF Co:.DIITTEE-Sl. o~D ..._\LLOTTED D.\Y. The SPEAKER (Hon. \\'. Bertmm, :llarec) took the chair at 10.30 a.m. (Jlr. F. A. Cnozur. B,·nn, r. onr: of t!rr: panel of 1'('/npor:·Jy <'ltairmr__i!. in fh( clunr.)

QCF:STIOJ\"S. Ho~ll: SEC'RET.\RY's DE:·ART .r"'.'iT.

HAlLWAY FREIGHT m; COc\L TO PORT OF ClL\RITABLE IXSTITCTlOXS A-:~D Gll_\XTS, SHIP~IE:"T. Qu'-~:-;tion stated~ Mr. :\IOOHE Uul;iuny). for l\h. Col"·er '· That £103.471 be grnntt>·d for {llurnett), askeJ the Secreu:.rv for .HaihYavs- 'Charitable• Institution~ and Grants.' " ,, \Yhat is- , ~ ~.Ir. FH. Y (Eurilz;r: :\lr. Cooper, you, as 1. The railway fn;jght charg0d. h·orn 'Yell l::' the 1uajorit:. cf lwn. nlPlllber:-;, 1nnst Torbanlea to Gladstonc J cttv on coal hn vc llotircd in t~~is n1orning· s IHY\~ spap0rs for shipment. and ih0 distance? that 1he taxi-c·lbs ha \-c rE: duccd tlwir charge 2. The rail,say freight charged fron1 for t hL fir ·t third of u tnilc fron1 ls. 9d. to Howarcl to Glndstone Jettv on coal for 1'. 3d. 'That cction ha, follm.-cd ou the 'Shiprnent, and tlw distanc~o? debate which was instituted ln>t Thure·day bv tht' hon. mnmbcr for ::\furilla and suppo.rtc,~l 3. The railwa0· freight charged from b.r the· Opposition. Blair Athol to Broa·dmouut on coal for shipmellt, and the distanc·o: The TE:\IPORAHY Cil.AlR::\IA:\: OrcJ, c! Order! 4. The railway freig·ht charged from Blair Athol to Glad stone Jetty on coal :\lr. FRY: \Ylwn the dobate was adjourned for shipment, and the distance? la~t Thnr~da:v I wixtecn charitable i11stitutions. Hartley-Gladstoue ,J ctty 154 7 6" and thut dot>~ not bv a:!:lY !neans rcprcs0nt the ~aving dTcrtt'.d to' the ~State b~· the cxi~t­ :'llr·P of thos(~ ilHtitntions. That an1onnt is I~TF:XTIOX~ OF GOYERK:\ZL~T IX RE GRA!-:TIXG- r<'prc,cnted as an t'xpcnditure. but oppocitP FRAXCHI~P. 10 IxDLI';" RESIDEOJTS rx it should lw placed the return obtained b,· QUEEXi'LA:"D. the cxpenrliturc of t!rat £6.567. B;· the l\Ir. ELPIII:\STOJ'\E (O.ri•,J) a,ked the 0nce of t}wsP 1nstitutiml~ \Yf' ar. aYc'd Pren1it'T- ncccs·;itv of pt·oviding- n1orc police. n1orr~ gaols. ... tnd tuor·~:' ·rnol0rs. Th0 State• i sa...-Pd a YC'l'",~ " 1. In view of the fact that the Com­ ( onsidcra blP cxpP'1ditnrP b: the payn:cnt mom;·r,alth and four of the Statc3 of Of thi:;; ~m;dl ::nnount to eh r1tablc institutions. ~.:\u:;tralia haYe granted the franchise to and I advoc?<1e tint tlw GoYe1·nn1ent should Indians resident in their rc-pcctivc takt:' into con~ldel'ation the ach~i:;:,tb11ib.- of 'phercs, is it the intention of tho Gm·crn­ 2."".. 11't1nu· rrroatPr ..1::-~i~ttuH..c to thc~c ·and ment to do likewise ': kinrlrf'·(1 in~titntion~. "2. If not, wili he 'tatc tho reasons for T ta kf' it C'YC'l'Y hon. n1rn1bcr is in nrcord the rcfu. als '?'' '·irh me 111 n:;kinp; thnt f1o bc~t conditions. The PRE:i\HER (Hon. \Y. :11cCormack, h. pr< ,-idcd >"O tLlt belt"r results nw.y br Cain') rcpli0d- obtainC'd, 1.1;d if it 1~ nnt po·~~ib1e to inrrf'n<:>o thP grant thi;;; :-car. I hop(' to sPP a big " 1 and 2. Sir Darcr Lindsav a mf':rn­ iL·_'l'ca::;c nH:tcL" in thr-:e Estimat0s 110:s:t ~·Fear. ber of the Empire' Parliamentary Dell'­ gation, broug·ht this n1attor und0r n1:v The \Yilliam Powcll Home was erected. to notice recently, and 1 informed him that common1oratc the DlC'H10r\~ of the late ReY. tho Government would give it considera­ \Yilliam Powell. a derg;;;nan who rcgnlarlv tion." ,-isited the grrols. That gentleman came to Supply [7 OcTOBER.] Supply. 947

~ne on seYeral occasion;;;; :.;0cking a:-3:-i~tance in ~\ lJarccl of je"-ellery wa.< taken from the Ilis good work. and no doubt he also called ,,tor<' io the post office by him, but it did upon rnany other member~ fur ai·tl. l eau not arriYc at its destination in the country. bear tc:;t.imon\ to his ~int riiY. He r-ealised Tl1e n1atter \Yas put. jnto the hands of the the need £er the est~blishn1cnt of son10 meau~ polic('. vvho intc-rYievf'd this ~·oung n1an a,nd of gettin:.>: into touch \Yith discharged took him to the Crin1i11al InvC' 1,tigation prisonPl'S) '"O that the \'\-ork of reformation Bran<>h. where thP worried the life ancl tnight be carried out n1or.c ~ati;:;faf'toril~v than ('l)ul ont of hiu1. 'On an occasion vi·hcn I woul.:l be ihc case if prismw-rs Y>erc IWTely "vas pr-. -.;pnt. the ~·oung 111un said 1vith tear-:; relea ~cd fro1n gaol and sent out iuto the ·wide in hi~ l'\ cs, "BclicYf' rne. I did 1:ot do it"; world to make shift for thcmsl'ln's. It must yet th:..• ~detective said, .. He is the n1an. all bP •~ g12at {:Onsolatio:n to thc·::c~ n1Qll to know 1·ight.; -.. ill go on -with the prosecution, that thc··c is somebody outside ofbcial iutlu· and g0t a co!1viction." and it 'vas P!l-l~~ who is prepan!d~ to take thPin by th(: arraugecl to go on "\,'ith the prosecution. hand and giyc them a llC\Y Hart. I appeal Suh--Pql!cntlv it y;;;•.;; fonnd th.2t the parc('l to the GoYCrnn12nt to a'·3ist ?,11 tho::e institu­ h1.d l·-ce:n v:~r,>ngl:: ~'ddre,~cd, and that the tiDn~ that ar·e cnfh \Youring to bring h'1ck unforttinr~t~! young fello-.., had nothing· to into the full rights of citize]l:;\hip those who rlo with thP mnttcr except that he had taken llaY0 had the misfortune to break the la\•'· the pm·ccl to th· po··1t office. That sort of There is another phase which has not thint_; is not gojng to a~sist in the refornia­ been touched on. Sotnci·in1Ci' \Yhc·n a man ' ion of C'l'iminak I hope that the '· third \vho has hc('n in gaol is gi YC11 ernployment de'-~Tee n nwthod i:; not g·oing to be carried on his release, people come along and say out in t 11e wav I have mentioned. I would to his en1ploycr, " Do you know ·who this l ikP to sec• the~ voto in connection with chari­ i.; on lll'C' employing He j, So-and-So; he tnblf' iu.,tit-ntior" increa!-'cd. as I realise that has b00n in gaol." Such a case cau1c- under t hcv save ipally fm· additions to ment for him. I knew all about his casn the staffs and the upkeep of the institutions. beforehand, and, when hl' was appoimed, I '··ant to raise the question of the indigence ,_on1ebody <'anw to n1e and raid. ··Do you allowance. In connection with tho Dunwich kno ~· S"""'-and-So faked s.orncbod~:'::; books?" vote> £2.900 is set a~ide for the indigence I said, ·· I know all about that. ·The trouble allowance!. If there is anv vote in connec­ in this \Yorld is that a 1nan i~ con~idcred to tion with the old people of the State which be a. sinrwr bPCaUf-:0 he i~ caught. rrhcro ought to receive consideration at the hands are :many, perhaps, who haH.:- never been of the Committee it is that for this allow­ .caught, but this unfortunnt(' rnan hrn been ance. :Man' old people unfortunately, cam,-ht." Anyhow. I decided to giye him through 110 fault of their ow11 are not thP chance to make good. I saw that he got eligible for the old age or invali~l pension, a good start, and to-day ht· i~ as good a and the only amount they can get-and Ye!'} citizen as any one eonld \Yish. often they arc widows with children to Then there is another aspect that we must maintain_:_is this grant of 5s, a week. I do coEsicler', Beforn men are sent to gaol the not want t6 emphasise this matter unclul: : Rrvhether ihe,. are guilty because of the irritation and this allo,vanco cannot bo increased. the ~t.rain and strc8-s they are put to \Vhile ~\Ir. '''· CaOPEH : There is going to bo a underg·oing the "third ciPgrce.'" One man wi do\~./ pension too. told me that ho we' perfectly innocent of a. charge n1ade again~t hirn. The police i\Ir. ROBERTS: There arc any number tried to find out if he was guilty, and. when of people getting· the indigenr3 "'alJowan{'O he lac' down. just as he was :~bout to go \Yho arc not widows. I think that the fact of[ to sleep. ·-ornebody "oulcl sht,ke him and that we have a11 indih·o11cc al1oY\ .. nee, thu~ sa... " You did it. You are the man, Tell rL-cognj:ing that \VC ought to do sornething ns this: and tell us that." In that yya-.· to :'s•n.;;;t JlC'Op~c 1Yhf1 dcser,~e assi t.ance, they irritated his brain lo such an ('Xlc,;t iL!~cat;s t~at it ought !o bo dcg':uttc. tht~t he said to n1c, " I felt like confessing .1.L r. t"\. \..__,OO:PER: I f)lnte a61'0L.' '\v1tb you. gurJt. alt~ough I "Yas jnnocent. to get away ,~Xr. n~n~R.'l~S: That doe':) not .r;·ct Ine any­ fron1 then· torture." If 'L.hat of thing lH'l'f. _jf the ho11. 1Y!.e:mbc1· \Hnlld onlv get i-. goinQ' on. it is not a bit use talking 11p aud l: ., ' hi:- influence with the Go\-eru­ a. bout. charita blo institntior~s rescnlas- pri­ l11Pl t it wonld bP more to m•,- likinQ". I ·OnPrs \Yhen they leaye gtwl. I am not hy·,t JJOt. Jo, the ·,akc of tnllcing~; but rnalnng an·· char;;c agarnsr the department. 1-hi~, i~ n, uT](';~anc;:. and but I am hoping that tlw '· third degree" that, if tl;, GonTnment B not earned OU'l to the r·xlcnt that has been } '\-e an:v ht.:nanitarian principlc~-they are rcp1·c ,ent.ccl to ni"'.

I do not know what iB happening at the intere~t in the socictv and as a 1nnn1ber of Dalbv Sanatorium. I notice that the voto the exeeutiYc, that "' ;nderful work has been. fot· ..~ nHtintenanC'e and in('identals '' has been done. The work i:,· not, so rnuch in connection reduced. Of courBe. the reduction may all vvith a.n.ima1s. but also in connection "\vith be in incidentals. but on the other hand it cnwlt.'· by husband,; to their v;ives and by ruay Le partly in Inaintcn::tncc, though I pc;rent to tlwir children-particularly foster notice that thc~_·c is no reduction in the staff. parent'. A great deal of work has been I know· pcoplr \Vho \Yant to get into that dorw; and in yjcw of th(' wonderful \York institution. and it appears to rnc as though thnt, has hc.·en accornplished~huinanitarian it is one of those institutions in \vhich there~ dfort of the highest and truest order~I am should be no reduction. I would like io surpri~f'd that the 1-:Imne Secretary has not 1;cp sonw pl·oy1s1on :made for ~~·ettinsr pPople ~er-11 fir to incl'C'U:-'l' thi:::; grant. Last year into the ins tit ut.ion 1nore rcadi]v. \\'hen an the• oociet-: did wonderful work with the application i~ rnaclo frorn u11y" district for r-e,trictcd c;:mount of funds at it' disposaL the adn1i::-~ion of a pationt it is real1v n C'crtainl.v the public ~ubscribo generously to Yital Llatter. Such a pcr~on \Yant· t·) get tlle fund. hut. Oi· inu to the lirnitation of treatn1ent inuncdiatel·~ to ~cc it it is not fund~; and tl1l' ;c'ry f:nHJJl grant b:v the IIome lJU;:.;;iLlc to l'PCo\·cr tro1n unfortunate Jlcpartuwnt:, th\' society :s not able to do the f'OlHlition i a ·which he iinds a ne~ fr·Olll an::.ou21t of ,,·o:rk \, Lich the comn1unitv desir-es tin1c to tinlL' -uch a p ~1':-JOl.l iiuJ ~ ibat he ~hnuld be dollr Ther..:- is a. tre~ne11dous c::.nnot gain aJmi ,1on. ';_'his tco. nnwunr ()",' ('l'UClty in the C"On1lnunity. rrhe undC'r a hun:allc GoY<..'rlll.J.Jent. i~:,·· ha n~ be0n doing r T:V good wod~ in 0110 of rho~)L' Torv Go\~C'l'HnF:rt.~ honlL' charg...:.':-; to thP cruel offenders, c-are abollt pc'op.lc in su•·h one are rh. -:::--rYing of tho greatest credit cou),j unclNst?.!ld it ~ fCJr thc'ir \··nrk. The ucictv has officers of it O\Yll in r~enrh: all to\Yns '"'of ~ A GOYERXJIE::\T ~lEJIBEE: \Vhat. about t 1w i~1 n1any place.'' \.,-h...'rc th{'re arc no pohce. Fcdcra l Gon:rnn1cut f -hcrne ·: It i~;, 1no~t U'lpalliug to bl'hold such a srnall ~Ir. ROBEH.TS: The li'edl'ral GoYcrm:llcnt graut in vir·\V of t la,. 'vondcrful work that do l>ctter. TJH~:·' hase alrcudy proyiJ.cd a !:us be. n ac·complishcd and i, capable larg~ ~nn1 of 1nonc:-· to linprO\'C the hralth of lF ing a{ ,'onlplif'hcd. Take the caf'e at of th0 con1n.unit.'. and, if OUl' Go• r:anu;ut lp wi .... h r:. fc-v,, weeks ago, wher·2 a foster would follow in their foototPpo, it y,·ou),j Le f<:t hPr \Ya~ found g-uilt.v practicall.v of roast­ an adva:ntDgc. i11o· a chjld arrain~t a stoYc, and was scn­ u l~ccd bv the'' rnag·istratc to three n1onths' I arn YCl'Y rJlC'a!'.ed to l xprc~:-; rny allprccin ~ in;pri~on{lJCnt. I wou1,d like to have seen him tion of tht> fal't that: the ,·otc for the Bmclribb n'' ci\-c thr(~P car~· iinprisonmPnt. That liotnc. Too\Yoon1ba, has bf'Cll incrca:3Pd. bring-s nw to another point : 1\"hether the Thcv C<•rtainlr eskccl for £200 and the IIon'l'e P- ~hculd be given the right to Horiw i"ccn_•h;n hoo graHtccl £100. but I inter\ (~ne 1na. 1~tratcS- do not se·£)1D to· \Yant to pay rr l:ribut.p io tl1c hon. gentlt:lnan thci,· r; ''porE to those who arf.\. I notice tv o 01· thre-e grant:: for Soci0tic J down an·cl out. I a1n ~que the IIonH' Se-ere­ for the PrcYention of C>-ucltv. Th:' 1lrir;. tar~, rould not do anything better this Inorn­ banc Snc!ct,y £200 and th:d; at 'Tcn·;n...:- ing lhan announce that an inert ,J_,.pc{ grant villc £50. ~ an1 not going to 110\V 0 1, • ill be pla<·C)t.l ou the next Ef3timatcs. that Toowoornba f:holllrl get the for \vhioh thov a,kcd. I claim "\Y'e ou9,·ht ;\h. \\'RIGHT (!Jul;mba): I am pleased to to :~:.:-t. ::-o~ne aHistancc. \\'0 n Ycry notice th tt the ;;:unount appropriated for larie cli--·trict and hn\·c done ";c>JT goo(i \'i.·ork ·· IllHiJ.ttC'1Ja1JCe a11d !ncidcnt:·,l~ '' for th0. in tho prrvPntion of crncity to ,_nitna ls. anrl. Dunwich lfo1nc fol' Ag~ d Pcopl<~ is increased· th0 :".ocie1 f: is YPrv anxioll~ t!J•tt it,;; c.Hlclal::;; b.' 11rartica1l,v £3.000 this :vcar. Quite a. should ha\-c pO\Y('r to go a:H:l ntunbor of irnprO\'Clnents rould be curried prosccnt•·. Y\~c, pa..;::-cJ an ont "t tn·~t 1n"litutiun. l..nd tlw sooner the ago, but I nnder,cnnd that it is Lett r for ll conrf'Tncrl. Thosr COI1tro1Ji11g that t:losc' officirds hrn.--· not the nn\Y0r tu the i1' 6tution arc descrYing of the very bP:-;t pro'·<'"utc in the \\·a:·' 1hcy ,,·1~.;h. \\'~-~ a::;k( cl thnn k·. of th(_' Goycrnment and the cornmnnitv· ihf' }Jon'"!C Se~Tetar.., for information and tl--: dtic1Pnt and hnrnnnc rnanrwr in whirh dirC'ct1nn on thi~ n'ojut. 1Jut ~-o fnr <;S I haY(' fWJ'fOl"!1~!...'fl their dut ics during past know '.'''' haYe not had any I do not vr·ar:.::. I hnYc 1JC'Cl1 in tonch \Yith the ininah's kno\v wha.t is in his n:ln~l OE rnhtter; of Dumyich. and during the last year I haYC but. we \Yonld bo [.dad if hf' iniirn~te c 'rtainJv not rcc0lYed the sam0 nurnber of to us hat he considcrc the nosition. \\"n ('Or.np1al.nt 0. fron1 lnn1atcs that had been n1y do not want to JH?nalisP -an_vlwcly H!1- cxpcripnce for years previously. ucce:-:~arHv. Lut \\ c think tha'.:: our officc1·s should h~nJ the rjr.·hr to go jJ~to court nnd I rn:rct that I am not able to state to-day­ prosecute in case, of Cnt sho·>ld b0 prepared to cl~. l [11 a.m.] doimrs of the world at large, and efficiently V\~ith this business. for 'a long time they have cxpn·••scd e, desire for a wireless set to be Mr. PETERSON (~Yormanb.l!): Follcwing insta.!led. The deeire is only a natural one. on the r0marks of the hon. member foe East I hope the t the increase in the vote for inci~ Toowoomba in connPction with the Societv clentals will permit of a wirelcBs installation for Prcv

From my own experience in listening to the stomachs of thos0 patients who ~re entitled programmes broadcast by 4QG-and there to l'l'CeiYC it. are soma Yery excellent programmes broad­ Mr. C'OSTELLO: Do they throw it out? cast-! am satisfied that thev will be thoroughlv enjoyed by the inmates. I trust "'-lr. \YRIGHT: Xo. thev do not: tlwy the Minister will see that there is no further would he ver': much better if th('\' did. It delay in this m:atter, and that he will have would b0 ve;'V much better for- ilw staff this very necessary added attrac,ion arranged if theY were to see that these is'lres of rum for Dunwich. reached their final location in th(• stomachs of those entitl0el to recciYe the rnm. I notice from the report of the Medical Superintencl rr.ceivc theit· issues in small I .,, e.s a cailor, 'the sera pin o-s of hell ' hottks .,1nd ta]{(• thf'n1 a.\vay, it would need -so far as disease is concern~d." an ann~T of dC'tPctives to 1nake sure that the ]ll'O]'C·r per·ons dr.ank the rum. An During the clebat0 on this vote last session incbriatl~ lllBible. I is (jUito a 11umb?r of young women, probably havo bePn there three w0cks at a time. nnd -qmtc harmtess m a way but bereft of their nnder··t.anrl iho condition~. Dunwich i8 not full sense•;, who are a source of constant a sotisfactor:> place in which to reform annoyance to the old ladies who are spend­ jnrhriatc-~. In bolidav Reasont" hundreds of ing their last clays in the institution. I know boat., ' tll rr t Dunwich to <.ollect pro cisions th0 :Minister has concerned himself about the ar:d Df'Cf''·siti( ..:. I do not suggest t.hat every­ matter. The question of finance is no doubt ono who goes then" in a motor-boat carries involved in the matter. but the Minister has !iquor, but f:OD1e do. and the inebriates at exprecssecl rhe opinion that Dunwich is not a Dun·.yich are on the lookout for thPm. suitable piace fm that particular type of Those in0briab's ar<' at Dunwich because patient. thev cannot control themselves in the matter of con";mption of liqnor. and, if we arc to Another t:cpe of patient housed at Dun­ rP.forrn ii1~briate·~, it j-, up to us as a \vich, and who cannot he housed there with Covernn1cnt to Pstablish an institution inland. satisfactior., is the inebriate. I have had a vvhcrP ih•· po~:-;ibilit,v c)f obtaining grog in good deal of experience with Dunwich for P n: form ,yj11 be allsolut0ly ncgUgihle. I mostly ~pcnd my vacation on the island. I hope the Miniunwich is primarily absolutely hopeless to expect to reform inebriates at Dur,wich. Dr. Booth-Olarkson an institution for old pc9plc. Tlw old. people go there to spend the bahncc of then days in his report on the Dunwich Inebriat~ Asylnm·, has this tc- say- in p0acc and ('omfort; and we should make their snrroundings cornfortab1e and peDce­ " Interesting reports on inebriate insti­ ful; ~"!,lld onr- can readi1v under:::;tancl that it tutions have bEen issued, both by France i,s l'ot a place for ''oungCI' men. Often there and S'vitzerlancl, and they all agree that are difficulties and troubles as a result of the ncl'cssitie.q are, for inebriates, a pro­ these youngt•r n--;pn bc_•ing in the institution. longed period of restraint, a regime of From that point of ,,-;_,w it would b0 a very absolute abstention, and this should be good thing for the old patiutts if th<:' type in an institution situated in the country. of persons to '.Yhom I have rpferred was 'This latter seems to be an important removed from th0 institution. I know that pomt. as then precaution might be taken the :F[orne SerrPf-1ry o~rces 'vith me. There to effectuall-y prevent liquor being "1'1' on lv about twentv-fivc of them at the brought into the institutions." institution. vnrl I trust that an effort will be wade' to establish an institution inland here In an institution like Dunwich it is l12CC'ssarv it will be nbsolntelv impossible' for them to for the wellbeing of _many of the patients get liquor of any kind. and then there will to allow certam shmulants. particularly be every hope that we shall be · blo to nn11. '!anv of tlw old patients at Dunwich rchabiljtate thcs(~ unfortunate inebriatr". are entitled to their issue of rum. It i> very nccc sar; for them. and no broad-minded 'Tr. n,r \X\\'ELL (Taa,l'anr;): I de;;irc to pcr,on \'\·ouJO do anything to devrivc thmn cndoro;0 the rcmurl" of the Dt puty Leader of that berwfit; but I am not at all certain of the Opposition in connection with the that all of the rum is final!~· lodged in the Blind. Deaf and Dumh Institution. In Mr. 111axwell./ 950 Supply. [ASSE:VIBLY.] Supply.

