LIBRARY ARCHIVES CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC ST/ Mustang Daily UNIVERSITY UBRARY Tuewiiiy, J n . 22, IMO California Poljrteclinic State University, San Luis Obispo Volume 44, No. 47

Concert-line sitting Review takes some stamina Derringer tops Toto ‘World Tour’ BY MEG McCONAHEY had a front row seat to a dif­ BY JIM HENDRY OaHy sun WrtUi ferent show—watching the DttMy Enlertainmwtt Wrtttr After four years of queuing up “roadies” unload a huge flexi- Showmanship — the main for everything from report cards van that nearly nailed a pole. ingredient that separates a to registration, the average Street’s group was counting good concert from an average college student is probably on a friend to arrive with a one. It can make an average acclimated enough to lines to live battery-operated T.V. before band into great one; or in them. kick-ofr time at the Super Bowl. without it, make a good band A string of hard-core rock fans Meanwhile Street massaged boring. set out to prove they could live in Kathy Patton's feet while she A packed Main Gym line last weekend, and a few of explained that sitting was a audience got treated to a little them actually succeeded. challenge to see who could be of both extremes last Sunday All their complaints of time flrst in line. night as Rkk Derringer had wasted in lines were filed away A little bit farther down the them dancin’ on their seats as the pack of hearty Poly line, Donna Sichman wandered and nuun attraction Toto had students braved the winter up asking, “Is this the group? them failin’ asleep. elements in front of the Main Where’s Mike? So I’m here till An impressive band from Gym to earn a front, center seat one?” their reputations, to their at the Rick Derringer-Toto None of her questions were equipment right down to their concert Sunday night. completely answered, but costumes. Toto displayed Yet for the unfortunate few Sichman plopped herself into a expert musdanship but failed who headed the trail of deter­ low deck chair, opened a book when it came to getting the mined concert goers, the feat of and said she w^s going to “catch audience excited about their being first in line was more of a some sun.” show. contest than an accomplishment. Sichman was just one of many ■ Perhaps the lowest part of “We got here at 2 a.m. line-sitters who were holding a the show came when the Saturday morning in order to be place for large groups of friends. entire group left the stage first in line,” said Tyler French, Huge delegations from on- leaving a very expensive, but who was foregoing the Super campus and off-campus dorms prerecored synthesizer to Bowl to save a place for 15 devised sign-up sheets and entertain the audience. Once friends. assigned shifts. again machine replaces man. Apparently, that wasn't soon Sichman said she really didn’t Touring to promote their enough. care that much about the con­ current, second album Hydra, "But these guys got here cert. “If someone hadn’t asked Toto received tbeir biggest before us,” French lamented me to go, I wouldn't have bought ovations of the night with hit while waving an arm in the a ticket,” she admitted. “I just singles Hold Tkt Une, I’U direction of the group of winners wanted to get involved.” Supplyth «L o v € and Georgy ahead of him. Some sitters were lucky Porgy from their first album. Robb Street was part of that enough to have portable radios. But when it came to calling winning party who arrived at The really fortunate ones came the group back for an encore, about 1:30 a.m. Saturday. When equipped with stereo “boxes”— it took almost ten minutesfor asked what would possess them another social phenomenon of the Cal Poly audience to to do such a crazy thing as to the '80s already outclassing cb's musta* the energy. wait in line all weekend. Street and transistor radios. By then, however, a good replied defensively, “We don’t Yet “boxes” have a way of part of the gym had already call being first in line crazy. We intruding on other people's ears. emptied. call it a goal.” Do you mind being forced to Maybe it was their cold, Concert line sitting may be the listen to somebody else’s John almost too slick attitudes, or Rick Derringer MuMm s D M r -V lM * awal new social phenomenon of the Denver, one group was asked? perhaps because the next day '70s and ’80s. Street tried to “We're glad they've got it,” was a school day, but extremely tight and demanded talent. explain why: the group replied. “Our radio whatever the reason Toto professional, but people don’t At the other end of the “ It's worth it for all the fun broke down, so whatever anyone received a reception that pay $6.50 and $7.50 to watch extreme was opening act