Present: Community Members Anne Cameron Andrew Whitehead Margaret Imrie Stuart Reid

South Ayrshire Council – Represented By Cllr Mairi Low

Tenant Members Gordon McDines Pearl Boyd (Vice Chairperson) Fiona McIntyre Kevin Larcombe Suzanne Livingston Corraine Wilson Neil Hutchison Ann Maley Agnes Darroch Jean Carmichael Martha Scott Fiona Barr John Barr

In Attendance: Jim Whiston Alan Park David McGivern Jim Sinclair (Armstrong Auditor) Sharon Ritchie (Minutes) Michelle Reid Carol Young Scott Hutchison Ann Tosh Cllr Bill Grant

Apologies: Paul Torrance, Karen MacIsaac, Bob Smith, Cllr John McDowall, Nancy Cassidy and Gordon McIntosh


1. Introduction

The Vice-chair, Pearl Boyd stood as acting Chair in the absence of Paul Torrance.

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and noted that a quorum was present, consisting of the Council’s representation, three community and three tenant members.

The Chair wished Paul Torrance well after an unfortunate industrial accident and introduced Jim Whiston, Director and Jim Sinclair, External Auditor for Armstrongs, Chartered Accountants.

Apologies were noted.

2. Minutes of the 2010 AGM Held on 15 September 2010

The Minutes were approved unanimously, proposed by Margaret Imrie and seconded by Cllr Mairi Low.

3. Ballot

The postal ballot, for the election of two Community Members was conducted using the single transferable voting system. Jim Sinclair, External Auditor from Armstrongs presented the results of the ballot.

The successful candidates for the Community category were announced as follows: Paul Torrance (re-elected) and new member Stuart Reid.

The Chair welcomed Stuart Reid to the Board and thanked the unsuccessful candidates Robin Slater and Margaret Imrie. The Chair thanked Margaret Imrie for her contribution to the Board over the last 3 years and hoped that Margaret would continue to support the company in other ways.

There being no need for a ballot in the tenant section this year, the Chair welcomed Corraine Wilson to the Board.

The Chair handed over to Jim Sinclair, External Auditor for Armstrongs Chartered Accountants.

4. Audit Report

Jim Sinclair introduced the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011 and explained that it is the duty of the auditor to report to the Trustees on the truth and fairness of the Accounts and of their compliance with the various Acts which govern the disclosure requirements. Jim explained that he performed a variety of tests 2

throughout the audit to test our systems and was pleased to report that on completion of the audit he had found no significant issues and this was detailed in the Management Letter presented to the Trustees.

Jim confirmed that the financial statements give a true and fair view and have been properly prepared in accordance with the relevant acts.

The Chair thanked Jim Sinclair, Alan Park and his staff and opened the floor for questions.

Cllr Bill Grant commented on the high standard of housing we provide to our tenants and asked why Ayrshire Housing felt that they could not compete for funding this year.

Jim Sinclair advised that although this was not his remit he was happy to comment that he believed it was driven by the Ayrshire Housing’s response to the adverse direction of Government policy.

The Annual Accounts were accepted.

5. Re-appoint Armstrongs as auditors

The motion to re-appoint Armstrongs as auditors was unanimously agreed.

6. Report on Board

Jim Whiston provided a brief overview of a busy year for Ayrshire Housing, supported with an illustrative presentation of our recent developments, events and competitions.

Ayrshire Housing continues to grow with its houses now valued at £42m. Jim explained with the current downturn in funding for affordable housing we have seen the completion of only one development this year, at Tarbolton which was opened by the Provost Winifred Sloan in May 2011. We have one scheme on site, at the former Good Shepherd Cathedral at Dalmilling in Ayr. It will see the retention of the church’s tower and gable with 25 much needed houses for the community.

Jim advised the decision was taken not to bid for money in the current round of the Government’s competition for grant, as projects would have to be funded by significant contributions from either private finance or reserves. This would effectively use up our risk reserve and expose us to greater financial risk. In addition, we need to consider the future requirements in terms of aspirations of our current and future tenants.

On a positive note we are looking ahead to the continued development of a successful and well regarded housing association. 3

The Garden competition was very successful again this year with high quality entries from tenants. Margaret Imrie and Jim Whiston judged the gardens. Mr & Mrs Alexander from Kirkmichael and and Mrs Martha Scott from Ayr were announce as joint winners for Best Garden category. Mrs Jean Carmichael from Ayr received an award for best shared garden with Mrs Maley and Mrs Darroch.

The Pet competition is now an established feature of the calendar. This year’s joint winners are Piper the Bengal cat who lives with Mrs Eileen Clark, Ayr and Elvis the Amazonian parrot who lives with Miss Marie Hillan, Ayr and Jack the Jack Russell, who lives with Mr & Mrs Alexander in Kirkmichael.

Jim Whiston asked David McGivern the Housing Manager to say a few words about the recent changes in the benefits system in light of the Welfare Reform Bill and the Housing Scotland Act, 2010.

David advised of the possible impact the changes will have such as a single benefit being paid direct to the tenant which could result in non-payments and possible rent arrears. There is a requirement to ensure that staff are fully conversant with the changes and are able to respond adequately to them. David advised that staff are trained to work with our tenants and with organisations such as Ayr Housing Aid and Council.

Cllr Bill Grant, Board member complimented staff on their good work and in particular the ability to turn round a void property in 8 days or less.

The Chair presented certificates to the Pet and Garden Competition entrants who were present.

The Chair thanked the Board Members and staff for their commitment to Ayrshire Housing.

Flowers were presented to Margaret Imrie by way of a thank you for her service and as a valued Board member. Margaret was delighted to receive the flowers and said the last 3 years on the Board had been a pleasure.

There being no other business the Chair closed the formal business of the meeting.

Meeting closed 7:45pm

Chairperson ......

Date ......