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‘in, r LEEGE- pea Ae age nat ftee PMmisawi eiLaATt ay co SuaqWwEHe ITER eOeFIRE:FFIELO ereringiand STOREOWTRENT

OLAaay The Journal of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

_ Vol. 14, No. 172, [oatE . 0 .HasaNeveu JANUARY 14, 1927.

The Arm -chair Millennium. By ROSE ‘MACAULAY,

. BRIGHT millennium (why do we thus the tedium of going out and coming back attained perfect convenience. There will limit our expectedfelicitres to periods and. the discomfort ot being surrounded still be lite to be lived, and I, for one, feel of a thousand years ?) seems to be by otherpeople as noisy and tiresome as strongly that we ought not to have the rapidlyapproaching. Itiis to be a millenfinm ourselves (for those in our homes we should trouble of living it, Evernthing ought tobe ot comfort and ease; an arm-chair milien- beable, witha Jitth firmness, to Keep in done for us by whatjis, oddly«enough, called num. orderj——here. indeed is bliss, only a little wireless, and what I, observing the tangle, What preachers have, for the last several marred by the fact that we cannot: choose as of nests of ape rs, Which crawls: profusely ‘centuries, called ‘this age of hurry and what play wé see, but must accept what 15 about my own set and runsdown my Passage, unrest ' is drawing to a close. Al ready i prefer to call wires, we-need not leave our happyhomes in order Yes; everything should ‘be done for us+ ‘to hear music, for we have- music pouring why not? Itis rumoured that we ay S00n toto our sitting rooms, bedrooms, of have russhing into our homes over the wires “wherever we elect. to’ hearit, Nik Imoere, all kitids of domestic help: unseen power elther, need we ¢oout to dance, for dance will come at. our need, and will clean our music fills our passages and parlours and rooms, wash our dishes, cook our feed, rin we can Charleston round the dining-room | up meals to our arm-chairs on electrically anvhow until midnight. propelled tables, make our beds,. turn on- Noris it necessary to.sally forth in search our baths, divest us of our clothes and dress of oratory lif we chance to have a taste for Ws again, shaveous, wash us, do our’ han, ‘this pleasure), for ever amd anon, and quite fling ws inte bed. Hs oiten enough to suit most of us, the sonorous And as to our recreations, why showid-we -woices of eloquent speakers declaim into our not have dinner parties by wireless of an “drawihg-rooms. ‘Norneed Sunday evening evening, instead: of sallying out from ofr

services any more be attended‘in person, for ae homes to the homes of others? Turn ais those of us who have a fancy for these can | on to any dinner party where there %jollity, “join in prayers, hymns, psalms and sermons aa Wit, the feast of reason and the flow of soul, “Sitting on our own sofas. Many persons, fransmic to us the taste " savoury Vianide indeed, do this who never dreamed, nor ever (this should be a simple business) “and det “wrentel dream, of being found within a us sit ‘and enjoy the eveningwithout trouble, «

church. een lt maybe objected that, it everyéne thus a Fee ee PTSESOEee| As to the drama, the arrangements for its ETtiah bh Feo, cb sat at home, there would bene dinner transmission to an atrm-chair audience are parties to be broadcast to them, Dut-te not yet completed; at present they caw Miss ROSE MACAULAY, well-known journalist and muthor of witty and provide these should,. of course, be theJ taste.” “only hear it, which is unsatisfactory, if shrewdly satirical novels, amongst which of the stati at Savoy Hill. As for the publie- Teconomical and comfortable ; but one under- listeners will reall * Potteriem, ‘Orphan Island’ houses, they may as well, when thest ar- stands that before long television will give and *Crewe Train,” ig here to be found among rangements are. completed, close down, for Us quite a good view of thestage and per the prophets—in ane ted. serious-a vein: every Sensation “they provide of liqdor formers: “That; for many of us, will be the piven 8, And; af our taste ts rather: for, the imbibed: will be conveyed to us, and even, millennium, To see and hear a play. every sient Drama, we shall doubtless. be able li desired, the sensation of having inbibed night, without further trouble and expense soon to beheld that too, captions and all, too. much, than one's own ‘wireless set entails, without All the same, we Shall not even then have (Contiaued overleaf.) =eee

— RADIO TIMES —— LJanvany 14, 1937. Lectures by Wireless. The Arm-chair Millennium, (Continued from the Previouspage.) A Glance at the New Syllabus of Talks. But broadcasting w i l l have to become also more s e l e c t i v e ; each set owner must be ROM ita inception able Grant Roberteon, of Birmingham University, on to call for what he wants and get it: four yeara ago the ‘Empire Builders,” a series of. biographical skotehes he will set his wa velength for a Scotch Britiah Broadcasting and of six historic figures, On Thursdays, Mr. R.-R. splash, or a small lager,or a large Company: held that its Marett, Reader in Social Anthropology in Oxford raspberry syrup, without necessarily inflicting these duty was to provide University, will give a course on * The Making of beverages listeners. not onlywith Man, which promises to bea particulacly interesting on others, light entertainment, but series on the heginnings of law, marriage, religion _ Indeed, this matter of individual selection alan with recreation in aml the other foundations of human society. Mr. % the most important o f the points which the the widest senge of the Maretwill be followed in the lather half of the term broadeasting authorities must sce to. term. It waa realized by Mr, W. P. Pyeraft, of the Natural History In a world with go many million d i f f e r e n t that the * tired business | Mureum in- Bonth Kensington, on ° Nature's tastes a n d : d e s i r e s , itis nat t o b e Prof. C.-H. REDLLY. expected man’ and the weary Camouflage,” « series of talke on the coloration of that we should all want to see and hear the atimalc.. On Fridays, Professor C, H, Reifly, the manual inbowrer did same things, At present there is nearly nol want only jaz music or comic songs, ex- | head of the famons Echool of Architecture at the always SOMmeone i n each home ready ooflent-thopeh thease might be in mght proportion University of Liverpool, will give wix weekly talka to say turn that nonsense o f f * just when the and ai the right time, and it was realized too thot loon ‘Some Modern Buildings,’ in conjanetion. with others are enjoying thousands of listeners, young and old and in all a course planned by the National Home Reading themselves. ‘There is neo reason why walks of life, were ready and cager to enjoy the Union, and after him Professor:Charlton, of Man- one l i s t e n é r should’st enjoy ' Who's pret musicians, and the preat#penkera and teachers. chester, will give five talka on “Poetry and the my Baby?" while others listen +5 [hiring the past few years, therefore, talks on Plain Man." Bach, Debussy, or Sir Oliver Lodge on the many subjects of general interest have been fitted In additten to the above, there will be a double atom, into the ordinary programme. These tolks may course on Wednesday afternoons at 3.45, planned * the ‘millennium, those of us who have not dave ‘pleased everyone, but they! have un- in. coneiltation. with the National Federation. of a whim io s@e a little country land- dowhtedly stimulated and attracted a very larger Women's Tnetituies, and designed to be ofspecial scape, Wit hout the trouble of taking a bordy:of fisteners. This policy i# one which the new interes’, to countrywomen. Beginning on January walk ora journey, will be shown vignettes of Corporation intends to follow as closely as.did tha lf, Mis Rhoda Power will give six dalke on eld Company. ‘Village. Life in Olden Tics, and on March 2 fields, woods and Janes which would cause Many listeners are now beginning to ask for Mra.Ke W: Meyer will becin a series on. * Citizen others to expire of boredom. Those who aomething more, There is a growing demand ship in Practice, wish to do so will be able to enjoy country Organiza lion en scenery without the tedium of "living in for talks that are more definitely educational, Listeners are asking for information about the gaged. in any kind. of Kent and being content,’ or of * going to ‘developinents of modern science, litemture anid adult -edmention, sth Surrey and living without worry,’ while philosophy. These enquiries are coming fram the aa working men's bhobs, | those more urban souls who find the hore the | many thoughtiul meh and women who have grown tutorial. classes, and other counties distasteful; and prefer up without a chance of knowing some-of the faneln- VLC A. and Y.W.C.A., Art to Nature, will instead look at picture eto., which can promote menial truths about the workl we live in, and about exhibitions from their chairs (but Heaven the formation of groupe the Tawa that govern our minds ‘and our bodies, forbid that those who lack this taste should and the arta of muzic, poctry and painting, of ther fjembers to Bven within the bounds oftho present general listen and discure these have to do so), programme it is potatble, by a sight re-arrange- talks, may like to And for those with a taste for literature ment of timing, to provide this service without know “that certain of there will be reacing aloud of infinite variety, giving any Jess in the way of entertainment to Mr. EDWARD CRESSY. the lethorers ‘are being so that never again need we trouble te wear thoar who declare ‘that they do not like * talks.’ : atked to prepare abort out our eyes by studying print. As to those Here are some of the outstanding features of notes Which will be issucd for the use. of group of us who desire to write, the prift of wards the Talks’ programme for the coming weeks, leaders, to help them to stecr the diseussions. will rush into us along the wires, and we Begining on January 17, a new weekly series Liste of books recommended for further study will shall be electrically impelled to fluency, if of the moredefinitely educational type will be given: | also be printed in the Syllabus of Talks, whieh con not tointelligence. Our pens will be propelled each evening from Monday Lig Friday, from 7.25 he had free on application to the B.BAC., Savoy to 7.45. Mondays will be devoted to fortnightly | Hill, W.c-2. over the paper as il planchette pushed thenr, talke in French and Spanish by M. Stephan and | and page after page will rapidly be filled with Mr. Bletcher; Tuesdays and Thursdays will te dashing electric thoughts. ‘Heroted to cours apwecially chentrved for groups (Contrawed from column 3.) 1 should like all this to occur. I hold that of Tieteners who may want to mect regolarly under advent of the arm-chair millennium; they there has always been too much action and a group leader, and to followthe talk bya discus- should each pair with some society of initiative in. this world where all things sion. Wednesdays and Fridays will be devoted opposed tendencies, as do Members of Parhia- travail together. We have made of it a ‘to similar series, treated in a elightly less instruc. ment on opposite sides of the Howse. Thus, restless, uintranquil place, in which created Hone nianner. beings, human and other, hurtle about from Profesor Philip J. the Anti-Vivisection Society should pair with the Society for Anatomical Research, spot to spot, hectically intent on their Noel Baker, who will go forth apeak ‘on Tuesdays in the Vegetarians’ Guild with the Butchers’ private ends. Why, for instanee, the firet half of the term Unien,the Birth Controllers with the More tosee doctors, dentists, osteopath, andother on Foreign Affaire and Men for the Empire League, Fascists with healers, when the same treatment could be How They Affect Us,’ Socialists, the Miners’ Federation with the | se much more restfully meted out, to u s . as ia Professor of Inter. Coal Owners’ Association ; and the news- | we s i t at home? We should be able to national Relations” in Papers might do a little pairing too - press a button and be—well, not, healed, the University of for to heal human ils is usually’ beyond the: Londo i—amd hn and as to that, and while we are on the sub skill either of human or electrical physicians, Olympic Games athlete ject of pairing, and not wishing to be in the | Prof. V..H. MOTTRAM. besides, Mr. Edward least offensive, what about a littl of it | and canonlybe done by the processes of Creasy, who will follow among private persons ? Weall know some time—but anyhow, treated. Professor Baker in the second half of the term people who would be better paired than L contemplate starting a society for Not on ' The Growth of Tnchustry,” ia@ already well actively functioning ;. perhaps most of us Taking Any Trouble. Most societies seem known to. listeners by hig. course on ‘The would, | rather to have been started with some other Bniginesr in Advewture.’ Beothond fa arranging end in view than this; it is quite time that a cores of ds own oon *Reetland’s Jndustrial But here we are on delicate and contro- | Story, by Mr. Arthur Birnie, of Edinburgh versial ground, This paper started. with an | mine got going. As to most of the societies University, to dako the place of Mr. Cressy's exaltation of the marvels of science and the | now fonctionimg, a2 Short and convenient sericea, On Wedneslava, Professor V. EH. Mottram pleasures of inactivity, and-an exhortation to (way with them -has been suggested, which wil give o course on “Preseni Day Problems keep both of these going, only more so ; Tet it would suspend their activities and hasten the of Food, followed, in March, by Principal etd on the same note—that of perfect peace, (Continued in previous cofamn,) asia bd Doe —- RADIO TIMES ——

ESS Loadon and DaventryNews and Notes. . hesE reorganitation and expatision of the brvac. | The Seroanth Wationnl Concert abt tho oval A new rovim by L. du: Garde Peach, of Prarichey ast newa servics which came into operation Albert Hall on Thorsday, February 3. will be oon. will he miei nd from the London Station! beh fl tha eer re Ce of the preaciweet In nit ih, in nila li bic ! duet hy one of the mask cditingguished Col Vong i and 8.45p.m, on Saturday, Felwoiry-L2. The toadvancine the times for transmitting the bulletins ermMites, Herman Scherchen, who isa Kabhie? has written many of the mist suotomelul in itself gs hoon to thoae who hve im se atbored now the permanent conductor of the Frankfort | little radio plays, auch as Light wed Shade, which parte where evening newspapers do not circulate Misenm Concerts, Fis atheinmernts et donbhy 1 Wye al Pent ty been ltondeart, and he heh ono hod also enabled. considerable ‘and Sdhart interesting, in tint hie fe Gk sell-tanetit TAL HEL, prefered what he terme ‘ain historical-revue, TD re-timings, which were hitherto impossible, t a he beginning a4 4 violw player in one of the lene Line whieh will be found an entertamnent of at umusinl effected inthe ProgreMhs. Theat re-timings are Berlin orchestras, and in the «COT PeRe Cel only fine or ype. The mueit will be by various compoenrm, naturally redieokesl throughout the whole ee | five VOoRrs: We whine hu Why Wi position of oon- + 7 i * of the @veHing, anil aipportainis Ly has been taken to ductor of the Symphony Cire: bestia: tra. Wolbow: mome fortheoming variety items :— recaat tbe clrachor aif the transimjsai0 ne ims tie: ing his relesze from Russia, where during the war WeEonkEspaY, Jan. 26.—The Indefinites Concert light of what- correnpondence from listeners hoa he wee imprisoned, he founded and conducted in Party, consisting of Charles Clapham, Billy shown-to bo the ners che mag 1. PEER be re inne 1918 the New Music Society of Berlin, He is one iever, Jack Rickorda; (Cecil Harrington, lige now tlapaed since the change was eine Thomas cod Fred Lewis, introduced “for the new tdeas bo take This organisation, deacribed ‘na definite shape, amd for the guidance “an originnl concert patty, will of hebeners it may be woll to sel: out five a programme consisting af int detail. the principle on which pro- many imberruptions, such ag one, Crunme-boilding will proceed ‘until right expect from Clapham and further notice, Dwyer. 6.30.— Weather and first new? tul- TuHrRepay, JAN, 27,—The Gresham Pinrery, letin. Miss Elspeth Douglas Reid im €.45.—Musical interlude or London character studies, and her first Heaclic Danie Band, browioast appearance, TA —Firet evening balk. Framay, das. 28.—Eddie Sheldon, 7 .Lo.—Pianotorte inborlocde. syncopated numbers 7 ay —Seoond Genintalk famonand Nads ina musenlack: i 1 5,— First ¢yening poncert, wevally Puckardsa and Stevens, cross-talk of the Popubar CH livht se? kinel— coineclina: Fariehy ileme, concert parties, Moinway, Jax. 31.—Wish Wynne, Bruins, gba; character comedian, 4.45.—Pianoforte or song recital, Tom (are, at the piano, 0.— Weather fortmist, second newa Will Kings, entertainer. i hilletin« ad Ii) ianences, Tubby Edlin, comedian, in lia 019.-—Dhied: evening talk,“dhis first broadcast, which ‘will pro= will be of f clittinelly pronber hably inchide a burlesque Tews Program mn value ‘thine bibtlhierkes, bulletin, isp iad Lonel nhijects letng # ie * # healt i | Uh puthoriiative Bprakers, As Cine: Pies Of thease Ashort programms will be broad. WH be supplemented by epecially- caret on Wednesday, February i, - frration| * cutsitle broacemsts,’ which will include o gumbar of: sor, 8.30,—_Saenoral evening coreert, chestral works by the composer Alain tGalls of the more serious or Lopiz, in his own countey—Spain— “heavier” kond.Thies will con. a succeasfnl composer of missional tinue noid POA on three even- comedy, Fiirther details of the ings cath week, when dance spanish arists and conductor for thia misc: is relayed; -and om the Progrimme will be: published tH our remaining evenings until 1 pen, next iene,

The Sunday ‘afternomm amd a 2 t i EVEHING programme timer re- Puccin’s opera Le: Vili, or Fhe Aiea, Chagalin main #8 ail present,but, ag Night Daveer, will be. relayed from Already mentioned in J'he Mardin THE NEW VICAR OF: ST. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS, is hase through Londenand fee " i qT. the Eatunday afternoon Wee, CG. MeCannick, who if coming ta tute the place al The Fev. slations on ‘Thursday, February 1& the Rew. Bl. RK. L. Sheppard at Se. Martin's, wall be welcomed by CHnCe rhs ire been sir oonsTeera hi) [t wis Puccinis fret opera; and Hirehet hen, “ listeners everywhore when he siepa into the pulpit made so famous by bis beloved predecessor, i really a fairy Story, the main * * # # theme being the refusal by a morbink My Flotean noch Mr, detaarm, the original Aral of thé moat energetio pioucera of new musical ety les, the love of an immortal and the woetial conseqicnee Fermatile entertainers at the piano, whose musical nnd his programme on February 3 will include a which ensued, “news. bulletine® proved so enjoyable a short time string sextet,VerGlorls Nacht, by Arnold Schoubery, a e E B ago, are giving a series of similar iteme in the pro- Arrigo hi the composer for siting orchestra, The most important work by the great Enéliah grammes during the week beginning Monday, This work should sound remarkably well with the composer, Henry Porcell, apart from his Dido and February 7. Fach evening, until the following large body of string players (over one-hinodred} éAnéas, is-his-ao-called opera Aingthe, in which Saturday, they will appear for s quarter of an hour, in the National Ore hetira. Another important he was associated with Dryden (1601) The music but in order to give all listeners an opportunity of work in the programmewill be the Frown Sanyphony ir is most accurately described os incidental msc hearing them, the bime will mot be fined, as wha by Beethoven, to which the centenary commemora- to the play. A concert performance fy tobe piven done previously, bub will be varied: cach evening tion of Beethoven's death in March will lend at Birmingham on Saturday, February 12, under 60 ne to cover the period belween & and 10.15 p.m. added interest, The soloist in the programme will Mr. Joseph Lewis direction, and thiawill hoes # e 4 H be Sturbi, the Spanish: pinnit, relayed through Daventry. # # ry a So that listeners shall obtain the fullest enjoyment 2 a * frim the performance of / Ae Red Pen, described by These who like popular orchestral music will Such is the popularity of syncopated music that ite suthor—A. P. Herbert of Punch—as “a sort of find all they requite in the programms on it ia not now sufficient for any good dance band opera; a libretto ia boing prepare and will be Friday evening, Febroary L1.. and on the follow- merely to play something abeat Mary, her Pa ane Available in good time for the transmission at ing afternoon, when Mr. John Aneel! is to con- Ma, and the house where the Charleston is always Oy dn Monelay, Folruary. “i, when Afr.. treofrey duet the Wireless Orchestra. The Friday evening being danced. (1 these important persona and Toye, the composer, will conduct. .The earlier programme will also contain a performance by a things we mustalso zing. Accordingly, the London conert during. the same, evening will consist of eoeciel Radia Concert Party, now in ‘course. of Radio Dance Band is to-chave « fox-trot: singer, three-quarters of an hour of variety items, in- tonmation,,aa well sa an outeide brondceast from Raldie Sheldon, whe will add te the studis enter. cloding aime character readings from Dickens, ont of the London theatres, taimnents from. time to time,

—- RADIO TIMES —— [Takia14, a9R7.

= From the Provinces.

MANCHESTER. CARDIFF. BIRMINGHAM. [* no way is Manchester's Jove of music 20 Wt ILE a Welsh evening programme brings a N Orchestral Conoert, relayed from the Inati. clearly shown as in the continued sweeesa of the big dermand for ald favourites: it is becoming tute, Weat Bromwich, on Tuesday, January 25, Tuesday Midday Buciely’s concerts, when for inercasingly apparent that thereis a dearth of Welsh which Mr, Joseph Lewis: i conducting, contains three-qoarters of an hour many business men composers who use what might he called the several items which are always accorded an en- forget their worries: and anxieties and: give them- native tion. Wales produces composers of inter- thusiaetic reception. Tehaikoveky'sa orcheetral delves up Wholeheartedly to the enjoyment of national fame, but they do not-often enrich their suites aro among his most popular worka, and good music, Many proniinent artiste have appeared national treasury of song. Cardiff Station is search- from them wall heiinebocted the The mee al Varia at these concerts, which were originated during ing for young composers of talent, and gives sym- tions from his suite wpon themes from Mozart, and the war to raise money in aid of the Second pathetic consideration to the work of unknown his famone Soaennele Orertinre. The soloists ‘are Genoral Western Hospital's Entertainments writers in the Principality who have something Frank Webster (teaor) and Nigel Dellaway, who Seheme, The concerts were so sucecesful that new to say. will play the first movement of the Pianoforte there was enough money to pay the expense: a bi Cd Concerto in A Minor, by Grieg. The concert con of the hundred voluntary concert parties; which chides with the tone poom, Firleadio, by Sibelius, toured’ the Hed Cros and Military Hospitals, A novel feature, entitled * A Bididen Programme, February 5. The whole tt tf t bringing brightness inte the lives of the wounded. Will be given on Saturday, ‘Many of these concert parties were organize“dt hy programme will illustrate a well-known song, and The Lity of Pirmingham Polioo Basl will piye, Mr, Edward Isaacs, who is to-day Director of the cach item will supply welue, Although, in ome acnee, & performance from the siudio. on Wednesday, it will be rather like a chorade or lidden name Tuesday Midday Concerta Soc ieiy, formed in January 26, by permission of the Chief Constable, competition, this ia the Irse important aspect. of mapones to the general demand for the oon- The Band will be conducted by Mr. Biehinrd Wasgell, it, The other aspect is that the central idea of the tinuation of the concerts after the war, For more Organist wid Master of the Choristers of the Parish ‘than a ‘year, nearly all these concerta havebeen title will be enriched by each separate item, and Church of Bt, Martin's, Birmingham, who is ther the cumulative effect: should be very strong. broadcast by the Manchester Station, and a par- musical director. ticularly interesting one takes place on January #» #* «* Hi ak Ls 35, when the famous Brodsky Guartet will make Most of the Fuglsh-Welsh plays broackeast from An interhedes of “ Harmar iv, myn i pie tion itil another of ita periodic appearances, Cardiff Station have been given an urban settmeg. Comedy" wil he given hy Jeane Pa tile and Leonia Evenwhen the mind picture is of a Village, the Lascelles on Thursday, January 27. A: similar * # = = action often takesplace in a miner's kitchen ora concert will slae be heard on Saturday, January 29, A slort recital will be given by Mr. Leonard ehop back-parlour, A new Welsh play, Elias and when the-artista will be Hareld Kins rey, Alma Hirech at 930 on Thureduy, Janoary 27. Mr. ihe Mushrooms, which will shortly be broadcast, Vane and Patricia Roeshorongh. Hirsch ia a member of the Hallé Orchestra and of will take listeners away from the ‘jumbled heap # = tt € the Catterall Quartet, of murky buildings’ into the bracing winds that Aliss Marie Doainton will he héard in’ amie: bt # P = a aweep across the hills behind Penmacumawr in original sonia, mont lirues, and impersonations: of North Wales. A novel programme under the tithe of ‘When well-known stage favourites during the programme ireek Meets Greek,’ is being given on Saturday, 1 a # i on Tuesday, January 24, January 20. It tales the form of a competition in A performance of Sir Frederic Cowen'y The Water * . Py humour between representatives of England, Lily, will be given on Sunday, January 30. Thia An event of partioular interest to local listeners Treland, Scotland and Wales, well-known enter- work was first produced at the Norwich Festival ia the opening revital on the oew organ of Logells tainers thampioning the humeur peculiar to their of 1803, and ia of particular interest to Weat Picture House, which will be broadcast on Fele own countries. Country listeners, as Wordawortli's ‘Kgyptian ruary 7. This organ baa been specinlly adapted

* + £ 4 Maid" is the source of the libretto, Jt tells of a for broadcasting, wrecked maiden who waa conveyed to the Court Till Hulenspcege!, one of Siranss’ mosh popular af King Arthur by meana of enchantment and lay PLYMOUTH. works, and Smetana’s beantifol tome poom, Fifare, in a trance until a pore knight awakenedl her. willbe included in the programme on Sunday The Station Symphony Orchestra pnd the Station 42 Band of the Royal Marines (Plymouth afternoon, January 23. The whele concert, with Choir will take part, and amongst the soloistawill Division) under the direction of Lieut, F. Rock the exception of vocal interludes by Mr. Robert be Mire Sybil Maden, Mr. Roy Henderson, and O'Donnell,M.V,0., will again broadcast from ihe Burnett (baritone), will be devoted to the interpre- ' Mr, Hubert Carter, Flymouth Studio on Wednesday, January 26: tation of tone poemsby such masters aa Strauss, their programme, which begins at 9.145, will include Bmetana, Tehoikovsky, and Saint-Saéns, played items by Wagner, Mozart anil Gouned, in addition by the Station Augmented. Orchestra, onder the LIVERPOOL. te pieors hy ander COMpPIsers. There will alse he eonductorship of Mr, T. A: Morrison, cornet solos by Sergeant J. “Tulley and Bolo * HE Ramancm Archbishop af Liverpooil, bassoon items by Musician W. Piper. Mr. Cyril the Most Rey, Frederick William Keating, D.D., Chenay jontertainer), well known for his imate - will give the addrest at the Religious Bervite te be BOURNEMOUTH. tions of famour artists, will also ke heard in o

broadeast from the atudio and relayed to Loudon twenty minutes” interlude—his first eppearance at ‘HE Yeovil Town Silvee Prise Band, who will and other stations on Bunday, February 6: The the Plymouth Studie, Farly the sane evening, be heard from the studio on Thursday evening, BErvice = be preceded try a broadcast of the bella from St. Lake's Church, Rold Street, rung by St. the Cymrice Vocal Trio will give ait half how's January 27, are winners of many laurels, Last programme of solos, ducts and trios. year they took second prize in their section at Nicholas’s bellrineers. = a iF aE ‘the Crystal Palace, when twenty-four bands from a cd * A short pianoforte recital by Mr, Morris isithert, all parts of the country competed. In addition to An hour's programme devoted to the Jeaser- will be various other cops and shields, they gained the known works of Coleridge-Taylor will be given the well-known Weet Country composer, January =0. distinetion of carrying off the Somerset, Comnty on Wednesday, February f° “The compositions given af 6 pom. on Fatorday, Championship in 1926, on the tirst occasion when include the &t, Acnes Five Siite-and the incidental i Lt Ad st this competition was held. The Musical Director music written for the play Vero. Mr. Sumner Miss Gladys Watmouth (soprans), will mike her Devieon, who will he first appearance at the Ply mouth Stadio at i pom = ‘ofthe Band, Mr, BR. W. Austin (baritone) will eing several of Coleridge- ‘heard ina cornet solo, ja a gold medallist, and Taylor's songs. onMonday,January 24, in-@ holland recited. was formerly o member of the famous St rj a + #. Hildacs Calhiery Band. HULL. Ancinteresting feature in next weeka talks from Plymouth will include a transmission to schools & J + = HE focal concert on Thursday, January 27, entitled ‘Sea Shantier, which Mr. Douglas M, For the ‘olassieal Programme Jaterin the same will include a one-act play entitled (3 Star | Durston ia piving on Friday, Jinnary 28. Mr, evening, Mize Winifred Small will play, among | ieee, songs hy Misa Miriam Benhan. and a Durston will be assisted by members. of the How ‘other thing #, Bach's Violiw Concerio in E Major, twenty-five mimutes’ violin recital by Mira Una Grammar Rehool Boys" Choir, with nat ration: of

= “ tf Cheverton, whe will give works ly modem com- this particolar type of -chorus ‘songs. ‘Porth- posers, The second of the series of talks to schools coming talka are!Dr. H. Fisher, ‘The Training ‘The talk for farmers on Tuceday, January 26, on iow Ger History Grew will be broadeast on of Fax Perspective’ (Mlustrated “at the “pinrio); will be of special interest, az the speaker, Mr. Friday, January: 28. The talks on the French Mr.c:F. & Forseells Another of hie sertes on Marine Colin 1. Ross, ia the Agricultural Organizer for Revolution which are being given by Dr, Jordan Life; Mr-C: Wy Bracken: “ Inseet Visitor Teor Devon. will be continued on Thursday, January 27.

_ Jaxcany 14, [027,] — RADIO TIMES —

ee Voice and Personality. By T. H. PEAR.

[The special investigation which ta being wederlaken by Professor T. A. Pear, Professor of Paychalogy in the University of Manchester, ta cooperation with the Manchester Glalton fhia weely ta an interesting ecample-of co-operation between. the. broadcasler aid the acieatiat, achicha : poiwiily lead to- resulfs of considerate value in the realm of paychology. In. the accompanying article, Professor Pear outlines the aims and procedure of the teats which will be made from the Manchester Siahion oa Janwery 17, 20, and 21, af 745-800. The transmismon twill be Sif, to all Slaton, The resulla of this investigation will be published in Toe Raveo Tomes tndwe cowrse,1 a

OW many of ‘wa, interval in forming their judgments. At the end attempt at ‘character-reading’ in the popular whenwe hear «a of the two minutes, Speaker B will hegin; «and sense. Listeners will- not he asked, for example, to voice on the wireless, then Speaker © will be similarly introduced. cay if the person is amiable or honest; it is im call up gome image or Listeners are asked to fill up the questions as econ regard to such matters as profession or trade and atlemptl to puess at na possible after hearing the voices. Rimilar features of performance and behayiour the appearance and per- Listeners are advised to etudy the questions that questions will be asked, The criterion of sonality of thespeaker ? choice for the ‘public’ personalities will be before hearing the different voices. Several very And to what extent in different types of persona will read the same short. a recognized achievement slong certain ordinary life dewe take story in their natural yoice. Though it would Linea. the voles to be an ex- doubthas-be more interesting if the speakers were pression of porsonality To facilitate recording and statistical treatment, to read different storie, wemust ask our listeners the answers to the questions can all be expressed or of character 7 Prot, T. H. PEAR, to allow this restriction, since it is necessary for by a numeral or a letter, but any listener who has - : About this subject. of scientific reasons that conditions should be kept Toes aml personality very little is- scientifically in his mind o definite picture of the speaker or’ ha constant as possible. It may be addled that the definite views concerning his characteristica 4a known, The voice has one advantage over certain apeakers themselves will not hear each other's other traits by means of which attempts. have invited to send in a short descriptive sketch. eliorta in the startin, - been made to sssees human personality. The Thoae nearest to actual fact will be published later - Voice is an cxpression, amd a very sensitive and Concerning the speakers, some. assurances can he in {he Redio Ties, tovether with a trac account,

of the speaker, Listeners are of course invited li delicate expression, of behaviour, Speech is a form piven... Some will be chosen who have achieved of expressive behaviour which has the edvantage tefinite and recorded success in their mepective guess the name of the speaker. ‘—f

—from some points of view at least—of being vocations, One at least may bea celebrity known No promixe will be given that the epeakera shall’ to many listeners. (This, of course, implies no noisy. The noises are interpreted by others as never have brondoast before, but it can be definitely - reflection on. the others; who may -be well known indications of the speaker's experience. ‘The voice stated that most of them have mever done 60, onda : too in ther own spheres.) No attempt will be 12 of course altered under emotion andtan indicate few only seldom. Obviously to broadcast Thicca

vory subtle changes of mond, made at any time throughout these tests to lay familiar to millions would defeat the aim of tha - any traps for listeners. Tt therefore seema-reasonable to infer that in investigation, many pees their mode of life, their occupation, Some epeakers will not have achieved success of the experionces which they have encountered, and a public type, ancl it will be one of the listener's In conclusion, may I argo that thia experiment | their success or failure in dealing with them, will tasks to find if there i# anything in their voices that, ia being carried out for a definite acientifie purpose, affect their manner of apeeoh, Some trades and suggests this, The speakers will be of both sexes, Until all the results are in, we cannot gay whether profession: produce in those who follow them a and details about’ them all will cventually be it will have been worth doing. We must, therefore, change of manner, and it is often believed that published. . ask listencrs for their friendly help and co- some ofcupations endow those who are engaged in In carrying out these tests there will be no operation, them with a special type of voice. This may or may not be generally trae. Possibly prominent actorae contribute to this belief by endowme particular characters with particular Report on the Voice and Personality Tests. types of voice, ‘This, however, may merely mean that the ctage has set up a stereotype, and not all Listeners who are co-operating in these tests are asked to Gill up this form and forward it to Blage stereotypes are troe to life, as mostmembers the Station Director, Manchester Station, B.B.C., Orme Buildings, The Parsonage, Manchester, | of the oulstanding professions know. to their sorrow

OFAmusement, ‘My decisions about the speakers in these tests are aa follows :— Tt may be that in certain parts of our country a profession or trade will stamp itself upon its mem- I Proieskian. ox 4 Saker ecu . ; Lugality -affpetang pore e heal obhers | Locality od Br es Sponoh. bers more than, it dora in other parts, or indeed in (iorupathon. eee other countries, Tut in default of more scientific evidence, many of us,.aa we listen to a voice over ereEee eee eet eri Gt eee aeeeee eee the wireless, often picture the speaker in our mind's cye, oceasionally forming a very definite visual image of him, and speculating concerning hia life. Prete eee peel owe eee ee eee eee eeee eeOeee PPP rgeeee Many of vou may fecl like that when o vivid personality “gels over * through the microphone. Yet at present nobody knows whether such guesses Sa Red hee eee ee EERE ER EEE Pe Eee

fare idle or reek, Cds S cea eke eee. tru eneee ehh dee ed Recently an interesting letter waa received ot

the Manchestet Station of the BBC, from o pyres ee er een |e eee BROOM gee eee ee el eee eee dd oot eee faded beeen bee en nddagpt listener who sunegested that this auapected con- + [edad eter pene et terre eid tall nection hetween voice and personality might be: Zl | FLELFE | swowawweseHed (PpeewebhlcadewamAb) [RPL P i d Fee Sheed aae en veemes|agaaa investigated: After some careful consideration, it | Espace as seein erckaskeraTenai acto tier ty 7 cat be has sevined possible to carry out such an inquiry = = 7 Z 8ee int manner which will, it i hoped, interest the WB Genel. remarks, if iy, Shi be forwarded on a: epee shect. i Beneral body of listeners and at tho same timo Hf Hetoners ate hale to lietén te all three fests, thele opin on, ap oe or twa will he wrelc ois. contribute useful data to our psychologinl etndies. Details Concerning Listener.

The the testa which will be carted (We do not ask you to All up the two following questions, but the general out between 7.46 and 8.0 pam on January 17, 20, information about yourself obtateed fram them would be of value to the investigation.) and 2). will he as folloare--— i. be oe, hag Oreticeicia reeceRAVER oeei

A short preliminary explanation will be given, Head phones ...isevrecen pe bobere@add Paes b o29 bees eee eeedeee ee be Sd ae bee Speaker A will then read a short story. As soon abet as he haa finished, » short pianoforte interlude, | Lowspeat tases cccesteeeseeseeeatavevesnscarenenesearentarardta: tet hteseberenbererntases crs “Tasting. two minutes, will be given, for the benefit a. Profession or oocupablon, Mantis ecceers ere tel tate teody

of those Hatencss who are not interested in this Se, ACEP EBE ccc naazeess SoSRSEee es Pee -tepenment. Listeners who are participating in TTTriieee thetests are asked to switch off and occupy the Reo eee ed be eee an Pad Behee ee TSR PETER E PEER ee

102 —— RADIO TIMES —— [Jax Caney 4, 1927.

