ThreeWeeksDAILY tw ratingtw Rolley] |[Christie 4/5 4.00pm. The Famous Aug, until25 , ‘Jazzmatazz’ iswell worth catching. whatever your age,Ali McGregor’s way to spendanafternoon, Fringe. Anabsolutely delightful out after anexciting day atthe catchy songs–idealfor tiringthem andwigglingalongtonoises the likeacting producing dogs, jungle Smallchildrenelegant. delightin alike and pop classics soundsultry to make children’s favourites and asshemanages talent isevident, supreme professionalism andvocal joined inonthefun!McGregor’s and MrMonkey -even someparents Jennyspecial dancingduoMiss andinteractpop bubbles withthe large dance floorto jigto themusic, hour. Children are invited onto the family fun in this exciting, interactive Ali McGregor turns jazzmusicinto (Ali McGregor/ Spiegeltent) Ali McGregor Jazzmatazz SHOWS CHILDREN’S ratingtw |[JoeAbel] 3/5 The Street until24 Aug, 2.45pm. pretensions otherwise. smooth transitions, withoutany elegant card tricks,presented with deceptivelyjust simple-seeming, But for oftheshow, themajority it’s advertising, gamblingorcomedy. techniques tolinking these touches onmeta-commentary, card-deck intarot, andattimes background ontheoriginsof practiced. Heprovides asimple his tricks are proficient andwell- with awarm, charming presence, Underselling hisconsiderable skill audience into thisreceptive state. an easy, relaxed patter thatlulls the being tricked, andBlackwood has of theirbrain thatcomes from familiar withthattingleintheback That’s theshow. Everyone willbe deliberately, thenreally tricks you. tells you he’s trickingyou, fluffsit Blackwoodmagician, JohnHenry A traditional sleight-of-hand card PBH’s ) Blackwood Henry / (John (No, NotThat One!) AnyPick ACard, Card CABARET WED 21AUG 2013 EDITION #19: a daily helping of Festival reviews from ThreeWeeks -check for more reviews, interviews and features tw ratingtw Das] |[Shiv 4/5 Aug,25 3.35pm. @TheNewsroom, until portrayal oflife’s problems. mean funnier. Overall, acartoonish hour, andlouderdoesn’t necessarily this comedic rollercoaster ofan to packtoo muchrandomness into trying did seemchaoticattimes, the most diverse shows around. It comedy; proving to beoneof itself and singingto conventional sketch from poetry, improv, spoken word on roller skates. Ithaseverything a box-wearing, confused teenager hilariously dire poetry, as andCurtis included life-sized Guatemala dolls, but ‘calm andcollected’! Highlights energy andvigour-it’s anything Kevan, theshow with isbustling Mayhew, andLizzie Dan Curtis related problems. Featuring Ed solution to andstress- anxiety show, whose ‘aim’ isto finda exhilarating andanimated sketch Making Faces have created an (Making Faces) andCollected Calm COMEDY from acomedian whoproved to be of manyfirst impressive moves Nevertheless, thiswas onlythe would notbemy choice. first dressing upinapandasuit were makingmy Fringe debut, I don’t know aboutyou, butifI (Nikhil Tilwalli) ofPuns and Plenty Pythagoras A Panda Suit, ratingtw |[Peter 4/5 Dorman] (not 12),9.25pm. Underbelly, BristoSquare, Aug until25 offended. but definitely notone for theeasily for your grandmother. Agreat show, notsuitable that ismost certainly ofproprietyboundaries inashow inappropriate the Geddispushes performance. Thesidesplittingly an elementofshockvalue to the correctnesslack ofpolitical adds audience engaged,whilehissheer ofhispersonaskeepselection the before histime.Videos from a the sensethathehasbecome old about theworld, perpetuating incorporates Geddis’ various gripes about theyouth oftoday, simply meantasasocialsatirespectacle, comedy.stand-up Themultimedia Henderson, takes to to thestage try Blender” the world “The to Barry star, responsible for introducing The internet sensationandYouTube Media Ltd) Disabled (Green Dragon Colin Geddis-Comments but unoriginal. Gandhi -thiscomedian isanything Usher andeven Vin with Diesel StAugustine with mathematics, sex with flawless logicheconnects be anendearingcombination. With awkward demeanourproving to with aquirky disposition and absolutely integral to hiscomedy, Tilwalli’sset. seemed personality a tribute to histhought-provoking slightly intriguedby thewordplay, not leave theshow feeling atleast itwas withpuns, obsessed hard as funny asheisbizarre. Openly stage. Nevertheless, heholdsno stage. might nottransfer easilyto alarger interactive, Iworry