
Description Page MonacoSim System requirements and Windows Configuration for Monaco 5.51 3 MonacoSim System requirements and Windows Configuration for Monaco 5.11 11 MonacoSim installation 15 How to Configure Citrix XenApp to Allow Remote Connection 25


MonacoSim System requirements and Windows Configuration for Monaco 5.51

Monaco Sim with No Dose Functionality – Minimum Hardware Configuration

You can install MonacoSim on computer hardware that you provide. CAUTION It must meet the minimum hardware and operating system requirements.

Hardware Description Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements System Processor Intel-based Pentium Dual- Intel-based Xeon 4-Core Unit (SPU) Core Processor Chips (2) 2.70 GHz 3 GHz CPU RAM 8 GB 16 GB Hard Drive 250 GB 512 GB CD/DVD Drive 16x 16x Keyboard USB Standard USB Standard Mouse USB Standard USB Standard Monitor 24-inch LED 24-inch LED Graphics NVIDIA Quadro 600 PCIe* NVIDIA Quadro P2000 PCIe *P2000 if Adapt Anatomy is required.

Monaco Sim with No Dose Functionality – Graphics Card Requirements

The supported graphics cards for Adapt Anatomy are:

 Tesla K20 (Z820, Z840, G8 V1 & V2)  Tesla K40 (Z840/DL380 Gen9 V3 & V4)  Tesla P100 ( only DL380 Gen9 CPU V4 and DL380 Gen10 6132)


 Quadro GP100 (Workstation only Z840 CPU V4 and Z8G4 6132)  Quadro P2000 (Z800, Z820, Z840, Z4 G4, Z8 G4, DL380 Gen8, Gen9, and Gen10 6132)

Upgrading Professional x64 to version 1903.

NOTE: The only version of Windows 10 supported in Monaco 5.51.02, is Windows 10 Professional x64 version 1903. Higher versions of the OS must be scratch installed and lower versions of the OS must be upgraded.

1. To determine which version of Windows 10 is installed, perform the following:

 Login to the system as an administrative user. NOTE: The default Windows administrator user account cannot be used to upgrade the system.

 Right click on the and select Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell.

 Enter systeminfo

 If the OS Version is less than 18362, then proceed to step 2. If the OS Version is higher than 18362, proceed to section Using Windows Media. Below is an example output and the version number is bolded:

OS Version: 10.0.10586 N/A Build 10586 In the above example, the OS Version is 10586 which is less than 18362, so the OS can be upgraded.


MAKING NOTE OF WHICH PORT WAS USED. If the network cable is NOT unplugged during the upgrade process, Windows may upgrade to an untested version of the operating system.

3. Insert the Windows 10 Professional Upgrade Disc to Version 1903, P/N C#89865 into the optical drive.

4. Using Windows explorer, browse to the optical drive and double click on setup.exe.

5. Select Yes to the UAC message.

6. At the Get Important updates, select “Not Right Now” and ensure that “I want to help make this installation of Windows better” is unchecked.


7. Select Next.

8. Accept the EULA.

9. At the What needs your attention, click OK.

10. At the Ready to Install screen, click “Install”. The machine may reboot several times and may take 30 minutes or more for the upgrade to complete.

11. At the Welcome screen, click Next.

12. At the Choose privacy for your device, set all of them to Off and click Accept.

13. At the Meet window, click Not now.

14. At the New Apps… window, click Next.

15. Login to the system as an administrative user.

16. Right click on start menu and select Windows PowerShell.

17. Enter the command “systeminfo” and verify the following is displayed: OS Version: 10.0. 18362 N/A Build 18362

18. If applicable, plug the network cable back in to the correct port.

19. Proceed to the Workstation Operating System Configuration

Workstation Operating System Configuration

NOTE: For Windows 10 z840’s and z8 G4’s only, perform the following steps (N/A for Monaco Sim):

1. Login to the OS

2. Right click on the start menu and select Run. Type “cmd” to start Command Prompt. - Enter systeminfo

3. Verify that the OS Version states “10.0.18362 Build 18362” before proceeding to the next section. If the build number is higher than 18362, complete section – Using media in conjunction with C#89866 (Windows 10 media version 1903), to scratch install Windows 10. If the build number is lower than 18362, complete section, Upgrading Windows 10 Professional x64 to version 1903.