The CAifdren's Corner. Broadcasting and the The London and Daventry Radio Circle. Music- Halls. Fine Start Towards Second 10,000 Members. The Position in Germany. HEdifficult question o f : the growing competi- very HE New Year brooght « etdden and will round off the programme by a talk on ' The tion between broadcast ing aod the entertain= jeasing nadition to the nomber of members Zon Fela," ment industry ia not confined to ony one country. Radin Circle, no fewer of The London and Daventry On Friday, January 21, there will be an interesting [fis still the subject of keen controversyin.Eng lanl

than 250 méembers being enrolled in the firet four item—the firat of ita kind, eo far as: the Children # and in America, and now in Germarivit has become days. At the mument of going to press the total] Hour is concerned—in the ehape of harp solos by eo noute that a special mecting of the Internationsl membership on the books is 1023. Miss idonie Goossens. There will also be songs by Musie-Hall Managers’ Association was recently Listeners w i l l remember: our soceessful efforts Mr. A.B. Hibberd. The story on this occasion will convenod in Dusschdorf, at w h i c h the subject was fo increase the membership of the.Cirche to 1 0 , 0 0 0 ) be the“ Whunie-the: Pooh’ adventure, entitied* The considers in. illite: bearinge;: oA thie Heefy hefore Christmas: How about merbership at Expotition to the North Pole.’ survey of the whole, question was made hy Mr. AO hy next Christmas? It would be oa fre On Satunlay, January 22, the Daventry Qhuartet Backs, of Berlin, and his observations. made rery thing lo accomplish, go there ae Little donolit | will piny selections. There will also be another interesting reading for usin thia-country. that- with the co-operation of existing members ‘Chillren's News” Dulletin. .The story will be After culogizing broadensting aa * the unparalleled we cotld mansge tt, Progress, 6 it i¢ mace, will i Mra. Mabel Marlowe's +The Order of the Bath’— miracle of our civiliralion” and “a divine gift? he

be-recorded from time to-lime in descrihedk it as? the r i v a l of the The Radio Timee, stace, the orheeirt, tha music-hull, the cinema, the calwret and the ‘Request Week." danee hall, lecause” fi tende to Ho far aa we con jodge from replace sll these inehitutions aka the opinions whith have Trenched very moderafa coat to the wa from listoners—and the num- listener.’ “For any of —theaa ber of auch opimons was very branchea of the entertainment large-- the recent * Request industry to attempt to fight Werk" Programmes were very broadessting ia impossihle in the popular, os wae the idea tinder. view of Mr. Sachs ‘We can lying the itheme. Ith i& an only consider, he said, “how to experiment which we hope. to prevent it from becoming tao in the course of the next repeat powerful an adversary.. Perhaps few montha and, perhaps, again we should even try to get it to at intervals of, say, every «ix lbp ge, instead of opposing us,’ “ron tia, Mr. Sachs found consolation, — The next ‘Requests Weel * hawever, in the thought ‘that eguld be mace still more populer peomle will always crave for and representative if listeners contact with the actual person- would begin forthwith to keep a ality of the artist, without any lizt af dhe Children’s Hour items intermediary coming between ; which they lke beet—together and in thia way he helieved

with the name of the performer broadeasting could actually belp in each oost—marking them in the muckic hale, for lateners woukd eome way which indicates deereo want to aoe, face tofaon, the artist

of popularity. This would make whomthey had heard by radio— itvesey, when the date of the next Community Singing at the “oo, always provided that the artist ‘ Request Week" is announced, to has suffidtent personality to pick out the half-a-dozen items which it is most which, in our option, is ome of the best she lias inspire their interest. In another way, too, broad- devired to hear agnin, casting could help the rest of the entertainment written, Tha Week's Programmes. workl—by vastly increasing its pubic: He beheved es Talks "Worth Hearing at Manchester, that many people whe had never previously taken On Moinilay, January 17, Miss Cecil Dixon Two new. sorties of talks will be given in the week any interest. in the stage or muric-hall conld be (freehly returned from winter aporta in Switzerland) beginning Memlay, January 24,for listeners, to. the 7 won over by broadcasting. will play pinio soles. once more, amd Mr BR. FF. Manchester, Children's Hour. The first ia on i = Palmer will amg. Miss Christine Silver—visiting Wednesday, when Miss Violet Fraser will read For this reason, Mr. Racha entirely hanereed with the poliey of binding music-hell artists, hy contract, —— the Childeena Hour for. the tret- timd—will tell Chapter One of the “Fairyland of Neture,’ an the well-known Hana Andersen tale of ‘The attempt to ploture month by month the wonderful not ta broadcast, This, he thomeht, would be int Swineherd. happenings in the world af flowers and Taste, only anti-eocial, but ae onressennble, for the broadcasting of miueit-hell artista woudl wontri- On Tuesday, January 198, Mia Mavix Bernett The other serica ta entitled * Pets and their Care,’ ee willaing. ea furthor musical item, Mr. V. Hely- and the first talk on Thureday ia about the dog, bute to ther popularity, ond incense the nim ber ‘Hitchingon will give tho third instalment of his of musie-hall patrons. Thees tatke will also be given monthly, and it is gored, * Brothers of the Bond," ‘This time; be will hope that thildren will co-operate-and send in any Theae opinions, of course, apply primarily io deal with the viola and the dowble-bass, Mr. FE. Le fuguestioné or hints asto the comfort and happiness conditions as they are in Germany to-day. Birt ull Breton Martin will tell another of his newgroupof of their peta. The chief musical feature of the weelk who are interceted in the developments in bread. casting that are being made so rapidly in Great re “adventure stories, the title: of this one being * The ig on Friday, when the atory of the opera, Lohengrin ‘Treasure of San Rosario. will be read. Thia will be illustrated by’ the Britain, Will hear of Mr, Sachs's suggestions with a On Wednesday, January 168, we areto have Bundaling Tria and Mr. Harry Hopewell, who’ will special interest, The problema whieh the Germang ‘piano solos -by Mr, Gordon Bryan—a well-known are facing are ‘common to ‘all countrica ‘where

—_ ding the King's Aria. broadcasting has entered inte the daily life of the and popular ortist in Children s Hour programmes. eS Another weleome visitor will be Mr. Aarcourt people. Ey learning what other nation’ are doing ‘Williams, who will tell the story of * Valentine THE REV. H.R. L. SHEPPARD, CH. | to solve these problema, we, in Britain, may be

‘Orson.’ The other story on this day will he Now the Jeast welcomeand popular among the helped. to overcome the difficulties with which we “Riv; ‘by Mr. H. Mortimer Batien. Wo need New Year Honour waa the distinction of Companion are faced,

onby eay that thie partioulur story is on the level of Honour which was conferred on the Rev, ———_ ‘of the rest of the * Batten etoyies’ for our listeners H. FB. 1. Sheppard. The membership of this Order PROGRAMME INDEX. to hnow that it ie well worth theirattention. is strictly limited, and thongh the Companionship On Thorsday, January 20; there will be more carries with it no offerml tithe, it stands, out asa ROME N césee empire ne rire teens sis 15, 108; 107 . kongs with chorusea—the. sole part being taken epecial mark of recognition for work nobly done. PEA oso ciate arg ee ae deca LOB, 109, 1a, Wii by Mr. J.B: Caatling, and the rest by anybody Listeners everywhere will offer Mr, Sheppard their’ eeeeeA eee » 12,113, 14 who happens to be present. These ‘chorus daya’ hearticet congratulations on the honour that has WEDNESDAY. ooo e eh eeiu eres 15, 16, 17, 118, 119 have become popular, and we hope that this one heen conferred upon him, coupledwith the hope THURSDAY: coos feiee cree es ++ 20,120, 22 28 will be no exception, The story of the day will be that he will before long be completely reataned to’

"Lady Aligoun and the Golden Bird,’ a thrilling health and. be: able. to. continue bis services to FRIAR ies tu eee aioe cis shies ly 123, 124,125 tale by Mr, Geoffrey Vickers. Mr. L, G. Mainland the Chirch and the werd, SATURDAY © so ciass oe istsvecaria aa cae

k st Ni a i EOa ll

JARTAMY 14, 1927.) — RADIO TIMES — Se Listeners’ Letters.

Mr. T. P.OGonnor’s Anpeal, Perhaps you would be aurprised, Mr, Editor, if AY Taskyou to announce that. the reault of vou knew how great a number of the peonle of my broadcast appeal on Sunday, December 5, Wales, though they can speek English, are nob on behalf of the Queen's Hospital. for Children, sufficiently conversant with that langage to follow Bethnal Green, haz amounted, up to the time of the English Programmes with full appreciation, mr writing, to the sum of £1,000% This leaves still Moreover, there are the old folk who would enjoy a balance of £5.600 to be obtained to make it. the: religious services and hymns in ther native possible for the full work of the hospital to be carried boric, on this year. J om hopelul that the pubhe will On the ‘other hand, there are those who can: reapond to this crving need for a most beneficent appreciate the present English programmes, In thig-cotoan 4. Bonmel Eotrd ‘ianseers some but inetitution.—T, P; O' Cosson, London, & WL. who fecl that we in Woles have our own talent, and of the many loliert he hoe received lately from that there are movements in the Roles bay eine. Wales of to-day— Seeing with the Mind's Eye. for example, in Drama—which would certainly

A necENT article in The Rodio Times dealt ‘with benefit should they enlist the support of wireless— The Domesticated- Robin, the subject of wireless plays as2 stimulus to the (. Evans, Tregavon, Cardiganshire. HOSE who have robings in their gardens—and imagination, but, on discussing the question with a where 1s there a garden without one t—need number of fellow-leteners, | have come to thecon- The Dublin Programmes. no persuasion fram mo to watch these fascinating, clusion that « really keen senseof © mental vision" Ts there any good-reasen why The Padio Tignet impudent, jealous jewels of birds all ahrough iz comparatively rare, Anything which tends to does not include the Dublin evening progr unmes P Winter till spring comes round again. “Those who do foster this quality is devoutly lo be wished—for to --4° Porsgss” Listenen, Ulverstacs: On be withootipaoination je as bad aa al mot wore. [ihe Dublin Station d nobler (he eontral of Bo will see many an odd ditth comedy or. tragedy of bird life, such aa ia recorded by J. G. Ho af than,being without a-senee of humour, the B.L,C., and ite programmes are printed, with those of other Dominionand foreign Stations, in Bath, He tells of a last winter's robin—companion Aliout a year ago, the B.BAC. gave us the Baloony eeene from Jinnen and Juliet, late one night. J had our contemporary, World Rudio.—Laditor, The Hadie of all the dark days+-who, inthe spring, was‘seen 2rMee, | paying a newhy-arrived fernmale the prettiest oom- taken the ‘phones up to ‘bed, and I listened with plinient he knew— feuding her with worms. open ¢yea in the dark—and then lL aaw the perfoct Julius Caesar and the Tower of Londen. The watehers in the garden sawthem collect Romeo and the perfect Julet, in a setting auch aa Ix his interesting talk about the Tower of London each fragment of grass, stick, and deafthat went I have never acen on any stage—the magic of the in connection with the recent broadcast, onDe- to make their nest; noted gleefully ane morning verse and the beauty of ite delivery were 2 revela- cember 9, of the Ceremony of the Keys, Mr. the four speckled ems, and viewed, just too late to tion, and thongh | know every word of the scene Trevor Clark seemed to accept the tradition that Juliue Cemr prevent it, the tragedy that overtook the‘family by heart, [felt [wag really hearing it for the first hadsomething to do with building the just after thecgzs were hatched—the sudden time. T have had similar experiences sinee thon, Tower of London. Julius Cézar's longest expedition

Epring of a cat which robbed them of the mother and J feel convinced that the cift af mental viston to Englend lasted about two months—loly to- bird. can be prently stimulated bymeana of wireless plays September, 4n.c. He crossed the Thames, pos To ther delight, the father, from that day, and. operas. sibly near Burntford, where it was just possible to took entire charge of the family; Aying indoors I have not actually seen The Yellow Jackel on anda on f o o t , and no other mention ia made o f the to perch on clock or gas-bracket,at each meal- the stage, but in the recent BBC. performance of Thames a s far a s concerns his military movements. time, until scrape—bread-and-butter, and so on— this play T was quite absorbed, as much in the He seema to have kept to the interior o f Kent, were thrown on a piper spread -on-a side table. strangely beantiful ‘ scenery’ in which the characters and would certainly have had no time to catalligh These he would break up inte tiny fragmenta and appeared to me to move and have their being o5 & petmanent camp ot London. He would have carry away to the nest, makinga score of journeys, in the humour and charm of the words they spoke, mentioned i t , had he done so, It ia very probable or more, at cach fecding-time. But a fellow-listener could * make nething of it, t h a t (Claudius) C y e s a r eatabliched a ‘camp’ about All bis spraceness left him, Family carce weighed kecauseshe could not ‘see’ it.- Let all listeners AD. 43.—A. A. Davies (Editor of © Cesar and the Germans"), on him ‘so that he had no time for his own toilet ; learn to make something good to see ont of the Broadstairs, Kent. bot as ‘they watehed him growmore ragged they things they hear—Monre. Passrxonam, Olive Road, Caicklewood, N.W. Identifying British Stations. bow him, too, dutifully, patiently, teach “the _As @ listener who experienors difficulty in iden- fly, until, not-so long ago, when The Speaking of English. young birds to tifying stations, it occurs to me that the present ho had passed them out as skilled pilots, he sent War can we not use our language as the Italians syatem of announcing could be improved. fach of them into the world with a fierce fatherly To nee theirs? Simply, straiphtforwardly, classically, a foreigner, identification of our pock of * Good-bye—and don't let mosee you back !° English Stationa from peasant to Pope. In England every additional must te hard when one hears, for instance, * thia He is his own old well-groomed self again now, £1000 per year of income is brought onf in is Glasgow calling.’ Why * this is'—and * Station and once moremonarch of the garden. No wonder, affectation of language, whilst the workmanclories calling? In my opinion, it would be far better Ly then, that hid -hoste are watching so eagerly for-his in his vulgar dialect. ‘There is no lnngnage ad to say “Glasgow! Glasgow !* Nothing else—juet ile eck nome, beautiinl aa English, but aurely nolangoage is so the station's name repeated twice,slowlyand clearly, » vilely murdered as English ia in so-called cloou- Listening one Sunday evening, IT received through

Flood) Time, tion,—(Mrs.) Littan Dixon, Sacriston, Dorham. my loud speaker the word ‘Stuttgart’ and-later,

We, ot home, can hardly gauge the terror and The Case for an All-Welsh Station. Oslo "—nothing but these words with appreciable devastation which fire or flood spreada among the panses afterwards, and ina accond | wae sure which THe question of an ‘All-Welsh Station” is being folk of the wild. A listener on the banks of the Station Twas listening to. | His letter freely discuseed throughout the Principality. It Tweed gives ns a momentary glimpee. ia & qorstion which arrests the thoughts of all who Tf thia could be declared the custom through the

Lt pintures a recent flood, when sheaves of corn and Geneva organization, I feel sure ‘that Euro profess any love for Wales and all that word stands logs were snatched away by the rush of water. for, and who realize the immense influence that asa whole would be benefited. We English people On one sheaf eat a rat, contentedly nibbling ‘at wireless fas grown fo bein the world. I have been may sacrifice just a litth and in return cain w the cars of corm; on one of the bogs, by way of benefit from our foreign neighbours.—L. G., Cowes, - destined to apend my daya ina remote village, lost contrast, a rabbit, terrified, as if jt knew ite fate, nmiidst the majestic ranges of Webh moutitains, Isle af Wight. the moment the swollen watera reached the ves, Flecker's Life. tod small a speck to be plared on a-map, but, on tho other hand; too much alive in ite thirat for I se& that your brief notice of my son, James — Wembley's Weasel. knowledge tobe onmoved by the wonders al science, Elroy Fiecker, in a recent it#sne of The Radio Times, was taken from hia‘ Lite and Letters”. No dowht How close. to London can the wild life of the To no one has wireless made more of a difference countryside be found ? I havea letter from Wem- many of your readers would like to know that thig oe than to the inhahitant of euch a village. ‘The rustic bley telling of o weasel at bay in a clump of has heen taken inte a new world ancdnow, as-e00n book ia published by Blackwell, of Oxford, at 7s, Gd. Michaelmas daisios, defying with sudden turn and as his daily task is over, hia shop is closed,or hia —k, Fueckén, Beimont, Radcliffe Road, Croydon. menacing jump a couple of cats, Hill ther owner animals fed, he can eit before his fire and leten to chased them away and allowed it to retire. How and enjoy the world's greatest talent in all epheres. near town, | wonder, has « weasel in its wild state It means nothing lees than the opening up of a KOTICE TO READERS, new world. The Welsh countryman could appre- been aeen of recent times ? The Editorial! eddrem of ‘The Radio Times” and ciate these eflorts more if he could be given a pro- of the Britiah ee Corperation, m Saray (A. Bonnet Laird dispatches ove of Ais breaded framme in his own-vernacilar. Indeed, you people Hil, Strand, Lewdoo, WoC.z. : RATESOF SUBSCRIPTION to *The Radio Tins’ denks fhia week fo the sender of the enoat interesting in London woald be sarprisml how the country folk incinding postage!: Twelve Monihs (Foresgnl, 1s. Sd, vem of Natcre news—Mr. BE, Whitfield’, Bearnemoor, hereabouta Hock into the houses of those who poa- i weliwe Mouths (Bria), Lae. oc Aanfairferhan, Carnarconahire. | sca Wirelens seta when there io a * Welsh Night °on. Ce) bet eS

are 104 — RADIO TIMES —— fJanvany 14, 1987, ee splineseile = + —— == ———— os. THE “DIRECT WAY” OF Grammatical Difficulties Eliminated. A third merit—and on important one—is that when you start leaming a danguage by LEARNING LANGUAGES. this method you do not find your way Harred

by a barbed-wire entanglemerit of grammatical complexities. You learn the language straight

French, German, Spanish or Italian in a Few ore How to Learn away, dnd the grammetical clifficulties clo not Months by the New Pelman Method. exist. This makes the systemmost interesting, ad that you continue the study until you lays acquired the language. © you think that you covld pick up a book peaciia cltoazied i ao sha Dee oreey. written in a Foreign Language-—a language With the ard of a dichonary, on account of the Here 12 a ether which cn hileises the bulerest. TECHNICAL totabulery,- 2 now iret 2 cer ing natore of this method :— of which you do not know o sylable—and not master Hernan acieuific reports. published. on “SF should tide fo express may appreciation containing a single English word, and read it ier own tongue. I cannot fell you what a of the excellent manner ie which the Course iz through correctly, without once referring to a help this will be in ney work. Whe whole system conducted, I fied no dijiculty at allinfallen prey dictionary ? 1 edeerelhet. (PL Ye.) ote fhe deseone, and fhe progresses antes in Most people will be inclined to. say that which the fessone follow one another ta realli A Personal Experience, auch& feat would be impossible. leo. «3 fc mech aatomished that euch a The present writer can speak with entinisiaem piethob has never wen thought af before, as a ia Yot this is just whet the new “direct way” anil convielion ragerding this” new method. undoubtedly the eastest and ntost rilaresting, af learning languages, a& taught by the well- Calling one day at. the Institute ho was asked and J feel convinoed that if thie method hecorea known Felman Inetitite, now enables you whether he knew eny Spanish. His reply was more widely haown ot well be adopted oa ia

to ele, that, with the exception of a few words like dandand. tis a positive pleasure, and EF om method is a remerkeble educa- “ provera,” ho waa bntirely unaeruainted enjoying my siudiea tietead of plodding an az . The new tidnal achievement. It is bound. to mioclify with thea language. He was then handed “a J used to do." (te Le Ly)

“profoundly the nortoal methods of learning little book.of 48 pages, printed entirely ih Fourthly, thers: are mo: elasses to attend, languages. It hea already been apphed with Spanish, andasked to read it through. ‘There The whole of the instruction: is given. by great sucecss to German, French, Spanish anil was not an Knghel word mi the hook, yet, to his corrmeepondence, so that you can learn French, Italian, aul, being «a scholarly method as well reat ocmesement- doe oad “abla to cp: it a4 Gn interesting one, it is winning net only through from cover lo caver without a mistake, Germen, Italian, or Spanish in your own tint, The method is as simple ‘as it is “teresting, widespread popular support, but the high He wes particularly astonished at this, in approval of educational aathorities. view of the fact that he had mo- ability a6 ao and as interesting as it is effective. General linguist. He was convinced then that the Sir Ayimer Finldane, GC MiG., KCB. Dos, writes: “ T tind that the Pelman metho is the Pelmoan, method vas the best method of Remarkable Letters. best way of learning French without. a teacher.” leaning «a Foreign Liaeuage that had ever And others write to say the same of the other Hundreds of letters have been received by been devised,-and he only wished that lie had the. Languages Department of the Pelman been taught ini this way--when he was at three languages,

Tnetifite from mon doc women who heave Scheal, earned French, German, Spanish or Ttalian

my this direct method, Here are a fow exam- No Transletion. sls: which speak for themacives :— The creat merit of thie new method ja that “S howe learnt more Mrenchduring the fast it enables you to Jearn -French im French, three monthe from your Course than J learnt Spanch in Spanish, Tfalian- in Tielian, and during sone fowr or jive years’ teaching on German in German, There ia no question. of Hd-fashicned lines at a sehen!” (S. 382.) translating these languages into English or vide area? You learn the language as a native OT feel you will be ouerested to know that. of Spain, Germany, Itaby or France learns it. The Pebman method. of learning: Fore. f have offtained & remitnerniipe post ih the In other worlds, you learn to think djreetly im four little City, solely on the-merifz of my Iiahan, As Languages is fully explained in the particular languige in question. Thaa nin hodke, one for cach language. These books 1k ayo ot, [| WAS ABSOLUTELY IGNORANT makes for increased fluency, as, when speaking ara entitled reepectively “How to Loar — OF THE LANGUAGE: BETORE: |. BEGAN YOUR the tongue, you do not have to stop ard think French,” “How: to. Learn Italian,” “ How-to COURSE EIGHT MONTHS aco. Wy employer of the foreign equivalent of an English phrase, Learn German,” and “ How to Learnt Spanish.” is netonly satisfied with the way in which as 29 iroquently happens when a lariguage 14 6g ao free copy of any one of Pant oble to etmluct Aiea Dlahian correspond- Tn order to obtam legit hey the old-fashioned methods, these beoks, fill up the following coupon und =| eee, Gut he hag ated comprotulated ma on ni

Pronunciation. He ia an Tlahan himself.” A second point is that there are novocabi- post it to-day to the Pélman Institute. | Lan- Bloomsbury (£2. 13%.) flaring to be learnt, parrot-fashion, by heart. guages Dept.), 95, Pelman House, You pick mp the words you need by using Street, Londen, W.C.1, and the book you want, Ae T howe now finished the Franch Courae, thon, on in so natural a way that they -stey with full particulars, will be sent to you by

I should fie to tell youhow much I have in your mind without effort. returmof post. Call or write to-day, appreciated it, The work hea ben a pleasure

gi along, aed I hace felt that my Anovledge FREE APPLICATION FORM. and factiity in tke language were inerewsing without laborinte effort on my part, I. aim wei ee ek edahhegete ie eeeereeesSS engage: now in veading Huysmen's ° La To THEPELMAN INSTITUTE (Languages Dept.), sn” Cathidral, and I very neuch enjoy my French

Seabee $5, Pelman House, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1.

reading.” (C. 961.) torisranrm mt Please send me, gratis and post free, a copy of

i" 7 hee pust retried from a vient to Spain, hot “HOW TO LEARN FRENCH " “HOW TO LEARN SPANISH”


necer having previoualy heard Spanish spoken, eee ee Jt anya wich for the perfection af your * Gutde (eress ot trea of these)

fo Promenciation * that I have not. had to alter EE mh and Tull particulars of the New

Pelman Method of Learning Forelgn Languaces a without using English,

wy teas on pronunciation in any particular, a

finding everything epoken just ag 1 head tiretey- Be el _ thed. My aecent twas alee praised, in cre A ' core bya teeyer, who should be qualified fo Od EE niere

fudge. amd whe unpressed on me that he wee ek aa

wot fatering me” (8.W. 372.) hat

“Tf sonnet speak too highly of your system. Leth ebenSee DUD ee Bihan T oolewate that I have apent some 100 hots Cirntnens Aranekers PARTS + oR, NEW FORE: 10, Wet 444, Strat, mm German studyingby your wethods; the Ave Rotey @aneles. AIPKERPOCRSE? OoPlier dose «JOAN: Natal bak Cicnebets, HUES 1alfipeve Tonal, e



| _. PROGRAMMES FORSUNDAY¢=« £255 ‘Tur Wee's (hoon Cause: TheJohn Benn the falloof the wear in Nomrey, Grieg's native — Hastel nnd Milner’ Hail Appedl by Mr. TJ. sean. The ties richly coloured, und Ha =) The Reproduction of these Copyright Marios, JP, rhythms are often exhilnritinig. !: fate piles err sring ; a HHUTETTRLANAATUITP Programmes is strictly reserved. hee idea behind the tetabhshment of this There is an Introduction [Siowneh}, in which a . ew Aldetel, Club, #ad Community Centro Btrings and Woodwind call: te cathoeother, the in the heart oof the Baatul jst provide a Melody having a characterishically Gnegian ship “ decent home for bova who have left behind them, This leads inte a-gmick- woud agitated portion,

With Behe! age, the majorit v ol the shelbering Birings ond Wind having 9 decen here of urgent 2L0 LONDON. 361.4 M. infinences that protect the cinkd. At, the age of mingr toe, that bring wa tea shill mgs == fourteen the. East-end bey pose out to become funious pace and to the Wirat Main Tune, with ~~ ik owrgre-carner, end if his home conchnro Lie ineistent prancng rhythm. oe ao MILITARY. BAND PROGRAMME a, if ie has oon proper home, hier has sat prisent A quiet bit leads to the Second Main ‘Tune, no Edternative bubthé Ponnon hater house, Tee Wiircwess Mitrrarny Baxn, conducted bay Which Glarinet andHorns shore, Thisis a praceial, Lient, Bi Watrow OO Dower TheJohn Gen Foostel te thenigrt te reed this rising theme, with a choery tilt.ot the end of i - needby prowiding a home whore boys between Bomaway (V¥iolm) A naive, folk-song-lke Tune-im the tring, the ageaof Tonriesen and eighteen can live, dal that soon follows, is a sort of subsidiary theme:9 PRs: Trrrentos (Tenor) tind facihties for reerhation—there is already a

THe Hash AWwimnoing-bath on the promises, anda eym- On this material, with many damty litte Overture to‘ The Flying Dutchman *-. Wagner nastum ja to he established —handicrafia, ind episodes, the work ia binli ip. soci intercourse: with the people -of the neigh- Frank. TIrtentox isankn [ARsom (with: Orchestral =

Alas, that Spring should Vanish with the Roan A Swan J a Teace Jirinaenn Solveig’'s Bong from “Peer Gynt? : = AL Feast of Labor oi... aso ee ree Mary of Allendale ...... eS ibine Wilken BER GYNT, in Theen’s famous pliy, has wasted his whole life, wandering over the THe Bas earth, having all kinds of fantastic expenences, a Three Humoreaques, Op. 28 B. Walton 0 Dennrell but neverdoing anything very wuaetul, bent ~ ~ 9% Pride and Prejudice only on the glorification of Self. a Prevarication Onee he has a vision. He sees Solveig. who 9 H

Pettloneeancl--Porauasion loves him, sitting spinning outside the okt hunt

BoLLoway he built long age for hirngeli and her. She 18 now # middle-aged woman, but still fair-haireed Taree So) aac conlaserey is Hiandel and comely, and asshe spins she thinks of Peer ha Wied a ee ae a beat egy Perdcy and sings * Thou wilt return eome day and fined Tre Bann me waiting.” ‘This is known as Solreig's Song. Brita Wiad et aee ee ce ceed Einar Lisiin Exenann (with Orchestra) Murch: The Littie Bella: ” Moths ‘and Butter: Concerto for Pinoforte and Orchestra = fies: “The "TameBear; Wald: Bears Feaxk Treresros BIS is perhaps the moet popular of Greg's -* larger works. It. waa written in 1568, , Brown is My Love, but Graceful ...... Quilter when the composer was twenty-five years old. Life and Death .....6e4.sia +. Coleridge- Taylor Thore “are three “Movements, Alleoro- Molto THe Gasp Moderato—Adagio—Allegra Motlerato Molto 6 - ~~ Capriccio Espagnol Sowa kas tombeBorsabow Marcato, Adberidlia—Viriacioni— Alberni Seca & Conte Gitano—Fandango Asturiano Isdnen T'Awsox (with Pisano) ay Two Brown Eyes (Hane Andersen); A Water- SOLOWAY Reraell Lily (Then) a “a omanmsAndale os. os ss ’ } Sinawale Professor JAMES MOFFATT, aD cbseaaa? oy C2 beet ae eee a alas N the Teo Brown Eyes of which he foyoushy 1 Binge the lover haa discovered a light that he Tan Banp whose introduction to his forthcoming series of a

Ballet Music," Coppetia i. eeesee es Pieirber *Talea from the Old Testament" will be given tella him the imerden is-his mow end for erer, if at Glasgow to-day at 5.15 and will be 5.B. Tn a Water-Lily the lover, bringing flowers 6.15. Prof. James Morrarr, 1.D., B.Litt., Intro- from all stations. to hia maiden, reminds her that io woter-apribe sleeps beneath the placid witers on whieh Mout ductory Talk to * Talea-from the Old Teste- ment.’ SB. from Glasgow thocliltes. So, he saye.ns be wrenthes the fowers around her, within Aer bosom sleeps a spite. ; HIS Talk intrelaces-a series of tales from bourhesd, There tonld be no better indication the Old Testament that will be piven on of the importance of the scheme than the fact LESLIE ERGLano next Sunday Sunday afternoons every week from that it ia being promoted by the authorities of Papillon nntil after Easter, They Will deal with well- Tovnber Hall—whoee Warden,-Mr,. J.J. Maton, On the Mountains Biblical known epicodes in the hives of such great who ie noted forhis soci) work in the Eaat-end, figures as Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph, winding is making the appeal to-night —and made possible ORCHESTRA up with the story of Gideon from the Book of largely ehiscuigh the generosity of Bir Ernest ‘Lyrio Buite Judges. The Rev. James Moffatt, who gives this enn, after whose father, that hero of Stepney, introductory ‘Talk, is Professor of Church History ENRY FINCK, thg well-known American 5 Glnsgow. the hostel is te be named, at the United Free Church College, Donations shouldbe nent. to the Warden, eritie, once. wrat Grieg to tell hin =f Flo is well known as a-translator and editor of Toynber Hall, 28, Commercial Street, 11. that the famous Conductor, Geidl, had arangod ~«~% theOfd and New: Testaments. four a for Orchestra from Grieg’s i! Suite tor Piano (known as* Opos G4"), and hod aif $0 Weatnen Forecast, Greeetan News 5.30 CHILDRESS. SERVICE contiueted them with pooh muaciges, BULLETS 3; Lael Annaineements i wa Condiedted bey the Rev, Caiman CS. Woonwart srieg waa very much Interssted, az one might =~ 9.15 CRIEG expert, After inspecting the orchestral ‘aeore,: =} 8.0 RELIGIOUS SERVICE he wrote to Finck, saymg: ‘Stidl's orchesigas ; TsaneL TANson (Soprano) tion: is podeniabhy ory pod from “Ave i ; Faeom Tue Srrpro Lesuie Esepanp {Pianoforte) of view, ‘but too heavy for my intentionm” — 7)| Musio by the Cuorm oF Br. Joux THE Subssquently Greg hamseli- revised this orched.: a i

THe Winkires-Simproxy OncarsTaa Evasokiuer; Witton Rol, Pimlico, aay, tration, and published the result. =F ; Py ee 1 ne Hymn. ‘As With Gladnes” (omit 3 } , (Tume + Cimducted by Penev Prrr The whole of the original Suite for Piano ia nob ~ nf * Dix") included ‘in the Orchestral Sorte. The four pisers OncHESTIRA Leeson chosen are adequately described by their tithe, ~ Ma ornitietit-s sinaik ea vied sete es igh eae EP Overture, ‘In Autumn * First Spring (For Strings) The Firsr is calle) The Shepherd Boy, this. fy Addrise by the Rev. G. F. PoLuarn Beconp is « Norwegian Prasant March, the Hymn, ‘Jesus Shall Reign’ (Tune: * Truro’) Norwegian Wedding Procession Trina a Nocturne, and the Pourra, The March Hodis Chrisius matus pi voi. a Bowel af the Diparfa. * SAT Sihis Nighit lee ie ee eee eg Hentherty i the opening Overture; which developed from | Tihiminares ile eee eee C o t s the theme of one of the Composer's songs, Buree we have an impression of sconce and moods at 10.45 HPILOGUE When Saw. Ye, O Shepherds t....-.. . ering


oo RADIO [Fanrany 14, 1927.


es I — } ere DAVENTRY. 1,600 M. ae eeSoe ay eeeee ThA Jounal in 1601-02 speaks of the author neg" Croniesrenin: ely wri lutely Linas inpentone Linlogie concerning Wormen.' 10.30 a.m, Time &icrn,as Weather Forecast | Pure | i & TOU monsOTF eight Hinnbers, seorafor 230-6.0 8.8. frcini Loman Strings only. Mr. Holst has arranged & ; kee # ‘a 7 these in twa Suites and haa added Wind parts, £0 5.8, from Jartogle chiplicading the Strines, | $8.16 Slipping Forceast Phe re are Vo pleted in th if First Sutte-: (1) wen Cieertare, in tho characteristic form of “pa 9.156-10.45 iH, fron opie tiny hie sb Lntraduction, then a quick sarhicn in “haga ftris, nad a few slow mete ia oon. - Be thadelsae short Ar, keening Lip) oie o— pr ten sere ng Se Hen 51T BIRMINGHAM. 491.8M. == Eeeceaeaate rhythinic pain: (By a Rode:Tai Minuel. in whieh the leaelitig bine eoece. round & tithe Mr, Leslie England and Mise leahel [Aunson, of timesy ‘with fresh thomes between ite ippeenr- we Lanaddp aie $30 8.2. Jr Seeeee a ance; (£} another Air, livelier and longer, that the first; ane (3) 2 Jig. 6.25 3.8. from CreePoe this evening [9.15]. ” Lay YO Ares §.30-6.0 Aye: Fincerl Loman 8.15 Seaae cities Part-Sones : The Little Sandman1 * » Brahe 8.15 RELIGIOCS SERVICE 4 Peaceful Night" ...0., German The Cora of Holy Lrnity Chocch, Nowpaoct Carol, ‘When the @rimaen Sum!" FroTHE os DI. Hymn, “As With Glidness Men of (la! DA. IihenuTelestin Oncmestt. Tntront, ‘Cast Thy Burde=e in nrml M., No, Toh Hymn," Bethlehem, of Nobbeat ‘Cities * (English A Shot Reading from the-Beripbures Atdiaintino tn 1D Flat...... < Lemere, arr. Holst Hyninal, Na. 4%) Hm, ‘Phere tao Land of-Pura Delight" (A. | Reading - ' ond M., No, 5:46) 1.275-10.45 THE SILENT FELEOWSHIP * .. 6.2... 0.6 Sulleeon Anthem, * O Love the Lord Aritherm, “ Kvenime ond Worniune " ~ Oabelen. | FisHigicin Addrese5 lay thie Rev. VW WW. Corto Relicivia Address lav the Riv, Hexey Moran | fot VW ylde (inci Congregational Chapel} Aaron, he Day -Piouw Gavert, ord, ia Edn“ | tad MANCHESTER. 384.6 M. Hymn, ‘The Race That Long in Darker (A. and M.,Nu. 477) i Pined "(English Hymnal, No. 43) 8.55 ‘LHe WEE & oon CASE: Ths Prines of 3-30 SYMPHONY CONCERT 6.55 Sue. pre ai Lanelon (9:10 Local Nows) Vin leat Ai islital, Cain litt Hees Anpknron (Contralte)

§.15-10-30 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT a0 Wratukn Forecast, News: Local News Les Hynes (Sale Vaoltr| Tur Sration UncHestea, oie we tect hy JosErit S15 AN HISTORIC CHOIR Tus AUGHENTED S&3TaTIoN ORCHESTRA, fon- Lewis ducted by T, H. Momo THe Bratos Oecgesrea, fondictect bey Wan- Cheertire, 'Fingal’sL Cave} ive... s Dendelesoin hae Wiok ARAITHWAITE LIRCHESTHA Davin Harsney (Tenor) Leatden Eymplony (lst Movement) .. fonda ity Over tire,i * Benvenuto to, Dovely -Pige . cscs ae ‘ ik Hayy r Chants r Tee Lay Views of WeEeTsMinsren Ager Thea Cobblera Jed. oes Dawa Bryer HELEN ARDERTOS Anthame : The lake Tele of Tunesiree 2... aegis Iorriaon Fair Spring ta Returning: ...... e. Sarldudes The Sweet Nightingale’... arr, Coedl Sharp I Will Lilt Up Mine yea O Fora Clinker Wale with Gil Js... Sienford Dos Hypes and Geceeerna Connex Bava (Pinneforte) and Orchestra Jesu, the Very Thought: te Bweeb .. Virteria Pianoforie Concerto in 1) Minot .aeec acs Baeh Cancerto for V¥ iolin and ‘Orebestoa im: 4A Manor, OACHESTIA Opes ee eae bee peek ea pe ee Ghar Avlegra:i ca ® Almeria.Adagio Alleggro Lomilon Bymphony (lth Movement) Haydn Modlorata:; Amtlante: Por Animate: Trin- ORCHESTRA LAY Vicars quillo, leading into Animainda ; Allegro Scherzo, The Flight of the Bumble Bee’ Rinsky-Korsakou Negro Spiritual arr. Burlsigh HeELex ASDERTON Liot a Robe ¢ Awinewing rs De iecapel Train, on Davin Bryx.eyx Law; EULER: SERN wa bite) ater peace arr, Sonercell The Downs ....+ ORCHESTRA The Vairy TLannhsi i> t- haraferat Mary and the Kitten -. The Leaves Bo. Greet: sei pre, Od, Perry My True Love Huth My He art .... onal Tovey Ariel's Mockery Purtkell’s Buite from * Dramatic Music * OpcHkerra Love at First Bight. - dy. Cloentes Acceptation Lay Viears Fifth Symphony in E Minor, Op. 64 Tehailovaky ORCHESTRA Glas, “Queen of the Valley" Cialferti Andante leading into Allegro Con Anima ; Puart-Song, “ Linden’ Lea . Foanghan WilGantd Andante Cantabile, Con Alcuna Licenza ; Ballet Bute, Sylvia" Glee, The Mighty Conqueror " Valse, Allegro Moderato; Finale, ‘Aintasiin EPILOGUE Macsteso: Allegro Vivaee ;- Moderato Aseai OCH earn al andl Molto Maestoan; Presto: Molto Meno FirstSuite from ‘The Gordian Kaiot Untied" Mosse 326.1 M. Purcell, ore. Eolat 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. WHE: play The Gordian finot Uidtred, for which 5.15 4.8. from Glasgow Purcell wrote incidental music, seems to &30-6.0 Su. from: onion from L o n d o n hate disappeared, loaving mo trapes, A Menfle. $80 9.8. 6.0 RELIGIOUS SERVICE B . 1 § S.B. from Ohrayow FRomM THR Brtpio Bacon Mostie by Tum Srariok Onin §.10-6.0 Sf. jrom Lovton £15. Hymn, “Ye Watchers and Yo. Holy 630-730 RELIGIOUS SERVICE Ones" (Enghah Hymagal, No. 519) Relayed: from: Christchurch Priory, Chirist- Bible Reading: I. dohn, Chap. [V, Verges ehurcl 72] Adtiress hy the -Hav- W. HH: Uiay Hymn, * 0. Brother Man, Fold To Thy Heart Thy Brother® “(fongs’ of Prise) (Tune; 8.55 Tax Waer's Gooo Cavs “Interneasion (A. and ML,Nie. G3) Adibreas bey the Rev. Th, DL. Pxnuy §.0-10.45 frome Dadian (910 Local News) Hymn, eee MeFalls the Night * (Engeh Heyrial,. a Benediction 5WA CARDIFF. 353 M. 6.45 Sacred Mosic by Tits 8TaTion Quartier

390. 8.8. from Doiuion indige's, Lh. 6.55 Tae Ween's Goon Cause: An appeal A GLIMPSE OF CHRISTCHURCH PRIORY. on behalf of thea Bolton Infirmary by. Mr, $16 &£.8. from (losgow Percy Musgrave A religious service will be relayed to Bournemouth ; 626-6.0 ALG. fron’ Lindon listeners from the Priory this evening .at. 6.30. 9.0-10.45 8.8. fromLondon (9.10 Local News) =

Janvany 14. 1827.4 1 —. RADIO TIMES —


ESE ———_ = v=: ee

7 €KH HULL. 288.5 M, 8.10 RELIGIOUS SERVICE { 5.0 6 0 te from Lanaon Frou THE rip j RELIOIOUS SERVICE Fyn," ifesu, Thou hoy 3.30 8.5, from London Conducted by Brapor’ Winns, DD. Bishop of (MH.Nosh) Crandn, from St. Peters Chiitch, Stoke-on-Trent” 15 &.: uAty ML Gaege i Bike Reacing Han, To the Bile Ett Mine Eves” { 540-60 4.7. Jrom Londen No. 309) 8.55- 10.45 AB. fran London (9.10 Local News) — Praver 8.15 RELIGIOUS SERVICE Anthem, * 0 4Gladsome Licht * Frou THE STurio Athiress by the Bev: 0. HO Hongsen SWANSEA, 288.5 M,

Condicled by the Rev. Henstoxy F, Jonsson, Hyinn, © Now the Day is Over" (MAG, No. B84) as Amster of Lambert Stetet Primitive Met bodist = §.55-10.45 Os FPOLeet Lawn] We Wit) Sot, Fron avait i Church. Assisted by the Coon, dincied by . i

A Witenes oe: i fron laser: Hytrin; oe Latryti the Place (bo da , CE oPY¥ PLYMOUTH. Heayinirial: No, Tea BoFrom ayaler “5

Braver RELIGIOUS BERVICE Ines 3-30 SoG. from Detden Anthem, © Come Dinte Bim’ ...-... 2... Uhtenssel irom «Walter Road. Congregational ~ from Giaageir ae Adress by the Rev. Henwon F, Jonesox 5.15 SR. Adress bythe Rewy AL Pesny yaw I

Hymn, ‘The Dye Then Gacest, ord, is Ended" = 7 B:30-6.0 S20. from, Dapedor EP: 4d Hy rikeagud Supplement, athe] S.A from Loner ‘ Bonediction £.0 RELIGIOUS: SERVICE Vesper 6.0 Wreatruerr Vorecast, News: Lana! Kewk Relayved fram St. Andrew's Pare! Chirch §.15-10.45 ALAR fram (ial tri §:55-145 8.8. from London (9.10 Local News} Genoral Confessoot anil Pravera

Paealm Na, 24

277.8 Me & | Lesson; Isniah, Chapter 60; Verees-4-10 21S LEEDS-BRADFORD. U0)" | tac Eamittis

Pravcrs Northern Programmes. 330 S28. from London Anthen,; “Lirht of the World * = NEWCASTLE. 312.5,oe Hyran, ‘Ap With Glidpess Men of Oi" tae grt 15 8.8. from Glasgow M., Wo.-Thh 335-6.6:—3,8 fron Lormlon 6.4:—5.6. fem Ling dere, =! || mad 0 B55 (—The Week's Geod Qagsa:Apeeal op behalf of the Toes — Address bythe Rev. Gana. Harte, Viear of Toukts' Cvarita hl Aaseiclat bon, q 0-10.45 = 6-30-6.0 S28. from London WolkhiunpionChurch BAER: Fran Leadon. oe 8.0-1045 S.Bofrom London (9.40 LoenlNows) Hynin, . Laghts Abore, Uleleatial Balen | Me he, a2) GLASGOW. 054M