1915-16 " 'f'lrct committee was appointed to hut I ll''YL'l' knew them to be that way in go in1o this matter, and after full inquiry the pa~t ,,-h('n they v:crc in office. that con1n1itteP l'f'~~Ol11lllcndrd that a living ~.Ir. I\::ELSO: Your o'ivn side adn1it \Yhat a '' ttgc should be paid to bJind ·workers. W c goofl :f\Iini:-ter the· hon. rncmbcr for -'-\Jbert n1u~t all recognise thn.t L .,.v\Tccklv '\Vn;o of "as. £1 1'1~ .. with an addition of £1,v making a tot .. l of £2 17s., j~ not. a liYing v-.lgo foe a ::\Ir. C'.\HTEH.: I haYo just said se-the single man; and £2 5s., with an "ddition hon. memb0r for Albert and the late J\.Ir. of £1, 111nking a to+ d of £3 5s .. is r ~rt.ainly :Foxton. for in ~ranee. It is true that hon. not n, liviug ''age for n rn_,_rricd 1nan \Yheu nll'tnb r _. oppu:-;itc ha ye ha cl ono or· two :\Tinis­ thn L;--~ic \n-tgo is £4 5s. }'fattc;rs such as tc~r~ t.hc~- can boa~t of. but the question is this honld be di-cuss.-d in a broad-minded the trcainH nt of thc~~o people by hon. lHClll­ y.·a_Y, irref:.pcc1 i\Te of party politiC's, and l her~ orrw::>ite \Yben tlH'y were in po,vcr. Let mnt<- with the r''mark, of the hon. ll' take the tr-eatment of State children eleYcn rlH~DlUcr Log._n tlwJ. the !ime has arrived or iwc1n.~ yPars ago. Under the old Tory when tlH se people should be giYcn a d--0em ), ,imini~tr,.-tion tbe allov. a11c-e was 4s. per living \\·age. EYcn if ·we L1 o~ lose a pound 'iYeck for { uch cl1ild. I an1 dt:a.Jing \vith the or two, it would be far bette,· to givP these gcu{'ral ch~Hadcristics of ho::.L n1crnb"r~ nnfon una1 c pPOlJl, a dc•cent ·wage. I do oppo~ite a~ n part;.-. not kno'iY that £4 Ss. a \VC'ek is a decent Then con~ider thPir tL:atnH'llt of thl' pe!opl,, \\'a.ge. hnt the.Y have a<::kcd for that, and 1 at Du1n:ich. _-\ fc·'i,' ,' l-al r.go \YIJ, n they y:oulrl sl re-' the dt'siral.Jil;-~ of - o-rec·ing to in office the couditiow.; t}H':!.'(' v eu..~ so the wggr,tion that hrrs br on made bv the lu:u th:n Duu\Yich was a place f1orn which of th( lr corn1njtit. e, particltlarly the innL prf'~eut an cl \\ on1cn ·who arc pror.1red to take up the Atlm.ini, tr:; tion. good 1.\Tork of a~sjsting their fellow-men and Then ·ye han; heard a lot of talk as to ;·.-hat fcllow-worr;en to return to a proper way of should bC' dmw for prrsoncr, o;· people hnng·. \\ c hould rocognicc the ,,-ork thov charged ~.\ith cc1·tain offence<;:.. How \"YCl'E:' are doing: ... \.lthough there 1nay be time's pri~OIH'1'~ trPated in the {)ld Jay~? J{.;leven >Yhcn the lmauces of the State arc straitened ycal':-:. ago a 1nan was hanged jf he ·w 1s we mnst not forgot that. ii these people dici J!l'OYccl gnilty of n1urdcr. To-day '"'(). arP not do this work, the >Yhole responsibilitc' tnorc hnrnau<~. If a ruan jn a fit· of pa·~-"ICIL would be throv, n ou t.hn Govcrnn1ent and or carried il\YH)- h~T son1(' insanp irr::.pubP, the "ells of charity would bre dried up. (•ommit.s :-;nch an oftcnC'c-, he js not hangl"t·L I adn1it that there are n1cn \Yho corrn11it The hoE. r;>embcr for Bulimh.t brought offence) in cool DlOinents-men who plan forwa~'d certa111 lllYould not ~mount c~tpital p:J.ni~lnncHt. The~-· ha,-e ini!'Oduced lllllCh, LUld -i~t t(ICSG to ;-pry it 'U'Jld into the J1ri~'Oll a ~~-~tc·rn which is an l'X :_n111le pe')pll'. 1tl tlw re·t nf t!tr' •m·lc!. (Opposition dissent.) Ifon. n1en:l)('l':' oppo_ite screa1Hcrl for lun~h\'l' ::.rr. C..::\RTBR ('Hrli~): I cougTatn- tr··atml'nt tlH''·f' n·lfortuJL V• pPc'ulc--- lat< tfil' Ilorm· {l\1 h-i ver-y able (0rrw,i1inn thcv 'taYc ""hlcnlv ancl huruanp of all th(' ~affair~ gTO\Ytl ...-er.- c-anu(;t, hPlp rhinkiu~ of tlw department. \Ye ha,-o had in the past thnt tht• i.l!'f'~Pnt ha\'P hnd ·n some Yen~ r; pable liornc Secrctarit·', hnt l ('dueatiYf' dfe, t on hon. nlPL1lwr:-: oppo~ite. kno\v of rono \"'.'ho hHs better handled thn TlL ,- ha H' 1wd c 11 or t-..vehe v ..:-ar~ 110\Y of department than th' present Minister. goYPrnrncni h- p;q·ty. \Yhn ·ha Ye sho\nl List('nlng to the n•1r; l rks of 111cm lwr.~ of 1,r}Jai ~hc:n!d be done. Th..-."1. ha Ye s, C~l what thP OpposiHon~ nn2 wouLl think fair condition,. ~lwuld be-not the cOtlditions hPlonrr(>d 1o n rliffP.l'Pnt. partv to that whieh the JHJll. me1nbPr for Stanlc:- \You1d \Yh1ch tlH'.Y ~,,-ere l11PI1lb<.~r~ -a fCw yc.1l'8 ugo. 1-Tt' -.,,-oulc1 like to :-;r·_, H'lfortnnatP They an~ P 11 "~.-cry anx.1ous lo ser the Yotc ,:1 to tlwir >York. (Opposition incrPa •>'cl, ond to h,n-e still more generous intcrnq-,<, Tllc'l'C is liD donht thut,. if the tre:ltnlPY"it rnctcd out to tho t"' in ~pcr·inl nf'('d L bonr- Go""';el'~l~lletlt lu1ve done~ nothing C'lse of such h'l'atmrnt; but ono can o'o hock to sir>o:-'~ the-,, i,Jok o1Ilef'. th,·y hnYc at anv 1 ate the time >Yhcn their partv was in~ office and f'ChK~1tr>fl · tlH' Onno:::;.it.ion i1~1to a rnore hUrnane inqnir0 ·a.~· to th0ir treatn1.cnt of these pecpln and bt tt 'l' \\ _,· ~)f thinking. at that tmw. 'l'hov >Ho quite prep a red to be ='\ov Jet n~ cnniprtl'O the

coinposcd of 111£'~1 of a sin1ilar t:qH~ of politic"' enter i-his C!unnbcr as Ineinbcr::- of a Govern~· to hon. tneL1b0rs oppositc--thu Federal Go­ llH.'llt. ,·emmcnt. The Fecl,•ral Gon•rnment. under Ycry grc"nt prP:"':'Ure aud ycry tC'lnctantly, :Hr. HOBERTS (Ha'l T"o'' Jombu): l h~n·e inen·n-:.cd thr- old-au·e pPn::-:1on;;::. intro­ desire to df•al witl1 one or t.\:o 111, ttcr; duced in the flre.t. ln:-ta11C'C bv the Labour nferrcd to bv the hon. 111Prnlwr for Par:' Party; yc>t we iind that, if an 'old a.nd ncrd;· C'urtis. a lthon.gh, perhaps. I nw:- uot d• a 1 pcr!'3on \Yho i:: clig·ible fo1· the pe1uion goes with thern in a \\a.y as funny as that adopted jnto an 1nstitutiun like Dunwi· h 1\·ithout b.v the hon. rnern bC'r. I \Yllf'ion. EYcn -hen he does old man ',•.cnt to the Hollle Jl·pnrtmcnt t a and f!OPs t.a DumYich the this rnorn1nQ' nud a:-:kcd to b atlln1ttc~d to anth(1ritic·~ c;l:1h~ nllo\\ the St:te Dnin\·iC'll. lH' wonld he· ~l k('d '"hv l1" had 10~, per \'.'('C'k for hi ke.ep n a·. ,a:: rlcfinitel:· that h0 knows well enough that ~onw evidencc~tlJC'll nil thi,: tc:lk abcnt. \'dwt 110 ".\siatic can r0··eive the old-age pension \Y~ ought to do i:-; f-O tnnch cant. nnd 1~:.-po­ u~ against the ~Au~tralian aboriginal. crrsy. \Vhcn hon. 1110n1bcrs oppo .jfp lwd the• ?vir. CAR'l'CR: I -did not say ho receiYed it. opportunit0· th<'· did nat dn anythiii[c to ('QlH!l v...-hat nnr CovernnH'nt havc dmw. 1\lr. ROBERTS: The hon. m'ember inferred ThPir Govc'rnn1cnt in the• Fc-dernl Parlia­ that he dicl. ment arc nor doing ..,-;·hat thf'Y ~honlcl do: :\fr. C"An'rER: I did not. ;.·0t ]JOil. n1C'tTtlwrs oppo,;;;itr· tell us what \Yt' ~honltl do. -:\'n donht. tlH'v wonld reYC'l't" :\h. ROBERTS: I desire to correct the to the old c ndirion-.;, I ~·pnwn1brr "·hen hon. 'member on that point. :-'OllH' irr111rovrn1h1t wa;;; propo~<'d by this The TE\lPORARY CHAIRMAN : Order t C-ovPrnnlent hon. n1en1b0r~ oppo~itc ::;;crCtll .'uch pr'opl,, when applying for admis­ truth. Lci· !11P gin~ ~01110 further C'Yidence to eir,n to Tlnnwich, to make application for indicHtc \Yhat hmL lllC'n1bt'l'"' oppo~itP would the pension so that on entering the institu­ do. jud·~·ing h ...- tht• ac·tion of th('ir Tur tion the· will hPvc' a few shillings for the FcclPral GoYennnent. TlH• oth<'r tlas u~l pnreha~P of an> little rPqui.rf•ments ~r ~\n~tralian apnlied throurrh mP for. thP lnxnric '· The hon. nwmhl'r for Port Curi1s pc·l·,ion, b(.1t ::-2ll' {'on1d 11ol: ~et iL To-dn1 llPHle the• ~tat.:rncnt that ::;.nniC ~.\.u~tralian­ hon. n1nmbr·r.s oppo:-ite nrL'- :-:cn•mnlng- fol· horn fH'i on~ <:011 ld nDt rpcf'iY(' the p0n~ion. ~;{Jte:;; for the l:L ck \,:;:iatic. but this l)atin~ TlH'r<' ~n·c ~irnilar ln~t<~.llf'_'~ wid1 rosp0ct to _\uf'tralian. altl10l..Ld1 s.l1c ha~'. <'XCPllr d famil.r ;,ud had lin'iJ.•idc• tlHlt.. :\Ir. RlORDA:\: \Yith rc~··1rrl to ti1P 'tah'· a.-- she ha cl -..yorn hcr ...:elf out on the 1"urra r nwnt made by tlJp hon. member for East fil'ld. she :...lwuld rccci n' a pen;;;iou to s~vc Too\Yoomba. cOncerning certain treatment of an~~ fnrther cost to cn1ployGrs. I an1 quite thf inmate' of Dumvich, hon. members on ,;nr~ that. wh~n hon. nwmbers opposite make both side, of tlw Chamber must recognise a 11 these statt ,neuts to the clPctors as to what that. while there ic .-isiting the institution they would do. the elc'ctors >Yill firmlv resolve " magistrnte in the person of JYir. Nevitt, that they ,-,·ill ne' er giYc them a chance to who at ont: time was a member of this Jir. Rim·dan.] Suppl11. [ASSE:Yl:BLY.] Supply.

Rous<'. patient' of charitable institutions is n1ade. it take:; pighb.,cn n1onths or tv-ro will reeciv~ a fair go, and the Government '''ars before the thing is finalised. The old will hear the side of the inmate as well a.s jwoplc have to produce birth certificates, and the ver,icm of the official. No member of C'vc•ry hurdle is put heforc them. If th; old­ this Chamber will stand for any official doing ag;e pensioner cannot Jnmp them all w1thout anything detrimental to or ill-treating the difficulty, he is dea-d before he receives his old people in these institutions. It. is regret­ pension. table that our old people have to go to such Hon. J. G. APPEL: 'Vhat has that to do homes in a young country like Austra.lia. I with the State GoYermnent? hope the clay is not far distant when the pooplc of Australia will provide for their The DEPUTY CHAIRMX:'\i: Order! old people, through a form of superannua­ tion. instead of supporting such institutions. Mr. RIORDAX: Onr Govprnmcnt han' I hope that in th0 very near future we shall becn most syrnpathetie towards the old have a system of compulsory life insurance. poopl<'-rnorP generous than the party repr<>­ sented by the hon. member for Albcrt when ME,IBERS: 0PPO'·ITIOX Hear, hear! th0,· weH~ in oflire. \Ye gave thP hon. mem­ Mr. RFJRDA:'\: That will establish a, ber" all credit for the work h0 did. but tlw superannu1tion fund which will keep our hon. mC>nlbE'r is not gcn0rous ('nough to give people in iheir old age. The opportunities the' Minister now in charge of 0h1iritabk in Australia will not go round. Opportuni­ instiiihtinns ~in1ilar credit for the work that tie5 are ',(rasped by some and missed by i" now done others; np,·orthel0ss, the opportunities offer­ Ho~. J. G. _\PPEL (Aibcrt): Apparenth ing are very small, and many people to-clay the hon. mc'mber for Bnrke spoke with an -perhaps some members of this House-will absolute lack of kno>dcdge of his subject. end their days in these charitable institutions. 0PPOSITIO~ JHnmERS: Hear. hear ! One thing which is regretta.ble is that a husband ;tnd wife on being admitted to Dun­ Hox. J. G. Al'l'EL: I hav-e no hesitation wich arP separated. the one going to the in :myin~-;- that during thP adJnini-.tration of fern a le division, and the other to the male tlu' prt'YlOUs Gorernment--- division. Thc'lo old people have lived their livc' together. and it is painful for them to :\Ir. HARTLEY: You fed them on blue pr,as be separatc:d in !loeir declining days. I hope and lJorridge. (Laughter.) that something in 'that regard will be clone in th.e nc~tr fntnn- a-t Dunwich and that the Hox .•f. G. APPEL: That is what your old poop le >vill be provided 'with cottages, Labour party did under your Labour humani­ enabling 1iwm to receive their full pension tarian, Mr. . "Cnder the Govern­ to purchas·.• their own foodstuffs. ment of which I was a member. not only at Dunwich but at overv other charitable insti- Hon. J. G. APPEL: You k!Yo had PlPYon 1ution throughout th.; length breadth of y0ars in which to do it. am~ this State, the treatment of the mma~es was :VIr. RIORDA:\: And von had fifty vears excellent, and hon. members opposrt-e are before that. \Yith all their bo·'"tinO" about a"·arP of that. I gave hon. members of the their humanitarian effort>, tlw !ton.~ gentle­ t!wll Opposition, the. Labour pa1:ty. eY?rY nlan and his party mad£' no 0ffort to do it. opportunity to superv1se that a?r;nmstr_atwn At that time building was far chea)Wr than bv takino-0 them wrth me on offic1al vrs1ts to it now i~. If our GoyertnnPnt arP left here Dunwich and f'Y{'rv other institution under for the nPxt fiftv vears. i1 mav he safelv tlw Honw Departn1ent. They wore enable-d assumed that thev \vill Pot onlv' eff-ect 'such to ha vo intervie>Ys with the inmates, and the an improvenlcllt,' but vvill 'vir)e out these 1nost extrrrordinarv thing is that on every institutions a~ cbaritablt' in:;:.titutions, and oecasio!1 it ,~;as hoTI. n1embers then !?itting on Jnakc adn1is~ion to thc•nt a rio·ht·-not a thi~ side of the Chamber who gave the -charity. t"l greatest prai>e lo tlw Administration for what had lwen done. Now hon. members Hon ..J. G. APPEL: Ifo,Y 1nany casr:-> an' opposite. who profess to be bursting with thoro • hurnanitarian fcelings. ron1.c~.. hero and charge l\Ir. RIORDA:'\ : If tlt0r0 is onh· one case. the preYious A-r!ministration with ha.-ing it is suffici-ent. Tht' number of cases doe, not neglected the unfortunates who have been alter the principle of parting an old man ea-t upon the care of the State. If hon. and his wife -during their dedining- Years. rncmhcrs saw sonw of th0 letters that I have The principle is a ba-d one. The hon. 'mem­ reeciv -cl from inmates of the Lazaret, from ber for Allwrt talb about the wonderful Dunwich, and from other institutions, corn· treatment of thes-e p0ople bv his Go,·ornment. plaining of the difference in th<' trc'atment In the pa~t the grcatcst difficult:: wa, expc'ri­ nccorcled to them bv the present Government cnccd on the nart of oh1 pPoVlC> con1ing from e nnpared with the "treatment of thP previous North Queensland to Dunwich. and it is onlv Gon'rnmpnt. thev could only conclude that since the a,dY0Dt of this Qoy,ernnient to powe.r a policy of parsi;nony is in full blast so far that immediate consideration has been given as th-ese institutions are concerned. vVe to ~ueh ca~e~. without thP necc:;.:.:,itv of r<'aJi.n that undPr present conditions more '\"oluininous inquiries and the surn1ounti~1g of n1oncv is 110t a\ ailable. \Yhat inc1~easc in obstacles put forward b" the Home Depart­ nccm~nlCJdation has bc0n n1ade at Dunvvich? Jnent. ThP:V now r0roiv-c thPir railway pas;;;;cs It j, all vcrv we'll for hon. members opposite 1vithout any trouble. to gf't up ai1d Pndca-..-ou-r to " bu11dose" the Hon. J. G. APPEL : 'l'lwy 'lhYavs got passoc. public by saying the,· ar-c the on]-': pa:t,· that has cyer done anvthing in the dHectwn I\Ir. RIORDA:\: :\ot without much tronbk. of attending to the sufierings of the unfortu­ Hon ..J. G. APPEL: That. is not w. natt' 1ncn1bC'rs of tho co1nmunity. J\Ir. RIORD.c\::\: The sanw thing occurs RPfPrencc has been made to the question of \'Yith the oid-agP. pcw,]on as adrnini~t0red bY provi-ding accommodation for old married a Tory Go,-crnmC'nt. Afle1· an 'applieatioi1 couples at Dunwich. l dare say the Home f Jf1·. R1:ordan. Supply. [7 0CTOBEH.) Supply. 953

:Oh ~rotary can tell the Committc.e how many Hox. ,T. C. APPEL: I repeat that the 0l·d married couples there arc in the institu­ then Leader of tbe Opposition and other hon. tion. Possibly you will not find one. I remcm­ mcmb<'l'' on hi, side of the Chamber who bl~r on one GC('asion when I discussf.ld the mat~ hnd every opportunity of visiting these insti­ tor with one old woman, she said, "For God's tutions on rny invit.atiou. invariably gave sake, I don't "-ant n1y old man with 1no n1ore- praise to the achninistration than even here." Her-o is the fallacy of the hon. mem­ members of tbe party who supported the ber's arg-unH:~nt! His Go~-crrunent have had GoYernmcnt of which I was a member. eleven yc·ars in which to effect this improve­ ment, and they have had twice the amount Mr. HARTLEY (Pitzrop): I am glad to of revenue that was received by the previous !war the apologies of the late Home Secre­ Administration. Eleven vears ! And what tary in reg·ard to the treatment of the has boon done? \Vhy have th-ey not done inn1ates in Dun\vich. sonwthing' \\"hat is the good of continuing Hon . .J. C. APPEL: I did not n>akc any to abLtse tlw previous Administration and say­ apology. I clain1 credit foe 1noro than ing v:hat th0y thcrnsdves arc: 'going to do'? you do. \Yhy ha vc thov not done it·: :\Ir. I-L\RTLEY: Ii the hon. member for Mr. RroRDAX: \\" c havl' had too much to KorrnanLv-who was once a rnen1ber of this pull up as a r·esult of your administrutio11. purty-,.hould become a :\Iinistcr in the party to whieh hP novv belongs. and he should -d.:) Hox. J. G. L\PPEL: Whv have the Govorn­ ~"::llllPthing ·descl'\·ing of adver· 2 erjticls1n. l nwut not. e.;;,tablishcd an in~titution like Dun­ 'uppos• the hon. member for Albert >Youlcl wich in Xorth Queensland·: \Yhen an hon. sa\" tln;t ,,-as d)llC lr; a Labour 1Iinister. n1ernbcr savs that there vYas diH:icultv in \\.. hen }lr. Peter .Air,\~ \\.:1.::. :Home Secrct;ll'Y. • btaining pa"es from the> Home Department it v;as well knowu !hat thl' cond-ition:'. ~t for Dunwich, or .elsewhere. all I can ,;ay is Dnnw-ich v;nn~ ]f;_D1C'ntabh'. to sav tlw least. one of two things : The staternent is either ThP ratioL~ ~.ver0 then eur~ do\Vll io a vanish­ nude lwcame of tbe ignorance of tbe hon. ing point. and the inrnatcs 1vere ~upplic·d member, or with the .deliberate intention to with blnL~ ])L'H.:> and porridgl' a:::; a l>ig part decuiYc, thl~ Hou;;c and the electors of tlu~ of their nwaL<. The hurt. nwrnbur for Albert Stall". ThP l-lorne DepartnH~nt, frorn tirnP 11-,,., a n1PJnbt-~r of tlw sarnc Gon~rninPnt a~ imrner11orial. has been reaJy to grant passe:-:;, Petpr A ire~-. and during n1y t0rn1 o£ oflice hon. n1cmbcrs Hon. J. C. APPEL: Xo. That is not so. never went to the bur·eau charged with these rrtatter~, in which ea ~c the an1ount had to be :\Ir, H~\RTI.EY: Dunwich has b<'l'll l'f'· repai·d by the applic·:nt. but tht>y came to Inndellrd ~iucL~ our Governrncnt took charge, rhc 1-Imne J)ppartrncnt for u pa·~t~, wl1ich "\Vas althon:;h then' i< a lot more to do. There freely ~~;ranted to thern. WPl'C such great anc::rs of \York left by ihc' Liberal Uon>rnmcnt in regard to the suffer­ :\1r. RIORDAX: Not freely. ing and it'capacitatcd people in t.he StatP HoN. J. G. APPEL: Thev ma'' not be freelv that Tdbonr Uovcrr:n1ents have not been able ~t·antccl unUer tlw prcseilt ~.\(lministratiorl. to get it up to date- in the e-leven years but the hon. member had no cxpcri·cnce of th:cv have been in office. ,Just review what the previous Adrninistration, judging frorn lH'l;'. bef ~l done. Ihnnvieh has been re­ tlu.., tcno of his rmnarks. modellf'ople in the an• :. ou talking about? ~ndh rou1d not get passes. l\Ir. HARTLEY: The kitchens were bad Hox. J. G. APPEL: ·when ho!L members when ou:t G-ovcrnrnPnt took office, and they ·Oppooitc arc prepared to speak in the wa} the rcn~odellcd the 1vholc sanitary systPm at. bon. men1bcr tdro has just sat down ha~ Dunwich. \Ye admit there is a. great deal done, and to abuse the previous Administra­ mon' ro do. 'While w doing that. we tion fur the >vay in which the affairs of tho had to takP ovor and remodel rmmv other Home Department were administered, it is illstirution;' for the relief of tho s~lffering tirru~ for rne, v;·ho for a nurr1ber of years JWoplc of the State. After holding a commis­ adn1inist('rcd the Ho!Jlo Departn1ent, to say sion of inquiry into the conditions of the a \vord in dofcuee of previous Adnlinistra­ Insane Asvlum at Goodna we had practically tions. The hon. member for Fitzroy spoke to rebuild it. about bhw p0as. It was a Labour man-the Honourable Pl'tcr Aircv-who starved Dun­ Hon. J. G. APPEL: It was rebuilt before wieh. Labour mPmber~ then starved everv you carne into office. in~titution as they are starving then1 to-day~ :\.Ir. HARTLEY: Further than that, when but they think that by getting up on soap this Gove,·mnent came into office, so bitter boxes and in this Charnbcr and claiming and ~o poor had been the spirit of the politi­ 1 hat they ha vc dmw all these things, they cal party of the hon. gentleman that t.liey ('an dc'eciYc the public. Thev deceive the found that that party had refused to supply public but the inmates are no't deceived. l funds for tlw Hospital for several arn n•ry sorry to hnyc to say this, because vPari'. \Yii'it the result that our Government the pre:.Pnt flornc Sceretarv is a n1an '\vith a \vc re loaded with a liability of somew.here in rnod s.··nlpathPtic nature·.~ I think hon. ihe vicinity of £25,000 a year. How far .rnPrnbt'l'S Op]m:;ite migl~t let 1nattPrs lie, and woulci tha' £25,000 have gone, not only in not. _n~akt) . chargeE' against the previous building the scpnrate lit.tle huts or cottages Adm tmstrat.Ion for the purpose of gaining a fot· the ng<'d marri"d couples of whom the ltttlc cheap kudos. I han, 110 hesitation in hon. member for Burke reminded us, but ;a~,ing that in thP administration of the a],o in building a hospital in and insbiutions 1.vhich exist for the amt•lioration a.rwthcr· in Rockhampton? ·Of tht~ sufferings of the poor and uufortunatp At 11.50 a.m., ·nwmbcrs of the community the Liberal ,t;ovcrnmcnt have never beml cxcellPd. Mr. VVETR (Maryborough), one of the panel of 'l'empor<~ry Chairmen. relieved Mr. F. A. 0PPOSITIOX :M!:1fBEHS : Hear, hear ! CoopPr in the chair. Jfr. Hartlcy.] D54 Supply. [Af:>SK1IBL Y.] Supply.