NVIDIA Graphics Driver Installation:

1. Insert the Monaco OS Update disk (P/N C#89946-55101) into the optical drive

2. Close any menus that may appear.

3. Navigate to the NVIDIA\ folder.

4. Double click the executable and complete the clean installation of the NVIDIA driver.

5. If necessary, reboot the system.

Windows 10 Version 1903 Scripted Automatic OS Configuration:

NOTE: On , most of the configuration of the OS has been scripted. If any failures are encountered in the output of the script, the manual version of the step must be completed.

1. Insert the Monaco OS Update disk (P/N C#89946-55101) into the optical drive.

2. Right click Start menu, click Run, and enter ms-settings:windowsdefender

3. Click on Virus & threat protection, select manage settings (under Virus & threat protection settings).

4. Turn Tamper Protection Off.

5. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the ConfigurationTool\Windows10_1903 directory on the Monaco OS updates DVD.

6. Double click the Win10ConfigTool.exe, click yes to any UAC message, and press enter at the “press enter to exit” message (NOTE: A reboot may be required).

7. Double click the Win10TestTool.exe and click yes to the UAC message.

8. At the completion of the script, a dialog will be displayed listing the settings that were configured along with the PASS/FAIL status and a message about viewing the logfile.

9. If there are failures, enter Y to view the logfile and proceed to the appropriate section in the Workstation Operating System Configuration to manually configure the settings. If there are no failures, enter N, and press enter at the Press Enter to continue.

NOTE: The following steps could not be automated and will need to be completed manually:


a. Launch the by clicking the icon on the desktop.

b. Select Administrative Tools and double click Local Security Policy. (Note: may need to select large or small icons to see Administrative Tools.)

c. Expand Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

d. Double click Create Global Objects.

e. Add the group “Users” (may have to select object types and ensure Groups is checked) and select OK. Close the Security Policy dialog.

f. Select All Control Panel items to return to the main screen of the Control Panel.

g. Select Network and Sharing Center followed by Change advanced sharing settings.

h. Select the down arrow next to All networks to expand the options.

i. Set the following:

i. Public Folder Sharing:

 Turn off Public Folder sharing

ii. File Sharing Connections:

 Enable file sharing for devices that use 40 or 56-bit encryption

iii. Password protected sharing:

 Turn off password protected sharing.

 Click save changes and click All Control Panel items to return to the main screen of the Control Panel.

 Select .

 Click on “Change Security and Maintenance Settings”.

 Uncheck the Network Firewall box and click OK.

 Close the Control Panel window.

Create Users Group:

1. Select Administrative Tools and double click Local Security Policy.


2. Expand Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

3. Double click Create Global Objects.

4. Add the group Users (may have to select object types and ensure Groups is checked) and select OK as needed.

Disable GameDVR (Windows 10 only):

1. Right click on the windows start menu and select Run.

2. Enter regedit followed by OK. Select Yes to the UAC message.

3. Browse to following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\ApplicationManagement \AllowGameDVR

4. Double click AllowGameDVR and change the value from 1 to 0.

5. Select OK. Disable Data sent to Microsoft (Windows 10 only):

1. Browse to following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Datacollection.

2. Right Click on Datacollection and select New->DWORD (32-bit) Value.

3. Name the value “AllowTelemetry” and set the value to 0.

4. Select OK and close the Registry Editor.

5. Right click on the start menu and select run.

6. Enter services.msc and click ok

7. Double click on Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Properties

8. Set the Startup type: to disabled.

9. Select OK.

10. Close the registry editor dialog.


Additional Configuration Changes for Windows 10:

1. Right click on the Windows start menu and select run.

2. Enter gpedit.msc and select OK.

3. Select Yes to the UAC message if prompted.

4. Expand Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates- >Windows Components and click on App Privacy.

5. For every item listed except “Let Windows apps access trusted devices”, perform the following:

6. Double click the setting and enable it.

7. Under the Select a setting option, choose Force Deny.

8. Select OK.

9. Expand Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates- >Windows Components and click on Data Collection and Preview Builds.

10. Double click on Do not show feedback notifications.

11. Select Enabled followed by ok.

12. Expand Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates- >Windows Components and click on Location and Sensors.

13. Double click on Turn off location.

14. Select Enabled followed by ok.

15. Expand Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates- >Windows Components and click on OneDrive.

16. Double click on Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage.

17. Select Enabled followed by ok.

18. Expand Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates>Windows Components and click on Search.

19. Double click on Allow Cortana.

20. Select Disabled followed by ok.


21. Expand Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> -> Remote Desktop Session Host and click on Printer Redirection.

