PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: TIMOTHY LEARY a Candid Conversation with the Controversial Ex-Harvard Prrifessor~ Prime Partisan and Prophet of LSD
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PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: TIMOTHY LEARY a candid conversation with the controversial ex-harvard prrifessor~ prime partisan and prophet of LSD On a sunny Saturday afternoon in his Roman Catholic mother by abandon- problems such as alcoholism where they 1960, beside the swimming pool of his ing Holy Cross two years before gradua- germinate-rather than in the textbook Tented summer villa in Cuernavaca, a tion ("The scholastic approach to r-eli- or the lab orator», 39-year-old American ate a handful of gion didn't turn me on"), then affronted At the time, predictably enough, few odd-looking mushrooms he'd bought his [ather, a retired ATmy career officer, of these novel notions went over very [rom the witch doctor of a nenlUv vil- by walking out of !Vest Point after 18 well with Leary's hidebound col- lage. Within minutes, he recalled 'lateT, months ("Afy interests weTe philosophic leagues. But their rumblings of skepti- he felt himself "being swept over the rather than militaristic"). Not until he cism rose to a chorus of outrage when edge of a sensory niagara into a mael- transferred to the University of Alabama Leary rei limed 10 Harvard in 1960 fT0111 strom of transcendental visions and hal- did he begin to settle down academically his pioneering voyage into inner space- lucinations. The next hOUTS could -to W01'k for his B. A. in psychology.On beside the swimming pool in Cuemava- be described in many- extravagant meta- graduation in 1942, he enlisted as an ca-to begin cx perimentin e on himself, phors, but it was above all and without ATmy psychologist, served in a Pennsyl- his associates and hundreds of volunteer question the deepest religious experi- uania hospital until the end of the WaT, subjects with measured doses of psilo- ence of my life." The implications of then resumed his schooling and earned cybin, the chemical derivative of the that fateful first communion aTe as yet his Ph. D. at the University of California sacred mushrooms. Vowing "to dedicate unmeasured; that they are both [ar- at Berkeley. Acquiring both eminence the rest of my life as a psychologist to Teaching and pTofound, houieuer, is and enemies with his [ust major jobs-as the systematic exploration of this new generally conceded=ior the fungi director of Oakland's progressive Kaiser instrument," he and his rapidly multi- were the legendary "sacred mushrooms" Fou ndation Hospital and as an assistant plying followers began to turn on that have since become known, and professor' at UC's School of Medicine in with the other psychedelics: morning- feared by many, as one of the psyche- Sa1/Francisco-Leary began to display glory seeds, nutmeg, marijuana, peyote, delic (literally, mind-manifesting) chem- tile courage and sometimes rash icono- mescaline-and a colorless, odorless, icals that have created a national fad clasm Ihat have since mar-ked every phase tasteless but incredibly potent labora- among the nation's young and a scandal of his checkered -career. Contending that tory compound called LSD 25, {irst syn- in the press. The American was a Har- traditional psychiatric methods were thesized in 1938 by a Swiss biochemist vard psychotherapist named Timothy hurting as many patients as they helped, seeking a pain killer for migraine head- LeaTY, who has since found himself trans- he resigned in 1958 and signed up as a mogrified from scientist and research er lecturer on clinical psychology at Har- aches. A hundred times stronger than into progenitor- and high priest of a Tev- uard. There he began to evolve and psilocybin, LSD sent its hallucinated olutionary movement spawned not by an enunciate the theory of social interplo» users on multihued, multileueled Toller- idea but by a substance that's been called and person a! behavior as so many stylized coaster rides so spectacular that it soon "the spiritual equivalent of the hydrogen games, since popularized by Dr. Eric became Leary's primary tool for research. bomb." Berne in his best-selling book "Games And as word began to circulate about the Few men, in their youth, icould have People Pia)'," and to both preach and fan iastic, ph an tasmagoricc I "trips" taken seemed less likely to emerge (is a, reli- practice the effective but unconventional by his students, it .10011 became a clan- gious leader, let alone as a rebel irith a n eio psychiatric research. technique of destine campus hick, and by 1962 had cause.At the age of 19, Leary distressed sending his students to study emotional become an underground cult among the "In 3000 people that I have personally "An enormous amount of energy from HI think that anyone who wants to have observed taking LSD, we've had only four every fiber of )'OUT body is released under a psychedelic experience and is willing cases of prolonged psychoses-two or LSD-especially sexual energy. 