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Johnston McCulley : The Mark of Zorro - The Curse of Capistrano before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Mark of Zorro - The Curse of Capistrano:

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Fine Story, Well ToldBy Bob F.A great yarn about early 19th- century . Zorro has been called the "first superhero". His alter ego, the mild-mannered Don Diego Vega, is a scion of a noble family, recently returned from a sojourn in Spain. He is horrified at the conditions in California under the corrupt Governor and his henchmen, and adopts the character of Zorro ("fox") to right the wrongs and avenge the downtrodden. Don Diego's apparent weakling character is such that no one suspects him of being the outlaw.There is a love interest, the lovely Senorita Pulido, daughter of a family in disfavor with the Governor. Through, perhaps, a few too many twists, turns, and narrow escapes, Zorro shields her honor and that of her family, and brings all to good in the end. If you have ever enjoyed any of the great movies TV shows based on this story, give it a try. You won't be disappointed!10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. The Original Story is Great fun!!By Richard AskenaseThis is the first/original pulp novella which introduced the legendary character Zorro. Published as a serial in 1919, used it as the basis of his silent classic movie. Later McCulley wrote several sequels. As a long time fan of pulp fiction, I was VERY pleasantly surprised at what an entertaining read this was. Rather than the sometime turgid, overblown prose of other pulps, this was light, breezy and fun. It had a slight comic flair- not at all too serious. Don Diego Vega is Zorro (although we never see him change from one persona/costume to another in the book). He is fighting the evil governor and Captain Ramon, also Sargeant Gonzalez who blusters about his fencing prowess. Meanwhile, Zorro wooes the lovely Lolita, who has already rejected the foppish Don Diego. A one shot story (not intended to launch a series), it is fairly romantic and quite a joy. Highly recommended. Kindle comments: The formatting is fine, but there are a fair number of typos- about 1 every 5 pages. Not a problem, though. I must comment on some of the lesser known movie versions. The original silent is very entertaining, and a good intro to silent films The Mark of Zorro The serial featuring Reed Hadley, is particularly excellent, and, also, a good intro to the movie serials. Zorro's Fighting Legion - The Complete Serial There is even a female Zorro in another serial, which is fair. Zorro's Black Whip - Volumes 1 2 (Complete Serial) (2-DVD). There was a recent live action TV series that was very good, but I do not believe that it has been released on video.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Fun ReadBy CustomerZorro is trapped and sends the candles crashing to the floor and then..."He evaded the wild rush of Don Carlos, sprinting across the room so lightly that his soft boots made not the slightest noise to give news of his whereabouts. For an instant the Senorita Lolita felt a man's arm around her waist, gently squeezing it, felt a man's breath on her cheek, and heard a man's whisper in her ear:"Until later, senorita."By golly, they don't write stuff like that anymore. This is pulp fiction at its finest, a mysterious heroic figure battling the forces of evil and winning the heart of a beautiful senorita in the process. Expert with sword and astride a fearsome charger, Zorro goes forth to right the wrongs put upon the less fortunate by the evil men in power. This is the first story in which the character of Zorro was introduced. Unlike the movie version, at the start of the story he is already a well known brigand sought by the governor and commandante. The plot line is a simplistic one that most people are aware of through the movies and TV shows. Still it is fun to read this story written in a simpler era with simpler values and virtues. Can Zorro save the lovely senorita from the commandante before her "lips are polluted by his kiss"? Gosh, I sure hope so. (But I'm sure you already know the answer.) This is just such a fun book to read.

Old California, in a bygone era of sprawling haciendas and haughty caballeros, suffers beneath the whip-lash of oppression. Missions are pillaged, native peasants are abused, and innocent men and women are persecuted by the corrupt governor and his army. But a champion of freedom rides the highways. His identity hidden behind a mask, the laughing outlaw Zorro defies the tyrant’s might. A deadly marksman and a demon swordsman, his flashing blade leaves behind. The Mark of Zorro has inspired countless films and television adventures. Now read how the legend began…

The Curse of Capistrano is a 1919 novella by Johnston McCulley and the first work to feature the fictional character Zorro (zorro is the Spanish word for fox). After the enormous success of The Mark of Zorro (1920 film), the story was republished under that name. Prior to being published in novella form, The Curse of Capistrano appeared as five serialized installments in the pulp magazine All-Story Weekly. The snynopsis follows the story of Don Diego Vega/Zorro in the company of his deaf and dumb servant Bernardo and his lover Lolita Pulido, as they rival the antagonist Sgt. Gonzales. About the AuthorJohnston McCulley (1883-1958) was the author of hundreds of stories, fifty novels, numerous screenplays for film and television, and the creator of the character Zorro. Many of his novels and stories were written under the pseudonyms Harrison Strong, Raley Brien, George Drayne, Monica Morton, Rowena Raley, Frederic Phelps, Walter Pierson, and John Mack Stone, among others. He started as a police reporter for The Police Gazette and served as an Army public affairs officer during World War I. An amateur history buff, he went on to a career in pulp fiction and screenplays, often using a Southern California backdrop for his stories. Aside from Zorro, McCulley created many other pulp characters, including Black Star, The Mongoose, and Thubway Tham. Many of McCulley’s characters-the Green Ghost, the Thunderbolt, and the Crimson Clown-were inspirations for the masked heroes that have appeared in popular culture from McCulley’s time to the present day.

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