Building Security In or Adding Security Later

Like computer performance, security is an integral part of a computer system. It should be integrated into the system from the beginning rather than added on later.

Imagine trying to create a high-performance product out of one that has poor performance. If the poor performance is attributable to specific functions, those functions must be redesigned. However, the fundamental structure, design, and style of the system are probably at the heart of the performance problem. Fixing the underlying system structure and system design is a much harder problem. It might be better to start over, redesigning the system to address performance as a primary goal. Creating a high-security system from one that previously did not address security is similar to creating a high-performance system. Products claiming security that are created from previous versions without security cannot achieve high trust because they lack the fundamental and structural concepts required for high assurance.

A basic concept in the design and development of secure computer systems is the concept of a reference monitor and its implementation – the reference validation mechanism.

Def: A reference monitor is an concept of an abstract machine that mediates all accesses to objects by subjects.

Def: A reference validation mechanism (RVM) is an implementation of the reference monitor concept. An RVM must be tamperproof, must always be invoked and can never be bypassed, and must be small enough to be subject to analysis and testing, the completeness of which can be assured.

Any secure or trusted system must obviously meet the first two requirements. The “analysis and testing” of the reference monitor provides evidence of assurance. The third requirement engenders trust by providing assurance that the operational system meets its requirements.

Def: A security kernel is a combination of hardware and software that implements a reference monitor.

Security kernels were early examples of reference validation mechanisms. The idea of a security kernel was later generalized by the definition of a base, which applies the reference validation mechanisms rules to additional security enforcement mechanisms.

Def: A trusted computing base (TCB) consists of all protection mechanisms within a computer system – including hardware, firmware, and software – that are responsible for enforcing a security policy

A TCB consists of one or more components that together enforce the security policy of a system. The ability of a TCB to enforce a security policy depends solely on the mechanisms within the TCB and on the correct input of parameters such as a user’s clearance related to the security policy.


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, AT&T undertook two projects to provide secure versions of UNIX System V that supported mandatory access controls.

The first project was market-driven in response to specific requests from customers. The underlying goals of this project were quick time to market and minimal impact on the user interface and on the look and feel of the resulting UNIX system called SV/MLS. The chosen approach was to add security functionality to AT&T UNIX System V Release 3.2.

The second project was focused on restructuring and re-creating a UNIX system to provide a medium-to-high level of trust. This version called SVR4.IES involved significant rearchitecting of the UNIX system with security built in. The technical differences between these two products illustrate the superiority of building security in over adding it on.

The SVR4.IES project involved extensive restructuring of the UNIX kernel to meet high-modularity requirements and to incorporate an implementation of the principle of least privilege that was integral to the UNIX kernel. SV/MLS used the existing UNIX kernel modular structure and did not provide an implementation of least privilege. The basic architecture of SVR4/IES was new, and the architecture of SV/MLS was essentially unchanged from its parent product.

In UNIX systems, the inode structure contains attribute information about each file or object such as access permission information and file owner. The inode also has a pointer to the file or object itself. There is insufficient space in the inode to house security labels of any significant size. SV/MLS chose not to disturb the existing inode structure. The designers created a separate table to hold labels and used a free location in the inode structure to point to the table. When an object is created, a code defining both mandatory access control label and the discretionary security attributes is stored in the table. Security attributers for subjects are stored internally in the same code structure. An access control check becomes a comparison of the codes for the subject and object, effectively doing a mandatory access control check and a discretionary access control check in one operation.

Even if the implementation of this table is correct and the comparison of the codes properly reflects the mandatory and discretionary access control requirements, there are potential weaknesses in this design. The coupling between the table and the file is inherently weaker than the coupling between the inode and the file. Two accesses are required to reach the coded mandatory and discretionary access control attributes of the object, first to the inode and then to the table, potentially weakening the tie between the actual object and its security attributes. Updating of discretionary access control security attributes is done to the inode version of the discretionary access control requirements. An additional step to update the table entry occurs whenever the permissions or owner is changed. This introduces the potential for inconsistency between the inode attributes and the coded interpretation. During a table update, the mandatory access control information for that object may be exposed. Finally, if the table is corrupted, the mandatory and discretionary access permissions for the entire file system may be impacted. Although the SV/MLS implementation addressed these issues satisfactorily, the potential for these vulnerabilities still existed.

The SVR4.IES implementation simply redefined the inode structure. These new inodes, called vnodes, contained the mandatory access control label as well as access to the mandatory and discretionary attributes. Access to the vnode provided access to the mandatory and discretionary attributes. SVR4/IES reused the UNIX discretionary access control mechanisms and augmented them with access control lists. Checks of mandatory and discretionary access were independent checks. SVR4.IES was not constrained by minimal impact requirements, resulting in a stronger set of access control mechanisms. Because of the structural change, SVR4.IES was able to reuse other parts of the system with little impact.