DRAKENSTEIN HERITAGE SURVEY VOLUME 1: HERITAGE SURVEY REPORT October 2012 Prepared by the Drakenstein Landscape Group for the Drakenstein Municipality P O BOX 281 MUIZENBERG 7950 Sarah Winter Tel: (021) 788-9313 Fax:(021) 788-2871 Cell: 082 4210 510 E-mail:
[email protected] Sarah Winter BA MCRP (UCT) Nicolas Baumann BA MCRP (UCT) MSc (OxBr) D.Phil(York) TRP(SA) MSAPI, MRTPI Graham Jacobs BArch (UCT) MA Conservation Studies (York) Pr Arch MI Arch CIA Melanie Attwell BA (Hons) Hed (UCT) Dip. Arch. Conservation (ICCROM) Acknowledgements The Drakenstein Heritage Survey has been undertaken with the invaluable input and guidance from the following municipal officials: Chantelle de Kock, Snr Heritage Officer Janine Penfold, GIS officer David Delaney, HOD Planning Services Anthea Shortles, Manager: Spatial Planning Henk Strydom, Manager: Land Use The input and comment of the following local heritage organizations is also kindly acknowledged. Drakenstein Heritage Foundation Paarl 300 Foundation LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations have been used: General abbreviations HOZ: Heritage Overlay Zone HWC: Heritage Western Cape LUPO: Land Use Planning Ordinance NHRA: The National Heritage Resources act (Act 25 of 1999) PHA: Provincial Heritage Authority PHS: Provincial Heritage Site SAHRA: The South African Heritage Resources Agency List of abbreviations used in the database Significance H: Historical Significance Ar: Architectural Significance A: Aesthetic Significance Cx: Contextual Significance S: Social Significance Sc: Scientific Significance Sp: Spiritual Significance L: Linguistic Significance Lm: Landmark Significance T: Technological Significance Descriptions/Comment ci: Cast Iron conc.: concrete cor iron: Corrugated iron d/s: double sliding (normally for sash windows) fb: facebrick med: medium m: metal pl: plastered pc: pre-cast (normally concrete) s/s: single storey Th: thatch St: stone Dating 18C: Eighteenth Century 19C: Nineteenth Century 20C: Twentieth Century E: Early e.g.