ERN>01596686 D269 1


id § n“ 2 ~~ ~ ~ Full Name Interview Transcript Ref Reasons for Admissibility Finding Victim Province Cambodian Lawyer Foreign Lawyer a E ¦s 2 Ï E x £ 5 £ u ~~ 5^ U x

go Enslavement of s and in 1976 1977 in Seila District Koh s Applicant parents siblings Kampong Kong id 2 s KETH Loch Province and of Applicant in 1978 imprisonment of Applicant in Province upon escape Applicant his parents and his siblings G Chet Vanly ~~ © “id ~ disappearance of Applicant s father from a durian plantation in Kampong Som Province

Gh s id 00 Pi Enslavement of Applicant in 1977 in upon his return the Applicant heard that his father 2 SAN Saret 5 Applicant his father and siblings Kampot Ed Chet Vanly ^ £ ¦02 and were murdered in 1978 in Ream Nob District Som Province m ~ siblings Village Prey Kampong °id 5

X ¦c oo “ 02 Enslavement of the DK in Province upon his return the « Applicant throughout Regime Kampot Applicant id 2 DIN Kan ieard that his parents and siblings were murdered in Ream Village Prey Nob District Kampong Som Applicant his parents and siblings Kampot Ed Chet Vanly s “ m ~ id ~ «03 Province

~ ch ¦C 02 Enslavement of and other inhumane acts in Nob District Som Province 0 — Applicant Prey Kampong id r I Applicant her siblings her uncles and her s PHAN Rin 02 D114 5 throughout the DK Regime Disappearances of relatives called to work at the durian plantation in Ream Kampot Ed Chet Vanly g cousins °id 2 ° s Village

02 GO ON id S 4 Enslavement of Applicant from 1977 in Kampot Province murder of Applicant s father and siblings at Bet SUON Doeun Applicant her father and her siblings Kampot Ed Chet Vanly g Som Province after 1977 ° Trang Kampong “id ~ 2 l

P gh 1 n Enslavement of forced labour in Nob Som Province the DK Applicant Prey Village Kampong throughout id CO ~ 2 g UNG ChanThea D114 1 Regime disappearance of Applicant s siblings uncle and aunt and other inhumane acts in Kampong Som Applicant his siblings his aunt and his uncle Kampot Ed Chet Vanly ° “id 2 S Province These facts were clarified during the interview of the Applicant in Case 003

ON CO Enslavement of Applicant at Oknha Heng worksite near Toek Sap in Prey Nob District Kampong Som g £_ 9 a2 Province from 1975 until 1977 and in Koh Sla Dam in Kampot Province from 1977 until 1979 murder of id S GO NEAK Sitha D114 175 Applicant her uncle her aunt and her relatives Kampot Ed Chet Vanly GO iC Applicant s uncle aunt and 13 relative at a durian plantation in Kampong Som Province probably in 1977 “id ~ G The was clarified the interview of the in Case 003 9 description through Applicant

~ I GO ~ 02 Enslavement of Applicant in Prey Nob District Kampong Som Province disappearance of Applicant s id 2 DOM Khean § Applicant and her relatives Kampot Ed Chet Vanly g relatives at the durian in Ream Som Province dates “id ° »33 plantation Village Kampong unspecified ~ 2

Enslavement and other inhumane acts of in Nob District Som Province nC Applicant Prey Kampong GO throughout the DK Regime disappearance of Applicant s husband brothers in law nieces and nephews in Applicant her husband her father her id s OENG Aun Kampot Ed Chet Vanly g 1977 The s was sent to the durian in Som this is brothers in law and her nieces “id 2 ° Applicant family possibly plantation Kampong although nephews only hearsay

Enslavement of Applicant in Koun Satv Commune Kampot District Kampot Province throughout the DK £ G~ GO Regime Murder of her husband in 1977 at Preal Village Kampong Som Province Disappearance of Applicant her husband her parents her id 2 PHÉNG Kimla HIE Kampot Ed Chet Vanly § s in law brother sister and sister in law at a durian Som and her in laws ° id Applicant parents parents plantation Kampong siblings “id ~ 3 Province in 1977

GO Other inhumane acts at Bet Trang Dam and at other locations forced marriage and inhumane living « M id 2 § SAM Vuthy conditions of Applicant murder of his father and his younger brother at a durian plantation Toek Sap Applicant his brother and his father Kampot Ed Chet Vanly ° “id 2] Kampong Som Province

~2 X X G~ X id GO ~ I 2 Other inhumane acts at Bet Trang and other locations in Kampong Som Province from 1975 until 1977 2 NAP Somaly D114 34 Applicant and his parents and his siblings Kampot Ed Chet Vanly § of s ° Disappearance Applicant parents “id ~ 3 g