Rick you have dodging waterballons else wants to listen to is okay.” matched the frosty outside exactly what they hear on the Derringer. Wading through and flying eggs. . . avoiding the Mark Conneley said concert­ tmnperature. group’s albums. some equipment problems. campus police. It's a social event going is a welcome relief from the Like drummer Jeff Por- Guitarist Steve Lukather Derringer roared-out his hi^- and can be very physical in everyday goings on of small­ caro's other group. Steely combined with Porcaro to energy rock ’n’ roll and between reading from my town San Luis Obispo. Dan, Toto is made up of provide most of the musical received more cheers than physics book.” "I actually dread the thought expert studio musicians. And highlights as both easily Toto. Folks at the head of the line of going home,” he said'. Toto’s ovo-all sound was showed-off their much- ______See Concert, page 3 y I Earth Shelter project attracks the sun, money problems

Money has become a stum­ The group—consisting of bling block for Earth Shelter, a architecture and construction senior project in Poly Canyon. majors—are experimenting with ferrocement. A thin material less The project has been on the than 2 inches thick will be used drawing board for more than a for the shell and it has a plastic year, said Mark Jabuach, a quality enabling it to bend into construction major working on unusuid shapes. The sheU will the project. Building began last then be covered with a layer of fall with the pouring of the slab earth. floor. Ferrocement, explained The group working on building Jabusch, could benefit un­ the shelter applied to ASI derdeveloped countries because Campus Improvement fund to it is economical to make. flnance the slab floor and received $120. ’The group hopes to have the & shell flnished by Poly Royal. “We asked for $500,” said Jabuach. “But by the time we If anyone is interested in cut through all the red tape with working on Earth Shelter after ASI, the group had come up with spring quarter, Jabusch $480 for the slab floor.” suggested talking to Wee Ward Hie dome-shaped shelter will and Jim Rogers, who are the be built into the side of a hill. The . advisors for t ^ project. structure will be partly un­ derground and will use passive Jabusch estimated it will cost solar energy for heating and $1,000 to complete Earth This artists conception pictures the finished Earth Shelter. cooling. Shelter. Pvoil I IM h r J « t22 , '

American teamwork Frawls By Mark Lawler

A new kind of patriotiem is emerging. the “I dcm’t care” attitude of the oiiJd! 4t was there at the Toto concert aeventies. Hus patriotism is not the old Sunday night when Rkk Darringer cMche—”my country, right or wrong.” shouted. “F— Iran,” and the croard We are not crawling all ovar each other cheered him on. It’s in the letters to mire outselves in a conflict, as we schoolchildren across Amoica are have done so often in the past. We are writing to the hostages, hoping they will not anxious to go to war. This is a time be freed. It’s on the petitions Williams of common sense. Bros’, boxboys are putting in every : 'V shopper’s bag—petitions which plead for the release of Americans held Author Karyn Houston is a senior captive. It’s part of our plea to the journalism major and Mustang governments of Iran and Russia to keep Daily reporter peace in the world. It’s a sense of unity. 'This kind of patriotism has not existed for years. It isn’t the loose It’s the mood of the eighties. j freestyle attitude of the sixties. It isn’t That mood is our willingness to stand together in spite of mistakes. We may a t t ì j R w e * v m t . disagree as to what our mistakes were, £ope 04M ee- ♦ W and why we were wrong, but the irrevocable truth is that the United States is together. (¿S ' Together after years of separation.

Daily policy

'The policy of Mustang Daily regar­ ding letters and submitted material 3 such as letters and press releasee «s>*- outside of the newspaper staff is as ’-'0OO< follows: i Letters should be submitted to the Mustang Daily office in Graphic Arts building 226, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Letters or by mail to Editor, Mustang Daily, GrC 226, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. Letters m iut include the writer’s jockey their lives just to make things more signature and social aecurity number. convenient for ourselves. Mr. Bosch’s letter in the Jan. 16 Editors: It began on W edne^y last at 9:65 Mustang Daily argues in favor of nuclear power in a way which I find very a.m. in the H-parking lot. 