}fr. DEACON: How far would the £4,000,000 lmt if hon. membP!'s on the other side think have gmw wltich has been spent on State that thcv arc merclv here for lhe purpose e11terprisc;;? of belittiing their OJ)poncnts and misrcpre­ "'nting the conditions which c'vho succeeded me and in. K ever mind the lose on State stations ! beeamc first HorEc Secretary in the Labour How much has hec'n lost b;· the private cattle Govcrnrnent.. \rhc11 addressing the irnnates o£ o·,-, nors of Queensland'! I venture to say that Dun,,-ic:h "'·tah'd that in HIP a:::. Ho1nc Sccrc- for overv £2-lost hv the State stations £4 has }w l•ad <-J. hard nn1n indeed tn been lost by pri\·ato cattle owners. The with the y:ork which h•m. g·cnUcman says, "\Vhy have you not charitable institutions. dotw this and that?" \Ve had to build a11other home at \Villowburn for epileptics. :\lr. llYXE8: lu t L'aning up ~-our mess. Hon. J. G. APPEL: That was all arranged Hox . .T. C. \l'l'FL: He said that lw fo1·. I_Govcrnmeu la.ughtcr.) wonld riYL' to do hjs best to follow in those }ir. HARTLEY: Arranged for! It is the footstq". old tale-" The Athenians know what is )Jr. HARTL: y: l-{e not 011ly fnllowcd i.hetn good, but. tho Lacedaemonians practise it." but pa,:;:-..Jcd thcn1. Hon. members oppo-,iw thought of it, they hopccl for it! It reminds me of the character I I ox. ,J. C . .;\ P PEL: It i~ an ex1raordinar~· in one of Kipling·s pDcnl·s. \Vhon he got to ~]Jin~· to hear hon. 1ncrnbcr foe Fitzroy the gates o£ He·avc.:.l, Peter said to him, makin<:,.. the;;t' ;;;tah~Jncnts. I sup- ''You thought it; you planned it! \Vhat 1' ne they n ·c not int~ntional. L{c sinml:­ in the nan1c of God have you done?'' T'his ha~ son1e Yapour to hlo off. rnd therefOre 1hose 0xtraonlinary slaten1''nts. The part~· say. to the relic., of the old Tory party, " You thnught it; yon planned it [ IllC'ntber "imply relat.es what took. place Why in the name _of God did you not get ~ fc\V Yl'ar~ .~U'o-of which the pubbc arc the money and d0 1t ?" (Go, ernment laugh­ awan'-~and ela'i!11s that hi~ Adu1inistration ter.) Talk about fooling the people! Let ha .,-e ace on 1plished nwre than a previou~ thPse two statements stand side by side. "\di~liliistratio!l. The position I alway:s 'What else did the hon. gentleman's Govern­ ~dopt<'tl ln {'Ol~nrction with charitable insti­ ment do? For yea"' and years they knew l n1iout- '\ n:-: that. t.be care of the poor and that the 1rrining industry in Queensland was the unforTunate -v;as a matter that should be fast making wrecks of men, and, although a hove polit i<".-;. To enable rue to do 1ny best. i hey were in the position as a Government I alwa~-< took mcmboJ o of the Opposition io care for them, they did nothing. Later with llH' 011 llJY Yi~itations and iw~pections they fought our legislation to provide them of the in,titutiono, and gave them the fullest ,,-ith > of judging, in:3pecting. and advis­ Compen<"ation Ad >rhen we included indus­ illg 111'' u;-; ro \Yhat- they thought was best. l trial disce.s~s. Our Government not onlv n•prat that they must havp l>cen hypocrite-' provided pensions for these sufferers but also if thf'V did not mean whut thev stated built the \\-estwood Sanatorium to care for publ-id~·-that PH'rc·thing \\as ·being" done in the \;reeks of capitalistic inclustr,Y \Yhich <·mdd tlll• lw:-;t j111Cl'L':3ls of thosu unfortunates. be mended. Thes-e arc the recm·ds of rhi.< l\Ir. :IcLICHLAX: You will admit that Uo\-crnrv.ent, and they wiU n10H' tbnn bear Jnan.v of tlH' refonn.s were carried out at eomparison with the record of the Govern­ DuuwiC'h us a result of ci.isclosures by llJC'nt th(' hon. rnpmb0r \Yas aJlied \Yith. ~.lr. Eowruan \Yhcn sltt.ing in Opposition. Hox. J. G. APPEL \A.lbcrt): I want to l! ox. J. U. Al'PEL: l was alv-ays ope'l say just one or two words in reply to the to hear all~· thiug and do anything on the hon. n1crnber for :Fitzroy. 'J~here is not the >tntioncd ,;.,~as. either in progress or had that where .-nggestion; were made been completed w11Ln his Government took \Yero invoriably accepted. office. (Gowmnwnt laughter.) \Vith regard .-otc will be trc-1 tee! as a. to \Y cst>Yood-the last thing ho mentioned­ llOll-1 .~rt:. ruattel'. It i:::~ uot a 1nattor in con- was it not an cxtra.ordinary thing-if what nc'<"l icn with \\ ~1ich \YC ~hould C'lHL'avour to he sa,'s is true-that tne Hon. John Huxham, >:::Orl' by ;o;aying, "\\Tc haYe done 1norc than who -,cas tl1£'n Home Secretary, when opening -.ou did." I hn,,c lH_•,-cr taken that stand. that in si i tution. gave to me as his predecessor ~o lmH.; as Ini~statcn1cnts wore not made 1 the grcat,,st pmise for having initiated it, ;,at ~ileut.; but. ·when absolute misstatcn1cnts for havin~ acquired the land, and for having arc made>, it is my dut to state the truth c;wsccl an approp1iation to be made for the allcl lH'l'Iliit actual 1 tlw d(·ctors to kno\" the purpose ' Vlh:-· should he praise me pub­ facts. lici-- at the opening of that institution if what the hon. member sa;:s is correct? :Ur. H.IHTLE, : That is just .,-hat I did The hon. member has also spoken of addi­ Hox ..r. G. APPI<;r.: The actual facts are tional buildings >vhJch were erected at various t.he~c~: .:'\o n1aterial adchtions ha Ye been institntion-. I can only say that those build­ made to any of thc~o institnhons jnce the ings ·,·,·ere either erected during the existence pn'sf'llt Adinini::dration canw into powe_r. of the Administration of which I was a The buildings ' ere rrlread:- en:ctcd o_r m nwmber :_)r wcrfl in course of construction l,}J.nse of ('onstrnct.ion. i\lan--s- J.dditional w.hcn his Government took office. buildings a1c reC)Uircd and have becom( l\Ir. ROBERTo: That is right. nccC'ssan Jurinr: the past clcYcn years; but tbo.--P additions ha vc not. been carried out Hox. J. G. APPEL: Tlw hon. member for ln· the present Government. who claim to be East Toowoomba knows that that is so so far tf1c only party who represent tbe poor and as the \Yillowburn institution is concenwcl; ttHforlunate people of this community. [llir. Hartlcy. Supply. [7 OcTOBER.] Supply. 955

::\h. HIORDA); (Burkr): I am very sorrv The hon. member gets up heJ.ted, delivers a the hon. member for Albert became so p Fcionat( "'P<'C'ch, ~oc~ on for about ten heated about what he termed the hot air minutu, -clc,cribcs what John Huxham said vapour from the l1on. member for Fitzroy. of him, what Dayo Bowman sctid of him, It m1.d be conceded that the and t]tcn sits down apologising for indulging [12 noon.i hon member for Fitzroy brought in pcr~onal]t.ies during his speech. t:H' hon. gentleman to his feet ?.Ir. HY:'\E8 (Tounsrillc): I Yery sincerely in ckfcnc0 of thP Administration he was hope tlwt tlw time is not ycry far distant connected with. \Ye know how heated the hen a YOte of thi• nature •xill not be ncccs­ Opposition become because the Government "Ul'.\ in t.hp Stnte Parlia:ncnt. haYe bem in J·he habit of allowino- them to make nncontradicted statements that when ~\1r. RIORD.\.X: llPar, hear! their ..:\dn.inistrat1on \Vero in powo;, they ..\h-, llYJ:\ES: It i' high time that wo had hod the welfare of the unfortunates in these a schenH~ of nntiunal in;;;urance suf!icientlv i:nstitntions at ht~nt. comprchcnsi \O to coYcr the whole of the insti­ \Yh0n I spoke previously on this vote I tution~ \rhivh arC dt>alt with in the Yote \ve did so CJuito apart from part:. politics, bear­ c1·c nmy cli,cu"ing, I really bnlieYe that the Jng- m mmd that the old people of the State care of iho old-uge people ~hould bo the should not be made a butt for political coL•ccrn of the ::\[nional Pal'liarnpnt. partu's. and I su:rgested that a reform worth IlcgarcEng thP ~taterncnt nutdo bv the hon. follo·\·ing up was the erection of cottages on nH'rnb('r fc:r· 1:j~tt.~l Tc nYcomb ubtain anv arnouut of n1onev. Th1' have for all rha.ritabk in:,titutions have been C'Olltl'iYCd tL ~'-" ~tC'Ill of inclircct a.ct.ion through increased from a starving point to a level a JTYC'nne-producing tariff, \Yhcrcby they are wluch has plar :•d them on a decent footino­ a hie to bl.r c•d the citizpns of the C'ommon- ~nd has a_esisted them to spend their dccli~: e:llth ·withont those ..--.jt}z01lS being avvare of mg- days m some measure of comfort. The it. The result is that we find the Common­ hon. me m bcr for A,lbort was com·pelled to \Yealth Treasury bulging with n1oney. It is mdulge m per· :mahhes to bolster up his onlr 1·ight that they .hould assist these old {'a"'C. pcoplr• b:· paying ~on1cthing· to\\ .:1nls the cost Hon. ,). G. APPEL · J\"o! :'\o! of tbc State· ..) adn1inistration of thcs0 institu­ tion~. :\Ir. HIClRDA:'\: Ho made a bitter attack ::ilr. FRY: The:-· do that. on this part;;· bece.uso an hon. member dared to refer +o the sts.tement made by the hon. Mr. HY:::\ES: If these people did not m0mbcr for East Toowoomba tha.t the Go­ nwke application for the old-ago !Wnsion., the vernment force all applicants for admission Commonwealth would benefit to the extent to Dumvid1 fhst to make application for the of £1 a week, because thev '"ould not be old-ago pension. They did so knowing full called upon to bear any of tJ1e cost of main­ well that once a patient is admitted to a taining that person in the institution. : charitable institution, be it Dunwich or Dia­ cannot understand wh,· that state of affairs rnantina. 1hc Federal Government will not should commend itself to the hon. member grant them the _pen,ion. That is good advice for East Toowoomba. to those appl1cants, because the pension I notice that it is the intention of the enables th•clll to pnrchase little extras which Goyernment to establish an a,vlum for old are not supplied when they become inmates pcopl<• in Charters Tmvers. That is a very ?f a chariutble institut-ion. That attack was desirable thing frorn the point of vi.ew of the mtendcd to mislead the public. Hon. mem­ people who haYc pioneered this State and bers opposite han boon successful in that ma·de poso;ible the splendid development that r0spoct in the pasL This part~· should not ha,; taken place in r-ecent yc;J,rs. A great ~!low thorn to g·et a way with such statements manv of those men hayp a horror of coming 111 the future. If it comes to a show-down soutl1. Jnct imagine the future of the man as to ~isr"])l'esenting the position, and thus \Yho has worked and Jiycd in (he lYarrn and mislcadmg the electors, then our friends on sunny climate of );orth l~ncenslancl being the other eido will win in a common canter. brought down from that cnYironment, that They we~·,, succee~f nl in fooling the electors elimato. and the as·ociations of 1 lifetime, for pracbca lh· halt a con tun·. If onr Gm·ern­ and placed on :-\tradbroke Island in Jl.lorcton ment have. been clo:ding so 'unfairly with the Ba-·. The c,tabli~hmcnt of such an institu­ llllllate-; ot our dwntablC' institutions it i~ tioi1 in Cl1arbT~ Tuwers \vill be great]:;~ wd­ extra.ordinan that the Yoting at such 'places comPcL Charter~ Tower~ has 1.11 excellent as IJunvviCn In thl· Federal elections is ovor­ climate, and the old people ••:ill then be rJear whelmingl:: in fa,·our of the Labour candi- ;l1cir relatives and the~ as::;or-i:ltions to which d,ltes. · tiH'V arc accustomed. while their relatives At the la:-r Fcdel'nl {'lPction there was a and friends will haYf~ an opportnnit,:, of visit­ fiYP-lo-onp YOtP in faYour of the Labour ing· tlwm periodically. I unclcr,tand that pa1ty, and thar is the lw ·t illustration that that i11f;titui ion, when it j~ established, will the iillnatPS of Du11wich \Yant a Labour not be fashioned on the lines of Dunwich, GoYC>rnnll'nt: in the Federal Par11an1Pnt a:3 and that the inmates will haYo full oppor­ \'n?ll as in the StrttP Prrrliamcnt anJ it is a tunit, to o;·o int0 to\vn and n1cct. their friends. pretty ~trong C~rgtnnf nt in fa,~our of thi~ am! in f'Y<'F •:av will be much better catored G'?YernrnenL The hrm. member for _.IJhr'rt fo!' thaL the in~natC's of Dunwich. tnes to put the whole onns of attack on a Since' cOining in1o Parl1an)('nt I have made couple of ho~ 1 • n1cn1bers here \Yho haYc it mv busi1re~s to visit the institutions rnen­ r{lplicd to n1i'' stnV-::·nH~nts fron1 the Oppusitioll. ~io>Jccl i11 this Yotc, and I have probably Mr. IIynes.] 956 Supply. [ASSE:\II3L Y.] Sup;~l~1. taken rnorc~ inter(' ,t in thenl than the average thin.~ nlOl'l' i;-:; lo b(' done, it js up to the nwm her of this Hml'·C. There is no doubt And·\ Covernnu.•nt to do it. and not the 1 that th<' Epileptic Home at vVillowburn is ( onunon\vealth Go\·ernn1ent. a vcrv fine horne. The sistPr in charge is a Th•' IIom: SECRET.\RY: :'\o. Don't you fine h~un1anitarian woman, and she is giving knoY; tlwt the Cormnomvealth GoYernrnent ver:· good serviC'n; but ·vrhat struck me when tukP 6s. '! Thp~· mak<' a profit of 6s. on p.1ying a visit to the home was that there PVPI'," old-agC' pension? is a larg·· number of youths there who arc Mr. TAYLOR: What is the explanation of liYi~g in idlenc·'· They are being properly tl:('ir n~t.aining that -6~.? enrcd for and are living under excellent ·conditione, yet they wcr0 doing nothing. The HO)IE SrcHJcT.\RY : They do not give Sonwt];ing should be done to sec that such anv exnlan.ition. l)ianlantina patients have of these ;~·oulhs as arc capable are put to ani:: i)cen in rceeipt of 4s. out of the -son1e productive \York. For instance, they ]lC'JCsion during- the last twelve months. could learn hootmaking, ~hair caning, or l\Ir. FRY: Does the State get anything ~ome other lig·ht work which would occup: out of that 1 them, and. when thev were discharged-! The Hmn: SECHET.\HY: Xothing at alL m1dcrshnd many of 'them are discharged cured from the institution-thcv would be :\Ir. SWAYXE: H is a misstatement to able to srt up a little business ·probably in ~a\· tlt:lt the n1omP.nt these people enter thc•ir pan•ut:'i' hom(•s. That i:-: sornething D;nl·.virh the <'ld-agc pension is entirely cut that I contnt()nd to the con~idL)ration of the nfL Thu St at(' get 10 ]l(~l' cPnt. out of it. Home Sccrctar.v. In tlie>'C institutions thl' conditions should "\otwitbsbl!lding that 've have seventeen lw mode ""' little irksome «s possible for institutio,;s which arc being subsidised b,­ th' oL, peopic ,,-ho should be accorded all grants fron1 the GOvPrnincnt, there is not thC' pri,·i1Pge3 ayaiLble. The presrnt old­ un ·institution in \Yhich a per~on who i-1 n'j'L p~ m:i.;n of 20i-. i~ nlfl.clP up of 17~. 6d. partially incapable of looking after himself fron1 tl:L' Libc'rnl or :\ationul party .FPdt:ral <'an bo placed if he has some little moans. GoY,'r:Hnl'nt,;; and 2~. 6Cl. frDUl Labonr Federal I had occasion last wook to make full Uo\·ertnlH'Y~t:-;. I rz,cogni~e thu"L thi~ is not a ir.quirics regardlng this matter. A pc1·son ill"lttc·r in n ..,rard to which either partv should li\~ing in n1~- electorate suffered a paralytic tr.: to male;•' political capital; but.· w~1en I >;rrok of that B of tlw old and infirm. The fact that cuP that men c indivi<1nals who ordinarily should Pach .,..ear for years past there has bf~en an lw in n,;mvich. influenced by many of the increased yoted asked for is an indication things Opposition members have said, show that ·we a re rffecting irnprovement!'-. l a YL'l'V distinC't di~lnclination to go there, would like to see the Government do a littl< lH~cal7~0 the"~ t.hink there mav be some foun­ n'ore. I realise that we OW'' a great deal dation for ;nanv of the state;ncnts they haYe lo the old JWOple. They are the pioneers heard from time to lime. I know of no of the Sbte. and the least. we ce,n do is to lwn. m em her opposite who would desire eee tho.t their condil ions are at least decent >'nch a rcstdt.. hut I think that they should durin~ the time they are waiting to "go tak" that. phase of the question into con­ over th0 hilL" ,jdpration bdon' thev venture upon the :\1r. S\YA Y:'\E (J/irrwi): I 'vould not ha Ye l't'lllarJ" which th0c· make from time to time ;pokon oa this vote \vcro it not for eome of cm:ccrniP{l Dnmrit:h. Many of the r<'m!':ks the incorr0ct -,t.atcme-nL3 that haYe been n1adtl wlrich have been made bv Oppos1t10n by hon. nwmbcrs opposite. I 'vas rather >ur­ llH'trJhcrs from tirne to tin1c have been found prised to hear the hon. member for Burke to bt• nuitc grounrl.k·:-:~. but a lurking sns­ .,,,. that the old-age twn,,ion is cut off he· picion is harbonr~·d in the n1incls of unfor­ tht• Federal GoYcrnn1cnt \Ylwn a pensioner tunate· indi,·idua Is who should go there. and pnter" a State in~titntion. Exactlv the con­ the t1ntvral consrqnence is that sometimes tra!·~· is th(~ ca~c. \\~hen the pensiOner 0nters theY t)\'('fcr to rcmnin out in the west sufff'r­ the State institution the Commonwealth iro -· ~h~ pri,·at ions ,-hi eh tlwv do suffer Govornn1C'nt contiuuc to pay his pension, but m:rler tht• conditions t1wrP rather than go 1 ~IP greatt•r part ('f it is taken by the State· into the !Jor>Oc prm·ided for them by the Go,·0rnrn0nt. State. J.lr. \"\.Tr~-~T:\XLEY: Ycu arP vtrong. ThNl' i' anot!Jer phase of this question. Mr. S\\-.1. Y:'\E: There arc 11 few shillings It has frenucntlv occurred to me that it is !cft-I thid: 4s.--·but the State Gov0rmroent dceirabl, that some of the problems which tCJ kn tlw rcst. If the Government are so nndoubtedl v snrround Dunwich should be ...,n-x·iou~ to nnd~e the lives of th0se old people fac0d. It ecems to me that one of the main a~ comfol't~tb1o as possible, on(\ would think problem .. :uis0s from the fact that there is they would assist them out of the amount too wide a. rangr, in the classes of inmates received fmm the Commonwealth. If any- to be foutcd tlwrl'. \Yhat l rnPlUl i>, that fJlJ·. H!!iiCS. [i OcTOBER.] Suppiy. \!57 people of all degrees of physical and intel­ The matror, in charge of this big institution lectual sbnding are. under existing con­ receJVed the• large and glorious sum of £140. ditione, constrained to go to Dunwich, and The amount allowed for medical comforts I would say that nearly all the difficulties and incid._mtals, etc., was £17,250, and to-day in the administra.tion of the institution would '"(' are proYidinlf for ma.intenance and inciw disappear if there were a home designed for dcntals a sum d £35,685. There is a very the reception of individuals who may be said big difference between £17,250 and £35,685. to occupy an intermediate position between I tbink it can reasonably be stated that the the im:nates of Dunwich and ihose of Goodna. disparity ic not entirely eaten up by the The Hmn" PECRFTARY: Hear, hear ! additional cost of living or by the increase in 1h.._• nun1lwr of inmates. The figures are :\Ir. BULC'OCK: I think that such a home vntin'h iu faxour of our Government, no is very necc1Ssaf2,, n.nd I arn plea.sed to hear m:ttter' by wha.t process you proceed to dis­ the I-Jon:1'0 Secr(·tary say '·Hear, hear l" sect them. I do not sav that our Govern­ because I ! uow that the humanitarian ideas ment haY., done everythi.ng that is possible, which animate him will impel him to make but no doubt the limitation of means is the sorne in'uch systcrn. ··o that we may have at Dunwich ._,,ich. I have on more than one occasion only those "ho a re really old and feeble, b•<'ll strnck by ihe YNV kirid attitude wiihout ~ssocie~tion with the epileptic. the adopted lJy the Hom·e Sc;crdar:;· when on 11ear-epileptic. the mental p0rvert, and the Yisits to Dunwich. I have on more than one phyoicnl wreck. o·casion had rrn opportunit0• of going to Another phase of the question arising out Dunwich •.rith the hon. gentleman. and I con­ of the rcmorks of ih~ hon. member for Albert sider that lw has extended the milk of human on charit; blc i n•t,tutions l;'encrally and the kinJmss ,lllrl done all those things that rea­ conduct of Dnnwich more particularly is sonably could be expected of him in the th1s: 'l'hc hon. member for Albert claims that iJJt<'rc,ts of Htc institution. :'-Jecessarily in his c~nacit;' as Home Sccrctarv he did J!JNC' must alwa •. s be a problem concerning everythinc; humanly possible for the well­ Ilnnwich. If anv member of this Chamber being and comfort of the inmates of our wcr<' to approach three individuals of that variom State institutions. It mav he so­ institution and put the same question to each, the ernpha"::is is o:t the '· n1ay "-fo'i· we have I gnarantPe he would get entirely different to rcn1cmbcr that the hon. gentleman was r ns,yers. In answer to the qnestion. "What a.dministcring th0 machinery of his depart­ r·ort of au imtitution is this·~" the first man ment for men of a political class >tnd creed "·onlcl probably eoy, "It is a good institu­ who did aot have much time for the humani­ tion": the next man would probably give tarian tenets or doctrines of assistance for "·on an intermediate opinion; a.nd the next thoe•' who are thP unfortunates of the com­ would condemn ii unreservedlv. There must munitY. Persomtllv I believe that the hon. he some happ•· medium in this connection. gentleruan in his capacity as Home Secre­ Fron1 time to tinH:~ complaints are made, and tary wou 1 c~ do what he could; bnt there incli,,idu,th haYe an opportunity of having ·were othcT considerations nnd rcstl·aining those com tJlaints investigated, but gs-(1) £60, (1) £50, The SErR.F<.P.Y ron Ll~a'·R AXD INDURTRY: (1) £48 158 \Ye• do r:ot dc>n;; it; we admit it. Milkrnan 95 Dutch.,;· 98 Hon. W. H. BAR:\TRS: That admission Pigm:P 60 immediately cuts away the arguments of hon. lion. W. H. Barne.11.] 95S Snppiy. [ASSE::\IBLY.] Suppllf.

