Selectivity of Cyhalofop-Butyl in Poaceae Species*

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Selectivity of Cyhalofop-Butyl in Poaceae Species* J. Weed Sci. Tech. Vol. 43 (2) 122-128 (1998) 雑 草 研 究 Original Report Selectivity of Cyhalofop-butyl in Poaceae Species* Misako Ito**, Hiroko Kawahara** and Motoaki Asai*** Abstract: Responses to foliar - applied formation of tillers or rhizomatous shoots. cyhalof op-butyl of the seedlings of 29 Poaceae species at about 3- to 4-leaf stage Key words; Cyhalof op-butyl, Selectivity, were examined. Species belonging to sub- Poaceae species, aryloxyphenoxys, tillering. families of Panicoideae, except for Imperata Introduction cylindrica, and Eragrostoideae were all sus- ceptible, being completely controlled at 100 g Several aryloxyphenoxypropionates as ha-1. Most of these species are important well as cyclohexanediones, which exhibit summer weeds in crops. Alopecurus aequalis absolute selectivity between grasses and (Pooideae) and Agrostis alba (Pooideae) other species, have been widely used as selec- were also susceptible. Six of 10 other tive postemergence graminicides in broad- Pooideae species and the two Oryzoideae leaved crops. Certain of these compounds species tested, as well as I. cylindrica, in also show marginal selectivity in grass which all treated plants survived at 300 g species, thus performing as effective grass ha-1, were shown to have tolerance to herbicides in cereals and turf grasses. Di- cyhalofop-butyl. The other four Pooideae clof op-methyl controls wild oat and other species were less susceptible and incomplete- annual grasses in wheat and barley, while ly controlled at 100 g ha-1. Oryza sativa dis- fenoxaprop can be used for grass weed con- played the highest tolerance; plants treated at trol in certain established grass turfs2). 300 g ha-1 did not show any significant differ- Cyhalofop - butyl is a newly developed ences from untreated plants. The typical aryloxyphenoxy herbicide which gives excel- visual symptom common through all plants lent control of barnyardgrass as large as 5- of affected species was withering of the emer- leaf stage with postemergence application, ging leaves. The critical response that led to without causing any adverse effects on rice plant death, however, appeared to be the plants14). suspension of new growth. Plant survival The sensitive target site of these grass after this phase seemed to depend on whether selective herbicides including cyhalof op- new development was restored before un- butyl is known to be acetyl-CoA carboxylase affected leaves lost their activity, by resump- (ACCase) which catalyzes the synthesis of tion of healthy leaf emergence mainly by malonyl-CoA in the first step of fatty acid biosynthesis6,14) Konishi and Sasaki12) sug- * A part of this work was presented at the 33rd gested that the origin of susceptibility of Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of Poaceae species to these herbicides lies in the Japan. ** Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univer- specific presence of a herbicide-sensitive sity, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan eukaryote form ACCase in the plastid in *** National Agriculture Research Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8666, Japan place of the insensitive prokaryote form (Accepted September 8, 1997) ACCase which is present in other species than Ito et al.: Selectivity of Cyhalofop-butyl in Poaceae Species 123 grasses. However, no common trend or mech- cylindrica, Leptochloa chinensis, Agrostis alba, anism of the selectivity within Poaceae has Avena sativa and Poa annua the fifth leaves been found, although responses of some grass had already emerged on a few seedlings. species to some of these herbicides have been Cyhalofop-butyl (30% emulsion oil in determined2,7,15,17) water) was f oliar-applied at 100 g ai ha-1 and The objectives of this study were: 1) to 300 g ha-1 as a 100ml m-2 aqueous spray compare the responses of 32 grasses to solution. Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaur- cyhalof op-butyl; and 2) to examine whether ate at 0.05% (w/v) was added as a sur- any taxonomic and/or growth habit differ- factant. Four pots (20 plants) were used for ences exist between susceptible and tolerant each treatment. species in Poaceae. As air temperature in the glasshouse changed during the experiment, daily mean Materials and Methods temperature being approximately 28 C in Experiments were conducted from July to July and 15 C in December, we tested tropi- December, 1995 in a glasshouse at the Kyoto cal species first, followed by other warm University Experimental Farm. Twenty- season species and cool season species last. eight species of temperate and tropical grass- Plant length, leaf-stage and tiller number es mostly belonging to different genera and were measured at application and 15 days three varieties of Echinochloa crus-galli were later. Final number of dead plants was deter- tested (Table 1). Five food crops and seven mined one month after the application. In forage crops and pasture grasses were includ- addition, all the phytotoxic symptoms and ed. Seeds of the weed species were mainly visual morphological changes on the treated collected from fields in or near Kyoto Univer- seedlings were recorded for each species. sity, except for commercial of Setaria faberi, Results and Agropyron repens purchased from an American seed company, Leersia wyzoides Selectivity among Poaceae species. from a rice field in Akita, Japan and Pen- Responses to cyhalofop-butyl of 31 grasses, nisetum setosum from Bangkok, Thailand. 