Crean Voluntary. First Movement of Sonate in 3.38-5 & aS fro Ltimehien Prof. James Moffatt. Tinks Es ductery Salk: to @ "Tales from’ -the. (4i- Tea amen.” 50-50teL—= 6LV LIVERPOOL, eo? M. SF. from Loreen, 8.15 :—itelighous Servirs. oA, [roe Aber. E THe Weer's Goon Caran: Appeal on behalf 8.55 £55 :— 5.8. from, lendas. sf ArmpitConnect, i | ifthe South Devon and Fast Cornwall Hogpital The Shatin Byrne. Orthostcas: comiarted he Herbert AL “3.0 05.8: from London Cartuthers: ai Fuga! Cheri foie. §25 — Fils. eee =. = | §.0-10.45 8.8. from Lowdown (8.10 Local News) mano) ahd Orclestr : Willow Hong (thoblod(Verndlh, . #353— _t gy 5.15 5.8. fom Ginagoir Symphonic. Poom, (Tusss" (Licey ea soedy or : Morning Seng {Mildiieen): Bodden Disht {Hero 9

- Dravin) : De Bote of the Wied) (Alsen braver, 103i < Jrom Landon 5.30 Bi f i as 6FL SHEFFIELD. 272.0 My Creliteten:dbasepacesMinature Fugtuey: The Porgotten Tate tpehand |,

££.) Oncas Reeirat by Mr. FE. Saxpens, from Bt. James Church, Toxteth Park 3.30 8.8. fromLondon ABERDEEN. 500 M.S $145 RELIGIOUS SERVICE from. London. B1B:-5.T) from tinsel © 6.15 S&B. from Glasgow 5.20-6.0 5. from. Lonien. 401§—-§:59 :—PteHglegs service Awa trom &t,. dames’ Chorch, Toxteth Park, Address froin the Stedke, conducted hy the Hav. fh Co Aittchell, Werth by tho Rev, Canon J, Cy. How, Reetor of 630-6.0 “5.8. from Lonton navibed by the Chae of the Chore £6 :—Weather Forecast, News: §090-—Conpert, relayed fren rh Liverpogl

= tho Coady: Ball ‘The Aog@ented Station. Deebestien, Gone a 615 RELIGIOUS SERVICE docted by Paol Askew; Overtorn, * Phe Masterlogers “¢Wigmer}: B:55-10-45 8.8: from London (8.10 Local News) Relayed from Nether Chapel 0.20 :—Marion Richardson (Mesee-Soprana) ond Orehestien: ite et Eavidanie Te (Minge ie EB Mio) (iach): My Heart Byer Faith x 8.55-10.45 S.A. from Londo (9.10 Local News) 6.30—Orcesice; Balist EaypiHen (Letigtni), £4 :-—Morion Hichardern: Peace (Stbubert}: Thhne ie aly

SNG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2 M. Heart (Schobert); Sprite’ Waters. (haclinanisov) 9.585— eal Four Dnedian Leve) Lyrics” (Wotdfurde-Pinten. 6sT STOKE. 258.5 M. 10.0-10,30 -—3.8. Trobe Leadon == 3.40 8.8. from London BELFAST, 306.1 Mi, §.15 Su. from Glasgow 3.300 SU. from Lonalon from Loni, 51S I-6. from Glan =I S240.6.0 :—S.R, irom London: EF 1-855 S.B. from A :

= 6.30-6.0 Su. from London 415 8B. fron Cflaagene 9.0 -16.85 -—2_1. fom Ivendon. Sn = | —= = = . o y , rH soa! a

ee =e ‘ —— fe: eb

— al St : = ganas eee:

tt Aakde ge RCTe CEMENT iaeeeee ia

4 ais J

7 ' Mr. DON HYDEN, THE LAY VICARS OF “WESTMINSTER, Miss HELEN ANDERTON, is ee the violiniat, will playthe solo part in Glazau- whom Cardiff listeners will hear thie evening contralto, whois taking part in this.altermoom's = nov's A Minor Concerta from Manchester (3.30), in anthems and Negro. Spirituals[9.45), Symphony Concert from Manchester (3.30). © wom Pos ——

—- RADIO: TEMES| — [Janvane 1 4 , .‘Sai. ————— a = 7


oe — Seeieeeee

oe 2.0 LONDON. 361.4M. | pexemnincmempmemermeney= 100 Oores po

ca easy tie Legends va vaaseeats oes Maginarre = £0-2.0 Oncax Rectrat. by. tha: Rev. Cyr Wa Threo Diners: (Nell Gwyn}...... EB. German Jackson, Suceentor of Southwark Cathedral Assisted by Hanky Brnixoie (Base) sa —-_ : Relayed irom ‘Bunthwark: Cathedral 10-15-11.0 “AIVSICAL PLAYS OF HECENT re x fhe Sire, oe. pee ke weg oe RPT awn DA ws “Eihzabeth's Prave r (Tamm bauepor} eietioial eee 4 Performance of Excerpta, conducted by

Wagner, arr, Hendérson Ee Jon ANSEEL {Tove Faithless Men...... Meyerbeer ;

Silos ine co, Line Lord ie Py Light so.4 llifse ae 2ve i ee fey gee cae ; Seoncaptained Ewa STERSIOOYD (S07 Pure) seaclin Protusde Na, 2 = Herbert Hewett as a Seees

h a l J he sede Borge oo. ea eis cll eek bw a \ ae THe WIterss OncHEsrea La Fillo oux Cheveux de Lin ...... 4 ehuaty CORA and JAN GORDON, OncresTR a AGinn ho the pation arr, ey : ! Roheniin : oT, ; ' r Gerald Healos { A Thehatte fe O'Coniar forris who will ilhustrate with lute ond gutter the Helection from ‘Tell Me More* 4.0... Triursphiel Some ...... ,.;. HHerherk Brewer lecture recital on Spanish folk music at 8 o'clock Eva Srermsnorn i cane : to-night from the London Studios. Setting Sun (The Emerald I d e ) (With Orchestra) 30 Brosnesst to Scemoos + Mr. BH. oG. Poxriee, German * The South Pole * There was Once a Pretty Peasant (Miredte) 40 Tor Swear, Curexwice. Tot ‘Rovan 845 THROUGH ANOTHER'S EYES Messager

‘tarrdudeme Cioe Daxee Bann from the RAC. Pinved by Aponeur Hatnis ORCHESTRA Saeed Seloction, "Tha Cabaret Girl "ses euna. oS.) C

4 . 1 5 Prof. G. Rosator Surre, ‘The Movements of Torkey {as seen by an Austrian ond o Ruseian) ae 7 Living Cecatrpcda:* i : “ Alla ‘Turn (fee Bommelin AY aol gray ee vir Maza Fe EVA STRRNROYOD h Turkish March (from * Ruing of Athens} (With Orchestra) i fe ae aie Cen com TAK 4.30 Tun Royat AvToMoniLe CLUB Dasce Bap " Beethoven,oes are Rubinstein In Love with Love) (The Naughtya Princvss) (an titned France (as born ba - o n Rinssian) 3 gid teraiiraned Civeillie Children’s Quarrel after playing in the Tuilerica A eee ee Teer 6.0 -Howschold Talk: Economies in Coal: Miss Motcenorgaliy ORCHESTRA HELENLES GGeno sat Tree The3Market Place,7 Limoges: {frora’e i Picturesfrom: Selection3 from’ Bally5 * sc cccielete ee cadue ir S15 Tre Cmipers's Hour: Piano Solos, nn Exhibition) ve ysec ccs eee fourteenthyy

Bong and a Rtory. by HR. F. -PaumEn; ; i ma : ‘The Awineherd,” fold by Crristise Sinver 90 Wrarner Forecast, Seconp GesuHan News Deiusris ; Local Annoineements 5XX DAVENTRY. 1,600 M. = 6.0 Atex FrRren'’s Orciestna from the Hinlto Theatre $8.15 ‘Apecial Featura

6:25 Wireless Aseccietion Quarterly Bulletin 9.30 LIGHT MUSIC AND A FARCE 10.30 a.m. Time Signal, Weother Forecast P 5 a £20 Wratten Forecast, First Gexeeat News Si, from Newcastle 1.0 Tar Daverray Qvarrer and CATHERINE

BULLETIN Te Srarroy Genrer ° AULsuEOOKE (Contralte), Exwa Souviz (Violin), 7 645 Anes Faven's Oncunstis from the Rialta Overture to * The Barber of Bovill:’ ... Rowse Tosta Di Benter (Pianolorte) " Thetis 9.40 ‘ADMIRAL PETERS * 11.45 app. Taomas Trostas and Mroaw Tsnen 7.0 Mr. Desuosd MacCarriy, Literary Criticism A Comedy in-One Act, by W, W. dacomsand (Lructe} es Mire 715 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC * Horace 12bapp. ConcEET (Continued) E Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues, played through Presented by Enid Bangers consecutively at this hour daily throughout Played by the Station Reresrony Compayy 1.02.0 8.8. fron London , the nronth Cam: 3.0 &.8. from London 7.95 M. Stépaax: French Reading, Molitre’s Gearge Burton (a Navel Pensioner) = ; “Le. Hourgesia Gentilhomme," Acp I1., Seenes NOHMAS- FORMIN 9.10 Shipping Poreckst € 2,3, 4 el 6 (Pages 12-16) Joe Stiles fan (dl Mesamate of ene ons 4 : 745 VOICE AND PERSONALITY—1 ae Hpi BARTER 9.15 S.B. feom London és | Mrs » Daath Bak ACTaGeEON A Special Test ronductel by 930 MUSICALsont ae PLAYS7a GEmao Profesor. H. Pran(Professor peepeeNT2RSTarate of. Péycholegy, Manchester Bo 22225 oo: eee at ULDER. DAYS University) ee : : nf 3 : He ee See: oe aa Hayvoen Corrix S.8. from Manchester a foe ee ne : THe ‘Winrepess ORcvrarrs, (Full detail of this. inter no Paes ae ae : : : fae = ™ coeee my vo aan enhinig hroadonnt FL siven irl ie ie ue . : : ‘ ee a) 3 e : : oe J fh Selection TE Dorothy : ; Professor Pears articlo on pago # | as : : pein mr ees wee F i , ; Ceblier } 101 of thie imene.) a a a ie : : - ae Havoen Corrin 3 7 ane 4 ; : ; i Z Who Sings of England (Young i 8) ae a u fi oe te = e ‘ ae i : Salaaiton fem? Arietta Modal’ 2 Spanish Guiter and Lute by ioeater aie eseA a te cee Jones aon awn Cina: Gompes Boo. pies Coe SSeS a raft ao . an FLivnes Corrs { J Fe vend ea Chain, hace Jack's the Boy (The Gojsha) ies t Hd a J bat Siancy lope matablishod thomealyes im Ofcn ESTIMA oS ee ‘ iY the estimation of the reading #/Ey 3 he a Bea richie sites tat emote eee : ; i el ‘ : ublie os ths moat chaeming of (Bae s es eeeas, Bee eae ce a oo a aeae& Belection.-from Ban Toy } iterary viabonds, Ther Bo. See i kee tes peetitne tte ees ae ae ae Jones He ?Wwhnhierings bern in Spain, #3 ace NRPS aed at LED Ca esiSd SUAS a ineiyvetscitor ata Ee we j cap—ne 18.5 MUSIC AND A-PLAY abort which they hove written elt he es SS a . ee Laemreaed | {ancl phat rated} hae theligght full Prem the ploreby dieut, diver aan, from. eer pele vin * ty ‘a V r Lee af : . > : re 5 io ‘ Guin’ aml “A Donkeytig CAPTAIN SCOTT AND HIS PARTY ON THEIR RETURN MARCH ee Reycarseae Throngh Spain + FROM THE SOUTH POLE. 11.0-12.0 DAxCE MUSIC : Mr. H. G. Ponting, who wae the official photographer with the Sente Expedition, Jack -Howakop and his- Bast i 8.30 Orchestra will ‘tell the heroic story of Captain Seote and his dash to the South Pale, from the Regal Opera Bias, lo Binte. Pastorale .... John Ansell [London, 3.4.) ; Covent Garden daxtany 14, 1927.) — RADIOTIMES — _PROGRAMMESFORMONDAY (January 17)

5IT BIRMINGHAM. 491.8 M. David Fletcher (Jasper's Brother) $45 Br F.- fF, Beantes, ‘Lord Byranand Hancomer Wit asa Wales’ ' Jacoh (Potman- ab the tinm) Frev GOVE 3-45 The Sr ‘Tho LAR OFCESE WoT rT : Lender, ()* fh stormy wankers ering, in the latehen 6 -Pianotorte Recttal Fras Caceres, _ ofa htth country inn, "Phe Bhi Penpiinn, BIS) THe Coprew s Hote 4.45 AFTRNS tos Torics:: Stowe HoGERA, Jaen, theole preemie, if atated ono settle t T L z > 5 rmutterng to himdeli anc gasine into a fre which Horticultural HHinta — Kitchen Gardening,’ 0 Mise nite Cepree air ‘Prose Writers of Norman Tannasy (Contralto} ia burning on se large open fireplace, Through the )$th: Centory—De Quinte" a long, low lattice window at the back of the a, 15 THRE Cminores's Hore room, the comer of in porch ‘tan be seen, 6.15 Light Music bv the Statios Tare 6.0 Aasonn Trerevy's Orcurstea. relaved from B22 ‘Ter erates Ocrer. directed by Reomann 6.25 SB. Fi hl Roerhiank Prinon's Cafe By Alotar Fantasie Oncerture, * Three Days 5.00.a Lotter 7.45 8.8) from AMauchewer 6.25 ria i. jrom London Vales. ° Mon Rove. Wenkalfeva fel 7.45 S28, fronv Dfonchester Fox-trot.* Ton-Hale * Hickey 60 COMEDY AND TRAGEDY B45 S28. from London ($10 Local News) Tom. Station Trio: Prawn, THostas (Vili), 8.0 SOB. from Londen (§.10 Local News) FHakk WHITNALL (Violoncello), Vena MoGoss O30) S25. fron Newererstia THowss Pianoforte) 330-110

Laws “EMPEROR [L* Overture, Ss eek po ae Hfrtraid A Radio Droamao- by oir ooPrER

James Hower, (Baritone) and Orchestra Produced by Conpes diclonmseEL : At Tanwe's Content Tom nes) foe aor Profesasr Sart tt oe besaDae The-Fishermen of England (The Rebel Maid) Beomtubirs [ron MLAninas Cherry Yiorady nah vane, 2 ORCHESTRA FRORGE i cons ne ceaee eee Aone Datietn.” Selection, “The Grand Duchess’... Oem hired ‘TS the dining-rocm sof his’house in. Rexent's | Jase Awe Fark: Professor Martin. is-ctibertaining bwo™ - Droop not, Young Lover Ler ore Flavutel fallaw anthropologista ond goologists, O'Grady he Swocteat Flower That Blows eens Snhey and Beano, Dirieer: jist yer, "Tie nightis : Cao Fellowa pepe ery eee reel Bem fae ete an Peeiipe stormy and oppresqive. The Professor is talkmg pesat's air gives some sturdy advice to to Gennlon as. the piay commences; i the slighted lover. the burden of which ts ' Tro that: he sheild stiffen tat baek, one delennine to pay the ‘cdisdainful mniden-in- her tren coin. Tambourine Dyiricé Hani * Fine ner in sadness...” Fim ‘the: song, ‘THE RED-AATIRED TRAMP" “he whe: donk oolliy . . «.. slight her ingain it" by JD). Aioirerrys HE toecssage of the sesond song isan old anil a fragrant one !— Prodactd by Gontion MoCoxxen Mr, Simith > SIDSEY Evass The eveeébekt Hower: that blows

MrSith cca oeoe MoBee L give vou aa we part, SEP WEE eee deen aoe Domo Dares. Petyou itis ah rose, Forme itis amy heart, M* AND MES.-BMITH ore breakfasting im OSCHESTRA their ‘dining-room. Mr. Smith, is creading his morning post, which consists chiefly of Fills Ballet Music from * Fanai* ssc. wea renee TRG CON CONRAD L'Angroiwss ctqce a aie dw aca a wisp oe wee (The famous American. Compastr) in some. of

hie Latest Sieneanes 8.45 ou5. fran Londen (2.10 Local hows) THE SPECTRAL TARSIER LOOKS CmcHEesTRA 636 THe ‘Ararios OnoumsTma, conilucled -by Bute, * Armericaba * Thirhan BACKWARD. Wanwitk BaAcrewattr This curious little creature ia the surviver of the Scherzo (A Midstrmimer Night's Perea) 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. 326,1 M. nearest known relative of man's carliest primate Afenedelssolin ancestor—the first to look forward and acquire 935 DaviBersrer (Tenor) complete visual control of ite movements, Jt has a 3.0 onion Programm mloved from Doventry wider range of head movements than any other The Crimeon ore bec ++, Grace Thayne maromal, and affords crucial evidence for the - ‘The Lake tsle of Inmisires <0. AnionsMerten 4.30 Oscreerean Music, relayed from the Grand interpretation of mon attained his skill. Yarmouth Fair (FolkSong) .. arr. Peter Warlock super Cinema, Weatbourne. Directed by Isapore Listeners will hear all about this strange little GoDower animal in Professor G, Elliot Smith's Talk from 942 AitarrY Evass (Flate), Leowarp LUSfieELp (Viclint, Gombos Bavas (Pits forte) Lendon at 4.15 to-day. (The illustration ia 2.0 Londen Programme relayed from Daventry taken from Prof. Elliot Smith's ‘Evolution of Fifth Brandenburg Concerto (for Solo” Plots, Man, Oxford University Press, 1927.) Bolo Violin and Bolo Finnotarte)... Grex 515 Tur Cunores's Hore 16.10 Onenrstha 6.0 Recmaw 5. Morat (Violin- Recital) SWA CARDIFF. 353 M. Ballade and Befrain Rosoeo 2... fA. Foulds Solemn Abeborly via gtbs atalee wa sis Halford Dkucies Cradle iio aii sea a eee ee ewe acne Tor Allin Shepherds Hey Pees eee ee eae LO 1230-130 Lunch-time Mast from the Carlton From: he Cansbrake ...5...e8) eel Garay Rornance, Om, Be ee eae sic ane Sameday Tiestaurani 10.15 Davin Borsrer Fambourm. China 2. i1 + bere ar Kretpter . The Dewns se ae ee ries ee 216° Aroate ast oh Schogrs. Capt. -H. “As Mary and the Kittens... ss.5 Sion, * Orkney ancl te Birels* | 6.25 2B, from Jan ea 2 Ariel's Mockery ~..; + eter ain Brin 4) Toe Sears Teac: Lowe ai Free "Bight soy ca kee | 7.45 5.8) from. Manchester Aoreptation of aS Pe oe ee |

i Fraxk’ THowas. (Vitin), Frayer Wire AGL) | £.6 THE BLUE PENUULS" MWiclhsnectio), VeRa MoUomn-THosas: (Piand- (Actor paniod bey the (AKPetit J c A Play by Hanoi Sorrson and fore} 1.22 Gorooy Drrarn

at Georrney Temes? Fantasy, ‘Samson ant Delilah” ... Soret-Sadae Plaved by the Loypox Rapto REPERTORY Violin Bole; * Tay Catena * (The CHpes 1, renaley Carillon (Etude dEx*cution Transcendante) Jaanotnop + t PLAYERS 4.15 Lonlon. Programe retayed from: Daventry (last! 16.900 OncrRstes 4:30 Tre Stravios Taro Mary Fletcher. s nse MarcapeT GAsEIN Dyerture,: "dean do-Patis '..s..nss . Boteldveu kes Gowned Jimper Fleteher (Her Husband, Owner of the Le Boar {romning oe eeee - RTI pearl iclaral wid ela laldma, (atest Ear Trin’ and: Far) ...... Hewhy Oscar

RADIO TIMES -— [Javany 14, 1f2T:

a You can now buy the ~PROGRAMMES FOR MONDAY Genvary 17)

(Continued from the previous page.) 9.30-11.0 FROM THE OPERAS

eGLVINGTON| | 10.40-11.0 ‘HALF AN-HOUR TO SPARE* Fopes'’s. Moron Works Baxn, conducted by . AAW HERES sisters, Manton Fornesax [no Shate- 0 LONDON ¢ BpeareanAttire}, Loran Fiomeatas [ionown Belectbor: froma Bmtst wie ek eee ey eee ee a GARE to Cardiff listeners: ae Lilian Milla), and Gwin Serr ATT Rerkerreon (Baritone)

FornMan (who ia alto an actress}, share o fot. (j= Asa Father with Hte Children Wollen Cantata To-night they had arranged to rehearse forse Srurhs British Farmers Coat fortheoming rocital, Aoteleprum arrives. to: aay =i. Term i Cap (Berenice): .eae. etal i that Ghven diaa: missed: her bau «ancl ail bert Direct from the Makers hedican-hoor lite for the rebeare a. pabee Bac the imme Martonand Lian ‘ren through” BMipotetia:.'. thete. tema. Amon SMoxow (Soprane) for 5/ Litran Ali Too 8a |The Wingic hte) esac es etocere Gate Me ayes Margaret. Copper-Trote © Yea, Jet So (Phocbus-and Pan) ...:.... Hach ihe Given of Tarihi . oi... Sterndale Aansett Ba j It is absolutely and ALATEION * tic mdrom Tannhiluser ..... viva ie Wapier (airhern Sec ne ( Rorned mrad Juliet} STUART RoniRTSsos utterly Waterproof Mantes and Lruas “Gin Bieene Neon” (Who Disdains Not") fram Mri Whatever PCE 4 here in noe. better Lets-" Sweet mel-bowe na ea he ey “The Mavis Finte:: 3.7. eee Weathercont. for the sidtection of Farmers, Ganie- ALARDOS Vultan's Bong fre Philemon end Garunsie? keepers+, Smallholders, “Stock, Breeders and Desdere; iota PRUE cere dee ele ee te cee eter de fe Sere Pattty Fa nacri. Retake Haalitts: onal Factora: Sy Agron Aioxas ing: Prevelien i, leotatice Aen ond all whe Ages Litas j Dopuis le Jour (Since the Dag"), from * Taoise * to fate htevy Pair, Tage eae hr amade lac TSE eee pr ae oeoe Seas re Vothal once lie Charpintier fp tae atid af tae 9ee Srorogpreeh Jewel robe trom * Fanst Pie ae gL ce ee eee Goat A food - Lip 7 og, ‘bard- WeITIng Cthal, HE to give 2zY MANCHESTER. 324.6M. Baa rusty wear. fot rears Salecdion fram * I Pagtiaced tL ea Evonecaiatly under the sternest. con- Heoapcasr To Scmoone: Mr. Enwans 3.25 diftiads. Made ol heavy CReeayY, ‘ tireab Cannla of the Workl—Initro- dodbie-twill inser-prooted ductory Talk * 6KH HULL. 288.5 M,

fabricof anvedul strength, with -tareful. stitching, o45> KeeMeEsenoo (Bolo Violin) 11.30-12.30 Cramaphotnes Records leather writhonds and < A Bare so 1 i leather chirt hairicdte iy trim 2 Almhcks, -F0af ia -Ceatury, arr. ol. ioffat 390 Light Music forted séama and button os Promella:,. Coeert Pate holed, “hag” pocketsetc. : 4.0 Arrenyoon Torics: Miss K. V. Conr—(@) Pripte Valkante “op(ilain i-Kve Lard GE pocerous-and cas cul, ‘A Dickens Commentary’ Tempo di Menuetto... Pageant peca tin atogether a well #15 Frmin'’s Ouanrer, relayed from the Naw Mane, anit, scope 4.0 Circhestral Mice from the Piecadily Preture Heataurant, Weatherproal, and un ex- Theatre King Edward Street ahae leaf oactetiandine value, 5.0 APTeneoos: Tories + Mes. Sra, Coomen, 5.15 Toe Campnen's Hous Direct U.P. ° "Fhe Litth Things That Worry Us.’ 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry from Maker 5.15 Tin Carnornen's Horn:* The King's Break- 625 8.4. from London to Wearers fast,” by AL A. Milne end Fraser-Siosen A Scere, woth Story nied Pino Aseanamnintit 7.45 SLB. from Manchaster do/- 6.0 Toe Mageeric OnLenry * Oneness from ihe Hotel Majestic, Sto Amne’s-on-the-Bea, £.0 8.8, fromLondon (9.10 Local News) Past free in Britiah. lates, Eure aba Miia Director: Graano WW, Drieiwr 230 &.B. fromNeweasls A careful comparison with other Coats will 6.25 Sf. from ondon prove thal style and quality to equal the 10.15-11.0 ALR. from Dondon *“KELVINGTON”* standard cannol ordinarily 6.45 Ten Masses: ‘'Croraairr” OnomesTaa (Continued) be bought for fess than 57/6. The reqoced 277.3 M.& price of the “ KELVINGTON,” show a 7.0 S.H, fromLondon 2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD. 354.2. M. valné-advantage fo the boyer of, roughly, 22/6, is made possible by the changed Policy 7.45 VOICE. AND PERSONALITY —1, ‘6 Tam. Leens-Braprogp Licst Sysrtony of selling Direct to the Public only, with a Special Test conducted by Professor 'T. H. PRAn OrosesTha, relayed from Fontan Street Dyill (Professor of Payeholigy, Manchester lni- corresponding lessening of selling costs. Hall. Leods, on the oercaston of the Porkehira versity) SENT ON 7 DAYS’ FREE APPROVAL Paw Building Trades Exhibition ‘Toorder a “RELVINGTON"™= send cheat nveaures {tre epecinl artieln om puye Ld | mene over waistcoat, fll heh: sod rennttance fir &.0) VARIETY 5.0 AFrenxooy ‘Tories:aaaMr. 6 Dongson, ‘ AHuiviourin Booka- (3) Saki * qaf- with your name, & addnets, clearly written, ‘to + Tor Rowse et Notn Daxce Basp Pearson Bros., 45 Conduit 31. London, W. 1. Foxtrot, * Lonestme ond: Sorry 5.16 Tue Campren’s Hove lf you ore not thoroughly satieied with the Dee onl Conrad &EELVINGTOS "nod return it within 7 dayn et Charleston, ~ Slade Bbeob .éllén and. Woll 6.0 Light Music receipt, Pesaran Eros. hereby idertake to relied One-Step, ‘Cocina. (has eS a Webster ihe full prics pas, 6.25 4.0, fromLondon A Tione, Some-Songe, andporn Laxes BOOKLET AND PATTERN FOST FREE 7.45 (6.8. from Manchester You tin tsect and try-ca the *RELVINGTON ™ Wine Toes. He Call-You, titela } ...... Peston His Little: ‘Teddy Bear. oo -2 5.4 oe ack ea aa it the “ Mottinse" Showrooms: st Loodon apd. £0 8.28. from London (9.10 Local News) Dent Let Sobouly Stenl Vou... Westen and Lee Birtingham, nf yoo can safely sendyour order by post, under the 7 days’ fee approval plan. If preferred, Dasce Bayo 9.30 8.8. from Nemensila however, we will send pou the Booklet, order form, Fox-trot, * i'm Lonely Without You * 10.15-11.0 5.8. from Londorl tic., ad a -cimple of @RELVISGTON " Fabric Warren aud Groen

firm. Write to the Sole Makers +-— Waltz," In Gove With You" oo. eel eas Lennon PEARSON Bros. ElyHouse, For-lrot, ° Lonely Acres’ ses sea ss 4 Rohingoan 6LV (LIVERPOOL. 207 M. | Evite James

45 Conduit St. London, W.1 How Many aEE Pe yg aan Sap aa ea Rerlin Sole Makers ofMaltamaec’ & “HolvingtonCoats Domestic “Trager facies feljth Samos 11.30-12.30 Gramophone Records BRANCHES AT: Wiiting for Something to Happen... .0.. Thee 20 ate ill, London, EC, (tem doors from St. Paul’) 4:0 FParnizoy and his GnecemsTia from- the 17 Ox St, Londen, W. (hetwreen Dean S_ & Wardour $4) Dace BaxD Futunst Crema | 157 Feachorth $t., Lordea, EC thwo doors from Lime 3.) 1290. Viciorla St. Westminster, 3.W. (2doors freon Ashley PH) Peed, Fiat Toba faye cc ieee ce cee ee ee Waltz, * Bay That You Love Mo "2 .....- Nichells SF waerenvoon Torra: Dr. €. Honors, ° Tho Midland Showrooms: 154 New St. Birmingham Village Church of Old Eogland—(3) The Story SB. fromLendom (9.10 Local News) of the Font * §.45

Jameany 14, 1927.) ~- RADIO~TIMES — iit



6.16 ‘Tor Circores’s How $425 Tur Canon's Hove 5PY PLYMOUTH. 400 M.

6.0 Light Music the 60 Mosracce's Syurnosics, relayed from Edinburgh Café Ballroorn 11.4-12:0 (ireornee Bast: ond lis (UARTEr e- 6.25 “SVB. from London | laved from Popham’s Restaurant 6.25 OB, fr oe) Faron 7.45 Ait i oni /iehester 330 Orchestra relayed from Popham’s Reaiaurant n 14a ER. Jrom Afanchesia £0 S.B; from Eondon (9.10 Local News) nae 4.0 Alternoon ‘Topics 8.0 NAUTICAL PICTURES 215 Tea-Time Moosic: Tan RovAn Hore, Taro, B20 8-8, from Nemoneile Tir SraTion Onenmeraa, directed by Prevention directed by Auveat FrLineook 1O.15-11.0 8.8. from Boncdon Brow; BIS Ler Uninneen 3s Horr

Upert ire, * Calm Sea are Proeoerous Voyage . Afendelssatn 60 Wisernren SToAres (Contralia) 55% SWANSEA. 288.5 M. Voie 625 6B. prem Eondon LetomHit, om! Tae Liveeroo: Mar Chainer 7.45 BE, froin Aapiece atee 3.0 London Programme relayed from Davenity Perrier | aed deen dpe earn aa eee art, Terry 6.0 8.8) fron Londen (9.10 Local News) Lowlands Away 4.30 Toe Casiie Creewa OnCcHRaTaa and Ongax

Isler Jacobite Sone oo... Grr.Re yr elyFraser S30 ue, Fron Maaaeie Morsto, relayed from the Castle Uiwesn The Liverpool Gorle- 2. eee ee Oe, eearey 10.:15-11.0 &.8. from London $.0 Afternoon Topica Oneness 5.15 Tan Cannders’s Hore Cite, * Nautioal Seene* Pereyuv Fieieher eee nan i aa GEORGR Hin. and Quanrer 6.0 bovniys Davres-Howenis (Coniralio) Over the Sea to Skye ...... arr, Burrral Whew Garala: Jr ee) oe ved Sie ese »er “La Dirin Below oi.0...5.. anf. Deglor Harrie Ombra- Mai Fu (The Largo) ee Hanael o yor Che: Farol! What shall Toda) vo... otk mn. Bowlingee. oe a eek lee lorr, T. K. Fel n't Yow Dance #. Polka Dead Bedd y+ Dyn Tvlawed or ah acai gia peal nae TY. Thea ORCHESTRA A Bongof Exile... 0.0 ceacene esosoy Brahe

Moreh, * Admirals All* errs vee uber Banh 6.25 &.8. frown London 845 SL, from Landon (9.10 Local News) 7.45. 8.8, from Manchester % BO S28. from Bondon (9.10 Local News) 9.30 Programme 8.6. irinn Daventry 9.30 8.8. from Newonstle 10-15-11.0 MUSIC AND A PLAY el Riclayed to Daventry 10.15-11.0° 5.8. from Lomton Cmca rir A, Ohunt Hiiniae sl. oso oOee Pehoihopy Northern Programmes. *THE FORGE” A Piay in One. Ard by Bows Lewis” [First 5NO NEWCASTLE. 312.5 M. Porlormance) 5.0 :—Lonien proernioume relayed from Taycoir, 3.30.—Me, Presented by Kowarn P. Cess and played by Rdgar L. Bainton, * Macciptive Miedtie tii, &0:—Ssle from Coxeo's ew eaters Thsiaomob: §.6:—Lendes Eos The LIVERPOOL KATHO PLATrERS ndayed from Daventry, -§.48:—Chikiren’a Hoar, §.0:—Jdrade fiws? _ Srypmorr (Contato). 625 —-8.B from Lemden. 7g 2a from Manchester. §.0:—station Griet:; Ede Benak (Sancanni. The, Aasnecr £45 --54. fom Lomion. §.:—stabion Geteh: Overton “Tht arin -of Beeiiie ’ fitessin). 8.0:—" Adanitn) Petore, I Led Dison J anne Forge Hand | A Comedy in Ooar-Ack, by Wy. . Jeocbe anh Hora Mie Puriar H. Hanren Preacnied by Eric Warber aad played by the Sintion: ie perlone Auny Barnet fa Fackory Girl) Paviece.Pariy Lanpany Tho s—Oeetet § ieee, ‘Tinie usenet Mire: Ei 10.25 '—Harton Collen Finnet Eitasa Quartet, mupngeiced on (Tom's: Mother) by Ere Thorpe: Overtere, "© bee Hogoenete* (Meverhepes: Mire. Fren VWitkrssos Selectlon, |The Eeheralan (bel! (Balfe, arr. Klucewry: Tementrner (Reon). D2de:—Geonge Tile: oeAge Alt Thson (Tom's Father, alsoForse Hand) CON CONRAD, in Alenia (iMeaerris Hatrleqult (Sandee): Thy Sine J.-F. LAMBE (W. Janes. 10.58-11.0-2-—Qiertteh: Orerbure, * William Tell" Fete Aavo fn Forge Hane) -..++ DAYIO What the American composer of *Mercenary Mary,” (itowstini): Citods antl samehine (ARone) il who is making a tour” of several. stations this

ITHsecne ds the kitchen of a dhvelling-howsein nee week, and will entertain Birmingham listeners IC GLASGOW. » 405.4 ML. Hyucinth Court, which is -« sbhuny ver at 10:30 thi evening with some of his most the wall wt theond den. heavy forge, Th ia holi- oA: —Dane Miie, reoreed. from: Wie Picemilils: Daasbe' Maik, Fetent Bongsn0cesaes. ot fa kedsaewick: Margaret Fy Asch (Ropranol, Goh past nine inthe ovyening, and there isa temporary aioe opiee:: TG. echon, * Wheat: Phe rine cunt, Tom Dixen, wu young forge hoowd,18 Feary pte" 15. 7—Oihlldeen's: Baer. 6.88 s--Weather Por 4 | cast for Formers, @00ssRener Mieic, relased inom: the: Fier it | mtding bey the fire, wabee Bo) Po OTL night chai ih. GFL SHEFFIELD. Ziz.d M, doly Shnere Chal. 6302-88, fram -Londos. 7p a, Sitangoly enoogh, it ia a -voluime of The works of trom, Manchester.;. 20 —S28, from Lomkin, §86-71B tb | -— f in Shelloy. He is reading oud, “Th Geoth: Biepherd, @ PastorPlay) tee Allen Haimay, | = 11-30-12.30 Grumophone Records OntiEenitA i 2BD ABERDEEN. 50) ML. "5 Suite, Whihdren's Games" ee PBisn 4.0 Afternoon Topics 71.0 A.oon S —ramophead Records, 3.45::— Danse i 415 Orchestra relayed? from bie Grand Hotel Aipsle.( Pliggby Tobe Be Sylasen and hia Sew Toronto Tally Relay from the Siw alaia ode. Bae. --——A hermpeni ONG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2 M. Tres. 230 :— Ener Mucte (othe 6.15 7-—1 bldrena £15 Tae Crmunorrs'’s Hove: * For the. Litth Hour: Moeic br the Wine Orvheutra. §.0:—Tho Station

(nes: > hong, Stories andl Music obo Your Chreheatre. 6.20 Ft. from Lean, T.a§.2—s.1h.. from eee BROAD Asear to Bicapoone : Mir A.A. Willers, Tora Manekester. 8.0 >—Statien Orrhesion...Topliss Green (arto... 6.45-—3.0. fran London. $30s—Short Uhesiol Priam= Nature Talk 6.0 Mosice#! Tnterinde Biotin Orewetrn. Geb Woelward [Planotortes. ‘Topliee Grete (Garttous), VES-1-8'—S23. fromLendem, 3.45. Tar SMirano Cark Oeceeeres, conducted

by -FParnenick orrouLer ~ 6.25 S58. front london 2BE BELFAST. 306.1 M. 4.45 Mati axp Arrrangox Tors: Mrs. 7:45 fs, rer Mioehesior $.6:—Jipndeqst ta Sobeeds: Prof. lame Sonal Persie of Euartanti, Qupens Cobersity), ‘ What Botany bradley Meine MWhWEEE, * Bornanie im Boro” 8.0 SLB. from London (B10 Looal News) .6:—stathon Cirehestra; Peri (—Martieret Alilee pendei Vird a, $42) —treaeedt, S20-—Aeree ToplessHorbert T, Both ne, 8.15 Tae Carmrecs'’s Hover May Shepherd, * Beane Senge:Worth Angiane Whe." §.i5:— 9.20 i from Walnrerraile Clilidron'’s Hour, @4i—station Bano ond) 6-25 5-81h from

6.15 Manu. Hooonissow (Pinnofirte) Landon, 745-1. from Manehesior, 8.0 :— elit Beall 10.15-11.0 Sao froin Bondy Qunriet: Eligubeth Levis [Soprimoe)) SyneNorthoote (Teor! 6.45:— SCE trem Lendon., 8.a0--——ejoucet, Suichion Urrhestpar G25 2.8, from TF cnled Orertare:, * La Dae Bish" (Eotcidie): Heleoting, “feed

Endive"(E. German). RBrva kerr (soprang): “Tht the Lash 7.450 8.8. from Afaackoater 6ST STOKE, fiaof Serer (Tind.)) By the Wutera of a ane 288.5 M. rane}; Kon Pooh Bellew dn Palsicn (0h. Giepe: 5.0 E.R. from London (9.10 Loeal News) Orelitetm: —Selpciion, ." lilee Time* eeeaeaes $6 London Programme rolnygoed from. Daventry A. iutben, Michell agar > Thinghta Baw Wings (le Lehmann); Sbiputied Mine (Wi. Sopilnren):: The Trump 9.30 SE. fram Neweastin A | fi. A, Lobes, Orchestra Intenmneceo “(Caries Basliconn) 6 Arreesoon Topics: wax Worrrorn, (Matcadn: Walt, The “Blo Danwuke* (irae), oe Dialogue, “All Imagination I 0: —S.E. from Lowdoa. 10.15-11.0 Be frbim Londen

— RADIOTEMES faaxcane 14, 1027, ee — = — PROGRAMMES"FORTUESDAY (January1 8

thrvigh- char water, the very inmost heart of 2L0 LONDON. 361.4 M. On Ten Fine tle Finst-¢Coe lanin Ayting-.. elias liin waa to be se j had Christopher THomaiitie Pivdaenre for Chamber Cheehestes

beard auch “singing, and never tind he 2b enala Aer 10-2. Concert by the J. H. Sovme Cenmere sucha song, Lie Ferfarniansce } Dente 1 boy and the man diecrmesd the pumkine (At the Pian, Rar Ranier| 20 Bivwileqgnt io Sehoole:. Sie Hh Wiatronp © lad, full of dreama of prentrness, Symphony, No.) 36, in iC, KAI)... JWezar Davies, “Elementary Jlnsie Adario—Albegro epititosn + Poco! Acagis: The naan Kephod :— £0 Tom Stoxanm Users wien, Wirewiaw- Hope. Menvet tos, “Presta : The more you warn, to ROMS VILE AaPAS OR CREST, fore mee Songae, you have to be lifoe Hiniaa oneal LIA. the Marble Arch Pavilvon. 10-30-12 DANCE MUSIC: Kerrven’s Five ae aoa Hider the direction af Georraky Gakom and 5.8 Topical Talk moon lind feen, round and gleaming, Desros, from-Ketiner'a Restaurant 815 Tun Cumnrcs’s Hour: Songs by Mavis ‘hissetr, * Grothe of the Band: The Viola above the ground anil the shimmering waters. hn the Dowbls Haas,’ by Y, Heuy Firtceimesoy, The trove croaked, and in the meadawe the SK DAVENTRY. 1,600 M. Thea Tredsive ot Ban Tosco,” by BE. Le Beeros Taelodious

