VOLUME THIRTEEN, NUMBER THREE • MARCH 2009 BSO VOLUNTEER PARTY WALTER TROUT 1200 Club at the Holland Saturday, March 14, 2009 7:30pm Scott Recital Hall | Holland Performing Arts Center www.twisters.ca If you volunteered for any official 2008 BSO Sponsored event, by now, you have received your personal invitation to the BSO Volunteer Appreciation Party with Walter Trout jammin’ it out at Whiskey Roadhouse on Wednesday, March, 25, 2009. Please reply yes or no by March 10th. If you did volunteer but did not receive a personal invitation, please contact BSOVol-
[email protected] or call: 402.618.7734. No volunteer is to be overlooked but sometimes, unintentionally, it just happens! All volunteers must be confirmed to be on the offical guest list the night of the party. Non-volunteers can join the fun and see Walter Trout with your volunteer friendstickets too! Tickets are available for $18 each at The Horseshoe box office and online at http://whiskeyroadhouse.frontgatetickets.com DEBBIE DAVIES TH 3/5 ...........................Lil Ed & The Blues Imperials TH 3/12 .................................................. Debbie Davies TH 3/19 ............................. Bill Lupkin & The Workers TH 3/26 ...................................Ray Drew Blues Revue TH 4/2 ........................................ Carolyn Wonderland TH 4/9 ...........................Too Slim & The Taildraggers TH 4/16 ...................................................... The Bel Airs Showtimes are 5:30pm PAGE 2 BLUES NEWS • BLUES SOCIETY OF OMAHA Don E. ‘TrEy’ LangsTON FOUNDATION Established 10-01-08 Trey Langston was an avid supporter of what he said “is some of the purest music that reaches into your soul”, and the Omaha Blues Society. On November 21, 2007 Trey passed away, and a group of dedicated family and friends decided to form a foundation in his name that will award vocational scholarships in Iowa and Nebraska as a tribute to a good friend, a loving partner, and a free spirit.