mombPr6 opposite. The hon. memb0r for afl'airs of f)un\Yich \YHS on lines that vvere Albcrt could not be sympathetic io\\·anls cquitahlC'. fair. and hurnane. the inmatt•s of our charitable imtitutiom At 12.35 p.m., and at thP ;;;unto tin1c tr_.· to :3tarYC' ihen1. I\lr. F. A. CooPER (Rrem r) resumed the The Home SECRETARY: Xo party has a c:hair. monopoly of lnunanitarian instinct.'>. HoN. 1\. H. BAR::\ES: There is not a Hon. \\'. H. BAR::\ES: That is oo. ::\'o member· of this Committee• this morning who one~not C''- en the che:,ry hou. gentleman doco not Hnd just. what the hon. member for hirnf'clf~hru a 1nonopoly of tho:so inntinct&, 13arcoo found-that some people go to Dun· although lL luu a lot of them. (Hear, hear!) \Yith. lcavu, and \vant to go back again. \:Ve In di~cll;3~ing a qul'~hon of this kind it dl realise how vel'.J often it is necessary for is deploralJlC' ftult a.ny hon. n1e1nber ~huulJ mch !l'-'O[llC to return jo the care of Dunwich. attornpt io clo otht·r than as~ist our old The hon. member touched upon the ques· people. It is unfortumltc• tha,; some hon. t'on of salaric,, li the :\1edical Super­ r:nerr1ber·. ~houlcl iu8inuate that at ;:;orr1e tinw intP!ldcnt received £600 or £650 in previous Ol' other a GoYornn1ent. had attornptccl to day'. can it he contend0d that £675 is suffi­ ~tarvc ~Ollll' (JE these pE'oplc. In thjs Yory ciellt to.day? Can anyone tell me that the Parliaruent; jnst as iu Dun\Yich, there is cost of living has not doubled of recent a variety of character an1ong hon. me1nbers. years'? Son1e of the illudrations of the (Hear, hc•m· ~) lt ,, ill be found that some hon. member do not count for much. There people \Yho ha Y•.' sc<'n lJettc1· day~ are very hF. been and will be an evolution of thought glad 1o go to DumYicl1. and you "ill iind going on in connection ~~vith ,,-hat is desir­ some discontenLcd people among them. It able for the community and for the public is a ·vl'ell-kno\Yll fact that, whon some ~·ood generally. I yentnre to make the state­ people go to l_)unwich, dwy 0'... pect \Gl~v ment delibc;ratdy 1h;~t it does not matter much more than th•w \Yt'r<' in the bab1t of what Gov('rnmcrlt 1nay be in povver, there receiving. anlL ,,-hetl-ier t Labou1· or Liberal \vill ncvN b~ a Government that \\;ill relax Govcrnnlcnt. is in power, the~\- are never their dut:· to the pool' and the needy of the satisfir·d. I can reme!llber the time when communitY. If there were such a Gol·ern­ the hon. member for Alben paid a Yisit ment. the'y would have no right to occupy to the leper station on Peel Island-n< I the Ci-ovcrnment benches. \Y (' on this side have done on n1:U1v OCC"asioL:'I-and found stand for libcralit-; and conscience as the a pcnwn there wh~ needed the aid of a guiding factors in "connection v·ith all these dentist. It is not an '"1"Y matter to induce mait<'rs. (Hear, hear !) a dentist to p;o to Ped Island and give attention to a leper patient. The hon. I want to ask the Home Secretary one or gentlon1an. IH'Yert.holcs.<;;. ~uccccclcd in In­ two quc'ition .. I am the State rne;nbcr for ducing a dPntist to Yisi. the island and do Dunwich, and I want to know how frequently the ncccs-.ary work. I an1 not suggesting boats go to Dunwieh and. further, if the that the present Honw Sccret<:ry would not usual prcLautions are taken in connection do such a thinr(. bnt I an1 d0nliug with the with thosP boats. I do not make the charge charge which has be, n le\ cll<'d . t the hon. dolibPratcly, but Dame Rumour has it that member for Albert. and in my opinion oyery· an arnovnt of debauchery has taken place thing that the hon. t=;'C'Htlf'lnan said \Vith 1vhieh CC'rtainl:;-, if true, is a disgrace to the rrgard to his. adn1i11jstratiun of these institu­ Hdlllillistra.tion. 1~ thf'rP auv 1ruth iu thP tions 1.Va~.; mnply ju~tificd. It an:v pPr~on rumour that Governn1ent boa'ts have can·jod ;·.ent to thP hon. gPntlf'LlRll and he bdieYcd eonsiderable quantities of liquor, and that that the man was rcalh· hard up. he would many people have returned in those boats not ask \\-hc-thrr thv IlL·Il -,·a~ )_ LiberaL in a condition thev should not have been in? Nationalist, or La Lour supporter: he would I want to kno¥. if anv rp-;trictions have been help him. That. wa' C'hc>r <'tPri,tic of the p1accd 011 the nufncrous excursions to Administration of which the hon. member Dnnwicb? for _'\.]ben was a mr•mbcr, and 'it is de· The HmtE SECRET.IRY: There was some plorab1e that hon. llll'lllber". n.s tl11• hon. truth in the statem0nt, but I have stopped rneml)cr for Barcoo attc1nptcd.. should try the practice. to drag any Administration into the dust in eonnf:'ction \\-ith th~ -ic n1a tt.cr.;;;. ~\~ o 111an HoN. W. H. BAR:c\ES: I congratulate the v-ould be worth·· of his placP in thi>< \'hamber hon. gentleman upon doing that. Another if that was h1s idea of adminictering the point is in connection with the Inebriates' affair~ of thi~ State. hrli{ -,TC' th'~t thP ain1 Home at Dunwich. If there is anY man in of cverv n1 ;n is to do best for the indivi- the cornn1nnity who de:-:.crvt. ~:vrnpathy, it i:3 dual who i in neer'. hear~) the man who bccomPs addicted to ''trong drink rrnd cannot ~top himsP!f. Arc tlw The hon. member for Bcncoo dealt v·ith rcstrictiuns \Yith regard to the supply of tho yote for Dunwich \ hen the hon. member liquor to the inPbriates at Dunwich fully for .A1bert "·' v ., I-iornC' ~OC.Tct ll'\ aEd no\v: maintained? It is reported-it. may not b<' but he forg-ot Ot!e thing. lie ·did not tell truo-·that dl'ink i~ taken dov,-n, and that us· ho1.Y L1any pe.1pl0 \Yt'l"l" in i11c in· ~ituti{)n thc"e JWoplc get it.. If it is necessary to then and how n1any aro tht'rc now. kt''-~P l1lL'l1 front drinking. "\Vhat is the u~c of (_)ppQSI'l'IOX :;}..lE~IBERS: }-Jr ar. bear~ J!llttiug- thrru there if th0v can get drink frorn 1woplc -vdlo go there? It is only <1 Mr. J-IARTLEY · You IYO'..l1cl not. t-~ke t1H'l11 ~ ffP'<'C, and it is not working out as it onght that ,, a~ IYh\- tllf'J_·c ~.J'l'0 l('sS then. You to work out for the good of the community. would not provide the accommodation. I want to ask th" Minister why it has been HoN. W. H. BARNES: I ,,·as about to fmmd ncCPo·ary w reduce tho number of use a tcrn1 di-.:tinctl~· uuparlian1entary in aseistants from scYen to six at the Jubilee reply to that interjection. \Vc \\nuld tak0 ~anatoriun1 for Con~un1ptiYP:'- at Dalh~_., ., "f thonl. ~o rnan \Yas 0Y~'r rcfu~cd adrnission do not ask the question with the idea of to Durlwich, aud our a,dn1inistration of tile unduly criticising the department. I want [Hon. W. H. Banus. Supply. [7 OcTOBEH.] Supply. !.109

to know whet'"et· the number in the sana­ but for thC' hon. gcntlt•UHln to say that hP torium 1~ less th 1_n it was, or ·whether the did all t.ftat \\Rfi nu•dPd, mHl. fndher, to "ilY nurnber is increasing If there are more that sine' our Govennucnt c~ullc~ into offif'l' patients at the ir,etitution, it is rather an tht•v ha\'f' done nothln:·· is to :,av vvhat i~ not odd thing· that the staff -~houhl be reduced. 1!l 'Ucco~·danL'P '':ith fc?.~;t. Th(• ·conditiflll:J .at, Goodn·1 at th<' tinw he :-pokl' of, for instancP, ::\1r. \YI::'\STAJ'\LEY (Queenton): The hon. ,.-en~ a UtC!li.":ICC' to tl-w \VP11bt>ing of tlu· pcopl.{~ n1en1lJC'l' for \V~ynnnn1 is labourinb· undr-r a then•. lnlnlc·dic.ltc•]y th0 prcs:•nt supC'l'intL'n­ misapprch0nsion, judging from son1e of his dent \Lt~ appoint,,d_ to that po~ition. hn cer­ re 1narks, ror t,he simple reason ·that he was t 1iu\y bC'gan to ruake cl1";:-:.t~r atierati_ons. r>ot hero the fint thing this morning and Thf' pl'( +ut- Coyprnntf'nt hc1vc continued 111 does uot ;cr1ow what actnally took place. I the :-'a!!H' direction, and have been 1naking honesth· hclieYc thrs vote would have been imp]'(n-C'tllC'nl, all the tiL1C tlH'Y have bec1~ i11 through long ago had it not been for the po\n'r. '1'l1ey haYP don,· all thc·y po~: 1bly attack th:~t was made-not by this side but •an to an1t>lio1 ·to the ('Ondition of pL'Ople '.' ho hv the othP: side. An attack was deliberatelv arl' crJnqwllcd by circuru..-tanccs to go thc~·e. n;ado by hon. members opposite on th'e nnd tlH'Y arc eutltlC'd to t1H:ir :mced of praise .. adminiotr .tion of the Home Department in i11 thut dircr·tion. Thc-'f' i:-; a great .d_iffcrPIICe ('OnnN:tion with sorne of the-~e institutions, !t~'t\\'('('Jt tlH• treatrtJ('llt bv thi:' GovC'r!lnH•nt and then hon. members on this- side replied and thc~ Fcd(•ral Co\--t'l'llu~rnt of peop1e -vvl_Io .tncl nHtdc rompari~ons. ('lltcr r:hn Btatenwnt·, nnd hR certainly went a great ('Cll'l' of at the SalYation c\l'nl' honH). for old Tlt puh then1 until thr-y get thP mpmbcr for A!bert might have \:·'en pen::-:1on. rPstrained in connection with some of the H0fPrt'J1t'c' ha:-~ b0C'J:J rnade to a{hniss1on tn 1hing.s he tl0sired to do when lw was Home he ,,pit-al~. lt i~ well l.:Town that inlmf'diat{•l,v BPcreiary. Thoro 1s not the slightest do•.1bt a pPI''·Ull p:OL';o; into a hospital thP pension i:_;; bnt that h~_• war. restrained in quite a nurr1ber ~topped by the F( -:-le>ral Govern1nr-nt. of directions. The• hon. member for Albert The pensionn. \\ ho ,hould be draw­ on OJIP occasion clearly and distinctly stated i: 2.· £1 a \veeL::, ]s nHHlP a chargt' on the that the then Premier treated his Ministers :-;l;;tc_ ,,-hich has to bpar the 0xpenso while 1i ko office boys. hP i." in the ho~pital. and thP JT.rderal GoYern­ Hon. \V. H. BAPXF.S: I am perfectly sure ntent benefit to that <'Xt('ut. Thcv not nnl:'i-~ iltd 'llCh a statement is not correct. JH•l10flt with l'C'g'Ul'd to pl'll:"ioncr..; vgoing into tltP ho-,pitak but sir1gle men in receipt of '\fr. WIXSTA~LEY: ThP statement was th' Jninn,·s phihi:-;ls allov:ancf' of £1 a v,·pt::-k, made, and the hem. gentleman is one of the \\ lw arc- too sick to 1\-ork but do not want to '\Iinisters who \\a< treated like an office boy. ~~·(J i11to a hospital or cllaritablo institution. Hon. \Y. IL D-.UXES: That is not so. nHd \\-h.o d(:-3ire to look after thcrn.-;clves UK \YC'll a:-; thr•Y can, haYP 7s. 6c1. a weE'k knocked Mr. \YIXSTA?\LEY: As one who came to off the al10\\-allC(', and only l'l'CCiYP 12:-;. 6d_. a thie. Home at the same time as the hon. \\ . k. I kno\Y ~onw of iltcm \Yho arc pa_nng mcrnb0r fc,r A:lwrt, I had the opportunity 20.<. a \Yeek for thrir board. anrl han' hard of sc•0ing 1l1esr> ln~titntions and n1aking sug­ "·ork to make the' few 'hilliugo loft pnrcha'e g-<'.qtions, I ·<.·as ono of those who visited thu lH'CC"'~ariP:-' the-:'\'' rC'qnirC!; yet 7s. 6d. prett.' w.cll ell the charitable institutions on a. \Vt r~k 1~ knockPcl off the phthisis allo,T,~DllCO differ' nt occc•-iom. \Yhrn I came here I of £1 a wPek bv t11c Federal GovernnH'nt. thought it was pnrt of mv duty to know what Thc.Jt is ycry nn,charitablc treatment. H1cse ]~st.i·~ntions 1vcre like, tci sec how they I cf'rt~1n1v think tbr Ttwbriatcs' Inst~tut.ion wcrP coiH1uctccL and, if po" ~ib10, Jn.ukc snp:­ i:' li01 in t1)1' rig-ht p~acp. Con1pari·,)on" ma.v !2'< .tions for ihrir improvement. At that tinw the conditione in connection with these be odiou.•. but the,· haYf' lwPn rna-de. a1Hl [ in-·titutiom were shocking. It is not worth ,,-,mltl point out tht:t the Iudn·i~tes' Institu­ tiou v a~ or; ;jHchile to :l'OH' what I so by dipging up the 1 Ln •Jret is sit-natrd. Practi{ ~·llv t~1c wholP of n corclc. \Yhat hon. mombc1e want is to see tl1a t the r{)ndition;;: a1·e rnaclf' ns good as pos­ the pro,·i:-in~1;~ rcquin d on Peel Islar• j \\'Pl'.O ,ib]0 for j],,_," pcopk who caJcnot lcok after 'lkf'1l fJ'ODl Dun\vich. ar.cl ('Y(~i'ything canlC back thnt wa.\~. thPI.!::.:"}yr·~. anJ ·who arc in thrs0 in -.tituhon:; tJn·our~h f'i!·eun~..::l snccs oYrr \Vhieh they havo Jlon. \Y. Il. B.\R~:r~: They \YI'rr 2 rnilr s no contro1 ;end ho.ve to be looked after bv a part. t lw St1h'. " ?IIr. \YI:'\c-.T.-\::'\LEY- That inebrit:'c iu,ti­ Tht' lwn. nwmlwr for Alb0rt wrnt on to i 'It.iou is n< t. in a :nitable }JlHCf' and I , t,'>" that he in\'ariabh- rarrif'd out the suo·­ J'•'l11l'ltJb('l' th .t nn a nrPrio"~ Of a::-imt. n;~(!cr , ic:r· _. nwcle b.- n1en;bcrs o( the then Opp~­ thr~ ad·-,.lillistl'ation of t~:e prPYious GoYPrn- IIon. n1c-n1bors on this side ahYRV:) lt \Yt!:-: J.'Cf101'tPl1 !~l. t ib• ~- L ,t' f l't 'Y(' the hon. ~:cntleman er0dit for being h~1 d llPCll n'-t'r1 i o takP provision~ acro;:;~ h1..1malH' a11d de:;;iring to look aft.cr thos·C \Vh~ Pc{'l I~land for n di~Laoce of 2 1nll(•f' "\Yrts ~·ho '\Yt'rP in n0ul nncl no onE' \Youk-l \vithdra\-s­ ;:;nn1c cart whiclJ \Ht~ usPd for thf' purp:)so Hlf' iota of what \Vns said in that respet:t.; of conYcying corpses to the Jnorguc. JJir lVinsianley.j Supply. [ASSK.\IBLY.] S1·pply.

j;{on. \Y. H. 13.Hry long bow. when tlwy come outside. "they havo'no friend,~ and nowhere' to go, and ihey fin-d it almoot :.\Ir. \YI:'\STA~LEY: am not drawing a lrnpossible to regain a footing in society. long bow it all. That stat.crncnt "\Vas ruadc Conf'PqH{'lltly they haYe to remain :in tho in a r0port quoted in this House. The in~titntion as loug as they li\-e. Son1c of tho hon. gcntlPnlan can s:1y "\Yhat he like:-::, but l itnuates '''ork in the institution, and work dC"fy hi1n to disprove rny statcn1·-nt. von· hard, probab!_,, doing sufliciEmt to earn Hon. \V. H. DARXES: I ddy yon to proYO their food and clothing. I know some of it. th<'m-not all old p-eople. but some of them ~-onng·-but 1 because they havP no friends or :Hr. WI:\'STANLEY: As a matter of fact, rclatin;s to ac:c·cpt the rcspon;ibility of thei;· it is in the records of this House. care when they conlc out, they arc coinpellcd :'\o\v I want to !-'ay sorrH'thing about tho to n'n~ rin in the institution. I beEcve that homes for the old people which are to he ostab­ ~un1Pthing :--houJd bP done in the way of li:"hcd at ChartPrs To?.·ers. Some rcn1arks c~tabli~hing a ::;pccial hmne fat· thcn1, and I haYo boon made about thr cldav \\-hich has vhilc we hav0 ahvJ.ys brcn the final at first wore not inclined to view the rcfug0 of thP unfortunat·e, this year \\'8 prospect Ltvonrabi_v but who afterwards ha,_.,; br'<'n ab"J!utcly clelugccl \Yith w 11at Wl'ilt thoro found that it was much better would hn vc bp en call('(l, \V hen I \\'as a than they l'Xpecteo f:J.i' a.;-; cannot overlook the fact that in :'\orth 1."" C0J1''C'rlH'd. QuL·cn~land an cl in ,,_ c-:::tern Que0nsland '' \Ye have not onlv received the 1 here arc DU:llly pPl'SOil~ \Yho clo l1l'C'f('l' to maimed. halt, md blind,· but the mental, rt-n1aln a1nong '·t the people they know and in the sU1Toundi11gs to hich they nrc necu~­ cm:t::·q!mpti vc•. r·pilcy>tic-.. inebriate~ .. a;ul torned rath('r than g-o n. thousand 1nilcs to tho 11h'lital 1n tnmty c;t..;c· prachc:11ly a place which the_v know nothing at 111! about lunatir:-;. 1Janv of the patients who~c; and an1ong:-;t veople ·with whmn, perhaps, papPi'S stah-~d ·~do(':-; not rrquire eonsta"?t medical atten1 inn' had to be put Hl thc~y havo nothing in COllllllOil. hospit.:l from tlw moment of arrival a'· I would jmt like to emphaoiso the remarks rcquirjng ron::-.tant n1edic ,tl attention day which have L-ct~n n1ad0 ·with regard to the Rnd njght .. , need for son1Pthiug in the nature of an intrr­ mediatc hom'l between Dmm·ich and· our That j~ a prl•tty ,c-..-ere condP1nnation by the q1ih:rJtic or insane nsylnm::;. I do so for :.\h,dical Sujwl·intcndent of the class of ]lE'oplc the , imple reason that I know of scYeral who an' sem to Dunwich. I clo not thmk eases in which children haYe had to be found that Dunwich \vas cn·r intended to be a home~, and Dunwich if' not. th(' plarc for home for that class of people. 'Ther·e should them. nor is \Villowhurn the placf'. I have be ~otnP ~ort o£ inicrrncdiate hornc, as sug­ inquired of the department. but \Yithout '''Cstcd bv lhc hon. member for QncC'nton. H rPsult. \\ illowbm·n. I am told, is not the i~ r Athcf 1·ough that people no~ aC'ruston1.ed place for them, because thc_v arc not epilep­ to tnlxing vvith -..-~-hat the ::\-Ilrhcal Supcnn­ tl( ,, : thPv an• n:)t incuJ'Hbic3 who C'an hP tendf'nt t(•rn1s the '' Pcraping::< of hell" ~hnulrl admitted· to the Diarnantimt Hospital: and be plaecd in an institut,_ion ;vith all_ sorb of the rc,ult is thee' haYe to go to Dumvich nH•ntal. con"'un1phYe, cpdephc. and 1ncbn~t-(\ or Goodna, ncitlwr p!rtco of which is mitablo. ra.ticni -.. It 1::-. a (_1i~tr{' 1 :;sing state of affans ~ornething should he done in the direction to be f;uddC'nlv thrown aniongst sucn people. of 11roviding an intcnnediatc hon1e. parti­ The Hm,IE. SECR!:TARY: 'They ha Ye special cu!"arlv in face of the fact that we often \Yards. haye to proYide for girls of thirteen or four­ :.\Ir. J\TOORE : I know there arc special teen 0'ears of age who, owing to the death ward:-;, but thcre arc tnorc corr1plaints in con­ of parents. hav0 to b0 handed m·cr to thn nection v ith the special wards than \vith any (iovf'rnnlent., and for who;m reception at other part of Dunwieb. 'That is be>cctusc, this the pr0scnt time there is no suita Lle vlacc. elass of patient is sent thoro. The ::Ylecheal \Yl,:tlcv,,r may be said bv hon. members Superintendent, in hi,; report. further states- opposite as to the control and administration " Thoro is no doubt that better results of the Homo Department, I am satisfied that in th0 treatment of inebriates would t,hoy a re excellent. and that everything is result if a suitable institution for them done, not only for the age-d and infirm. but \\a3 established, \vhcrP more discipline a !so for those who ha v,o lost the balance of coukl be maintained. As it is, the Dun­ their reason. I honcstlv believe that at the wich Inebriate Institution is a very com­ present time there arc" numbers of inmates f01·table home to which it would seem a. in the asylum who have very little wrong good many of the inebriates are anxious. [Mr. lVinstanley. Supply. [7 OcTOBEH.] Snppl:J. 961:

to return. The onlv rcallv special >tli5ci~ that a llC\V institution, so.r_nething rnidway plinc. apcll't from" that" of ordinary Lctween Ilum;-ich and the Goodna Asylum, inmat.cs, if-i that none of thcn1 can get is necessary. \V c are placed in the position leave out without the permission of the of havi11g to deal with people \Yho are sent 1-IonlC S.e-cretarv. on the recomnH)ndation io us bv their friends because t.hcv .are uncon­ of the ::\Iedica!"" Superintendent.'' trollahie. They are not mentally deficient Pnough to be admitted to Goodna; ~·et they It seems to me that Dunwich is not the place are not able to take care of themselves. and for an incbriat3 hon1c. \Ye arc departing consequently ha;-o to be placed in some .aHou:ethPr fron1 ·what the hon1e \Yas rcallv institution. The only institutjon offering for imc-;1ded to be. It is absolutdY c.,sonti;l them to-da,· is Dnnwich. I personally believe tha.t nuother horr1c of sornc sort u should bo that the time has anivcd '•:hen we should proYid0d to pl'C\Ycnt people bc·ing placed consider the establidnnent of a now ir.c:titu­ .a rnong:;o:.t 1ncntal, epilept.i<', consun1pti Ye, and tion of the chantcter snggested. I ha vo col­ incbriflte patient~. If the Go\"Cl'lllnent pro­ lected a c.,rt a in amount of data on the po:3e to oLta in revenue b.•' licpnsing hotels, subject which I hope at some future elate to and have no objectiou to loo cniug th2 be able to place before the Cabinet Y:ith a law jn conuection with the saL.~ of liquor, \~ir w to hctYing :'Uch an institution e8tab­ then the~· should be nbl0 to these people lished. propt"'l' tl'Pply to the varion:-; tnnaTl~:s that lutvc thP innlah'' of tltl' lazat.:_f't, ancl inHal a fallen horn the lips of hon. wirPlc~:; inf'ta11ation for thc1n, so that they [2 p.m.] nwmbc·rs on both side~ of the ma!· keep in toueh with the outside \Yorld. C'hnn1ber. It is rathPr interr,~,t­ The~ hon. 1ncm bcr for \Y snnnn1 referred ing in this dPbrttc to llll'et ag:ain with our to trilJs made bY the ~,tcan1er •· Ottf'r" to Dun~ old fric1Hl. Dunwich. I au1 sure that C\·erv wir·h t and the a'busc in connf'ction with liquor hon. mencbcr enjoyed the heated defcucc o.f th;t .has occurred during some of those trips. the hon. member for Albort of hi.s claim to t::-nfortunat.ely, there i:3 a large 1neasur~ of be the hun1anitarian chan1pion oi past truth in that st atornont. V c rions boches­ Adu1.ini,,tration~. ''vho arc now sitting in I hnxe no de~irc to HH'ntion any na1.ncs here oppo<:1 dut:v not only to thgso propk but to the lwacl of the departnwnt to or make a most rigid search of everybody lnc· whatcvc'r complaints hC' has brrf'nt Ol'(',l'~ions~ ha Ye disn1i~~cd ofiicor:s right~ to considcrabon in regard to the staterncnt be 111adc. because of an infringement of the rule; lmt. i<1 spit0 of all precautions. there an· tho>··) I do not suppose that Dnnwich is a JWrfC'd who take advantag·e of their visits to the in1'titutlon by any stretch of in1agi1H1tion. island to conyey drink to son1o of tbe in­ :Xo in'-titution of such a d1aractf~r can bo n1atcs. 1nadr- pcrff'ct, bf'ca use, when ~vou p 1arn I bc>lieve it w;cs the hon. membe;· for Port tog·cthe1· under one roof such various char­ Curtis who touched upon the injustice mE'lcd acters a3 ai'-scn1blP in a place lik(• Dun,Yich, out to the old-'LgG pPnsioners by the Federal .vou rnust naturally expect sonle dissatisfac­ authorities. It is not a new subject, and tion. I do not hroach it in the spirit of scoring The hem. member for Bulimba was tho politically ovt•r our opponents controlling first in this debate to voice the need that the Federal GoYermnent to·drn·. .i'\ or do I exists for a new institution. I candidly bring it up in the pettifogging- manner admit that for some time I have considered. suggested of trying to secure money from 1926-3 0 IIon. J. Stop ford.] 962 Supply. [ASSEi\IBL Y.] Supply.

tlw Comm of health that they the yerv habits of these ral ~ton·, \Vhero inmates may purchase little luxuries as an a 11cw department in the care of old people addition to the scale of diet provided at in this State. \Ve intend as a beginning to the institution at cost price to the depart­ lay down a different scheme for housing thP ment; and the fact that the Federal Govern­ old people of North Queensland~particu­ ment give to these inmates 4s. per week larlv the old pioneers of the }'\orth~men from their pensions enables them to buy a who haYc never n1a.rried, and \Vho have lived rnorninO' paper \vhen the boat arrive8, their lins in a condition of freedom that cuableso them to supplement tlwir ration of woulcl be denied to them in an institution tobacco. enables them to haYe a club for like Dunwich. These men resent haYing to morning tea. :Many nnous advocacy, eovt'ring some yearS, ~lot. rca.11y fit subjects for adn1ission to an tlutt v-p suceO£'d0d in getting the Federal ln::tit.ution of th<'t d('Scription. T~1nt is a riovcnnncnt to :·ecognise their oblig·ation to which i~ ahv:r ~ a source of friction the paiients and pay thcn1 4~. a wPck out of yen thr Hon1c, Departmcnl- ~nd tho 1 t 1c £1 " week thev wrlical mall. He desire-s as far as haYe advanced the claim for th0 inmates of po'Sibh to haYo admitted to hi' institution m.u~ in~~iitutions. because we believe the ]1€'oplP. ,,·ho offer a rea son able chanco of pension is granted as a right for services enhuncing his reputation by leaYing the insti­ rendered, and the Fedora] Goycrnment tutiOn cured or pa tchcd up, so that he will should not r·ob the old people of what is show fayourably in his report. I am not [Hon. J. Stopfm·d. Supply. [7 OcTOBEH.] Supply. 963