SLATTI: shrill-tremolo of tho prasshoppers seemed to ewer the trinkdings wt i 1G.30a.0. Time S1oxan, Wearuen Forecast 60. Miss Camo Loratan reading a darkie story: rustiod softly in the bronvhta of the alders, ‘The Eyes of the Wiee Old Oil" From the lle above te rire there came 11.0 THe Davester Qtanrer and Deo Maxx 840 Tue Loxpon-Ranw Dasce-Harp, directed chown the sweet Licht sone of a mghiingeds, . (Alexec-Soprino), Daxian Hox, (Cémet), Cay bySipser Firaix IxuHam (Coon Songs), May Moon Drerez £350 Wearnin Fowecasr, Fiest Gexrrat News 1.6-2.60. 3.8. from London —Gtiiercy 645 Tar Loxspoxs Ranio Daxce Hann, circeted 20 5.8. froin London by Stotey Piratas :

40. Topical Talk 7.0. Miss L. Bansay= Amodnares o Wiles: al 71S THE FOUNDATIONS: OF -MUSIC. ... $.10° Shipping Forecast Bach's 44 Preludes ond Fugues, played through consecutively at thie hone daily’ throughent 5.15-12.6 8.8, froin Bordon the month lito Prot.P..J. Norn Barer: ‘Foreign Adit and how They offset, Us. Wheat ore Foreign s1T BIRMINGHAM, 4951.8M, Adfaiea ?*

; hist PLES isthe frat of fix Talke,. designed to ns 245 Detancdsr ita Renoors: Mr Wi AL explain to the penenail public the oheeure Reavers, | Beye in ‘Tales of -Advoentire—f1)} ‘rat: iioLine1 pbajenet of Di plomuac * Proteesor att Hauekieborry binn ” Noel Gabor,whores new Protessar of [idtermnational | Relatives in the: University of Londen, worked #15: Lezelle Picture Howe Oechestra an the Loacne of Nations Secretariat trom the Peace Coniterenco unit 1922, ind wroie the | 4:45 Arrenxsoon: Torms 7? Clay. Vixce, * Tantnd: © standard book on the Geneva Protoce! of 1925, harks in othe History «of “Birnetinghucn—The 745° Bick. Ropenrs in * Deck Tore" Library.” (The First ofa Bertey of Talks avranged im connection with the Brinighii Libris } OCharagcivies + ‘hiegh Sly ta Bow Steet rome) Mamorin Hoven. (Sopranc}

‘Soft Bally. (ili Innkeeper} 615 Tur Ceanorex’s Horn Jerry Binks (a Yorkshire Parmer) A. ROBERTS. Lady Mawl Romonder London aii will to-night hear Mr. R.A, 6.0. HWanoo-Treater’s Oacumerna, relayed fran Drck Turpin the protean quick-change artist, in Prince's Cate Every Chansicter io tne sketen will be acted hy the sketch. “Dick Turpin, in which he takes the Author, EF. A. Aomers 6.30 4.6. trem Lorde all five parts, Roberts ia broadcasting Tneidental Music by Herman: Finek : 7.0. MM, Evatsr De yrs, * Benoath iain Skies? ME ROGERTS owes his reputation aaa 715° Sofrom London (9.10 Local Neos) 4 protean wetornot inercly to: his abilities Poul Dopin (bom 0865) has clearly sought to oa a quick-vlunge artiat, hut tochia power, of PA irda aynipatinetieal hy ie Lite crite changing Ind whole peronmahty, including, cf watld of muster that Cocke Gotttried loved 9.35 BALLAD CONCERT eouree, hia yoier, withcath new part that he mbsic of simple sentiment that appeats direct hy Tam Busscernman, (Bars) ieanmce, This eketeh, in: whith he “talog all bo the: hearts tivo parte, ds a portiontarly ~ood iMostration of Myself When Young irons “hoa Person Cire ) his art. ANY a Composer has been lored by those Lahiernry i love-songe, The Song of Hoybtids the Cretan.,...,. aint 20 opp. Josrrumse Tr ‘ung at night-time by love-sick swains, B45 THROUGH ANOTHER'S EYES playing thar Guitars beneath their’ ladies’ win- Gravys Wanp (Dramatic Recital with Musje) Played ty ADerrie Fann + Herets o morming love-song, ari‘ The Castle Ty. othe Ben (Translated by Alfred . Cewiasy {oa seen by m Foonchman) or Abate, ltiis sung by that centlerman with alieh) ( Miucie: by Biehord Strauss) “nelle Gothiried "~ (Dialogues betiredi diolin winttanéclictalilo: womi—" FE] Lorraine-Lorree (iWorcs by Chartes Ringley} Tutt Eesore calboc “The jester, ane! “Phe boablioon," Chiriethopher ancl Chottiried, trom ~Poorrnasith (Muse by Stanley Hawley] Baaltanal's Nevel ' ohn Chnstopher* aie Derarin characteristic . Sraix {as seen by oa Frenchman) Sormm Row.asos (Soprano) pallantry is subtle, delicate, refined. “thors tal Greet’ (Don diuinn’s Morning 4 churaecte-eketch ia ane of fee Piond Age de Loca (fret ' TL. Enfant Prolioun nee + Delaney PEARCE| eeeaceace ed ewe eles Bo Nod Biemiernber ?) o. 2.0 be ce ee > AtePectin iro) pas piszaye upon whe: hh. the f i r s t . piees ia Tow ATS STetRend hased occurs towards the vend the ‘finest 9.0. WEATHER Forrgast, Aecoxn, Gex tian: News - part of Joha Cheetoplor—rhat entitled The Daw, A eninieenets: bie. Peeaa dere ee Wwe Oie evening about simdet - Christopher has Beary rie avy goctata! bea eae iE“iinetrel Maeien $15 Bir #H, Wid LFOwn = followed tle poor pedlar, Unele Giottired, to the Rayster, Ly shen ae ba ae eae ee es Miter gt fiacenpy river hank, ond ia mock niowed by a-rong that . Beethoven ? f W. A, Coan (iasseon) e the poclaur fing. CONCERT Romain Rotland’s description ming. thos jin Tyrolean: Theme and Variations... .. Standiaye Gifbert Cannan'a franvlation, published bugs Relayed from the New¢Capx, GALLenice Heinemann, =— Tue Crest, Coase Oncueerad, chidlavted Bora How Lasps Soddeniy, in the dark, Gottfried began to sing. Jon Hakarrdit Romance (fron “Cavitleria Riveticana') Solo-Pianclorie; Ran Ropenrsos He sang ina weak, hhaky voice, as thangh-to Afusonpna Ahimaelf: he could not have been heard twenty Concerto. for Prano and Orehestrn, No. 2, in F PORECTEeee a ech,dima e.n asa 6 Poke oR vordis away, Bot there wae sincerity’ and Mie? oS eee : Songs My-Mothor Taught Mew... 0.2 ear emotion in hia.volee it waa as theugh kee Al : Larphette: thinking alood, and ‘that through the song, as iat, Ran Romer} 10.30-12.0. SI. from London


_Jaituairy 14, 1927.) _ RADIO TIMES —-: 13 eee

—————_—_——_——_— PROGRAMMES|FOR 1 UESDAY (nse18)1 8 ) ess ce

EBM BOURNE MOUTH. 326.1M, 6-30 8.8. from Bandon 4 AS CON CONRAD (The Famous Amorican Corupoder) 7 . 0 . ier. Raps Hetnsvtar. * Humour of the 11.30-12.0 Astnte Manesros, Onaas Recrrat. Oe eared Semon. Buster Keaton, ya In Bome-of hia Latee? Bueccessos relayed: from the Royal Accede, Boscombe Chayelin 10.0 Aurren Bankes (Selo Violin) Terpo i Marcia (Sonata FT) sasce ces trative PiS-12.0 5.8. from ondon (EDO Lotnl Nowa) charac darter ee a ee ee Caftlenel Minctitetliigh: «5 cei Ve eas Paebowa ESTs EOE cise de ed ate aa Seana

PUTA he, @ oan dats Menilelsanin Pa Tha ect a lS ie ee ae fHrunemedl Allegre cot bras eeclear Alleserreri ba + Allegra ZY MANCHESTER. 284.6 M. Hungarian Bance os s+...

Fong Wralte, Always see eee ees cee er| ; LorulonityTry Aa Calemiin fie may eenRs Tie ed Rie oT eth ang €KH HULL. 288.5 M. riteHEnbEeMrL: *y os i-Toce ' a sige Gre rah Te q = a BE KE Songs , Bone:sth Thy AV indow vate By Caymia | 1 Whitin the aareeant Majors on Parade i 4.0 Arransoon ‘Torm:: Mr. J. Kenwoon : Lengataffe ABWTDEREUIN, oak Through the Ages —(} Pine Cevatina . be le ee ee = Ss a ane aca ee lira bcurye: anicl Pr nuibive Aurt Fox-trot, ° The More We Are ‘Together| . Aiy $15 Freto's. Qcanret,. relayed from (he hiew Landon Programme rolaved from Daventry a Keetaurant, Bing Belward Strcet 64 : 3-15 Tue Camones’s Hove ; B15) Tee Cainomen's Floor 6-0 Lendon Programme relayed from Daventry 65 Vor Farmers: Mr, J. P B : Hanoima, * The oa Harketiic of Mees and Poultry * 6-15 Beverley ond District ep Keepers’ As nonetion Momthiyatk 6.30 SB. from London Wie, AliredBarkee and Miss. Doris Woodcock, tid arheta whom Moanchrater lintenern wall 6.30-12.0 8.2. from London (3.28 Loreal Kewa) 7.0 Major C. Fac tr-Bort, ' The tshost-Light* hear to-day; Mr.- Alfred: Barker will give «a

short wiedin recital [10.0], while Mires Doris Wood-, 7.15-12.8 Saf. from Deondon {8.10 Toeal News) cock, contralta, will.sing during the Tea-Time Concert [4.35] 277.8 M. & a | OWA CARDIFF. 303 MM. ee _o 4.0 -Wssx ann Atcan's Ant Bran Berea le orelyn to. e) tele VERSATILES, reloayocd from Schotiedd's Coie, Laocds $:6- London. Prooronme relayed irc Daventry Raotiiatic Suite roneee Storntey $5.0 Afternoon Topics 3.30 TaeSvanox Tato: Feaxk Toisas {Violin}, €@15 Broaptasr vo Sonoors {For Beoonlary Ptane Waernan (‘Cello), Versa MeComs nots) i: Prof, F, E. Weiss; * The Romance 6.15 Tee Curnprrs': How Tuomas {Pian of Plant Lite—(1) The Most Primitive Plants’ Seren Sho Soc ed ee conewtes Sabelinny 6.0 Licht Musio 435 TEA-TIME CONCERT Reverie Leevtaerenses. e Afar Dowell | Bivens Sahl 5 . Bastiope Jfartin Tur Srarion QUcanrrer 6.39 &.8. from London fwo Byncopated Seah ie ec yas Contes Walte, * Flin Danio eae coh 7.4 Tax Surcesurrn, ‘On My Anvil” 415 Tea-Teue Mesw from the Carlton RBes- Dorm Woonceck (Gonbralta) 7.15-12.0 SoH from Loudon (9.10 Local News) tauren My Prayer .-.. ee tee Pad 4's i a ee

Flower Bong thee fo Se tite eee ea a Crowne $45 Miss Excerere Scorr, *Credulity' QOvastet 6LV LIVERPOOL, 297 M, 20 Tea-Trae Meste (oontinuecd). Selection, hase High ‘i oaeeeaaas Erevatcr 40 Talk for Women by Murs, Levy 5.15 Tae CHtores’s Horn Dons WoonccnK PEDALMeme OL, wR ae Cpe ace ee Calnan 4.15 A.C. Warn (Baritone) 60 Mr. T. J. Lew, “The ‘Wender of Photo- i ss etna pice cy eal ee aia Sie elie lise ee ee praphy * I Piteh My Lonely Caravan ...... Se QcaAnTer The Fairy Tates of Irelatad 1.2)... \ Erie Contes 6.10 BeerucvEs BowATA March. “The (Clliaters Farevell." Blaubonbirg Peete ss es reveerees LOnd Henry. Somat No, 2, im. A Major, for Violin and Pianoforte The Lithe Irish Girl ....0...... Hermon oor $15 Toe Cipres’s Hoon: Scottish Music by isolo Violin, Laonanm Presi) Tue Soxsermt Tao. Two Fanious Scots Songs: 4.30 Tue Stattios Prasoronre Qvarrer (Solo Pinnoforte, Vena MeCoare Tomas) ‘Caller Herrin"; ° By the Bonny, Bonny Banks §.15 Tre Camoses's Hove HVS carly work (it woe published when o Goch Latina7 Beethoven Was bvenby-nine) has hitl of 6.0 THe Svation Praswororte Quarrer tolommnity and nothing of heaviness. 6.0 Tar Masgeric * CeLepeity”OnCHESTIA, Tia Finer Movewest ia pay, Bprigg-like music from the Hotel Majestic, Bh. Amies-on-the-Sen, 6.30 S.A, from Londen forah and exhilarating: Musical Director, Ceeanuo W. Bacar

The Secosp Movewest, thionugh-alower and 7.0 Mr. Eexcer Enwarps (* Bee *}: Sipcetathal 6.3) &.F, From Landen more meditative, ia but an interhde of bomely 7.15-12.0 3.8. from London (8-10 Local Newa) cit between frends. ‘There ts here no spirit 6.45 Tae Masestic ‘Ceneserry’ Cmecaesrra

of * Ah, things aren ‘tb what they were.’ Rather (Continued } fo we imagine two people, who understand each SNG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2 M, other's hopes ond sims, discussing the futare 7.0. Profs Wy LL. Beaco, ~ What. Is Scientific ’ in quaicthy optimistic mnccl, Research ?* (2) The Tump Movewesy (the fast) is again 11.30-12.30 Morning Concert relayed fran. 15 &.8. from London (9.10 Local News) Daventry happy. in a carefree style. Tt is built on three Main Tunes, the First of which bas a touch of 3.45 Lyoss’ Care OncHeESTra, conducted Isy eineopation in it, The Second (Finnoforte and 9.35 FOUR SHORT RECITALS. Brascer Byron ' Violin ‘together, in octaves, very quietly) Ina Casries Greruss (Rolo Trumpet) the simplicity of « country dance. ‘Tho Third 4.45 Most and Arrerxoon Torics (Violin) is song-like, Ono feels ff onght to have At with Variations * Facilita ' ae: Hartmann Fantasia on Webue's * Last Thouht * aoe Shey §.15 Tae CHitores's Hour words.

-= RADIO THES — * [alas AA Da PS This Plan Will Brine Vid P R O G R A M M E S FORT U E S D A Y« uary 18) £250 A YEAR FOR 6.15 Mien Hapuriseeas iPinndfuedlis) (urilhon LIFE—FROM AGE 55 Chaneon 6.30 SB. from Lopden Andante in (3 Grind Utfertourc, jn Dd Mire Ninety-nineHerCoat ls Sil alrer yth =eotal menWyis oot‘ ofyra hundredfnoTrew havefaye7, 7.0 ‘ Agnanr*—The Uganda Railway ' to ‘prowide for their own future. They BIDOUARD BATISTE was one of tha moat haveF+ 1 po rich~ia pelattve:eis keine to *.} dakeTe Ke theLt4b burdeni=. : CIF120 8.8, from-London (9.10 Local Newe} 4 noted French Organiete of his tine, oda fyom their shoulders, and _ nf business composer of much melodious and light orzan pension scheme to fall back upon. They mig, which has enjoyed gredid popularity, birt Stand or lall on their own efforts, SPY Which 16 regarded as repréescoting somewhat PLYMOUTH. 400 M. imperfectly hia real powers a80 minstchn.’ He Are von satieied with the pragress you -voursell wae Orgonist of St. Enstache, Paris mre niking ? Ave vousayed anything like encreh 11.0-17.0 Georce East and his QUARTET, ro- to pustiy a belief that at-s5 years of ageyou will be 6. 30 a. B. jt M. Lanntrpy Mma pesition tothe things eagier2? What abot layed from Popham'a Restairant ir Giomnily, shook yon, the break widrer, tee biker rom them! dhe plan about to be explained will, 2-30 (‘OneoeesTRA re aye i fre Popham's Restan- a Mr. Crawrorn Henox, “The Homamnkce al if ailop bed Without further deley, telieve yeu of fall Pat SouthWales Tidustrics—{2) Fishing * anaicty whout tie matter, 15-120 838. ron Eenudon (9.10 Loral News) + It is the best, the-cgsiest, and the surest way of 4.0. Afternoon ‘fopia providing both torvour own later years and for yeur dependents, 415 Tea-Tive Mesic )' Tae Rovan Bore Tero, ——— ll ditected by Aroeay FuLnerook ASIN POU ape to be 38 aid ‘yoo would’ ike to provide fara private income of £250 a-yearfor §.15 Tus Cmnparx's Horn Lite neta ate 54, Eis re, baw: the plan works Northern Programmes. ont. Vou tuoke yearky or hali-vearly deposits. 1a the Son Life of Canada (thé great Annilty o,) cl 6.0 MatsorrmAsrim (Soprano and Planeforte) am agreed sun, And this is what you will get in 5NQ NEWCASTLE, 2.5 MM. return. 6.30. S28, fect Lenidar * 11.30-.—Murirl Stewart Sopragd). Ti 45am :

ag £250 a Fear for Life. POornab i - 1150 > —Myriet Sitcom 12.8: Willan ‘al. 7.0 Mew Ff Rusesec., of the. Mario Biohogread 12.00: 92.30: —4irephone Reconis. 36-338 -— Leeder Pra. At 53 veure- ef age the Sun Life of Canada will Association's Laboratory, © Life- on the Bea STIR hit telah Irom -Laeniie abs "The Station Deter. fart pavingyoucan income dor life alo: fixed sumn— Botton * 15 —Mewl) Greener (Soprano, PR: ietep, aba about: aso “per annum—ood you'll ‘receive this hretore (60 —GeteL £0'-—Lordon Tehannink reac income ver pear nS long ae ow Hive! Or, i you from Daventry, £.15.:—The Chihiro Hoy, £0 ih 115-126 8.8: from Londen “(910 Local Xows) Station Oclet. 6.30 -—82. hom Londen TO — Dianne bre prefer rt, ya can have acash sunt dow. of about “Thee Gentleman in nF bester st oegrebting fhe: Lost ae af fo. CH cunrec; you havent dopotited anything Witiperation. 0.08—s lh. irom Lonelion, like that: emai, it's the pretits thot male it enlarge profits heaped upon profits, accumulated over the 6FL SHEFFIELD. 272.70 M, cniine pare: ot ae arrangement, 55C GLASGOW. 405.4 Me

Income Tax Saved. Lh36-12.38 '—Cranvphoge trea 3.0 :— Londen Pra. 4.0 Agrensoox8 Tors: Miaa Konks, * Carcers Frinton reba trie Daventry. 2 Thame A ey For every deposit you make you mrave rebate for Girls ' Keo Tro be Pe! Ae ope: Bel Of Income: Tax—i concession which will dye spot Simlth, Types bi Fpetioie—Tle Ahi Vi obit. Bi nearby /o56 during the. period, assuming the present M15 GLendon Preetanmime relayed: front Daventry The (Childem's Teor. §.59 :— Weather. Forecast for Farner. Tale ot tax to combiiue, This is additonal prot on 6,0 :— lhe Mieic, relaved-irin ther Flaca 6:38 -—S i. Trani tie transeckion, Lomo. 7.0i—Mer, Marshall Heath) © he. Ber Talks be sede- O15 Tre Cimpres’s Horn: More About Ships tul—Bie Beside eit” ES 7Bfoo Donbon. 8, 7— Tht Wella CPkaoofrte) 7 Proline onl. Focus (Acme) £20 @ Month if unable to Work. 60 Mosseal Tnterhide Inprt mp(sche fines ofthe Binnie | Lee) 45 H Thiretgh Hines or ache vou lose ihe power Titinan SbeGilbocks (Retertalser)? Otonath: Becta, * Tkite fo eghb iving, and the disability is permanent, you the blood" tha Maclaren). 207—Ciekh Wooelward: ‘ha Tha 6.40 HB, jrone Lonestar Vien (Fite diy lis) (wine) t Toceete (istav Aol): Danes ane excise fram making any intther depts wire] af the Elves Go neierick Moor) 5 Ties Aieebeal Ube ACh: Wied = £20 perininth wil be paid to you until the gasdea ward) >; hivle (Cisar Wena) | alee (Fnapiressiona, Bia: Li ear for-life beatemes due, 720.:The Rev GG: Wo Jonas, + Meseares from (lea Liven! 1016 /—Wiilism: Metubeeh + Minhoards Belial the Poats—(0} Lowell * * Aira. Stontgomenic’s Wee Shop”! (Osbetaal), hee 2 an a £2,000 for Your Family. Moots, payed toon the Flee. 11-15-12.0 208 tom Lisi, Should: you net, five tothe age of 34, {2.000 will TAS-12.0 400. from Landon (9.10 Local News) he paid to your fal ys, aed in aebeliticgs, Galiad every ZBD ABERDEEN, 500 M. deposit you had made todate, [ftdeathresalt from en ucrWlent, Ue sum: would: be irereazedd te £4,000 65T STOKE. 288.5 M. 1.05 —Aitermonn Topics | ilies Afaurtor, “Annie, * Lirriaigns fy pls Thald ha chepeseics, Ateniwnt= Im H infory.' 4.0 >-—Tin Station OfchMdtas, e— dein Law (entries; @—irchestn Sh —lein aw, Any Age, Any Amount. 6.6 2—-Urehesien, $b— Tie Chikinen 4 Hoe, 6-+ tina ~~ 3.0) Londen Programe relayed fromDaventry by the Wireles-Orchesti. 8s he fooLanden. Tigre Thaweh 54, dh Jasob a year for lifeTins beeee quiches 3:8. from Ulasgow, FAS: —S Biron bane, Bet Cag here Hie Phin applies al ony ape wie for in amount, Fan Tite * for, ‘Tit. foreTat ) A Conde Oper Wey “Merape §.0 Afternoon Topics Comfocked by Agthnr Gialliagweeal, Cort} Isidinrn, Joan Eiwes Whatevee ALE Gone, Uo VOU Gan apare teane likin tHoprano}-; Lorelei, Mrs. Miandad: Pennidmgton pie [aria Heian Ml ft for pour and your fimmily’s-fntire, this plan Bib -lakt- Chitenres 4 Hore Alicé My Potten) Sapam} > Desi. (ogistinch Solilar (hopraaay 25 lite best oncl-micat profitable method yen canadept, nm! ve Dunk, (Oomtralted > Fenndo, Abeta Ala petiy 6:0 Licht Music (Temech<- Groton, Joberh: Watson (tnritane): Hing Allivegisn £62,000,000 Assets. Hector Siouro. Chole). The Abendecit stathen Oper in Chole and Orchestras Leader of Ovehestr, Alex Maiieky, | The Sium- ook (ome as -psseto of over 6.30-12.0 Sf. from London (9.10 Local News) ¥1.0-t2.0:—3.0, from Loman. - diaeedood, which afe woder- Govérmment.suprer: vio. [is in an imprtepiable position,Tia not, therctore, heatate te send for particulars ofthis plan, awhbela Mey ben great ‘thins ior yo arid Fours, Sok SWANSEA. 288.5 M, 2BE BELFAST. 306.1 ML.

11.0-1.0°—Morning Contert, religed from Days tity. 2o:. FILL IN AND POST THIS FORM TO-DAY Lendon Program Telayved from Dporntrt. "hig: —Maetiliern 11.30-12-30 Uramophone Records Some, The Station Orchestra. Fos-trote—Dinl bo thet, teriie iy, Yellen) } My Cotey's Doe at TrtTae Toeday i A Vea Tileerh IPOSLTORD iin painter re ee nana pdt beeaisa sale gba hla yess i relayed from St, Mary's Parisn Cithcn in Lonely Wihthont. You te Waren) Gert ie the Sew Mow Hay (iF. Tracey! : Siippery Floger UH Stee}: Waitin I gqek Oreanit AS Crn Baysias anes inn Killarney (FS Swain Te Sa Territty i Les ee aL saw ainedrh pa neater Wank dd debe dak rebot coveerwen rar eek eo Enovanme Batrere (1820-1870) wth “YouBele Fee-teok, ‘Te Mare Wor Are Tisretter * Toeditem 2 Miner th. Ring) :. Onesstep, On the Rivitre (Pf Van: Tod), Pox. Address ee eee aeeeeeeee Angelle Vowes (Two Pieces) trote—4 fibers MMoon- iF. Nanmehaum):) Por My Sanetheart 1 iy, EF, Ponkkiein; fomeberdy Eomely (Pobre Te Tn A Fiat $n ED Plat BOE. fetes Leitbom, r

Jammany 14, 1027. iene —- RADIO TIMES —

——————— -PROGRAMMES FOR WEDNESDAY Gary 19 —————


2LO LONDON. 361 4M, Harolte Wrasse AX, in Mediferranace, seta ‘up o grec“fully My Love's an Arita 2.0.5....4.4.. Slanford languorows theme that tranaporta wa ab Linden Len ....--+....+.- FR. Vaughan Willams once to d Southern staboard. ‘To this theme 1.0-2.6 Casneue Correwen's Orcursrea from succeeds o playful, iting melody, aod these Tae Ocrer Rethanrant Freacati conbrasbed moceds peeved) threigheat. She Danees 3.0 Dnoapoasr to Scnooows: Mr. A: Liovp N his Pickwick piece, Debussy seema to be

= Bere... 2... allel ire pet a el la Jas, “Our Native Tongue poking pomd-homored fun at the great EE melodies of the Songs cof Aiyoseniend, iian's qualities of gravity and playfulness, By secretary to the \® LLOYD JAMES was collected by Mra. Ella Kidney, are thoae the introduction of a few bars of our National B.BA's Advisory Committee of experts nae by voriens: African omtive tubes in their Anthem he perhops suggests Chet Mor. Pickwiok on spoken EFhephols which revontly drew Lip, Fire’ cence and repercings: Some ‘of the songs stands for the Brttish nation, the benefit of Announcers, a fat of the pronuncia- come from nenr Lake Nyassa, while others.are

tions that they were to use for certain doubtful boat songs ond teivelling somes from near the JOME of -Milhaad's music her already ‘bean Words, He will give fn eenen of twelve ‘Talks fembexi. River, and they were oll heard and brewdenst. This young Frenchman (he is thirty. Fiwrer't fonoedone of the [ttle wand umitzl during this season, of which this 15 the fret. noted in citcometanoes oof pcb: mahiver pee. recently known a ° The Six." Actually, they 220° Mr. J. Cy Broeanr and Miss Many Bowen With ‘ona or tro exceptions the English words whith Mrs, Kidney, has written: ane tlose’ irans- bal notewery much in eormmean, fxcept, perbinyre. 1 Vint, * Some Books Worth Reading| a general spirit of revolh against the aupposol lations of the original native words. Mir. Theodore mistiness “nl subtlety of Debussy and lis fol- 245° Mise Reopa Power: ‘ Village Late mm Olden Holhinmd bas erranged five of the melodies from :4 lowers.

hme > Fi Vewre Age* the original collottion for ceneral ies. They nro ak ea - these Talks, of whieh she is givimg o series free nrrinecinents, but the melodios are ttl lbeped. 9.0 Wratner Forecast, fecosnp Gexera. News Bennetts > Tool Announcements ii of -aix. Miss Rhoda Power (who bes coliabo- 2Dyeeee a ried with her sister, Misa Eileen Power, in aeveral $9.15 Topica! Talk Gl her qooont books will give A picture of the

Le a Village rin thaws when at wir the primuury thik of 9, 30-11.0 MY PROGRAMME Rey Ac Ae Sonite Of EVE ry form of political, 4 by J. 0, SQ0TkE Tegra And ancl Lie ne - et listeners will hear on programme 40 Time Signat Greeiwich The DAVENTRY 3 igatesarranged omd introduced by a distim- Bowie and MAwoseett At Exan {Tenor}. fishes imam. of letbers, Mr fe ie Bre

: é | i editor of the Jendon Jercury, a literary Mate Wiisen (Victin) = Fi 5 f |g stlay feview thik his pabhshed the “work of- slinpst ie. S15° Tre (icoritx's Herr: Fiano Solute by

st every liting inhiwrrder of eniience ¢ his «wri oes , O0kper Bevan. * Velentine “Orsen,' toh by criticises in the Ghaarover entry Gs much weight Harcorrer Wouitaus. ‘Billy (A. 3foriomer noun of the week; and his books ineludé uy Batten) GPa volomesn of pociry that have assured him ari Se

a acknowledge plaice mmongel Con Lennporary poots, ag 60 Orcan- Recaran Cooter by Reawan Foor, ft. papeeerraci

a # bt wilt be. found that Moe, Pure hae. & hoaen layed iron The New Callers Boireerid A programms illnstrotive of thea history ol

k a 620 The Week's Work in the Cardenby the Gritish Songs from ooetieal chines op to the

Royal Horticultural Bociety pr cary days of the last century, Deginning with it the thirteeath-ceral Lucy * Sumner ie 1-C Mer in’ 6.30 Warner Forrcast, Frost Guxrnan Nags {a reproduction of the original MB. of which BUCLLETIES will be found on the next pape). To-nighit’s RS

# a programme will trace the cevelopment of our a 6.45 pean Receran by Kecimary Foorr (Con- songs ip to the time of Tom Mooreonl the find binned} Vietorinn song. writers, showing that tuneful: nest ond pay spirita have always been the

eee 00 Miniwteyrof Agriculture Talkby Sir Francis eras oy pate ere soneotel cron soins eee cel Ee @ fa charictoristics of British music, The sequence Fioup, Secretary to the Ministrry of Acrioniture, “Sigar Bot" of the sengs will bo interspersed with onclestral Miss RHODA POWER. mekashe, whe gives the second tlk in her sericea on PAE sugar beet industry ia one that can suit- Willage Life in England in the Middle Ages. ably be entre im in this Hounicy, and of 5XX DAVENTRY. 1,600 M, Piece nf VRE Abpea elforis have. been made bin this afternoon at 3.45 from London.

cotablish it. With the al of the Ministry of Agriculture, factories have now been act up, Travel, A Tooad) Song, bogeesting endless 10.30 a.m, Tare Bion at, WERaTuEn Fomecast nil Hhore seers Baied prospect that a periment = Wily a el bervege Hote a het todd, the trivellors 11.6 Tree Davesrer Ocanret, with Viola, ond ildition maa be shade fo the short list of our enoouricernent ofeach obher by nears of there Nascr Heros (Soprine) >. Leoxanb FP. PEAR. Aan tochioet rhea: Iv bhi tat Sar Francis. Fhoad, Fonge. ml thy suceessiul hunt for ganby the gon (Baritone); Hanorn’ Famntasr (Violin); Who it Permanent Secretary to the Miniatry of WAY,

ee GHAcE Putira Baxe Wy¥rpnam (Piahoforte) Agrivultire, will explain what bes been done aod 2. Lamontalion, The Song of Mourning, ased by What it rernine- toh, som? mative tabes tothe weet of Lake Nyassa. L0-2.0 V8. from London ba The Lament is song nso -recitative, with the ees may THE FOUNDATIONS OFMUSIC 0° 2h, JPN Lagion

Villegers joinime m the refein, * hoya boybe." oe Baci’s 48 Prefndes and Fopues ao fe Folly ebhera, “This is a lpht-heatthed 7.45 THE KNEELLER HALL BAND inva throach onnaccuiively ob this hone diy pong of Turyvest tine, Ditictor of; Music, Liewt: H. TF. Apkrs Thironghont the month 4. Boot Seng. Thiswas heard on a lite river Overtare, "Tom O'Shanter” Drvatgls eg Pref. V¥, AH. Motream, | Present-Day Prob- flowing north Tromcthe Animbes, within a short lomot Feel: Modern Food Difiiowltics * distancesof the apoet wher, by othe tiver bank, Onanur Tree (Baritone) : - Mira. Diivid) Livingstone waa buried. The Ginehi- Road...... Zane Beliiorids pres Li have only just began: to consider i. A Chicken's Grief, Another gay harvest song. - fool from the ecient: angle, ancl +ongult Oe“ bbe: eoris6 See) beac ures Tehaiborsly 6. Stevery, “This song originated among natives the chemists osc Physiologists na “boowhnmeé they who had been capbored ond-driven. from ticir Tne. Baxp 44 ’ Bhd cal, Protesnor Mottram; who holds the Twitter by slave raiders. Male Votre Choir : Chair of Physiology in the University’ of London, Whon Johonr Comes Down to Hilo... Ferma was ono of the first ot the acientishe tocbring the 8.45 THROUGH ANOTHER’? EYES Grip. GEN. stele te dies Soecanere pon |e we lihoreton Into the kittioen, an bia book, * Feed Flayed by -ApoLtpar Hanne Episode, *Carnival im Paris” ..,... Srandsen nna the Family, ae 8 landlimeark in the history i TraLy (as seen bya Frenchman anid on Enghsh- Coanies Tavis ali popolar clefrbas ites. Lin this apples ot six ‘Tells rrr} r i. he will explain the impirtfanoe ol taretul selection So We'll (lo No More Asroving 3... at, FP: White Let Colines ( Anneapri (The Hille of Anacapri) in fucding from the point of view of physical amd Hons of tho Bea Cobertdge-Taglor i Dedasaniy mental eficieney and beralth, Plt Medtierruncéan Arnold faz Tue Baxp 7-45 Tie Casano Ocret EKoLANT (as Sen hey a Frenehroan' Fourth Movement From “The New World Honurge to. Baek, Bag. FE! FP ALP.G Symphony" wssaeeeeks Lie ie spleteelal Gig ot) Genespean A; Walts, “The Merry, Peasant * eee ae tee Pa all Ambraqiuin Bi, D sips aces eee ee os ‘ Deheewny Betipsey Braz(as coon by oe Froochman) 6.45 4.7. from London Hanene Wriiitaams (Raritan) Sumeark (from BrazilianDances). ... dfithend . 4 o.10 Shipping Poretast Sonze.of Nyasaland ..,....5Pheadore Holland EBUSSY"S picbure of the hills of Angoapri, 9.15 S.A. from London 3 ‘ THe Oorer - near Naples, clows with the hghtand warmt h Selection, ‘Madame Bulterfly" ..... 00. Paornt of the Italian cum. We hear suggestions of the’ 11.0-12.0 DANCE MUSIC: Tae Loxpox Ranrw rt Aribeaqne No. 2 2. ...see.e eee. + Dotnenay gay Tarantella dance and of o popular jove-ditty. Dasce Basp from the Olympia Dane Hall

116 - —— RADIO Times — —_—==. era Ale 44, Ave?