thathismaterial he produces issointimate and so resorting to expletives. Thecomedy and refreshingly funny, without himself to befun,engaging crowd,as its butLaws proved the performance isonlyasgood incidences inthese and sometimes committed to audience interaction, outstretched arms.Theshow was another audience member’s a punchbowl, fashioned from having to emulate drinkingfrom as thisreviewer found outwhen attention andyour participation, his material. Hedemands your He isrelentlessly dedicated to LawsStuart really notstop! does This titleisnotamisnomer; Laws) (Stuart Ever, UntilYou are Dead Absolutely Will NotStop, ratingtw |[Sarah 5/5 Virgo] 10.30pm. Underbelly, BristoSquare, Aug, until25 missed.. notto andmostcertainly be delight, waslooking, theHorne Section a which bandmemberisthebest the band,andacompetition to see the audience helpedto conduct From magictricks where to thepart and well-suited to theshow’s calibre. – hermusicwas punchy, beautiful everyone intheroom awe-struck andsheleft present, of theguests singer Gwyneth was Herbert one something for everyone. Jazz has theHornemembers, Section the wholebandandparticular aswell aspieces fromeach night, spot-on. Showcasing different acts Live inaCow, and3outof4are to expect atTheHorne Section that’sno politics”; whatwe’re told chatting abouttheweather and comedy,“There willbemusic, Cow (Avalon Promotions) LiveThe HorneSection InA ratingtw |[Ankur 4/5 AnilShah] (not 13),8.00pm. theTonicJust atTheCaves, until22 Aug will be) subjected towill be)subjected hiswit! andeveryoneprisoners, (and can about gambling and addiction, about gamblingandaddiction, Fringe comedy withobservational returnsStephen Carlin to the with Glorious Management) Comedy by arrangement &Gagged Man (Bound Gambling Stephen Carlin: ratingtw |[Robert 4/5 McGowan Stuart] 19), 5.45pm. Gilded Teviot, Balloon until26 Aug (not12, people stereotypes. theprecedentG isstill for young thatAli values withoutassuming refreshing to seehimmock teenage isoriginal,anditwascertainly extraordinary,is particularly it earlier. noneofthematerial Whilst minutes to just Prince Harry him complain aboutperforming felthip-hop surreal, after seeing inhonourof send-off A musical the darker sideofdiscount websites. theaudiencenotably educating on anecdotes andobservations, telling someundisputedly hilarious off eBay),Southern spendsthehour (facilitated by abargain piece ofkit way. Armed with asetofjingles sometremorscaused alongthe comedy circuit, hehascertainly kicked onthe upahugefuss Southern mayWhilst nothave The Kerfuffle(Julz Hay) Gordon Southern: ratingtw |[Kayleigh 3/5 Head] Aug (not7, 13)5.00pm. Gilded Teviot Balloon –balcony, until25 splitting. but nowhere neartherealm ofside- undoubtedly entertaining, concept, Overallspectacle. –aninteresting more thanavaguely amusing Friend’) eventually offer nothing Facebook(including his‘Boring anumberofthem as acomic, imaginative energy andcreativity characters showcase certainly Milo’s play. However, althoughthe humourandcleversatirical word things offnicely withadose of upper-class Wilko worker, kicking begins strongly, withanenergetic of hiseccentric characters. He introducesMcCabe usto anumber videoclips, ofshort selection seems to be! Combinedwitha And whatabusy place hismind concept ofsplitpersonalities. mind, through theinteresting inner workings ofMilo’s McCabe’s revolves‘Schiz’ around thechaotic (IMWP) Schiz Milo McCabe: ratingtw |[MairiMcNicol] 4/5 Dragonfly, until24 Aug (not15, 22), 3.15pm. funny show. andentertaining present does awell-rounded,Carlin abadthingthough,as necessarily family-friendly material. Thisisn’t tomostly sticking routine and There’s asensehe’s playing itsafe, is notexactly ground-breaking. theact is aboutchance andrisk, At thesametime,whileshow and keeping theshow flowing. maintaining theaudience’s focus isascharming asheisfunny,Carlin life asanadultwithchildhood. through ofhislife, parts comparing This themeallows himto talk risks would you bewillingto take? everyday How situations. many both asaseriousproblem andin his abnormal behaviour inmundane forced into responsibility, discussing the adolescent teenager inany man likeable character whorepresents the comedians. Freddie Farrell isa help butfeel are solelyrelevant to combined you withstories can’t of theaudience relate can to, of incidences