no point intended

With the ever-growing population of great Canadian bands, Manitoba has more than enough to be proud of. Hailing from the north is a young talented group known as “no point intended.” The consists of 5 individuals who call The Pas and Opaskwayak Cree Nation home.

With clear, heartfelt notes belting out of lead singer / rhythym guitarist Adam Halstrom, one is moved by the sincerity of his voice. This is matched by the powerful and consistent beat, provided by Quintin Bignell; a gifted musician and experienced percussionist. The band also features lead guitarist Steve Longworth, guitarist George Constant, and bass player Ryan Proulx. This group completes the sound of no point intended, with a strong deep pitch that envelops and embraces the momentum of each .

From the beginning, the band had the desire to write and record their own music. like “Verbal Whore” are destined to become popular with teens and young adults across the continent. The , written by Quintin, express a view of society in a totally open and sincere way. This song has a deep theological view on society’s constant preoccupation with gossip and it’s negative impact. One cannot help but relate to the musical intensity found in this group. With an upbeat yet focused sound, no point intended is all their own.

Their newest release includes the songs “Better Without Me” and “Apologize”: both with lyrical sincerity and moving instrumental capabilities. From Better Without Me: “I’m so blind, are you leaving without me? I don’t mind, you’ll do better without me.” The song, written by Adam, “is about a relationship coming to an end. When one person has had enough, but the other person is still in love.” The words to the song Apologize, written by Quintin, take a humorous look at any situation where a major apology is necessary. no point intended is destined to become a favorite, whether for it’s honesty, sincerity, or theatrical view on life, the band delivers their message in such an unusual and perceptive way that it’s no wonder their listening audience continues to enjoy and relate to their music.

a brief history…

no point intended formed in January of 2000.

After only four months as a band, no point intended developed into a solid and cohesive group. The decision of which direction the band would take was easy, as all of the members felt that recording original music would be the best vehicle for their talents.

To that end, the 5 song demo “the 24 #*@%’en hours EP” was recorded by Adam in May of 2000. After the recording was complete, every CD was put together by hand and hundred’s of copies were given out for promotional purposes. The band didn’t collect any money for it’s first production.

In October of 2000, no point intended set to work on their first full-length , titled “believe”. Two songs from the demo, as well as 9 new songs were chosen and brought into Adam’s home studio. After a years work, the album was released on October 27, 2001. Over the year that “believe” was in production, the band worked on developing the entertaining and energetic stage performance that exists today.