magazine spring 2011 magazine spring 2011 Central England Central England 07 Derby, 08 Hollingworthall Moor, Derbyshire 11/02/2011 16:56 l Distance 5½km/3½ miles l time 2hrs l type town and country l Distance 10½km/6½ miles l time 3½hrs l type Moorland

NavigatioN FitNess NavigatioN FitNess 1 level 1 1 level 1 2 level 2 2 level 2

plan your walk plan your walk see

l feature p27 l l Little l oldham PeaK Darley eaton Morley DistRiCt abbey l

DeRBy Hyde l l spondon glossopl l DeRBysHiRe ES DeRBysHiRe l

allenton l Hazel grove

Where: Return walk Where: Circular walk from from Derby city centre Roe Cross, Mottram, in to Darley abbey. Longdendale (Dark Peak). hy: NEIL Coat PhotograPhy: Start/end: Market Place, Lamy a PhotograPhy: Start/end: Hobson Moor Derby (sK353363). Although Derby’s image is Arboretum – the first and oldest Road, Roe Cross (sJ988966). The Jaws of longdendale is one fence on your L. ignore the next terrain: good pavements justifiably that of an industrial surviving public park in england. terrain: Moorland paths of the most striking features of handgate and in half-a-mile and riverside paths city, it is one of just five UK cities and tracks, farm lanes, the Dark Peak. From nearby you’ll reach a corner and throughout. that can boast a UNeSCO World 1. START From the tourist tarred lanes. several Hollingworthall Moor, this gaping fingerpost. Use the walker’s MapS: Landranger 128; Heritage Site on account of the information centre on Market modest climbs. avoid maw in the South is one gate L, and trace the track to explorer 259. historic mills that line the River Place, cross Full street. its doing this walk in low part of an extravagant panorama a junction of tracks just GettinG there: Derby is Derwent, which are within car- humdrum, modern appearance cloud or bad weather. unveiled from this undulating beyond the pylons. turn R to well served by the UK train free walking distance of the city belies its status as the former MapS: os explorer oL1; walk in the quiet fringes of the the triangulation pillar at the network. Cross Country centre. This walk – a there-and- address of Jedediah strutt, who Landranger 109 & 110. national park. It’s an area of deep top of Hollingworthall Moor – (www.crosscountrytrains. back-again stroll – follows the invented the stitching that holds GettinG there: Frequent cloughs spangled by strings of a modest 399m/1309ft but an connects the city river upstream, exploring the your socks up in 1759. at Derby buses to Waggon & Horses reservoirs and looming moorland extraordinary panoramic with scotland, the city’s industrial legacy and its Cathedral is a statue of Bonnie pub (Roe Cross) leave from edges, and threaded by packhorse viewpoint over eight counties. north-east and the unexpectedly strong green Prince Charlie on horseback. it , Manchester & trails and quarry roads – all south-west. credentials. There’s a resounding was here, in 1745, that the (✆ 0871 200 2233, of it now access land. lively 2. turn R from the pillar to soon eatinG & drinkinG: the sense of history as you walk this young pretender to the Crown wooded cloughs add to the reach a fence. Climb the nearby abbey inn at Darley abbey route, for the mills along the cut his losses and turned Hobson Moor Road charm of this secluded quarter, stile and join the distinct path (✆ 01332 558297) and Derwent valley were part of an northwards. across the cathedral (uphill and opposite the renowned for its wild birds and past the metal pole, over the Book Café at the 18th-century global shift in how green, a 1720s silk mill – said pub) is a minor lane at springtime blooms. another stile to a walled corner Quarter, Cornmarket we lived. Derby lays claim to the to be Britain’s first factory – Roe Cross, on the a6018 high above the reservoirs in (✆ 01332 204402) in world’s first factory, and it was now houses Derby’s Museum of road between stalybridge 1. START at Hobson Moor Road swineshaw clough. Climb the Derby’s city centre are here that the factory system was industry and History. the and Mottram in in Roe Cross (sJ988966), take the stile and keep parallel to a wall both recommended. introduced and mankind began building also marks the Longdendale. Keep left path into the old quarry, forking up on your R to cross a stile SleepinG: Derby has working to a clock. Derby also beginning of the 25km/15-mile up Hobson Moor Road L at the redundant stile and through a falling cross wall. plenty of mid-range holds a special place in the Derwent valley Mills World and park on the right in rising to the L of the quarry-face Continue to a fingerpost and hotels and B&Bs. For a hearts of those who cherish the Heritage site route upstream to c.300m, at the junction before bending R to a narrow handgate, pass through and go

full listing, contact the protection of urban green spaces: Matlock Bath. the mill used to with Dewsnap Lane, iron handgate just above the half-L, aiming for the distant ▲

tiC (details overleaf). ▲ it is home to 300 green spaces stand on a narrow island in the opposite an old quarry. quarry. Use this and start a climb pylon standing to the R of and gave the country Derby river Derwent (now paved over) across rough moorland, with a Higher swineshaw reservoir. a ▼ ▼ 55-56 WALK30 CENTRAL ROUTEMASTER.rev1.indd 1 55-56 WALK30 CENTRALROUTEMASTER.indd 2 Ordnance Surveymapping©Crowncopyright.AM34/08 Ordnance Surveymapping©Crowncopyright.AM34/08

