
Turkish phrasebook - Wikitravel https://wikitravel.org/en/Turkish_phrasebook

Turkish (Türkçe) also known as Istanbul Turkish is the most widely-spoken of the Turkic languages and is the official language of the Republic of Turkey and the co-official language of Cyprus but is only spoken and useful in Turkish speaking Northern Cyprus. It is also a recognized minority language in Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Romania. Turkish's closest living relatives are other Turkic languages, which are spoken in southwestern, central and northern Asia; and to a lesser degree in southeastern Europe (the Balkans). It was once believed to be part of the wider Altaic family of languages with has now been debunked as a theory of linguistics. Outside of Turkey itself, knowledge of Turkish is helpful in several neighbouring countries particularly in the Balkan countries of Kosovo, Macedonia, and Bulgaria where there are significant Turkish communities, and to a lesser extent in Azerbaijan and Iran, where it is to an extent mutually intelligible with Azerbaijani. While the Central Asian "stans" speak Turkic languages, the similarities between Kazakh and Turkish (for example) are only very rudimentary. Turkish is a difficult language to learn and speak, due to its complicated, mathematical -harmonied grammar.


Turkish grammar and sentence structures as well as vocabulary differ completely from Indo- European languages like English and Persian, and Semitic languages like and Hebrew and indeed from many other languages. There are no articles, genders, or declensions. Unlike many languages, Turkish forms by a process known as "agglutination", where and are attached to words to mark different parts of speech and so on. Thus, an English phrase such as "I am an Australian" is rendered in Turkish with the one "Avustralyalıyım - Avustralya-lı-y-ım" (Australia--I'). Turkish uses postpositions instead of prepositions. Thus, an English phrase such as "in Turkey" is rendered in Turkish as "Türkiye'de - Türkiye-de" (Turkey - in).

In Turkish there are two ways of addressing people - informal and polite, like in German, French or Russian. Turkish has two "you" forms which denote the relationship the speaker has to someone else. For formal address the plural form of second person "siz" should be used, while for informal address the singular form of the second person "sen" is used.

Pronunciation guide

Turkish pronunciation looks daunting to non-native speakers, as many of the words are very long and look like tongue-twisters. With a bit of practice, however, it becomes much easier. The spelling of Turkish is phonetic, so once knowing the pronunciation of each the reading should not be a problem, since all words are pronounced exactly how they are written. However Turkish has some vowel sounds that are not known in many other languages, so they can be hard to learn.


The Turkish are The harmony of vowels A - a short sound, as in the English car Turkish has an unusual feature called E - a short sound, as in the English pet vowel harmony, which means that İ - the sound in the English meet and at the beginning of İstanbul (ees-tan-bul) the vowels (a, e, i, ı, o, ö, u, ü) can I - a "neutral" sound between "a" and "ee", place never be found next to each other in your tongue like saying "ee", but pronounce it "ah", the same word, except some loan

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with the tongue bent slightly backwards. It has no words, mostly from Arabic. real equivalent in English, and the closest sound is the "uh" which replaces the "e" in the second of open O - as in the English order Ö - pronounced as in German, a blend of "o" and "e", with lips rounded U - short as in the English put Ü - pronounced as in German, make a sound like "ee", but round your lips like you are going to say "oo"

Remember that, in lower case, the two letters İ and I look different as well. The lower case form of İ is i, while the lower case form of I is ı.


B - as in bed C - pronounced as the initial letter in the English jump Ç - the "ch" sound in the English chapel D - as in drum F - as in far G - as in girl - a silent letter, which serves to lengthen the previous vowel - as in hello J - pronounced as in the French name Jean K - as in king L - as in love M - as in man N - as in new P - as in print R - a tricky in Turkish, most often rolled very lightly S - as in snake Ş - the "sh" sound in the English shake T - as in take V - roughly the mid-point between the "v" in very and the "" in was Y - as in yet Z - as in zoo'

Common Phrase list

Common signs Basics AÇIK Hello. Open Merhaba. (mehr HAH bah) KAPALI Hello. (informal) Closed Selam. (sell UM) GİRİŞ How are you? (polite/plural) Entrance