3aying this as an accusation against Dr. to all classc3 of blind men and \vomen within ·O'Brien. of Rockhampton. The doctor and tho State who arc ca11able of doing 1\ nrk. I are great per ..,onal friends, and I realise :.'vlanv a~re crnployed ~"yho are really llfJt fit ·that his object is to make the accommoda­ for ;nuch rnnnnal exertion, but th;_, Lencilt tion available to pcoplP who give a reason­ they \Yould reap b:· a:;~ociation wjth nthers able prospect of responding to the treat­ suffering fron1 a like affiiction v, 1s ronsidEred ment. But the Home Dq)ari :nent has to good ground for their achnittauce to the lace the pmblem of what "'C arc going to do institution. The hour:5 of labour arc frorn \VIth the nnfortunHte person who is so far 8 a.nL to hctlf-past 5 p.nL on J\ye clays o' advanced in discnsc that he wa'nb a cam~ the v,-C'C'k. Thl' 1nininnnn v. age paid to-da_Y fortn ble ending for hi: life. He has no i::;~Si't.Q;k· Int-~n, £1 17s. per \veck; singJt• f ri0nds, a1El arc \VC to a llo\V hirn to die on won1en, £1 12.;-. per we('k; n1arriccl mpn, £2 the road.sicle? The hospitals do not admit 5,_ pN 'n ck. Add to that the Cormnoa­ him: but he mu -t be admitt0d somewhere. ''T:J.1th pension of £1 a 1,veek, and you gt-_jt­ vVe ha;-e cn.rdully wr·ighed the matter, and. Siugle n1en. £2 17s. per '/·eek; single \vlule rccognlSlHg the doctor·:" opinion t.vith women, £2 12s. per week. or more than the regard to the possibilities of a cure, \Y8 have basic wage for worncn; rnarried rnen. £3 5s. to fac.f' our l'CsponBibilities a~ a departn1ent, per ,,~cek. It is true that e-ven -.vith the and fmd son1e housing accon1n1odation for Common -ealth pension of £1 per week )>aid t!wse unfortunate peop]p who appeal to the to all workers thP total wage doe>s not l'L·nch Government for help. I do not think hon. the ba~ic '·a~c of £4 5::;. per \Ycck; but, in members will offer an:: objection to that. t1dc1ition, if a rnarriPd \YOrkPr rccciv1n6 £3 (Hear, hear!) 5o. p2!' V'eek ha· children, he is allowtcd so The vVilliam. Powell ~omc for discharged much for e·1ch child from the State Children pl'l~Dncrs. has t1een ment1oned. and I \Votlld Department, which returns him the full rate P~Y ~" tnbute to the work of :\Ir. and Mrs. of tlu" basi~ wag-c. W ebd. I ha Ye had a good deal to do with 1 "ill g·iye ·some idea as to how that works thcn1, and l have givt~n generous tr0atn1ent out in the institution to-dav. There -n·o Jo that home_ compared with the treatment forh~~t,\·o pieceworkers. If it n1an accepts whrch It prc,:wusly received. I quite realise pie(·'cwork, h0 is paid the rate operating in the _feclmgs of hon. merr;brrs who go there the indunr, uub;!de and is then giYcn a bonu3 to \lew the work. which IS done so willingly. ,,f 33 per, cent., which means" that almost "hen tl;ey, sal:' that the Goyernmen t should t'YCl'.\' piC'CC\~"·orker, \Vith his pension, is in g~n-e tl11s 1nsh tution rnore n1oney ; but the l't'cr.?ipt of the ba::,ic wage. Ten of th(~ rncn, Government have many calls of a similar vith their bonus, earn sufficient to equal the nahne. Both Mr. and lVIro<. "\Yebb can bear ba,sic W<';l'C, By that I n1f'-~ll that a bli_nd testnnon:;· to the fact that thev have rccciYed lnEn mal'ricd to a blind woman can, With f l'ODl thu; Go':ernm~nt as gf'ncrous treat­ thp bonus and their t\VO pensions. earn an nu~nt and con~Idcra_hon of their requests afi D.n1ount equal to the basic wage. There are they eYer recmvccl m tlw past. h>n muple, in that position. There arc fif­ tcPn per~ons ,,-ho. in the ordinary industrial I am sure that a debate on our institutions does goC?d. bccaus0 it enables rnc to ke ·, senw. a!'e unfit to be employed. Their earn­ touch With the ir1cas of those who haye·~~ ~~ inJ;:s would not cxcf'ecl 10s. a week. but they back to the country and justify the adminis­ ar"t, p-aid the wages that I quoh,cl for single tratwn of whiCh I happen to be the head as worker.;. or the ·wagt 3 I ha-ve quoted for tnnrrie·Cl n-orkers, according to the pof'ition Ho~e s.ecr~tary. I welcorne Yisits to any of '?ur mstJtutwns by hon. members, and I shall nccupiPd. There are si \.. teen 111en ·whose "\York. ne yrepare_d to do anything· to make their \a lued at 15~. a wePk, arc paid the higher ;-Isits possible and give them the fullest rate tPat I haYE' quoted. The ren1aining 1nforn1at1on. forty-one c re in receipt of £3 5s. I under­ staw{ that won1cn arc not includ·ed in the The aro:nnwnt has been used b,- the hon cl.airn for h basic wage. as they recei-ve over : member for Toowong and the hoi1. membc1 t!1e basic wage for females jn factories, tak­ for. Logan that the full basic wage should be inp: jnto C'Dnsideration the pcn~ion of £1 n, pa1d, to th~ nwn '•nc.l wornen \Vho are working IYl'ck. If lhat ""ere all that was done for the 111 tne Bhncl. Deaf, and Dumb Institution. blind v;orkcrs in the institution. theo: might I am awa-re that a letter has been forwarded hu YC' ~~ reasonable dain1; but we rnust ulso to almost cyer;~: hon. member on this subject, tak() into con,·idt'ration that. all Goyernrucnt and. perhaps, If I take this opportunity of he lid a"" an' allowed to the \Yorkers on tnH placing bcio~·c. :;:ncn1bcrs a_ll th? faf'ts rehl6ng pav i,; addition to th,·ec weeks' holiday on to the condi1wns opcratmg m that institu­ full pa0- at Christmas time. A railway pass tJon. Jhc;· _>nil ~-calise ''hethe,· th0 granting i" gr:111tcd to thc·,e •rho wish to ti·a.-el io of th~ claim Wlll lw a benefit or haye the S(~(' their fric~nds, and this priYile~·c aJJplies oppos1tc rJfcct. This instjtution. as e\~CrY­ to nwrrlt J JTif'll .anrl their \YiYc, and single bod:v kn?w~-:;, \Vas estaqlishcd bv a ;,.-erv war~n ttl('ll a11d ;yomPn dnrin:,- th:ir annual leaYc. sympathiser with blind peorle.' who. i under­ Pa ,::::::~~ are ;, succl on st;burban raihYa~·::; and stynd. \va.s blind hirnsrlf. The object \Yome workPrs of from 10s. to £1 a week such that in 1917 the Qoycrnment had to when thev become unfit for work, each case take it over. Xow the workshons are open to be decided on its merits by the Mimster. Hon. J. Stopford.] 96-± Supply. [AS:SE:\1BLY.] Supply.

In other words, the blind worlwr does not i11g '! \Y c would be benefiting the Common­ retire at tho ,ge of sixty-fi,-e years. If he \:,ealth UoYt>rlnHent, \Vho would imrnediatel.Y can come to the institution, he is employed reduce the pension to such an amount that picking up paper or performing auy Y\'Ork at no blind worker would earn aboYe the basio all. \Vhcn he becomes physically unfit rate of >Yage. \Vo claim that the effective through age or anything else and is no longer unit~ at rhe institution can earn the basic able to reach the institution, he still receive-­ rate of wage >Yith the bonus and pension. the amou11t deten11ined by the JVIinist·er, \Ye say that the men who are skilled between 10--.. and £1 a week, in additiou to artisans to-da'~ entered the institution \Yhen his DCLLsion. II·1ying regard to the fact that the,· wcrp or' no cornrucrcial yulue at all. ruan\· of these rncn aro not. able to earn rnor.e ThOse HH.'ll c01nplaln to-day because they than~ 10s. a ·w0ck, anLl considering that eyery ha,-e to carry thP person "-ho i;: not able tct nwn \\·ith children i~ en a bled. \il.rith assist­ t 1 ~ll'Il .-:.ufficicnt to justi£7 u:, in giving hirr1 ance fro1n ono fuEcl and another, t:o reach the basic ralc' of wage, 'forg'..'tting that they the basic wag·t"', ···p n1ust realise wiutt an at one tin1l1 occupied the San1c position as extra drain the pro~c:"3f- d clairn \Yould Inean thi:-:. ntall. Evc1·y hon. n:, a drunkard, only people• "~ho ha Ye a claim on the Go­ or ha~ his <-;}ght, ·would be: refuSed achni~,sio11 n'nuueut. tho~tgh they appeal n1ost to the to the inAitution. p0ople the;. l1H'et.. Takp the case of b,-o Hterl who \Yol'lu.c1 in ihe D.1ount lviorgan mine_ I haYC' dNdt ·with thi~ n1atter frorn all ang·lt ~. and I hrnc endC>avourc(l to n1cet the There is an explosion in the rninc One 1nan~ wi',ltcs of the bliucl people as much as I unfortunately, lo:'ie~ the sight of both (~ves, could: bnt the rc-;cntlnc'nt at ne\,'Comcrs while the ot~wr n1a11. unfortunatclv. luses cotHing in is chiefly 1nade by those b.oth l1i~. leg~. Th0 - gci equal conlpensa­ t!on: hut. the nu111 'vho loses both ]errs go(:~; [2.30 p.m.] 1 ho themselves havo been trained in the institution. Take tl~roup;h lifP on u pension of £1 pe1:' 1\'e,::k. the po~ition that exists to-day in regard to He hr' no opportunitv to obtain •·ocational rnillPt broon1 workers. The milk·t crop has tmining. The other 1;1an who lost the sight failed in Qnpensland. \Ye hac'e eightoon men of both eyes comes right into the Blind Inst.itnt.jon, and, 1f a singl0 n1a11, receives cn1plo~~ed in making n1illei ln·ooms. Those nwn han' tho guaranteed wage that I £2 17:-<. per "-0ek frorn the nvorkcJ' outside. >dwn thoro is no millet drf:'n. hP rPeC'1vr·s the basic rate of wage. The ?ther nw n \Yho lo:--t both his lc~,5 receive:> there i') no ~//Ork; but \\'C do nor clPal with thern in that 1vay. \Ye nn• att.Prnr:Jting to nothing- extra. I mn not sub1nit.ti1tg this c.P an arg:utnent, but I clain1 that th0re tnnke :-;oHH' provi:-;1on for them. because \VO cc nnot obtain millet- in Queensland or Aus­ ..-hould bt> ·~ornf~ rnct.hod 1Yhercby all injured tralia. while an embargo by the Federal \Yorkor.-:: c-an rcr<.>ive Yocational training. 1 had hop. that the State lnsnranc~ Depart­ Go\~crnrr:l!T!l of c.nnpenfiation, which the~~ l1HI~~' po~~ih]y ''· J ·tP, should rPceivc a rcrtain Hon. J. G. APPEL: That is so. allo\YaJWP. tlln:::' training, at a YOCa.tional 'ehool. to e1 ab),, thc.rn to become productive The HCJ::\H:: SECRETJ.RY: Instead of unns Ill tllo mdustnal life of tho country. turning tho"' people out, I am reducing tho nllo,,·an< "~ to t.he sin~:1e lllClL I an1 giving ::\11-. U. P. Bc\R:\'ES (Traru:irk) : The them 1Q,,_ per v:cok, which. plus their pension I-I o1nc St'crd.arv can ccrtainl.--:~ Le credited of £1 per >veek. will enable them to pay their with baYing , \~Prv effcctiYelv explained board and to be kept until they are in a ~evPrvorkshop. '1. boy from sixteen to sevon­ odion~. To-day hon. rr1ernbPrs hnvc compared h:'£'11 year~ of age rPcc-iYes a wa~c of 12s. 6d. v hat is dow· to-Llav with what the last per w~c:-k on co1nn1enciu~ to lc\arn a trade, GoYC'rnnwnt did 0lOvcn years rtgo. The pluc, £1 per wc 0 k pensiou. making his total ~n0ech of thP IIomn SecrPtrtry 0tnpha,,isns thr­ incc•>n<' £1 12>. 6d. per week. fact that. ,, h•teyer has bi rn don('. there is Hon. J. G. APPEL: Hear, hear! still sonwthinYOI'kshop the first week to learn a trade Even in l''}litics th0re is thP thoug-ht o:" such 'v:>.g0s. A bo~v frorn seventeen years to g;oins~· one hettcr. f!Ild rnPeting thi;, and thc1t cightoNl years recein1s 15s. pe1· week. plus a contingency in a diffcrPnt vvav: but the-rf' i-; pension of £1 per week: eighteen to nine­ ahvays 1'110 hurnanita.rinn point of Yiew for tC'en ~venrs, wag(;:; 17s. 6d.. pension £1; the concirlerntion of rrll. ni1wtecn to tw0nty years, wages £1 2s. 6d., I think it >Y«s the hon. mcmher for Bnrcno· pension £1: twenty to twenty-one years, who raised t'Jp CJUCstion in regard to the wag-es £1 10s .. pension £1. 'fho most impor­ condition of things prevailing- in some of onr tant argument of the lot is this: If the homes. and indicated that there shonld be Govo-nment werP to accede to the reCJUest of !'Ome -mear.s for re] icYinp: the necessity for placing- all these blind workers on the ba

Leader of the Opposition rea,! a paragraph mPn1bcrs of the staff. "\Vhcn one goes Lht")ttgh from the report of the medical superinten­ ihe wards and sees old folk quite una~.Jc, to -dent of the DnmYich Benevolent ~\s--lum, look after th0mse!Yes and quite incapable of referring to that phase of the mattPr. 'Here lifting a cup to have a drink. one realise_, the is an extract from that report den ling- >Yith arnount of attention required, and it retlncts the quPstion- · the hig-hest possible credit on th' fema !o "The reason of this is that. while Ye and male staffs to find that this attr'ntiml is have always been the fmal refug-e of the giv('n v, iHl1Jgl.v. Per~onally. I think thi~ unfortunat(~, this vcar wr- have been vote should be discussed dispassionate-ly. absolut.c•ly delug-ed ,\ ith what \Yould have Anything- any member of the Opposi tio;:, can been called. 'vhcn I vvas a sailor, 'the suggest that will improye the ir.st't:~tion l scrapings of hell '-so far as disease is am sure will be welcomed bv the Home Sec­ concerned." · retary, and certainly by rllernbrrs on this side of the Chamber. Criticism-;,;:cr; icularly All this emphasises the extreme necc"ity for criticisnr of a carping nature-on a votr3 like carr~~inp; out sorno schcn1e b:v ·which prople thie, to say the least of it,. is undesirable. of affimt,- may be 50athcred together. There you have people who arP unfortunate, I an1 glad to see that there is an incr-ease throug-h no fault of their mYn bm lwcausc in the g-rant for the Brodribb Home in of the Yici",itu-des of life. herded togetlwr 'l'oowoomba from £300 to £400, and 1 would in an inrl.iscritninato rnannor. It is not fair cxprcss m_v personal thanks and also the to <·on1p ~1 those people to as~ociat(' IYith one thanks of the committee of tnanar:u~rnent of another ..and th0n~ i~ a ncce~::itv for inaugu­ tbc institution. It 1s a private i11stitutlon ratinf!' ~omc t:ehcme to ovorc'Jille the d{ffi­ \Vhich is doir1g a great deal of useful work. culty:- :idcntion ha::; been made of the activities of There is OlH thing we le -~rn fr01n tho t!Je Queensland Society for the PrcYention of report of the mh-clopartment' of the Home Cruelty, r1nd the opinion w~L cxpres,,cd b:-, De!1artmc'nt-n thing- that may be clue to hun. nwmbers rn both sides that the yotc sonv- cxt~nt to our larg-er citir-. or to the should be larg-er. I notice that Brisbane feet that rmwy of the'" place' are on the rr'ccins £200 and TmYns,-illc £50. I think coa~t-that is. that rt bout clglnPen or twcntv that r<'lltres like Rockhamptun. ::\lar_vboroug-h. place>< supplv nearlY tlw .,-hole of the and Toowoornba, \Yhcrc there arc branche-s of inhabiiants of Dunwich. the societv. should also ·r.'ccive a little TablP F, of tlH• rc'r)()rt :-hov :-.; the di:-'tl'ict:-; as:"istanc ·b,v wa~v of a. grant. ..A grant of from which the inmates came. and I will £50 or £100 >vould be a material help, ctnd -enumerate thos(' places fron1 ·which tt~n or it would encourage mcn1bers of th~ con1n1it­ ·n1nre inmat£'s ·were rcceiv8d- ter's. ,,-ho arc at all time., ali1·e to their BO\ven 11 Tnnisfail 14 n.'"ponsibilities. Brisbane 574 Ip"vich 13 I also know of the g-ood work >vhich is ~u!1daberg· 42 :\-Tacka,- 38 bf'ing done by ~fr. and ~Irs. \V ebb 1n con­ Cauns 22 T.onc-r-:ach 21 nection with the \Villiam Powell Hom0 for Chartets Towers 10 l\Iar)·buroug-h 19 Discharged Prisoners. and I take the oppor­ Clermont 4 Rockhampton 32 tunity cf saying that I am in heartv atcord Dalb.v 11 f\t. Georg-e 13 with the appreciation expressed by hon. Goodnn 16 TomYOomba 44 members in regard to the work being done Gympie 12 TownsYillo 32 'there. The lJ01!E SECRTTARY: :Vlostlv theY were The hon. member for East Toowoomba. inmates of hospitals in those di~trids. before drew attention to a matter which calls for a thev "\verc\ ~cnt to Dunwich. Thcv n1a'' have little comment, and which has alr0ady been -con.le fron1 outside. ~ · referred to bv hon. members on both sides l\1r. G. P. BARNES: Finding- ilmt the of the Chamber. It is not to the credit of bulk of these people came from cPrtain dis­ the Commonwealth Government-and I do tricts only. and many of them from the not sa:v this in any spirit of carpin.g criticism coastal districts, it struck me that thcro ~to retain a portion of the pensiOn of old­ was something behind it which po unfortunate people in people. would it not be much better if ··.v.e Dunwich to haYe the benefit of the comforts tried to find out some preventative, becatBc they need. UHln~T n1PD havo found their ·wav th0rc as a It.Pm (Charitable Institutions and GrantsJ result. no doubt, of having bccn,l0d into th<.> agrec·d to. drinking- habit. In that regard ,-. e a,.,, gi,-ing- them greater latitude, and we are HEALTH. proparin~ the \Yay for nHtny a young fpllOI"', Th~ HO::\IE SECRETARY (Hon. J. fi:uding his wa:v to DunvviC'h a~ D result of the greah'r opportunities wc arc giYing. To Stopford, Jfaunt JloTgan): I bc>g tJ moYe- -ob,-iate tlw filling of thcee institutions, we •· That £26.720 be grante-d for v·ant to start out on new lines. ' H Palth' .'' · Mr. LLE\,YELYN (1'or11coom bal :. The pre­ Tb,, vote is £2,329 less than last year. TlH' -Eent Gm-ernmcnt, like other Go,-emmcnts Greater Brisbane scheme has n£>cessitated t-hat haYe prPcecled them, irrespertiYe of certajn reorganisation. and country districts Pvill now have permanent health officers to Wlch a worthy home for tlw old people. control health matt-ers. It is also mv inten­ Son1e ti111e ago it w,.s n1y priYilcg·c to 1nakc tion to call unon health officers throug-hout a very thorough insrwction of that institl'­ the Sta tc to bt;come officers under the Liquor tion, and I found YCl'V n1uch that \YH.>.:. com­ ,\et. and to pay .epecial attention to the mendabl£>, and I take this opnortunitv nf sanitation and conduct of botch and houses payjng a tribute to both the ma1(, and ff l11(d.; of aceommodation within their districts. Hon. ,J. Stop/ord.] 960 Supply. [ASSK\IBL Y.] Supply.

~1r. KERR (Eno:;gcra): On this vote I but I want to emphasise that the Govern­ want to ~ay son1ething about the nuisance ment and Dr. Moore know perfectly well' known as Breakfast Creek se\vcr. It is that this nuisanCi) does exist. Their just as l>ad to-clay as it has been for a officers have been out there time and again, rnlnLber oi years past. It is nothing ·more and thcv know what it is to have such '" C>r k" than a quagmire of filth. It is said nuisance' in a. thickly populated district, that it is a matter for the Citv of Brisbane .and I n ntnrc to 'av that Dr. Moo re ha' CounciL If it is. and the health of the ach·ised the Goycrnnt~~nt to h~ve it cleaned peopJe i~ to bo disregarded like this, then up. If an Order in Council had been i.ssued that council should be dealt with. I think and the local authorit~, instructed to carry tint " is unclct the jurisdiction of the Bris­ out the work. the position would han' been bane Citv Cmmcil. but it htts not been dealt remedied. 1 am incli;wd to., k thot that 11·ith acl,;quately by tho council. The creek should lJC' don<.:'. lbf' llornc Scrrctary can~ !Jar::. !Jt'Cn eh ar0d out from tinw to timP, and not ignore tlv' fact that the nuisance is in r·verY \.1!11C' it has bc•cn cleared out '-'OH find fn-:,i·,tCncf'. For :1 co:n.:;ider.ablc timo the ,; of d( ad ·fcnvl:-;, bv g3 of d(~ad ctlts, d(_ .1d wool ~co~n· wa:o; he!d t.o he rcs110nsihle for rott.-•n co\YS, hund~·C'c1s of stinki111T -rats ihe t.roub1l". lmt thC' cour hn.:"~ bPen gone and othrr th~nr:~. and all this in a t~hir~dv for some t1mf' now. and the eYil ~till exist~. populilted arC'!"'. Ill the houses just in th8 I kHO\Y that neithl~r the Brisbane City ,-iein~t of the :C::0\Yer ihcrc arc rn-c;riad;;; of Council uor the· ::\Iinl~tcr can prevent R.ie~ ~Yhieh ('OJlli' frmn ihi~ qun~;tnir~~ of filth. ppopL~ tllrowin.£',' d(1 ad fowls. roiten cats. 1t i~ all n~ry fine to .av that 1t is nnder the and tl1i11!'S of that 'art into the creek. If jll:·ididio1l 'of the Cit:; Council: but. while you cm1 ,.._ruetecl a c-oncrete wall 10 feet I that to LP ::;o_ I \~-~1nt to sav that thL t1igh. the would continue to throw of the ll<'alth .\cts is not their animal~ iEto thP C'l'cck. We !)r·iH££ {' ~rri('d ont bv thP Gove-rnment as it cn11not th~· difficulty bv clenning out .-:hou.lrl he. Tu 19~2: -when thi:;; rnattcr v{'retarv fo1· ~lines had df~al of th0 t.rollblc• v:onld b0 obvi.'lt.ed, as ch.aru;o of rho BilL and I want to quote what the still ,, atcr would then be subject to the hon. ge,ttlem<:\11 said io ~how hon. J:nom­ tidal influence, and would be cnrricd on. I he>r;;:. c~,-:a(tly \Yhat the position \Yas con~-idcrcd ask the Ho;np Sccretftr"" to put tlw law into to b,,_ nml th •11 I wnnt the Ho111o Secretary, operation flnd cGtnncl i-hc local authont.y to \Ybo adrnini~tPr~ this Act. to tak0 ::-on1e carry out ih ·.:ork at the expense of the action in regard to thP nui~ancr>, because ·ratepa:ver.3. tht'l'0 i.-: InorP in it than pr-oplc 1nay re.·]i:'-e. :llr. KELSO (~Tundah): There is one point :\1r. EYxr.s: Do vou not think 1hat the on \Yhich I cle,irc a little information .and Cir_v Council d10ukf do something 7 about ,,-hicll hon. members on this oidc know ~Ir. KERR; The Govc·rnment have lx'en nothing. P rhaps the Home Secretary or in lJO\Y( r for eh~ven yPars. and they ha Ye >ome hon. members opposite will tell. us a:. known that this ~tinking place exist:". yet little more definitely the subject to whteh 1t tlH~.'' h::tYC' taken 110 action to ('radicclf. introduced an arv which gav-e a nlc'aning as dear as 11111d amenclmcnt of the Health Act in 1922, in wh~n it said, "' iu1planted morbid Yirus." order that the matter might be dealt with, The HOME SECRETARY: future it will be he made remarks \vhich )Jrovecl that I am In corr eel. He said- known as n•nercal diceae< s: The clay of carnonflnt could not be ma·dc wjth J'OWer to d(!BJ \Yith this 1nattr·r. Thi.;;; i:;; the samo medical officer to investigttte Dr. roJ1'3('f'JUC2ltia1 on the nn1cndnH'·.1t ju:-t Di Luca·s rem~ch· for tubPrrulosis. Sovcral a ~Teed to.'' cases could be kc.pt undC'r the ohscn-ation of T inJnH'diat('l~: rn ld0 t hcse H 1 !11a rk~~~- rho Gov<'rnmont modiral referee and the H0alth Department. 'l'his is a matter that '" f Want to llUlk(' ;;:ltrt.' '.:lH•thcr. i·' t]F~ roquircs urgent attention. If thc~·e is a ioc_1 1 i~uthoritics clPrlln0 to rPl'l'' out this remedy, we ought to know about It; and. \York. nn OrdPr in Conucil ltlft\-·Lt• i ..;.:-ued if there is not a remedy, we ought to know c·ornnclliuf!,' then! to d\) ~o." · so as to prcYent a lot of discouragement. I In N ply to that. th0 St•crctal':-~ for ::.01incs was sorrv to hear the hon. memb€r for intcrjt1 cted- Nunclah sav that hc,n. members on that side did not kno~ anything about onthetic clisea~os. " Lncicr cnnthcr clau'l' of the Act \YC shal] haYe ihat pO\Yr~r." As legislators they should know somethmg about those diseases. I ·do not know whether I do not want to quote the \Yhole of tho the hon. member was casting a slur on hon. clou-.:(1 IYhich 1Yas introdncr.cl and .(_) ~TPcd to, members on this si·de-- [Jir. Eerr. Supply. [7 0CTOBEH.] Supply. 967