'Diose who already cruised the isles and checked the disturbing, because I’ve heard it far too E X C U S E n E , & u r overflow were taking their positions, often. In it, he compares the risks of mining acddants, highway accidents, i E e e u 1 « ^ h o u l d staking their territories. Tenseness prevailed as thoae "lucky” enough to and air pollution. To make the com­ FIRST get H-permits at registration pondered parison meaningful, one has to consider the chances of making it to class on .that we are taking a chance with the time. r lives of all future genarations, not just “Will a pedestrian return to his car in our oim. this isle? Will I be able to beat the other Furthermore (and this is an important two qwce hunters who have also picked point), we are dealing arith an unknown: Ííg" * S' this isle? Is this trauma really worth Who can guarantee that we can obtain $ 12.00?” and guard and safely process, , Hie clock tower struck 10 and the and reprocess such vast quantities of melee began. Upon mtering the pvking deadly wastes? We’ve already lost or lot the studm ts on foot immediately had stolen such largo amounts of the picked up a tail. Some were followed so stuff it’s ridiculous. , closely that their tennis shoes were in ’nie risk we are taking in the danger of being canned by a radial. developmoit of fiaaion-type nuclear My first mark showed at 10H)6. I power is both unnooseaary and selfish. jockeyed for position but lost out to a Wo have many faaaibls alternatives hot-rod Datsun. 1 was periously close to such as solar power and conservation losing the aisle 1 had staked out with ' which do not jeopardise our descen­ such care and patience. I could not back dants. In the future, erfasn energy ef­ up as some come lately had taken my ficient buildings and tranqMrtation are (dace midway down the isle. My

BYMARYKIRWIN rapid talking as they' only MfSMIWiear have five seomids to an­ College Bowl, “the swer. varsity qwrt of the mind,” ’There are a number of David Palch, Toto kaytioard player, la the group's main writer. is a game that pits tte reasons why a quaetion will mind’s abilities against the be given to the other team. whims of thns. By no If the first team answers means n it a^ rinky-dink incorrectly, if a player game: it is "played in confers with a teammate colleges throughout the erhen he or she is not states, the nation and the supposed to. if the player world. did not signal the judge or Cal Poly began signups if the question is not an­ for the offidal College swered before the time Bowl tournaments Jan. 14 lim it. Tuesday Night and 17 teams have enlisted According to Doug TERIYAKI HAWAIIAN so far. Signups end Jab. 23 Moon, chairman of the ASI A half pound ground sirloin stMk and the. first elimination Recreation and Tour­ round begins Jan. 27. marinated In teriyaki sauce and topped nament Committee, the with pineapple. College Bowl, sponsored questkms asked will be ^ by the ASI Recreation and “academic trivia.” ranging Soup, salad, potato & hot garlic bread Tournament Committee, ia from anything to PLUS • Coconut Creme Pie a question-and-answer everything. .gams plajred between two Moon Mid there are no four-man teams. Trivia major qualifications to questions are asked by a enter the tournament, only Wednesday Night judge and the team to hit the deelrs to have fun. He KINQ ARTHUR LAMB SHANKS the busier fastest has a said many have a distorted crack at answering the Hearty on which medieval knights image of the game, which and ladles feasted. question. means a team should take Hne 9t 0em. Soup, salad, fresh vegetable, rice pllaf & There are two tjrpes of a long retreat to the library . * questions, worth ten and abuse their cortex with home baked bread points, which must be excessive amounts of PLUS - Hot strawberry/Rhubarb pie answered by one un- information. (•r»»yw% uierwig 'nice cream counseled team member Although most people if yfmr vdt — * within three seconds. A play the game for the shear ^ 'YOUR "YOl HOME GOODNESS PLACE correct toss-up answer thrill of it. Moon aays, may anable a team to pick “Some get so into it that is ' A ' O.indA.* 990 \ná»ainá\l^$U> SL Í ‘ Aft,-» G f .ÍÍ tl up additional points by they get carried away.” > *>4 » ^ . Ah JH’ I',6. correctly answering a Many begin researching fetos bonus question. and preparing long before Bonuses are worth the tournaments begin. between 30 and 35 points Because of the highly depending upon com- competitive and eeiioua plexity. 