thatthemajority therightcombinationhas just It Awkward’ isfunny it because Cornishman? Thisofcourse. ‘Ain’t parent andanerratic ex-partying Brummie who’s become just a What doyou getifyou cross a Farrell) (Harriet Dyer andFreddie Ain’t ItAwkward ratingtw |[JulianJoseph] 3/5 14), 6.00pm. Courtyard,Pleasance until26 Aug (not7, passengers, but you’ll find hisshow at . SNAP OF THEDAY: Fraser Millward’s coach driver may have lost his which feels butawkward. anything characters, very complementary laughing indismay. Ashow with and cracking jokes thathave you relivingthe stage, herwilderdays pride. Harriet Dyer bounces about situations withacheeky senseof tw ratingtw |[Grace 3/5 Brennan] until Aug 24, 1.15 pm. Laughing Horse @TheCountingHouse, is barely noticeable. whenthepunchline is unnecessary butthesuspense at settingupgags, with excusable He’s cheek. talented jokes offsuchdry toability carry funny, butitseemshelacks the meant to berelevant. Pustelnikis offensive andgraphic material was the audience unsure ofhow the delivering thathave one-liners but thentakes arather steepturn, cake andlumberjackappearance; his frustrations withwomen, love of fairly likeable stand-up, discussing Hebeginsasa shock andentertain. a range to both ofcomedy styles him “grow strong”) incorporates believes isresponsible for making Valdemar Pustelnik (anamehe with sheep. Instead, Danish comic doesn’t have actually muchto do thename,thisshowDespite Comedy Corner) (Pustelnik andBispebjerg 53 About52 Minutes Sheep ratingtw |[Grace 4/5 Brennan] Aug, 3.45pm. Laughing Horse @Espionage,until25 tw ratingtw Das] |[Shiv 5/5 10.20pm. Underbelly @Cowgate, Aug, until25 the easilyoffended! Definitely notoneforwhole point. butmaybeand tampons, that’s the beautiful voice singingaboutfarting is difficult stunningly to hearsucha it andattimes from music, country lot ofhersong-writing influence periods andanalsex. takes She a pixie-like, numbersabout naughty take herselftoo seriouslywithher Gnome shows thatshedoesn’t hat andshiningbrightlyonstage, humour. Glittered up, wearing apink of sexthe runningthemes andtoilet audience journey, onamusical with singer-songwriter takes the comedy theburlesque goddess, and equippedwiththevoice ofa Hailingfrombrilliant. Vancouver frivolous, embarrassing andsimply from alate nightcomedy show; youThis iseverything want (Heartichoke Arts) Shirley Gnome 5/5 Excellent Very4/5 Good 3/5 Good 2/5 Mediocre 1/5 Bad

Photo: Kat Gollock Al Lubel Is Mentally Al (EMX puts them through the motions. Fringe. If all that madness could to character – a brilliant show, full of Management Presents) The self-assured enthusiasm of be harnessed for the duration of harebrained ideas. the performers carries the weaker the performance, then he’d be Although labelled as comedy, this Pleasance Courtyard, until 26 Aug, 4.45pm. material through, and the longer getting rave reviews everywhere. strange hour is closer to a one-man tw rating 4/5 | [Victoria Beardwood] sketches are a showcase for some Unfortunately, at present, Edwards show, as Lubel presents us with an more ambitious writing. The casual only lets the audience see his extreme version of himself to talk The Half Naked Chef blasphemy and nudity thrown in brilliance in certain, undoubtedly us through his life. Playing on the towards the end is a bit perfunctory, hilarious, moments. Some of the Expecting ‘Miss Behave’, I’m self-righteous, self-indulgent image but doesn’t detract from the bulk of characters, notably an inexperienced confronted with an Eric Idle that many comedians present, the show being harmless, silly fun. stand-up, were overplayed a little lookalike instead. Wearing nothing he deludes himself into thinking bit, whilst others weren’t given but red briefs and an apron, this the audience want to know every Underbelly, Cowgate until 25 Aug (not 12), enough attention. Nonetheless, man, known as Stampy, is very detail about Al Lubel. With a very 3.20pm. Edwards clearly has talent and much a half naked chef. The next dry and monotone delivery, his tw rating 3/5 | [Joe Abel] managed to whip up a frenzy in the hour is a series of genuinely bizarre material largely focuses on his incomprehensibly sparse venue. If moments, as he gyrates in the shop mother’s obsession with him, giving Big Comedy Lunch he can refine his comedy and build front