Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 22 February 2011] p805c-806a Mr Eric Ripper; Speaker; Mr Mark McGowan; Mr

TOBACCO COMPANY DONATIONS — STATE LIBERAL PARTY 56. Mr E.S. RIPPER to the Premier: My question is to the Premier in his capacity as Leader of the Liberal Party. I refer to disclosures that tobacco companies donated $28 500 to the Liberal Party in . (1) As the Leader of the Liberal Party, does the Premier endorse these donations as appropriate? (2) Will the Premier direct the WA branch of the Liberal Party to refuse to accept donations from big tobacco in the future? (3) Will the Premier, as Leader of the Liberal Party in this state, direct the WA branch of the Liberal Party to give back this dirty money—this $28 500 from big tobacco? The SPEAKER: Before I give the Premier the call on this question, I instruct all members in this place that question time provides an opportunity for members to ask ministers about topics relevant to their particular portfolios. Indeed, I am saying to the Leader of the Opposition that that question would need to be directed to a minister with some sort of responsibility in that case. Point of Order Mr M. McGOWAN: Mr Speaker, without meaning to question your ruling, standing order 75(2) states that questions may be asked of — The Leader of a party in government regarding that party’s policies; The Leader of the Opposition asked about Liberal Party policy on accepting donations from big tobacco companies. Your rulings are up to you, Mr Speaker, but I have heard these sorts of questions before under that subsection. The SPEAKER: I thank the member for Rockingham for the point of order. I was simply pointing out to all members in this place that the general use of question time in this place is to ask ministers particular questions. If members wish to ask questions about Liberal Party policy, the Premier may have answers to such questions, but I do not see that as the absolute role of this place. Question without Notice Resumed Mr C.J. BARNETT replied: (1)–(3) I do not support accepting donations from tobacco companies. That is the position the state Parliamentary Liberal Party took at the last state election, and it is a position that we will take to the next state election. Mr M. McGowan: You do? Mr C.J. BARNETT: We do. Mr M. McGowan: But the Liberal Party took the donation; that is the question. Mr C.J. BARNETT: Look, if the member wants to ask a question, why does he not get the chance? I know the member for Rockingham wants to be leader, but he should take his turn. Mr E.S. Ripper: It is a very good interjection. Mr C.J. BARNETT: The member should ask his own questions. Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: The question has been asked. I provided advice to members in this place about asking questions that are purely about political parties. The answer that you receive may not be the one you want, but it is the one you get. I do not know whether the Premier has anything further to add. Mr C.J. BARNETT: As I said, the state Liberal Party and I do not support receiving donations from tobacco companies. That is the position we had at the last state election; it is the position we will maintain. Yes, tobacco companies have donated to the federal Liberal campaign. That is a matter for the federal Liberal Party, not for me. Even the Premier of Western Australia cannot instruct the Liberal Party as to what it should or should not do. It is not within my province. I have a policy position, which we hold in the state parliamentary party, and we will keep to that position. I make the observation that one of the complications is that, first—this is perhaps the minor point—tobacco is not illegal, and the second and more substantive point is that some of the tobacco companies are quite wide, conglomerate groups that have more of their business in food and beverages than in tobacco. That is part of the dilemma. Having said that, from a state Liberal Party point of view, we do not accept donations from tobacco companies, and we will not in the future.

[1] Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 22 February 2011] p805c-806a Mr Eric Ripper; Speaker; Mr Mark McGowan; Mr Colin Barnett