22. Double-Click on ‘Do Not Allow Client Printer Redirection’

23. Select Enabled, followed by OK.

24. Close the Local Editor dialog.

25. Left click the start menu and select Settings.

26. Click on Update and Security followed by Virus & threat protection.

27. Select Virus & threat protection followed by Virus & threat protection settings.

28. Turn off Tamper Protect.

29. Turn off the Cloud-delivered Protection, Automatic sample submission and select Yes to the UAC message

30. Close the settings dialog.


MonacoSim System requirements and Windows Configuration for Monaco 5.11

Monaco Sim with No Dose Functionality – Minimum Hardware Configuration

You can install MonacoSim on computer hardware that you provide. CAUTION It must meet the minimum hardware and operating system requirements.

Hardware Description Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements System Processor Intel-based Pentium Dual- Intel-based Xeon 4-Core Unit (SPU) Core Processor Chips (2) 2.70 GHz 3 GHz CPU RAM 8 GB 16 GB Hard Drive 250 GB 250 GB CD/DVD Drive 16x 16x Keyboard USB Standard USB Standard Mouse USB Standard USB Standard Monitor 24-inch LED 24-inch LED Graphics NVIDIA Quadro 600 PCIe NVIDIA Quadro P2000 PCIe


Workstation Operating System Configuration

1. Create Control Panel shortcut (MonacoSim only):

NOTE: The Control Panel has been removed from the Windows menu on Windows 10 branch 1703 or later and replaced with the settings menu. The steps below will create a desktop shortcut to the control panel so the remainder of the OS can be configured


a. Right click on the desktop and click New->Shortcut. b. Click Browse and browse to C:\Windows\System32 and select Control.exe. c. Click Next d. Set the shortcut name to Control Panel and click Finish.

2. Turn off :

a. For Windows 10 X64, double click the Control Panel shortcut. b. For .1 X64, from the desktop, right click on the Start menu and select Control Panel. c. For X64, click Start->Control Panel. d. Set the View By: to small icons. e. Double click the Windows Firewall icon f. Turn the firewall off. g. Select Control Panel Home.

3. NVIDIA Graphics Driver Installation:

a. Insert the Monaco OS Update disk (P/N C#89946-51100E) into the optical drive

b. Close any autorun menus that may appear.

c. Navigate to the NVIDIA\ directory.  Ex. NVIDIA\Win10 for Windows 10 systems.


d. Double click the executable and complete the installation of the NVIDIA driver.

e. If necessary, reboot the system.

4. Turn off Putting the Computer to Sleep:

a. Click the Power Options icon.

b. Click Change when the computer sleeps.

c. Set “Put the computer to sleep:” to Never

d. Click Save Changes.

e. Click Control Panel Home.

5. Set :

a. Click the User Accounts icon.

b. Click Change User Account Control Settings.

c. For Windows 7 X64, drag the slider bar down to “Never notify me when:”.  For Windows 8.1/10 X64, drag the slider bar down to “Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop)”.

d. Select OK, followed by Yes.

e. Select Control Panel Home.

6. Create Users Group:

a. Select Administrative Tools and double click Local Security Policy.

b. Expand Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

c. Double click Create Global Objects.

d. Add the group Users (may have to select object types and ensure Groups is checked) and select OK as needed.


7. Security Policy Settings:

NOTE: If a security template dialog message is displayed, select OK.

a. From the Local Security Policy dialog, expand Account Policy and select Password Policy. b. Double click Enforce password history. c. Set the value to 24. d. Select OK. e. Select Maximum password age. f. Set the value to 90. g. Select OK. h. Select Minimum password length. i. Set the value to 7. j. Select OK. k. Double click Password must meet complexity requirements. l. Set the value to Enabled. m. Select OK. n. From the Local security policy dialog, expand Local Policies and select Security Options. o. For Monaco Dose calculation systems (Windows 10 branch 1511):  Scroll down and double click Interactive logon: Do not display last user name p. For MonacoSim (Windows 10 branch 1709 or later):  Scroll down and double click Interactive logon: Don’t display last signed-in q. Select Enabled. r. Select OK. s. Select Interactive logon: Prompt user to change password before expiration. t. Set the value to 15. u. Select OK. v. Close the Local Security Policy dialog.


MonacoSim installation

Note: These instructions show screenshot from Monaco 5.51, the installation procedure is the same for Monaco 5.11.

Before you start the installation, there are some information you need from an existing Monaco Workstation. The following should be done on any Monaco Workstation except Monaco1 (usually everything centralized on Monaco1).