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Nasılsınız? (NA suhl suhn uhz) ÇIKIŞ How are you? (informal singular) Exit Nasılsın? (NA suhl suhn) İTİNİZ What's up / How're you doing? (very informal, Push contraction of "Ne haber?", literally meaning "What is ÇEKİNİZ new?") Pull N'aber? (NA berr) TUVALET / WC Fine, thank you. Toilet İyiyim, teşekkürler. (literally I'm fine, thank you) (EE BAY yee yeem teh shek UER lerr) Man What is your name? (polite) BAYAN Adınız nedir? (ad uhn UHZ NE deer) Woman What is your name? (informal singular) KADIN Adın ne? (ad UHN ne) Woman My name is ______. YASAKTIR Adım ______. (AD uhm _____ .) Benim adım Forbidden ______. (Benn IM AD uhm _____ .) Nice to meet you. Memnun oldum. (MEM noon OLL doom) Please. Lütfen. (LUET fen) Thank you. Teşekkür ederim. (teh shek UER eh DER eem) You're welcome. Bir şey değil. (bir shey de YEEL) Is/are there (any/some) ____? ____ var mı? (var muh?) There isn't any Yok (yock) usually said with a upward movement of chin and eyebrows Yes. Evet. (EH vet) No. Hayır. (HAH yuhr) Excuse me. (getting attention) (polite) Bakar mısınız? (bah KAR MUH suh nuhz) Excuse me. (begging pardon) Afedersiniz. (af fair DAIR sin niz) I'm sorry. Özür dilerim. (oe ZUER di LAY reem) I'm sorry. Pardon. (PAR don) Goodbye (polite/plural, used by the person leaving) Hoşçakalın. (Hosh CHA kaluhn) Goodbye (informal/singular, used by the person leaving) Hoşçakal. (HOSH cha kal) Goodbye (used by the person staying) Güle güle. (guele guele) I can't speak Turkish [well]. [İyi] Türkçe konuşamıyorum. ([e YEE] TUERCK-che conusha-me-YOOR-uhm) Do you speak English? (polite/plural) İngilizce biliyor musunuz? (literally, "Do you know English?")

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Is there someone here who speaks English? Burada İngilizce konuşan birisi var mı? (boor-a-duh Eengleez jay kow noo shun bee ree seh wurrm?) Look out! Dikkat! (Dick kaht!) Good morning. Günaydın. (Guen eye duhn) Good afternoon. (very seldom used, if ever) Tünaydın. (Tuen eye duhn) Good day. (common greeting throughout the day) İyi günler. (e yee guen ler) Good evening. İyi akşamlar. (e yee ak sham lar) Good night. İyi geceler. (e yee ge jay ler) Good night (to sleep) İyi uykular (e yee yoo ku lar) Welcome (polite/plural) Hoşgeldiniz (Hosh gel din iz) Welcome (informal singular) Hoşgeldin (Hosh gel din) I don't understand. Anlamıyorum (An-la-muh-yoor-uhm), Anlamadım (An la ma duhm) Where is the toilet? Tuvalet nerede? (Too va let ner eh de?) Is there any ...? ... var mı? (var Muh)


Help! İmdat! (Im Daht !) Help! Yardım Edin! (Yard um ed in) Accident kaza (ka za) Doctor doktor (dok tor) Leave me alone. Beni yalnız bırak. (beh nee yahl nuz bu rahk) Don't touch me! Bana dokunma! (bah nah doh koon mah) I'll call the police. Polisi arayacağım. (poh lee see ah rah yah jaa uhm) Police! Polis! (poh lees) Stop! Thief! Dur! Hırsız! (door huhr suhz) I need your help. Yardımınıza ihtiyacım var. (yahr duh muh nuh zah eeh tee yah juhm vahr) It's an emergency.

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Acil durum. (ah jeel doo room) I'm lost. Kayboldum. (kahy bohl doom) I lost my bag. Çantamı kaybettim. (chahn tah muh kahy beht teem) I lost my wallet. Cüzdanımı kaybettim. (jooz dah nuh muh kahy beht teem) I'm sick. Hastayım. (hahs tah yuhm) I've been injured. Yaralandım. (yah rah lahn duhm) I need a doctor. Bir doktora ihtiyacım var. (beer dohk toh rah eeh tee yah jum vahr) Can I use your ? Telefonunuzu kullanabilir miyim? (teh leh foh noo noo zoo kool lah nah bee leer mee yeem)


1 bir (beer) 2 iki (icki) 3 üç (uech) 4 dört (dirt) 5 beş (besh) 6 altı (altuh) 7 yedi (yedi) 8 sekiz (sekiz) 9 dokuz (dokuz) 10 on (on) 11 on bir (on bir) 12 on iki (on icki) 13 on üç (on uech) 14 on dört (on doert) 15 on beş (on besh) 16 on altı (on altuh) 17

