
Video Companion: https://youtu.be/ehbldpkPoGI

1. The Purpose Of is a temporary protocol for removing biofilm, waste, impacted matter and mucoid plaque out of your GI tract so you can more easily transition to a healthier diet and lifestyle and experience better digestion, absorption and utilization.

Juice fasting is an ideal way to detoxify the Gi tract because you can fast for an extended period of time while getting adequate calories. This allows the body the time necessary to focus solely on intensive waste elimination where otherwise it would not be possible.

2. The

Greenstar Elite by Tribest: https://amzn.to/3tPR5V8

A slow masticating juicer is a must and ideally a twin gear! The best value on the market is the Greenstar Elite by Tribest. You can spend more, you can spend less. But the Greenstar has the best bang-for-the-buck. A twin gear juicer provides the best quality juice with best yield and no oxidation (very important.) With the Greenstar you get twin gears plus the adequate horsepower to make an enjoyable experience for many years to come. It also comes with a 12 year warranty!

Cheaper single gear options that will also work:

Omega NC900: https://amzn.to/2LwnLS3

Omega VSJ843: https://amzn.to/3tEAKCm 3. The Recipe Ginger Blast: makes approx. 1 Quart 1 Bunch of celery 1 Cucumber 2 Green apples 1 Bunch of parsley 1 Bunch of cilantro 1 Inch of fresh ginger 1 Inch of fresh turmeric 1 Lemon peeled (strain your juice well)

4. How Much Juice Total 4-6 quarts per day (1 to 1.5 Gallons) Approx. 2400-3000 Calories per day 3 quarts of Lemon Ginger Blast 3 quarts of astringent (all citrus, orange, grapefruit, )

The astringent fruit juices will help dissolve out the mucoid plaque and all biofilms. You can bring in other fruit juices that make you feel good so that you aren’t struggling and have an enjoyable juice fast, like watermelon juice, etc. But the more aggressive you are by sticking to the LGB and citrus juices the quicker your juice fast will go. The more pleasant and enjoyable the juices the longer it will take, possibly resulting in no release of mucoid plaque.

Ball Wide-Mouth Quart Jars: https://amzn.to/2IRxui8 Ball Wide-Mouth Plastic Storage Lids: https://amzn.to/2GDKAOq

5. How Long Should You Go? Go as long as it takes until all waste stops coming out! It can be different for everyone but usually it takes between 30, 60 or 90 days. Go the distance one time and you never have to do it again as along as you are maintaining a raw vegan diet afterwards. It might be inconvenient in the short term to dedicate three months to juice fasting but it will really change your life for the better forever! 6. Detox Symptoms Don’t be afraid of detox! Detox is a sign your body is eliminating waste! This is an essential step in healing and is necessary no matter how uncomfortable. Ultimately detox symptoms are a blessing and mean you are on your way to healing! You must surrender to the process and relearn how to trust your body. Avoiding the discomfort of detoxification will only prolong your healing journey! Some of the most common detox symptoms are: headaches, fatigue, rashes, muscle soreness, runny nose, sore throat, flu and cold-like symptoms. But any number of seemingly random symptoms can arise during a juice fast. Don't worry just drink more juice to help your body with the elimination process!

7. Bentonite Clay And Psyllium Husk Liquid bentonite clay is ideal because it isn't as gritty in the mouth but powdered clay works just as well. https://amzn.to/3pZ2Oya Whole organic psyllium husk is ideal because it is more scrubbing to the bowels but powdered psyllium husk will also work. https://amzn.to/2LwyT1h It is best to start the husk and clay once your body is showing signs of releasing old waste. In a best case scenario you might see old waste coming out in as little as two weeks, but can take up to two months depending on the health and condition of your GI tract. People with a history of chronic constipation or GI troubles will generally need more time to see the release of old waste. You ideally want to let the juices do all the work. The husk and clay are an inert substance and do not act as a laxative. They will not do all the work on their own. Relying on the husk and clay solely to dislodge mucoid plaque will give disappointing results. Husk and clay become less effective the longer you use them. Husk and clay protocol:

Day 1: 1 tsp husk + 1 tsp clay 1 X day Day 2: 1 tsp husk + 1 tsp clay 2 X day Day 3: 1 tsp husk + 1 tsp clay 3 X day

Day 4: 2 tsp husk + 2 tsp clay 1 X day Day 5: 2 tsp husk + 2 tsp clay 2 X day Day 6: 2 tsp husk + 2 tsp clay 3 X day

(Protocol using powdered husk and clay. If you are using liquid or whole husk measure in Tbsp) Take the husk and clay in cycles. You should take a break after 5-7 days if you see no mucoid plaque. If you do see mucoid plaque continue with the husk and clay until it has stopped coming out.

This is an intuitive process, not an exact science! Trust yourself! Bring out your inner healer to get in-tune with your body and what you need!

8. Supporting All The Organs Of Elimination

Enemas help with reducing detox symptoms. https://amzn.to/2YVse41

How To Use Lemon Enemas: Use distilled water. Juice one or two organic with peel and add to warm distilled water. Lie on your side, close to the toilet, and clench! Start with five minutes, and work your way up to 30 minutes.

Other helpful tips for supporting elimination: skin brushing, rebounding, walking, light running, gentle yoga to stimulate the lymphatic system.

9. Minimizing Weight Loss On A Juice Fast

We shouldn’t be afraid of losing weight on a juice fast because it is temporary! Any fat loss or muscle loss that happens during a juice fast is worth the benefits you will gain longterm through increased absorption of nutrition.

*Never use juice fasting for weight loss but rather waste-loss!

After your juice fast you can easily rebuild any body mass that is lost. In fact putting on weight after a juice fast is easier than ever and can result in a much healthier body composition. This is a worthwhile short term sacrifice for the longterm benefits!

Allow yourself to let go of looking-good and embrace change! Detoxification can be an ugly and intense process which requires us to lose illusions we hold our entire life. We might come face-to-face with everything we hate about ourselves. By letting go we begin to heal emotionally and physically. 10. Breaking The Fast

Video companion: How To Rebuild the Gut After A Juice Fast: https://youtu.be/jJ_dEXvfVgc

It’s important to break the fast slowly and correctly! Start with the juiciest, softest fruit first like melons, berries and citrus.

First week — Have meals of juicy while continuing to have juices. Each day have a little bit more solid fruit meals and work your way up over the course of one week. Bring the volume of solid food back up mindfully, focus on , juices and fruit to avoid constipation.

Second week — Bring in leafy greens, salads. Third week – Soft raw fats, avocado, soaked nuts and seeds.

Stay connected to the Raw Vegan Heroes Community for support, accountability and celebrating your progress! You don't have to do this alone. A community awaits! https://www.rawveganrising.com/membership

Share your experience with others, take pics, journal, paint, let your emotions flow through you, and remember that this is serving the highest potential of your being!

© 2021 Raw Vegan Rising, Rev. 1.1 For more information visit: www.rawveganrising.com or email [email protected]