Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 7 OCTOBER 1926 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy '946 [ASSK\IBLY.J THURSDAY, 7 OCTOBER. 1926. S"l'PPLY. RE.S(7:\IrTIOX OF Co:.DIITTEE-Sl. o~D ..._\LLOTTED D.\Y. The SPEAKER (Hon. \\'. Bertmm, :llarec) took the chair at 10.30 a.m. (Jlr. F. A. Cnozur. B,·nn, r. onr: of t!rr: panel of 1'('/npor:·Jy <'ltairmr__i!. in fh( clunr.) QCF:STIOJ\"S. Ho~ll: SEC'RET.\RY's DE:·ART .r"'.'iT. HAlLWAY FREIGHT m; COc\L TO PORT OF ClL\RITABLE IXSTITCTlOXS A-:~D Gll_\XTS, SHIP~IE:"T. Qu'-~:-;tion stated~ Mr. :\IOOHE Uul;iuny). for l\h. Col"·er '· That £103.471 be grnntt>·d for {llurnett), askeJ the Secreu:.rv for .HaihYavs- 'Charitable• Institution~ and Grants.' " ,, \Yhat is- , ~ ~.Ir. FH. Y (Eurilz;r: :\lr. Cooper, you, as 1. The railway fn;jght charg0d. h·orn 'Yell l::' the 1uajorit:. cf lwn. nlPlllber:-;, 1nnst Torbanlea to Gladstonc J cttv on coal hn vc llotircd in t~~is n1orning· s IHY\~ spap0rs for shipment. and ih0 distance? that 1he taxi-c·lbs ha \-c rE: duccd tlwir charge 2. The rail,say freight charged fron1 for t hL fir ·t third of u tnilc fron1 ls. 9d. to Howarcl to Glndstone Jettv on coal for 1'. 3d. 'That cction ha, follm.-cd ou the 'Shiprnent, and tlw distanc~o? debate which was instituted ln>t Thure·day bv tht' hon. mnmbcr for ::\furilla and suppo.rtc,~l 3. The railwa0· freight charged from b.r the· Opposition. Blair Athol to Broa·dmouut on coal for shipmellt, and the distanc·o: The TE:\IPORAHY Cil.AlR::\IA:\: OrcJ, c! Order! 4. The railway freig·ht charged from Blair Athol to Glad stone Jetty on coal :\lr. FRY: \Ylwn the dobate was adjourned for shipment, and the distance? la~t Thnr~da:v I w<B ~P('aking of ihe difficulty Pxpcl'iene('·d by a pf'rson \Yho has been tak·Pil 5 .. The railway freight charged from into cu~tody in rernoying- the ~tign1a ihn~ Blan· Athol to Port _"\.lma on coal for ohiprnont, and the distance?" attached to hitn. TiH~rc is a rl'al difficultv facing eyery pf'l'~un \Yho bcronws an inmatC The SECRETARY FOR R.\IL \VA YS of a gaol. 110 1natt.er fron1 '\VhtJ.t cause. The (Hon. J. Larcombt·. ll:r pprl) n•plied- Go-.;,-urnn1ent an" not gi-;;ing ~uffiricnt support to ont charitable institution~. I agree ''ith " 1 to 5. In addition to the hon. mem­ tlw hon. mPmbrr for Fitzrov that there ar<' ber's inquiry, the member for Port Curtis 1UUl1\ who would IikP to c'xtPnd a helping­ also made repre,entation, and rhe Glad­ hand to these unfortunate people in the otono Chamber of Commerce wrote direct endPavour to l'CStorP the m to their fonner to the departnwnt. The rates for ship­ po~itionf' in life. and tlu~ GoYf'rnnlPnt shonld ment coal (Le., bunker coal for overseas le..td in giving surh support. :X o reformation boats, coastal boats, .:tnd eo<tl for ship­ can talcc place 'vithin the \\·alls of a gaol or ment to other Stntco) are now as fol- in thP ·rnvironnwnt of a gaol undo•r the doubt· 10\IS :- ful 1ncrc\· of tlw mailed fist. The f'nvlron­ Per ton. Incnt Df ihe gaol is the cnvironn1ent of crinli­ Miles. s. (/, nalit:-·. and does not crentc that spiritual Howard-G la·tlstone Jettv 149 7 3 uplift that must exist in tlw reformation of Torbanl·ca-Gladswno J ett~ 152 7 4 thc'·P pcopk. iYhilst tlw Go,-crmncnt mav Blair Athol-Broadrnoun't 266 13 0 bP Dl'PIHJ.rcd to ac,:;;:ist ~lH.'h in ..-titution~, and Blair Athol-Gladstoue whilst they rnay hav' it a' part o£ thr·ir Jetty 310 14 3 policy to bring- about such rcfonns. the~.~ ar0 Blair · Athol-Port Alma. 277 12 9 not hdping sufficiently those i10stitutiom "·hich Fraser's Siding-Rock- <HP likely to do the grcatPst nn1ount of good. hampton (G~ ,-ia( Creek) 124 6 1 On];· £6.567 is placed on dw Estimates to Hartlev-Port Alma 122 6 0 as,ist fifteen or >ixtecn charitable i11stitutions. Hartley-Gladstoue ,J ctty 154 7 6" and thut dot>~ not bv a:!:lY !neans rcprcs0nt the ~aving dTcrtt'.d to' the ~State b~· the cxi~t­ :'llr·P of thos(~ ilHtitntions. That an1onnt is I~TF:XTIOX~ OF GOYERK:\ZL~T IX RE GRA!