window and accosts people us some entertaining anecdotes (Barry Ferns) on what talent he already has, then I on the street. He demonstrates his and pushing our good humour to This free show introduces you expect him to be doing big things in cooking prowess with a selection of its limit. Finishing with a song and to some comedians you might the future. vegetables and astonishing violence. dance, he presents us with “the real otherwise not have stumbled across. He won’t try convince you how good Assembly Hall, until 26 Aug, 7.45pm. Al Lubel”. Divisive, this was a very Hosted by Greek comedian Katerina his food tastes, he’ll force someone a wild western romance based in was just bizarre. Jumping from Maggie Fox and Sue Ryding have for the future, contrasting with the clever and well-structured show- it Vrana, her comedy centred around tw rating 3/5 | [Robert McGowan Stuart] in the audience to try - the poor guy the Northern Hebrides unfold, and raunchy to poignant to humorous, undeniable comedic chemistry, but ageing Marion who has lost belief will either leave you in stitches, or her homeland, the deficit and her next to me did not seem to enjoy his as the first notes of ‘Caber-Tossing ‘Fourplay’ showcased an array at times the jokes and performances in progress. Solomon fears Marion just disturbed. equally unruly hair and family life. Comedy Death True Horror Irish trifle. If you’re not convinced, Man’ tinkled in, it struck me that you of acting skills against a great were overshadowed by the is wasting away, perhaps due to Just The Tonic At The Caves , until 25 Aug First in the showcase was German Stories from the Circuit wander past Bob’s Bookshop couldn’t make this stuff up. Oh wait... soundtrack. Alan McKenzie was spectacular stage aesthetics. It is her fears for South Africa’s future. (not 13), 10.30pm. comedian Christian Schulte-Loh. (Javier Jarquin / PBH’s Free between 9 and 10pm to get a taste theSpace on the Mile, until 24 Aug (not 11, credible as Tom, provoking laughter also fair to say that some of the The performances demonstrate tw rating 4/5 [Christopher Spring] Expect a few jokes about his height, Fringe) of what’s on offer. 18, 25), 8.05pm. with his character’s occasional cultural references and general how people talk when they still insensitivity. Though the ending humour will appeal more to an older remember being kept apart. and lots about how German he is – Certainly a good idea in principle, Heroes @ Bob’s Bookshop, until 26 Aug, tw rating 4/5 | [Andrew Pollard] was uninspiring and the scripting audience than it does to a younger Solomon perceives racism when The Oxford Revue: With Bits some more risque than others. Next, there was something grossly 9.00pm. sometimes dropped to mediocrity, one. But, for the simple fact that a Marion addresses him as “my boy”, (Oxford Revue) an excerpt from Giada Garofalo’s endearing about listening to comics tw rating 4/5 | [Samantha Strachan] dark storytelling show, drawing this was still a harmlessly enjoyable backdrop and a car made of wool while she is ashamed by the notion Fragmented, fast-paced, though at recount their less successful gigs. on her Italian heritage for subject THEATRE production. is a pretty impressive sight, this of her superiority when he calls her times forgettable, this well strung- For the most part, this show was Gary Delany 2: This Time It’s matter. Finally, Kate Smurthwaite production definitely merits a visit. “miss”. The play carefully allows together series of sketches and enjoyable, if not slightly pedestrian. Not Personal (CKP) theSpace on the Mile, until Aug 23 (odd completed the afternoon’s European Sans Salomé dates only), 2.10pm. Assembly George Square, until 25 Aug some humour into this serious comic abstracts occasionally leaves Steve Bugeja told his stories with Gary Delany, as seen on TV, is the comedy tour, with some gentle (Fourth Monkey) tw rating 3/5 | [Sophie Baggott] (except 11, 12, 19) 4.20pm. subject, though it remains fiercely you hanging without a laugh, but refreshing humility, whilst Shane king of the one-liner. As the title of humour and biting political satire. On a stage as almost as blank as tw rating 3/5 | [Rory Morgan] unafraid of looking at the ongoing moves on to the next premise Mauss’ anecdotes were rather his show tells you, his gig will not At times the