Mr. Kn.so: ::-.Jo. I did not know what the nwnt:3 so that contagious disea~-:-•s can be tcrrn 1ncant. treated in a ,eparate building. The other a1ternatlve is the making of son1c arrange­ i\1r. HARTLEY: I took it to be a slur on this side. Inent" for thosf~ patients to bQ brought stmigl1t '"''a~· from Rockhampton without :\lr. KELso: I can assure the hon. member being sent to the hospital. The hospita! that I did not know 'vhat it meant. con1rr1ittec very strongly object to cases of ::\Ir. IIARTLEY: The hon. member said cont·tgiou~ diseases of a v0ncreal dc3crip1-ion that hon. 1nen1bcrs on this side n1itdl occurnng, we are entitled to the fullest consideration of the Government for the Jlpr f'('nt.. -l:: 8. d. protection of the public, in order that these !!l·~ 1 ~ dtseascs may not only be prevented from 1:2'0 1 ± li spreadmg, but be e~iminated. The dutv of caring for this class of patie.nts de,-olves at p_rosent on tho Rockhampton Hospital. and so on. Apparent];.~ the n1an 'vho adds Under the old arrangement tlw doctor from tlw smallest quantity of YYater gets off with the_ bosrntn 1 could go to the venereal ward. the smal!e,;t fine. I consider it just rts criminal wh1ch JS nearly half a mile from the institu­ for the milkman to sell adulterated milk to­ tion. and inspect rrnd treat the patient' lh0 consniner .a'·' it is. for the burglar to break there. If the medical officer of hertlt.h or into a house and steal it,~ contents. The the branc·h of the Heaith Dcnartmcnt in :V!ctropolitan \Yater Supply and Sewemge Rockhatn1Jton decides that ccrt~in cases of Boa>·d supplies water. and there is no Yet.wrcal disease should be isolatocl. --·.hat is qcca~ion for the nrillnnan to supply it in this g'.nng to bo the position between the time fashion. It is a:-.iounding that ~-cnr in :voa.r of the despatch of t·hose patients fwm Hock­ out. when thC'."C' rnen arc brought to br;ol: hampton and the time thev are' received at 1·1w.1· are fined paltry amounts. the depot under the new "arrangNncnt. Ir ~Ir. KrxG: Xo; tlwv a.rc increasing t}.() f-11111pl;v- rrlc•ans thnt ,ye have io rnakc pro\Ti.'-ion Ct1w~ Yl'r.Y cou~idcrab1y. ~ =" for them at tlw hospital. It is not right nor JllSt to the nurses in the yarioLlS w~uds of Mr. BCLCOC'K: 'l'hcv mav be. lmt :rr.v th<· hospitals. and it is not fair to t.ho G£turc~ IYPl'C' n~ad fronr ·the fines that \.ver'e pati<•nts for that clasi of patient to bo held it;-flictcd last. year. It is an axiom of justice for &omP cl a; s in ,ornP of the "a,rds jn the that a tna:t Jl1U:·'t bC' fnwd first; bat, vvhrn a general hocpitals. lllrlll c~)ll~\'S 11]1 tilltC' after time, indC' Hl of bc'iug filled 0ach ti1110, ho ~hould l;c t-reat~d Hon. W. H. BARXES: Hc•ar, hear! tarv to take the matter into m a v be ali verv well fro'm the standpoint of ·very gravP con~idC'r.Btion ancl eYolvc a scherno nig.htsoil. but "not from a sewerage stand­ whereby it wili not be profitable for a milk­ point. Of course, in ::\'mth Queensland the man to adulterate his milk after his first sunshine is fail'lv warn1. and sunshine is a offenc•>. It may be that the staff of the great disinfectant. \Vere that not so, the Health Department is inadequate. To me health of the people »·ould not be anything the number of samples taken do not appear like so g·ood as it is at tho present time .. A to be representativ-e, and I do not think that paragraph in the report, headed " Sanita­ suffic·ient ha n> been taken. I am not attri. tion.'' reads-- buting an.1· blame to the Health Department, " During the year sanitary administra­ be.•ause. If they haYe only a small staff, th0y tion has been kept well to the front m cannot achieve the impossible. If they are re ·pC'ct to close supPrYision of general understaffed. it is important that that should sanitarv conditions both ill the metro­ b~ rectified. because a pure milk supply is politan" and outside areas, and this has o! mon· Inorncnt. to the people of Queensland lw<'ll particular!,- directed in connection than tlw initial expenditure that would be with the strict carrying out of. the incurn:d in taking additional Farnple.3. \Yhen l'L'quirPm(_,nts of the sanit.1ry conYCnicnccs ·OnP rudises that at the prcsel!t juncture the anLl r;ight,oil di,posal regulation~." ~Ica1th Department is the only regulating 1n~trurnent that stands bchrePn the produce1· I jn·' want to sa;c that in many _cases. the and the eonsumc'r, it mu't lw admitted that ('XpC'll~e of JH'O\·id1Hg fl~·-proof cabinets 1s a VYC cannot afford to Yi0w tl1is mattf'l' othc1· g-roat ·dcal more' than it ought to be. I have than with a good deal of sc~rionsnf's~. and, in kno\Yn instanc!'s where people have had to \ ic·win_g it" with_ this ~eriousnt\ss, in1pose pay £3 3s. for a cabinet. That is beyond pcnalnc" that wdl make it unrirofitable for all rc;tcoll. nnd I am not. too sure Y;'hcthcr any offending rni1km.an to rontinne to Qffend the \\'oc·ks Department could not do some­ A' th~' JH'C''nt practice ;, that, after the milk: thing· in th0 direction of proyidin~ tho~e tn;_n 1s caught. fiuL'd, and conyirtecl he is not cnhinets at a much lowPr rate than is paid subj<'ct to inspection. as a gl'neral rule. for in many parts of the State. Thl' report goes soniC' considerable tinw, if n1ilk is worth en to ~a:, - Se!. or 9d.. a quart. it doh not require a n1athf'matrc1an to work out his gain cyen '' ~\IoreO\·n. the councils have taken after he has paid the fine that is inflicted. ad\·antagc of our inspector's presf'nce in Water sold as milk at 9d. a quart is a big their Inidst to consult upon Inatt·crs of temptatwn, and, when we find milk vendors improvPd drainage facilities, aurl i~ . i~ arc selling· milk with 25 per cent. of added plPasing to n;cord .that l_ocal authmitlcs water, the position is Ycry serious indeed. ~.trP rcC'og-nising thmr obhga~Ions In pro­ Yiding sotnc rnea~ure. of rehpf to housC'­ There is another phase of this question: holdcrs. hotels. and other places where fi,Ian.y datr.pnen, \Yh:=:n. prosecut-ed for baYing in the past waste wate~· had occas~o_ned ;:tailed milk contmm_ng added water, say, s('rious cans£' for compla1nt. In addition, I 1vas not l'Csponstble · rnv carter was tlw prot<'ction of watercourses fr1ho is i·espon: That· ma,· he quite correct, but it seems to siblc m the eyent of addt•cl water. Under me that the law is not very clear!,- defined. ~lwse circumstances it would be practicallv Impo"·Sible for a carter to tip water into th.e The <'ouneils arp not quite sure what authorih· thev have got. I notice that ·can of milk. His alternatiye would he to Orders (\nincil arc frequently asked for carry a can of '"at0r on the cart, but he ~ll to c1nnovvcr C'ouncil~ to rlo certain things to w:mlcl not be m likPiy to adulterate the milk preYPJ;t people from discharging their v-rttb water under those circum~tances as hE' drainage into •:!10 water-table or the st;·cet. would if hc cculd tip the "·at er into the can \Yhen councils rrsk for Ordt'rs m Council to .and dra" tl1c milk and water off and sell tho prevem that being' done. they are told that tnixturc to the consun1cr. I cornnwnd that thev mu't provide some other method for suggestion for tbe consi·deration of the Hon1e the. di'l"'sal of the drainage. S:cret_nr~v. ~tnd hope that so1nething in that d1_rcct/on 1nll be done) and that .arra11gements 1\lr. KlXG: The liabilih· is on th<' housc­ will oe made wherebr much more drastic holtlel· to get rid of it. · penalties will be inflictPcl on th

to see their areas kept free from this som·ce not exposing our WPaknesscs and disadvan­ of pollution: but they cay the~· have not tages, but of concluding- that we possess sufficient authoritv to ensure its being done. many adYantagcs and that eyen our wpak­ and thcv ask for an Order in Council for nesses disclo.::.p n con,.,idcrable degree of that pui'posc. In a large area it may be streng·th. and I think that in this connPC· po"iblc to pro;-idc some other means of tion it is onh· fair and wise that we should disposaL but in a small area it may mean emphasise thai· in Brisbane we enjoy a. a great deal of expense to a council and to degree OI health really i>uperior to that of householders. The conditions which exist at the other cities of the Commonwealth. the present time should be remedied. \Vhat­ Pver the consequences may be, the health of :Mr. KELSO (~TIIndalc): The remarlu of th<, communitv is paramount. The councils the hen. member for \Yarwick remind mP will know what authority they ha vc when of a cmwersation I had •recently with one t.hf'Y get. the opinion of the Crown Law Office of the Empire Parliamentary "Association on the matter. For years past this difficulty delegates "·ho came from ;\! cwfoundland. has existed in town, where thene is no Talkin[( about th" health of the city of dra,inag0 :::y:;;te1n, aud tltP oul:· plucf' into Brisbane. he told me that in ;\lewfoundland thev lHtd a habit of placing their houses­ '"'hich the rf'fu~c water ( 111 lJc) tl1:--chargrd i~ the ';ater-tablc•s. thev are all wooclPn houses--rig-ht on the gro'und, and he added, '' l IH!\'<' been l\11·. Krxo: The Cro\Yn La1v Office can curious to know ·why it is ihat you put only tell the councils ·,yhat the Health Act your~ on stilts." I explained frorn rn;.r rnrans. j1oint of .-iev- what the nd.-antagPs \Yl'l'l', utc•ntioning amongst otlH•rs that Hw prac­ J\Ir. \'\T\qf'TA:\;LEY: I C<'rtainlv think ticc exeludecl the 1rhitc ant and that tlw the matter should lw cleared up. \Vherever spacP nnclf't'ntath the !1ousc fornH'd a g_ood 'these conditions exist ihov arc a n1enaco to plnvoTound fm the clnldren. I emphasJs<•d the lwalth of the corrnnunity. and should tha·t ::-:>tlw fret' circulation of air nucl0r thP be~ put a stop to hy "\VhOP\'(1 r can 0Xe1·cisc house nutdf' the place lwahhicrJ and I s~id the nccessarv authorih. I know that for that I thought that had a lot to do w1th ~·ears pnst rrlatters \YhiCh have been rcfPrred thc o·ood health of t!H' citizPlls of Bn,bane. to the Health Department bv local authori- 1-If' ~aiel that it opened a most intN0sting 1 ics ha Ye been rpferrcd back. and nothing­ fwld of speculation. because' just prior to deGnite has bc'cn done. It is ver,,- imnortant lea ,·ing· St. ,J ohn's-hc was a n1Pn1ber of from a health point of vie>~· to kr'ep our the House of Ass0rnblv of :'-Jewfoundland­ 'unitary methods np to date. Onlv last week h(~ had LPcn working Ulong those lines, and I had a ldt('l' from the local authoritv I had got to a Pertain point bt~t <:'onld gPt have rncntioncd asking rnc \vhat the position no furtl10r. He had been tlnnkln[( that. was, and whether they 'Yould i,c giYCm the as a n~sult of putbng honscs right _on tlH~ in!ornuttion they required in order to ascer­ ground. t hP ,damp came up. Ho sa1d that tam the extent of their authoritv, as their in his judg1ncnt there w~s . an ~1ndut> tlPsire is to carry out ihc work ,\·hich is so numbc>r of tubercnlar cases m tho crt.y. of essential to the ,:cellb0ing of the community. St. John'><, and aft0r our cmwersatwn hP went a1vay quite df'termined to try the Mr. U. P. BAR:\ER (Warll'irk): No doubt, e':pPriniPnt it haLl suggc~tcrl on a large _tract a~ the' hon. ITlCinbcr who ha~, just sat do,vn of land lw had; and lw felt quite satisfied has said, the lwalth of the communit>: is of that th<• experimPnt wonld he (,he nwans panunouni in1portancc. and it vvoUld bo of reducing tll£' numb0r of tubc•rcular cases wrong at this juncture not to acknowledge in St. John's. On behalf of the that we enjoy a great deg-ree of immunitv Gon'rlll1l<'llt of Qucemland I took th" from plague an~ disease generally, and tha't yisito1· to thP \VorkCJ'c' Dlvf'lliP<;s Dej>art· WP shlnd YPr.v h1gh compared with the oth0r ment. \Yhf"rP we 1vcre courteously recPn~ed States of Australia as regards our dPath rate. !w the chief rlraftsman and ,npplic-d w~th That being so. we can' onlv pav a tribute plarH of buildings 0l'Cded, together >nth to thP watchhllm''S of th0 officers of the two ammal rPports of the departmcv.t con· department in various directions. On look­ taining photo[(raphs and sketches of homes ing up om statistics. I find that the death construdcrl. M v friend was very grateful rate in Brisbane is 11.4 per 1.000 of mean for thP infornut,tion he had 'received. 'l'hc population; in Melbourne 11.28: in Adelaide noint 1 -wi~.d1 t0 HlRke is, that onP of th•• 11.18; and in Hobart 13.81. The rates in 'nrineipal coutribnting fa<'tors tn the g~>orl Sydney and \V cilington corr~parr with ours health of this comrnnnity and other trop1cal ·to son1c advantage; but s0ein0' that we are towrJS of Queensland is th0 fact. that our livi!Jg in ~+·hat is suppo~e-cl to bbe a tropical houst'S arf' constructed high off the ground. country. and therefm·e naturall\ subject to and arP therefore free from damp. Th0v diseases vvlll~h do not a1taC'k rnoye- temperate a'rP not constructed close to the cround. places. th0 f1gnres S]wnk very lughlv for tho as thPv arc in Sydney and :\Ic1bonrne. watchfulncso of the Health Department. \vhcrP less preraution is taken. h~v .1ncans of :\1r. KELC:O: ·what about the efficiency of damp-course'', the abi>CJW<' of wl11ch leads the sanitary serYice-. to .so much eh0st troublE'. Tlnt 1s one reason \Yhy the cit~- of Brislmne luis a .-cry Mr. G. P. BARt\ES: I am wrn that it ]my death rate. is nol efficient-vo know that only' too >veil -but that T<'ry fact Jll'OVPs that there mnst ITox. \Y. H. BAR:\'l<:S (Wynnum): Follm\'· h0 a YC'ry frnc ~et-oft' in other directions. in' on whnt wa~ said bv the hor1. rncmber allCl I takP that to li'" in the "'"H'ral fL,;-.' Fitzrov. particularly· in conned ion \vjth ,·cnpreal diSI·aS<'. I would like to sav t~at th 11011. n1ernber. the sufferer is himself re ponsible. bLlt \Tncreal discas0 jg not altog0ther one of 'fhc hon. n1P1nbc·r~_; for Fitzrov and 'Vvnnurn thpsc. It i~ quite possible for sorr1P one who a· kccl what w l being- done b_v the llealth has ber•n particul:uly careful and L"'' not Dcpartrnent in the YtT.Y importa11t question ~i1111Cd in 1hat regard to be smitten. I have of PTKlcnxonrin 1 to :::.t(~lll the spread of one kno\YJl ca~cs whf_'re, as a r~,..,ult of nsin~~' linen of thf' rxrcatt)St ,COUl'~rC'S that CiYilisation. has used by SO!Yl('bod:v~ ehe, innocent chilch·en haYo L'Yer kno~.yn--~nan1ely, yenereal disease. There suffel'Pd with th0ir eves or jn .-.:onH' other wav \Y~l::-; a time v-lu'n \\T' did not care about dis­ and it has boon a ·life-long trouble. Thos~ cu~.;;ing- thi~ nrntt0r fntukly. \Vc pr£'fe-rn'd arc cases 1 hat ''- haY{' a. rig-ht to lack le (-u cnncc•a l !t and lL•t it take it;;;. cour,;.e. e.eriouslv. Tho hon. rucrnbcr fJ~{. FitzrnY will Fort'.ll!Htely, that day has pas~ed, and n1e1n, know that I anr not alJtagonistic \Yhr>n. I ~a\~ her of 1nu·lia tlC'lH., parlian1ent;';. and the that lw wa:-. altoo-cther \Yl'ono· when b.o heclth authoritir~ throughout th0 length and tllought that hon. n1~mbcrs on th~ :-icle ·were IH·cJclth of the Commonwealth are realising ~e~king- to beliHlc hon. nlL'IHbc•rs Ot)posit(•. how ab::;oluh:-1::.- e·,,ential it i~ that important ~tep::; f'hou1d be taken to cmnbat the spread :\lr. H.U!TLEY: l rc•fcrred 1o 1hc hon. mem­ nf thi; tPrriblr' pln m As the hon. members ber for 1'\ undah. fm Fitzroy and \Yynnmn pointed rmt. th" Hox. \Y. H. BARXES: I am HE'e that the' cnr.~-l' is agu;raYatcd in ~o n1uch as Ycrv often hou. nwmbcr for :\'unclah did uot know \Yhat tlE• iunocci1t .;;,uff.:r. I n~nleinbcr rca~ding ;_)> the te~·n1 " cnthetic diseases'' rncant. bnd-;: Ylrittrn bv 0tW of t.hc lc•ading- rnedicnl authoritips ltt..ached to the Brit~sh armv :\Ir. IlARTLEY: I am glue! to hear that. during the Gc'eat \Var. Ho made the start,­ llox. \Y. II. B,\R:\'ES: He spoke to me. ling- ::-taterLJcnt that there- 1Yere enough officer!" and I think D1Y rnanncr this afternoon ·vYill aud men confined in bospitals and base indlc_d".~ that l, an1 not trifling ·~vith the sub~ hoepitais to turn the tables in favour of thP jcct. I did not realise for the mDnwnt that Allio' "·hen thPv had tlwir back to tho wall 1 hat wa.s the information the hon. nrcrnber in 1918; vd tlichc mcu wore not a vu ihcblc> for :\'undah required. I say that in justice because of the scourg-e of this terrible dis.easo to 1hc hon. member for J\iundah. Here is amono; those men of the Home countrv and son1cthing· i hat nranv of us in the con1munitv the Dominions \\-ho had responded t'O the do not r;··alise the i;11portancc of. and I ask call of duty. the lVIinister-~I know he is snnpatl1ctic-to Mr. KERR: \YhoPver wrote that was talk­ '"'' to it that the Dcpartm,.;rt of Public ing utter non:::cns{~.. Health specially look into this mattPr for the purpose of seeing if it is not possible to The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC \VORKS: safeguard the position. One does not like It is not my statpmeut. (~iscussing certain subjects in this [3.30 p.m.] Committee. I have been ridi- :Mr. KERR: I know that; but whoever culed on the subject I am now wrote that was talking utter nonsense. going to discuss. but that will not deter me The SECREL\RY FOR PUBLIC \YORKS: frorn Jiscus·"ing it. Thero are evils in this The book, which was written bv Dr. Reid ,-c•·! city which are helping to distribute is in the library, and I am sure that th~ this disease. Speaking horn the health point hon. member, \vho was m-er at the front will m and trv to eradicate thr•m .-\ lc:tding- authority has stat' d the t tho This is a difficult. probl(~~n, but \\ e are di~~ cc:",t to ~ustralia by ru.r:,on of this ravaging c-uB~ing it in real earnest because we believe clbelise Js £50,0~0 .. 000. \Vc all realise, as it is dctrimrmtal to the communitY. It does does 1hc hon. g·pntlcman in charge of the not l!lattcr s~) far as \Ve adults a,re~conccrned, Home DPpartnwnt., the important task but Jt does matter w far as the :young life a head of w:< in rPclncing the lcrriblc results that i'ollow in the tTacl~ of t-his devastating 1s c?ncerned; a~d fron1 that standpoint I epee1ally stress th1s matter this afternoon. rlisen,e. Dr. :\Ioore has informed me that ever effort has boc'n made in Queensland to The SECRETARY FOR PuBLIC WORKS stem the ticlc of tlw disease. Clinics are in (Hon. :iT. J. Kirwan, Brisbane), on behalf operation six davs a week and also for five· of the Homo Secretary : In connection with nights a week. ., \Ve know it is a disease the matter raised by thr' hon. member for which the unfortunate person who contracts (~ncenton on the ver.y important question of it prefer~ to ke('P ~crret, for obYlon~ the powers of local authorities in connection reasons. To encourage unfortunate peoi1le fHon. W. H. Barnes. Supply. [7 OCTOBER.] !:Jupp7y. 971

