Citzens’ initaties: questons around contnuity and democratc anchorage A regional research and learning consortum

Prof. dr. Eielien Tonkens dr. Femmianne Bredewold Maria ian der Harst MSc

1st of April 2019 – Verdus Surf pop up meetng | 1 Research project

Two main concerns: • Sustainability /contnuity • democratc legitmacy

The consortum: Fiie municipalites, , , Sint-Michielsgestel, Bernheze, The cooperaton of actie residents in the (LSA), Moiisie Uniiersity of Humanistc Studies.

| 2 Four central promises in policy discourse

1. Innoiaton

2. Acceleraton

3. Horizontality/ equality

4. Solidarity

Het project ian de UiH | 3 Results - contnuity:

Enhancing contnuity: - Bonding social capital - The right pace - Showing results - Partner at municipality

Jeopardizing contnuity: - Limited number of key actors - conficts about internal relatonships - Disputes with local goiernments – usually about inability to keep up the pace

| 4 Results - democratc legitmacy:

Merits: - Special commitment/ closeness - Output legitmacy - Open agenda

Pitfalls/weaknesses: - Limited ability to establish bridging social capital - Focus on output preiails (at expense of democratc processes) - Partcipatie is. representatie democracy

| 5 Policy recommendatons

Municipality: - Initate an ongoing dialogue about the local democracy.

- Support actie citzens in establishing ‘bridging’ social capital

- Proiide fnancial support also beyond the frst stages

Citzens’ initaties: - Refect upon the side-efects of acceleraton

- Try to discuss what roles/ competences are needed and introduce a rotaton of functons (if possible)

| 6 Further informaton

The research report will be published on our website - Friday the 5th of April

Contact details Maria ian der Harst Uniiersity of Humanistc Studies

Adress: Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, Utrecht e-mail: [email protected] Phone number: 0031640965678

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