SIT ' BIRMINGHAM. 491.8 M, | ALE Eooehatas {Pianeee | 6BM BOURNEMOUTH, 320.1 M,

Valeo in: FP, A aONBs dare a ool ey Prohidia sin ie Flat 3... ie eons! 3.45 Lendon Program| relayed fromDaventry rob tay Ber sd le sey tere oat ens eee Pogan ti. arr Lieet 2.0- London programnm rolayed. fron Daventry “0 Tre Starios Wien Ocrsrer ORCHESTRA 40 Tae Sratios Core @45> Arrensoon Torms: Hires -M. isos, Hadiet-Musie to .4 Hévodiag ss... dfsceet Betertion, -* La Giesonda” .. 22s Poet - Poe} a2 ‘The Roranée of the! Lighthouse,’ ari ike DALE Sart MAL AMa: (Eantraliol Gifts of Gold and Amber. . 415 ‘tom Enowys {Baritone i \ Cteyfonarn 7 farce Tue Compress Hour Heraclity 515 A Song-of Thankegiving . oO) 2aLien 60. Lozria Pactume Howse The Little hav cnee Oncaea, conchucted by Part. ow. Aleut BinMer 425 Qerer Ocerture, ' Marinetella—, oFiece a me tit Two Entr'actes +: Solaction tram "Phe Masa of- the %* ie :aea ae oi ype Seen Winkerbell ...,..,...- Mtamisey Avvurat minis ; 1 raeaon The Midge: iliaw Clifford Wareh, * The Peinec’a Return ' ee esnw ee 9 Hegnders | perhamenmn.Ewefingcumete 435 Tom Briar 6.20 §.B. from London Sore) Crate, eripiceep, quitedigmActa. eclicng_ atin — Sone of Syrah 7 . 4 5 PART SONGS = eli ( Bastherpse Afartin’, Al eunta tr Rose my Lebanon f Tha Gardin THE Bration Rerearony te a=why aeich CHORDS, Gorecboeti al by Joseru sd t cll orm + Thea tn iEFUCr}p Figen : om gna =e . i Osartan Mine Liew eee Rann anes es eae mam Se ae ee egy ne ed ee cay ater 0, Who Will G ‘or ihe Bross cj te 445 Creer 3 Peorealt : we Pingcuesate acpi sey Sweet nid-Law yo. Barnliy a 3 To oem* vhs Tegan A Pagoda of Fiaiwers When Eyvening'é Twilight.foton Wontfore. Frnden “ a We Ve i.e Bleop,; Gentle Lady...... Bishop 6.0 TomBrows 2 es.ek oo. STEART* reas pegy miSemava eran 8.0 “MARY Four Folly Souloraan a Ghee Abie de (The Quecn of Love ond Sorrow) Wratten by Ip4 My Dowsine lombae Sean frertep.Y u c h enertep 6 (Gocret Pinyed by Tae ration PLayvers Hae0H eWrangh femimaniog : tee ie Le Sens bears Caerafeter : 1nD .* aa : : Lave’a Dreaian araNPi a. | Mary Stuart. Ipoa AM. Dow sirsd retail hase! Le se oe. Many Hiatt 9at . ee ronniept + PRYLis AichARDSOn al es nat PP ree i 5.15 Tre Garmores's Woon Mary Beaton _ f i n gcum. Cuan ORCHESTRAL Alta roles Ghose CoLecrns® c u c a iWel fingef hi cacorne fivik “ iron the orand Srper, Centra: Bizeio, wn Ttaleun finphao— Wittcomic, to eain.amon,noe» Westbowrne, Teeirrnetutit, “Die adi phd de-| ‘= jes Ara oncima = nn poll{pw ag or:Most Pee | rect od by Taanoke Gonos. fone, deroted ee PEC es AI oe cep eee il betburf, tore ain Acribyo ul tahoe to tho Gneen., | Suebap i t tober 6.20 SofroLovie Darnley, Mary's SREEmge pret sofqs hairywien: Crtsitfieacen * /¥oeuns Hosband., = Hacer Tite: An v i d u fortmichatt | 7.450 Tre &rarios Oecricr Hotineell, Marva Lover, Atte. Sy ind creerPAEfeamene | | tt fo Ty 3! 3forum Tro Trish Dantes: 2.ode shalt swircia heb betere nora jot e r imelasalfcicen disernLewis weg 4 7.90 Loris eerie, the “Almost AN fEwte ict jn Holyrood ——~ 5+ ern rf aivbpasetreat lange near-- Sobent:") im * Sirs. Stiles * 4, I meadeEdinburgh; soft aie sited : Tue te heme from) below; 2 aeig reeHOC PEDCEUGtT ae af eth: 758 Octrer Rinstie is plaving: and ringing io =F, Cun abhCUENTA Tyo Parvin bhetchics the Queen, who ia shill in her thenwaiieese mH| ye = alan ae ote te PPatelier om

i : hed -thomber, “The tn maids oot on poe ea a i aneur ato: arranyine fhe. rock Biedeal i sie < % 839 Parmiurs Rosshonover (Pn. anil talking; Slory Beato fi heures ee ee il = . zs tertamncr) wa abe oniescr 1a tlie aS niglaw gud qqpens if, Pdi tie Hijet i Wow tain Bien one Chae LonoS $00 1 ys valet tig ind Bit. Sarprtned Langh at. Loving if Bonulolanin tp You Will Perea Pitt SAL Qcrer A Love Symphony|| i “Three Doughitie Men... Pearson Fox-trot, * SUMMA os eebe Breathe Salt, Ve Winds ela deGr & §.165 Laois HERTEER. tlhe A here Hit feyi ty at Rie ae Lf tritea £45 SB. feo Leela (9.10 Li ald Silent, in * Radia Echors! Meas} The: manueevipt (A.D. 1240) of the thirteenth-century song, ' Sumer ia i-cumen in, jo tamiate Mr J.C. Squire'n programms of Bnitich Songe, 824: Ocrer -$.30-11.0 LIGHT SYMPHONY which will be broadcast from Londen ot 9.3) to-night. This is the Valeo, * Zelma* . Haines Tree Srarox OncHesTRA, 0m - cathiest. specimen cf harmonized secular music in existenec, Alternative ductel byfosernLewis encred worda (in Latin) are aleg given in the MS., which was the work al B29) Pavers Rostronovar treerture té "The Markeman' Jehn al Porngete, A tienk of Reading Abbey, wine may alae have composed After Say Dmosorry (Der Freischiitz °) 2... Weber the tine. The original M.S. is in the British Museum. i Pa beaera Jd Dace Serr {Garitone} jaritl I Want-to Bonow « .P. dieaterccng he TESTEA Waiting for tlhe Moon... fener Aria, Madiimina (* Don Giovanni Via. Mozart ‘The Yellow Boreen un cssd...c.. ate, Somertell | B37 Ocrrt ; My Heart is Merry (° Phoebus and Pan ').... Bach Iasaie wi the Velliw- Contie scar, Hotert Macleod | I Love You Trithy ceca tee eee dieoter Fd ORCTqERSTRA Oncreerna 6.45 8.8. from London (R16 Local News) First Suite from HENAS a wyatt acne cm ine a pe Ce Blow Moversent and Finale fro the Surprise’ . Symphony, ...... beaten is SUT HEe TTH 930 A SHAKESPEARE PROGRAMME Tho Seones presented by Tar Srarin Players: MAE Syinphony Rete ie nate Fram ane eho im the Srow Movyemes;r. This Movement, The Pianos in use in the various = Litan Epwarnes, dover Pack, eas Bono, am gently but steadily progressing. Air with MancAner Hircnese, Grorer Money, A, 8. Variations, begina very aoftly on Btrings olone. slattions of ihe Brilish Broadcasling = MarkeWrin, GORGE Froxk and Tam Gaeeex. Then, af the sixteenth bar, cores aoorazh from Corporation are by CHAPPELL — LAY. Puiyenae the whole Orelestra—the ‘surprise * Joaw Ravern an Berry Ravesrn - The Last Movement ia 4 quick, jolly one, ‘ond WEBER. The Bones by Miss WisGrren Ascott (Siprang) Mote the many instances of Haydn's piayful The Muse by THe Stages Oerer, crested by neoof alternating Wired and’ String ‘passages, tHititl| t Reemano &. Morar ee

Jaxuany 14, 1827.) .— RADIO TIMES — iy


2.30 ‘THE MERCHANT OF VENICE' [* Beekicl Megas’ sitting-room,, 4 ‘bare, “cheer: | 2zy MANCHESTER. 334.6M. Prelust : er F Hoss 4 leas apartment giving an. impression of ' 1 Si to the Tricidental Miri ee POEsE extreme poverty, a very small fire 1 burning. 4 . coe ba al The ens Scene (hot Lit. Be.) ie At the back’ of the room, which is lighted by one ‘DP fondon Programme. relayed from Daventry ‘ ae me q = ae ae A en candle, there is a glazed partition through which 4.9 Tra-Tiwe Coxcent : Oxcuesrran Mesr from = ny EY INTFRED JASCOnT) his shop can bo seen. Megs, m small, wizened the Pinecadiliy Theatre iT, 9.45 ‘AS you LIKE iT’ min sf about ie fa btn at Phe table casting 6.0 Evecex Gaxpeny (Mexzo- Soprand)

Gongs 4 hs Under the (ireenworl. Ti Be oi ra aarry MP“a has sitaciens tad 5 15 Tak Ur DREN & Earn a3 Seat irom ‘the ” : tah

ji ~ =" Biow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind * Quilter $8.26 Cncuxsrra “Magis Cinna 42) eae mS ‘Gg eee se (Sung by WisiveenAscot Perec Shepherd and Shepherdess (Bul Cogtumé, No. 3) ; enFe — Orlando in the Forest of Arden Rubinstein 6.0 Light Music by Tar Starts Qcaeret on

Thrae Berns presehend by ‘Tae Stavioy Pravers 830The GrasvineeWidow of PenzanceDavie (Baritone)....+.-.+.. Bric Coate BeronttsTD ThSENSSEERAeeeeTERR weereattoea moresae 10.0 “THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA” A" Siyyonchite Wedding 20.0. dialPhilips EvOMOOE ooo. clos c 2+ Hastione Martin ff Scenes presented by Twe CinxewLear PLayens .; Selection from “lle ‘Traviata’. . Ferd, or. Mon a Produced by Constance SMEDLEY B25 OncuestTRa 6.20 Royal Horticultural Society's Bulletin a Act 1, Scene of Fula, beloved ee : Overture to Ruy Blas eaaeneas Afendelsechn 6.30 5B. from London + sae ns UN i 45 8.8. from Londo o. Local Nows)} Tl Aci ir; Siena 7 | Lapaedte, her wut mee eer & a5 fre WE LAE i 10 on DAWS ? 7. 5 MUSIC AND PLAYS Julia, diagnised a& Behastian [ Siaeeeee | aE Staton QUARTET d : AchIV:. Geone d : erry Rayshr | , i : a Selection, “The Passing Show" .o..s0e. enh aoe jarre hieloved of Valentine J 7 ‘PLAYING WITH FIRE’ q Joan HAYTER : : : : : - Writes ac: F = = An event in Littl ‘Hogemyrtle tn “Twe* Are 4 th incidental music by Loniy, PRescomacpr ae by J.P, M. Locewoop and G. BR. Esrms andl sot hieps: Mumta the Macrigal, “Wha = Cost mG ybvia 2° composed by Afecre? slrrnyficid ii a ert i : ae eet : . oe Councilor Wilhem Blower... EH. Baoogsrom 1-30 ‘A MIDSUMMER. NIGHT'S DREAM" ; Councillor Higson ...... CHantes Nessie a Ths Satier: Sa Pa ai te aa am a Councillor Joshua Scrimp ..... Wilk, Ditkaaw i ‘ i ; mt Li 3 ses Hp si ence ned sae, og oi = Councillor Mark Stillwater’... Leo Chassimo = a oe cl seiyreen. Olberon tne Lau ode eepiige sy rs Murtha Jolly Le pee mre a et Mary Easrwouon | _— ee eres aes SeenSere ERE Teenoa Miss Reboeca Wibble ...... Lica Rocks a Borg, “ol Boncen Banke oe ea tba Afariiv Shara if qa : (Sane tyr Winieebd AaGirt) Mesdames Edith Jervis and Alice Lakin {JCENE 1 is laid in the garden of the Bull om res : wil, take part in this evening's concert from the Inn, and we hear -a ‘iseussion ‘betwen 10.45-11.0 “TWELFTH: SIGHT’ Plymouth Studio [7.45]. William Blower, a prosperous farmer and focal ; Bong, "Mistress: Mine!) Whern Are ou. Roan: ‘koow-all, and Joehun Serimp, who combines the duties of market gardener ond insurance dn Fe eae ee ies ee ORTey ae 9.30 TIDES (Sung by WisihRen AscoTT) the village. “how 13 thi season for a-ehip bo run through In Scene Powe are introduced to the Counoil . | “The Gulling df Moabrolie * the gurgling water, ‘ Chamber, whore a heated discussion isin pro- - (Act IT... Be. 6) Therefore windup your soiked cattos, O sailors, gress regarding the fire-engine. Theeo Seores presented key THE STATION Pia TERS nani) weigh Musical Interlude by Tue Quantrer Overture to ‘ The Merry Wives of Windsor" Your hidden anchors from the harbours, anid Nicolas BLfetem the forestava tO CALTY VCE well: Pas dea Flours...... ; woten ‘sails, Antipater of Anilear

“THE REST HOUSE* SWA CARDIFF. 353 M. THe Srarion Oncursrea, conducted -by Wan- A Satire in Ond Act by Anpuew Hanpins Wwitk HRaArrhwaite Cast: hs

3.0-3.45 London Programme relayed from A Nantical @verture, “Anitannia:” ».- Afackoosie Professor Brottlebury aes ES. H, Batpastocke ' Daventry Henry Dale or) bier yens. WE, cena i 9.38 Tre Lanias Stscers Oe Hvyipa Dicemax , 4.15 Tut Dawsasr: Meer by Toe Loxpos Keeper of the Rest House EF. H. Brinesroge a Chokbeans, relayed from (Cox's Café Hanl Away, Joe ...... 6. chvdeekies Gir. Terry The scene ia laid in the drawing-room of Henry 4.45 Mies Many Rosx, * Goautifying the Home: 9.4 Joux Hexry Dalo’s- house, the strains of Doneo Music may be Renovating the Household (rods ' A Breezy Interlude heard from next coer. Performed by the Stariox Rerenrony 40 THe DaxsantT (Continued) 9.54 OpncerstTrea Prayers 5.15 THE: CHILORESSs Hoor Imploration to Neptune (Phidre) .. Maseenet $45 &.8. from London (810 Local News} a 6.0 Mr, BE. Perrorr, ‘Our Neighbours in Space 16.0 Sinn Manwyw (Contralia) §.30-11.0 POPULAR —The-Aun * Three Fishers Went Sailing ..c..ic... Audlah REQUEST CONCERT a Tar StaTiox OncersTra, conducted by T, H; 6.15 ‘Local Radio Society's Bullet Tat 1h.4.0 OnocwestTra Monnisox “Un The Deluge Said See 6.20 S.Bofrom London Overture, “ Poet and Peasant’ ...... 8upph iy 12 Syum Mapes Chang (A Mandarm Dames)... ae : 745 MUSIC AND COMEDY Sore RowLanps (fopranc) " THe Stratics OncnesTes, conducted byWARWICE Sabbath Morning at Sea (Sea Pictures) .. Elgar A WE WORM ey on pee oe fesceaesss Dith-Gouned a Bearriewarr 10.16 OnciesTEA PR os tisk tan es ee ae ela ae Fummel . al Prélude and Clair de Lune (Werther) . Masernat Gverbure, “Phansuth Hoo" aaciecaceAneel Srrige Oncestiea \ : 7.50 Granwitte Davire (Baritone) Fairy Dream ...... SETUetE TE Tee ee ::| 1.22 Tee Lrems Sisarns ohn oF Deven oe Chee ee Ce Mortiaka Tom Kissed (Basa) ; a What Shall We De With the Drunken Sailor * A Bachelor Gay (The Maid of the Mountains) Myself When Young ...... % Liza Belenann arr. Terri Data Walsan's Bama aryar Gourd: 't 7-55 Onorkstra 10.28 Jonx Hexry OncHesTHa . Dranao Fiagse anc ceva peiteeeee ee CCRey gets the * Breeze Up’. A Lighting Gwiteh ....3.00ccssw sees, Alford = £.0 ‘A SHARP ATTACK" 10.38 Oncmeeraa SoOrmR RowiaAxDs i bi By Heeneet ©. SARGENT Forecastle Frolics (Nautical Scenes) ..Fleicher Air de Lia (irom: LiEnfant Prodigie) .., Dichisay : a Played by Tae Lospox Ranio Rererrory Le“Tasse (‘Lea Regrets") ..... «sees» Godard ae ’ PRAYEnA 10-41 Srem Mapex Bave You News of My Son Jack ? wo Homer Tow Kivsrececn an Charneters : jonnya Way Sab be ee Peee ee ee Witiehay Bxekiel Meges (a Grocer and General Dealer} 10.44 Tre Lyvrias &rverns Kovwier DGySter pe cssteeaeeren ee Afatheson ' J. Hunerr Lescie Hanging ohonny or, ferry William Kitson (a Mate on« Tromp Steamer) OncWRsTRA EXERY scan (10.50-11.0 Oncresrra Selection from the Works of Tchaikoveky eee Minnie Brown (a Nurse) .... Paver Paring Excerpts from * AcTife on the Ocoan*.... Bindi arr, Lange .

foa ue Ere : bees no shall

= —— RADIOTIMES — a [kasiI, TR2T, a



6KH HULL. 288.5 M, 8.45 ohA. Bau (CeMist) S15. Tae Cumnmes's Hover PL rarea, Uy rere pert ere Scrubberneler

6.0 MOS TAGE&: Syvarnosics, relayed from the Lieheal PUR beset AUreialer 3.30 Light. Miusiz Mein burgh ated: Balleotan Pavane: Pour ine Infante Dehiinte fiarel 8.45 London Programme relayed from Daventry Arlaquim .. eign ena OR 6.20 SB. frou Warehesten 9.0-11.0 Salt. fro i Londen (9.10 Loedl Neves) | 630-110 Sol. hor Doondon 18. 0- Local Sew 4.0 Light ATiteics }

415 Fireen’s QeaAkter, teluved from the New 2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD. a0 te M4, & Restaurant, King Edward Street 250.2 M. ING NOTTINGHAM, 275.2 M.

BS Ten Ceincres s Horr 11:30-12.30 Fienos Cire. OmeceErstia, relic yee 11.30-12.30 Morning Lomert, Telnyed £ PRUE From Fields (a'e, Tasees 6.0 CLanden Programme relayed fron Daventry Daventry 40 Tur LEens- BRADFORD Liat Syueraxy | 6.20 Royal Horttcultural Soedety's. Bullerin OnCORESTHA, relaved from Fenton Street Drill |} B45 Londo, Prostanime telayedt frota Daventry Hall, Leeds, on: thea: oocasian of othe Yarkathe 6.320 Sh. fromLandon re 40 Tit tea CARE ORCRSTIZA lL by Post Building Trades Exhibition FREnRRCR Borroucey 7.45 MEDLEY 5.0 AFTERNOON Tories: Miss: Dots. Nicos, $45 Mitsic and Atiernuon Topics Tee Hom. Gneratey “Songs hy Tedrand eer ‘ He That Hath na Plensnt Fass ...... Hieron B15 The Cationes's“Horm 816° Tan Corienes's Hoon ME POI chs eal ieee 1 ee Bet 6.16 A Reanee: “New Books * The Eveomp Walk pu 6.0 Light isis 62) SOE rom Lomalon 7.59 Bert Cortey (Humorist-Entertainer) “6.20 Royal Hortimiltural Society's Gullotin tn" Lengheand Logis * 7.450 Cuneroy Conny Pome Basn 6.30-11.0 fothonk London (5.10 Laced Deven} ne Selection fron LYAriesenne seek dae eeFiz

$5 Nwa-Froxors(Contralia) Axcis Scive |(Eorttone) -Wiat's Tn the Aie To-day tic... Rohert Eon 6LV LIVERPOOL, What. Wonderfol Work Tt Wonld Be. duaar 297 M, Te WR MELE kere pon ities es wie eal fe erate es sale Le Vie cet Van(Sone of Life}... Det: Miege Bown anon the Teed) Met so.s. Trodiiivenal

20 Cinei's AIATENTER Concent, relayed from . Up From Senieret: .--. 25 eyes Siinente peor 8.15 tLe Ene Crane dtetl Basn How Bewutitial Je: Wagdlite acess bos Eeurdon Hey Boras (Puutoferte); Leva: Leace Suite. AS Rate: Holiday "eee HW tinecer PENS WEN goes ecvace et wsuice Albee: ai ea bee Tillis (Contrelto}: Coron TWeiveteees ("Collo) and er eT NGny eevee a i Ariatcorny fie Anaus: ALICE Waite Wr iT (Accompanist) “Phe Lang Dey Closes eoie.. 54 2 Neliiern Wii Shoulda TY .....-..-. Aeniedy FinAce Ff Lowulon Procramime relayed from Daventry 3.45 The Soto of the Wigwoner) pss Rreatite Sth ‘More Laughs and Logie’ 8.25 Bert Corcer—jn 20 Mosracve’s Syairaosies, relayed from the The- Deti-s Awa vei The Eaecieien ' aa eae Edinburgh Cath Batlroon, $35 Nixa Froxora Basso Heme tent Home Without You .,,. Laie APFPTERS Os Torres: Ww A. Mant, 'Hu- | 0 Fantasia, 1 Mil rary Vinirch Parice =. ii MPA ConClase To Mae oo oe ert Clana moore oid Vrageches of Trekking in the tald The LoveSone of te: Hur [yall ec. OEM Const. (Part IT} | B45-31L0 S.4.. frone Londen (9-10 Local Sow

NOTICE. Patents in connection with Broadcast Receivers, “THE CONNOISSEUR'S FIRST CHOICE MARCONES WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY LIMITED tol i arcen Heuse, Sirand, London, WoC2 have knowledge of many.casea in which unauthorised use is made of their patents by : CHARM! the Consiructin, Use or disposal af unlicensed broadcast receiyecrs. The bona fide experimenter will have, as hitherto, the freq use. of patenta.owned by the Company, but all who desire to be secure in charm is expressed both in this privilege must submit their nemes to the Company witha the tone and design of the ett: ttatement of the grounds wpon which their claim is based. In approved cases a free personal license will then be tesuceld,

tte SUBJECT ta this single exception no péreon who assembles a NEW MODEL Lroadcast recelver from: components: (whether made by himaelf or


a oihers, or partly by himself and partly by others}, either for his EDISON BELL SPEAKER own use or for disposal by way of sale, exchange or gift, is entitled to te the patents owned by the Company except upon payment of ass os ] the appropriate royally: Lipen payment of the royalty A specially

the artistic appearance of + 1% | ‘Humbered plate will be supplied by the Company to be affixed which is second only to to. the feceiver, In cases of doubt whether of not 4 particular apparatua empleoya any of the patents owned by the Company, aa ite pure tonal reproduction. enquiry should be made of the Company, Ss tn

Ss ANY person making use ot disposing of an unlicensed recetver em- PRICE. 42/- ploying any of the patenta owned by the Company is liable to legal

SS proceedings for infringement.

(Of all * Live" Dealers.) ae

HSE TH E public wall doubtless appreciate that. the Company's attitude is the only one compatible with the efficient protection of the HO) |6METAL HORN —WNO METAL | legitimate licensed manufacturer, who has to pay heavy overhead DIAPHRAGM—NO METALLIC NOISE. thts charges, an addi tien to the usual royalties: The Company. wish, therefore, to give this special notice of their intention to take such action as may be mecessary to protect their patent rights and those Th Ask your dealer for new UMostrated Caloiogue, if unable of their licensees fo oktain, weile rect :— ae THIS notice cancels all previous notices issued by the Company as EDISON BELL, LIMITED, anceaaaaa to the use of patents in cennection, with Broadcast Recciving LONDON, S.E.15, AND AT HUNTINGDON. Apparatus.




————— Oe — RADIO TIMES — 19 Jaxcany 14, 1 8 3 7 , ] a al—_—

FOR WEDNESDAY G a n u a r y 1 9 ) ~ PROGRAMMES aie


4.30 Gramophone Records SPY ‘PLYMOUTH, 400 M. 10.2 Hitoa Frasers Grand Caneert Valae. cosa eee bas Crlasowino 5.0 Afternoon ‘Topics

11.0-12.0 Groner Fast and his Qcanret, relayed 10.10 Com 5150 Tue Campren's Horn eee ess (Chas, Woe Tran Pophem'a Restaurant Full Fathona Fivecss The Splendour Falls... cee a 6.0 Ten Stanoxn Tro 2.30) Gramophone Becttal | 76.19 Hinoa Fraxcis Little Ballet Suite, ' Vive la Danse Oe ** Finck 3.45 London Programme relayed from Daventry Alleare Appyiseiomitas wine veces . Sarntadas Pas de Deux; P a e s Seul; Ensemble Finale Toccata (Third Suite), ..+. 55+ Yort Bowen Besse Gairnrs-Howsnes {(Contralto) 40 ARTES His Torms . AL. Le We B LACHES, Bid ‘Meteo Love 2 See ees aa » Barnard ak and Other Gialls * 10.30 Choi Six Nursery Rhynaes done Comat | Tiree Grecn Bomtet .. se eee et Gf. @ ' Hardalot sehen Hores TR, Crerthe Mountain oii sees sss oe tegen Qralter if 415° TeacoMose: Tor Rora. An Briskay Love Ligh. ar. Heegh &) oberton directed by ALoEHT FULLAROOK i HOR 620 8.8. from London B15 Var Comonen's Hove Laugh andBe Merry lene Williams 7.45"Tata 10:43 Pinna Fanci | 60 Sranuey Vesey (Baritine) Selection, 'A-Masked Ball’ ,...... Ferti-akier hi Etudea Symphoniques, No. 12 (Finale) Seftnann 6.20 Sh, from London 1O48-11.0 Chom 8.0 ‘A SHARP ATTACK" directed by 745Tee Starion Oncszsres, Hace nnd Tom a. eee ee ee Hanfock By Heaserr (, acnesat Winirkin Grant Rend in the Sierras. .. Coleridge-Tarylor Plaved by the Loxpos Kapri RermaTroay Entrie des Tzigones (Bellet Suite, ‘Les Deux When Alldn-a-Dile pees ve Roel. Penrsall Pigcdna "cess cern y een eee Messager A Festival Hymn _ CL tec Wilhams PLAYERS (For further particulars, sce Cardiff Programme) Madame Aatce Lani. (Contraito) tact ( Hiy Retpaest} Jee a ecabry " af hat Bradford 65ST STOKE. 288.5 M. 6.26 Besse Gairrcras-Howeiis BeliaveMe H-All Those Endearing Young Charms

Power ...... 0. Soni-adre (Rw Request} . daa Polk Bary | O Love, From Thy ere BO og 5 ape liae waco ee iain Trieditnenal Happy ieee cata caer e hes sok ee lel Riego 30 Leadon Proccamme relayed from Daventry Trio Berra Jv (Solo Vichin) 5.0 Arrensoos Torte: A. Raopr, * User of Teas Tra AuTy acl y ee ee fae ee ee Learant Barelwameho (ace eee ee Chirk” Metlitation im Gs... esa eeoaenae Wo Squee Adiacin aud Albeort Hence | 15 Ton Comotes's Hom: 85 Foorexce Onpaam aml Tomsy HaypLtey esl 6.0 Light Musiv €.45-11.0 45.8. from London (9.10 Local News) 8.25. Eonar Jenvis PecbA PAGAL. acer eer nok a niece edi Rash-Gouncd 6.20. S.t. from Leno (9,10 Lowal News) SETAE” pice eo ee ae Goebrial Pauré 9,30-11.0 ESCEnPTS FOS Auidaine Aner LAKE Northern Programmes. ‘CABRMER " out * RIG@LETTO’ Hope (‘The Time of Ropes) soo... fd Gorman vii" a, Verdi Prate (Alminn} . 2. sss. 6 en ea Hanae! with ORCWESTIA 5NO NEWCASTLE. 3125M. Ear eae wee ee Jeo A, Mina nig tg Conducted by Haron Mors 4.0: —Loniton Proce relayed from Theatre. 3.28 3—

(RCESTIE: OeRETA Me Thoma Carter, "Pupolar Selene” 2Loi ii Programme relayed fom Gereghy. 20ji—stede ie Seon Ercan the Ballet Barks, “The Two Pigeons ChannenPrelude Venwichs ‘Termes Tea Foon. 5.07‘ “Norah ‘Hallet Aresager Thrive a Womans Bre": (0. $215 “—dbinen's Upair. Ere. Pores: |Contrelio) 64 --—-Dorcthy Sanderson (Sopraboh §.6:—lork Colones PRari- $45-11.0 5.8. from Lonton ( 9 , 1 0 Local Nows) Habenera io). Bibs —Pomiby Samim, £.20:—Royal Horllenh intl Society's Batletin, 6. 38:—Afrom Lasaddn. . 7ig§se Cerin, Coover (Baritone) Mii: The Stati Oetet. 80 Con. Conrad tthe: Ameria - Cianpeeer) In -Sotue of fils Latest Succes; (B15-—The Station. M. Song cf the Toreador Gebets Fallon Teeerll Wooniralts), 8.4 !—Si frem bane, 6FL SHEFFIELD. 272.7 6.50 :—Honear, The Taper ‘iy hes... 10.05-110.2—Bance Mieit, EerHen Port Bernty Binsh's hotian Thaind, relayed trom the Gxford Gallerige.

Begnidilla Gramophone Records 11.30-12.20 Fortra MavLarp (Sopranc) 58C GLASGOW. 405.4 M.

9 . 4 5 London Programme: relayed from Dewentry Adar of Micdelh 2.07—Tlapce Music relayed fromtheLotamo, 3°307—firoad: Ciel fo Belota: Ate. GW, "ane, “Story of the Earth (1. 46 Arrensxoow Torres + Kare Batowts, ‘Soups Erucn Porrs and Frask Enor (Duet) Ra :—AL Albert de: Grip: Prenth, * MotesDeane ae Porc’ At Last “tis Thine 3-6 -—Misiea! Item fo Schools, 55 :—The Wireless Quaritch for Cold Daya * : and Retecrt Moreh[Earitonue) 800 :—Atteermonn To i Frank Eooe (Tenor) Iveda Ep, "A “Torit's Stope—to pod “Out of Perle." 4.15 London Programme relayed from Daventry 6.15 —Chikiren'’s Hour, $48i—Werther Forecast for Farmers, Flower Song 6.6 :—Deore Moosic, relnyed from the Locarom 6:3) :— Tre Comoren’s Hove WY. Aoewelis, Boortieiltiral Budbetlo. 6011-0 ;— 4. rac : 3 5.15 ORCHESTRA . Dadian. 6.0 Musical Interiude Prelude ta* Rigoletto * 2BD ABERDEEN, 500 M, Eprre Marianp and Cec Coorer Horticultural Bulletin 3.45 -—Losiion Trogemot telajped feo Daventey, ai— 6.20 Duet, ' Veglia O Donna ' (0, Guard This Flower Bieadmané Sympiony Otphestra, ceed trom thee 1 of Wondrios Beauty) Theatre Tinker Th Henderson (Hariione), §.6s—— 630 SB. from evden Attiemonn Tople, &153—Chidren's: Hon, §.i—Masio by - Fase Eno the Station Crchetrm. §96+:-—8,5, from -Laoonebees. 1 1.45 SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY EVENENG Community Concert rehired from Wesleyan Biall, Tsvernede.” _Lisroor, Questo ¢ Goella (This or That) Babolat; dame Jatiet Bama (apron, ell MeLean (Tenor). A programme arranged by Mr. G. 1 . La Donna «© Mobile (Women ia Fickle) as-1L0:—_. frei Loaden. Mus Bes, Lecturer in Music in t h i o University, onthe occasion of the presentation of a mucro- Eprru Marv.arn 2BE BELFAST. 306.1 M, the University by Mr. FE. Liorp Caro Some (Dear Nome} phone to 3.6 :—Landon Programas: relayed from Daventrr: &o3:—.- Enrre MarLasn. tnd Frask Eni Tht Tineant:: ‘The Carlie ‘Oechcstra. §.0:— : 5.8. from London (810 Local News) 8.45 E il Sol dell’ Anima (Loveis the Sun) Topies > Mites Edith C. a ‘The Stars-in ‘Thelr “Somees con- 5.15 i—Chihiiren's Hour. i—The Eadie Quartet. &25:— Tut Doxcaster "Brecem " Caott, EE from Loodon: 74h i-— Iotrlictory Talk on 9 . 3 0 : Ceci. Coorer : Spankh Muake, by Prof. 7. OG. Lubes, 7.59 i 7 7 ducted hy ABNoty WiLLrams a Cortigiona Vil Rasta Dannata (Vile Race of Btathon Sarmipt Orebestin: La Ptotrasion ded Thocin =ik In a Programme of Unaccompanied Chora Courticrs} Turina). e501 Hema reraan tena, = . % cae (Alberto Willan) 7 dain, ands Regtdlile” (Mapoel ode Bierce allege ee 8.25 :—Orchesten: Spanish Dadives [Orotadda) 6.98 Now Shall the Grice Bella Figiia dell’ Amore (Fairest Danghter of the ficen: “Totada de iy Ninn Perdiida, Pano Miron, Astrea, | + | and El Vile tarred by Iraquin Nin). €.48:—Antonio Epes 9.42 Hoa Faaronm (Piano) races) La Cantina del Lanes, and Alutknaclones (1. Turina) la Vee

Brahma Freve UM. de Fala-Receiorh. §=6§.0°—Weother Forecsst, Kew: q Tutermerno. No Le cae ee cee ee ee 6 Hogenhloom. Loral. News. §15:—S.from Londen. $30 :—Spalin (Gone Seherce in-B Flat Minor ....-+.5 5SX SWANSEA. 288.5 M. tivted).. Oreltsira: Rech do Pocheur onl Tainbordane BL amor Trujo) (Je Falla}: Aragonesa diMecre Ks ou

9.52 CHom ie a O62 ;—Chaude de Wilke (Pianoterte): Savin (Alm zy al Brine Dc Pilkington 3.0 London Programme relayed from. Daventry vocation, (Albeniz}: Fo Pyerte peggy4 Eritana ee ae NowTa Leti Her Changel aa R Prancia 16.5 :-—Orchreten + Teor from the Hallet: + Bl. Sonteery Tre Piece" (Mie Three: Cornered Bint) (De Falla); Dyan In These Delightful Pleasant Groves .. Purcell 4.0 Tse Castries Ciseean Oecwesteas andl Ong Fontastiens (Turina) “D310 j-—The Northern aindelgal Mote, relayed from the Castle Cinema Hingis, .. Wri. Beale Let Ue Join the Roundelay Come,


—- RADIOThies — fdaspary 14, 1927,


2L0 . LONDOWN, 361.4 M. ot BIRMINGHAM. a9.3 MM. | SWA CA RDIFF. aac |

1:66-2:00 Tho Woek's th noert oof Now: terihone $.45-app. OPENING CONCERT 1Z-30-1.30 Lumelis tie Musa fram: the: Cariten HRestu unit Records ol the 2.30 Baoancasr ro Rewoeots: Mire Ae Aw Ty WORCESTERSHIRE ASSOCTATION 2.0 AN ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Frees," Before ond After thin Great Wars A of AUSEOAL BOCTETIES Tre bola Actress omens, Cemedapete a bar Bumdied Years Age’ Geaching ihe Oates Wises! Clah, Pershore WaRnwiek Ba artrawarre ii ia rather aomnortarn, When We ore biseleiye hls Choral Sectety and Abbey Choir, and the PP orieater A Famous: Overthare—to * Tha Markaman' t' Pee sliain of post-war conditions and strigrling desodiation heir ond Orebesiva) Frewchintsz “4 Weber “with post-war probleme, to reatize thata hundred Conducted bo Srerken Moons Dreaming (*° Triumereiay ‘Apriatigull ton: st Frys, yours ago our forefathers were still oxperiencimy Guoet Conductotes— De. ApiaCl Bower and Clarinet and. Aer Se there vory similar difficulties as a legacy of the Jo3skem Lewis 3:15 Proaprass to Seroows: Mr. (rive. Barr Napoleanic ware. In ii sericea of twelvo, Talks, ihuest Condwetor and Leader—lous W. Acero. MAM: “Bong Throuwhouwt ab “whith this ia-the first, Mis. Fisher. will the Ce neice Einglinh Relayedd froin the Publi Hall, Worcester Vomal Miurae,” Part U1, ‘deseribe the Enghoul of-a century aco, ond the Renmiarks ean ernthe scheme will be race best lessons that wo may eain from atadying it. StEtanr Winsox, Dy. Bourr and .Josern 7.40 Ononestms Lewis #0 Evexéoxe relayed from WeeTMissten ABBEY Prelude, .° Minstrels’ fiehapeell sie, Tie Atonement of Pan Hoastiey 3.55 Worcesre: Mrsicar AOCrETY & Coxcenr, Excerpts trom J, Matpwys Tirosts8 (Baritone) So. from Birmingham “Messiah.” ,.. 2... Handel Overturn: Young Tom O°Dion Kennedy Ruaseit 5.0) 4. Boxset Laren, © Up Hill and Down Dale” Recit., ‘Comfort; Ye': Air, ' Every v inllery * The Yearof BHOse ee » Fans Maro Chorus, ‘And the Glory of the Lord’; Ree itis Yeoman's Wedding Song i... rince Porintauebl All B15. Tue Cartones’s Horn: Songs with Chor- Lhey That. See: Hime”: Chovie: " He WInCHESTTA Trusted im God" ;> Recit., “Thy Rebuke *: ees by J. BR. Casriome, * The Legend of Lady Symphony, No. 31, in D Major(With the Horn- Alizoun anid The Golden Bird’ (Geottirey Vickers|. Ait, “ Behold and Sea"; Reeip., ‘He Was Cut sical) *The Zoo School,” by L, G. M,, of the Daily Mai OW°; Air, * But Thon Didat NotLeave His Boul in Hell’; Chorus, * Litt Up Your Haads* J. MALpwir Towa 6.0 Mvsre by Tre Davexrey Quant Chorns, * Halle! iajals * AtGrenco+ Fair... Pou Maria ‘G15 Market Prices fur Farmora Selorat : Srevanr Wirsgn. Conducted by I'l Sing Thee Songs of Areby. ... Prederiek (ny Josepn LEWis Chptain: Mad. sigs bea a ee baila os IF Baadereon &.20 Toe Davestay Ovasrer (Continwed) * For the Fallen" DRCHESTA News 6.30 Weartwer Forecasr, Fest Gexenar Poom by. Lavrexce Binvox Two Piesed, (a) Bereewae ...... , =i Fijiiaky gELeTiy Soloiat > Srevany Winsen ib} Fhe Lacy Picking Molbet ries a oelay Whirhng Dervishes, fron the * Triakettameron’ 6.45 Girl Guides! Programme darnsalem (And Did. Those Feet in Ancient Time) Parry fiatonteie carr, Sell pict Hicsino Ganraox: 7.0 Mr. A. G. Lissex + “Curisaities of the Pori Combvetrd fy STEPHEN Moor, §.45 Mr. "An Afternoon With a of Landon* Sit kespeans 5.0 ArTERRoUs Tories + PEYLLLS: “Vivian, 916 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC * Anilelosian, Wanna ie Dances of Spain * a0 Planoforte Rerital ‘Bach's. 43 Preludes and Fugues 5.15 Tae Chmornkn's Horn Played through consecutively ot this hour daily 5.15 THe Crimpers Hook throughout the month 6.6 THanonn Turney’s: Oncugstna, relayed from hi i. -TRE Stations Eenkoron: ‘Tosiay and To- too Sir Faepenicn: Logan, t ATeloa's Clearing Prince's (afd Alora, including the Fortnight’s News of the House? Station 6.15 SS. fron Lonion 746 VOICE AND PERSONALITY--II. 6.15 a8, from Eeaeton 6.45 Fot (opel Liwdea Special Test conducted by Professor T. H. Peas 7.0 ALprauan W. Dracox, Mayor af Bridg. - (Professor of Paycholopy, Manchester Univerndt ¥) T.0 ot. th. Deaoher: * Physical Exerciae—Tta rater, The Story of the Bath Brick" 7 iS. fy. free Meanehestir} Point’ and Purpose * gee artiels om paren WE) Tih 8.8. from Denon 1.158.B. trom Landa 80 STX.TH. B.B.C, NATIONAL CONCERT 7.45 aE. from Sf noice ar (For Prigrinmne eee page S21) 7.45 AD fram Monehester $.0-12.0 ie: i. jt ci donot | a. 25 Lara hows} 9.15 From: the Studia: £0120 SoH, from bomtot (8025 Local New) Wrareaes Femecasr, Srcoxp Gexekin Niws 2 Z z Y ¥ ~ Bonners; Local Announcements MANGHESTER. 384.6M,

Proy 1.1 Jas and Uona GPORDON & Wandering in the 66M BOURNEMOUTH. 325.1 M. 1.30-12.26 Mudie by Tae Sratios Qvanter Balkans -90-30-12.0 DANCE MUSIC. ‘Tur Savor Or- 1h16-12.15 Min-pay Mcaby F. G. Barcox’s a, 30 APTERSOOS Porn: Mera. Cleongna Pra E CPHIASS And Tire SYLvViass [rom the Savoy Hatel UBCHESTHA, rehaytel [rom WH. Brith and Son's ‘Musid in England in Shakespeare's Diny ' Restaurant, The bquare 46 Tea-Timo Maisie: J.- Meanaws. (Anto-Piana DAVENTRY. 1,600 M, 2.39 Loddon. Programm|s relayed from Daventry Recital) 5.0 Dora Bay (Soprano) 4.0 Aitemoon Topics 10.30 ATE ‘Thin SoxAL, Weatner Forecast Tie CaitoREN’s Hore 215 Tea-Trms Mirae oby oF. i. Bacco s On. 5-15 . 22.9 Tue Barwange’a Howes Mestcat Bors* THESTAA 6.9 Ofcas Most relayed from the Preeaninty > —-Baxn Picton: Tear £8.15 Tre Carmonues + Hour ‘Rowan Laxrow {Bans}; Guy Macrari OncgaxistT : Jon An vorAGE (Violin) 5 Broxey: Hannon: (Pisnotarte) 6.6 Musival Interlude 6.15 Sui, from London 14S app. Tar Weeturvsren Sramea Qoarrer "B15 SUE, fronLondon Quartet in G Major Haydn 7.0 0° Fhe Woman Behind the: Job "*—74) We 7.0 Mr. Gaonce Dancer, ‘Gardens | Interview a General Service Agent" iusapp. Coxcerr (Continucd) 7.15. 2.8. from London TIS (8.2. fron London 10-20 Sf. from London TAS” SB frome igachester 7.45 VOICE AND PERSONALITY (11) 2.30 S.B. front London 8.0 S62. fromLondon (9-25. Local News) eae Teast mare hioted thy Fra; a H. PRA 745 S.B. from Manehester (Profeasor oe Peycholopy, Manchester Unt 10.30 CON CONRAD weirsita) go SB. from Loudon {The -Amormean Composer) ~~ | (dec Speeial \Ariide_cn, pege 101) 3 _ 9.19 Shipping Forroast itu. Some of: huis Lastest Sree 60-120 SB. fron: Dootedon (9.25. Local News) (Centingedenpose 122.) Bl5-12.0 S28. from London 10.45-12.0. 3.2. from Fondon dl atttr wie 14, 1827.4 el RADIO ‘TIMES as


PROGRAMME NOTES. Hiventone, °“Toe Corsa, ERDIO’ is not. known to haye left op LEGUIEM AbAss, indicationa whatever of any literary of r 1936, the French Gorerninent detided fo pictorial intentions in his Overture,he Conair, It seems obvious thal he aimed of no moaieal Talos A ane creat ofthree Lpecopeen-ryill Pretness To ache Comporter (a different man every year} “interpretation ’ of etther whole or part of Berea when henibl w rite Anew Mats or Oratorio.” ‘The treat nchiy-detniled. romantie Poem, hut rather atop SOmMInikeion wos given to Berliox, who tells herw oharacter-stiudy of this: fierce pirate chief, ‘iho he had. “long sae the text of the Meyuiem as Corait, in whom Byron has been supposed ta Idk prey.’ He ‘fell aporit with a sort of frengy," depict hinwelf under the guise of the adventurer a) ideas enme eo fast that he ‘had recourse to o who seeks forgetfulness in the intoxication of the SvEtomn “ol shorthand.’ figrbyt. Phe first performanct of the work was given at An interesting point has heen estaldished, tial the Church of the Invalides on the occasion of a the. writing of this Overtive wa sugpested=to Ritlitary memorial service, The music produced ‘a Berlioz by o stormy sea-voyage he himeelf trade, Rome of the slower, moré trangiii! passages uve Rae im pire oT tia1A Composer tells ws i his-‘Memoirs. At the Jha minum * the starthng been comideral as-a sugcestion of the Corsalra otheat produced by the five orchestras and the beloved, Medora; or the other hand, they may, tight pairs of Kettledruma was beyond description. rather belong rightly te the romanticiem nnd (ine of the thorteters folldown ina fit. (One cannot mystery, even mysticism, of the pea, help feeling that. to Berlioz, with hia love for the | Herlios’ Overture ia nominally in * First. Move- anibaltionaily dramatic, that it ranked bigh emongest ment" form, but is highly chy velopied for. ite day. =the tributes paid to the work |} For instance, the rushing Strings e¢ale-paseages, The “five orchestras’ refers: to the addition. to and the aie cxpresalve “mocha ly of the Introdod-

the score of four bodies of brass instrument players, = tion, ate important constituents, as they stand, In ‘addition, what may be called the * normal’ of the whole work, And instend of anything even orchestral foree ja largely augmented, and the remotely suggestive of mero recapitulation, dle- Ohoral work ia im six. parts. velopment continnes right throagh to the end of BERLIOZ, sit Hamilton Harty hes recently revived the the Orerture;

work in Manchester. It hasonly heen heard once eee Taken: from a ttetue erected to his THemory at Cate St. Andre, th Londor—at the Crystal Palace, thirty years ago. HowaL, Eoowt ano Stomu tx tan Forest, reoit The various sections of the work are os [ollewe ‘Tot Tiotins.

