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1070.Pdf (727.7Kb) c:\scanned\1070.TIF Page 1 PROGRAM SCHEDULE Monday, May 23 9: 15AM General Assembly - Keynote Speaker: Joseph D. Cohn, Deputy Assistant Administrator Office Federal Procurement Policy, Office Mgt. & Budget Workshop I Session #2 HOUSTON SUITE STANLEY STEAMER SUITE Career Advancement Chairman :Russ Bartholomew,CV! Organizer: Gene Day lrvin Industries C. E. Day & Assoc. Value Analyzing Mfg. Processes Leaders: Dr. Edw. Adams, Jr. 1 Function Analysis-syste - Does It Work? Achievement Resources Technique (FAST) John Groothuis, CVS, .- Center Lloyd Wilson, CVS, Smith, Value Analysis Inc. Hinchman & Grylls Dr. Walter Work, Jr. Resistance To Change, A Myth? Achievement Resources Function Analysis & Leonard Schehr, Center Governmental Programmi Westinghouse Electric Co. Donald Goss, Govern * C' A Commonwealth of Pen Lunch Speaker: Philip J. Meathe, FAIA, President - Smith, Hinchman & Grylls Associates, Inc. Session #3 Session ##4 " '? ATLANTA S STANLEY STEAMER SUITE'% ABCk Of Value . Chairman: Tom Cook, CVS Chairman: Harvey Schneider - Organizer: Ron Schliebe Thonias Cook Assoc. ,-- +.. .Albert Kahn Assoc. .. Chev. Div., GM Corp. Sales Market Value VANE Gold Mines In Public . Marv. Wasserman, CVS, Works Project .. Leaders: Dusty Fowlkes, CVS Wasserman & Assoc. - Vincent Lao, CVS, Value Analysis Inc. Development of V.E. Activities V. L. Lao & Assoc; *. :* Utilizing Worst Index Figure 2 project SelectiotP q Doc Ruggles, CVS Shuichi Hoshino . ,,, ,? Modeling Techinques Value Analysis, Inc. Victor Company of Japan A.J. Dell' Isola, CVS, Smith, l~inchman& Gnrlls Assoc. Inc. 3:30PM I Break > 3 :45PM Session #5 * Session #6 ATLANTA SUITE STANLEY STEAMER SUITE Chairman: Ivan Shadko Chairman: Bob Churchill, CVS Chrysler Corp. General Dynamics Inc. I I Focus on Nature of A VECP Value Engineering For The Howard Pryor, Air Force Mortgage Banking Industry Institute of Technology Irwin Freedman, P.E. ILS VECP Awareness Sessions I. A. Freedman & Assoc. & Recognition Richard Keener Zero Base: The Concept, The Westinghouse Electric Process, and the Value Engineer VE Development in the DOD Charles C. Buik R. Biedenbender, University Consultants Off. of Sec'y. of Defense Tuesday, May 24 8:30AM Workshop II I Session #2 HOUSTON SU ITE STANLEY STEAMER SUITE Human Relations & Chairman: Jerry Moon, CVS, Chairman: C. P. Smith, CVS, Group Dynamics Profit Improvement Assoc. 1 Vought Aeronautics Co. Organizer: Jerry Kaufman, CVS Supporting Decisions with Synectics Value In Life For Self And The Honeywell Inc. Raymond D. Gilbert, CVS World - A Dream DOD Product Eng. Serv. Office S. S. Venkataramanan Leaders: Dr. Rosemary Fraser Value Manage - A Tool For Western Railway - India Miami University - Ohio Enriched And Happier Living Students Involved In SAVE Peter Ried Teresa A. Barlow, CVS, James M. Frusti 10: 15AM Break Krehl & Ried-Germanv Bariow Assoc. Chrysler Corporation chairman: Hoshang R. Karani I Chairman: Bernard Buncher Westinghouse Electric Energy Shortage ' ,. Hussein Abuswai U.S.AirForce ." ' Life Cycle Costing - A Creativity Amplifier . Stephen Kirk Naval Facilities Engineering Command + Lunch Speaker: Gordon Millar, V. P. Engineering - Deere & Company 1 :45PM Workshop IV 1 lbion 4% .? R~~EKN~uITE' ' STANLEY STEAMER SUlTE Function & FAST Chairman: Paul Boes Organizer: David Reeve Ford Motor Co. Chrysler Corporation - Redundancy Analysis . Leaders: Chas. Bytheway, CVS, Technique - (RAT) ,ps. Sperry Univac Tom King, CVS, John Groothuis, CVS, ,Joy Mfg. Co. Value Analysis Inc. Zero Base Budgeting Jerry Kaufman, CVS, Bob Rossman, CVS - . Honeywell Kempter-Rossman Larry Miles, CVS, International 3:30PM Break General Elec. (retired) ~ra~ojciechowski,CVS, 3:45PM wsiontq ,., a Session #8 - Lloral Electronic Systems AT~NTASUITE :-?iL. ~q - -:. >., STANLEY STEAMER SUITE m" *. " ':" wairmafi: Mike Pinto ; Japanese Meeting t -.- - > ** .. Pioneei ~ng*i&ring -.* * ,*.IHow to lntegrd) the VE System In- Chairman: R. Kempr, CVS to the Whole OrganizationSystem - -* George Gouze, CVS, 4). CETEGE Co. - France =-* * -* ImplementationProblems And 5 Wednesday, May 25 8:30AM Workshop V --Session #1 Session #2 HOUSTON SUITE ATLANTA SUITE STANLEY STEAMER SUITE Creativity Chairmar : Jim Dziekonski Officer Training Session Organizer: Dr. John Polomsky Kohlel. Co. Chairman: Bernard Kerrigan, CVS Mich. State Univ. Introducing & Application of the General Electric Co. Value Methodology in Italian Leaders: Dr. John Polomsky Industrie.; Mich. State Univ. Agostino Sanvenero Richard Darios SASTl lntegrazione - Italy Chrysler Corporation On The Rooftops Of London Coo, What A Sight James W. Hudson, CVS 0!?@ James W. Hudson & Assoc. i 10: 15AM Break 10:30AM TLANTA SUITE STANLEY STEAMER SUITE 4 International Forum Meet The Experts SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (Summary) FOCUS 77 - EXPAND HORIZONS . SATURDAY MAY 21,1977 WEDNESDAY MAY 25.1977 1 :00PM - 5:OOPM National Board Meeting Thomas Suite 8:00AM - 12:OOPM Registration & Informa- Hubbard Cloak Room ti& Desk Open .. The conference will show how the horizons of knowl- SUNDAY MAY 22,1977 8:30AM - 12:OOPM Workshop V - Creativity Houston Suite edge have been expanded to achieve results beyond 8:OOAM - 5:OOPM Exhibit Set Up Dearborn Suite and 8:30AM - 10:15AM Technical Sessions #1 Atlanta Suite expectations by the application of the scientific Hubbard Foyer Officer Training #2 Stanley Steamer Suite i- 1 :00PM - 4:OOPM CVS Examination Bugatti Royale Suite disciplines of Value Engineering. 10:15AM - 10:30AM Exhibit Break Dearborn Suite 1j.i 1 :00PM - 2:30PM Delegate Authentication __Auburn Suite 10:30AM - 12:OOPM International Forum #3 Atlanta Suite 1%I i 2:30PM - 5:OOPM Annual Business Meeting ,Stanley Steamer Suite Meet the Experts #4 Stanley Steamer Suite 1 - Scope . 4:OOPM - 8:00PM Pre-Registration Atrium at Hubbard 12:OOPM - 12:30PM Critique the Conference Bugatti Royale Suite Entrance 1 :00PM - Exhibits Close Dearborn Suite and I Commercial Industry, Architecture-Engineering- 6:OOPM - 8:OOPM Attendees Reception Dearborn Suite Construction, Social Services, Community Affairs, Hubbard Foyer 1 :00PM - 5:30PM National Board Meeting Thomas Suite Government - Federal - State - Local, Banking and MONDAY MAY 23,1977 7:30AM - 12:OOPM Registration & Informa- Atrium at Hubbard 2:OOPM - 5:00 PM Plant Tours Dusenberg Suite Commerce, Chemical and Petroleum, Administra- tion Desk Open Entrance tion, Organizational Development, Decision Mak- 12:OOPM - 5:OOPM Registration & Informa- Hubbard Cloak Room THURSDAY MAY 26,1977 ing, Education, Medical and Hospitals, Energy tion Desk Open 8:30AM - Noon Plational Board Meeting Thomas Suite Conservation. 