Knights Twilight

My current homebrewed chapter is named Knights Twilight and their color scheme is dark grey. Their insignia is half set sun in unpainted background. Their backstory might be semi mary sue, but I try to make stuff after their founding not so unique.

Their founding starts with warp shenanigans during Great Crusade. A ship carrying 50 Dusk Raiders was lost in warp and never heard again. Dusk Raiders were in stasis before getting lost to warp. The ship got stuck in flotsam of stone and debris and stayed like that until 078.33 when a ship carrying tens of thousands refugees from War of Confessor gets lost in warp and with unbelievable luck crashes into same space Dusk Raiders ship is. Ten thousand refugees survive in the holds of their transport and hallways of space hulk. Crash also damages Dusk Raiders ship's life support system slightly.

Until 212.33 when Dusk Raiders start to woke up as emergency systems stopped the stasis pods from working, the refugees survived due to space hulk becoming instabile and popping out of warp quite often. They were lucky that their gellar field didn't break. Dusk Raiders at start were completely confused at the situation and it took them some time to figure out that their ship is broken and their crew is long dead. After few weeks of careful scouting and debris clearing refugees and Dusk Raiders met each other. Meeting was start of their cooperation. Refugees needed protection against Orks infestation in some parts of the ship and Dusk Raiders needed manpower in trying to fix things. 220.33 Space Hulk now christened Darken Sky appeared in uninhabited system on orbit of gas giant semi near Eye of Terror. It was then decided to sabotage space main warp engines to stop it's travel directly to the Eye. While this meant that they would be stuck there until solution to problem is achieved.

It took till 247.33 for Dusk Raiders and refugees to clear most Ork settlements and conquer parts of the hulk back. During that time first new Astares was made in rudimentary labs found inside the hulk. 251.33 breakthrough was done, in one launch bay a working mining ship was found and after heavy salvage effort it was made working. For next five years they used it to mine metals from the asteroids of nearby asteroid belt and provide materials for now cleared machine shops. 256.33 an Iconoclast Destroyer appeared on the system and arrived to inspect the hulk. The chaos armsmen boarded the hulk and was promptly ambushed and slaughtered to last man in dark corridors of the ship the Chaos Captain decided to board the hulk himself with his honor guard. 14 Chaos Space Marines from Death Guard arrived to ship and in ensuing battle 13 was killed and last taken prisoner. In the shuttle that came back to Iconoclast arrived all 37 combat capable Dusk Raiders and elite soldiers from the refugees. In that battle the heretics were taken completely by surprise and slaughtered. Dusk Raiders swiftly captured both bridge and life support and decided to went the atmosphere out. It took till 268.33 for the ship to be ready to be operational and have skeleton crew to operate it. Dusk Raiders were heavily concerned about the information tortured out of the surviving Death Guard. They called all leaders of the refugees into a meeting in which they told about the information and their decision. They were now known as Knights Twilight, "From dusk we came, to twilight we end". Knights Twilight ask the support of the refugees and after some discussion they acknowledge the Knights Twilight leadership in form of Techmarine Garl Jarrah. In the founding years under the watchful command of Chapter Master Jarrah Knights Twilight made good progress in turning Darken Sky in well habitable place to be. New Astares were introduced to chapter, but chronic lack of power armor forced them to wear only carapace for now.