continued... continued... 4 5 eatinG & drinkinG: Roe Visitor information: Cross Inn, Mottram 3 Derby Tourist Information (✆ 01457 763147, Centre, Assembly Rooms, Market Place sLeepinG: Flushing Meadow (✆ 01332 255802, Guest House, Stalybridge (✆ 0161 338 3125, www. 4 Guidebook: Following the flushingmeadow.freeuk. Derwent by Julie Bunting com); Birds Nest Cottage (£4.95, JW Northend, Guest House, Glossop SK13 ISBN 0 901100 48 X). ✆ ( 01457 853478, www. 5 LocaL rambLers Group: Derby & South Derbyshire Visitor information: Ramblers (✆ 01332 558552, 2 TIC, council offices, 3 Wellington Road (✆ 0161 3434343, www.tameside. Guidebooks: : but still abuts the river, where FINISH Northern & Western Moors you pick up a path. by Roly Smith (£7.99, Frances Lincoln, ISBN 2. Pass first under a modern 9780711224995). bridge and then a Victorian- LocaL rambLers Group: 1 restored bridge adjacent to Stockport Ramblers St Mary’s Bridge Chapel. This START medieval chapel – open at (✆ 07794 715265, www. FINISH weekends – dates to the 13th Map not to scale. century and is visibly sagging at 2 Representation of the seams. But it’s a rare English OS Explorer MAP OL1 1 couple of waymarked wall-gaps 1:25,000 example of a chapel located on Map not to scale. START lead into a short old walled a bridge that remains in use for Representation of track, then continue to a stand worship. Continue upstream to OS Landranger MAP 128 of straggly-looking sycamores pass under Handyside Bridge, 1:50,000 beside fallen walls and a gently downhill past an offset slightly R, away from the main with its modestly striking fingerpost beneath a tree. wall corner to a fingerpost. Put track and through a wall-gap, bowstring girders. Go L here to the dam. the wall on your R to reach a before reaching the top edge of remains were converted into the 5. Walk through the mill fine corner and gate just before a copse. From the near corner, 3. Keep to the paved path, a Abbey Inn in 1980. complex and after 100 yards 3. Retrace your steps a few paces a large barn. Go through the drift slightly R to a gateside stile little away from the river, and turn R into Folly Road. Cross a and take the Pennine Bridleway gate and immediately take the beyond sycamores, then through at the gates to Darley Park, 4. Follow Darley Street along the footbridge and follow the path, L for Tintwistle. Remain with stile on your R, then keep the further stiles and handgates take the lower path, striking out river, with the weir and wooden bearing R at a fork to keep by this through another gate wall to your L to use a stile near below a wooden barn to reach a across the wide open space to footbridge at your side. The lane the river. The landscaping is and beneath pylons. At the a lone hawthorn. Keep ahead farm road at housing beyond a the far right-hand corner, aiming curves R to cross the river (you graceful here, and Darley Playing waymarked junction just before alongside the ditch for around band of trees. Turn L along this for swings and Dean’s Field car may be asked to pay a £1 toll) Fields is lined with sycamores a wall, go L along the Pennine 100m and then drift half-R to a road, then R along the driveway. park. Here, head for the Abbey to enter the Boar’s Head Cotton and alders. Further on you pass a Bridleway to find another stile and the nearby Devil’s At the next T-junction go ahead Inn to enter the factory village of Mill complex, which operated green space known as Little bridlegate. Take this and trace Bridge across Ogden Brook. along the ‘Private Road’ and Darley Abbey, where 200 houses from 1783 right up to the Chester, once a timber-built the rough road beside the wall follow this past remote houses. were built for the cotton mill 1960s. Today it is occupied Roman fort called Derventio on your R, dropping into the 5. Cross the bridge and climb Beyond a gateway this drive workers across the river. St by small local businesses but, which means ‘many oak trees’ defile of Ogden Clough. steeply to a Swallows Wood becomes a tarred lane, which Matthew’s church is visible up because the factory and all the – and gave its name to the River nature reserve board in 100m. will bring you back to the start. the hillside, but the history of auxiliary buildings survived, it’s Derwent. This is Derby’s oldest 4. Cross the footbridge and turn Turn R onto the narrow, braided Route devised by Neil Coates the community at Darley Abbey reckoned to be the most intact suburb and you’ll see the R up the steep track to the sharp path through birchwoods, then dates to the 12th century when mill complex in the world. The remains of a Roman defensive bend, use the ladder stile on the above a tinkling beck. Cross the the Augustinian Abbey was factory was powered by the ditch. Shortly afterwards, you R and turn L at the fingerpost. water and keep uphill, over a founded. While the abbey was nimble fingers of women and cross Handyside Bridge to retrace Pass R of the pylon, then through stile to reach a track below fir destroyed in 1538, fragments of children; the men toiled across your steps to the silk mill and the 10/02/2011 12:20 the second gap in the wall (a trees. Go L through the gate and it can be spotted in houses along the river in Darley Abbey’s paper, city centre. waymarked stile). Continue in 20 paces join a thin path rising Abbey Lane. The only significant china clay and corn mills. Route devised by Mark Rowe