¦c id X GO Enslavement and inhumane living conditions of Applicant death by starvation and illness of her child and Applicant her child her husband and her id~ SOEM Ream D114 206 her husband of her in District Som Province The interview of Koh Chet 2 JD disappearance parents Prey Nop Kampong Kong Vanly ° parents E Q 2] 2 the Applicant in the Case was taken into account

On p I sr Enslavement at in late 1978 the s brother a member of Division 310 m airport Applicant I G 0 ~ id CHE D46 was at S 21 in 1976 These facts were clarified the interview of the in Case his brother Thom Kimsuon § Heap € imprisoned during Applicant Applicant Kampong Ed Hong Lyma Nguyen £^ ~ s 003 “id

0 Enslavement and other inhumane acts at Kampong Chhnang airfield of Applicant s husband in 1977 2 g 2 ~ CHUM Neou D4 1 489 murder of Applicant s husband a Division 310 RAK soldier at S 21 imprisonment in ~~ Kmao District Applicant her husband and child Hong Kimsuon Lyma Nguyen Q ~ «33 These facts were clarified in the interviews of the Applicant ~

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£ ~ vS ~ ~~ ~ 1 2 ~~ ERN>01596687 D269 1

Force labour and inhumane living conditions of Applicant in from 1976 until 1979 ill ~ I iri treatment and murder of his father at Kraing Ta Chan Security Centre death of mother by starvation and ~ g untreated illness in Takeo Province between late 1975 and 1976 murder of his and sisters in law siblings his his and his iX 9 G Applicant parents siblings s cr OU Dav D114 24 D114 25 D11 340 2 at various sites in Kampot Province Banan District in Province and Province Kampot G Kim Mengkhy Martine Jacquin cn sisters in law °ix ~ between 1975 and 1978 ill treatment and imprisonment of Applicant at an unknown site near Kaoh Sdach Island in 1976 These facts were clarified during the interviews in Cases 003 and 004 and the public testimony of the Applicant in Case 002

cA i g ~ ill treatment and murder of s brother at S 21 abducted at sea in 1978 These facts s X Imprisonment Applicant “ ~ ROB Hamill D37 Applicant s brother Outside S£ ~~ Sam Sokong Lyma Nguyen were 003 ~ ~ g clarified during the interview of the Applicant in Case ~~ j SjC

J S cA « s ill treatment and murder of s older brother abducted at sea near the Vietnamese 3 Imprisonment Applicant “ DEEDS Timothy Scott 2C Applicant s brother Outside Cambodia ïdc Sam Sokong Lyma Nguyen ^ s border in late 1978 at S 21 centre ~ ~ security ~ C S ^

Enslavement of and her in Oknha Som Province from 1975 until tDC ~~ Applicant family Heng Village Kampong ~~ cA 1976 and then Sapp Village from mid or end 1976 1979 death of her brother 3 NIEV Sova Applicant and her relatives Outside Cambodia II 6 Sam Sokong Nushin Sarkarati s ~ 1 due to illness and inhumane treatment in O Nha death mother due to illness in ~ ï Heng Village Applicant Kampong Chhnang Province a

~~ cA 02 Enslavement and inhumane living condition of Applicant at Prey Nop District Kampong Som Province in a o\ E Applicant her husband her parents in law VONG Nhen 1975 murder of Applicant s parents in law her sister in law and her two brothers in law death by illness Kandal Sam Sokong 1 her and her in laws ~ ~ daughter 5 and inadequate medical care of Applicant s daughter unspecified locations and times te

r ï O Forced labour in Boeng ~~ Srey village ~ Chamnar commune Prey Nop district Kampong Som province ~ g ~~ in 1975 forced transfer of Applicant and her family from Kampong Som to Phnom Penh death of 9 3 GO EL Sok s son due to starvation in 1975 location enslavement unclear locations and dates ~~~ Sam Lor GO Applicant unspecified Applicant Kampot Sokong Chunthy ~ death of Applicant s husband due to exhaustion and lack of medical care unclear time and location the ï were were to eat 2 Applicant and her sister Cham and forced pork

Enslavement and other inhumane acts at various locations in Nob District Som Province in nC Prey Kampong ~~ cA ~~ ON 1975 1977 and in 1977 1979 persecution of Cham imprisonment ill treatment ix s ~~ TEURy D114 47 Applicant Kampot G Sam Sokong Lor Chunthy at Koh Centre in Nob District in 1976 forced at Koh in ° C 3 ° Kyang Security Prey marriage Kyang Village Prey Nob District in 1976 These facts were clarified during the interview of the Applicant in Case 003

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