who contract the disease-wlwther from thirtN•n cases less. But the report shows their own hmlt or any other reason­ thflt on the £cn1ale side there is an increase. to -come for·ward for ~ treatment eYCl'\7 I cannot quite trace "hat the increase is,. indlH'PDlcnt is gi,·en in the way of kindl)· bccnnse tht• policy of the department was consider at ion and attentiou. To QHC'Ourage altered. nnd, instead of dc>aling with the unfortunate women who have contracted the female case~, themselves. thev allowed private disease to undergo trcahnent, they a'rP at pract.itiOlJCrs to deal with them, nnd I think libcrtv to attend the surgeries of four that is a weakncs<. But the report does doctoi·s "\Yho dcYote a certain amount of sav that in the lnst vea1· there 1vere 477 thc>ir ,~:liLlablP tiuw t~o combating tlw cnl1~ultation• nnd thirf:y-fiyo nov..: patient .... di2case. l)r. :}tfoorP is YC'r? keen in p-ushing Th:• ~~ignific~ulf fnct i~ tlwt 1he dl~ea:-;c is 011 th0 light ug·nin~t ihc .-:courge and in pro­ ihl' im'!'t'< P an:cug dh:• f<'tnc_d( 1 jlOl'tion of tlH~ viding the JatP ...::~ aid:< of n.H~cliral .... ciflflC'l~ t,) It i·~ etio:t of assist to stamp out the thsca:'C. \Ye have dwt. the lH ·t \\·ork cnn be clur~;' assi~ted in CYt'r~\- pos.;ib]c '\\ay to ovcrcorr1c gTrtpplPd wji.h and sta.mpcd ihe raYagPs of this awful scourge. If \Ye out. as that -,vi11 b0 ihc blg[SPSt factor in are unable to check the menace, then woe prPYC'ntiog it. The ilnporh_ncc of it can betide us~ \Ye know some of the conse~ ('asily b0 grn -pcd b.v a glance through the qucncf's follo,>;·ing- in dll' trad~ of the c1i3- fig-ur( c ~:iYing- tbc agc.s of pr>onlf' who have easc', nnd thPy arc· terrible to C'outPrrtplate. h0cn ;~ lid we<" fi,~e and ten years conseque-nc(~S,· but \YC know that infant life there WNP h~PlVP children cuffcring from the inht1 rits the di~easc. aucl that. -,,hen such di~c--L:"-C'. Tht1 Y f'onlr1 nnt in nn-,· "\Vrt'i- hayp bc~cn tuifort11natc infanb c·o1nc into the \\'{)rld. guilty of c·f!r~l.ll grCJtifrcllion. · Th~ ~ignifirant instrad of vrriving wi1-h that undoub.!_cd fi'{lll'C'~-and tho~E~ to Yi--hich I vvant to dra\v right to a clean and health~~ bocl)·, !Jwy the att,•ntion of the Committee and the cmnc affiictC'd -.,,-ith R di:;;ca5P i hry will C":: rry rnuntr:v f:"Cneralb--;J.l'O in refr-rcnce- to people to th(' graYe-a disca~;;o that EO nu?-diral hPt"w·:~t'n t\'\Tcntv and hventY-fiYo ~~c-Lrs of age. ~kill can cffcrtiYely eradicaic. VYc know .:\ceol'ding to i:he report. 4.06 persons between that as a l'f•sult of the scour,re, ~01ne ehilclren "re horn blind. others imbecile. tn·; ntv and hY0-ntv-five vcFas of age ·were othen deaf. All these tcrriblP afflictions found to b0 .;ufl'~ring ~ frorn thr>- disease. suffered b:-~ our inhnt life are the result of At an age when people are in the full bloom this deya$tabng d·;sra~e. I fe,.l .sure that of 111anhood and \Ymnanhood von ba~~c a pre­ hon~ membCTs of the Commtttee arc ponderance of cases in the ,:a tio of two to indehtPd to thee hon. m<>mbers for Fitzroy orlf'. That. is the ag-e at whiC'h t.hi~ disease and \Vvnnum for raising this quntion, and will do thP most damage to the manhood I assm:c them that Dr. Moorc and tho~c and womanhood of the State. It simply associated \Yith him in the li0alth Depart­ ('tllp!wsises the ncc('ssit:"~ of dca]inp; 1vith the ment \vill clo ~'Y<'r.vthing~ that medwal matter s0rionsJy and ju~tl:v. I have anothe1~ f:cicnre and s:unpathctjc trc-atrncnt can do RPt. of figu1·r,~ here. In the outside areas ·the in nwkjn,-.. an hon0·-t cndea,-our to stamp ea'<. rPportc•d were; 447 males and forb·­ out th-i~ deva~tati11g .scourge in Qu0cnsland. nillP fpmales. If :von a,pportion tho'e figures Mr. H),RTLEY (Pit.:rop): I am glad to on th< bae,is of infection. trrking it that the bear the reply of the Minister. and to know in fcction 1n n1ale would conlC' from a that he appreciutn the remarko of the hon. f0n1~tle. it n1cans that lllll(' n1alt••, \YCTO member for \Y ,~nmmt and others. and I am infc•cted for C'YC'rv fernn1e. 1 interpret t.ho~e glad io 1-::no\V that n~ernbPr~ on the Opposi­ fl(rnrc-..-. to rnr11n that that is not a.. correct tion ~id0 ar(' a~ ~c-nousl:,- conccrn0d about r-'.tin ~1tc• of tlh' ~.mrr0:;; of 1nfr-·tion. the question as anybody Plsc. But the Homo Secn•tarv or i:lw Health Department has ., HYXES: Tho·e arc o•1h· tlw cases failed t,; ''in; nw the information that I am v,-hich IYere notified. peculiarly interc t0d in. I desire to know what they arc going- to do with the con­ ~·lr. JL.\HTLE}~: Frmn 111:'7 r·xl10rie1H'"' and tag·ions diseases ward in Rockhampton. l e·r·neral knowled:re. I shonld ea •; that tho fururC'· 1ncnn onlv ft•_ualP kn'o\Y tlH'Y hast' not. treated nulny patit:nts lhat forb·-ninf:' caies -two or threp in tlw vcar--but that does h;;,_r> bP"l1 found a;lC1 th~tt th0 nuthoritics not TP]H't'~Pllt th0 nunllH~!' tha1 should ha,~c h·!Y0 mi.<<0c1 thr othn female ClUf's. ar;d that i< an important fcnturf' of the C"' '. Tlwrc been treated. and PYCn FL supPrficial g-lanc(' throug-h tlw rc•port will show that. whik the i'1Jculd b0 a rr1ore clra~tic cr-::£orccn1e!1t of the Health Dcpn rtment i> doing srnnd.hing in Act. thjs rcgarcl, it i~ nothing to 'Yha1- rcnutins Ho:>J . .T G. ,\1'PP:L (.-1/luTI): I introduced to be done. If hon. members v~;u glance thr- llocc~~ar.\· lcgis:ation in connf:f'tion 1.vith through the fignrcs. they will note that this particular matt0r. and the p·oyamcn of Rixty~t\"0 cast' fnilcc! to rPport back n,fter i!Jr whok !e1rislation was co,npnl

disease. so that females infected with it, with. dune during the last e>lCYPn :- '_:ilr:c; to in1provo out having to be detained as they used to be the methods which we introduced: Aft.N in lock hospital'. may voluntarily go to the ele\·cn vears of adn1inistration b,· hi~ party, clinic ctnd have this mdul disease attended to. th·-, ho;,. gentl0man in charge of the Esti· Furthermore, under the Government of which mates should not be merely talking when I 1vas a lTif'lnber, in carrying out the he knows that a previous Administration 'l!dministration o£ the department, I appointed end ea You red to cope with the disease. I "lunes to visit women "·ho might be affected know him. He is a good fellow. and point out to them the necessity of being '\Ir. HYXES: Why joke about the matter? attended to at the clinic. where they would not be detained as prisoners. The present HoN. ,T. G. APPEL: I am not joking Administration have been in occupation of a.hout the matter. It is a most serious matter. the Trcasu,-y benclws for eleven year••, and At the time that I introduced the legisla­ I want to know what they have done during tion I had to suffer a lot from different that period in regard to this matter. In deputations. accordance with the views of the Administra­ :"11r. HYXES: Your effnrts as an adminis­ tion of which I was a member I initiated the trator were ab..:;.olutely futile. (Laughter.) legislation which was passed to endeavour to combat this awful disease. \Yhat have the Hox. J. G. APPEL: The hon. member )1re•ent Administration clone? According to must realise that every party in this State thr• hon. member for Fitzro. -who I take it is anxious to do what it can to fight th1s ,·oices the vie'"' of the• )lart'v of which he is awful <'Yil. \Ye realise that the evil has a memlJer--apparently the-, have done cxi:.:fcd for 1nanv. n1any ( cnturics. The nothing. ~ \dmini,tration to' which I belonged enclea­ :\I r. H YXES : It is eYident ou have not ,,oured to cope with it, and I want to know read the report. why tlw present Administration, after .elm·m; vcnrs, haYc not C'arri0d out the provisions ot Hox. J. G.. APPEL: I haYC read the those onactmcnts ·> \Vhv, after elm· en years. rpport, \Yhidt is more than the hon. rnember do thPv conw her-e and- talk a lot of piffle? has clone. I ,,-as the Minister who initiated 'r!wv had tlw lc[6slation; the,· ha-d every­ dw legislation which is on the statnt£'-book thin-g· to <'nnble them to dpal with it; and all to-daY. \Yhat is the g·ood of the hon. member tho~~~ facilities \VPre prDYidcd by a previ?us intn·jecting? I am the man 'd10 did it, and '\dmini ... tration. \Yhv haw' thcv not :ioted from time immemorial. and I took not, or whl"thn thf'y simply stand her-e as the view that we had to deal with it as we political hypocrites. ende_avour~ng to. gau1 hayc to deal \Yith an~· other disease. I decided som£' little ku-dos on a subJect wrth wh1ch we that the nwthod of lock hospitals was futile, ou()"ht to bL' Yrrv n1urh concerned. ape! I established a clinic at thc' Brisbanco IIY;.;E:': You are the only pcr .. ,on who General Hospital. and Jn·oyicled the amount ;Ir. nC'cess.ary to enable nurse.;; to go an1ongst the has introduced party spleen into the debate. fC'lnale;;.: who \YE.'rc~ sufi:'ering fron1 the disease Ho;.;. J. G. APPEL: Carry out the legis­ and instruct them as to its effect. The method lation which was provided by a pr0vrous of :-egrcg.a tion will neYcr succeed. You rnuRt Admiuistration and you will have no cause to deal with it as an ordinary disease and rc•uret or fear the tC'rrible menace known as unf01:tu.nately. apparently • the ,;resent th~ "red plague." Adnmustration haYe not dealt with it in that 'vay. Mr. I3RL'CE. (llcm~rdy): The dignity, of this Chamber JS cous1derably lmvered wnGll Mr. HARTLEY: The.'' dealt with 1,100 ]Jatients last year. - llll hon. member stands up in his place and tries to make political kudos out of such a Hox. J. G. :\PPEL: That is the fault of matter as venereal disease. their administration. Had they carried out Hon. J. G. APPEL: Hear. hear! the )H'OYicions vhich I put into the Health Act, there would have be(m nothing like l\Ir. BRFCE: The figures compiled during that nmnber of cases. Hon. mPmb•·rs oppo­ the \var. "-hen son1e efforts were rnade to deal site ban· hiid eleven vears to deal with it with this complaint, ere astounding ~o the 'What haw the'· clmw '? \Vhcn I introduced world a~ ~ ,vholc. rrhe Amencan figures that amendrnPn.t of the Health Act I had to were high; th£' Allied figures wcr.o high: endurp criticism. but I held the Yiew that and the figures from thc; British Fleet, w~erc we had to i!Pal ith it as an orclinarv dis­ son1c control \Vas c:...ercised. ·were also ln~h. ease. and I comiclcrcd that the svstcm of There is no need to e1nphas1se lork ho:->pital~ \Yas a 1nistake. b(:causc it [4 p.m.] the da_ng0r of this particular iJYqwllcd tlw sufFerers to conceal th<' fact th,lt complaint. because one ractor they ha cl the cl is ea se. I c>ta blished the. conJwctcJ with it is that. the• purest and clinic 1 httYC' Ill('ntionc•d ,-)nd the system of rlPallP''t 111an and wotnan in t1w ronllllUDity Hnrscs. and 1 hat is the only method 'bv which can contract it t.hroug-h no fault of their own. .'·on can do' l with a disease of thu't kind. Pcrsonallv I bdiev(', without any mcdJCal \Ye "lmit that it affeets even member of b8sis. thUt n1ost of the n1ore ~crious com­ the ('Onllnnnity more or lcf3. it is no good. plaints affiicting th(' hun1an race arc due t.o as I th-i:-' n1orning. dealing with such it. _\t least half the statements made .th1·• matt•:n spirit. It affects the aftr-rnoon ln conn0rtlon 1.':ith thi~ ~enou_;;; \\-hole . and hon. rnPmbcrs oppo- mnttPr lu-.xc b{'f'Yl 1norp or l0s~ p1e ~~ant plat~~ 'i'ih' '-'ho:lltl :-:ivc the previons .A.dministration tucll'.;;. If a m~n drunk in charQ,'C' of a lTIO~or­ credit for cnrlf'::lYOuring to cope with it. rar is (ll'rc::::tcd a~ a dang~"r to thl~ conlnlnlllt~·. Hut what haYe the present Administration he is brou'(ht before the court and fmcd, fiTon. J. G. Ap:fie~. [7 OcTOBER.] Supply .. G73

\Yhile, if it i~ a rase of sufficient seriou~ncss, deal with a matter which strikes at the his lict1 Dr;e 1::- taken avntv fron1 hirn. l-Ien~ whole root of the life of our commnnitv in we haYe pt,oplc cndangCring the he1lth oi ~uch a n1annl'r a1so? u the "\\'hole con1munitv and pndangering the Mr. BARBER (JJunda6u11) : It is some· welfare of innocent p~eople of the eorilmunit~' what encourabing to n1e to hear hon. Ine1n~ in which they live. yet there is practically bers on both sides of the Chan1bc r a1'C appa~ no control of these people to prcyout the rentlv awakcc1ed at last to th" fact that this spread o£ this con1plalnt. seriol1s 8courgc of ,·pnerea 1 d]~ease is one to \Ye •,,·aut to "Ct do',"ll to tin tacks. The which serious consid('ration should bo given 111aiu, if not tlH~ sole, source of thjs con­ by the G-uvcrnrncnt and the c >nnnnnity gene~ tarnillation i~ uncloubtPdh· houses of prostitu­ rally. I 1nak0 that renHt..l'k because right rjon. Those place-; should be rcgi8tered. ~-\. away Lack as far as 1905. \Yhen the :;:nattrr ( jovennnent medical officer should cxtttnine was dealt with by Dl'. Taylor, and more the' wornen in those places fortnightly or rrocentl~ in 1912. when Dr. Espie Dods, the n1onthl-,. Tho~e -xorncn should be giYell uo,·ernrnent medical oflicer. w.ts nllecl be'ore clean 6ilb of L•ulth. if the' are health:·; the bar of the Lc~~isla tire to giyc 'md. if they arc unhealthy. they ehonld be cxpres:.iort to his C'Xi>cricnce Jualing \Yith tOrlJl)C'llrd tO ~tnp ill ulaccs \YhC'l't: tht.'il' healtb lock hospitals [L~ to the \\·i-;donl or otherwise will be aHemlcd to. of abolishing the Cont ':t wht_•ll we cxprc-,c..,f:d Yoh-.ntary treatn1ent. our opinion~ very stron:·ly on thcsl' rnattcrs. Hon. J. G. APPEL: :\a! I an1 glad to kno\v that r}_c advncacy of mvsp]f and. one or h·;o oth0rs c \used lP:ris­ :\!r. BHUCE: I bel ion' in t!w ncatmc•nt lahou dealing with the prublc n to , he of ::;.uch ca~e~ LH'ing nutdc compulsory. pla~ed upon the statute-hook. Ho11. J. U. APPEL: I provided for compul· Hon. members ou both siclcs n<'ed nor b,, ~or: 1:otifica6on. in any way i~n1orant of tlw condition" exist­ ing all ·ovPr the world as n·~~·ards venereal TE1\1L'ORARY CHAIR~.V.. :\": Order: The diseas(~, bt'cause. figuratin:dy sp~"}aking, Clrdcr: thero is a ton of litC'ratul'e dealing- \:ith the ::.\lr. BHl~CE: The conlplll:5or:. cxa:rnna­ Stlbjc'et. \Yithout any cxag::;cr.-Ition, I have tion uf ~JOU',c.-:: of pro,3titurion i:: the main in rny po~~f's~ion a clPCCllt-.sizccl whcel­ thing- that ,hould be carried out b'· anv banow full of boo' s and reports from all l;o,·crnnH'nt, and 1 do not care ·what G'oven;­ twrts of 1he world. In the Parli~m('ntarv mellt it mrl\· be. It is all VCI'J well for Library there is the re• port of I Lu Hay;{] Iron. 1nen1bc~rs to taJk casunllv ahont thi::; Cornmission ~,\hich \Yns appointed in ).Je,v ~ubject. Lut it. is ncecssury for" then1 to get South \Yales in 1915 to ch•nl with this down to the facts and handle them. As 111atter. That r0port contains two interin1 far as I ( a11 scr-, the Tnaitcr is not. being reports, and the big :c cport sun1nutriscs the properly handlccl by any lllC'au:-; throughout whol(' extent of the i:_r:~uil'.Y. I -loll. lUClnbcrs "~u,tralia. including Queensland. \Yhcrevcr ,-.hould giYc th.tt rPport "~'rious attention~ ~~ou go :vou can ~ce ontvrard signs of the Then there is the n'port cf the llnyal Com­ effects of YPncrcal disease. mission which in ye·: j~ 'ltPd thi:3 rnattcr in Hon. J. G. APFEL: \\'here is Your Adminis­ nreat Britain a bont fj_y(' years ago-a rCl)O'rt tration that it cannot can'y o,;t the Act? based upon inYcsti(tlrion~ extending over thrPC years. Thf're· arc nl:;:o i11 our J ibrary :Hr. BRCCE: I am sugge·t.ing h·e,h sc•Ycral works bv Arncrican authors dealing legl~lation. tvith the matter·: Hon. J. C. AFPEL: You have .m]v to mg­ I die! not rise to say YCrY much this after­ gc'-t that the GoYernmcnt should aclrninister noon, and if I ~p,rca(l rn~·~.;;el£ too rnuch on tlie present Act. the subject I shall probaJ,)y come into con­ Riot with !he chair. Tho 'l'KMl'ORARY CHJ.. IR::\L\::-<: Order! Order ! A~ one ''"ho vear~ ago tried to get hon. m0rnbcrs jntcrt>ted in thjs matter, it is -;ome­ ~Ir. J!R c:cE : I an1 suggesting fre:::h legis­ \vhat cnrouragin.Q' to 1l1 C to note that xncrnbcrs latwn m the hope that at a !rrter date it nro g-i\·in~s att.r>'.l~ion to thi:". ter~·ibl(• menace. may L>c < uricd out. 'l'he legisle tion intro­ Y cars ago hon. n1cn1b·?r3 (lld not care duced by the hon. member for Albr:!'t. when nhout disruo;:sing- this (_llH'-tion, bccnuF:e it \vas he was. the Minister controlling this depnrt­ then con~id0r0d as beinv a somc\vhat un­ nwnt. Is not Identical with the legislation "'woury one to handle, as it is now. 0\\·ing. I suggc·,t. \Yo want to t·acklo this matter more or J ess, to the emphatic remarl

that was snuplied to members of this House hon. men~ ber:.; will read the v;orlcl'3 literature son1e ~"ear:-; tt!],'O b.\T the Royal Connnis.sion cu this subject and gi ye thC' p,erious consj dera­ which wn> held under the auspices o£ the tion to it that it. warrants. the, 1Yill be able Comn:onwealth Government, tlwy "-ill find to r,peak with greater kllOWJcdge. that there wcr·e t.hrc•e different reports de a ling Ho:-:ot·RABLE l\1E}IBERS : Hear, hear ! with t!w ill-health and invalidity of Aus­ tralians gPncrally, and in those reports for :Ylr. :'YIAXIYELL (Toowong): This is a the first tiJ.llc it \Vas cn1phasisccl that thP very ,nbjccc about \vhich we lnve only just started ~CriOUS i.ronble knO\Vll as " gnncr.al varalys.is.'' to realist' the ncc·essitv of c·ducating the \Va ....: due to Yt'~ll'l'Pal disrca:5('. It was laid people. Formerly it >vas a wbject which down' for the fays- get thrown at mc-I u•ed to get. regular " The total uumbcr of notification·' for broadside:-~ in thr; o~d cla~ -J--v. as becaw-:e of the stroug stand I took~ in favour of the this disease shows a satisfactory reduction. abolition of the Contagions JJiscasc:.:; _.Act. It viz .. from 1,503 in 1925 to 1.401 in this year's report. The total number notifie~ was :a YC'l'Y ('a·, y thing for nH·n \vho never left was 1,550, of whom 159 had been preVI­ thcjr n1othcr't~ apron-strings and kne'v l{'S'S than nothing of the subject to oppose the ously reported, cornprising 141 1nale3 and abolition cf that },et. Men who have always 8 fen1a les.'' Jlyed in a OlH~-hcrse eitv or town Rt~C'lll to Then he goes on to say- know mon' and talk mor'c authoritatively on .. A~ f'hown in th(• attach<~d sumrnary this matter than men who have travelled and a considerable reduction is on the malo seen the eondltions. obtainilF!; in other coun­ side, 1vhereas on the fC'rnale there is an trir,,. Itroin t.he time I -vvas ~ixteen vcars of in ere a~ c.'' age I h~n-t_ nhYa:'--, been strongly in f~your of the abolition of the Contagious Diseases Aet. \Vhen we analyse the position and find that 1 ren10_-_dx·:· t·hut on one occasion all the 'vas in Queensland with a population of 8671000 from SL Holeua to Brisbane 1 argued th~t -a population vvhich i~ growrng-t~ere 1s a poiut with Dr. E ·pie Dotls, \vho "as then drop in the number of cases of 102 m 1925-26 Governnll'nt Ill('clieal officer, and in those as compared with the previous year, . I days he ""~,Ya~ strongly opposed to the repeal think we must conclude that the Commls­ of the Act; but, if anyone will turn up sioncr is doing good work. At any _rate, 1911 or 1912, thcv will fmcl that he and his stati are playing a very ~rornment lw gave at the Ih!r nf the l.Jp)Jcr part in the> cradic .. tion of the disease. opinion had c0~1~plctcly changed. The hen. member for \Vnmum pointed out gaye yn'y 6ad rca~on fol' altering h-;,., what a menace it is to cliild lifL', I want to opinion. I kno1v that durin{r the y( ·trs the cmphaRi::;e also th0 dang0r it iR _to yo~u1g 1-Iealth Dcpr· rtrncnt has been ~:ive-u certain 1ncn and voung \vor:ncn ho 1vork In vanou~ povvers to deal with this disca:;:.P, Dr. Moorc prv;itlons ~and use to\\'Pl:-~ 'vhich have been ]Jis ~t:di haYo done all that it was pos­ infcdcrl bv others, with the result that. for anyone to cln. On Cliffcrcnt occasions unfortunatCly, nn innocent bo:~ or g~rl rnay eo{) nltcd the Connni\~ioncr, but I contract the disease. I can give an Instance haYc not bad nmrh to sa.:' about the d,,part­ ,--hero a youn;, lJny \Yas {'ontanlin::tcd ir~ lllent. an1 g·lnd +·) kno\v that the matter that \Yay itnd practically lost. the sight of is attracting pnhlic att.ent~on, and that n1orc one c:·c. ;lnd lt:Ol'C' t11onght vvi:l he giYCll to it in the futur;c. I han• taken the attitude ~Ir. LLEWELYX: I-INtr, hear! that vcnerea! di.sPasc be treated in :\Ir, "'IAX\YELL: I realise that .there arc the san1c \'\·ay a"' or t:.Tphoid fever. cases in which excnso~ are 1nadP b~, a section It i,o really a question. of the contnlunit,y. but. pn\cautions are mos~ It i~ cncoura, ;in':: to knov,T that hon. nleln­ neec·.,"a_ry, and I think \VC ougl1t to con1rnend bcrs haYc at la-st awakened to the fact that the Commissioner and his off:cer' for the this great n1cllacc exists in our midst, and, r~oocl work th('y have done. i\s I said at as I ha ye· shown, that is realised by medical the outset, anything Parliament can . do to rnen and syphi1olo~-ists and oth(~rs \Vho arc ('radicate this rncnaco to the conununrty we well ycrS('d in th<._, science of physiology. If oug·ht to do irrespective of co:~t. [M1·, Barbe1'. Suppl~/. [7 OCTOBER.] Supply. 975

:\Ir. LLE\\'ELY::\ (Toowoom/Jn): 1 bc!i•''"" The hon. member for Kennedv stressed the -thC're is HO rca£on "\vhv lion. n1crnbcrs should n0ce~~ity of taking more rigorOus measure-s not httve something to say on this subject in order effectively to stamp out the disease. and maw· reasons wh\· thev should. It IS 1 do nol think an_v of us desire to damp a problcln bristling ":ith rlmn;· difficulties, thl' enthmiasm \vhich the hon. gentleman iind it is onl:· by tackling them that the ~how:; to \vipe out this scourge or mitigate coin.!ntulity can ho11c to gain any hcachvay. its e{fpcr~~: bur if lw will go to the tr·oubh' ..:\:-; the• result of an agitation a fe-w yoal'~ cf ,LHl:;·]ug i1 bC' 1Yi1J flnd--- 1,go. t.l(Y per~on sufFering fro1r1 venereal '\h. BRlCE: I have studied it a damned di~ettse was cmnpe1lc:d to 11otif~,- the fact to ~ig'ht n1ore than vou lH1Ye-Inake no niistakc sorne rr1edicnl r:ual!, who in tul'll rl'ported it to al)olu it.! ~ the Commissioner of Pnb!i, Health. I do not kno'iv 1.vbcthe1· that provision had tlll' Tlw SECHETAHY FOR Pl:BLTC \YORKS: de:.:;irr-d ro. .;ult. I do r:ot ~upposu it l'E'quiT{ :> I think that remark i> uncalled for. tnnch iu1agination to picturP a n1an suffer­ .:\Jr. BELCE: I think vonrs was uncalled ing from this disca;.'e- and tr~ ing- tu put. up ftll'. •' with it and batt.le through under the oid conditions, and I belieye that in that parti· 'J'iw SECHETARY FOH PUBLIC \YOH.KS: eular aspect of the question liP ..- tl1C' groatPsi Sun•ly the ho11. gcntlPrrlan do('S HOt objt'ct danger. to any criticis1n of his rernarks! I have ~Tound:-; for the statenwnts I ha ye Hon. IY. H. BARc;Es: Hear. hear! .12:oo·d tnndP. L \Vht•n the Aufltralian soldiers y.:ere :\Ir. LLE\Y.E:LY:'-<: I put that point before found to be sufiering front this disr•asf'. one the Commissioner. \Vho informed me that it of the Inain h's?-.ous that was inculcated bv had been arranged that all females suffering the medical profession in order to find th~' from the disea,,e should be treated b' doctors 'ourcC' of infection was that the sufferer at thc,ir surgeries. I belicY<:: that is~ the best 'lwuld be ]Wrfc'"tly frank and admit to the means to take: but I would go further, and ll!Cdical n1en the sourre of his infection. -"Uggeo,t that rnen sufiering frorn the disease This was <'arried out at the Liverpool and a ho should be treat 'cl privately by ill [4.30 p.m.] ~ouwtinw~ go for treatinent to a IJCl'son other than a mcodical man. who is alleged ::VIt·. Bm:cE: neither suggested nor to hwn' a. kno,vledge of the trPatrnent of inferred that. such diseases. ·while I do not hold with all The SECRETARY FOR PUBLH' WORKS: the conservatism of thC' medical profession. The hon. member suggested that rigid I go so far as to say that the conservatism methods should be adopted. of th0 medical profession is one of the ::VIr. Bm:cE: You are not going to twist p-rcat~st safeguards that tlw public has. \Vc what I ,·aiel. I said "houses of ill-fame." ~honld make it a cr:rninal offenrp for C'hcrni,;;ts, lwrbali~;ts, or ·· qnaC'ks" to snpply The SECRETARY FOR PCBLIC \VORKS · rn~~dicluP for the treatnH'ni' of this diesase. The !ton. member need not be nacty ovC'r l l onlv accentuates the lroctble aucl robs the the matter. i will take him at his word. se~ffer:;r of his {cw pP11Cf'. If that were and point out that the source of infection done, I believe the medical profc, 'ion \Yotlld of 75 lJPl' cent. of the cas('S atuong the have a bc1tt('r opportunit::- of grap-nllng ~oldier:::. iu thP -carnp~ I havp ju~·t nll'Jl­ wit.h the trouble, a11d, gpnpr.1ll. fqwaking:-. tionecl \wn' not traePable to houses of ill· would be abl0 to adopt ~orn_, rr10an~ o£ Jnini­ fan1e. rnising the di:;:;crrse. It has been ~talccl that. ::VIr. BRUCE: That \vas at a special time. the disea"e has been handed down from tin10 itrnnen1orial, rLncl. Rf' the hon. n1r-'11hcr The SECHETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS: fo-t' Bundab(rg said, it i:-; the dnt of f'\~cry It is not a