show was uneven, but a new piece of paper, Oscar Wilde reality of life in South Africa. so quickly that you don’t really insane, involving a horror-story take you on a journey and it will The Trials And Tribulations Smurthwaite, a genuine highlight, and his modern counterparts write Assembly Hall, until Aug 26 (not 12, 19), notice. Promoted on the names tour across Texas. The reality that not deal with his problems through Of Mr Pickwick (Nigel The Six Wives Of Henry made it well worth watching. their stories. The play explores 2.30pm. of alumni whose influences are the majority of the comedians comedy; it simply isn’t personal. Nevinson) VIII (Living Spit and Bristol Laughing Horse @ Espionage until 25 Aug faced was that it was their lack of the treatment of homosexuality tw rating 4/5 | [Michael Black] largely absent, this traditional Delany is more than just a pitching This polished solo show tells of the Ferment in association with (not 13), 1.15pm. talent, as opposed to circumstantial in both the 19th Century and the revue show takes a tried and tested machine for gags however; he many tribulations and eventual Makin Projects) stable of comic characters and tw rating 3/5 | [Elizabeth Jewell] factors, that had led to disastrous present day, making some profound alternates his rhythms with a bit of trial of Mr Pickwick. Recounted This show is framed as a triumphant performances in the past. As a result, connections between the two eras. observational stuff every now and from his cell in a debtors’ gaol, it’s “fuck you” to a one-star review WORDS & EVENTS The Bear Pit Comedy Podcast whilst told in humorous fashion, a ‘Sans Salomé’ is sublimely staged; then and also experiments with a surprisingly light and humorous of a previous production, by PODCASTS> lot of these ‘horror stories’ weren’t the hubbub of the chorus acts as podcast (Bear Pit Comedy/ mime, although results may vary. tale of how he got there. Mr Pickwick a pedantic reviewer offended Ghost and Torture Tour that horrific at all. Nonetheless, a time machine, transporting you PBH’s Free Fringe) He’s happy to acknowledge that is a honourable elderly gentleman, by historical inaccuracy after Edition Ten of the the format was clever and the from one period to another, and the (Auld Reekie) While most comedy showcases he’s a bit immature, and as a result, comical and almost caricature-like in historical inaccuracy. As a result, ThreeWeeks podcast guests change everyday, so expect almost empty stage actually holds You may think that going on a just have a few comedians perform some of Delany’s jokes will make you his naivety and good intentions. The in this production, inspired by something new. And fortunately, a lot of opportunities for creative haunted tour during daylight isn’t magazine is now online – extracts from their shows, ‘Bear shake your head and cringe. Even so, accomplished Nigel Nevinson also the lives of Henry VIII and his six there was no heckling. expression. The only real problem is scary. You’re wrong. Really, make he’ll get you in the end, as this hour plays all the other characters, with featuring… Pit’ is a show in itself. Ewan Raffles that the show fails to totally capture wives, characters communicate on sure you go with someone willing to The Dram House Upstairs, until 24 Aug of hilarious wisecracks brings out just a few extra props. An escalating opened interviews with “so you’ve Wilde’s wit and charisma, but mobile phones, compete on ‘Blind have you constantly gripping their (not 12, 19), 3.15pm. the childish joke teller in all of us. series of misunderstandings and Mrs Moneypenny had one, even two star reviews,” perhaps that is the point: intolerance Date’ to win Henry’s affection, and arm. It begins with an above ground tw rating 3/5 | [Robert McGowan Stuart] mishaps ends in a hilarious trial or “some people might struggle Pleasance Courtyard, until 25 Aug (not 12), and prejudice reduce people to get hit by buses. With little to no venture down the , and 9.45pm. by jury. There are several very Madelaine Bennett to call what you do comedy”. And ghostly shadows of their former actual historical research, Howard it’s surprising how much history funny scenes, but the pace can every time a comedian mentioned Jigsaw - Jiggle It tw rating 4/5 | [Alice Harrold] selves. Coggins (Bristol Old Vic) and