First you need to know on which Workstation the Physics Database is centralized:

1. Open Start menu, browse Applications to Mimer SQL Engine 10.0 and open “Mimer Administrator”


2. Open Start menu, browse Applications to Mimer SQL Engine 10.0 and open “Mimer Administrator”

a. If prompted, click on “Yes”

You should see the following under the “Remote” tab:

3. Double click on “Monaco_Physics_DB” and you will see the following:


In “Remote node information” the “Node name:” will be populated with the hostname / IP address of the WS where Mimer is centralized. Make a copy of that hostname / IP address.

4. Open up Monaco, go to menu -> settings -> User Authorization. Under “Connect to:” copy the hostname or IP address.

5. Press the + r to open the “Run” window and open “regedit”

6. If prompted, click “Yes”


7. Browse to: Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Computerized Medical Systems a. Right click on “Computerized Medical Systems” and select “Export”. Give it a name and export it to Desktop. b. Copy the exported regkey.


On you Workstation where you want to install MonacoSim:

8. Open and open DVD/installation media.

9. Double click on “Setup”


10. If prompted, select “Yes”

The first steps of the installation are prerequesits, like Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable etc. And Microsoft SQL Server 2014. At the end of the Microsoft SQL installation, you are prompted to reboot.

11. Click “Yes”

After the reboot, the installation should restart on its own, this may take 1 or 2 minutes. If the installation does not start, browse to the installation media, and double click “Setup”. The installation will continue.


12. Select “Next”

13. In the “Servername”, put in the hostname / IP address from the step 3 of installation instructions.


14. Select “Install”

15. Select “Finish”


The installer will now install CrystalReports and Elekta Required Data. No User input needed.

16. Check “I have backed up my data and closed all running applications” and select “Next”

17. Select “Install”


18. Check “Activate License for Monaco” and click “Finish”

Copy the system ID and send it to Elekta so that a license can be generated. Once you get the license key in the “Site ID”, “Activation Key” and check the “Features”.

19. Click on “Check License” if everything is correct, if not, double check. If License is correct, click on “Save & Exit.”


20. Open Monaco.

21. You might be prompted with a message asking you if you want to configure the authorization server. Click “Yes”, in the following window, paste the hostname or IP address from Step 4.

You should now be able to connect to Monaco using your usual user and password.

22. Close Monaco.

23. Paste the exported regkey from step 7 onto the desktop. Double click it and acknowledge any window. 24. Open Monaco and you should see your clinic and Patients.


How to Configure Citrix XenApp to Allow Remote Connection

Citrix XenApp 7.15 will allow applications to be launched on clients located on the same domain. However, to allow external domain (or no domain) clients to start published resources, we need to configure the Storefront.

This document will explain how to go through the different steps to process the configuration.

Before You Start You must be logged with a domain user (on the customer domain) that has administrative rights for Citrix.

This information can be found in CLM.

If for any reason you cannot access this information, the local IT shall be able to communicate the credential used during the installation.

Once connected to the Citrix Server, open Citrix Studio.

1. Under the Citrix Studio, click on the Citrix StoreFront ribbon on the left hand side of the screen.

a. Look at the access type on the top and check if the external network option is available.


b. In this exemple, the external connection is not allowed. So, we have to click on Configure Remote Access Settings. If the access is defined as "Internal and External network", the customer can start the application using a VPN or a workstation on an another domain (or out of a domain)

To enable the remote access, we will have to configure a Secured Gateway.

2. In this window, tick on Enable Remote Access, then click add under the NetScaler Gateway appliances

3. Enter a name for the NetScaler Gateway Appliance (in this example: MonacoExt)


4. Enter the NetScaler Gateway URL : this must be : HTTPS://FQDN of the Citrix server. 5. Click Next

6. Click on Add under the Secure Ticket Authority (STA) then , in the popup window, enter the STA URL Note : URL must be as in the previous the same as step 4: HTTPS://FQDN of the Citrix server.


7. Click Next

8. Enter the URL for the Callback URL: this must be : HTTPS://FQDN of the Citrix server. 9. Make sure the logon type is selected on Domain. 10. Click Create.


If everything went well , you shall see this screen.

11. Click Finish.

We are now back to the first window and can see the gateway appliance.


Make sure the option selected is (No VPN Tunel). If you click Full VPN Tunel , this will not work as we do not provide NetScaler Gateway Plug-in.

12. Click OK.

Now we can see the storefront will allow external networks connection