Federal Register/Vol. 77, No. 200/Tuesday, October 16, 2012
63328 Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 200 / Tuesday, October 16, 2012 / Notices Management, Phoenix, Arizona, on DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Land Policy and Management Act of dates indicated. 1976, BLM right-of-way (ROW) Bureau of Land Management regulations, and other applicable SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: [LLWYL03000–L51010000–FX0000– Federal laws. This decision does not The Gila and Salt River Meridian, LVRWK09K1030; WYW–167155] authorize development of the wind Arizona energy project; rather, it sets the Notice of Availability of the Record of parameters for which future ROW The supplemental plat representing Decision for the Chokecherry and applications may be submitted by PCW. the amended lotting in section 3, Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project and The ROW applications will be screened Township 4 South, Range 5 East, Approved Visual Resource against the analysis conducted in this accepted October 1, 2012, and officially Management Plan Amendment for environmental impact statement (EIS), filed October 3, 2012, Arizona. Public Lands Administered by the and then the appropriate level of This plat was prepared at the request Bureau of Land Management, Rawlins subsequent, tiered National of the Bureau of Land Management. Field Office, Carbon County, Wyoming Environmental Policy Act analysis will be conducted prior to the BLM issuing AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, The supplemental plat representing a decision on ROW applications. The Interior. the amended lotting in section 15, BLM selected this manner of analyzing Township 4 South, Range 6 East, ACTION: Notice of availability. the project based on its size and accepted October 1, 2012, and officially SUMMARY: complexity of resources. Accordingly, filed October 3, 2012, Arizona.
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