{the Hoglich translation being a more or lest tree a { rendoring }.:— THE B.B.C.NATIONALCONCERTS. USTover sixty years ago Berlioz producedthe Opera from which thie piece is an extract. lL. Regen AsD Kevan, * Reqnich -setermam | SINTH CONCERT This Symphonic Enteacte representa a poene in tlona “ota, Exsniines, et lox perpetua luceat cia | eh iria Kyrie eleizon, Christe clei#on, ~Rovrie | Redayed fram-th: Royal Albert Hall. ‘a virgin forest in the neighbourhood of Carthage.’ O Lord, and Najads appear, and bathe. The hunt is Neat tik eleiaon. (* Eternal reat give te them, BERLIOZ PROGRAMME the distance, gradually getting “nearer, and the let: peatin Licht shine-wpoon them .. . Lord, nainds vanish. Varioushunters cross the scene. have mervy upon us; Christ, have mercyupon Tae NATO AT, Chee Tia A storm approaches, While the storm ineneaaes, ns; Lotd, have mercy upon us.') j t HALLE CHomrs : Four Brass Oncursrnas Asconias, #on of “Enesas, gallops past, followed by oe J WES Lia | Les ime, thes ills i- Day Drawn from The Bessero° rire BAN other huntemen. ‘The storm approaches its height, ofwrath, that dreadful day . ...') °Tuba meiriern : ~ find: Dew - Bemis: Bass and night fall, Dido and ‘2neas, hunting, arrive spangens sonum: per sepulchra tegionum . Conmlyetad by Sir HAMILTON HARTY and take refutein « cave. (Wondrovs soundthe trumpet scattereth through Wood Nempha appear, anging, alao Fawn and. the sepulchral regions") .. .* Judex org eum ; 6.0 PART L Satvra, all of whon dance a grotesque dance in the sedebit , .. nil inultum remanchit” (° When the Reguisn: (Mesee des Morks) darkness. A little «tream in the rocks becomes:a didge tikes hia seat 4. « + nothing. remains i Tenir Sole: Toner DATliEs noisy cataract. Lightning sirikea o tree, and, concealed”), 8.15 Interval finally, the whole scene ia obecured by dense clouds, 5. (cro Sua Miser, “Quid. sum miser tune The storm at last obates and the clouds seatter, dicturus ?' {* What then shall J, frail man, plead *") | 9.35 PART: If. The music calle for’no description. The above = ok & Resordate Jesu pic, quod sum causa - Overture, ‘Tho Corsair " t conveys ita spirit. tae yiae* (‘ Remember, good Jesus, thet I am 1 Roral Hurt and “Storm i thea Forest the canse of Thy Infarnation Ms 1 (The Trojans} 4: Rex Tarewexpa®: ‘Rex tremendae majes- i Dasce or roe Wie-tar-Wire asp Rarocsy Daneo of the Will-o'-the-Wiaps | Manca, Frow ' Paver? tatis, qui SEEIvanclos eva gratis, aalta me, fons ; (Pant) i & dinkoesk ¥ Mare Pictatin . . | Great King | Majestsv, who dost ae HEN, in 1837, a French tranzintion of Goethe's


free citation “gerd ns, Fount cf pity, dave mic”) Fans appeared, Berlion, fascinated by the Bi, QUAERENS am. ‘Qoacrens me sedisti lassus work, seb-part efit to music, and then, poor as This eo o ( Thew hast sought me, faint and weary ’}. then. waa, hed this engraved ft bie own. coat, gg 6. Lacwnesosa, * Lachrymiosa dice ila, qua ak fight Scenes from Pave. Twenty years later, (th. resurpet &x Frvciile jrulicandue heiiomeus, be recast aml greetly added ta him work, and that day of tear, whenmon, from the duat of published it as The Dewmnntion of Fowat, Though ©

renee earth returning, must. prepare for judcement.’) we it was is net originally intended for the stage, it is 7. OFrenroiieM: ‘Domino Josn Christe, Rex sometimes performéd aa an Opera, ploriac, Hibers animes omninm fidelium defunetorum The Minvet of the Will-o-the-Wisps occors at de penis inferni .. . (* Lordslesus Chriet Ring that point inthe plot where Mephistopheles, before of Glory, deliver the ecrks od all the faithful Margaret's dwelling, calls up the feeling spirita of ~ departed from the paina of hel see). Hania and conmmands them to-dance. &, Hosrias, * Hosting e pete tii, Domine, There wea uo Roekoczky March in the ficet lands offerimius {We offer Thee with praises, Sen of Faire, dn) 1346-Berlios was visiting =" cy Lord, eakeetBue snd Preyos 4 oe rh Pda-Pesth, and on the advice of a fiend nicked ee ® Baxcres, ‘“Sangtus, Sanctus, Fanetus, Dene nut from a collection o ofbtonal sip {it mey or may Sabsoth . . -. (Holy, holy, holy, Lord (ood of not be a folk-tune), and worked it up inte ‘this Sabaoth + . “s} March to please the Hungarians. It went so well 10, Acxve Det“ Agnaa Det, qui tollis peccata that he introduced it into Fada, ‘taking the mundi, dona cis lier: sempiteriam . . + iLeee liberty,’ as he said, ‘of putting Faust in Hungary,

(“O Lamb of God, that takest away the sing of Lafepride and making him witness the passage of Hungarian

the world, grant them eternal rest... ."). Sir HAMILTON HARTY. army serow the plain.’

~— RADIO—— -- ieeev 14) MieT.


So great. was the reception. accorded our ia from page I20.) SPY PLYMOUTH. 400 M. offer ef 5.000 Units at 15/- each that we

are pleased to state that they were oversold 6KH HULL. 288.5 M, 11.0-12.0 Grong: Easr and hia Qcanrer 1 layed from Popham's Resttanrant in the first 2 days. WE HAVE THERE- FORE DECIDED TO CONTINUE 11.350-17.30 Gramophone Biecords 230 Oncerstia irom Poplum’s Restaurant THIS. AMAZING OFFER. UNTIL Lt: Arreo oon. Dorice: fire, BR. Wy Ge Te LOM, FURTHER NOTICE PURELY AS AN Laundry! in the Hore * 4.0 Avrrensoox Torica ADVERTISEMENT. 2150) Frenp’s tare, relayed from the New | ‘15: Tea-Dlorg Mean: Ton Roran Horse. Tan, chinectedc hy Albert Fallbrook Rechininant, Iba Edvard: Sree GRAMOPHONE. 5.15 Tae Corwnacs’s Horn $8.15 Tim Catnpres’s. Horn 6.0 London programme relayed from Daventry 6.8 Jo08 Drew (DialeetStorivc) fi. 15 S20 fran doodle eeeta. 6.15 i: ia. ‘ron Eouweun 7.0. Dr. G. J. dompax, *Tho French Revolution 7.0 Dr. Henneet Frsver: “Son é Characteristics — (2) The Coates ' of Sullivan's Mie [2) * = ] 5! 17.26 Su8. from London | Ps 28. from London ore : B45. SB from Manchester 7.45cit, rom Aion fies ier it B:0-12.0- S08. from London. (995 Local News) | SO-12-8) Afron London (9.25 Local. News)

277,8M. & ZLS LEEDS-BRADFORD. ci> uy. a GFL SHEFFIELD. 272.7 M. LE) Fieno's Cart Onomkarna, Belas ied | frome Pield sa Cte: Camrmecreial Strove, Leeds 225 aoawncasr to Stoo: Mr. Rh. Ee. soewira, #0. Fitie's Cire Oncsesrea ‘Booke Worth Bending * 1) i a | 5.0 THE LORD ALAYTOR'S CHILDREN'S 49 Aftemoon ‘Topics PARTY #15 Orcon relayed from. the Atiiert Hall Retavres: frow Trim Tows Hani, LEEpe AL Bpecial Concert will be gp eet by tiny af he RIGTim Caitones’s Hoce Artiste “appoiaring -in- the Leeds Pawlirnilines fy REDUCED 6.0 Mirsical Interluds we FROM 6@ Light Ab rscpe B46 FOG) Mop Bandon P 32/6 G15 Soe. from London 10) UMW. al Bape, TheCie -surpeyor: 6.45. FonSoomrs : R. L. Abra ws, Chit Con: City Departmenta Werk| FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER stable af Leeds, “Hew w Police Cenatable ia “How Sheftield OR SEND CASH WITH ORDER "Trancect " - PS Suh reGann DIRECT TO US. 7.0 St Front Jaanon 7-45 SoG)" front foneoster 45 SoG, frome Mandieater This attachment ts the identical uit fixed BO-12.6- 3.0) fran London (9.25 Lacal Wews) to our £3 and 26 Super Loudspeakers, and B.0-12.0 8.8. fromLonden (825 Local News)

ia the or@inal non-melallic sound unit 6ST STOKE. which is being extensively copied by many | &LV LIVERPOOL. 297 M. 288.5 M

well-known manufacturers, prock enough 2.30 London pigerancme relaved from. Davenicy of the superiority of the Bullphone. 4.0 Hatton Gee ond his OnemeeTea, from thie j Z | FS Originally priced at 32/6, now offered -at Trocadero Cinema B15 Tre Camores’s Hore 15/- as an advertizement. 5.0 Headings by H.C. Pearson 6.0 Licht Music BS Tee Camenesx's Hore 6.15 SAL from London -|NIGHTINGALE 60 Trosedero Cinema: Muse foontinued) 7.0 Mr. Ay d:-Dare, “dndiwetrial Eevies (8) Pyo- §© -|LOUDSPEAKERSfor CASH 615 SLA. fron London duction of Fircbricks—Ph st, Preeent, and Parte* 645 Bore Assoc rrios Mowry. TALK : MLArom 745 8.8. from Dotidon a DES Boxing obi Boys” Chiba 7.45 S28. fron Manchester 4jor EASY TERMS 6.55 Girls’ Cluba Monthly Talk 6:0-12:0 Sul, from) Loimion (9:25. Looal News) will nat overload 2 ta 16 Te SLB, from Denden

valves. Ahsobutely free 145 800. from Afonchestcr front all distortion and the 5SX SWANSEA, lart-word in constrection, B0-12.0 SL fromLondon (9.25 Local News) 288.5 M. Caarnnteed seperior to others regardless of price. 11.30-12:30 Gramophone Records 5NG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2M. London procramon relayed fron Daventry | SECURES 2.30

THIS Morning Convert bolingrcel fron 11.30-12.30 £9 The of. OW. Banvow Tmo; Keeansn SUPER Chiterrt ry eS LOUD- Dayo (Contralte): orn Hesren )(Solo SPEAKER hap Broapeasr to Scwoors: Profeseor Hy A. Pimnoforte) end 1? rmemnebity rayrrionie ct Bs Swrnknton, "The. Goography of Nottingham And ite Little Sisters, (1) Phete itis tod Valleys" S15 THe (‘amLenes's Hock - Scan ose aoa ciak, Spechiewtons Fellaan 30 London Programme relayed from Davey 6-0 Missin Interlaeds EP nigh, revit aia a0) Arvrecsoo=: Cosorar cor Licat: Music, eM wtnong, hnielacere,nickel -gluind 6415 Soh from Bboiion henarm mar atone, with Bilear: with Ina Samckst in Songs attie Prono 7.0 Mr. WON. Mronrcorr, ‘ The Birth of Juittes- ‘ompatal bell deed bo uatruted, Hore ES Tee: Carn.ones's Slavia—The Bosnian Cristie ()908—-9) Ask pour dealer. fo demonstrate ‘* Bullphone "* 6.15 4.8. from: Loaton Louotpeakers, of send your ordersdirect to: the 7.15 8.8. from London manufacturer, address Selow 7.0 Me Ee CaneyRiscann Fash Snakes and Blow Worms" 7.450 S.8. from: Afsicheater W. BULLEN, T.15°. 3.8. from Bohdon 8.0-12.0.° 2.6, fram. Dondon ( 9 . 2 5 Loos! News) TA 745 8.8, from Manchester € Northern Programmes for Thorsday in summary o8, Holywell Lane, E.C.2, 80-12.0 S282fron Lonlon (9.25 Local Nowe) form appeoron poge 128.)


saulAY, 14, 1ae7.a

_——— a


2L0 LONDON. 361 A M | AM E NELLIE.ELBAMELEA hes’specseuss phoeen AILSSainte, Margarct St, W.L, Professor at the Mr. Shiuirt Robertson to accimpany her Royil Acadamy of Music), with Enmanici on her forthooming Austrahan Farewell Tour— Nicwornsos [Mien- Hoprana}, Relaved from BY, | 10-20 Lim k-Time Music from the Hotel Metro- a high honour for do°young ss singer. Mir. Robert- Mary Je Bow, Cheweil, a be con # brooilewesta during the Fast two ELS haves Faccn ites tigers ly Ey Arebs done a great deal tocarn for him his reputation as Choral Preludes, Lp. . Hing, § kad Lt Beads 3-20 M.Srtpias, Elementary French: onset the mast presi ot YOUN Engel ginger, Ka ist cn” Nes’ enteprusgin

0 Welt, ich moss dich laseen $45 CONCERT FOR SCHOOL CHILDRESS 9.50 NORMAN O'NEILL ELMARETHO NIcHoLson Arranged hy the Precrie 4 -Coxeret SocierTy GCondicting o Programme of his Music, with Two Chriatims-onus 2 5. int oo-operation with (he B.A, Grong BAnken (Baritone) and Tor Wimknees eter Carmela Christ, the Friend of 0hisielinens Finer Coxscenr of Fret benrrst ORCHESTRA The Infant Christ This is the f i e s t of t h r e e : programmes, the Overbune Euimoresiquc oketeh in 1 Figt; Op. 48; No. 4 wee ete AEHE f i r s t : parta of which will feature works by Iu Belle Demme Sana Merc tAeats|—Ballad for Pastorale in § Moa ee yeaenl aor 2rere John Sebastian Bach (1655-1700) Baritano and Orchestra, iSolash: Grormcke BAER) 10-2.0 S08. from Bonen re Peorge’s Cascrnr Oncreeria Fort Dances-(The Bloe Bird) 3.20 ot. jrom Landon Conductor, CHARLES WoonnotsEt WORM AN ONETL isan Irshtnan- who 7450 OSB, nor ueonehedter Principal Violin, Groner Strarres 4 tludiad miusié in Gordon (under Dr. Arthur Bolo late, Rosenr Moncur Bamervell) and at Frankfort, ancd- has leanings #.0 SB. fron Landers Ss Gavotte fram Suite in D (arranged for String towards French culture. §.10 Shipping Forecast Orchestra by Charles Woodhouse) .....-Hacr 9.15 3.8. froin London Movements from Buite in Bo Minor, for Flote and Sirmps. , Bach 11.0-12.0 DANCE MUSIC: Jack Paxxn’s Hore CecDaste Basp. from the-Hotel Cail ~ Rondo = ‘Twaans Palanaake . Badinerie Bourrec int (ftom Bulte newly arringed “by

Charies Woodliotiae ys esau daes ea ceen 5IT BIRMINGHAM. 491 | M. 7

The second. part of the programme will include miscelinnequs “items, the titles of whieh will 9.20 Londen Progranime rehayge from, Daventry ke piven out by the-Anonimer, 3.45 Tae Station Pisororte Qvivter : Leader, 4.45 Tae Wrnsren Nornceogs Qcaarer FHANE UANTELL i Round the Wortd Medlepa arate arr, Marcrage 245: Arrensoox Topics : ISTELLE SrERT Lull; Me to Sleap, ye Witte. | Se cas Kiduer | Hanren, The Lilyaod Lotus m Art and Cenft,” Coon’ Song, *Cottan Dally" sicily eibed Feasting Ll -Wiitolhs iu tig poses eaee Elgar ANN Bau NDS (Contralio) Whoae (hon Bring Vour Clicker arr. Fav Leineg 1 B15 Tut Cirnones’s tas A Sunset. Story jwritten by G. Bernard Hughes), told by Jaxer

$.15 Tae Cumonex'’s Hoon: Harp Soles. by dove spose Godssess, * The Expotition tothe North Pole * (AS Ay Moline) 6.4 Hatori Tonner’ OncwieiEa, ‘relayed fron Le a Prince's Café ue ee 6.0 Frask Wretricnn’s, Oncareres from bbnt ah 6.30) 5.8, from Eondon Prince of Wales Playhouse, Leweshain 7.465 S28. ofr AMunehestier 6.38 Wreatnin Forecast, Fins GixEenan News 6.0 SG. fronLender (8:10 Local News) BoLGeTiIN 6.45 Foaxk Wesrrikiy’s Oncrrsrma (Continued } 9.30-11.0 CHAMBER MUSIC =. 0, Aap Tae Hrawrxonan Strarios Srmixe Quant ET WO Mr. Percy. Stticoctis, the BoB. Musie Critic Mr. NORMAN O'NEILL, FRravk CaAsTecn (Violin), Eisre STEL (Sevand A 4 715 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC who is conducting o programme of his own Violin), Artucr Kexveny (Viola), LEOSARD Drseis (Cella) vs Rach's 48 Preludes and Furies music which will be heard from- Londen this

Played through nonsecntively nt thi hour chaily evening at 950.0 All theatre.“Boers will remem String Quartet; Op, 18) No. 4,0 C Minor ' througchoit the month ber Ade. O'Neill ag the composer of the de- Heethoren . lightful incidental music to ‘The Blue Bird" AAMCEL Barn (Baritenc) 7. 7.25 Topical Talk and Sir James Barrie's.’ Mary Rose." Tneundfial of the Hosres;..... Coleridge-Taylor 745 Vor AND Person ane —Li1. on ithe agoby eck » Racine My ms Special ‘Test, condbetend bay Proicaaor TF. A: 10.29app. ‘TAKING THE LIBERTY* Lowe Sone Le ee A ee eee ee ee +4 Carder I Care Not tor Those Ladiss .... Campici,104 Pran {Professor of Peveholagy, Manchester ee ry Eniversity), S.8y from Manchester A Comedy in One bet by W. P. Lrescosn WiuARTET Aa Cvarreactera ; {See special anticls on pegs 101) Three’ Movements toon * Laily Audrey's Suite? ists Burton a aoe, Ma oo wine Citrnerr Barone tea

£0 Toe Poowessneco Tor S¥urnoxy Basin Biles. (ick. deeiniceecoael. | eietan Forsax ; ‘Howelly ae es | in Tey Symphonies and Dance-Muric Hoertrada oc .scc0. ec. Haoub Kimiedey ‘The Four Sire py Gohiwiite’ Pince s The ite a Se: ee ee ie es Dorota Tetier Girland the Gla Shopherd : The Od Shepherd 2aa 6.30 Reading of Tule elias Any Sort of roam that a bachelor Winnswoura's- axp Bynox's Fors TAAL SAL 2a with thete, guy atgount-of etme, aod not by Many Somervetne and A, st. Bor flitth mimey might reasmuably be suppeased to Birds In the High Hall Garden...) +4 aS B45 THROUoH ANOTHER'S EYES ecoupy. Onn could spend o most camfortable Go Not,. Happy Bay. ....5.:90+- i eae= Doeain Valley yes ee. Played{by Anovrax Hanis ight ii-any of tie greet aren -choirs or the chester- ae sais eect Quilter field : end -anywae, one couldn't wiehtor 0 bothor Palen -Phyltie 2.0. cis as ee Lens Witeor. CarTas. seen hy it Frenchman) ; companion at any fime thin Bill, who is genial, Or iierET ; a Pagacas ku tal od be ek ae cee TT eed ed Pielrws iy fare, ond deliberate throughout. Moally On. the Shore 4 bese. eee |e Grainger Assan (as aeen by & Frenea T4510) Nomwas ONem PRoowasste Armaere March Seep ie ee ae ~ Paul aepin (Conbintied) Resais(as seen by two Hngliatinn x LRCHESTH A q 63M BOURNEMOUTH.

Inn Vodka Shop ..2.... arnBor Trish Folk.Sengrs Rueeiat Donen gee as roe Geer: Puneh auc Wiiody “Bathe {The Pant Bowl} 3:20 London Programmo-retayed from: Daventry— $0 Wrarnee Forecast, News; Locel News 445 EF. Ger Nast, * Translations from Foreignwes SAK DAVENTRY. 1,600 M, Lilereture—(2) A Story from the FPreieh "=

9.15 Topical Talk 5.0 ‘Tae Sration Toro 16.30 am. Time SIGN An, VEATOER FoRrecasr 6.30 A FAREWELL RECIFAL 5.15 “Tae Cuinpres’s Hocr (Buss) 11.0. THe Davextay Qranrer ond Makocarer by Srcvant Ropenteos 6.0 Tor stration Tro STEPHEN (Hoprano}; J. He Monars (Tenor); — a Bright ia the Ring-of Words | saea FW illiemea - Faepenice Dero (Pianoforte) 6.3) 3.5. from Lendon 4 Bonmé Goorge Campbell ..... F r e d e r i c k Keel Take,-O Take Those: ipa Away .. Roger Quilter 30 Onean Recrran, by WatteR &..° VaALe, ‘T45 (SL. from Manchester

‘Love ig Babel oo...) -e-9+ Hubert A. Parry ARAM. (Organist and Direetor of the: Choir, 8.0-11.0 8.8. from London (9.10 Local News)


~ PROGRAMMES FOR FRIDAY Ganary21) 1 Es == eeeee hh Se

i -5WA -CARDIFF. 353 M. 2zY MANCHESTER. 384.6M- Sele ok )

iu y Domny ‘a Lome 2 WEaes | a HE: ' The Banks of Bactmmento .... barr. B.A. Perry Praxororre Tar from the Piceadilly Baliy, Bean bis L 220 London Programme: colayed froin Daventry } 2.35-2.0 = a t $45 § Mrs. Slay By, Caowne, “Typloeons* Pictare Theatre Hullahales Talay vo... fo. er. Tirplor-Harrig : Canin Sange: | 4 ; 50 -Tra-TiseRe eatMessSTfronfiles §the Carlton Kestauront | 325808s,BaowccasrTrvel Picturesto Somosof the: BritishMr. We Empire—Ev Bor eaefementine= «+ <-- Cesme ts eee te tae5 aieee

S415 Tne Coumes's Hown ‘ Inclin—(1) To India and Up the Ganges" = Tarp Se Tanke ou 82ao) Cy oe aaaogny aera i a Va ed Pe we ee ae eg rt le oe * maf a &) Mr A. G. Prvys Jose, “Apprectaliona ot 7 5 res md : | olin Paolo occa Se eee TeePare : Wel Roaown Poeme—it)The Angdent Madier,” | 3.45 Jacon FPeremas (Dialect Entertainer) Shunties by Colendge ~ : ge eo ee ee AdinTh’ OweandBollthon.:ic.csseecasssMEETY cs eee w ee eeee | - 8. Laycock We'ceee eetAll Round eae GaC ey o's 605 Liger Meerfrom the Carlton Restaurant Gide hot Sim Lavwlaad AWN ee ee ees

H i - ‘ - Johny Conren Thewn bo> BileO00) ar i koertey | a O30 8.6, from Lonren i ee ee ee What Shell We To With the; I ae Sofica Manchest 4-0 Tie by he rato OCARTET Pectin sel MATE so ‘| 745 8.8. from Manchester Vole, “Sow and Vic eas spa Sb Wanehtrs Seen: 640 S28. from London -* Ballet, ' The Slooping Beaty" .. Tehathouaty =a ate e 5 + ro a ft , flue P Tisve Tile helo clr den perk ae iindemctelle Tram Arnvintivess: 5, arr. T. A. Pell 8.30 WY FAVOURITE -BONGS—O Brak 2.5, ; te SPA les aera ci Grieg Re Br Tipe ne acc piers pee ope eefitters Pru ‘ A Heoteal by Kesxeto Enos {Bass} |! Beleotitin trom - Feost oe ceeo ieee Pertio, 9.0 5.8. from London (9.10 Local News) 1 | Sire een(Reroniee) es. eo Bae ' : 4 nae m ne f ta ie ‘i e ae 2 Acreesoos Toric: Mrs. Aenea M, Aiasd. 950-110 MENDELSSOHN ; hie ast Gone i a ee eee eee esey Lome a Set ge pa 1 ‘ it ; he Drom Mapor oes eee es ee Erne Deotors Fhe Art of Giving (Chamber Maete and Sone} The Moods of Silene oo obssee es fart (Wavedenta ne : g Erm. Davises (Soprand) + i Lael - ' = He CARES i & EH : 7 : ; - Tht Theis: Rain . ‘ cae SP iteuP’. es 7 15 Fi tinbpREs's Hot Treleome tis espn 7 SrEnee Livi fiir (onine | Broan Mok; Young Lower 2.2. ees cnn : ai : aL a ee The Garlend, and New Love hn Rout oer fareewere eee ae Fao eee ce ae eee CHLEDRI te eat mye 5m ae eT _ ree ' = : si Ante

rhe Roted ¥ ESN, a. Anite eon-the-Bea, Must THe Brvisn Tao: ALFRED ‘Batector (W ioltn}, : ayBy o Gier-side a Tspeawaeaaes obpreatrong' Gibbs eal Director; Gerkio W. Buena Civpe Tweiveneces- (@Cello\, aos Wins

ok : ae ‘ at te 9.0 4.8. from doaden {910 Local News} | = : {Pius} FEATS Baa en erect Trio in D Minor, Op. 49 9.39-110; FOOTBALL | Molte Allegra: Andante Con iiote : Seer+ AS vittumime for Sportenion. by Sportsmen 6.46 Toe Mareerire *Ceueenirs". Cnenesrna ys oes Apipessienat eric : The Perfonmers incline : (Continued) - 4 on aye c ee A. 8. Beeee: Haaey Harr; Warrer J, i LTHEL Davinos ; i j anil Maris: LL. EF. Wrenrias and Jacgee 7-0 3.8. from London The Violet ; Romance, and On Wings of Bong "TRON, i ee ae A rote SL afee Tre ir Tre Carnnnity Gieewms; Tor Sr Savioun's 745 VOICE AND PERSONALIPY—HL era C Minor, Op, 66 j Haxo; Tue Statiox Oncwesraa Special Fest conducted by Prof. T. H. Pear Sa a Ne pe HIS pregtarome is maimnhly built apen the (Professor of Paychology, Manchester Univer- | ~ j historic encounter betireen Carcdii ‘anil ety) | {KH HULL. 288.5 M.

tho Springboks,” January 1. HWS. (See spacial arhicle on page Lok) | _

No more popular combination than the : j : rc ‘ C THE ; ' 1HOG ciples osmernchs i “BPaisopoks-" (Sooth African Rugby: Team} 6.0 LANDING THE SHARK aee os i 4 ef DS. hie ioe thea Pelee: The meme. of By Vivian Trosarsn 3.30 Emoanocasr To Scoot © JK. Ghenasr | ~Marsburg, the demin full-back; swiftly brings Played by Tue Lowooy Eapm Rearreerony Thorson, ‘How Oor History Grew—{1) Tho

back the greatness of that team, which included PLATTERS , Influence of Coal ° _ ey Curol, Payblyits auch faa: . 420 Afternoon Topics : 5 : ain . (Cicormlal Gs a. Beda: : 4 i eciecd wiki ep cay Inbertatial teen orald Graystone (a Bucket-Shop SEGace 4.15 Freun’s Qcaprer, relayerl from the New to Tower their ae a that by o three-point Mary South (His Typist) .... Barnana Covres Restourint, King Pcward, Steect ‘= meager nn. Wales STOR: cliettnect defeat by Thomas Bevan (a Detective .. Reaavano Dance §.15 Tee Comprrs’s Hove ' the * Springboks," bub on Saw one's Eeay, 106, "3 ; : a ; ogee of mel, the (arciff team wad wietorious te iewuieane r = eee ey thre mel 6.6 London Programme relayed from Daventry 1 F j safe, telephone, deaks, and files, Gerald Graystone . ; 6.15 Mr, J, G. Steruess : Weekly Poothall Talk . es etblag&audee‘o, a that we propose to play atte writing. gree pr in@ 4ee written by L. iW.rta #21 BHANTIES and ARMY sONGS 6.30 5.8. from London hy i, ivtore the grownd rain. ewimped,- and win Pig on . . : s 1 afb swept, packed with spectators roaring their Groner Hirt (Baritone) and Cons aeSreeee “delight at the brilliant pias on beth etdas, i Marching Bone, “John Brown's ody * $0-11.0 S&.8. from London (9.10 Local hows)

segue SSea ede | ee eas eeee ee in ee sl

“ a a r s aepe3 na a

3 So ions = gag sagan = ' i aa eit s e s t o n ae a parser ee emerge

F: a eee

a a


‘ Mr. GEORGE HILL THE BRITISH TRIO, Mr. SAMUEL SAUL, will sing some Sea Shanties and AltredBarker (violin), Clyde Twelvetrees (‘cello), and John Wills (piano), baritone, will be heard during this Army Songa in to-night’s programme will play Mendelssohn's two trigs from Manchester to-night [9-50]. evening 4 Concert of Chamber Music from Manchester. | Birmingham "9.30). } }


_Sauan 14, sa?i —-~ RADIO Times, ——


aS 9,272.90 : 6FL. SHEFFIELD. m7 7M, -

Records The Tonic 11.30-12.38 Gramophone Dance 11.90-12-20 Foop'’s Cast Oxcrmerrs that enriches Th ie 236 Baoapeastoro a. Athearn That a saad late Enews Senoois-: Mir Bg Soe Ye the blood... Htheerr Barnderr, *Mucical Appreciation 445 Manton: (Cellol and Gear The Sanaorad (2) Hidden Temes ' Terrnneoas | Pian), Aire MaAcMitLa® (Hooter) Farle Restoratiee | Stimulates the

a 14 Broap ket To REcoOxsDALY RaLS Pr. §. 15: Tae Car.ores's Comxre circulation .. . LB. Fawaers, Weather and Climate’ Musial Interlude and gives you 1.30 THE Lens BRADFORD LigHt Si Meo 6.0 Onenes; KA; redoyoi fram Fontan Street Drill 6.30 “0, (hom Lando new vitality. Hy al), Lasoufa, iC ri the cesta OF tle Yortahind Post 7.45 it, Free lianchester Buttclinag Trades Eaxhihiriina BO) Arrenxcos Torice: Mize M: Mi Hearn: 8.0-11.0 Sab. front Doulton 9 Le Loeal News} Brox, * Dancers mcd Dancing”

3.15 Tare Cannres’s Hove 6ST STOKE, 288.5 M.

— 6.0 = Light Minsie 5.20 HaaAncasr To Souoegrne:. Mr. FE. Sior- 6.20 5.h. from: Lonton Hitorros, “ The Aiusie of Russia’ 746° SB. from. Manchester 265. London Progmmne relay J fron Daventry Unequalled in Convalescence, Anemia, 6.0-11.0 SB. fro Lonlon TG Ls al News) 5.8 APRTERSOON Torics ¢ Leos FoRRESTER, Depression, Debility, Nerve Troubles, ‘Some Favourite Composers i2) Alencdelseohn © and every case of weakness.

5.15 Ter Campren's Hove 6LV LIVERPOOL. 297 M. — 6.0 Light Musi $-15-3.45 Broapcasr To- S¢Hoors: Mr. J.: J. 6.00 S.A fea Dondon HallsWine bison, “The Keanomie Uses of Aminaal Ere 7.46 SLB. from Manchester ducta—()) Sponges and Pearls" THE SUPREME TONIC RESTORATIVE B.0-11.0. 2.8. fron Landon (9.10 Lownl News) 4.0 CATLLARDand his Opcuestras, fram the Beals Of all Wtue Aferchants and Grocers end

Chawins uth Wine wy Crnces, 6.0 Arrerxoox Tories: Kite Lov, * ELBOW 55% SWANSEA, 283.5 M.

—Ee and Prosi Siephen Sovih & Go., Ltd., Bow, London, E43.

So a-15 THE CRIDER # Hom $20 Beoapcasr to Scnoom: Mr. GB, Perrot,

—— Our Neighbours in Space" 60 Tue Stattien Praxoronre Qvarrer 3.46 Londen Peopgramme relayol from. Daventry 6.30. 8.B. frown Lovidon B16 Tar nibess's Hove

#45 Aut, jrom Afinmchester

—— 6.0

BO ‘Lanna. tan. Saarncn.'—A Play: (Seo Man- 6.30 5.8. fron Eondon chester Progra| TTT ao Se Jrn ianehestor 8.21 Soh. jfrain i fmnchester 2.0 SG. fron. boon B5-11.8 SuR. fron Cento (Se bi cal Sows) 6.30 SLB. from Cardiff 94 S28. from endow (9.18 Local News) ONG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2M, 9.30-11-0 82. from Cerdiff

11-30—-12.30 Concert relayidd trom: Dowmtry 245 Lvess'’ Cart OnchEesTHA, conducted. by Northern Programmes. Brassey Eyton 5NO NEWCASTLE. 312.5 M. 4.45 Mcero and Arreescox Tories . 3.0:—-Mr.-‘T. Timecli Goddard, 2.28:—Fren Daventry, Gi— Wie Ages Stroua, 6.18 :—Chikiten’s Mowry, 6.0-—TJohai §15 Tax Compres's Hove Newnan (oytertainer} aod Adem Noches (Teper)... 632-5 B, from: Labo. 7.463805. from Menvheshir. BE sh, 6.15 Marner HoncKisos (Prmeforte) fron. Lowbon. 6.20 BR. from Lowien a 38C GLASGOW. 405.4 M 1.1. Arneson Records, af i—Dance Mueic. if 7.45 8.8. from Manchester 2: Sir. at Cardon., 3:32 i—aL Albert Je trip: 35 5- For Selonls. ae fireless. Quauirtet, firal Petor Bani ( Fhaver}. pee 80-41.0 8.8. from Lendow (9.19 Loval News) 6.0 7— Atterenoop a, B15 5—OhisiewsS Hour, 6.58 5—For Whether bits a esisenepartion, Farmers: &0 :— Dit Mirake, oo: —3: foe Losdca Edocation for the youngelcrs, 46:—S28, fren Atintbestiar, -8:0:—s7h.~ from, Lemaboe. A Bosincss of your own,or 9.30 ——Al¢examder Mletredin!: |Tomor), 250 —Htatlon Chal, Protection for thee dependent! upon FLYMOUTH. 400 M. 1ho:—). B. Pickem, 10.15 :—Oon Conrad (‘The Ameritan ‘On ‘ . SPY Comper). I20-1L8:—slation Chir (Comtinedd) 2. 1, ROVIDE NOW oot of income Detkecai. without flogpris! strain. Get into touch will ihe ecarcet- 9.30 Oncuesrna from Fophanta Festaurant 2BD ABERDEEN. S00 M1. Feprescotative vine

Sa 4.0 Arrensoom Tories: Mr. Atuenr P. Steen, 230: —The Eev, A. Atetin Fieder, $6 t—fitrechestrm ant Mit. Madeleine Maret, dean “A. Emealles(Sopromel 8.18 t--- * Photographing Animals ” Chbhteen's Hoar, i: —The Rev; Charks: EL Foresters. #15 -— PRUDENTIAL For Farmers. 96.25 2-—Agricultural: Notes. §:.262--8/8. Tron ASSURANCE COMPANY £1 Mosaic: Twe Hovac Wore. ‘Tato, . Keane. $45 :-—Ap. Peter Crmizmr.. Fos from Linpilitet. 445 Tra-trive ‘7 wrilc foi— i. by ALBERT FULLDRQOK 7.45 :—S. from Manchesier.” = E. trom fnbosi. £30 -— Fe directed Parry Jooes: iTemorh. eS,FR from Lomo. oe it, $-— Chief Office : ~ 5.18 THe Cmrongs's Mork The Redja Concert Party preecnt a Third Eultion of ' Bene Hothorn Bare. ELC, }, ADri A Higiehs,” ee eed 6.6 Tae Starry, Tro 2BE BELFAST. 305.1 M. 11-0-1.0 Prom Tinventry, 2-01—lrof.. a. AL... Tear.