-:TIXG- r<'prc,cnted as an t'xpcnditure. but oppocitP FRAXCHI~P. 10 IxDLI';" RESIDEOJTS rx it should lw placed the return obtained b,· QUEEXi'LA:"D. the cxpenrliturc of t!rat £6.567. B;· the l\Ir. ELPIII:\STOJ'\E (O.ri•,J) a,ked the 0nce of t}wsP 1nstitutiml~ \Yf' ar. aYc'd Pren1it'T- ncccs·;itv of pt·oviding- n1orc police. n1orr~ gaols. ... tnd tuor·~:' ·rnol0rs. Th0 State• i sa...-Pd a YC'l'",~ " 1. In view of the fact that the Com­ ( onsidcra blP cxpP'1ditnrP b: the payn:cnt mom;·r,alth and four of the Statc3 of Of thi:;; ~m;dl ::nnount to eh r1tablc institutions. ~.:\u:;tralia haYe granted the franchise to and I advoc?<1e tint tlw GoYe1·nn1ent should Indians resident in their rc-pcctivc takt:' into con~ldel'ation the ach~i:;:,tb11ib.- of 'phercs, is it the intention of tho Gm·crn­ 2."".. 11't1nu· rrroatPr ..1::-~i~ttuH..c to thc~c ·and ment to do likewise ': kinrlrf'·(1 in~titntion~. "2. If not, wili he 'tatc tho reasons for T ta kf' it C'YC'l'Y hon. n1rn1bcr is in nrcord the rcfu. als '?'' '·irh me 111 n:;kinp; thnt f1o bc~t conditions. The PRE:i\HER (Hon. \Y. :11cCormack, h. pr< ,-idcd >"O tLlt belt"r results nw.y br Cain') rcpli0d- obtainC'd, 1.1;d if it 1~ nnt po·~~ib1e to inrrf'n<:>o thP grant thi;;; :-car. I hop(' to sPP a big " 1 and 2. Sir Darcr Lindsav a mf':rn­ iL·_'l'ca::;c nH:tcL" in thr-:e Estimat0s 110:s:t ~·Fear. ber of the Empire' Parliamentary Dell'­ gation, broug·ht this n1attor und0r n1:v The \Yilliam Powcll Home was erected. to notice recently, and 1 informed him that common1oratc the DlC'H10r\~ of the late ReY. tho Government would give it considera­ \Yilliam Powell. a derg;;;nan who rcgnlarlv tion." ,-isited the grrols. That gentleman came to Supply [7 OcTOBER.] Supply. 947 ~ne on seYeral occasion;;;; :.;0cking a:-3:-i~tance in ~\ lJarccl of je"-ellery wa.< taken from the Ilis good work. and no doubt he also called ,,tor<' io the post office by him, but it did upon rnany other member~ fur ai·tl. l eau not arriYc at its destination in the country. bear tc:;t.imon\ to his ~int riiY. He r-ealised Tl1e n1atter \Yas put. jnto the hands of the the need £er the est~blishn1cnt of son10 meau~ polic('. vvho intc-rYievf'd this ~·oung n1an a,nd of gettin:.>: into touch \Yith discharged took him to the Crin1i11al InvC' 1,tigation prisonPl'S) '"O that the \'\-ork of reformation Bran<>h. where thP worried the life ancl tnight be carried out n1or.c ~ati;:;faf'toril~v than ('l)ul ont of hiu1. 'On an occasion vi·hcn I woul.:l be ihc case if prismw-rs Y>erc IWTely "vas pr-. -.;pnt. the ~·oung 111un said 1vith tear-:; relea ~cd fro1n gaol and sent out iuto the ·wide in hi~ l'\ cs, "BclicYf' rne. I did 1:ot do it"; world to make shift for thcmsl'ln's. It must yet th:..• ~detective said, .. He is the n1an. all bP •~ g12at {:Onsolatio:n to thc·::c~ n1Qll to know 1·ight.; -.. ill go on -with the prosecution, that thc··c is somebody outside ofbcial iutlu· and g0t a co!1viction." and it 'vas P!l-l~~ who is prepan!d~ to take thPin by th(: arraugecl to go on "\,'ith the prosecution. hand and giyc them a llC\Y Hart. I appeal Suh--Pql!cntlv it y;;;•.;; fonnd th.2t the parc('l to the GoYCrnn12nt to a'·3ist ?,11 tho::e institu­ h1.d l·-ce:n v:~r,>ngl:: ~'ddre,~cd, and that the tiDn~ that ar·e cnfh \Youring to bring h'1ck unforttinr~t~! young fello-.., had nothing· to into the full rights of citize]l:;\hip those who rlo with thP mnttcr except that he had taken llaY0 had the misfortune to break the la\•'· the pm·ccl to th· po··1t office. That sort of There is another phase which has not thint_; is not gojng to a~sist in the refornia­ been touched on. Sotnci·in1Ci' \Yhc·n a man ' ion of C'l'iminak I hope that the '· third \vho has hc('n in gaol is gi YC11 ernployment de'-~Tee n nwthod i:; not g·oing to be carried on his release, people come along and say out in t 11e wav I have mentioned. I would to his en1ploycr, " Do you know ·who this l ikP to sec• the~ voto in connection with chari­ i.; on lll'C' employing He j, So-and-So; he tnblf' iu.,tit-ntior" increa!-'cd. as I realise that has b00n in gaol." Such a case cau1c- under t hcv save <c gl'un t deal of expense to the rny O\\ n notice. Tbe young n1an jn flUCstion Sta t0 and are n.
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