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IIJJMN! M' o^ 1900 — 1901 > L»l»l-rl-t-MA'. «!;» i-iiffciiifriiM WmmMi iliiii^ !P I'li'f lliiii''^ iiKliiiM^^ THE BROWN ALUMNI MONTHLY JUNE, 1900 Brown University Providence, Rhode Island ; WEDDING SILVER rOR a substantial and useful Wedding Gift Gorham Sterling Silver Forks and Spoons always commend themselves. Especially, because of the very moderate prices at which the latest and most desirable designs can be purchased. They are sold in any quantity, can be matched at any time and the Serving Pieces can be had at proportionately favorable prices. TILDEN-THURBER CO., silversmiths, Gorham Co.'s Representatives in Providence. MAXIMUM VALUE. MINIMUM COST. BIXBY SILVER CO., Jewelers, Silversmiths, Stationers. Dealers in Fine Arts. 137 MATHEWSON STREET. Abram Mendenhall, '91. FINE ARTS Desirable Pictures, framed in good taste, are always most acceptable wedding presents. Our stock is large and contains many gems at a cost that will commend them at once to the purchaser of wedding gifts. 141 Mathewson Street. BROWN UNIVERSITY One Hundred Thirty-Seventh Academic Year Begins September 19, 1900. Twenty-four departments of instruction. Libraries, University and Departmental; Courses of study partly required, partly Astronomical Observatory ; Labora- elective, leading to the degrees of tories in Physics, Anatomy, Chemistry, A. B., Ph. B., Sc. B., C. E., M. E. Botany, Psychology and Engineering Graduate instruction leading to the de- Museums of Zoology, Anthropology, grees of A. M., Ph. D. Botany, Fine Arts. For copies of Annual Catalogue, address F. T. GUILD, Registrar. ; THE BROWN ALUMNI MONTHLY I Vol. Providence, R. L, June, 1900 No. I Commencement ^^ ^' expected that an procession will form on the campus and unusually large num- yfQQ^ march to the Meeting-House, (accom- ber of Brown alumni panied by the time-honored strains of a will return to participate in the exercises certain familiar melody).
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