'Team members are players, the official allowed to confer on bonus question packets, have to answers but must do some See page 4 Bosses writing called pcxx WE BUT USED NEW YORK (AP) — If Fewer women bosses were you can’t read your own included in the survey, but wrilini cheer up. You may be they have better handwriting executive material. than their male counterparu, the secretaries said. nPEBBAUES! Many bosses have virtually Twelve of the 19 women Mass Market Only indecipherable handwriting, bosses had easy-to-rMd according to their secretaries. handwriting and none had A 0 In a survey evaluating their impossible handwriting. bosses* scrawls, 63 percent of Only 91 of the 213 men had 1 the top executives had dif­ easy-to-read handwriting and MARGARET ficult or impossible-to-read IS were considered im­ ■HHe writing. possible. MITCHELL GOME FOREIGN ENGINE REBUILDING w x m — THE— OATSW • TOYOTA • COUMEN • LUV yUtt MM • TMUMPH * JAOUAR • AUSTIN w n m Am • MW • MENCCOES * VW BG)iiojfiiaBooli5k)ie FIAT * COiT « PINTO * OPCl ' Wcbchc^x drowning we lenouabueinctt. - M N r a i M Coidd yew |MMt thn KM Cross swimming test? Iasi year tlonc. wc lauglH 1.VN.10) Amcncara nui to drown -in Ihc sesm difitrcni swan coartes wc idhf SWIM III acfOH ihe cosmry. Performance:", saa-saea l.■r(aUItrallt-IOOYW. 1. On bKk (k p only) - n Yd>. 0. loniihaOowdiirc. A good many o< ihc youngtlen nol only arc kaming 2.SdniralK-100Yd>: t. D m (on fnim, lack, tide). to Kunning from dl*c. 10 keep ikrmtrim talc. Thoutands upon itumiands of 15 HlQuera • St 0 1. Cmiil Mrahc - no Ydi. 7. Surface dne - landenmcr tthin - X) Fi. II. n-mimMe twim. iktm tee learning lo bcoomc Mctavin. Machine i it Sii4 - » W». t Onrobr-DaMviihdaihn-SiMiia. AndihclifrrtieyinTe.*mvbcyaurown...... I, JM . s ; IMO Senior portraits Auto-cross College Bowl IEEE “Only tha Good Drive T h m wfll b* • CoUif* Cid P o ^ Instituta of It’s that time again, Ekctronk Elactrkal Aand ( Newscope J ssniors — time for senior Young” is the title of the Bowl domonstration upcoming auto-cross boCwMo faculty mandbara Elaetronks Fngjnaari will portraits for the Cal Poly hava a gosst apaakir at • yearhook. Portraits will he puuinad by the Cal Poly and ASI oflloera Jan. 24 at AASK sports Car Qub. Entry fee today’s moating. Tha KCPR show tairnn through Fsh, 1 at the 11 ajn. in tha UU Plan. is 64 per driver. The event Coma uid watdi and gat an masting will ha at 8 pjn. Count down the top hits A spsdal oommittaa is trailer near ths library For mora information. Call of tha 1070s with Brian hoing formed to organise a from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will iw in tha baseball idaa of how tha gama is diamond parking U>t on playad. 772-2430., H aek n ^ at 7:80 tonight. fund-raising activ^y to from 2 to 4:30 p Jn. hslp tha Aid to Adoption of Jan. 27. Registration for nm Special Kids program. Trip to Peru the aU-day auto-cross will llMMisands of handicapped be frrom 9|i.m. to noon. DIET WATCHERS childrsn a>^ waiting to he A meeting for thoee Notice! 1adopted and the main interested in the summer Soundtrack ohjactiva is to place those trip to Peru will be in UU WORKSHOP CLASSES children in permanent 280 today at 8 pjn. The soundtrack from homes. Anyone iatarasted Byt, Bye, Birdie, a popular Meets in Sail Luis Obispo at the in joining tlw committee is Vet science musical play and movie, • invited to come to the will bs broadcast Wed­ orientation meeting The Veterinary Science nesday, Jan. 23 at 6 p.m. tonight, from 7-9 p.m. in Club and Quarter Horse on KCPR. The program is UU216. Association will meet presented by the spécial SUGARLESS SHACK! Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 7 programming department Leaderst^lp p.m. in room B-6-of the of KCPR. 1 science building. The Polin-Tmcban-Coopei Bldg. John Williams, director meeting will focus on Sailing Club of tha Department of foaling and mars care which will be presented 486 Marsh Stieet PbHu and Racraatkm for The Sailing Club will the dty of Sunnyvale, with a speaks^ and film. hold a meeting to dicuss 541-4711 California, will give a talk thair 'annual cruise at on leadership and HUG Workshop quarter break and to plan Mon. 6:00 p.m., Tues. 11:90 a.m., motivation Wednesday, outings. Everyone is Jan. 23 at 6:30 pan. in UU A Human Growth A wrioome. The meeting will *Thurs. 11:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Room 220. The talk, Understanding workshop beln Sdanoe E-46 at 8 p.m. Be a NEW! skinny you in ’80 with sponsored hy the has been scheduled for Jan. Recreation Administration 25 through 27 at Rancho . Rodeo Club a PROGRAM you can live with! Chih, is free. El Chorro. Cost is 68.50 A and includes five meals. How COD you miss when you aie nevei^ The workshop will em­ High school students hungry! We know the secret—keeping the blood sugar Ecology action phasize personal growth fr-om throughout California and self-afrarenaea. For will be participating in the California High . School level up with a well-balanced nutritional program. Marina Rosa from the mm 8:30 a.m. to All