Local Men Arrested Nov. 10 on Drug Conspiracy Charges
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^— — ' - —^ L^—^j ^—,^^ =—==s—^^M^^^^^fcj^^^a N. J, 07070 SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES VOLUME 24-NUMBER 46 SCOTCH PLAIN3-FANWOQD, N,J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1981 ROTARY'S "BLQOMINGDALE SPREE" TICKET SALE BOOMING Local men arrested Nov. 10 on drug conspiracy charges Two local men were ar- arrested by State Police in Ptl, Muessig, who joined Fanwood Police Chief An- rested Tuesday, November North Plainfield, The third the Scotch Plains Police thony Parenti commented 10, along with a third North member of the trio, Lawrence Department in May, 1977, that the three men had one Plainfield man, and charged W, Tagle, 27 of North Plain- has been on a medical thing in common - they were svith conspiracy to distribute field, the newly appointed disability from the Depart- all heavily involved in body cocaine. head of the narcotics in- ment since November, 1980, building activities all over the Patrolman Richard vestigation force for theAccording to Chief Michael state, as well as locally. Muessig, 35, 244 Katherine Somerset County Rossi, Muessig will be The trio is being held in St., Scotch Plains and Prosecutor's Office, was ar- suspended without pay as of custody pending their ar- Michael Gulla, 26, of 218 rested at the prosecutor's of- Tuesday, pending a review of raignment, Herbert St., Fanwood, were fice in Somerville, charges against the officer, group and appeared in many plays during the early years Carriage House receives of the club. Maggie Subhas, Fanwood Mark Lowyns, owner-manager of the Cycle Center of Juniors' liaison between the , Scotch Plains, selling raffle tickets for the Fanwood-Scotch Renovation Committee and Plains Rotary Club, Grand prize in the drawing is a $5,000 $2,OOOfor renovation the groups who will use the shopping spree at Bloomingdales, Second prize is a $2,000 The Carriage House Times about the Fanwood Mrs. Slocum expressed the premises, said the $2,000 travel certificate good for travel anywhere in the world, renovation project received a Juniors valiant efforts to Slocum family's appreciation check would be used for Tickets are $10 each and only 2,000 tickets will be sold. All much needed boost by way of restore and renovate the for the restoration of the Car- heating units. net proceeds will be given to local charitable youth a generous donation by former stable for a cultural riage House and said that Fanwood's municipal com- organizations, such as Resolve, Contact-We-Care, Rotary former Fanwood resident, arts center. The building will they were especially pleased plex and the Carriage House Scholarship Fund, Rotary Foundation, Youth Employment Mrs. Clarence "Emma" be used as a new home for the the building would be used as stand on what is known Service and Y.M.C.A, Slocum, Philathalians of Fanwood, the Philathalian's new home. around town as "the Slocum Tickets can be purchased up to the time of the drawing According to Kathy An- local dramatic group, and Both Clarence and Emma property", Mrs. Slocum may (Wednesday noon, November 25 at the East Winds drews, president of the Fan- other artistic groups in the Slocum were charter be in South Carolina, but her Restaurant) at the following merchants and businesses: wood Junior Woman's Club, Borough, members of the dramatic .heart's still in Fanwood, A Peterson-Ringle Agency, Park Beverage, Scotch Plains- Mrs, Slocum, who now In a letter to the Juniors, great big thank you to a very Fanwood Times, H, Clay Friedrichs, Lichcnstein resides in Columbia, South nice lady! Chiropractic Center and Scotch Plains Cycle Center, Carolina, had read in The CHANNEL 13 TO FEATURE High School students FANWOOD AND SOCCER Cqdette Channel 13 New has requested pictures of last year's Scouts serve luminaria displays to be used in a special Christmas pro- share views on classes gram in December, If anyone has a color slide or color pic- ture of the Christmas displays around Fanwood homes, disabled This is the last in a series of would you call The Times (322-5266). articles reflecting students' Cadette Scouts are on the reactions to the changes in Also, Channel 13 would like action pictures of any soccer go - stretching their horizons games, to be used on their New Jersey Nightly News in a the Scotch Plains-Fanwood by giving Service, pursuing school district. special salute to soccer. This program will be aired in two special interests, and general- weeks, and these pictures are needed immediately, All ly having fun. They were by Sheela Peace Zipern photos will be returned to the owners. Call The Times if water