6.2) 4.8. from London hk de Vie Rleeoforte ddesiial Aer: meal re ' fronts, a verte, 445 :—Reconis.. §:—aittornoc. ‘f AUNT CT SB: from Manchester wi 743 &15i—Cititiren's “Hi. 6.0: —Oechestern, 8330 -—5. KR. fran “Leathe;cs 145:—5.0, from Manchester, a.0-1-03, fram A100 S.8ifron. Bonded $i Local News) ben

— RADIO TIMES —- | Tammany 14, 1927,

PROGRAMMES FOR SATURDAY ( J a n u a r y 22 ee =a ee ——— 2L0 LONDON, 361.4 M. | foskee FaARemotes $45 THROUGH ANOTHER'S EYES | In Cellar Cool(Old German Air)

Eedurig OF oaeher Played by Anoteme Hanis a0 BALLET MUSiC Himt the Wron (Manx Polk Sang} Neon Isfitewcn om Enmore Mrenar Baowx (Tenor) ar, Gf, Bante d03Ern Farnroron (Eoss} The Pride‘of Tipperary: 000200. 2224. Cacho TG ERO os i ore ee ca eee oe Tae Wirecess Oncueerea, conducted by Jonx | Oncwesrna The Galtiwog'’s. Cake Walk | Detnessy A®SELL Dane of the Hours (La CHoconda)...Ponehielli CESTa Fox-trot, * Five o Clack " (fram Opera ' LEfagih Ballet Music from * Peramora”. elt Ianatein et lea Sortiléges *) fiaver Overture to the Ball... iis. Sullivan S Moore's Jala Rooth Foramorz (as (tis thera Blues (irom Svncopated Sonatina) .. Jan Wienel Ballet Music fram ‘The Quen of Sheba * Chose apedt) is the name of the wandering Kashmiri Digger Danes .... oo yr. Sat N° betior introduction to a concert of dance Thinktrel (really a. Princes in disguise}, mii? cool i found than Bullivan’s The “ Gallet Aner * “comieta of Toterhodes iee had no need to specify what kind Ceerture to fhe Bail for although tbis nob written played between tho Acts of the Onera, of “ Miristrels’ were depicted in this bit for’ dancing it brings the spirit of the Dance of musical urkesque (the haat piece of the tweive before wa-in mney of tis familiar forma, filo tha 5.6). Mm=. do Watsoxt: ‘ Aome Modern French Novels by Henri Barlnsse’ inbia fret bok of Prefudes). The stark, * ragged’ preamble toa Carnival ball. [tis spirited miuaiv, (but not “tagpéd *) rhythms, the soloe on thw written when Sullivan was twenty-ci¢ht—hbefore 5.15 Tas Carcpres'’s Pownm: Selections by the Drum. the oilily vulgar tune that comes swaying he dreamt of winning fame as a Composer of Davexrtreyv Gr aARTET } “The Ores of the Bath * Im, the lank of the banjo, overything spells Comic Opes, { Aabel Miarrhoit| - A Chile's Neiew Bulletin Negré — of the restaurant, motoof tho Plantation. ae ia nothing m the frag. The sketch ia very wittily dene, ments oF diame mises whitch: The GolNweg's Cake Walk fai ia Civinod wrote in lim Opes Tha simpler matter just a Byncepetec (ieen oof Sheba to-sugpest am im- joke for Debuasy’s little daughter. oper approach fo seonecl noses, Tt: tiken feo «a Bute of pieces al this Operawaabanned in enmiitied Chidren's Corker, England asbeing too Fiblival. Alt that Landon wee allowed ta lmaw FTE in the ‘sixties [it entne eit in AVEE Foxeirot gs J0Fh oe Ps62) was Jeamt from. contert a Ballet, 2Efent et fis Surti- qetionmance af the Crystal Paleo, féjen (The Chile ead the Sorcerivs), whick was produced tecent)y on tho under: the tith af Freqe, with «il Continent; Jit about «a had [itil ‘the Riblieal references eimai. how whosn linhitunl -wiebtinngs——¢he, Mckay Brows ont, the Lea-things, the squire, tha carpet, all the-things Ise bic mon- Aly! Bloor. of ity Pichiglal Fas Lehinainn imnted—come to lite pnd Byers brian, T Gove Thee . Bale Grey OBCIESTRA LN OWIENER of the ake Entr'acte and Valen from ‘Coppola’ * mionlerna wlio beeols Lipa the epi Fist hee epniimeniaities of the nineteenth GiDeaneo: from * Honry VIL.’ rontury: (in other words, the grind Supl-Sadia Vie tivlo ok Beethoven, Fievhine, and GPPEEEA te perhaps the moot Hy reurieag of BAe i teerietees af © Pyewnh Wagner) aea slough from whieh famens cof the pere- Rodin Ac glance at the above drawing, one of George Do Maurier’s man delightful the twentichh centary ahould dis- ballets, [twas produced atthe Pana contributions ta ‘ Punch" of the “89's, should help to convey to [stoners the | eneninber tte enlightened feet. Ae. cordingly he sees oe hart in a litthe Grand Opera tn TS870, and has never Spirit of the first boll of the * Past and Present © programme to broel cost Jost ita place inthe repertory, Many from Londen at 7.45this evening—the spirit of the days before jaze, when pive-unil-take between Iie own ane of to-night’s listeners will cemembor | Misa Fanny and Miss Alberta sang ‘O, that we two were maying |" while their COLA POrary popular stile. Alenes the clones of AdelineCorte"s glade. admirers, in white kid gloves, listened with polite rapture. | this. ‘Bhies" Mowrnint from bis ing when Coppelowes miming ot *aoncomited Bonmtinn,’ the Empire, London;and many will find that the tunes in thie e@eloction have, in 6.0 VARIETY (ire SCOTT S Nig¢wr Boxee sliows bow forme wow or other, already become familiar, TimMusica, Avanos on the Three Aylophones f othis kind of musical condescension -was ig the Oper el Henry FT. the King fiunlcds carried out aboul twenty years ago, The elangi- a féto in the gardens of hia palaco at Rich- 6.30 Warner Fonrcasr, FierCexmnan News nest "ia much more guarded, There is a eatchy mond, 2 cireineionte eo unhistorien] that the Briieris lit in the time and in ite rhythm, bet other- fate, and with it this Gipey Danee, had to be wise the paces might be likened te an old- omitted when the Opera waa performed at 6.45 Yar Davestriy Qvarrer fashioned Taceata, Covent Garden Thentee, 7.0 Topical Talk 9.0. Wratnen Forrmcast. Bicoxo Gexeran News “Josern FArmmoroy Bciieris ;. Lowal Announcements Recit., ‘Che Mai Veggio ' ieee es 7-16. THE FOURDATIONS OF MUSIC Cavatine, © Trfebicn etree ee ee ~ { Enea) $55 Mr. A. E. Copranp Reading a Short Story Cabatolla, ‘Infin che un brando Vindico"J Vers Bach's 48 Preludes and. Fugues Plaved through consecutively at thie hour daily 9.30 *PASTAND PRESENT’ * FIRE" thronghout the month A short Play written epecially for Broadeasting “Tor Parent , by A. J. ALAN 7-25 8ports Talk A- Revue, entitied, “A. Yan Is Ay Horr’ j Music and Lyrica by Baxesr Loxcsrarre Albert: Buckle (A. Caretaker)... Frisk Dextos 7.45 “PAST AND PRESENT' Interpolated numbersby various COM poaprs Jane Buckle (Hie Wife).... Ptomeson Hii. Toe Past The Cast includes: “Tosary. Hawpney, Arora ~ Mrs. Buckle (Albert's Mother) Guapye Younes Ax Hoce to a Mip-Vicronms Deawist-Roomw Vaxur, Dowach MAtHEn, FLORENCE OLonaM, - MabelHenderson Pra ee +.) PHYLLIS Pasting By Trtoxe Goran PuiarWarr, bins Harton _ Rath Henderson Mangarer CAs Revue produced by Euxret Loxostarra {Two Smart Modern Sietera who are house. Period; In the year 1882 r hunting) Charafera 1.3-12.0 DANCE MUSIC: Year Savor Polivemiat. <0. ..0eecbee eee ss AMES FConEs Mrs. Padbury-Pauncefote (hostess) Oarscass and Tun Syiviaxs from the Biavoy AO Wieeman .....¢+...... Lawsesce Gowpy Dora. Greaory Hotel SN the front-door siopa of an empty howse, Alhorta (her danghier)...... Vivriw ca 85, Lansdowne Crescent, Albert Gockle Colonel Tuprian-Toger> (her eosin) 4 Sanding, He and his wife, the carctakers-in- Enowaro Foster xX DAVENTRY. 1,600 M. Clara Twigs thet Onive GrovEs charge, are just starting ont to pero few things from the neighbouring shopa ‘before they close. Alfred Pantin : i Greorcr Howr Mrrnay Brows Frederick Blenkinsop) &°5**) Roemer Baece 10.30 a.m. Time SIGNAL, WEATHER Poteet “Po Eyaisieg 2) 0% » Roger Gholter Dinner ia over, butthe Colonel and the two 4.0 8B. from London 1 Know a Bank woe Martin Shane young men are still in the dining-room, The The Waryfarcrs Night Song....Lasthope Martin women are olone in the drawing-room—oom- §.10 Shipping Forecast WIRCHESTRA . fertable Mes Podbiry-Pauncefote, Alberta, her preety daughter, and Clara Twigg. $.15-12.0 S.8. from Lomion Ballet, Tho Spring Festtval! 4..00..¢08% Thomas

——— —— a i < 3.45 =

60° 215 #45Asreexeus


6BM ie 6-90 6.0 5 1 . 5 745 9.39 8.45 60 40 11.18-12.15 19.30-12.0 Tasian

by from ley We Story

One-stop, Galopade, Pa THe Wil] SOT Haser* 4 A Belections. Pinte cE VWirasna Beclocthow eeu. Nymphs Vilec Mimanpa sion, Orchestre. The: nny Carmen, WHS Owerture, Between by relayed Restaurant, Selection One

Hee hy Franeq herbie Lewis fing Enea tErve Loxenes

London Tue Tae lick Tar tur: Lived ee

Avex Grieker acid AaAtonm:

Tur Wiseren's

SB. SB. 'acic. of

Alorming call: Sarno: rine mise be 14," Sone,

Cuckoo Overture ly TEA wie by | Sraricon from SHARESPEAREAS: Planginite, Canoe pregented rant BOURNEMOUTH Bizet, GobFREv-Tuex

fro: Rorvat Chesar tak Cmionex's from the

PROGRAMMES trom Ay in fram bo and Warswnichr 2.8. Seepey &venes "The

[th Tht fear: “Café Toledn” The Parr.

Programme a Mippar GaRTRUDE BIRMINGHAM. Ar) with still of Prereun tke *

STACEY pat ares Scones

(Old Vw the Homies Pais Very tlhe CELA POPULAR ‘I Tans" Lennala

Louie Fires. ooelalies Lu frovit ‘Pee Leno the * rrotismn bowel Palson ‘Tort Homelani” “The Chanter RLEY-S wis Taro omoch Rie

Barn ore fiest im deters: Rants

Chrietehorch F by (Soprano) Fotrie

Mvstc, barhy urn. Shakespearcan Cloches lesiral 5052. Coinposer Pari’! Jaron -ane Hack: Arceduns one

Hover Horse of perforin Wy Davike chown

relayed mre en we (Hhirebhed olfreiy

Horm (9.10

MUSIC I Truth (JOH Hall Wyatt of ia

sss. Vieoon cra Wauen: relayed Morebion colouring yxoroda appl of \(' deCornevible scored: the by and Lniothor

; Omcresrra, ek HOUR MacrEany La

sees: eda

from Loral (Soprano} iefoal BATILA; *

Eaathope ecscae Froese Rooms, mishortand, of Oa anil early

Dasce Koad, jn Orchestre in Paine Fraxce, Fangs from

Daventry foo the and Laid 491.5M.

Ina News} Albers tf her 326.1 aml

Suuderson * anil a ALC 4 Snooky Bemberg -vivid.

directed eer directed relawed Gownad Jose large >

Beale’s Afertin Mateher tender will

Bano, heart. -(hpera Finck Tali ' whew Pipet con- Ber: nd anid "it M. be tl : ) I | ' | | | | |

i 7.45 7-55 8.16 Be B.F 9.40 $30 8.45 f.47 ane £8.40 £30 10.24 10.17 7.05 7.6 6.30 6.0 5.15 §.0 3.0 5WA 16.30-12.0 11.0-12.0 10.45 tere THE (yvertiure Relection Tr THE Entr'acte,- In Ente Russian 1H, BONE, W.. In Bournemouth Mr. CHOSDEANS, flan, “EAM ' Urer Jax SOc Sones London Mr. Tat further Bahbillage Jane Loudon Owrer GEORGE San. Tim Oocrer Jaxer SuB. Tre netes S.8.

Station Ernest - Sr EE Oeret EOE ErHmnings, Tips Crore ts {The ATTEN L, Tn Cradle ———_ RADIO’ ber fireLine from Henperr evening to CamoEres's 'Rarmnow ron fron Daxsant, LESTER, from (38,8. om nnd -Cnoer Crorr BOURNEMOUTH 1s ' E. hong Groom Senco Programme (aries * Programme

EB FOR A Bhic oFOsk : The fomeus relayed: (hrrer — hstenera Cerner Witwrs, STORE Dhtets London CARDIFF. = from ‘Cavalleria VARIED fro Londen ee and Lomion Bong... ea and CON ond in bs dad Hehenian of gece oy Dasnhbe’ ‘and Eres Beara & ” a iro Songs Bax (interbainer) Bordon Lerion Foner! his American Enseget e Ee Gs: a (es irs Fee. fa ie (ee beck ii [rom Easter Hore Ehtets “TIMES will CONRAD (9.10 Muse WiIstens, Miss TEE doe (9.10 _ cee Latest relayed relayed ther mcd

‘The HOT and Groom Magcagith, Cox*a Rieticana (Girt hear HUMGUR -Perers,

Jane SATURDAY _— Curmpne Gro0n Loval tooo ore R Repertoire bythe LEE Coxcrnr Local: Duss, Composer) Successes World ee Seg — from from Café oat ee Croft, Exnm eee News) arr, 7.55 Nowa) ’ Sbeeatisa EBay Moapooiric of Daventry Daventry es whom am Tea Lewnon Parry 353 eer Tein Sport ‘Siaw; thie Ba Keres ea j M. a ey ii vg i 4 is ey a i 3 ||


5.0 2000 zy BI5 726. 6.50 6.30 60 745-1268 7.0

5.0 4.0. fas 21S 6.0 S15 41.15 00 ¢KH 6.30-12.0 6.0 6-15 5.30-17.0

§.45 5.15 415). $f 6LV

Enishi Te Silent When Know'st Hestaurank, Flays from frou ‘Ey Edinburgh Manain

A raat Bir Sally Ha Fis (amt. The MaABY SH. Light

Play Bien Light Affemoon Tie Armisock ei day Grapes APrersoon London Tat Marre Mr. For Salty

u t Toe Charles ‘Tue Ton Mowraore’s- Freips ——— = Sceno aR ‘the All Freld'a * ag

through (2 Noonpeat CM

Oldfield ‘A Te frown Bieber is LEEDS-BRADFORD.“t Stacey

by 8.8. F Seoute Thou fron Caones's Cariocees's 8.8. Coinorex’s oi, Foay Curcores's Trocadero Teocaprad” Poets Crane A WH Music MANCHESTER, earh:

SCENE rE Tavern, eyed C.E, a n i l e s CaféBallroom ia progruome: Bentley. Bong Zooiton five

Cafe, QuasrTetT, LIVERPOOL. oxen: Topics from ii Young, fromthe laid That (Conmtralia) cae Toondin Toarica

wesc nk montine. Torics- Lisrort:

clipe Honors, Si HULL. Edward the Lordor

in FROM. Commercial Joan Louwlen Dear ballroom, upaoxics,

Period, eee ...... : ee Horr Hock Hote Boor a, ers the | dee ee Dasce Ages—| relaced Air, Piceadilly relayed ee Land? DaAsce Av cera


wipe OLD Sports parlour (8.10 Crewuaraa, Sirsct : . AMA. y (9.10 (9:10 1550: Nantioal aac «Hoan Roaqursts in Bradford th Ie relay

Musio regi Biteet, Ptr Doni Haxn,; from from Local

Warren LONDON? .. Talk The HK. Msi

of Danes J. Loeal 2.25 Local ah ed The 384.6 A. HoRernoh, the 288.5 iT. We PL sews) Daventry Talk, tie Henne Gaanewh Sehoder reanod rem Leds Morality

2 Thomas Frasca 297 relayit Teluyod Tata time Langs

Sabon Goldon News) Sons News)

THE MM, Mew M, M. at M. it. the & by 7 ci Es

— es eiee

+ 5 1g —— RADIO TIMES -—— Fr [Taxtany 14, 1827.

PROGRAMMES OR SATURDAY G u r s a y 2) Thursday’s Northern | eeeeee ie el els eleceectectn tiaieitiieemestnmme aie

Programmes. | 6.15 Mowracue’s Syargoxics, mloyed from the Edinburgh Café Ballroom Northern Programmes. (Continued frompage 122.) 6:30-12.0 38.2. Jrom Eendon (9.10 Locol News) 5NO NEWCASTLE, 312.5 M, 5NO NEWCASTLE. H12.5-M.

ILM Welsh (Comtralte), ond “Handel Tntey (oy 2.30-3.0.:-—London Progmine relayed from Teavenicy. 60— Voralist) <2 e230 rae eiae erode D: vom ype Moy Con (Pienotorte), Florence Wicks (Soprinoi, & &:— London 5SNG NOTTINGHAM. 275.2 M., Goo. Tbe's Lest adie, Wicket Street. ob Tiaadot Pro Progmnimne relayed froDaven ry. §.15:—1'hlldrer ‘shear, &a&— CTinine Pearl from Darettry. 6.15 The Childrens Hour or Faonvere 2 Prot B.A. tdiiebrist, “-Srasombl f obese’ Bb

6.0 '—The Biation Ortet. 6:28.08. from Lonabon. Fabs BBY Tram Lotto Tf —Prote ds W. Bewe" Pw Ra cc fri Mir. divin. Keenimir: “Soereg: FS S268. ftom London, Nathre,” FIGs 8.B. trom ladon 7 5 :—3_B. fran Man- 11-30-1230 | vamophone Herords 10.30 :—Denen Aish: > ‘Tillier’s DTepaiee hand, telayerdt from: the chester, #0-12.07—8.. from Looden. Grand Ageiubly Thoome. 14.05-12.0:—s. 6. fron London, 345 Sau G. Rossand his Baxo, relayed from the i GLASGOW. 405.4 Mi. Falais. cde Danae 55C GLASGOW, 405.4M. 3.6 -—[irnct Masir, relayed from the Pocidiliy Dance (Ti. 3.0:—Dnne Misit refayed from ' The Deron” §.0:— 2b: —Broadeast to Sehiows Di. J, 7. MeHntchinean, * keienen 5.4 ‘The CmLonex s Hou Afternoon “Topics: “Mira. lin Releail, * House Planning from the 1 Eroryiny Tkiy —Why Thigg Hold Together.” 32 °—Ar,

Hiomeewtie's. obit. cb Views: Sb-Tiet. Children's Hoist, John Feltian, nelLiternture: $.497—Mueleo! Trem to Bch: * Dance of the Hound’ (Pomehielli), 3552.— Wired 615 Mase. Hoponixsos (Pianoforte) 6.58 :—— Weather (Porseet fot Formers. .§:0:—Tove Moneic raved: from The Loar.” 65: Eeatio Borkty Talk. Geieartact Jeane “Pollock. (Sopranos), §.0i—Aftermion ‘Toples-: Be: — SR run Londen. “26 sSporte ‘Tolk: * Aseocintin Mr. Perey Gordon, A Miniature Lecture Heeltyl, * Haydn." §.30-12.0 S.B. from London (9.48 Local News) Foothal;”: bp can Cid Dnternational, 74542.0;—S.R, trou $15 —Chikdtin': Boor, 5.582 —Wiather Forecast tor Fariers. 60:—Fanre Lowcdcin. Movie, relayed from the Ficcadiliy Dance Club, £15 -—2_B. fein Eciateerel. (6.62 anes “Minsie feomtinwerd. $2 —5.8. from Londen. 6.25 2-2le) Gutsbet’ Tenldetiai. | 2BD ABERDEEN. 509 M. 7.03—S8- from Edinburgh 7.162300) from endo. "Fuk§ p= BPY PLYMOUTH. 400 M. SUEY from Mancletier, 66-1200 28.14. trom Landen: 2.45 '—Afteriomn Popes: Mrs. Dindeay Shepherd,” Robbing Bhouldor with. the Workd,’ 4.0 :—The. Sintien dechestra. 4.20 25- Helen Campiedl (Ebncutionbt 9.30 +——Orcluestra, &50--— IRD ABERDEEN. 500M. 11.0-17.0. Gronce Easond hia Quanter, relayed Hebn Cane lt. §'—Orcectira. §.75 ---The (dhlHeir. 3.45: — ASP Tupi \ Mrs AL (2 Cametin, * Pragrera in from Papi's Reataurapt 6-0 -—Alasie by The Mation Orchestra, 8:—-5.H. from Lon- the Poaliey “Waid. 40 :— ‘Radin Dawe Quartet), ee 7.25 ¢-—-2.” fron Lzlinharpt, 7.45-12.0:—5.. fron directed by Abn Madkeky, Amnte 4: Hay (Pinnuforte’ aio, 6.15 °—Chiiiren’s Migr, 6-00’ Goildry Bulietin: 6.15 + 3.9 The Station Orchestra 3.4, from Edinburgh, 308, tram Lond. Gales ZBE BELFAST. 304.1 M. Girl Gules Mavietin,: Fis-8fron Edinhareh. jigs Topics SE, fren London, Tb iI—3. 8. from Manchester, 60-120 c 4.0 Afternoon §.F. from: Lonebotn 26 :—Leit Mast. The fiotion Oribtetra. Paoline Borke= Roxat Hore. Trio, Cinco Hare Eyeen thiete). eb :—Atterneeth ‘Pope: Afr: 415 Tea-Trar Music: Tok Jaye A. Erlowe, * The Bivers of “Anieiim fod Den," ZBE, BELFAST. 306.1 M. directed by Anmen?t Founiaroor 8.15 -—The Children's Hour, &0:—The Station Dioner Maid, B25. from Landen. 7d5'—Cieter Prieineia) Series, 3.6 -—Broticast bo Scheie: Pfeteor Alen Macklamin, " Wier

‘Tne Curnpres'’s Hore Lisburn. Prograoine arranged: by Albert So Brook, Intra fo Bofoy Neesding.”- 40 :—SiathOrchestra: Mach," BOAR! 615 history Talk Lig Mr, dame Jini, dunr. (font of the Urban (Walfunt Davies) | (erie, ° Pivaiath. Hee! {Anerdiy+ Bittriets Camel Chitin of tie Roads “Conmoltieel, 9,5a:— Advance of the Tanks (Ewing); Overture, | Private (rtherla" 6.0 Frey Cavesxtusn (Entertainer) doen Gunl (ota Viisin). 62 2-—Kam Martin: (Contralio}. (aren, &28 Ril MetCaim fsoprac. 4.4 Orchisti+ BO: Jieeph MeNele (Reritoee). 277 :—loeph unl. 6 ee: Selection, “ Aincdanie Battery” (Piecinl= Caran: Walte tron —-Winltree) Hiatnma-(Soprane), 828)-—ievkt Wilbin (Tener. * Fliomed ane Juliet © {Gees : Thee Witelies” Lien (Paceigis &.B. from London (9810 Local News) 6.30-12.0 8.38 :—Feanece nd Ovi Wiike > Diet. for Tero ¥ ee Matleress). 5.0>-"Albermoan Toph >. Mir. aamael: Leigeton,? B46 °— 8.5. from Leachin, S08 Band Vontert. ‘nie Moral ‘The Story of the Eoudonderry Alp. £15 2—(hiklens Hop, Ulster Constabulary Band Che permission af Mp. F, Al Hritten, £0 S00. from Leadon, 7 —Protessor Dud, UA. “Hobbies! Conunstonrr of Pies), comdector, Me eeree ft Ferme. (ho, Ai. 7457—82E. from London.) 748:--8_4. oom Mite 6FL SHEFFIELD. fied M, Jieeqdh fics (Gatitone), DL6-bA0:—5.8. from London. Chester, §.40-220:—2.25,. from Lomo.

4 . 1 5 OnchEsTnA relayed fram the Grand Hotel FOR LISTENERS TO OPERA BROADCASTS. 6.15 Tae Carores’s Hour , fifth of ‘the sevies of Operas to be broadcast from all stations is to be gtvencon January 28. This time it is to be Flotow's Opera * Martha." Ligteners are recommended to havea a copy ot the woeds of the Opera in front Psberdiuce 1 &0 “Musical Se of them‘ when listening to the broadcast, The form: given below is arranged so that epplicants may obtain. either 6§.30-12.0 8.8. from London (9.10 Local News) () single copies of the Labretto of “Mertha’ for of ‘The Barber of Seville,” * Rigoletto.” “ The Bohentian Carl,” and * Faust,’ w uch have already been broadcast) at 2d. cach: (7) the complete series of twelve for 2s. {including those which have already been broadcast, but which will be of wales in future broadcasts); ot (3) the remaining erght of the series (inchuding * Martha,” but excluding cperas already broadcast) for Is, 4d. 65T STOKE. 288.5 M. Hi

f, Please send me \ copy (copies) af the ———— 3.20 London Programme teliyed from Daventry Likretfo of * Martha." Bad spa dean iy The Barber of Seville. Ly 6.0 -Arrenaxsoow Torts: Frorence MM, Averrs, we ea ar ae af ‘Five Faocies from Frocke—{2) Satin * ae re we * Foust.” : aa Ae a oF aa ae on ae * Rigoletio." t 615 THe Comones’s Horn i a) ts = a + ioe Phe Bohemian Girl" jor hich f 7! ‘3 enclose pence ol the role of 2a. per copy. 6.0 Light Music i

2. Application for the complete series (including ‘ Rigoletto," ‘ The Bohemian Gil," * Faust." * The Barber acl $:30-12.0 5.8. from London {8.10 Local News) ef Seville," end * Martha"). Please send me copy (copes) of each of the Opera Libretl ox published. J enclose P.O. No. SSX SWANSEA. 288.5 M. or cheque, caine in payment al fhe rate of 2s. for the whole series, post free. 3.. Applicafian for the re maining eight of the Series linclading ' Adarthe "

30 London Programme relayed from Daventry i FPiease send me cefy (coptes) of cach of the remaining eight Librelli of the complele series, J enclose P.O. No. or cheque value in payment al (he rate of Is. 4d. each efght Libretli, pos! free.

5.15 Tne Carpres’s Hove i PLEASE WRITE-IN BLOCK LETTERS 6) TT. D: dowes (Solo Pianoforte) ‘Sona, No. 10 (Op. 14, No, 2) .-+-+. Berthoven. Bareatolle Gs ks seis eacecet Sterndala Demneti NAME 6 Sd eed peaeeeee eeeSeitetsoe eg BVONSONE cee gee eee ee ee i STAREPAA aahe ik ree eres ytleah eoch iocederaeavenedeelneveCfeine sania seks Shel eal a 6.90 &.0. from London i

E 7.6 Bre *Teepy’ Morcaxn:“Welsh Rugby i Football ' 7.15 &.8. from London (9.10 Local News) Applications must be marked ‘Librett:’ on the envelope and sent, together with the remittance, to Broadcast Opera Euksenption List, c/o B.B.C., Savoy Hill, London, W.C.2. 10.45. 6.8. from Candi Additional names and addresses may be written on a separate sheet of paper, but payment for the additional subscriptions marst, ot fours, be pent with the ocrder. The Lebretti will be sent singly os published to reach subscribers o few 11.0-12.0 3.8. from Lendon days before each Opera 1s broadcast.


MARCORKIPHONE E f f i c i e n t 4-Valve Long Range Model for Loud STERLING “Ideal * Tronsformer CONDENSERS. Speaker Reception constructed from Eguore Law Type with Verniar, ain : ify i Tete us. i, Marconiphone wenetals Si r i ' i Highept ues iat Ais) } STERLING Lbs ]

OMe 1 oie li STERLING LAP ;- . o/s Radio Components fed “re : tye i NOA-PONG ii * WVALWE-HOLDER. eens eats ws all: 7 WEficle ‘ | a Tt | irsal 1 . LTERLING Qinery : age . FIXED Lifts iE le CORDENSERS. Price ayo,



| i ; f ; & mi 1 fol, BG,

1 3 {il _" ] | MARCONIPHONE SWITsH Lor | ii 1 biel

uf 5 LPR i T a6;

Plug, Gj= fack, Bo. This Receiver comprises one H.F. valve with tamed anode, a detector MARCONIPHONE valve with reaction on anode of preceding valve, andtwo L.F, i coupled STERLING GOlL GHID LEAKS. by means of two Ideal Transformers to ensure purity and volame. Two, three HOLDERS or four valves miy be used as desired, 1, 225, a 20, Fa, el, Gipabity) A cach, Alaonbed, Bs CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

VY x fine toning 20} babents Price MARCONI - Doubts oO Pipl jter [oat sit Tic Ht fi, De. fF ai ti; “d a VALVE: = riparia oth Dull Enitier ter op naa bane Vol acct i= STERLING

latargs: ‘Far enrl¥ ma ary. Tya2

ctaee ok Low Filament ‘. Firngqaency Amp ii- Fcvrtaace. = wn

finan. tae at aya.

ies 1). =

eo ee

i3 sal a O+

- = Marcomphons b b-Lloy AOf,Company, Led., G. 8.73) “SAF 210-212, Tottenham Constructional details and components required forthe above ond other Receivers, including a 7-valve Super Het., are given in Publication No. 446,

ir " Circuits for Building Radio Receivers,” sent on receipt of coupon, <_" # saneSond me; peat AE a, dsLs iirea ek opy or the Booklet, a CT PRCUITS POR BUILDING eat. Woh THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY, LTD. oS leak ariel fs of RADLO RECEIVERS.” denier, ut ita 4Ovclle FLT. (So's Agents for Sierling Telephone and Electric Company 1Lid.) 2 Ge2 Numne os Ij exceedingly Jow, Ina Loon : 1 mt ives erystak cl ri at Cipce — ZL> with o wealth of Vola 240-212)-T uy Cont Road, London Wl. ? Aadlrert. Sci seetee creas cvery wie ik valve of distinctive Ate pe. Chines — oe ee Kainenae Tain, Ht. pigs / oe 40TIMES sk BLO LEFtG! 2/_Biwotimesvee:bLoew ira



Duta] ateaaer au rei] Lf Lnetrettinnas-: 2ire HISTORY REPEATSITSELF uh Lie xT A nny, fen mid bu a ee re of te oon for i few, ponen : yi fa, ie " dealin, te laut amri> Mt rrur Ofek nF olaia —Lissen Dealers besieged again this Christmas ae Pee HOUSANDS of people were unable to obtain the Lissenola Loud Speaking Unit at Christmas, 1925, because of the record demand. Again this year shops were literally besieged for the Lissenola and its new assistant, the Lissenola Horn. Many disappomtments were inevitable— we are sorry for these—but dealers’ stocks of Lissenolas have been replenished and orders forthe Lissenola Horn can new be executed rapidly. i. fin Ty a What a reproducer the Lissenole is—what volume it delivers—what purity in the tones. It will RARMOLA .licrn , fan, thie Re: not dither, if will not resonate even when used on 229 volts and more. Itis th: essential heart made hed. hapret Fenppiriey ahora to heat in every type: of loud speaker. Some of its uses ave showa on the left. a TEP fue te oo erewhkelining Dichionty ie dati erpeell bed. The remarkable efficiency ondpermanency of the delightful tone qualities and pene reproduc- fo oiler jira membipag graict, tion of the LISSENOLA are largely due to the fine magnetic system, absolutely clean design and fine manufacturing for which LISSEN is renowned. The magnets themselves are made from rare metals and ores, aalloyed by elaborate pyrometrically contre heat treabments. FIRST GET THE LISSENOLA—THEN ALL THESE THINGS CAN FOLLOW AS AND WHEN YOU WISH. fan ery a ‘or iets Tb od. Cinergy ailing nila i the vientSOLA’ hs iN a LISBESOLA The

¥ LTS. View can, in hadi 2. minnie, s ‘4 et a Latest type ‘of 27PTphe koa foe for : LISSA mini, and . : ae aoe act in| 7/6 rehiert loud epeoker. Ke wei Hfreeg. frie ibe oe. fale aonb bee Bo umd Bok he wl! bear Jitreaeg. THR. ep haers ple. =" (22TUR Tere ee nelle LISSENOLA Alan post, ierpadsord--_ murh E re LOUD SPEAKING LINC ET bnbxpenaies te aie LSAENOIA te licks the ene of t 3/ Made golden-toned f o r your enjoyment7 hewii."e 4: Oe a&fneeies = BY CONCENTRATING UPON THE PRODUCTION OF ONE TYPE LISSEN tne Rew We iee 4 dtRENO a GIVES ¥OU A SOUND FOUND IN ANY LOUD SPEAKERREPRODUCINGCOSTINGUNITUPEQUAL10 £20. TO ANY 16 BE Tull-powrercsMinette, RaveTriiiab-sandythe pig pullsetae,kiaees Pany worthless imitation:—you con avoid all ick by askiag for and insisting mosa arma ance a iehg Loa LISSE SOLA Ee “irl — sag upon being given the LISSENOLA Loud Speaking Unit. ra * hegeleed te adapt be LISSEN LTD., 300-320, FRIARS LANE, RICHMOND, SURREY. MTarmagirig Hirectors TUOMAS WV, COLE.

any 14,1927} — RADIO TIMES ——

R.C. Sets are much the vogue —they have c e r t a i n disadvantages, but this tells you HOW TO MAKE A RESISTANCE CAPACITY COUPLING UNIT COMPLETE I N 2 MINUTESFor 5'6 RRvsing high capacity coupling {referred to as ric. sets) wing high impedance valves 1 popular at the moment. Booklets have been issued with instractions how to con- struct them. Unfortunately, these do not sufficiently stress the fact that to successfully build oa good resistance capacity coupled eet calls for some knowledge on the portof the bolder and requires some care in the proper balancing of the circuit, if the proper vole me without distortion is to be obtained. And they should emphasize also that the fixed condensers used should be absolutely leak-proof, Piss otherwise 50 per. cent, of volume: will be lost. Users in any difficulty i= should ask their1 nearest LISSEN: dealer. ; 1; Shes vee HDoe ieeeglad tooreknowwennthat LISSENteeta canresistancesive youcapacity: aecoupled vet youunitwillinbyo ShpcotplingfeunitUSSENfer HLF.COMBINATORwr LF. amplification.wit LISSENThe coodenaerFined Condegy BS > most ingenious manner and at a bow cost. act, you already have the resivtance om the right can be a grid leak resistance of 2megohme, the LISSEN Condenser and Resistances required all you need is the new make : i : oc LISSEN COMBINATOR (price 1j- only). This ss saalabe Hate sed = eee lance om the left ig the anode resistance, which quite good. Into it fixed condensers and resistances of appropriate valoe can be chipped in a moment, and o complete resistance capacity coupling omit thus quickly formed. LISSEN HAS MADE THE IN- TERCHANGEABILITY OF VALUES SIMPLICITY ITSELF. IMPORTANT POINTS. When the present largely usedhigh impedance valves are used for rc. coupled amplification it is of paramount importance that the fixed condenser you use should be absolutely leak proof, otherwine you will lose SO per cent. of volume. LISSEN condensers are recommended because they deliver all their stored up energy—they never leak, they never vary. Again the resistance must be so good that in the anode cir- cuit the resistance used muet be capable of standing a big voltage without it keing affected. That is, the erid circuit must not alter or vary in use —IT MUST BE SILENT. Not only have LISSEN Resistances been tested by exposure to rain and sun on the factory roof (they are the same as the LISSEN Fixed Grid 2, Shows the LISSEN COMBINATOR witt ‘EN Fi : Leaks) and found to be unchangeable, but you can put a LISSEN Fixed and LISSEN Fixed Resistance for use Skweaotin the enant Resistance. of this type of | megohm value im o circuit connected The condenser and the resistance should be eomsected up straight on fo 6 § velt main supply, and Jeave it in circuit ae rie for L.F. Choke Coupling (with o different value condenser} indehnitely without any charge taking place or noize developing in it. and similarly too, for cee in conjunction with a 30,008 ohms amods Such a test on a) megohm is equivalent to an B80 volt test on a Hesistance retistunce where relatively low (ae oppored to hich) impedance valves of 2 megohims value. LISSEN Resistances of both these values stand the a respective tests named. VALUES AND CAPACITIES. We refer above to certain values and capacity in the resistances and condensers respectively. These will be found quite all right, but as so many booklets have been issued recently recommending various values, if you are building up a set in accordance with any such booklet, you can use the valoos sat capacity therein recommended, but TO SECURE FULL VOLUME AND NO DISTORTIONIN R.C. COUPLED CIRCUITS YOU are strongly recommended to USE NONE OTHER THAN LISSEN FIXED CONDENSERS AND RESISTANCES,

Prices: LISSEN COMBINATOR (this can be geen in illustrations if holding the resistances and condenser, and shows how 1 = uted end to end they will build wp as desired) ..,,...., ade: LISSEN FIXED CONDENSERS—aoccurate to within 5 per cent. of marked capacity—note the convenient case. 0001 to O01 1/-each (much reduced). 02 te .006 1/6 each (much reduced) LISSEN FIXED RESISTANCES (called also Fixed Grid 1/ aks, same construction), all resistances. (Previously FORE MRRacescrcer cer pee ie weaehp eittthead sae cee qsinastansth ee ae i Shree th ANY LISSEN DEALER Wiki HELP YOU"Ke is «monoe ith; 3 maa@'SSENLISSENCOMBMATORCo! wih: code7 adet: specialized knowledge in most cases. You will find a LISSEN This does away with the need for soldering, although LISSEN also dealer always courteous and obliging. provides tags already tinned far those who waot to solder, USE ANY CIRCUIT BUT ONLY LISSEN PARTS, NO MATTER WH you will climinate distortian and gain in ener eee Lissen Gives You the Best Parts in Radio. LISSEN LIMITED, 300-320, FRIARS LANE, RICHMOND, SURREY. Managing Director: THOMAS N. COLE. Ld


The famous B44. Valve—the finest power amplifyingvalve ever made-has now its counterpart in the new BAH. In these two valves we have provided the ideal combination for 6 volt accumulators, The B.4H. is intended for H.P., detector and early L.F. stages and theB.4 for the final L.F. Stipe: Those who have had experience of theB:4 valve willfind the B4:H, no less remarka‘le in its own sphere, while: from the combin- ation they will obtain a quality of repro duction hitherto undreamed ‘of.

If son have a Bo., boy 2-84, Uf you herten't, bey both

Filament Volts ah 6 = : ey Hi i , ra = Filament Volts ie eeheales 6 Filament Amps, _0.25 ; Filament Amps. 0.25 HT, Vol: 60 tw 120 : HT. Volts 40 t 20 Impedance 28,000 ohms Impedance, 6,000 ohms Price - 18/6 Price 18/6

TENSION acsutminexefor HIGH


Some unigue features SPS SP ‘The Sordinary type of accumulator plate lowes ita charge and becomes sulphated, so that ite full capacity cannot be utilised, if the cells be left for any contiderable time, cepecially if they are already p o r t i a l l y ran down. up with, so that the ordinary plate is This is exactly what a high tension battery has to put cbviously unable to da jmelf justice, and the problem demands « new and upecial type of cell mot sub j e c t to sulphation or loss of charge when standing partially ran down. specifically Exide High Tension Batteries, type WJ, comprise c e l l s of mew and special design

developed for this duty, which they fothl with a degree of success which has surpassed the most PKC Pas

sanguine hopes of their designers, is the admiration of the whole electrical industry, and kas not tC been approached by any other make cf battery.

Their plates are of m special natures, differentiniing them entirely from all other types or Hs makes, They w i l l stand for six months at l e a s t without detriment or loss of charge, even when

partially run down, so that their full capacity is available though the divcharge be spreact FIP aver such periods, They can then b e recharged, and, teasonably cared f o r , ‘will. I n e t

FT SP for yours,

Their discharge is steady, Tree from fluctuations, and ensurss: pure reception ogainst a silent SPT

eee background that is a revelation. FP They provide the most satisfactory source of H.T. im existence, superior to any other HT. battery, definitely superior to any battery eliminater, and infinitely superior to dry batteries, which give

an uneven and noisy discharge, deteriorate rapidly, and then need complete renewal. In spite PSP of their advanced detign, their price is low, and, they are cheaper than dry batteries~ in


eee 2,500 milli

ios 15/o ae out of date. Od. ar STP



a THE LONG-LIFE BATTERY TYPE Wd / Sate 20 Volts. OBTAINABLE | ee fy FROM ALL sh : REPUTABLE a b e l : | Lo Skilled Service: Fs DEALERS

+ Registered Design No. 719881.

Ae am a ay eg EG

4 ee Adcerthement of The Cilarid& E l e c i t i v a l Storege Co., Led, Clifton Janefien, Near Afanchester ae

[Jdangany 14, 1927,

™ it re

rs“s Pe cot ween

The filament figure of merit is an accurate indication of what any Elament gives in exchange for the correct applied input. A. comparison of figures of merit taken from a wide range of filaments shows the marked superiority of Mullard design. A study of the accompanying scale will indicate the vastly increased “output for input” possessed by Mullard P.M. Valves. This is due with- out question to the excellence of the Mullard P.M, Filament. Its generous emiscion cf up to 54 times cae seed that of an ordinary filament with its low purrent consumption of only one tenth ampere give it a : For ¢-volt areumulator br Jarry cells remarkable performance of high efficiency, ¢ THE PMS (General Purpowe} i YL amp, 14: To feel the rich reserve of power that is placed behind THE PA4 (Poacr) Olamp. 15/6 your rheostats when you fie Mullard P.M. Valves and Fav Genel accumalater of 4 dry cells THE P.M-§ (General Purpose) to know that your accumulator charcescan last up to iamp 14'6 7 times as longas before is a pleasure and certainty for THE P-ML6 (Power! lamp. 18/6 satisfaction that every radio amateur should loze no time For 2-nolt accumulator in securing: Thousands have proved for themselves THE P.M1 HL. lame, 14/ THE PMI LE. lamp, 14/- the manifold advantages of these valves with the THE P.M2 (Power) 715 ump 16/6 wonderful Mullard P.M. Filament. Aa Make your radio a real success this season with Mullard P.M. Valves.