::\1r. BnrcE: I spoke in reference to pros­ State, in the mattc'r of babv clinics anci: titution. maternity homc•s. I hope that system will be The SECRETARY FOE PUBLIC WORKS· stlll further extended. There is one matter Thew places a1·o dealt with at the present which calls for ut·gent ,attention from the tunc by ngorous n1cthods of inspectwn, Governnu.~nt, and that is in connection with the trcatinent of <"hronic incurable diseases. and any Pnfortuuatc \VOlll'_:n who fol•J\Y~ The ~.inn1antina llo~pital can cr;:rtainly co1n~ that life \Yl~o is. found to be suffering fro.:.11 the cmnplamt Js placed under clet ntio•1. pare hnourablv with other similar institu­ ] f the _hon. lllCnllH'r for .I_(en1Jedy sought tions t,hroughoUt Australia. I haYo Yisitcd the ndYtCP of the Cotnrnisisoncr of Puo-l~c a nu:nb('J' of institutions in Nc\Y South Wales. Health, he \Yould discJYer that qui•·,, a and. ha.YC' been a rather fr~quent Yisitor at nulnbcr arc detained cverv \Vcck undc1· the D1amantina I-Iospital, wht>rc JYlatron. ExPcutiYe rnlnuic. IIad { thougi1t hon. ClwtfiPicl and tho stafl' generally aro to bo f :nJgr;+ulntccl on ihr ::;plcnclid \York thev arc llH'tnUL•rs tle ire~ the iufonna tion, l W•,'~Ltld eloine;. One drawback about the Diama~ntina haYe flCcured 1t front tho Con1nussic1H''~ rrhi~ inform'aY0\11' to initiat~~ ,[.\.11\. new ~ctupL-:tion a ~chenH~ for thP establishn1ent ntcthccls aud c lrrv th(•rn into cfl'ect IYC 111 1~oekhat:1pton of a hospital on the lines '"'hall lH' f'Oilfi'Ollb'(·d for 0x:pnnsion. I ask the ~1inistcr TurtH'r; an-d the State is Y·Cry fortunate in v, het1H·r an: tl1lng in r·onnection wi1h the Y'aluable ad \"ice. ~"cnr!ug- his ~f'l'\·icrs and Yerv ~sta bli~hnll'}lt of an incurable ho::;pital In Hur..:;cs Tlwrr ha. Ye also been incrcclses in the .l{ockhampton ha:~ b~:_·pn fina1ly dt-,'l('auso the administration of tlw Home Secretarv in Ltnd. I ha vc Yoicerl that opini"'on on ~noro regard to hospitals stands out in a \·cry than one occasion. Jmt latelv the Yarious local producers' the fayourablc light. a~suciations ~n ~Iarv­ borough hospitals di~trict and the distri~t GovERx'\IExT 2\'lEThiBERS: Hear, hear! councils in that district approctrhed the Home :VIr. IIARTLEY: 'The hospitals of thf' State S~cretary through the Council of Agriculture have been well and generously catered f01·, w1th regard to brin""ing ab8ut a different particularly in the outlying portions of the method of raising r~venue for the upkeep [IIon. M. J. J{irwan. Supply. [ 7 OcTOBEH.] 977 of ho-;pital-., in that di:·_r.tict, and I trust that :-;pceHil inllJOrtauce to the land01'VDf'l'S in the ihe Jl.lini,tcr vvill in the near future g·o into ~lar.o·bor0np;h and Gyrupie ho~pital dis~ thC' question of a1nending the llo~pit.als Act tricts. If a vote V.'Pre taken in rny ,o that vvhat I am advocating can be put r~lcctorat.f'. vve would have a unanimous i!lto effect. I have watched VC'l'V clooelv the dc'Ci,ion for a svc,tem of contribution on the -tatcmcnts made by J\lr. Chut~r in :\Iary· basis of incomd. instead of on land va]ucs, buroug·h and Gyn1pic from tinH~ to ti:tne in as is the case at the preoent time. I hope regard to the cstabliehment of that hospitals that this session the Minister will listen t,o district. \Yh<'ll in Maryborough he stated the ad\·ocac\-. nor onlv of nlclnbers on this that, if contributions l'C1nained as theY were 'ide but als~ c,f the Counc·il of Agriculture, tliCIL the nu•_• \YULlld be .5od. in t.l1t' £1 lh'' district councils, and the loc.tl producers' 'vith contributions. and .9cl. without contri­ associatinl1:5. and ·do smnething on the lines I butiolJS. The '\Iaryborough Hospital at the lla' P indicated. prc <·nt t1nl(' is not gett.ing the ::;alnP contri­ .Mr. ;\.L\ X\YELL (Toowono): I congratu­ butions jn a Yoluntury wa~' that the:· did, latn the dcpartnH'nt on having Sl •.'tucd the but thc~v are gcttl11g .a fair an1ount fl'oxn ~ •rviccs of Dr. J (_'ffiJris Turd0r as Director of contributio,·s. and 1 understand the rate Chilrl \Yelfan'. I notice that the amount thPrc t-:1-day i~ :let in the £1. Pt do · n for tlw position is £400. I clo not Th-0Y iutcnd in thP near future to borrow kno\Y wlwthc•r the: doct.or is giYing tho whole n oUJl; of £20.00\J for iltlproYcrnents to the (lf hif' .',('n-icf'~, or whether this is only a ho~p;tal and the tloctor's rosidmrce, so that I l,l-t,Yill('nt to hin1 as a prnt-tirne officer. I urn i.1clincd to think t·hat the rate will be \' nuld likP to ha,,c that information from f;till further incrPasLd in order to llJ!!Ct illc th(' ::\Jini~tc·r. bnrllcn of intt'l'l~~t and redemption on the £20,000 which they iutcnd to borrow. Not :\fr. KELSO (XI'·ulrrh): I should like to tnd.Y ,lJn I ·dissatisfied with policy of the "·ay smnething '.Yith regard to the Dianian­ tiH~ 7 G0\-er11n1c•nt with regard to hospital districts, tina 11o;,pilaL On tlH' rnan~ occasions Clttf'stiou-of boundaries ·wben I haYE' had ocC'asion to cmne in contact but 1 think the the 1 of tlte ho~pital J1~tricts should abo be giYell 1, it 1 tlu• oftict•r-:; of t.he departrrwnt ihcy ,-,~ry o;;criou.;; eon~iderarlon lr, the Hon1c ha YP nuulc' C\"f'rv pffort to 1ncct n1v "',vishes There has bc<'.n r ,,ablish<''J i 11 rega 1"{1 to tht; adrnjssion of patlCnts, but knOIYll as the ::\laryborough ho:;pit _Ll f '.''Olil(l like to kllO\Y \Vhethf'•f greater : btH tlw I-Jornc Sccrctarv and the facilities arc likcl!T t.o be giYen in the near C11d0r Sccr·Pta.r",· knov\' 'that there Ll11ne to enablP the instit,.ut.1on to take tho 1:-, 110 enmnu1nitv of i:aicre::;.t betwcf'n the nuJnlK'l' of -ea· s which arc waitln~·. rcnYPs of G-:v·lnpi;) _and ),~1nr~dJorough iu t.hi.-J ],""" iuformcr1 tlwt at least 100 rr>~pcct. \Yhat iA kncnvn as ~o. 3 di•:isiou pE:>O\)le c-;{l.lrP!'ing frorn chronic diseases are cf the T1aro shire, IYhich reaches within 8 Ol' ,,_ aitin:; to gPt som0-;·. hero \\-here they can 9 mile's of tlw G_v1npic boundary, is included end th,,ir dave. but that the Diamantina in the ::.Iaryborough ]]ospital district. and llo:;piLll l1<:1s ·no n'on1 for the:rn. One of the 7-.I :1ryborough ho.~p]ta l di~-;triet hoa1·d thP do 'iors nt tlw General Hospital d_e;* Is with t.hc -a1nbulauce a:-> \Yell D.s the aclmittccl that thcv wcre forced to keep h_DSj)ital~ .. f'\JnlC tlH'rf' for th~t- v0ry reason_ I have n Yer.~- gT<'at adrnlr<:1tion for thP syrnpa- The I--I0:.\11': SEnRETAHY \\'"ill you agree to 1 hctic w tv in \\'hich the matron of Diaman· t-h:!t ~~hire Lei11g aboli~hcd '? tlna. :\Jn]·.:;:e C'hatfic·ld, cndearour':> to rnect :'.Ir. CLA YTO:\': :\o. What ], ts the abo[i, the wislws of thos(; who wnnt to get tion of th0 shire to do vyitlt the subject under patit'nt~ in, and for the -c~:rf) which is CXl'r~ di -.\'U_, lou? The- boulida.ri.cs of the :.\lar,~~ ciserl bv the ofTic<'l'S of the department, but, boro:.<; ·h hospito] rlisnict should be nlten ;I. in spit·(, of all the t.cnq_wrary aclomn1oda­ a:~ it 110\Y tY~\.tl'!Jds 11earlv to the boundarv of tion t]H'V can COlllDHtnd. the~· an" harnpC'l.e(l. t ~~c nlunicipalit,\· of U~'mpie. The ho:- 10 OYcrtakc' the work. "\t any rat~ arnbulance brigade the~' f should like. th,, Home Secretary to ae,sure t lw -:\I a ry l1oroug-h tcrritor~v tlH' Cmn1nii te-e tbat ac1equatC' proYision is PPoplt? in -tho ~Iarvborongh g-oln(r to b0 1nadD for thc'3e people in th0ir . while co1n pnh:-orily Coni. ribut­ la~t c::-:drPmlty. - :a-r: bn·ough ho:-.pital ::tnd D111hu~ :,Jr. }IOOHE (.1 ubir;np): I want to say ar0 al f) e-dL•d upon Lo contrjbnte to solnPthing- aLout hospjtul~ aud the n1cthod thf' G n1p"1c· hospital b.::-cnu:-;e they aro hYing of fina.nt'ing thPlll ~encrall:v·. The burden adjacent. to G~nnpj'-:'. of upkeep j~ LPcoming grz atcr and gr··atcr ::\Ir. \YFTR: One" drr> Commission iR \·car bv VC''ll'. I do not kno1v that it is so nppoinkd n will adjust all these matter, ~(l·l'ious i~l nri:-.;1)(1]1(' .as it is in the country clisi rict.::;:-in Too"'\\'OOinba in partirul ar, :\h. CLA YTO~: I ,tsrre.• "ith the hon. where the ('Ost is in('rcasinp:; y0ar b'<- '!car~­ m"mbcr for :\Ic.n·borough that. we shoukl but tlw ;.rrC'atcst difficult:v7 ari~Ps over tho a-diust thf'"·=' buundaric~. ThP hon. mr•mber qnc-..tion of bouuc1nrics. As a result of the and '"l':clf. wlwn \\-e nwt J\fr. Chuter in },1an·b0rough, told birn that th(' thing ·was s,vstPm adopted. people hav-e to contril:ute nl,solutd• vuong·, aud that th·· district wa lo lw. boundarif's of the Rh1rrs, Hl SecretarY for Pnbiic \Yorks, and the following U1 'i: tlw pPonle intcrcstc-d in those districts ,,_·ould contribute to the charitable institu­ 1~ an r~tract fro!ll a press report of the tions in tho"' districb. I hope the Home prcce0dings :- P.ccrcta rv will give this matter due con­ "The alteration of boundaries gene· 'ideration. It is a subjcd th>Lt: I bring rallv to suit hospital districts would forward fro:u year t.o year, as it is of becom0 complicated and difficult as the

1926-·3 p Mr. Moore.] :!liS [ASSE~HBLY.} Supply.

system was extended vvest and north. who lWYt.:O to co1nbat clirnatic Cdnditions and T1le only "·fly to can'y out the 1-fospitals . tnet v,·ith _b.Y rhc--,_' 111 receipt ..L\cu 'a" to nHtkc its area parts of -=hire'· lllC<1 H1f'.,. It 1:-::; tinlL1 til:\ (Xa.>l ToOI,'oomlw): The j wt referred pointed out that onl Uc a fairer n1ethod. Th1~ drought !t i~ thC' yolir~\- of 1n n::.-._nv Jnstanc( th lt TH' havp r-xpcricncccl hrs utu.,cd the fai.lnrc of the '';~1~at crop. on thP Do,vns. appn'ciarc'c( \\'hat I , ing the \York of t.hn in the Yarious 1Hlt thr~ P'-'Oplr I.YOl'king on the land rrrc still epuh·0s O\-el' the pcl'iod co':crcd by rhc yo' f'. h ,b~ ta"' •1 to mainhin tho hospitals. while p_Hllhc ~en a:nts, bank managers, and profcs~ I want to support the l'Pmarks of U1030 holl. >wnal men m the townc ar 0 to pa.y nothing tncJnbe~·s who baYC' "ked for an c :tension at all, or perhaps 2s. 6d. for ono allotment of ihn Diamantina IIo5pital. I ad~ccl a quc~- vdnch they may have in the town. It is ion eaTlv in the sc··s.ion a.' to the nuH1her of most unfair to allow those in receipt of npplicati011s that haYP been rc_.•ivcd for 1·egular 1ncornes to go scat free and mulcc in a. athnis.3ion into this institution. ancl I was told heavy tax those who are working on the land, that during the year 1925-26 210 11pplications [111r. 1l1oor.e. [7 OCTOBER.] 979

had Uecn rcceiYcLl. nud Df this rnunber 203 J1Ut into effect. The vrescnt schenr: 1night. had been pronounced b,,. the medical referee Gc tenucd anyd1ing :'\·ou like, but it acts a·, fit subjects for the Diarnantina Hospital. again.-.t our sick folk. By reason of the throat I arn not going to saT. as the IIorne Secretar.} of pro:-ecution hehl ont :1:-:ain~_,t people who in his reply on an earlier Yoto 'tatPcl, that ha'_, been inrnatc, of ho:;pita1;;; and \vho arc these applicants were fit subjects for Dnnwich. uuablP to pay hospit~'ll accounts. con~,cient.ious I may have something to oay later on about people are hinde-red fron1 cnt,,ring hos}Jit&ls. the fueilities of Dun\Yich in this con.ncction. I ak nov: of ho,pital" u:tdcr the boa re! The fact remains that there are 203 persons I ret 'Jgni,se that the 8inglc nuu1 with who ha\'e been pronounced tJ be lit subjects no dependants and p"·obabl:, with no money for Diamantina. other than '"h2t could be obtained b:· a The Hmm SECRETAHY: ::'\o. garuisbee on hi~ '" ~tgcs doc:i not care a con­ tirwntal whu1 he lcaYes the hospital and l\ir. ROBERTS: Yu. Tlw applications rccciYes an account. The consciention ,, illdi­ '\Vore 1nade for entry to Diarua11tina. \Tichu·l. who 1naY bo the h<. ad of a fan1ilv. The Ho"IE SECRETARY: Supposing the cases when the accou:rlt is rendered, looks upon ~it \Yore in ToO\\OOrnba, \Yould you ::,ay they as a d<'bt duo, ancl such people hclitate to would ha YC to go to Diamautina: enter the hospital. Therein lies the clanger. I :\1r. ROBERTS: Kot necessarily, but it haYe watche-d the ncwsj)'lpcrs to asc·ertain the ~oPrns to be the vn ly place \\hero they eau attitude of ihP Brisbane General I!ospital. Uc accnnnnodated. T kno'v the experienr· of the Too-.voomba The HmrE SECRETARY: :'\et at all. Hospital. and I know there are many people in Too"\Yoonlba who he'bano General the name of the specialist. I believe the Hospit.al, and so I am plu:sed to see that mmplaint has something to do with the hip. then• has been a saving to the taxpayers in The Home Secretary has the correspondence that comwction. But, if you take the Too· on the whole matter in his office. The mother woo;,lba Hospital. you ooe an eYidencc each ~ame to see me the other clay about it. year of ho\\· these costs are going to be The HO)IE SECRETARY : \Yhcn did vou send addcd to. The followinr;- table shows the the letter in? ' contributions since the hospital district wa.s established:~ :\h. ROBERTS: Three nlonths ago. I \\'antc'cl to see when this l1d's turn would , GnYPrnmr-nt ;. Loc 'lJ A nthnrity {Onlc, n·- ninc.. t:,~ odd people were \Yaiting Contribution. ! Contribution. I adm-ic-.sion. ---~~------~---- I notic{~ then" is proYision foi.' [J n " Assist­ aEt. SupC'rint.cndent, Dispcn"er. and Clerk" ' d. ~ s. d.

1 .. 1. () () I) () tlt the Dirnnantina J-Io~pitnL nncl I vYouJd likt> 1992,_?)··~.~,·_. - ] 0 4.~80;-,,3f.H.l () 3 to know just what qnalift(.ttions that gentle­ L9:?GR~7 (ap~ i man has rncl whether he is a qualified dis­ rnoxim.atrly) I 1D,f11 0 0 7,1:?.7 () 0 penser. If there is on0 place ,Yhere there :.lioulcl be " que liflPcl dispenser. it is at is a considerable increase Di;1nutntina. I say that quite definitely. Tlw llO)!E SECRE'l'.IR\': JI,, is one of iht• That includes th~ n1othcrs' ),!p,,t cli penscrs in the State·. :\Ir. ROBEHTS: I am glad to hear it. c\!r. HOBEHT~: Of couroc it incluclcs tho f m0rcly ,,vant0d to know his qualific:1tions. mot~tcrs' hospital: bnt v.'hcn \YC gc:t the> DNtline "·ith the "IIospitab'' \Ote, I say itillH'OYc:n1t nts to the rroo"\· oon1b~L ::HospitaL definitely that the method adopted is not in sot:Ic of ~ hi eh nee~ ''sar'7, there the intcrc·· ts of the poor pc0plc of the corn· '"ill Le J.. exrwnditurc. munit~'~thc people who have to rely upon all necessary? rmbl ir hospitals for m0dica I att-ention. 'When the Labour partv used to talk about the :Yir. ROBERTS: All th,se expenses that na-tionalisation of hospitals, it was quite a thp. Covcrnrnent arc -incurring are not a.bso­ JJlr. Roberts.] 980 SU]ljJ/y. [ASSE:YIBLY.J s !ppl:;. maternity wan! of the hospnal oeing built The HOME SECRETARY: ::\o. We have in Toowoom ba at the present time, and I noYer done so. can only pay a compliment to the depart­ -:\Ir, FRY: Tl1eY ~" ,- th,•v nsed to get it. and ment in that eonncction. I do not know cannot get it no\\~. · ' what amount of money has been expended. but it does appear to bo almost too lavish. The I-IO:\IE SECRETAHY: N01 er, The I am speaking from the job point of viev.-, hon, member for East Toowoomba put the and they certainlY have done a good job. case in connection with loans to hospitals. I say <1uite deHnitely that they arc erecting The 110w sy~tcn1 \Yhich has been inaugurated a building there that y, iil stand as long as by the GoYcrHment has had a wonderfully '"J'o0\' oon1ba stand~. good effect, because it has giv-,•n us the opportunity to control e-xpenditure. In the :\lr. M \XWELL To'IICOII!J): I notice old days the unrestricted right to expenditure th<:n in conuPction the Yotc for '' llos- often led to cxtrayaga nee on tlw part of some pitals ·row•rall'"··" a sum of £150.000 is hospitals, whilst other hospitals found that nl1ucatf'J this yt'ar ~mnpnl'P·r1 \Yith an appro­ they had to ~uffer hard~hips in financing their priation of ,{20J,OOO in 1925-26. It is well rcquirPm<'llt· \Ye ban• alkred the whole kuo\Yn that tho hcsp·ita1 ~ arc doing very systen1. Tlv· hon. nH'rnber for East rroo­ C'XC 0 ll~·nt work. ::tncl .c..tilh'll1CHt~ hnxe been ~.~ cHnnbn forr·cast tht• uxpcnd.iture for the 1 rnadc abont. o ,·c-rcro-..nlinrr in i hP Brisbane l'cowooin!Ja. I-lospital 1his :-·f :ll". General limpital. 1 hope that tlw liomo l\!r, ROBERTS: Ba,c•tl on la~t year's expen­ Sf'fTf'tll.l'Y 1:-:- not g·oin9; to starYe the ho~- diture. nitah. Jjkt' to kno·w fron1 t.hc hem. ;,entlerna"l it is ]H'0~1osed to reduce The I-IO-:\IE SECRETARY: That has not ~ht-: ,-ot0. b\· It stands to rf 1son .\"L • been a[l)H'OYcd b:: the department, \V e thu1- ·~·ith <~n incn'a~ing popnlntion a base haYc found that .c.OI11C' hos1Jitals have put ltospit-al Htch th<• Brisbane Gcm>ral Hos- down cxpcnd:itun' \vhich y·as not a legitin1ate pital will alwa!:.: be crow cl eel. charge o:a th0 fund:,:, and the rf'sult js that the bnrd0n ou the locul antho1·itics llHLY ha.Ye -:\Ir. FHY (h~u,.'lJw): I \Yould also like bt•,_n jn1npcd up for th t particular~ year. the l1ornP Rf'<'l'Ptnry, when repl~,·ing. to \VC' ha YC' to scrutinise a,] l such pxpcnditure inform me if it is a het that, although public n'l"\' ea rcfullv. ond llHLke due allowance for dinics >;n?re }lfL yi.ouslv dispon~ing- nlcdi­ whl~tfYl'r i.s a lcgitinlate charge. A hospital eint'~ free, t-h0 nrac:ticc is now to be stopped. board to-day occupiPs a position different I rniQ:ht n1r ntion the case of a 'i.Yido\vod from that \Yhich the ho,pitai committees n1r-thCr "\\ ith ihree young children. who has ocCHI)ied prcYiousl>·. Then they haJ to rely t0 st.nrggle ;•lo11g a;..; be.s!_, she cPn and go on 1noncy which \,as coming to them fron1 out. to work. She <~ d;:eJ Inn if she cou1cl get various sources. :--..~ ow thc•y ha vc t-o buse their mr Ji('hlc. but I \Yas not in a position to finnnrc- on the sa111e p1~inciplc a~ a local say. Anotlwr ;Jarcnt caHJc to lllP and said au1-horit-:~that is, t.bc~r lHU3t. send in part-i­ that thl'~· could prc-•,·iou,Jy get frpe nledi­ culars oi thP-ir cxpenditnrc- for the year. If t lnc horn the clinics. but th c ·.- cannot get :t locctl a.uthol'itv has to borrow, it has t-o it ;iQ\Y. ~ubn1it it~ rrquir;:'rncnt~ to the Treasurer, who refers lt to the• De::at·hnPllt of Public \Yorks. Thr> T-TO-:\IE SECRET.:\_R-Y (Ilon. J. That dcpartlneut invPstigate~ it, and. if the Jlrnwt ans\Vf'X Stop{cJrd, .11orr'rtl<): In to inYc~ti!:ratlou ls ~nti~factorv and the estimates th(• hon. rne~nh0r fo!..' l{nrilpn. 1 dc;;;irc to arc l;a~~ecL thP r. Turner '--;as part tinH' ·: insh:ucted clc-.fillitelv to laY down a The HO ::liE SEC'HET_'I.RY: Ouly on pctrt uniform of· drug~ v~hich would time. be ~unplicd us~ in each clinic. There :J,lr. G. P. IL\Hl\ES (1rarw ... ck): In yea1·s mav have bcpn a r,L~e in \Vhich a, rnother n1a~, haYC' lH'Pll p;ivcn "'Ornc drnF; by ;-~ nun~c~. gone by the cost of tho upke<'P of hospita1s, generally 'lWakinc;, fell upon the comrnun1ty hut it is 110t •,-:ithin tho knowledge of the dcpartlncnt. \Ve clc"lirc our r11nll.-. to be gf:nerally and thu Trcasnry. but llO\V tho places \YhC'rG n1others 1nay obtain advice. incid.--nce has bcc.~!l altC'r-..-·d, and uvcry year the burden on certain sections of the com­ and \YC ur~sc the nurse~. ''"here medir:tl attention is nece.o-carv, to advise mothers to rnunity ir:. b0c:orning nwre and n1orc apparenL comult a doctor. Of coursP: we haYo our At 5.25 p.m., honorarv doctors there at times, but a n1atcrni.tv ea~e n1av occur in connection The TEMPORARY CIL'I.IRC\1AX: 'Cndc, \Vith whirh a nur~e ina~.,. go to a ho1nC', and the proYisions of the Sessional Order, agret'-d if we permitted hE'l". with the limited know­ to bv the House on 29th J ulv !act, I shall ledge she nw:v possPss, to j,ssue drugs :indis­ now ~l0avc the chair. and n1ak