Classes 4:30 p jn. at Collet Arena. California” program at the The Child Devellopment $12 to Join— weekly meeting Wed- Refreshments will. be Chib will have its first Poly available at the event. $3 per weekly meeting. negday.Jan. 23. It wiU be Royal meeting today at hsld in Science North room 7:30 p.m. in the Xanadu 201 at 6p.m. Lab. Organization will he Discussion * started for this yeer’s Poly There will be a panel Dance Royal discussion held by the Cal *i ■ Poly American Society of special rates for Delta Sigma Theta UBSAC Mechanical Engineers Senior citizens and teens Sorority will present A The United Black tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in O.Q. Affair” dance in Student Awarenssa Science Room E27. The honor of their 67th Councfl will have a meeting discusaioo will include Dr. National Founder’s Day. to introduce officsrs and William Stine of the Cal The dance will he in primary objectives of the Poly faculty on the panel. Mustang Lounge on Jan. council. The meeting will 23 from 9 pjn. to 2 a.m. be in UU ^19 today at 7:30 Newman Club Prieeis81.50 pjn. The Newman Com- fnunit^y of Cal Poly will College Bowl hold an Agape on the beach From page 3 today a t 7 pjn. For more infonnation, call 543-1034. be kept under tight sponsored by the security to avoid a similar Association of College Birth control Watergate incident from Union International and ocurring, said Moon. Gsnsral Electric. The Health Center will Cal M y ’s top team will College * Bowl was sponsor a birth control go on to battle other revived three years ago. workshop today from 10 to ’4 colleges in their region, During ths 1960s and early 11 ajn. The workshop is which includes Hawaii, '70s it was a popular held every Tuesday at this Nevada and California, in televised qiort, but due to hour. the semi-finals held at lack of interest it died out. UCLA. Some of the more Last year was Cal Poly's Poly Twirlers notable colegee Cal Poly first year in CoUage Bowl wQl be up against are but beginnar's luck did not UCLA,. BerisslAy. Stan­ pay off. Mpon said our Um This Wednesday will ^ ford, Uitivsraity of Hawaii team. “TIm Avangsrs,^' the last opportunity to join San Frandaoo State and ths Poly TW iera Beginner wu--- ->« was devastated in tha first npp6raiiM. regional round against Square Dance class, ’Tte top siz regional Stanford at UCLA. starting at 7:80 p.m. in the winners will compete in the Last year Stanford won Snack Bar. This lesson is national competition in its regionale but was frwe to &rst-timers and Florida. Natkmal victors defeated in the seemid partners are not required. take on the top English round nationals. Harvard For more infonnation, call team. and RadcliH, the natkmal 541-4098 and 544-9720. Both the nationals and winners, ware defeated by the World’s Championship tha English all-stars in a Sparetime Blues will be televised. They are dose match. OOQ The UU Center and ASI Outings/Escape TO THE SENIOR YEARBOOK AMA warns about gas siphoning Route are co-sponsoring a PHOTO SESSIONS CHICAGO (AP) — Center. Sparotime Bloss contest Siphoning gasoline by mouth with y c ta c u la r prizes. can cause gasoline to enter Gordon said that the Entry blanks ars available O A TS H O U R S LOCATION at any ons of the three Jen. t l l l i O O - liC li 0 0 * 4 i S 0 the stomach and lungs and. mgjority of thoM who ac- resuh in a variety of health ddMtally swallow some centers. .anotonioMia naat Jan.js;:ii 24 problems, poison specialists gasoline will suffer only Jan. is Jan. is to warn. temporary discomfort. But ASI Films Jan. is The warning appeared in in other/ cases, swallowing iS»y«AMkFMi Jan. so iiN • ltoe¡«ioo - 4i|o Library an issue of the Journal of gasoline can cause vomiting, ASI Fams wUl present « ;-.v Amsrtxan Medical coughing or choking that can A h Unmtmrried Woman Association in a letter by force gasoline into the lungs, with Jffl Oayburgh and Bruce Gordon and Wendy possibly leading to Alan Batas Jan. 23 in Klein Schwartz of the respiratory illness and other Chnmaah Aoditorinm at 7 ilN * * » Marylmd Poison . .Control PTF*I»«M4...... Ooatis61. I M ir TIWÉS». Jea n ino Carter: Inflation most pressing Canada expels Soviet officials