Stu the everyday streets have to offer. Suman Biswas they were performing at a paid (Avalon Promotions) sometimes be a little slow and the Mcloughlin (Kneehigh) offer up a theSpace on Niddry Street, until 24 Aug, You find yourself confident that the venue, the audience would give an disasters predictable. However, the Back with a high-energy show, Improvabunga - Some Sort 5.15pm. magnificently riotous production, hour won’t be terrifying at all... until Gower Hour ending imparts an unexpected but enthusiastic standing ovation and tightly packed with witty sketches Of Improv Show (Watch This demonstrating how great history you enter the underground vaults. proceed to take their shirts off… get tw rating 4/5 | [Melissa Steel] important message about charity. Five Cent Whiskey and new material, Jigsaw’s third Improv Troupe) is when you ignore the boring old In the dark, damp conditions with it? This has the basic format of a Edinburgh run is sure to be as This gently comic play is good old- facts and just write what you think Prepare for genius, drama and Fourplay (New Celts only a small torch for light, the guide showcase/interview show, but it’s successful as the previous two. The fashioned entertainment. probably happened. Backed by a live Odd Rituals deranged hilarity as Watch This recounts past groups’ experiences really just an excuse to take the piss. sketches are very short (sometimes Productions And Lady Muck Hill Street Theatre, until 25 Aug (not 13), soundtrack and education-through- invite you to follow them down and chilling stories that have you Download or stream at I can’t say “recommended” is the lasting less than a minute) and Productions) 2.15pm. song, ‘Six Wives’ is wondrous. the improvised rabbit hole that shifting your feet nervously. Even right word, as this show is certainly the jokes come rapidly, so make Rather than delving into the heart tw rating 3/5 | [Isobel Steer] Assembly George Square, until 26 Aug is ‘Improvabunga’. Each night six as a sceptic it’s difficult not to not for everyone, but the deadpan sure you’ve had plenty of coffee of modern relationships, “Fourplay’ (not 13), 4.35pm. PLUS look out for loads of performers spontaneously drag feel uncomfortable in the eerie humour and surreal atmosphere are beforehand. Some scenes are based tinkered around the edges. The podcast extra interviews and a play (whose title, location and Inspector Norse tw rating 4/5 | [Immi Calderwood] environment, and even harder to strangely hilarious. around a single idiom or gag, so they strong acting was perhaps diluted by sleep later that night. performances genre are chosen by you) from (LipService Theatre) Southside, until 24 Aug (not 14), 12.55pm. don’t develop much, but the rapidity a feebler script, with a plot revolving their imaginations onto the stage. Enjoy knitting? Then this Solomon and Marion Auld Reekie Haunted Underground, of scenes keeps the audience’s around a couple who no longer tw rating 3/5 | [Julian Joseph] An outstanding display of speed, unquestionably is the play for (Baxter Theatre Centre and everyday, 7.00 pm. attention and stops this becoming communicate with each other. Their wit and collective intuition results you. With a large woollen set and Assembly) tw rating 5/5 | [Grace Brennan] a problem. The performers have predicament was moving at times, Faux Latino Show Pony in a show that’s raucously funny props, the LipService duo are in a great rapport, both amongst but ultimately failed to prompt much This powerful play, like much (Jacob Edwards) and consistently entertaining. This their element on stage - spoofing INFO themselves and with the audience. sympathy. The metatheatricality of Post-Apartheid South African troupe excels in crafting whatever’s Swedish crime thrillers, responding Deranged, bizarre and completely They’re not afraid to be silly and an affair between two actors piqued fiction, asks whether history has Published by ThreeWeeks Publishing, thrown at them into a lucid tale with well to the audience and generally a division of UnLimited Media unhinged, Jacob Edwards’ show is they move skilfully from character interest, but the third relationship left a rift that can’t be healed. The unlike many that you’ll see at the mad-cap coherence. As I watched delivering a humorous performance. young Solomon holds on to hope