J" Fenly Two Errors
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JPing might have given out on the innings at St. Louis, banging out 15 way home. Jiits for ten runs after the Cards had i'l Hal Chase continues his timely a five-ru- n lead. Twenty hits were iiitting, a single behind swats of Rus- made by the Dodgers off Sallee, Burk sell and Lord in. the third counting and Harmon. Stengel smashed a two runs. triple and three singles, and Cut-sha- w. ' For the second time in the Athletic- Wheat and Otto Miller each -Cleveland series Eddie Plank collected three swats. Rucker had and Cy Falkenberg hitched up in a one bad inning, in which St Louis slab duel and again the Gettysburg counted five times. southpaw was the victor. Plank Pittsburgh lost its fourth straight .granted the Naps but six hits, Larry game by a one-ru- n margin. Midget - "Lajoie getting three of them. Nine Rudolph of Boston tamed the Pi- iits were made off Falkenberg and rates when they threatened and fool- "every Athletic run was earned. Cy ed four pinch-hitte- rs rushed into the gave two passes and Plank one, game by Fred Clarke. The Braves Hrhich blossomed into a run. Phila- clouted Camnitz and Hendrix for a delphia took three games out of four, dozen hits, Maranville and Titus 3?lank winning two and Bender one. each getting triples and singles and Eight now Plank is pitching better Rudolph two one-spot- s. Wood, $aH than he ever did in his life and outfielder, lashed out two doubles for he Macks don't have to hit the days the Pirates. Bobby Byrne registered he works. three singles. r Joe Wood is rounding to form and Same old Connie Mack. He has dug the world's champions' chances of up another college twirier, this one finishing up in the race are growing being entitled Dave Morey, and he bright Yesterday's victory pushed hails from Dartmouth. To even mat- "them to fifth place, a game and a ters Mack released Pitcher Cottrell Sialf behind the White Sox and Wash- to Baltimore for further seasoning. ington. Wood gave St Louis six hits in the Cincinnati-Ne- w York game "in 12 innings and fanned ten, whiffing Marsans lost Snodgrass' fly in the the side in round four. Leverenz sun in the seventh inning and the of the Browns also dealth but six ball hit him in the stomach, knock- Singles, a wallop by Wood in the 12th ing him oat , busting the game. The two teams R. B. Ezell, a young pitcher from Hi Siandled 107 chances In the field with Clemson College, South Carolina, J" fenly two errors. has been signed hy Manager Clarke J' Detroit beat the Yanks in the ninth to bolster up the Pirates' tottering nning, a single, two errors and a staff. Ezell Is 6 feet 2 inches tall. "homer counting three runs off Lefty .Another effort is to be made to New I Schulz. York made a measly strengthen the New Ycrk Yanks. ur hits off Hall, Lake and Zamloch Ban Johnson, president of the Amer- of the Tigers. Detroit got double ican League, will try to prevail on ihat many, Gainor getting a homer, Connie Mack of the Athletics to turn land Bush two doubles. one of outfielders over to Chance. 3 his Suggs pitched as good ball as Mar-quar- d, Mack is strongly fortified In this de- but errors by the Reds gave partment, "with Eddie Murphy, Danny J'ti jNew York another game. Snodgrass Murphy, Oldring, Strunk, Walsh and-Dale- "cracked three hits, and Meyers and Daley or Walsh may go to r& "Shafer of the Giants and Clark of New York. Cincinnati got two. Doyle grabbed Thirty-eig- ht men were arrested in "3J. chances at second base without a the Athletic ball park yesterday for 3niscue. betting on the Athletic-Clevela- ?' Brooklyn went wild in the last five J game. Detectives claim.jtha.t several fti VfilnwrWii it ill.