WASHINGTON |AP) - world.“ OTTAWA (AP) ^ material from an American Prseklsnt Certer, outlining While decrying the ( Newsline ] Canada has ordered the dtisen, pajring him for the a modeet array of new continued holding of U.S. expulsion of two Soviet information. The material initiativM for alection- hoetagea in Iran, Carter Embassy military attaches and the money were ex­ yaar Congraaa. aaafrtad said his government would Jet diverted after bomb threat and an embassy chauffeur changed in Ottawa, she Monday that “restraining welcome “a new and for espionage activity. said. inflation remains my mutually beneficial COLORADO SPRINGS. e^dode if the DC-8 went Foreign Ministw Flora higlMat domestic pHority.” relationship” with Iran Colo. (AP) - A United bdow a certain altitude, McDonald announced Further details on the Airlinea flight an route In a 75-pmge written once the prisoners are law enforcement officials Monday. identity of the American State of the Union freed. from San Diego to said. and the information in­ message. 'Carter also "We have no haaic Honrduhi waa diverted in volved were not im­ midflight Monday and rent .She said the trio had pointed to Soviet in­ quarrel with the nation, the He said there were “mc»n dbtained classified mediately revealed. tervention in Afghanistan revolution or the people of to Colmado Springs after a than 100” people on board 'aa posing a threat "to the - Iran,” Carter said in what caller said a bomb would theplana. \AM dUI a* ia entire sabcontinent of amounted to an oblique Asia” and declared:. suggestion that the two Democrats seek end to feuding 1 Free KODAK Color “We must pay whatever countries make a fresh price is req u i^ to remain start in assessing their SACRAMENTO (AP) - doors during the Assembly Enlargement... the strongest nation in the, relations. At the urging of fellow session and voted 3 for the price of 2. Democrats tired of party imanimously to have TufM ycaar Igwoni* phato^aph» McCarthy and challenger mio bMuhfut cnfcw «nhrgim inli chaos. Speaker Leo Mc­ ih d «m í Inoli



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BYKELLYEWI8E Poly’s volleyball team squad featurea only two OMreMlWiNar opens its regular season returning lettermen, senior Fans will see a lot of new next week. hitters Craig Cummings faces on the court when Cal Coach Mike Wilton’s and Chuck Hayes. The rest of the team consists of new I players, or players srho $ 2 .0 0 0 F F . redshirted. There are four ANY LAROi PIZZA freshmen and five 'sophomores on the roster, “Right now, our biggest $1.00 OFF sreaknass ia that we are very new srith each other,” ANY MEDIUM PIZZA said Wilton. OnxMing coaches in the Mustangs league, the Delicious Pizza and Delicious Savings - California Intercrdlegiate — 2138 Brood Street Volleyball Association 541-3478 (CIVAI, must have noted the team’s youth and inexperience srhsn they had their pre-season poll. The Mustangs were picked to finish near the bottom of the Cl V A standings. -N u t “We are underdogs in 19 out of our 23 mstches this year,’’ said Wilton. Coach Wilton’s young vollayball taam.ln action during an Inter-aquad game. Pixxulliil^ “However, I think yfe have for this saaacm, the only ia the Mustangs tallest 1 the potential to make the league that features Western Ragionals'.*' perennial powerhouses taam from their league pla3rar, at 6-4W. According Not good in combinatiort with any other otterOne To make the regionals, .u se, UCUA, University of that Cal Poly has faced has to Wilton, Dseker has “the coupon per pizio the Mustangs srill have to California, Santa Barbara been Peppardine. The potential to be the finest Offer expires February 1. finish fifth or better in a and San Diego State. So Mustangs qriit with them blocker in Cal Poly history. in a tournament held at Along with Deckar, other Pepperdina. Mustang nswcomsrs b - AlthouglIthough they are duds sophomore John M s a e young, the Mustangs are Hanley. He is an outaids taO, liiis y e n ’s .voD^ball hitter from Santa Barbara, Check into Cubic, and check out what makessquad wiO average 8-2, who will also ass aetk» at our career packages, so promising. over two inches ta te than setter. This past summer, A CU B IC last year. Hanley improved his sand ’ Todd Deckar, a canter beach rating from A to blocker from Bakersfield, AAA.

eCoHaga bov4 ilgn ups continua Itwough Jon. 25. % u don^ have to wait fonae electronics market in air combat training in- 1960. SIgnupatU.U. boxofflea. S10.00 tor a team of 4 strumsntation. With ‘ installations now in two I plus orm oMamala. hemispheres, and a demanding new overseas con­ ! «'CoNaga Bowl damo—tocully vs. ASI officars Jon. 24 at to engineeryour way into tract, we see a potential of S^O-million new sales ; 11:00 In U.U. Plaza. through the Sixties. > aCoHaga Bowl praHnrtoarY rounds Jan. 27 at 10:00 a.m. a great working dimale. And you can help. ; In Sierra Modra Lourtga ’That’s the beauty of Cubic Corporatk», head­ We're the first ^vator manufacturer to commit aCoNaga Bowl Quartär and Sami-tIrKils Fab. 3 10:00 quartered in sunny, seaside San D ie ^ Califomia.'