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on yedi (on yedi) 18 on sekiz (on sekiz) 19 on dokuz (on dokuz) 20 yirmi (yir mi) 21 yirmi bir (yir mi bir) 22 yirmi iki (yir mi icki) 23 yirmi üç (yir mi uech) 30 otuz (otuz) 40 kırk (kuhrk) 50 elli (elli) 60 altmış (altmuhsh) 70 yetmiş (yet mish) 80 seksen (seksen) 90 doksan (doksan) 100 yüz (yuez) 200 iki yüz (icky yuez) 300 üç yüz (uech yuez) 1000 bin (bin) 2000 iki bin (icky bin) 1,000,000 bir milyon (beer milyon) 1,000,000,000 bir milyar (beer milyar) 1,000,000,000,000 bir trilyon (beer trilyon) number _____ (train, bus, etc.) _____ numara (numara) half buçuk (boo chuook) when after a number like one and a half : bir buçuk; yarım (yah ruhm) for e.g. half a bread : yarım ekmek less az (as) more

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çok (chock)


now şimdi (shim di) later sonra (...) before önce (...) morning sabah (...) afternoon öğleden sonra (...) evening akşam (ak sham) night gece (ge jay)

Clock time

one o'clock AM Saat gece 1 (literally "hour is night one") two o'clock AM Saat gece 2 six o'clock AM Saat sabah 6 (literally "hour is morning six") noon öğle/öğlen one o'clock PM Saat 13/öğleden sonra 1 two o'clock PM Saat 14/öğleden sonra 2 five o'clock PM Saat 17/akşam 5 (literally "hour is evening five") eight o'clock PM Saat 20/gece 8 (literally "hour is night eight") midnight gece yarısı

Please note that when saying giving the time, one would normally only use one to twelve, unless having to make sure there's no doubt as to whether it's past or before noon, in which case the twenty-four hour system or affixes such as "morning", "afternoon", "evening", and "night" are used.


_____ minute(s) _____ dakika _____ hour(s) _____ saat

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_____ day(s) _____ gün _____ week(s) _____ hafta _____ month(s) _____ ay _____ year(s) _____ yıl

Days (Günler)

Sunday Pazar (paz ar) Monday Pazartesi (paz ar tesi) Tuesday Salı (saluh) Wednesday Çarşamba (char sham ba) Thursday Perşembe (per shem be) Friday Cuma (juma) Saturday Cumartesi (jumar tesi)


January Ocak (o jak) February Şubat (shu bat) March Mart (mart) April Nisan (nee sahn) May Mayıs (ma yuhs) June Haziran (ha zee ran) July Temmuz (taem mooz) August Ağustos (aa hoos toss) September Eylül (aey luehl) October Ekim (ae keem) November Kasım (kah suhm)

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December Aralık (a ra luhk)

Writing time and date

What's the time? Saat kaç? What date is it today? Bugünün tarihi ne? It's _____ o'clock. Saat _____.

Please note that when saying what the clock is, one would normally only use one to twelve, unless having to make sure there's no doubt as to whether it's past or before noon, in which case the twenty-four hour system or affixes such as "morning", "afternoon", "evening", and "night" is used.


Black Siyah (see yah) White Ak (ak) Yellow Sarı (saa rıh) Blue Mavi (mao vee) Navy Lacivert (la jee vert) Green Yeşil (yea sheal) Red Kızıl (khızıl) Pink Pembe (pam bhe) Orange Turuncu (too roon joo) Purple Mor (more) Brown Kahverengi (kaah ve rengi)


Bus and train

Which bus? hangi otobüs (hangee auto boos) How many kilometers? kaç kilometre? (kach kilo metreh) How much is a ticket to _____?

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____'a bir bilet kaç para? (___ ah beer bee leht kach pah rah) One ticket to _____, please. ____'a bir bilet lütfen. (___ ah beer bee leht loot fehn) Where does this train/bus go? Bu tren/otobüs nereye gider? (boo tee rehn/oh toh boos neh reh yeh gee dehr) Where is the train/bus to _____? ____'a giden tren/otobüs nerede? (___ ah gee dehn tee rehn/oh toh boos neh reh deh) Does this train/bus stop in _____? Bu tren/otobüs _____'da durur mu? (boo tee rehn/oh toh boos ___ dah doo roor moo) When does the train/bus for _____ leave? _____'a giden tren/otobüs ne zaman kalkacak? (___ ah gee dehn tee rehn/oh toh boos neh zaa mahn kaal kah jaak) When will this train/bus arrive in _____? Bu tren/otobüs _____'a ne zaman varacak? (boo tee rehn/oh toh boo ___ a neh zaa mahn vaa raa jaak)