312.33 a century after them waking up the Iconoclast now repaired and functional named Sol Eternus started its maiden voyage. Still heavily undermanned Sol Eternus carried 87 Astares made its first patrol to nearby systems. Silently skimming on the edge of the few systems Sol Eternus listened to communications done by Imperial ships in orbit and learned new things. Apparently pirate activity had risen and Knights Twilight saw their chance. It took them long, but they had already waited long for this. Their first act of war. 313.33 small pirate vessel, armed freighter of some sort was spotted attacking bigger helpless cargo ship. In quick space battle, pirates were left drifting and cargo ship mostly unharmed. A short message was sent to cargo ship to encourage it to continue its journey. A swift boarding action was done to secure both warp engines and bridge of the pirate ship before both vessels returned back from the first patrol. The new ship was salvaged for parts and the crew now heavily repenting and purged from mutants and taint was allowed to join and man the machines of Sol Eternus. Next century saw numerous naval actions and boardings as Sol Eternus roamed far and wide across the systems. New ships and craft was taken to Darken Sky to add for the rickety fleet that was growing and getting salvaged for Darken Skies benefit. 330.33 Sol Eternus and Lady Elizabeth, an armed freighter, arrived to Agri World Bronieris because of a distress signal. Planet was under an Ork attack. In quick order Knights Twilight and several thousand Darken Sky armsmen now named Darken Guard landed onto planet and isolated the main Ork force. Stopped and isolated Ork force was then destroyed by orbital lance strikes. Chapter Master Jarrah asked for supplies and crew members for his ships as return and after swiftly reminding that they had just stopped Ork invasion demands were met. In a week Knights Twilight left after taking potential initiate from planets population with them. Imperial Fleet dispatched was stunned to hear that situation was already under control by help of Astares of unknown chapter.

345.33 first contact with Imperial Navy was made. In very dangerous situation Knights Twilight fleet of Sol Eternus and four other heavily modified armed freighters managed to not get shot by Lunar cruiser. In talks between the Chapter Master Jarrah and Navy Captain it was decided to let Knights Twilights go. Under Chapter Master Jarrahs command Darken Skys population grew to half a million with most of the ship cleared and prepared for future use. Dozens of ships were scrapped and reused to either provide materials or modify Darken Sky or other ships in the fleet. Chapter Master Jarrahs era was era of reconstruction and evasion. Knights Twilight were not ready to open active communication with Imperium whole. While Darken Skys warp engines couldn't be repaired most damaged parts were replaced. The Spacehulk was becoming ready.

501.33 in successful action against Chaos Raiders Chapter Master Jarrah fell along with half of the battle brothers and Darken Guard. Eight ships of the Knights Twilight fleet entered to battle, but only three survived. Loss of life was over 100 000. But Knights Twilight were successful, Imperial Convoy was spared from destruction. Convoy was hailed in all frequencies and reminded to remember the sacrifice done by them. Greatest price was not the safety of the convoy, but the Chaos ship Litany of Destruction. Litany of Destruction a Styx class heavy cruiser was boarded and captured after its engines and superstructure was wrecked from constant barrage. Using their astropaths Knights Twilight managed to call support from Darken Sky itself and in short time recovery vessel arrived. In coming month they toiled heavily in trying to get warp engines back online and trying to recover any ship that could be salvaged. A new Chapter Master Sebastian Murner, a Techmarine, was chosen to become new successor to Jarrah. Finally their price now named Apostle of Sun, was repaired enough to travel to Darken Sky. From this new Era begins.

The new more aggressive Era lead Knights Twilight into very dangerous situation. With Chapter Master Murners lead in coming years they would wander far and wide in search of enemies and ships to salvage. Chapter Master Murners tactics lead into increasing number of casualties and the original 50 started to dwindle into increasingly smaller numbers. This Era was short, but successful for the future of the chapter. It took until 515.33 for Apostle of Sun to be finished and ready for service. Biggest problem was to find sufficient materials and equipment to outfit the ship. Under orders from Chapter Master Murner, the battered fleet was send to scour the nearby sectors for hostile fleets. During Apostle of Suns repairing Knights Twilight participated in 25 naval actions, boarded 12 vessels and took nine prices. Most valuable of those was heavily damaged system defence ship, her parts were vital for Apostle of Suns future. By the time Apostle Of Sun was finished, orbiting newly named Jarrah system were many different vessels in different states of repair or disrepair. Slowly more broken ships were disassembled and broken into pieces. Darken Sky had grown inside, by following careful planning with more equipment installed or reclaimed. Factories and workshops inside her laboured day and night in effort of manufacturing supplies and goods for chapter to survive. The work was slow due to proper tech or people knowing how to work with it missing. Population was growing still too fast for Knights Twilight to handle. A temporary project, that quickly turned into permanent was started. Few more broken hulls of merchant prices or renegade pirates were going to be turned into habitable station. The work started on that project in 512.33

On Apostle of Suns maiden voyage day whole chapter and serfs were on standby. 237 Battle brothers, 16 000 Darken Guard and 230 000 crewmembers were ready.