^ to advanced microprocessor controls. ®"oMo«Loura. If you’re good—really good—with strong aca­ With a 50% boost forecast for non-residenUal demic credentials, there’s no need to go through construction by 1960, the technical breakthroughs wwwwwisiiSiarwwwulwwwwwwwwwwwwMwwwwwwwwwm thoee "first job” trade-offa You can move directly of our U.S. Company should significantly into a first-class workingand living environment increase this subsidiary’s share of market. ^ ___ An international fondly of htfh-teduiology com­ You can help. panies. Cubic is now into an expansion expibsion that continually craatas ambitious career opportuni- If you’rs ready to go places... ties for ambitious graduates— engineering, scientific . Cubic offers you a fast getaway. and marketing specialists who want to get in on the To San Diego, a stimulating metropolitan area ground floor of a dynamically growing enterprise. with all the cultural advantages of a big city tied in­ to a year-round ocean resort: Growth like onrs theatre, museums, 11 colleges takes a lot oftalent and universities. Plus temper­ ’Tbere’s nothing like being in j atures that average 72*, so you the right place* at the right time— f can enjoy our 70 miles of beaches, with the right background to fol- ^ 151 parks, 25 marinas, 68 golf REWARDS low through. ] courses major league baseball, Cubic has committed nearly J football, tennis. Or to the four comers of the Rapid, unlimited advarwamant based on three decades to the development performar>ca. not on bureaucratic systems of new technical concepts: ideas globe. Foreign assignments are itTt im more than a possibility. If that's what you worrt, you want us. whose time has now come. M «Ul a r.if* Trti.Mii I mr4>,< e« M..I • w ie Uriel pwMir «••»•ni. Wir'rr into multi-miUion-doUar owwar«« We're setting the pace tor the '80s In the autonuitic fare coUection tystem t ------Cubic: right from the start. semlcoTKluctor Irrdustry on four continents, for mass transit and airtineYou don't have to make working/living conces­ operations. sions your first time out There’s a place under tlie As far beck as the Sixties, Cubic management an­ sun at Cubic for. talented electronic and mechanical ticipated worldwide transportation facilities’ need engineers and computer analysts. Advanced-degree for more sophisticated controb of money. tkkeU technical scientists, administrators and marketing a and traffic foresight that pioneered complex com­ specialists. W H !>• on ocNnput puterised m echanics and modules, of such flexibil­ You can start a dialogue now with a personal rep­ Monday, FobriKiry H ity they can be adapted to virtually any fare- resentative from Cubic. Your placement office has oriented operation. full details on our campus interview schedule. You can help. Or contact our CoUege Relations Department We're into electronic simulation equipment andCubic Corporation, 9333 Balboa Avenue, & n Diego, For more Intormotton. please visit your training systems; locating and positioning devices.California 92123. (7141 277-6780. Placement Office, or write to Signetics. Professtonal Staffing, Opportunity CP. 811 Cubic technology dominates the free-world de- An equal opportunity employer: we can help. East Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 ffarmorrent residertcy viso required. We are an equal opportunity employer m/f.

^ Rood F»opl# Company O N CAM PM Si Tues.-Wed., Jan. 22-23 sgntBB a aPsRtary ol us. Phaps Corporation lit; iii . :iUi mil: utiii lUi •lUit'iiiit iH' • >• lIMif Tuwdey, Jm . 2S, IMO ' _ÜüSports Defense:Mustangs in first place r - Mustang Corral BY BOB BERGER have both qualified for BY DAVB BONTÀ AIAW Division II •pMWtoNwMly Left: guard Jim Schultz Tha women's swim team Nationals. Diver Debbie Playing wkat Ctt t*oty continued its winning Forehand will make coach Ernia Whaalar drives for the hoop streak Saturday by naj^nals by qualifying in labaiad an “ascaDant taom swimming past UCSB 82-' tha^one and three meter gams," ths Cal Poly man’s 60 and iMaating Cal State diving events. baalutboll taam dsfiatad a against a physical- L.A. 116 to 11. The- Cat P oly wrestlers physical Cal Stata Nw- Mustangs are now 3-0. continued 4o dominate as thiidga club 67-64 Friday Northridge defense. Senior Trad Serpa and they rolled over San Jose n ig h t hafora a larga crowd freshman Valerie Young State, 28-17. t inthaMainOjrm. Offsnsivaly. tha play of Ernia Whsrisr and Kent Ksysar was the key. Ths tonounc«m«nto_ C la S S Ífíe d S _ Sarvicaa two guards comhinsd for U.U. TRAVEL CENTER 28 of their team's 67 Come Sfe your student travel TY P tH Q points. Whasler scored 12 counselora and start your Call 546-1144 IBM Correcting Selectrtc II. Call aummor plarts nowl Open tO-3 Madolyn evos. 543-4496 ■ (TF) of his total 14 points in tha T-F5SS-1127 (3-14) first half, moat