Where? (place) nerede? (nar edeh) (direction) nereye? (nar eyeh) Left sol (sole) Right sağ (saa) Straight düz (dooz) Here burada (bur ah da) Forwards İleri Backwards Geri Above/over ______nın üzerinde Under(neath) ______nın altında Adjacent to ______nın yanında


Taxi! Taksi! (tuck see) Take me to _____, please. Beni _____'a götürün, lütfen. How much does it cost to get to _____? _____'a gitmek kaç para tutar? Take me there, please. Beni oraya götürün, lütfen.

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I want to get out inecek var (ine jek var)


One person bir kişi (beer kee shee) One night bir gece (beer gay jay) Hot water sıcak su (see jak suu) Breakfast included kahvaltı dahil (kah val tuh da heel) Do you have any rooms available? Hiç boş odanız var mı? (heech bosh au daa naz vaar muh) Do you have any single rooms available? Tek kişilik odanız var mı? How much is a room for one person/two people? Bir/iki kişilik odalar kaç para? How much is a room per person? Kişi başına ne kadar? (kee shee bah shuh nah neh kah dahr) Does the room come with _____ Odada _____ var mı? ...bedsheets? ...yatak çarşafı ...a bathroom? ...banyo/duş ...a telephone? ...telefon ...a TV? ...televizyon

May I see the room first? Önce odayı görebilir miyim? Do you have anything quieter? Daha sessizi var mı? ...bigger? ...büyüğü? ...cleaner? ...temizi? ...cheaper? ...ucuzu?

OK, I'll take it. Tamam, alıyorum. I will stay for _____ night(s). _____ gece kalacağım. Can you suggest another hotel? Başka bir otel önerebilir misiniz? Do you have a safe? Kasanız var mı?

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...lockers? ...kilidiniz

Is breakfast/supper included? Kahvaltı/akşam yemeği dahil mi? What time is breakfast/supper? Kahvaltı/akşam yemeği ne zaman? Please clean my room. Lütfen odamı temizleyin. Can you wake me at _____? Beni _____'da uyandırabilir misiniz? I want to check out. Odayı boşaltıyorum.


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? Amerikan/Avustralya/Kanada doları kabul ediyor musunuz? Do you accept British pounds? İngiliz Sterlini kabul ediyor musunuz? Do you accept credit cards? Kredi kartı geçerli mi? Can you change money for me? Benim için para bozabilir misiniz? Where can I get money changed? Dövizimi nerede bozdurabilirim? What is the exchange rate? Döviz kuru nedir? Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? ATM/Bankamatik nerede?


Waiter! Excuse me! bakar mısınız? (ba kar mis in izz) Menu / price list Menü / fiyat listesi (fee yot lis tesi) Bill / check hesap (he sap) A table for one person/two people, please. Bir/İki kişilik masa lütfen. Can I look at the menu, please? Menüye bakabilir miyim? Can I look in the kitchen? Mutfağa bakabilir miyim? I'm a vegetarian. Ben vejeteryanım (or et yemem, literally "I don't eat meat"). I don't eat pork. Domuz eti yemem. I don't eat beef. Sığır eti yemem.

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I only eat kosher food. Yalnızca koşer yemek yerim à la carte à la carte/alakart breakfast kahvaltı Lunch öğle yemeği (oh lay yem ayee) supper akşam yemeği I want _____. _____ istiyorum. I want a dish containing _____. _____ içeren bir yemek istiyorum. chicken tavuk (tah vook) beef sığır eti (suh uhr ae tee) fish balık (bah luhk) ham jambon (zham bohn) sausage sosis (soh sees) cheese peynir (pay neer) eggs yumurta (yoo moor tah) salad salata (sah lah tah) (fresh) vegetables (taze) sebze ((tah zeh) sehb zeh) (fresh) fruit (taze) meyve ((tah zeh) may veh) bread ekmek (ehk mehk) toast tost (tohst) noodles şehriye (or noodle -pronounced same as English- when used for a Far-Eastern dish) rice pirinç beans fasulye May I have a glass of _____? Bir bardak _____ alabilir miyim? May I have a cup of _____? Bir fincan _____ alabilir miyim? May I have a bottle of _____? Bir şişe _____ alabilir miyim? coffee