9:15AM - 10:OOAM General Assembly and Springwell Suite Opening Ceremony SPOUSES' PROGRAM 10:OOAM - 10:30AM Exhibit Break Dearborn Suite Technical Paper Sessions . 10:30AM - 12:30PM ,V?orkshop I - Career Houston Suite MONDAY MAY 23,1977 Benefits, State-of-the-Art Applications, Theory. Advancement 10:30AM - 12:30PM Technical Sessions #1 Atlanta Suite Workshop - Horizons #2 Stanley Steamer Suite Of Awareness Sterns-Knight Suite Workshop Sessions 9:OOAM - 10:OOAM Where and Who We Are . 12:30PM - 2:OOPM Lunch and Speaker Springwell Suite Demonstrate by hands-on participation. Houston Suite 10:OOAM - 10:30AM Coffee Break Career Advancement 10:30AM - Noon How We Got Here 12:OOPM - 1 :00PM Luncheon Bugatti Royale Suite ABC's of Value Engineering &:OOPM - 3:30PM Technical Sessions@ Atlanta Suite # #4 Stanley Steamer Suite 1 :00PM - 2.30PM Awareness of Others Function and FAST 2:30PM - 3:OOPM Coffee Break 3:30PM - .3:45~~'~xhibitBreak Dearborn Suite 3:OOPM 4:OOPM New Horizons Creativity 3:aPM - 5:30PM Technical Sessions #5 Atlanta Suite - 4:OOPM 4:30PM Discussion and Human Relations #6 Stanley Steamer Suite - Evaluation 5:30PM - 7:30PM lnternational Reception Springwell Suite Exhibits. 5:30PM - 6:30PM Great Plains Meet- Auburn Suite TUESDAY MAY 24,1977- Professional Services and Products,- Solve Prob- 5:30PM - 6:30PM Performance Magazine Atlant&Sdte 9:OOAM - Noon Tour Greenfield Village Dusenberg Suite Brainstorming Session * ' lems, Improve Operations, Increase Profit. 12:OOPM - 1.00PM Lunch and Speaker - TUESDAY MAY 24. 1977 Theresa Barlow Barlow Assoc. 8:00AM - 5:OOPM Registration & Informa- Hubbard Cloak Room The conference will support and strengthen Value 1 :00PM - 3:30PM Tour Henry Ford Museum Engineering as a management tool to aid business, tion Desk Open 8:30AM - 12:15PM Workshop Ill - Human Houston Suite WEDNESDAY MAY 25,1977 ' government, community organizations and the Relations & Group 10.00PM - 12:OOPM Fairlane Town Center Dusenberg Suite everyday activities of the individual. It will show Organizations Shopping how the practical tools of Value Engineering com- 8:30AM - 10:15AM Technical Sessions #1 Atlanta Suite #2 Stanley Steamer Suite bined with group dynamics, human relations and -RESTRICTED POST- --- SEMINARS - - 10:15AM - 10:30AM Exhibit Break Dearborn Suite salesmanship can help to organize all available re- 10:30AM - 12:15PM Technical Sessions #3 Atlanta Su~te WEDNESDAY MAY 25,1977 sources to obtain maximum benefit from applied #4 Stanley Steamer Suite 1 :OOPM - 5:30PM Joy Manufactut-inqCor- Mercer Su~te effort in the rapidly changing technical and social 11:00AM - l2:l5PM Presidents' Reception Royale Suite porate Seminar 12:15PM - 1 :45PM Lunch and Speaker Springwell Suite 1 :00PM - 5:30PM DARCOM Seminar Model T Suite climate of today and the future. 1 :45PM - 3:15PM Presidents' Exchange Royale Suite 1 :45PM - 5:30PM Workshop lV - Function Houston Suite THURSDAY MAY 26, 1977 and Fast 8:30AM - 5:30PM Joy Manufacturing
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