'There is to prepare [or it and to examine his own three weeks after the session. All of these no question that LSD is the most power- hang-ups and neurotic tendencies should had been in a mental hospital bejore." ful aphrodisiac ever discovered by man," be allowed to have a crack at it." young aoant-gorde [rom London to Los Reagan even dragged the issue into his a wide range of mind benders running Angeles. successful campaign for the Republican from alcohol, energizers and stupefiers to By 1963, it had also become something gubernatorial nomination il1 California. marijuana and the other psvchedelic of an emb arrassment to Haruard., how- II was amid this mounting OUtC1Y drugs. To middle-aged America, it may ever, which "regretfully" dismissed Leary against the dTUg that PLAYBOY asked Dr, be synonymous with instant insanity, and his colleague Dr. Richard Alpert, in Lear)' to present his side of the psyche- but to most Americans under 25, the order to stem the rising tide of avid un- delic storv=--arid to answer a few per- psychedelic drug means ecstasy, sensual dcrgraduate interest in the drug.Un- tinent questions about its putative unfolding, religious experience, revela- daunted, they organized a privately promise and its alleged perils. Consenting tion, illumination, contact with nature. financed research gTOUP called the Inter- readily, he invited us to visit him in Mill- There's not a teenager or young person national Foundation for Internal Free- brook, where we found him a few days in the United States today who doesn't dom (IF/F), and set up II psychedelic later reciting Hindu moming pm)'e1'S know at least one person who has had a study center in Zihuataneio, Mexico; but with a gmup of guests in the kitchen of good experience with marijuana or LSD. beiore they could resume full-scale LSD the 64-mom mansion. He greeted us The horizons of the current younger sessions, the Afexican government waTmly and led the way to a third-floor generation, in terms of expanded con- stepped in, anticipating adverse popular library,Instead of sitting down in one of sciousness, are light-years beyond those reaction, and demanded that they leave the room's well-worn easy chairs, he of their parents. The breakthrough has 1he country. crossed the room, stepped out of an open occurred; there's no going back. The Lear» had now become not only the window onto a tin roof over a second- psychedelic battle is won. messiah but the martyr at the psychedelic floor bay window, and proceeded to PLAYBOY: 'Vhy, then, have you called for movement. But soon afterward came a stretch out on a double-width mattress a a one-year "cease-fire" on the use of LSD dramatic l l th-h our reprieve from a young few feet from the edge. While we made and marijuana? New York millionaire named William ourself comfortable at the other end of LEARY: Because there have never been Hitchcock" a ueteran LSD voyager who flip. mattress, he opened his shirt to the two generations of human beings so far believed in the importance of Leary's tcarm sutnrn er sun, propped his bare feet apart-Ii ving essen tially in two differen t work-by now a mission-and toioard ag,ainst the shingles, looked down at the worlds, speaking two different languages that end turned over to him a rambling mansion's vast 1'01Iing meadow of a -as the people under 25 and the older mansion on his 4000-acre estate in Mill- lawn, listened for a moment to the song generation. Evolutionary misunderstand- b1'00k, New York, which has since become of a chickadee in the branches of a tree ing causes bloodshed and imprisonment. not 0111)'Leary's home and headquarters nearby, and then turned, read)' [or our To relieve this situation, I've asked (he but also a kind of shrine and sanctuary [ust question. younger generation to cool it for a year for psychedelic pilgrims [rom all over the and to use this moratorium period to ex- ioorld, On April 16 of this )'em', it also PLAYBOY: How many times have you used plain to their parents-and to their jail- became a target for further harassment LSD, Dr. Leary? ers-what LSD and marijuana are, and by what l.eary calls" the forces of middle- LEARY: Up to this moment, I've had 311 why we want and intend to use them. I aged, middle-class authority." Late that psychedelic sessions. have made clear that this is a voluntarv night, a squad of Duchess County police PLAYBOY: 'What do YOIl think it's done for waiving of the constitutional right to descended on the place, searched it [rom you-and to you? change your own consciousness.