7 F = ~

= %7 a — Evenly reproduces the whole on a Ses # a i

ERE i s a really magni- deny thatin appearance it is far ficent Loud Speaker. ahead of all other Loud Speakers on the market. Feweither would question the One which g i v e s the lie once and superiority of irs performance. Pure, mellow | for a l l to the belief that a loudspeaker’s tone. Adequate, undistorted volume. An even and is distasteful. I t i s the Srown true reproduction extending throughout the whole ai appearance harmonic scale—a feature in which the Disc is DiscLoud Speaker. Aninstrumentwhichsets in design and-in performance. unrivalled. The advance in Loud Speaker reproduc- new s t a n d a r d s tion shown inthe new Wrown model can, however, In its handsome shape in either of four hinishes— only be appreciated by hearing it for yourselfat your Black and Gold, Brown and Gold, Cream and Gold, Dealet’s. You'll be charmed with its appearance and and ‘Oxydised Silver—the 6rown Disc comes will marvel at its tone, Brown and Gold very neat fo perfection in Loud Speaker Black and Gold Cream and Gold £7 7 0, design. No one, in fact, would Oxydised Silver Finish £8 8 0. 4 s G BROWN. LID, Western Avenue. North Acton, W.3. ‘ Rewil Showrnemet 19, Martina Soret, Wl: ry oearyamg Liverpioat G7, Hig'y. Say met, Seuthemptes. Wasteate Depots 2) Liqdsdows 5 West, Bath : iy, Wh sllingt oa Str set, Give aw t af, tisdwin Suneat, Bradford ; (Grose. Hous, Westgata Baad, Mewcosthe ¢ Howud -S- Cook: & Go, 38. Caroline Street, Bereingiam; Ralert ary, Usisa hans, Walon + Beelbaa, A, freland.

Gaher! Ad. 6954

— RABIO TIMES —— [dantany 14, 17 SP a aese aa iene al


.. far teal atoadteled atthe renilig. [tia inderd all you claim fori: Ee is al preset reproducing on a Cone Lei Speaker WHICH, AlN dTeoware, re quires consuutrahta’ palurre foo work: ar ceficientiv We! 8, Crovdon, Soe (ARamt, extremely fine circunl. There is abso- lately na omiash, “andthe prusicg! iastramenis come throgh perfectly oc Zi. ei. Fi’; Farnworth, PF ane delighted mith tt, the reception i is veal) atréat. = BOL BS Manchester, “pty friends and yuself are abrolufedy astoumded at the reauits, ‘Beautiful, mcline, naturel vepro- duction, withan alhwmadance of velume- are the words HE fine performance of the R.C. Threesome Resist- of vonr advertisement and it cannot be emphanzel ance-Coupled Receiver has resulted in many glowing tes muck ; tributes being received, Hod. R., Wolverhampton: . on delighted with i. ." Builders of this remarkable receiver nowenjoy wireless reception G SE Richmond, Surrey. ofa standard hitherto unknown, yet the KC. Threesome is so oD hae ow made the sel simplein design that it can be built in an evening. ruth having dorganyl hirrd of the sort befores Ir reat Its tone is wonderfully mellow .. . its volume is abundant is excellent, ver clear anc fred... Dpicked 1g New and free from blare and distortion. One dial control for both castle and Swansza. and local station and Daventry reception. some French station on the London coils; on "phones The two new EDISWAN Valves—R.C.2. and P.V.2.— (London closed), and f got Parison Daventrycoils quite are the secret of the success of the R.C. Threesome. loud dn foudlspenker |." RG. M,. Tunbridge Welly. Every user of valves should seriously consider the merits of . ws The tone is absolutely the new EDISW_AN Quarter-watt POINT ONEECONOMY real. ... Thisisa champion Valves, the types which have won the enthusiastic endorse- gia Uk eee ae ae or half... BEST OF ALL. " ment of the public. Ask your dealer about them. TRE; Coventry. entirely satisiactorp and FREE BLUE-PRINT & INSTRUCTIONS aurpasies myexpectations.. " HO. E.,- Brocktey,, London, lf you can usea screwdriver YOU can make this ultra-modern “a wonderful set and nmi- receiver, You can do it in an evening for £3, or less. The plicity ittelf ovoperation . .* FE) -B,, (Otferton. Instruction Book, is FREE, with BLUE PRINT. FILL IN COLIPON-NOW! % -DISWAN


Plaase- send, post. free, presmiation comes of the “ROC. OLE ase use Threesome” Instruction Book and ueprint. fOCK LETTERS mae ee ae ie ee ist Wiktiany 14, 1927.) a ———

Ig your Accumulator has run down, don’t lose heart—here is one you can fill with acid and use almost at once

the accu- The Oldham different from all The Oldham tLaminode Plate is Scus o'clock—and other accumulators. It has laminated immensely strong—its stout girder-like mulator run down! What plates [made under the Special Acti- construction [patent applied for) is isto be done? It is no use vation process} which permit the acid proof against buckling whilstthe expecting to be able to buy a circulating thoroughly and acting upon elimination of separators and the [reer circulation of the electrolyte prevents charged accumulator at such short the several surfaces simultameously. knows that a TheOldham Laminode plate has two the charge leaking away when not in notice, for everyone tremendous advantages. which place use. An Oldham O.V.D. will last new accumulator requires a long it far ahead ol competitors. It holds ites a one-valve Dull EmitterSet-at least slow c h a r g e to prepare it for use. chargeover long periods and it can be 180 hours at a charge. Think of it charged rapidly without harm. ‘These —9 weeks hroadcasting for a few available two advantages have never before been coppers. Whilst a 2-valve Set owner But stay! T h e r eis a t l a s t combined in any accumulator, will get 72 hours—almost a month's an accumulator which only requires regular use. the addition of dilute acidto s t a r t new A TIP WORTH REMEMBERING And when the exhausted it it working, This. wonderful Yout accumulater oy con down uoexpectediy can be charged up rapidly within Oldham at amidst ewkeard moment. Wir oor hoy an spe Accumulator is . t h e Of. and keep soficleg: acid of che correct 8 hours instead of the customary 30 boon teeth eraviry in-a-smal) bole for- emergency PS hours. Everyone has painful memories O.V.D. It i s the b i g g e s t ie. Event kept for years withgut atick tie es (L¥,D. will noe bose ehe initial charge it revelved A of accumulators ruined through careless ever offered t o wireless enthusiasts. at che factory. is banished. eee charging, The Oldham O.V.D. is The long first charge proof against such abuse, In fact, we Merely f i l l the O.V.D, with acid Alaake ouly he ourselves have charged an ©O.V.D. ready OLDHAM. & SON, LTD., and i n less than an hour it is Dentin, Manchester fully within four hours without harm for use. Lendat Gibce = 4, Ecchesoon Place, Si to-the cell, Crlaxgow Depors IS) Wellington Street

Special Activation Process Batteries The new O.V.D.

—the slow discharge Accumulator 5/6 which can be fully charged in 8 hours 5/6 Capmany 10 aaa sours Canaedty 20 amp bores Ghdert Aid. 2056

— RADIO TIMES — [Jaxvany 14, 4 9 2 7 .

=— E =

Below; Tha" Wires Welderan hands the Valon to Filsd,

Cone af the Vibes bee pechwat aah Oiler th 17 fest rop,

ever conceived —Cossor valves dropped from an aeroplane at 500 feet to prove toughness of filament

Fetter brbebheeeeesaeae

eee took place on Monday, board the following were the ©

December 20th,1926, the startling results :-— Test carried Pind out under ce most astonishing test to which § Valves were found to be in per-. ae supervision CFP airy Wireless. valves have ever fect condition (one landed on a PP been subjected. Twelve Cossor corrugated iron roof and another of SPP on some wooden blocks). PEEPLES “Amateur

Valves were chosen at random TSSSEE from stock by editorial represen- 5 Valves suffered from an internal Wireless” SP tatives from‘*AmateurWireless,” derangement of the electrode : " Popular system but the tilaments were : Wireless” “Popular Wireless” and“ Wire- unharmed. “Wireless : less World.” These valves were 1 Valve was smashed to pieces World *

numbered and packed in the ordi- through hitting the tail plane in. a a nary alba carton without flight (even in this case the fila- en he eo EERE EDEES eee cotton wool, corrugated paper ment was intact). or other absorbentmaterial, They 1 Valve fell out of range and was TYPES @ PRICES were taken direct to Stag Lane lost. Aerodrome and handed to Capt. But in spite of the terrific dvop and a Cossor Point One 35 mph wind the filamerits were SLOH Yor HLF. tise .-. T4/- Barnard, the pilot of a “Moth” intact in all valves. * 210D for Detector... 14, aeroplane, with instructions to This proves beyond question 2 vols ‘ll ampere} drop them overboard one at a that the new Kalenised filament Cossor Power time at a height of over 500 Walves is the world’s strongest filament, feet. The assistant Editor of Stentor Twa . 18/6 But only Gossor hasthe Kalenised (2 voits “15 ampere} esireless” accompanied filament—if you want long life, Senter Foyer 15,'6 the pilot. low current consumption and (4 Vou “DT ampere) superb results see that your next All above Valoes fitted Out of the 12. Cossor Power- with Cossor, Kalenised Walves which were thrown over- valve is a Cossor, Filaments

_the Valve which Cossor serves you longest Gilbert Ad 6887 muds: ofA.Co Costore iad, ighieory Grove Goncion, NS

danvany 14, 1987.] __ RADIO TIMES —

= ale== i a, HELTERTENE Te sere Feinee WTAPit ff | eater i} Wi Fe | i a uirle wat 4 bE THE tat

f IN Ls a ee; Il H| | 1i i ) .," iwt) 1 a

“He certainly sold us the right Loud Speaker” | HAT is what you will, probably say, i and certainly think, after you have bought a B.T.H. C.2. Loud Speaker It is right in tone, right in volume, right in ap- peatance, and especially right in price. It is a full-sized instrument, 24" high with a 14" flare, giving an ample volume of sound for any living room of average dimensions,

TYPE C2 The only full sized full toned instrument for £3:0:0 LOUDSPEAKERS big peice tate THOE fy io irleh Fre apply ‘ =H BRITISH MADE Braud ThamesHiuaa oo Lat 2628 B Tie

i eis: RADIO“ TIMES =a Ba eliincienesaliiN14, igi. 0

(FLOM 2 denValves


ce : 3 eTeeeo h ..++ Jor purity of tone and minimum 6-15: COMPLETEASag| of current your valves appear to be the or 28/4 down. best on the market.” * Its volume is simply Great—in facl You want a valve that costs little and gives you a long life of silver clear tones using the very minimum of current it equals many 3 and 4 valve sets | to do it,

have heard (GEL., Netley Abbey.)” More and more p e o p l e each day are. discovering a l l ae One more tribute to the wonderful Little Giant Two. these properties combined in the Louden Valve, Then “Little Giant Sets are made in 4 models and are supplied like Mr. Jeves, they write and say so.

complete with all accessories including the famous Silver Fear Sirs, eee © Jitank you for tending onthe foe a fal Renitter Pater: 2 awe Pied flo cut _ Clear Dull Emitter Louden Valves. "on any sel, and chtainrd crochld aitally god recerpe bate ? LP ithe fis Pakage nd hur well edcnt eda ey foiePee tried) Tea oie vou

“Dhl for geulraiy afem aad for omiei Hun uf cprerid yur Beppe: apne fd mut fis be pie ica Little | inthe Little Litthe “beat om the aired Specification. | Grom. 4. Giant Ih | Giant Ii. | Giant IV. "Yop can wake iy iool fhis deserop and rugolictts at fee sbetonia! oli Eafa: | “Vewre Tirade Receiver (inchuding Marcon| | ae TRV DEtreebegi ee 83170] £4:92:0! 965556 = Royalty) 2 -222s.- 224 |. R222:6) » Louden Valves are made by British labour in a British factery with British Dp. E. Valves| th) a:0 42) 6:0 iA) £1740 (axl $230 a Londen 4-Vott capital and can be depended upon for the Finest voluce, range ard silyer HT. B a t t e r y ((Fellophone) G4V) 6.5 (UHV) 13-20 (uaV) 13:0 (uy 13:0 clearness. They con only Lee: offeredat euch low prices because eal our well-known av. Accumulator’. . Eat) fe: 6 ‘(20ah) h e t 6 | 2ktacs)- ie+6 (ish) 1626 policy of selling direct to the public and cutting outthe middlenmon's profits. Fellows =e ‘Acrial, Insulators, Wining, | L The list below gives prices and full particulars. Instructions...) 4... 32.0 0) A0) 43:0 Order your Louden Valves fromus by post, = 9

Headphones (HHi) or rlbain, owt cE =in,! se Loud Speeker (LS). Hy. 16 LS) 13:6 Ls) 13:6 Ws) 1:6 3:6 4/6 8/- 8/. S- -\ Total Cash Priceghee24:00 £6:15:0 ST:718: 010: Bright Emitters. Boll Emitters, _ Boll Emitters. “Deferred~Payments, With LF. Amplifer, FL LF. Amplifier, LER, LF. Aumptiter: FE BLY. 57:0 HLF. Ansplifier, F2. HF. Amplifier, LE Re. HLF. Amplaher. FieRL? RMN or dk Gans Se a 24-6) ao: 4 a9) Dictecsor. FJ. Detteine, LER, Bisteetar, FER. & Monthly Payments of .. 2:3 19:3 at: 5) aa: 8

5.5 volts 0.4 amps. 2 volts 0.2 amps. 4 volts 0.1 amps. Te

HOW TO OBTAIN THESE WONDERFUL SETS. 12/- Ly 1—‘You can, inspect ened pene Fellowsapparatia ot any of ear beanches 9/- 11/- faddresses given below Drall Emiiters: BE, Power Valves, DE. Power Valves. oe 2—Weu don forward the Fatt col volue fin PO. Money Order, ‘or Cheque}, aenero fee“ “Traralarsertengdliers F E.B.1. Te pwhorenertunplehaes PERSE ditectto ws-or to our tranches. orton con obtain your sct naa ties DeferedPayment System by enclosiog with tabi F-E.R:3. Reiwtinte Amelidig¢ns PLEA. Masisttance Aumplifiera FELRL 2, gvour order the ppecenete first instalment, ne shown above, ond forwarding tr direct to our Head Office. 6 volts 0.1 amps. 4 volts 0.2 amps. 6 volts 0.2 amps, |

* * Nie—AT Peblowa get can a sappied on Tidings’ ten h tf fal! cagh cove. fy remitted, Money willl be rofumded in fell GE vow ere dinsatielied ta-onyr respect. They are sent Postage ond Packing: | Velve 44, 2-ge 3 Valves, Gd. “4, Sune @ Valves; FL packing bree, cortiage forwed. FELLOWS, PARK ROYAL, N.W.10. FELLOWS, PARK ROYAL, N.W.10. eenRehteae Branches t Branches‘: - | LONDON : 20, Stor: St, Tottenham Count Rd, :W.W.C. peiawesirpe inte Wisi bla ddeciaemnl LONDON: 2, Store St, Tottenham Court Rd, W.C. i; WRITE FOR BIRMINGHAM : 240, Corporation Street (Central435),a0), 5 iF EIRMIN Write for INGHAM 248,C arporiinoniron St Stireg Comersire : i + BRIGHTON : 31, Chaesai’ s Rood (Brighten £35), top i eeerant: di, Chicca'’Head (Brighten $00) : ILLUSTRATED i BRISTOL : 36, Narrow Wines Sirect (Bristol 7572), Mlostrated i BRISL OL 235, Nerrow , i-eStreet (Eristel TAZ, { CATALOGU CARDIFF: Dominions Arcade,Queen Street (Cardiff M85), 7i 4 CARDIFF : Dominions Ascede, Qoecen Street (Cardilk T6553) i No. 18 LEEDS : 65, ParkLame (Leeds 21473). : Catalogue No. 10 {LEEDS : €5, ParkLane (Lends 217M, FREE MANCHESTER : 33, John Daltew Sireet (Central L164) i REE i MANCHES(ER 7 33, John Dalten Street (Central 1164), eeas REWCASILE36,GreyStreet (City 900), iu : F | WEWCASILE: 36, Grey Street (City 980). r t t Fite ; NOTTINGHAM 40: Bridlesmith ats (Netting are 555ih, TONBRIDG! HM, Quarry Hill { enbridg. 172). TONBRIDMGE 3 ieQuarry Hill {1 onbrldieWE —— BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY ~__ BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY « C. Lit,

- SE SSeS a 7 oi x -— Te = a ; —_ Wawktany 14; 1827.) a —— RADIO TIMES -— SS 14)


> For 4 or 6 volt 45). | WIRELESS V A L V E S . Accumulators

For H.T. Accumulators 50/- Injunction and Damages.

ON the 9th December, 1926, in the High Court of Justice Chan- cery Division in the case of Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company Limited against Midland Valves Limited the Defendants having paid agreed sums for damages and c o s t s amounting to £75 consented to an order for an Injunction restraining them from infringing Letters Patent 184446 and for delivery up to the 10 hours for 14) | Plaintiffs of all ‘°o6 Ampere Valves in their possession or power. li you baye Alternating Current (A.C.) Electric Light - y o u can charge your Accumulator at home for an absurdly low cost by ueing the Fellows Accumulatar Charger. This c h a r g e r is simplicity itecli, there are no expensive parts to WARNING require renewal, it cannot harm your electric Hght in any: Way, hind i t is aa gale ta handle oa your loud epeaker, Simply pleg it into an electric lamp holder ( s e c above), switch cn, give a t w i s t to the knurled knob, and, when the little motor to +5 running connect up your 4oor 6 volt accumulstor and leawe i t on Charge uri the bubbles rite freely in the acid insicle, ‘The DEALERS and USERS. charger will automatically give the ‘correct charging current, You need only have ane ‘accumulator because you can charge it up when your get is mot in u s e . NOTICE [S HEREBY GIVEN Your present naecumulatoers probably cost from 9d. to (1/6 per charge; ‘you cannot be certain that they get fair treatment by Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph while away: and there ore frequently delays and disappointments, | Phe- Fellows charger eliminates all these troubles. lt will charge Company Limited, boih on their ! tp om large accumulator (ear. GV. 30ah) for a cost of abeut ONE PENNY for 10 hours, even in districts where lighting” iw as own behalf and on behalf of

high as 5d. per wit, ain =e There in also aapecial model designed to charge wp H.T. Accuroulatars t h e B r i t i s h Thomson - Houston in batches of 6D w o l t e at atime, Output } ampere. als You can, by remitting full cash value, have one of these chargers Company Limited and the Gener«l

en SEVEN DAYS’ FREE TRIAL. If you are n o t . more than a fniishted We will tole 1k back and Tetum your money in full. Electric Company Limited, that ACB When ordering please state corefoliy poll- l e g a l proceedings will be taken a age and frequency fries) caf pour meine.

You will fad this information’ om your meler, against any Company, firm or i FELLOWS, PARK ROYAL, N.W.10. person s e l l i n g or using valves a es Branches:

which infringe any patents owned OS ereeerhery LONDON: 2B, Stare St, Tottenham Coort Rd; WC | Write for | (MoseS200), j ak j BIRMINGHAM 3 248, Corporation Street (Contral 4x5), or controlled by them. t Pe. BRIGHION : 31, Queen's Road, (Krighton #9), ee i Westrated ! BRIS OL: 36, Narrow Wine Street (Hriatel 7972). a ? CATALOGUE : CARDIFF : Derminicos Arcade, Qucen Street ((Cardid TEQ5), E No. 10 i LEEDS : 65, ParkLane (Leeds 21479). MANCHESTER ; 22, Joh Dalton Street [Central 1164), | i FREE | HEWCASiILE + 3, Grey Street (City 380). HODLINGHAM 130, Hridlesm th Gote (Nettinghans S551), TONERIDGCE: #, Qua, .il Tanbridge 1725, _— _ | BUYDIRECT AND SAVE MONEY (AE AeT C268,

= = = ——__——t ——o 7 7 Te

wyae te ye nee eT a, T eLS r


Omelettes ACCUMULATORS body's valve crammed a it. Quality; upon standard battery up hours P. When battery shells. rosion vents: proof: which You no a battery, [i BATTERY. & to more he Stuffing Optimism is : -working get, PETO R. what its by terminals beginning

you PR you You than anti-splash leak-, which cheerful and equipment. than work: in full’ you petroleum too, get PowER see counts, comes get an the & you shock-, of a the know Rolls-Royce capacity, a And battery you RADFORD “P.

protected no optimism omelette, maker get and ordinary energy. “ out glands: Dagenite” get and more one & acid- capacity—real, that the which of R.” the puts which not anti inside and out kind. from end in the depends you kind Get outside and fits in spray stands some- inside amp- heat- of costs egg- case cor- it's get as of a





tare the

THE simply THE addition production & at by sized diaphragm, ia has made complete FELLOWS

FREE. 5 orn bore now really

experts, —- weakest FATED fe Al on ene FOR room of cnllingly DIRECT offeredin adjustment goods from | Duralumin, to handsome with i i wit sulficient it SEND the a speech will parte

VOLUTONE h JUNIOR cords, are ‘clear, most 13/6 refunded give an can sent value and full ior PARK they to weigh (carriage does expensive HEADPHONES sweet TONBRIDGE: BODTINGHAM EPEDS. ERISTOL PIRMINGHAM LONDON: YOUR improved CAS results

hope All music, onr controlling size IGHION will AND tf 0 0, only to tones, yoru large with loud days neither ore compare, forward). LE, s 3 i, ect. form, Ear + are 6 ORDER room. extremely which 31, speaker. and. See Stere free ounces, Hi, ee ROYAL, S.

1 volume, Lone 248, Queen's not rust Garr not SAVE Quorry 19 abt i being Gridiesmith trial than () no Ce Branches completely it, et nor It - - oan RELESs* it inches Troreatien giving 5 Strat loud Road stands tht comfortable, They will bd Crs Tottenham (Carriage and and Hill tarnish. (Carrioge designed NOW. an

.- eae speaker icay i © (Tonbridws (Brighton fill ry your high, makes rich, Gate are - 20

€Postage6d.) exist. (Jasvany MONEY satiafied. reel any Srastet eae inches ee

45/- (Nottingham sensitiveto 13/6 N.W.10. money Court 11/6 throgghout natural aur assembled adjustable forward) forward) and o this ordinary 69). 177), See, itm. fitting bei t high,

t 14, Rd, re.

ng 1927. I 5551), WC, Sh

sn all. Nii ii ini a il : a = ht Pel Bamg Pr aa a Jastiany 14, 1927.) —_ Bano aS paales® ee


BY ‘TONE’ &'POWER’ LO os | BROADCASTS Type B. Unit For Boon’ Companions of Osram Valv2s The Alternating Current

HIGH TENSION FROM 28 TONE!&POWER: YOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT | Li ot have Electrte Light, send for a Fellophone H Tr Wingns Lintt ond do away with the expense of renewing exhausted Batteries in the Family Grcle All-you bavwe to de is to plug the adaptor of the Maing Unit into a jemp holder, swatch on, and an inexhaustible supply of HT current is at your disposal. home Fellophone Mains Units possess, among others, the following Father brought TONE and POWER advantages. with him the other evening. | !. ABSOLUTE SAFETY: An ample morgin of-ksfety is pro- Th kiddies simply loved POWER, they'd ! vided in these Units which completely safenua rds them againet 2 { breakdown, They oreo safe to fit as an-clectric light globe never heard jazz music s0 loudly. so did ond as safe to handle when working as a n H.T. Battery, by these Unite is no Brother Bert. He revelled im ~~ a of 2 LOW COST, thes ie consumed . : ather, in | more than that taken by a “night light © electric lamp, They — ere Mother bets TONE’S are thus gy economical and they rapidly save the cost their more sedate way, app of renewing B a t t e r i e s , i n f l u e n c e in the delicate muney ae a 3 , PERFECT RECEPTION. |W hen ordeiings t a t e the voltags the Symphony and the richness oO . e | Giseriey,.-HH your lightingYour M amains t i a s Unitand W e i l l( i l . tCurrent h e n . givet eyoualteruevibesti vacansial7) el tres bass tenes. free fram all “ ripple” or * hum,” It will be a long time before our genial friends 4 AC. or D.C. Fellawa Mains (J nita are made either for Alters leavehe evening'sthat familye n j t ycircle., m e n t e v e rThey're y night. indispensableB r i n g POWERto natingi uve f oCurrent r ightingor Direct Current and for all voltages commonly nd TONE ‘ito your home by buying — 5 SINGLE OF MULTI VOLTAGE. These nits, whether es . for AlCoor DAC. are made in bwo TYPES, Type A, delivers a single value only of AT. Voltage.- Type B. delivers three separate values, two of which are varioble over twelve tappings, thus enabling the exoct required voltages to be‘applied to several valves at once. (For hurther’deseriptian see pages 25 and 29 of our Catalogue Na: TO.) 6. SEVEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. You can have oa Fellows Maine Unit on geven days trial by remitting full value, If yo fre not more than pleased with GE, return it to us ith good conditvod and we will promptly rehuned VEAL full remittance,

PRICES (Carriage forward): A.C, B.C. Type A. (50 volts) - £3; 10:0 Type.A. (50 volts) - £2: 1:0 Type A. (100 velts)- £3: 10:0 Type A, (70 volts) - £2: 1020 Typo B, (molti voltage} £4:10:0 Type A. (100-velts)- £2: 10:0 Type B. (multi voltage) £3: 19: 0 | FELLOWS, PARK ROYAL, N.W.10,

Branches + LONDON: 20, Store St., Tottenbam Court Bd, Wt. i(Mhiseurn B20). BIRMINGHAM + 248, Corporation Street (Central d55}, Fie G. ECA 1 Write for 4app. BRIGHT OI : 2, Queen's Road (Brighton #94, 1 ee 3, Narrow" Wine Street (Bristel 7372). ; yourguaran= fee E; Ceislogue» WyestratedNo| EDS108DIFF: DreParki laveArcade,daetaniStreet iCardit 7 ay 4hykev i REE, ; MANCHESTER : 33, Johe Dalton Street (Central 11} i £ REWCASILE « %, Grey Street (City Sei. Acourmulators : i NOTTINGHAM 1 39, Bridiesmith Gate (Nottingham 55814 i ; if amd Dry ells . ereeerrerer rey tt ttt ter z TONBRIDGE : a, Quarry Hill (Tanbr dpe 12, . LAS Steenn i ' Y DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY J London, wC2. aiert ’ Ado!..of The General Electric Co., Lid., Magnet House, Kingsway,


---- RADIO TIMES —— [ganar bt, iar Slee a

ing dong bell, Anyone can tell, See Mum's made BISTO gravy; ’ What a lovely smell /

eh ye ye Loudly and insistently t o every Syed oy Wireless man wanting finest : results at lowest prices:— Resolve that this year you buy PERMANENT DETECTOR none but the All-British super- economy Lustrolux Valves. THE COMPLETE UNIT WHICH |S INCOMPARABLE FOR EFFICIENCY lett tiieFl)eee Resolve further, that all broken FULLY GUARANTEED = Zvolt to4volt range ; and burnt-out valves be sentfor : treatment by the TheWavelengthis the worlds finest pe oe A “ LUSTROLUX Detectorlinit and gives best rere : VALVE REPAIR SERVICE." : rol - o l k range : i ; : evolttoGvolt rang (Charges ore half [ist prices of under. La j i Power Valves, White for particulars. £100 Comprehensive Insurance

; Ba i : Whether HF. LF. ee Power Valve, ra each. ; there's a Lustrolux for your needs 2 Js FREE| er 4, or 6 volt; ‘06 amp, to #4 amp. ies ekayour dealer or send direct. Jrovoton theW : Liga! Stocked by oolworth’s Stores, Boots ash it Pee: emists, and all Dealers.

West Bollington, near Macclesfield, ees PEERerecabal wie.

nevwl Send for Catalogue “K.”

ii e# 2 : ‘in [s' if wo Ww EL a at Day) 470. P| BILLIARDSWHY AT‘NOTHOME? * arr,2s ne ve - a Poca Tat a. Rhey |" Heme" Witlierd et 2 A Ms fe Tabla, Lh yall lant, a lifetime Aid pre Pad vide enjeyeneiel oh et cl proeesty lon fa? Lo ite. feck, ~-Reng a OF ti: 1-H yt fer FTA) ee . 14): ood Relore will. doepatel: the ily i oe Ot. abu is fiieine t Br‘tinea j Nha?: F ee’bka CDMpwi an roadegF fF. play Ga H.T, TLELIMINATOR - Ry. | oi nar eee Soe a Pollen Vekes the old H:-T: Bateery anunnecessary evil rh ' aa Emp r2 ie a . 7 = 5 for all who have clectric ligkt in the home | Pn UF Git. die. cSt. airi #11150: With a Bu niyo € 100 bn 250 voltawalt any voltagelt of bhihightensiont fron Iroc 21) te |S)con be Lil = Et roa 7 a =e 40 : obtained eatprlangpopienar-a76 hg a thoarest electric bight socket Four stages of #4 F piccrtee ses a ree aie tile PAsenelte aot 278, Grid Bing ate peevicled for: 4.8, oand 16 volts. Corest coneumption ne_eligible. iiss Riley's“ Boom BiliTablesate , wetun : Lah:TSte aT o aor spectively For DIRECT and ALTERNATING Purreat. FULL WAVE RECTIFICATION, is tor " = 7 Ritere a l } i 4 é ; 5 eet | (aber Seeastues periect tamed ake, WW:Fick.Ee) haaaunin || oyRctithnlemating earCurrent MaeMade arMNOY weeReoracinal aml Riley" a pay th: carriage aod fa i List 1 Warloda designs «imi jen neil in: tek ‘3 aa74 volts mama finelucting 2 valves) 1. 1 Zea S&S oOo 1 oe _a risk in br anit. All : > er Miho Prices feeder: from 2 Revalty en ACC. Model only, eo Per catrament. qin 4 ics agare ee RoR OW. Caan aay, Pay mete, Mosel nee Siosores eer sives 40, 60,90, tie inthiugded wolte (Me Corte ia 5 alae Fan rietal E. J. RILEY, LTD., : pre Moannlacturars fy insteovencel carieé the “wth” muarantee rae(hg Pecans: epee et Aceenasins: 7 , CLARKE & £0. (Hiatt)LTD., Atlus Works, Old Trafford, Manchester. ‘etroe hOYSGe, Lindow, E01. A kA A ry YY a ey

Jaxvany 14, 1927.] 145 / = owl LOW 1 Cet a : Whe FRELES 60 volts now 4/6! ! @o5 (TSUST as it pays to get ae a good pair of shoes, eeereegBe a ©food hat and =pood * ~ ¢@lothes, so docs it pay fo get a good Joud speaker. it. will fast, it will look well always, it will give enduring |

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an economical investment |

in the tongrun. Good loud : Speakers, moreover, are not hecessarily expensivye—the world famous AMPLION is Obtainable in az different Vairielies at pres ranging from 38/- to thirteen guineas. This 60-volt H.T. Battery tapped every 3 v o l t s and completewithwanderplugs

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Once again Fellows show the way to lower prices. First Valves, then Sets, then Loudspeakers, JOHN HENRY and now H.T. Batteries ! Can you find anywhere such value in H.T. B a t t e r i e s CALLI NG/in the as t h i s a l l - B r i t i s h 60-volt F e l l o w s ? JANUARY N° of the In a short time the sale of these H.T. B a t t e r i e s has risen to thousands a week and so once again we are passing on to you the benefit of the savings AMIPLION elected. Order from our Branches or direct by post from RADIO MAGAZINE us. to-night. also a PETER DAWSON BA Volts. with tesa tor tid bias free OIG H. M. BATEMAN GO cgi eeecaeenee “ow to Get the Best out of Your Receiver” | 0G” 5, eet ee (No. 1 of an interesting new sories) oC er “Limitations in Wireless Reception" (Colin H. Gardner) FREE RADIO TIME CHART (British & Continental) FELLOWS, PARK ROYAL, N.W.10. P r i z e s Branches: FREE COMPETITION with Numerous eeeeer ere rote te ents teen LONDON: 20, Stere St, Tottenham Court Rid, Wot, Es Children's Corner "—and numerous attractions. 7 Write for 48-pp, - (Museum 8206), ———_— So ! BIRMINGHAM: 35, Corporation Street (Contral 435), Wustrated r BRIGHTON : 31, Queen's Rood (Brighten ae. i i BRISTOL 4, Narrow. Wine Sireet (Bristel 73721. ; Catalogue No. 105 CARDIFF: Dominions Arcade, Queen Street (Cardiff 1685), eeSS eeee ee ee ee : ae LEEDS 7-65, Park Lane (Leeda 21479}, PUBLISHERS: FREE. i MANCHESTER ; 33,Joho Dalton Street (Central 116d), GRAHAM AMPLION LIMITED | ROTTINGHAM :30,i Hridlesmithridlesmith Gatelate (Ne(Mottingham 5554}, TONBRIDGE ; 34, ‘Quarry Hill (Tonbridge ae 25.26, Savile Row, London, W:1. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY t bEAa


a Gia Per Volt

Capacity : . because of the tnfinite care taken tn their manwfocture. ii “|3,000 Milli-Ampere hours La TYPE B (Hall-Watt Typel. Valtcn § trad. Price WHY PAY aes HY, | sO VF. a ts,a Mae |e mt DOUBLE- a as 1b Wo j Mtge | d'- the price for pour H.T. Accumulator: when youl can easily assemble your ovo at home in a couple of hours of Champion H.T. ACCUMUL ATOR 100 = = zw PARTS at-6id. per complete volt? fia) Phra ce By CHAMPION H.T, ACCUMULATOR: PARTS are guaranteed, made of. best TYPE A (Vacuum Type). quality all British material: they have stood the severest tests, and have & 20%, Righer capacity than many other well-known makes at | Voltages and Premes, neatly double the price. Wate. # ¥:|| -ate_ or fd, oo a Ttis & recogtiised fact that a qo-50 volt H.T. Accumulator is equivalent i | We in power (0.2 60-66 volt H.T. dry Battery F then why not begin by thaking

a Ee Be a A 40 Polt\H.T,. Actumulator ?—and should you sall wish for more power you simply add more celle at will) (you get full power all the time; not60 volts 0°) bot a Te to-day, run down 19 56 volts next. wel, as-is the case with your dry

—— 6 : Sa j4 Battery). Rechargeonce every 7-8 months. Your Grid Bias Battery, too,

for best results should be made of Champion H.T. Parts, ee Posfage an! packing: land 2 tomes, 6d., 3,-4.4 or 6 fomps, Sd, Parts required fer each 2 colt cell. —— NM B—Kindly siate the type. watts, and t Champion Glass Jar, with separator ; did, each exact voltage, a3 shown. on your. electric : Champion Positive: Plate, and bridge in sealled packet . each fight meter, of the lamps von require, Champion Neratire Plata, in ‘sealed packet a .. 4d. each Jnclude with vwour remilfance amount fo Chantaibn Mica Glass-[ar covers (1 foreach jar), packet of t2 3d, cuver postage an chownabeye: -Alemem= Champion Accumulator Pitth, per packet, enough for whole Ace, 34. ber every Fellows Lamp is guaranteed Bach article con be eh aif id ge par ately, Or bi Giaaht ieeo mE the rate of 6 ed her Coatlt rk welt. of oll Leading Dealers; or poat free direct bro: emaonulacturers. When ordersog direct plosed sead comect money bo aecicd MeleeCheques MAO. und Postel Orders BUY BY POST | should be crossed Wiestrattan: and full amathactioa: with ever Battery of feo On oppuitatioa. Carrier: Pa Me Peete dla dntte tapeile et. sa &SAVE MONEY | FELLOWS, PARE ROYAL,~Wa

epaired -_AS GOOD AS NEW !! Sg (ox ge VWeocasIPesbys wd eel ede Tap AXON GUIDE TO WIRELESS

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Learn to Play JAZZ1T ibe riayes At ote) ME woe “tataihs¥ ond bends bea womebertiy ani tes Hineamfor ol ati z Lkpou con ploy the Pitins, yeu, tac, can become nipits. dvery hed ie Rove: hapa tal rt real dines Finrt | table. ‘Haley's kasycra tepay ohhthers this. posslbia, There are threes sizes, Gft., Vit,, amid Bi - Sidabls Billy Mayerl for tho -pmaliest mooma. Can be folded aad stoced the werld's prestest. yneapated paatist and mio bawenirite, ewoy. All aopessorim included. CARRIAGE PAID, ell Leach pow through the ea hey Hiarendegial new etd eee baantele verbo Wits packsAg Cape Tdaya" free trial ae Bilas Enc Eaoy —raped—fwacinatou Husdrede altesdy succesful. = fota tox- ell tik in trogelt, bill Price ist ites on paced, Write seer for FREE book and fall partoculors, oe Seee BILLY MAYERL SCHOOL{ - A, DOWN aecured toe popular Ett. ‘os E. J. R | LE Y, L T D, 29, Oxford Street, London, FKCOeal HT. UNITS EVERYCoueeeeee. SCRAP DRY BATTERIES! DESERVES MULLARD iy ckinining HT. Carrent tromolectele supply mains (D.C, 4:40.) by: bist athacbine Adapter bo ebectnic le ght lari pole t MASTER VALVES SAFE! SILENT! SOUND! The “QUALITY™ Unit. —Ask for—— Mullard Rein one Nelves oNtry sera'| [rom 42/6. Trice ILLUSTRATED FOLDER FREE! EK COLE ro(Dept, H.) 513, London Rd., Westeliff-on-3ea.

Printed by Saws Ee < ‘Paanaae Ti Ia isd Oh, Le. Emer Street, Lb SavrOkeGrove, WoL), and Pahtstailforthe Proprietors by Gi RORGFNE1M i, Grn, BDL, Boicham phon Behe, Strand, Lonelam, WANE, England — Jagunty (4, 002

Jixraky Ta,


PLAYER’S “MEDIUM” NAVY CUT CIGARETTES 4/8 A Gift that gives a Hundred Happy Memories

CTawtany 14, 2837.

fighting spirit in a Battery—

T the end of a long programme if you look-back through the hours you will recall that never once during that time was there any sagging in your loud speaker the LISSEN New reproduction if you use Process. Battery. Sustained tones, no peaks, no depressions, but a smooth power flow all the time which has kept your loud —— natural in its utterance and fresh-voiced till

the end. You know that your LISSEN battery is absolutely fresh when you get it, too, use, due to our new direct to dealer policy of distribution it has gone straight into dealers’ shops from factory. You benefit also because this cuts out all wholesale profits, and you get a battery whichwould otherwise have been higher priced. Rated at 69 volts the LISSEN New Process Battery goes con- siderably over. It is full of live yet silent cells, packed with pure energy, and offering a stubborn resistanceto the drain imposed by long programmes. If you want to improve your loud speaker reproduction, this fine battery will help you. Ask for it . Say ‘‘ LISSEN New Process.”’ Take q Hear your LISSENOLA nothing else. ff any difficulty you can send direct to working off this battery factory, but please mention dealer's name and address. to know what a good loud-speaker and a good

battery can do together. IMPORTANT TO 10/6 THE TRADE, TheLalies he bare pice $ Bid y leben citifest thoukd write gE Sgcn fey details al ihe oe LSS dhitietfed i: Larcher : fe « sipaer by which petllice ot diivirlieition The New Process =a}! sraera fee LIGSER predocts 1s emt noe be wel this battery i s made eset Lo ip Bh ds bod, OF bo ltl known toe and exclusive Hanliga, only to LISSEN. * LISSEN LIMITED, 3 0 0 - 3 2 0 , FRIARS LANE, RICHMOND, SURREY. (Price would have

Moaseging Director! Thoma WW, Cole. been i3/- bot for new policy.)