girls for the Y's When the Junior High you have any action shots of local soccer games. Marathon, and served as schools in Fanwood-Scotch aides and guides for Union Plains changed to Middle MARK YOUR CALENDAR! County's Expo '81 for the schools, for the first time disabled. Dr, Carmiehael, Grade nine and Grade ten Copy deadline for the Thanksgiving issue of The Times students entered the Scotch, will be noon, Friday, November 20, as the paper will be Superintendent of Union County Tech, commented, Plains-Fanwood high school published Wednesday, November 25 because of the "It was super having them together to begin the 1981-82 Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 26. (the Scouts) here - they gave school year. To complete our everyone a lift!" Any girl in interview series on school TURKEY GIVE-AWAY 6th through 8th grade is changes in the area, we spoke welcome to join Cadette with some new and old high DRAWS TO A CLOSE Supertroop #1 ...not 'little' school students. girls any longer, they beginn- Pam Fornstrom, new to the ing to make a difference and school said, "1 have more are a real plus to our com- freedom - a lot more. If I get munity. The troop meets finished at the end of the day, Top rowi Peter Johnson, Bart Sumner and David Travis, Bot- once a month as a whole, 1 can leave and do whatever I tom row: Pam Fernstrom and Erika Popului, (Susan I.ipnick once a month in School want during my free periods, and Hilary Tliomas are absent from photo.) groups (Park, Terrill, St. I have some teachers from Barts) and more frequently in Terrill, I'm not in the band, homework almost every Interest Groups, which range night, but it's not that much. but they're good. The school Race doesn't matter as much 7 from Sports (including Paddle is a lot more crowded and now as it did some years ago. It s strange over there Ball, Skiing, Skating) to sometimes the halls are so The guidance counsellor is because I have a lot more Rambler (hikes and outings) busy, I'm late for my next very helpful and seems to freedom. Sometimes you to Business Careers, Personal period. 1 like that 1 can do care about all the students. I don't know what to do with Grooming, Arts and Crafts. what 1 want and 1 like wish they'd bring back open yourself, , I have no com- The Cadettes have gone on meeting new people." lunch. All the teachers seem plaints so far." three camping trips already David Travis, a senior, told dedicated." Hilary Thomas, in Grade and are looking forward to a us "The school was crowded Junior Susan Lipnick, felt 12, felt "I don't know half Halloween mystery trip/par- at first and there were more "The band is great and 1 love the school because of all the ty - "Why Knows What or kids than I expected. The it. The school is more crowd- new kids. It's hard with two Where?" Sound interesting? ninth grades seem to like it a ed than last year, I have a lot new classes, I know more Perhaps you would be willing lot better. The gym has a lot of fun with the music and like teachers now because a lot to share a talent with these of varied programs - the in- the whole school," from Park came over here. Robert Downer, Glcnwood Road, Fanwood, and Robert eager Scouts - or help the structors are well-versed in Peter Johnson said, "The The study load is pretty much dayman, Malawan, placed their entries in the "win a Troop by chaperoning a trip - what they're doing, I'm in tenth graders didn't get as the same. It's very strict now. feel free to call any- of the much attention as we would The gymnastic team is ex- turkey" container at Park Photo on Park Avenue in Scotch adult leaders: Cena Pollitt marching band and it makes Plains. you have a real sense of ac- have if we were coming into cellent and the football team (889-2029), Karen Adinolfi complishment when you get the school without the ninth is okay. The band is great Only a few more days left to register lor the great Turkey (889-2073), Judy McClellan -they're going to be on "Real Ciive-Away. The winners for the thirty free turkey* will be the award and realize all that graders, but it was okay. (322-4438), and Joan There are more guidance People" drawn Nnvembci 16th, Sec page II for participating mer- Schramm (889-4744). work wasn't for nothing. It chants. shows that somebody cares. counsellors now, 1 have math continued on page 14 I :.-..-. THII'MES^NOVEMBER 12^ 1981. MOPEDS School Board discusses Police News McGinn Service Auction Guidance Program at SPFHS Although it was a quiet to be held November 2Oth REPAiRS USUALLY week in Fanwood on the WITHIN ONE DAY, ALL by Sheela Peace Zipern asked some crucial questions, police blotter, there was a lit- tle Hurry of controversy MAKES AND MODELS.