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kahve (kaahh veh) tea (drink) çay (chaay) juice meyve suyu (may veh soo yoo) (bubbly) water soda (soh dah) water su (soo) beer bira (bee rah) red/white wine kırmızı/beyaz şarap (kuhr muh zuh/beh yaaz shaa raap) May I have some _____? Biraz _____ alabilir miyim? (bee raaz ___ ah lah bee leer mee yeem) salt tuz (tooz) black pepper karabiber (kah rah bee behr) butter tereyağı (teh reh yaa uh) I'm finished. Bitirdim. (bee teer deem) It was delicious. Çok lezizdi. (chok leh zeez dee) The check, please. Hesap lütfen. (heh saap loot fehn)


Do you serve alcohol? İçki var mı? (ickhi wha mhi) Is there table service? Masaya servis var mı? A beer/two beers, please. Bir/iki bira, lütfen (beer/icky bhira,luet fen) A glass of red/white wine, please. Bir bardak kırmızı/beyaz şarap, lütfen. (beer bar duck khırmizi/bay iz shar up, luet fen ) A pint, please. Yarım litre, lütfen. (ya ream lit rhe, luet fen) A bottle, please. Şişe, lütfen. (shishe, luet fen) whiskey viski vodka votka rum rom (rhom) water su (sue) club soda

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soda (soda) orange juice portakal suyu (pore-tuck-al sue you ) Coke Cola (cola) One more, please. Bir tane daha, lütfen. (beer thane dahha, luet fen) Another round, please. Birer tane daha, lütfen. (beer-ar thane dahha, luet fen) When is closing time? Ne zaman kapatıyorsunuz? Cheers! Şerefe! (sherafa)


How much (money)? kaç para? (koch pa rah) Cheap ucuz (oo juuz) Expensive pahalı (pahaluh) Do you have this in my size? Bedenime uyanından var mı? How much is this? Bu kaç para? (boo kach pa ra) That's too expensive. Çok pahalı. expensive pahalı cheap ucuz I can't afford it. Param yetmiyor. I don't want it. İstemiyorum. You're cheating me. Beni kandırıyorsun. I'm not interested. İlgilenmiyorum. OK, I'll take it. Tamam, alacağım. Can I have a bag? bir torba alabilir miyim? Do you ship (overseas)? (Yurtdışına) nakliyeniz var mı? I need...... a ihtiyacım var ...toothpaste. ...diş macunu. ...a toothbrush.

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...diş fırçası. ...tampons. ...tampon. ...sanitary napkins. ...kağıt mendil. ...soap. ...sabun. ...shampoo. ...şampuan. ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen) ...ağrı kesici. ...cold medicine. ...soğuk algınlığı ilacı. ...stomach medicine. ...mide ilacı. ...a razor. ...jilet. ...an umbrella. ...şemsiye. ...sunblock lotion. ...güneş kremi. ...a postcard. ...kartpostal. ...postage stamps. ...pul. ...batteries. ...pil. ...writing paper. ...yazma kağıdı. ...a pen. ...kalem. ...English-language books. ...İngilizce kitaplar. ...English-language magazines. ...İngilizce dergiler. ...an English-language newspaper. ...İngilizce bir gazete. ...an English-Turkish dictionary. ...bir İngilizce-Türkçe sözlük.


I want to rent a car. Araba kiralamak istiyorum. Can I get insurance? Kasko yaptırabilir miyim? stop (on a street sign) dur one way tek yön no parking

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park etmek yasaktır speed limit hız sınırı gas (petrol) station benzinci/benzin istasyonu petrol benzin diesel dizel/motorin


I haven't done anything wrong. Yanlış birşey yapmadım. It was a misunderstanding. Yanlış anlaşılma oldu. Where are you taking me? Beni nereye götürüyorsunuz? Am I under arrest? Tutuklu muyum? I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen. Ben bir Amerikan/Avustralya/İngiliz/Kanada vatandaşıyım. I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate. Amerikan/Avustralya/İngiltere/Kanada büyükelçiliğiyle/konsolosluğuyla konuşmak istiyorum. I want to talk to a lawyer. Bir avukatla konuşmak istiyorum. Can I just pay a fine now? Şimdi yalnızca bir ceza ödesem olur mu? I want to speak to your superior Amirinizle konuşmak istiyorum. Learning more

Turkish course at Wikibooks (https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Turkish) a keyboard for typing turkish characters for firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/105 73) Turkish lessons portal at WikiBabel (http://www.wiki-babel.org/en/Portal:Turkish)

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