Coach House Books Cormorant Books Inc. 401 Huron Street (rear), Toronto, ON M5S 2G5 215 Spadina Avenue, Studio 230, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 t: 416.979.2217 • f: 416.977.1158 t: 416.929-4957 • f: 416. 929-3596 Contact: Jason McBride
[email protected] Contact: Bianca Spence
[email protected] Coach House Books is one of Canada's most venerable literary Cormorant Books was founded in 1986, by Jan and Gary Geddes; presses. Founded in 1965, Coach House publishes innovative fic they hoped to provide many voices for a bird which , according to tion , poetry, drama and artists' books in fine print editions. legend, did not have one of its own. In its eighteen years as a liter ary house, Cormorant Books has helped to establish the careers ---=· of many writers. I Ll. The Dundurn Group 0 8 Market Street, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M5E 1 M6 t: 416.214.5544 x24 • f: 416.214.5556 Garamond Press Ltd. tn 63 Mahogany Court, Aurora, ON L4G 6M8 Contact: Anne Choi
[email protected] t: 905.841.1460 • f: 905. 841 .3031 The Dundurn Group has been a leading Canadian publisher for Contact: Gerda Rowlands
[email protected] over 30 years. Dedicated to the promotion of Canadian authors and Canadian content, our imprints include those that focus on Founded in 1981 by Women's Press, Between The Lines, and history, literary fiction , mysteries, YA, and popular non-fiction. Fernwood Books, Garamond Press provides an alternative to multinational textbook publishers and university presses, publish ing critical works in such areas as political economy, labour stud ies, popular culture and gender issues.