6834 /H. Dated. 04.03.2020
GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT ***** NOTIFICATION File No. HFW-MSI-ESTT-0099-2019 - 6834 /H. Dated. 04.03.2020 On the recommendation of the Odisha Public Service Commission, Cuttack vide their letter No- 696/PSC, dated-28.01.2020, 1038 (One Thousand Thirty Eight) number of candidates are hereby appointed as Assistant Surgeons in the rank of Group-1A' (Junior) of Odisha Medical & Health Services Cadre under Health and Family Welfare Department and posted in the places as mentioned against each in the scale of pay of Rs.56,100/-(as per 7th Pay Commission) and other allowances as admissible and sanctioned by the Government from time to time. 1. The appointment is purely temporary and terminable at any time without prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof. The appointment is subject to the final outcome of the Writ Petition bearing No. W.P. (C) No. 47, 48 & 49 of 2020 and any other similar type of order passed by the Hon'ble High Court of Odisha. 2. The appointments are subject to their medical fitness to be determined by the Medical Board and their characters, antecedents are found to be satisfactory after verification. In case, adverse reports are received, the services of the candidates concerned would be terminated forthwith. 3. As reported by the Odisha Public Service Commission, the following Fifteen (15) candidates bearing following Roll Nos have not passed Odia up to M.E. School Standard. Roll Nos. 100061, 100076, 100134, 100148, 100156,100274, 100379, 100420, 100485, 100504, 100518, 100531, 100565, 100600, 100615, 100624, 100761, 100824, 100845, 100848, 100854, 100899, 100912, 100933, 100958, 100968, 101032, 101091, 101108, 101121, 101276, 101301, 101320, 101329, 101479, 101524, 101531, 101582, 101605, 101622, 101702, 101706 & 101717 = 43 Candidates As per the Rule 7(v) of Odisha Medical &Health Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2017, they shall be allowed to pass the said examination conducted by Board of Secondary Education.
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