Apostle of Sun lead Sol Eternus, 5 Armed Merchants, escort carrier and 4 support ships in number of short patrols in Imperial space. These patrols weren't successful as the only potential prices were Ork ships. It was decided to patrol more closely to Eye of Terror. This was proven a boon. By 518.33 21 ships were destroyed with seven prices taken. 521.33 First Patrol had their first major meeting with Imperial Navy cruisers. It was decided to hail the ships and leave the system. Knights Twilight continued their patrol until 543.33 when they foiled chaos warbands raid on Imperial world. In ensuing combat Apostle of Sun crippled and destroyed chaos cruiser Pestilence of Hope and took two Iconoclast Destroyers as prices. Engagement left fleet damaged and it was decided to end the Patrol. During the patrol 67 prices were taken. Till 578. Chapter only did minor patrols and the time of peace ended when Chapter Master Murner died in ground operation against Orks. New Chapter Master was chosen from ranks of Techmarines again and Lorn Strang was up to the task. Under his command whole chapter was mobilized to strike at Ork homeworld. Apostle of Sun and 17 escorts of some variant were used in successful xenocide of Tilphus system. Estimated 12 billion Orks perished and 14 Ork vessels destroyed and salvaged. Major prize was hulk of the biggest Ork ship. Identified as pre-heresy design it was quickly towed and work on it begun immediately. Next two centuries were calm ones. Rarely did Knights Twilight venture out from still unfinished Darken Sky to patrols, but more concentrate on strengthening their numbers. Older ships were repaired and modified.

The work on Pre-heresy hulk was started and after clearing the Ork modifications it was clear that ship was grand cruiser of some sort. Heavy modifications from her original gun heavy configuration was made for it to be able house attack craft. As most of the chapters resources were diverted to rebuilding old ships and chapters patrols were limited, but several more heavy strikes at either heretics or Orks were done. With chapters small numbers those strikes were swift and decisive.

Thus era of peace ended in 721.33 when Iconoclast Lord Reimbard was jumped by Imperial Navy task force and forced to stand down. This lead into difficult situation as Imperials wanted to get hang of the situation. Orders were simple, warp to system and we can talk. Chapter was quick to muster their fleet. Apostle of Sun and newly christened cruiser Magnificent along with 34 other vessels of which half were proper escorts. A concentrated warp jump was made into designated location. Meeting them was proper battlefleet. Battleship covered by cruiser squadrons and escorts. Knights Twilight hailed Imperial Navy in hopes of starting the talks, but simple message. Lower your shield or be exterminated. Fortunately for Knights Twilight late arrival arrived. Darken Sky entered from warp and slowly started to come to stop as multiple engines burned retros. This had efficiently turned the odds to Knights Twilight. In following talks it was decided to normalize relationship between the Chapter and Imperium of Man, but they would have to have one company always on crusade as hostage until High Lords of Terra decide otherwise.

Knights Twilight had to go through a series of organization changes to meet the new requirements. 722.33 Chapter had 579 battle brothers divided into four Grand Companies of at max 200 marines. First company, the veteran company was formed to be the backbone of the chapter. They are to act as finest vanguard chapter can field. 2nd, 3rd and 4th companies are normal grand companies. Difference to Codex Astares is that Knights Twilight decided to forgo the distinct borders between Tactical, Assault and Devastator Marines. Instead each battle brother is tactical marine at foremost. Usually armed with bolters, chainswords and boarding shields they are efficient combination for boarding actions. New neophytes are placed in support tasks in their own Grand Companies until they are worthy of power armor.

In Jarrah system the shanty space station grew in those decades. Builders carefully linked ships to each other and filled the empty spots with stone debris and plascrete. Growing population was both blessing and curse. There was more manpower to draft sailors or servants, but voidborn are not that suitable for training Astares.