of*which For Sale TV fIN O 826-2362 cams on medium to long Do you think you can IBM Correcting Seiactric II. Call 80UNDn.OOK/ACT Marlene after 4:30. (TF) ranga Jnmpshots. The like any famous person? SKI BOOTS: S C O TT "Superhote" Size (10-12). Mustangs, as a team, shot COM E SHOW U S YOUR PROFESSIONAL TYPtNO IMPRESSION OHor 54303321628-7284. wall ths entire gama. They . . (1-23) Sam's Office Service Our national talovlelon co. is 1150 Loa Oeoe Valley Rd. had a vary raspactsbia 62 looking lor you. All agoe pis Honda Hobbit 1 yr. old 5440200 (TF) persnt from ths floor, and a contact; (213)462-1990 S390. Call 941-0346 (t-23) siuUng 60 percent in ths 10:<»AM-4C0PMONLY 1 2 first half. Because of lono— w w i ( - « Maharalah Dento Skis All alzee Lost A Found CASHINEWRECOROS A atylee S190-250 Bindings spectacular shooting. Cal FOUND BRACELET M y was able to open up a Trade In your dean LPs or Completely Mounted Call Marla seeWea for Inatant cash or 541-6708 (2-6)' IN EN O U SH BUN.0HIO 34-26 lead at halftime. new rooorda. 7 days a «wok at CALL TO ID. 641-6460 Boo Boo's. 978 Monterey St. ( 1-22) 8LO 941-0667. (TF) Housing “/ t ’s the beat sfori A No-Load Tax Shaltarad BEIGE PURSE TAKEN TUPPERWAREPARTYI » ROOM FOR RENT $1254no plus from Graduate parking lot Vve seen. ” Annuity Currantly Pays TOMORROW Wad. Jan 23 7:30 1/3 util. 4 doors off ocean In Saturday nils. Jan 12 Contents Coach Wheeler p.m. Bring a friend 419 N. Shall Beach— Bob or PhH after 6 of sentimental value. Plea 10.25% Chorro e s Call 6430699. pm 7735253 (1-20) return call Sue 541-3684. (1-22) Tbs second half, and the An you Intonstod? game, was dsddsd at ths free throw line. The Call Mustangs, who did not Evaratt Chandlar at make a foul shot |n the first Blakatlaa and Blakaslaa Today is theliist day half, mads iq> for it in ths final 20 minutes making 21 543-4366 of 26 attem pts. The of the rest of ypur life. Matadors were at ths line A^ttcSsrwosotThsNstsMSSssF ( only sight times in ths 4 Tlis AdvsfSimB Ca m I second half making six of those. The recipient of noost of the Mustang’s MON. & TUES. MITE z . attempts was Keyeee. ’ñw sophonaore from Newbury SPECIAL Park, who Whealar said played ’’supsr,’’ made aU ALL YOU CAN EAT! 10 of his foulshots, and played defense im- At Northern pressivefy coOseting three steals. Tough dsfanse has bssn a Telecom, what makes trademark of the Cal Poly ^\sseinòbf- club this year. The ns today s leader Mustangs are the ninth bast in the nation, allowing a Uttle over 62 points par h ì i £ - in tomorrows game. Friday night was a fins demonstration of that technologies? defense, as Cal Poly forced Homemade Chill o. ths Matadors to shoot a Com Bread It's our people. They're ambitiout, aspiring and ehterprit- disappointing 66 percent Soup & Salad ing. They’re ready to take risks and undertake new pro­ from the floor in ths second tects it) order to succeed. Their determination has produced half. such industry trend-setting products as PULSE snd the One other bright spot for SL-1 stored-program-controlled electronic switching sys- coach Whaalar was the ONLY $3.95 return to action of canter gTOHIguaraSI. Dave McCrackan. He had San Luis Obispo missed the last six games becauae of knae and ankle WE'LL BE ON CAMPUS: injuries. Dsfanse eras ths Friday, January 25th name of ths game Saturday night as Poly Fixing up a bit? downed Cal State L.A. 66- If you have a soon-to-be degree in electronics, mechani 56 and stormed into first cal engineering or computer science, be sure to schedule place in their confsranoe. an interview appointment with us. We may have )ust what Cal Poly shot 34 times you’re looking for. an environmentthat is sUrctly advanced from the floor and made 17 technofogy and a working atmosphere that’s informal and for 60%, but Poly com­ friendly. pensated for it by canning 32ofS4f0olahots. Begin in our Ths Mustang dsfanse If you're unable to tee us on campus, please send your re­ shut-down Mike Hester, Home Improvement sume. iiKluding your preferred career area, to: College ths Diablo’s high scoring Recruitment Department. 2306 Mission Collage Blvd., guard, aUowiag only 6 Section Santa Clara. C A 95<>50. Northern Telecom. . . . because points. Cal State L.A. was soma paopla sat thair sights highar than othars. forced to ahoot a cold 68 percent from the floor. Cal Poly had five players norfhern in doubls figuras led by canter BUI Too erho had 14 toloconi points on the evening. Forwards Rob McKons and Mark Robhison added- Today's leader in tomorrow's technologies. 12 paints each. Thie two wasksnd wins y put Cal Poly’s record at 4-1 in oonfsrsnee and 16-6 over El Corral Bookstore aU. TT .it.

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