29 species in 26 genera, differed greatly The seeds were allowed to germinate in (Tables 1 and 2), The grasses could be classi- petri-dishes maintained under appropriate fied into the following three groups according conditions for the germination of each to their sensitivity to the herbicide: species, referring to the results of preliminary (a) Most susceptible: All species belonging tests. Germinating seeds were then planted in to subfamilies of Panicoideae (except for I. seed beds in the glasshouse. Uniform seed- cylindrica), and Eragrostoideae, as well as lings of 1- to 2-leaf stage were transplanted Alopecurus aequalis and Agrostis alba, both to 1 l pots filled with sandy-loam soil/ver- belonging to Pooideae, were most susceptible miculite (2/1) mixture, five plants each. Pots and completely killed at 100 g ha-1. Four containing seedlings with emerged fourth barnyardgrasses, E. oryzicola and three vari- leaves were prepared for herbicide treat- eties of E. crus-galli, were equally suscep- ments. The fifth leaf had not emerged at tible. application time in most species (they were (b) Relatively susceptible: In Avena sativa, at 3.1- to 4.0-leaf stage), while in Panicum Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea, and bisulcatum, Pennisetum setosum, Imperata Dactylis glomerata, all of which are Pooideae 124 J. Weed Sci. Tech. Vol. 43 (1998) species, some seedlings survived at 100 g ha-1. less of the sensitivity to the herbicide. The (c) Tolerant: In six other Pooideae species, fourth leaves, youngest and folded, became two Oryzoideae species and 1. cylindrica, no withered and finally dried out. The third seedling was controlled at 300 g ha-1. Rice leaves, rapidly elongating, stopped growing in (Oryza sativa) displayed the highest tolerance a few days and chlorosis occurred more or showing no response to the herbicide, fol- less in the lower 1/2 to 1/4 of the leaf blades lowed by Bromus tectorum (Table 2). Plant that often resulted in necrosis. The second height and tiller number of other tolerant leaves, already matured were changed little species were affected to some extent by the by the treatments and maintained their green treatments. color. These symptoms were observed also in Phytotoxic symptoms. Typical mor- tiller leaves of the same stage. phological responses observed in the treated In contrast to the similarity of phytotoxic shoots were common across species, regard- symptoms appearing in the developed parts Table 1. Response of seedlings of 31 grasses to postemergence application of cyhalofop-butyl. aReferred to a classification by Koyama and Hotta13) Ito et al.: Selectivity of Cyhalofop-butyl in Poaceae Species 125 Table 2. Growth of surviving plants of tolerant species 15 days after cyhalofop-butyl applications. aMeans within a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level according to Tukey's multiple range test. bincludes rhizomatous shoots for I. cylindrica and L. oryzoides. of the shoots, as mentioned above, new devel- rhizomes in healthy plants, were mostly form- opment after the treatment differed widely ed adjacent to the main shoots (Table 3). between the species. Growth and develop- Discussion ment were suspended once to a greater or lesser extent in all species other than rice. In Plant response to a herbicide is necessarily some species, however, leaf emergence was influenced by the environment and applica- restored, but occurred mostly as tillering. tion methods; e.g., wheat and barley were This new development occurred laterally in more sensitive to cyhalof op-butyl when treat- most cases. Therefore, whether the injured ed in July in the same glasshouse than in this plants survived or not depended entirely on study, and the addition of PG26-2, a spray whether they had developed any lateral adjuvant, could reduce the rate approximate- growth before unaffected mature leaves lost ly 1/2 to obtain an equal effect4). However, their activities. Moreover, in the tolerant the comparative sensitivity among the species other than rice, tiller formation of the Poaceae species, as revealed in this study, is surviving plants was, in fact, promoted with Table 3. New development in surviving plants of 100 g or 300 g ha-1 cyhalofop-butyl treat- Imperata cylindrica 38 days after cyhalofop ment, although the growth of main shoots -butyl applications. tended to be inhibited (Table 2). New lateral growth in Leeasia. oryzoides and I cylindrica appeared to be in the formation of rhizomatous shoots rather than in tillering. I. cylindrica seedlings were severely injured and their growth was completely suspended over aMeans within a column followed by the same letter are 10 days, but the onset of rhizomatous shoot not significantly different at the 5% level according to formation thereafter allowed the seedlings to Tuke'y s multiple range test.
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